#hbd jumin
hiw0shi · 2 years
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You ask what his birthday wish is.
He doesn't believe in superstitions,
but entertained them for you.
"Let's see.. My wish..."
He thinks for a moment.
Then, he smiles,
looking at you.
You smile back.
For some reason, you knew.
"Happy birthday, jumin."
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defudefu · 6 years
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mystic-mess-aine · 7 years
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katfox · 4 years
♡ Happy Birthday Jumin ♡
Characters: Jumin x Fem Mc/Reader
Summary: Surprising Juju on his business trip for his birthday, because sometimes he needs a break. ♡
Word Count: 1450+
Jumin was away on business trip and unfortunately it had to be extended, so he was to spend his birthday away from the love of his life. That was a disappointment to him but he had to get this deal go through. He told you the bad news and you start to brew up an idea. A surprise if you will. Surprising him will be the most amazing gift you could ever give him.
You discuss things with Jaehee about helping you with this special surprise, as much as you didn't want to give her more work. She was willing to make an exception for you and take Elizabeth III as well as setting up a flight for you. To be totally honest, you were slightly afraid of how Jumin would react. Sure he might be happy that you came but also worried that something could've happened to you without him knowing. You were to take at least one guard with you any where you went; that's one rule you take with you.
You pack up before heading to the airport the evening before the big day. You were a bit fatigued from the flight but surprising Jumin was worth it. Its 3am, a knock on the door wakes him before he quizzically answers the knock. "Who is it?", the only reply given was "Sir."
He opens the door thinking it's something urgent, "Is everything alright?" He was looking tired and stressed before you popped out from behind your guard, "Happy Birthday Darling~". His eyes light up as he spots you, he couldn't believe his eyes until you hug him tightly. He let's out a sigh of relief as he holds your body close to his before relieving his guard and taking you into his room. He couldn't help scoop you to in his arms before laying you down and snuggling with you for a few hours as you slept. You wake up naturally to the sun beaming down on your body as the love of your life holds you in his arms.
You turn slightly to face him a bit more before planting the softest kiss on his lips. "Good morning darling, Happy birthday." He wakes up with a smile and peppers kisses all along your neck and chest. You blush and couldn't help but giggle softly as you just relaxed in bed with him. It wouldn't last much longer though, Jumin needed to get ready for his morning meeting.
You didn't want him to go but you know you couldn't stop him either, he really needed this deal to go through and you wanted nothing more than to support him in his endeavors. He kisses you once more before having to leave and he heads out to the meeting. You needed to do something special for him, maybe something he has never really done before. You go down to reception with your guard asking if there was anything going on around locally for a fun time. To your surprise there was a carnival fair going on for the next few nights.
Excitedly you start to head back up to the room, "Careful, Lady Han." You tell Jumin the news about wanting to go out with him tonight and he agrees to do anything that brings a smile to your face. All you can do is wait around and get ready for tonight as the guard stays watch outside the room. Jumin made sure that you eat while he's away, he's always checking up on you to make sure you're well. That's one of the reasons why you love him so much.
He comes home hours later and kisses your forehead as he takes off his jacket. You smile up at him and he couldn't refuse kissing you in that moment, it was soft but hungry. He stops himself before he goes to far and offers to take you out for dinner before you take him for his surprise. So you agree, why not have a romantic dinner with your loving husband. He looks through the clothes that you had packed and picks out your outfit for tonight.
He hands you a little black long sleeved dress and picks out your heels, he couldn't resist bowing down to place them on your feet. You get dressed and slip on a pair of pantyhose for some coverage. Jumin slips on your shoes before changing his shirt and losing the tie for a slightly more casual look. You look at him lovingly wondering how this man is even real. He is the most genuine person you've ever met in your life and you'd be utterly lost without him.
"I've made reservations, Darling. Are you ready to go?" He asks in his sultry deep voice that you love so much, "Of course, Honey." He takes your arm in his and walks you to the car his guards follow around and behind. You always feel so safe by his side, its truly amazing how much this man loves every ounce of you.
The ride to the restaurant was calm as he held your hand in his, kissing it gently. That always made you blush and he knew that, even if the atmosphere was too dark to tell. Once at your destination you go inside with Jumin, him behind you to make sure you make it in safely. You were his number one priority so he'd do anything to make sure that you're safe and sound before thinking of himself. Dinner was nice, nothing too overwhelming as he knew you made plans for him afterwards.
After paying the check he takes you by the hand leading you the car. You tell the driver the location as you start climbing into the car while Jumin follows suit. Getting to the carnival was intriguing Jumin as the lights flashed and twinkled through the car windows. You both get out from the car and start heading in to purchase tickets. The guards needed to be on guard so there was no need for them to have any.
While walking around you both try a few fair treats like cotton candy and ice cream sandwiches to share. You have the guards take plenty of cute photos of you both to remember his birthday. He purchased many small trinkets that had caught your attention. Although having told him that it was his day not yours, he still insisted on spoiling you. You thought it was adorable and couldn't help but love him more, he was so generous even though today wasn't about anything but him.
The atmosphere was colorful and romantic, with a hint of sugar and spice in the air from the concessions stands. As you both walked through the carnival you pass by a fee game stands, a giant cat plush catches Jumins eye. He's determined to win it for you, so you watch as he gives it his all in gun war against those vicious little duckies in a row. You couldn't help but give a loving chuckle watching him try with all his might, but this is the Jumin Han we're talking about. After two tries he manages to get them all winning you the huge cat plushie, it was big enough to sit on.
you hug it tenderly before thanking him with the sweetest kiss. You ask if you can go on one ride before the night is over and he agrees without question. You make your way hand in hand to the big ferris wheel and he helps you in careful before getting in himself. While you're getting comfortable Jumin tips the ride engineer to stop you both at the top for a bit. Your journey to the top was slow, quiet as you rested your head against his shoulder.
You felt so happy, so very lucky to have this man in your life after everything you've been though with each other he still treated you like his queen. The cart stops at the top and you start to grow concerned. His hand squeezes yours gently, with warmth and comfort as he reassures you that this was his idea. You smile and relish this moment in the moonlight under the same sky with the man of your dreams. "I love you, Y/N" "With all I am, I love you too." He kisses you sweetly and tenderly.
After everything you end up going back to the hotel room where Jumin offers to bathe you. You shudder slightly as he tends to get much more intimate when he does. You agree happily to tend to his wishes and the night ends blissfully filled with warmth and pleasure as he thanks you the best way he knows how.~
Thanks for Reading
N.A: I'm a few hours late to post, forgive me I was a little sick but I hope you enjoy it. Im sooooooo sorry if I missed some typos. ♡♡
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mistyyhaze · 4 years
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Happy birthday to the rich man himself 🤏🕶😳
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mystic-pen · 6 years
Happy Birthday Jumin
This is my contribution to Jumin’s birthday celebration!!! Also thanks requesters for hitting me up I’ll do my requests tomorrow. For tonight, I turn up.
Jumin sighed as he made the seemingly endless commute from one meeting room to the next
It was his birthday but yet he still had work. Usually, he would ditch work to spend the day with you but at this time of the year, that just would not be possible. It was the second most swamped season, first being Christmas.
The hands that were supposed to be holding yours were clasping papers where he would sign if he wanted to carry through a deal with his business partners.
The day felt longer than usual. He noticed the same change when you first came to live in his penthouse; he just couldn’t seem to be able to wait to go home and see you. The same feeling of longing to go to you was unbearable. 
Thinking of how you would caress his head in your hands as you kissed his forehead lovingly made his heart droop with gloom. How much he wanted to be in your arms.
When the day finally ended, he came home a little quicker than usual. He had to hold back a grin as he made his way through the halls of the apartment complex you and Jumin called home. 
Jumin opened the door, ready to be hit with the warmth and joy that you brought into his once-cold home, only to come home to the empty darkness. He switched on the lights and took a lap around the penthouse, but you were nowhere to be found. He called your cellphone but it went straight to voicemail.
No... did they escape? They promised to always stay by my side. So where were you? Damn. I knew I should have put a tracking device on their-   his mind went to a dark place.
Jihyun would know what to do. Jumin dialed the numbers to V’s cell and waited for it to go through. He heard a ringing sound coming from the bedroom closet but was quickly hung up. No. You and Jihyun wouldn’t do something like this. He knew this but still a form of rage still leaked out. 
He ran through the foyer and through the small hallways leading to your bedroom and the bathroom. When he got to the bedroom, he tore open the closet door to see you and Jihyun... along with the rest of the RFA.
“Ahaha... You got us. Sorry we couldn’t finish the surprise party... you came home a little earlier than you usually do- Jumin... what’s wrong?”
He couldn’t hide the tears streaming down his face as he looked into your eyes relieved. He knew that you wouldn’t ever do anything like that but you just do something to him... something that makes him wild for you. Something that makes him want to hide you away so only he can see you.
He let out a shaky sigh as he held your cheek. He couldn’t believe you loved someone a monster like him. 
“It’s quite alright that you didn’t finish a silly party. As long as you stay where I can see you, that is all I need.”
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im sorry this is like so bad but this is just what my mind is like 24/7. 
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curiousdelights · 6 years
My boss reserved the whole shop for a private dinner scheduled to start at 6pm.
We’re all prepared. We’ve set up the food and they’re all ready to be cooked.
It’s quarter to 8pm.
The guests aren’t here.
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1-800-im-yours · 6 years
it's saeran and saeyoung's birthday!
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very-small-giant · 7 years
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so you heard of day 4 which was a mess now prepare for more with day 5 but i have an explanation!! it’s my boiiis birthday ;) more love for jumin han please
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serenityferenc · 7 years
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Im a bit late but... Happy Bday to Daddy a.k.a. Jumin Han!! Im just thinking about the "real end", and i know that every single one of MM fans had his own true end, and my true end is Jumin. He is a very logical person, attentive to details, lovely, with an awesome personality. He just need to know to the right girl to fall in love. Who is your true end?? And why??
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imaginefe · 4 years
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mystic-mess-aine · 7 years
It’s Jumin’s birthday today and I’m untalented so I have no art or anything to share but still it’s my baby’s birthday so happy birthday daddy cat mom ❤️
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lapatopals · 4 years
[reмeмвer нd + нeαdρнoɴes αre yoυr ғrιeɴds!!] 
HEWOOOOW yes I'M STILL ALIVE! Finally got a new laptop, but now I spend my time playing videogames instead of editing videos lolol 
I see many people has moved to Instagram to upload edits, so I've created a new profile @bayauss. I'll be uploading my old videos there (and news too). I have like 4 unfinished a/gmvs, but past few years I've ben feeling very desmotivated to keep doing this, I mean editing this kind of videos takes SO MUCH time (I've spend about 24 hours to make this one x.x) and in the end not many people watch my videos so... I've ended up editing ONLY when I really feel the urge, like with this one. 
 I made a HBD video for Jumin.. last year? so I owed my fav alien boy one. Hope I can make the other twin another one soon, since I really loves Saeran aswell ^^
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16syd · 4 years
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toofifi · 8 years
Mystic Messenger Addictions
So I just watched a video explaining that a lot of addictions like smoking start because of lack of connection and bonding with other people. Which made me think of the MysMe characters: zen (smoking & beer), yoosung (gaming), jaehee (work), seven (HBD & Dr. Pepper) excluding Jumin who just doesn’t connect with people easily and doesn’t really have an addiction. All of these MysMe have addictions which could be because they have lost connections with people (zen’s family, Rika’s death, Jaehee’s family, Saeran etc.) making them addicted to certain things. And if you get their good endings you see them staying away from their addictions more and more. (Jaehee quitting, seven as well etc.) And that just shows how you bonding with them doesn’t only mentally help them, but also physically.
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tomokorules · 7 years
HBD Jumin!! 💜💜💜(I'm chilean, so here is 10.05 now... well, it's been 42 minutes now xD)
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