#hbd mitsuki
ririya-translates · 11 months
Mitsuki Shirota's Short Story
On the official Japanese Jack Jeanne website, there's a page of full of concept art and short stories for each major character (as well as stories for every character + Kisa). They were written by Shin Towada (primary writer of the game and Ishida's sister) and the art is by Ronin (also did concept art for Nier, Pokemon, Fire Emblem).
I thought it would be cute to post translations on each character's birthday. Since they were written as promo material, spoilers are quite minimal (mostly around the first performance). I tried to keep the original notebook aesthetic and dialogue colour-coding to post on Twitter, but I'm posting a regular text version here for better accessibility.
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As if he were observing the ever-fluctuating world through a pane of glass, he always kept his distance. "It's already been a year since we were on stage at the Newcomer's Performance, huh?" He heard those words while in class at the beginning of lunch period. It wasn't that big a deal. The topic should have ended with that one disruptive statement, but it captured the attention of the Univeil Drama School second-year students. Voices of shared nostalgia all piled on top of each other.
"A lot has changed since then, huh? For us and for the ones in other classes too." "I didn't think Sugachi would become the Al Jeanne of Onyx. He's so reserved." "And in Rhodonite, Minorikawa is likely their Jack Ace yeah? It's probably tough being a Jack Ace over there." People always brought up the same names to represent the second-year class.
"Shirota became a tresor like we all expected too." The moment that name was said, the Quartz second years turned their eyes to him. They're so annoying.
Sitting in a chair, chin in his hands, Mitsuki Shirota looked over his sheet music. He remembered something even more clamorous than the noisy stares of a crowd. Shirota was a second-year Quartz student, same as them. The term 'tresor' was reserved only for Jeannes with strong vocal talent. Combined with his unmistakably Jeanne-like facial features, he drew notice from people around him. But their unrestrained gaze was not something he enjoyed.
Shirota raised his head and looked directly at them to catch their stares. His calm expression suddenly turned sharp. Crumbling under the impact, the students hurriedly averted their eyes. "W-well, our grade sure has a lot of talented people, huh?" Avoiding the topic of this interaction, they resumed their conversation. But Shirota knew this discussion would be pointless. He took his sheet music in hand and stood up.
"But y'know… it's because 'that guy' is here." The end of these conversations was always the same. "The moment I saw that guy on stage at last year's Newcomer's Performance, I lost all hope." The cheery atmosphere immediately turned and a heavy air permeated the classroom. "As long as that guy is here, us in the 77th class are…" Shirota and the other second-years were part of the 77th class year in the history of Univeil Drama School. And in that 77th class, everyone had been cursed by the existence of just one person. This doesn't just apply to our class though, does it? It affected the third-years in the 76th class and the first-years in the 78th class too.
Leaving the classroom, he closed the door as if to shut out everything. It's pointless
He fled the group's vortex and went to the terrace next to the Univeil school building. This place, covered in vibrant plants mixed with the smell of flowers, enveloped him in a peaceful atmosphere Siiigh Shirota released a big breath from deep in his lungs, sat on the bench, and opened his sheet music. The Newcomer's Performance vocal section. It was a performance for the newly enrolled first-years to be in lead roles, but Shirota and the other older students would be on stage as well. The duty to support the first-years seemed burdensome to him. Staring at his music sheet, he began to play the song in his head to see the shape of it. Huh?
Suddenly the song was scrambled by noisy footsteps in the distance. Going this way and that, the sound started moving towards Shirota. "Oh, it's Shirota! Working hard today!" Echoing even louder than the footsteps, that clear voice penetrated the ears he was trying to cover. The one who came to greet him with the sunny face to match his personality was the brand new Jack of Quartz, Suzu Orimaki. He had barely just enrolled and was in Shirota's class. "Shut up." "O-oh! My bad!" After being smacked with this unreasonable anger, Suzu sincerely apologized. He didn't avert his eyes the way the students in Shirota's grade did. Shirota's eyes relaxed. "What are you looking around for? The other ones in your grade?" "Whoa, how did you know bro?!" "You're being too loud." "Oh, my bad!" Seeing Suzu quickly cover his mouth, Shirota let out a breath. "I knew because you were wandering all over the place. You're probably looking for Yonaga." Suzu nodded and opened his mouth, "I promised to run lines with those guys on the terrace." He took care to lower his tone of voice a bit, although strangely his voice still reverberated. "…You're with the other first-years a lot huh?" In competition for the good roles with others in their grade, there was often a lot of friction early in the school year. A friction that continued all the way up until graduation in some cases. Images of students in his year flashed in the back of Shirota's mind. "Yeah, they're great guys," Suzu answered with a smile that showed no trace of conflict. "Hmm," Shirota responded vaguely. "Well, sorry for bugging you! I'll be going now!" Suzu gave a short nod and ran off.
As his footsteps faded into the distance, the quiet returned. "…He sure is an energetic one eh?" As if waiting for the right moment, another presence appeared. "Fumi." "Yo." How long had he been there? Without disturbing the quiet, Sarafumi Takashina, the Al Jeanne of Quartz, showed himself. As Shirota was a Jeanne himself, this was the person directly above him. "Kuro would get so excited seeing you talking to the younger students." "Please stop…" The person Fumi called 'Kuro' was the leader of Quartz, Kokuto Neji. He fit in with the rest of those prodigy guys, but to Shirota he was just a bothersome senior. Seeing Shirota make an upset face from deep in his heart, Fumi chuckled. He stood next to Shirota and looked in the direction where Suzu ran off. "Orimaki seems like the type to be friendly with everybody huh?" "No matter what I say, he doesn't back down." "Wherever he goes, the place becomes brighter." "Even just his presence is loud." As soon as Shirota said this, in the distance he could hear, "There you guys are!" It seemed like Suzu had rejoined his classmates. Even with him not present, he was such a loud man. It would probably get even noisier as they started running lines. Or so he thought. Miraculously, Suzu's voice faded and he could no longer hear it. Maybe they changed locations. "Orimaki isn't the only one you've talked to right?" "Hmm, well…" Shirota had an unapproachable energy. While many of his juniors kept their distance to avoid upsetting him, there was one other first-year who approached him like Suzu did. There was this first year with a gentle face whose name kept coming up over and over, from the time he enrolled until being nominated as a Jeanne. This student was always hanging out with Suzu and Yonaga, even the other first-years too sometimes. Maybe those guys changed locations because Orimaki told them I'm here. When he had unpleasant thoughts towards others, all he had to do was reject them. But, if he wasn't like this, how should he be instead? Thinking about it made him a bit tired.
"…Well, Mitsu, it's good to take baby steps," Fumi said in a slow relaxed voice. He spoke as if seeing a future not visible to Shirota himself.
As if surrendering himself to the idea, he quietly replied, "Yeah, we'll see."
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raindear-a · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Mitsuki
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teslathelame · 1 year
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happy mikki and arashi day yall!
[id: a digital drawing of mitsuki izumi from idolish7. he's drawn wearing a sweet lolita coordinate consisting of an orange gingham one piece dress, white crew socks with lace and bunny ears, and brown tea party shoes. he's striking an energetic pose, with one hand and one foot out, and smiling cheerfully. orange and white text says "hbd mitsuki!" and "3/3". /end id]
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idolhail · 2 years
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Happy Birthday!
Mitsuki Izumi
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prawxd · 3 years
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Late HBD. Shino-sensei!
Credit- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/824510644269321567/
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takahaneazusa-blog · 5 years
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miidor-i · 6 years
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Bnha mini comic batch #2! All quotes ( except for the first one ) are from @incorrectbnhaquotes
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osakaso5 · 4 years
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Momo Twelve Hits! Rabbit Chat Part 3: Request Hits 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Yamato: Sorry about the disturbance. Can we continue now?
Momo: I'm good, but are you sure you are? lol
Momo: Iori and Tamaki didn't notice your whoopee cushion until it was too late, right? lololol
Yamato: We're good. We agreed that I'll make decorated school lunches for them on my next day off.
Iori: It's not that I fell for his bribery, I just didn't want to prolong this pointless fight.
Tamaki: It's been super long since we last got Yama-san's fancy lunches!
Yamato: I'll put in a little dessert, too.
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Riku: Where did you get a whoopee cushion, anyway?
Mitsuki: Apparently he got it from a bingo at a wrap party, lol
Yamato: I did get it, but I wasn't sure when to use it.
Sogo: That doesn't mean you had to put it in the living room...
Yamato: I forgot I left it there (lol)
Nagi: Goodness. Sogo is right, the living room is not your personal locker.
Mitsuki: You're one to talk, Nagi! The merch you bought online is still lying around in there!
Nagi: Just think of them as decorations :-)))
Tsumugi: In any case, I'm glad the whoopee cushion incident has been resolved! lol
Momo: Yep! Let's get back to the requests, shall we! (^O^ゞ
Tsumugi: Right! Go ahead, Mitsuki-san!
Mitsuki: Gotcha!
Mitsuki: Mine is to recommend a game!
Mitsuki: You're really busy, but you play a lot of stuff, right? I figured you'd know everything from the most popular stuff to more niche stuff!
Momo: I'm not an expert or anything, lol I just casually play whatever catches my eye.
Mitsuki: You play  a lot of stuff, but aren't action games your favorite?
Momo: They're so exhilarating! When I'm in a bad mood, I play games to let off some steam, lololol
Momo: Plus it's fun to plan the allotment and pacing of my weapons and ammo when I play.
Nagi: So you are a strategical player, Mister Momo.
Gaku: Wow. I don't play games that often, but when I do, I just shoot at everything until I run out of ammo and lose.
Ryunosuke: I usually get surrounded by enemies and die because I'm too busy checking my surroundings...
Tenn: Even if it's just games we're talking about, it's worrying that two of our members are the self-destructive type
Kaoru: They're very on the nose, though...
Momo: Everyone's got their own playstyle, so I can totally see that (≧▽≦)b
Momo: I've also been playing mobile stuff lately, like escape games! I'll make a list of my top game recs later.
Mitsuki: A ranking! Awesome! I can't wait to see it!
Momo: If any of them seem interesting, try them out and let me know what you thought ☆
Mitsuki: I will!
Tsumugi: I'm sure Momo-san's game ranking will be very interesting!
Tsumugi: Yamato-san, you're next.
Yamato: I wanna hear if there's anything in particular that you do for relaxation.
Yamato: You're really good at stuff like mental control. I was wondering if you had some kind of trick to it.
Momo: Do you have anything, Yamato?
Yamato: I drink beer and sleep (lol)
Iori: It feels like all you do is drink...
Riku: There's always beer in the fridge!
Nagi: Yamato... Are you actually drowning some sort of sorrows in alcohol..?
Yamato: Nope, I mostly just drink beer because I love it.
Nagi: (´・ω・`)
Sogo: It's hard to tell whether you're drinking for fun or to relax... Maybe you could come up with some kind of signal?
Yamato: I don't exactly want to let everybody know when I'm stressed, y'know (lol)
Yamato: Well, Momo-san?
Momo: I don't think I do anything special to relax.
Momo: If whatever's stressing me out is something I can't control, I just close my eyes. If I need to eliminate whatever's making me feel that way, I do that.
Yamato: You say the scariest things sometimes.
Tsumugi: Mental balance is important. I try not to let stress build up, either.
Tsumugi: Yaotome-san, may we hear your request next?
Gaku: Mine is to do a one-man Re:vale show!
Momo: What's that supposed to be, lol It sounds really funny, lololol
Gaku: You pretend to be Yuki-san and host the show as if you're both there!
Yuki: Momo's going to pretend he's me? Great idea
Gaku: You did it for me off work just the other day, remember? Your so-called Supreme Hunk act was really funny.
Momo: I didn't want Yuki to find out about that, lololol
Yuki: Oh. Did he sound just like me?
Gaku: No, not really.
Momo: That's harsh! I feel a little hurt by that, lololol
Gaku: My bad (lol)
Gaku: It's not that your tone or the language you used were too different from his. It's just that the pose  you took every time you said  anything kinda overshadowed the rest (lol)
Momo: I know, but I couldn't help it...
Yuki: Now I really want to see that
Momo: It's too embarrassing to do in front of you, Yuki!
Yuki: I'll be praying that you end up with Gaku-kun's request ^^
Gaku: Thank you! (lol)
Tsumugi: That would drive all Re:vale fans wild! 
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san, are you ready?
Ryunosuke: Yeah. Mine is to tell everyone  a weakness of yours,  if you have any! 
Ryunosuke: You've got fast reflexes and you're a great speaker, so I feel like you're kind of great at everything. I can't even imagine anything you couldn't handle...
Banri: Momo-kun's such a multitalent. He's got skill, guts, and courage.
Yuki: He never gets lost at a place we haven't been to before.
Banri: And he's good with bugs...
Ryunosuke: You must really be fearless, if you're even good with bugs!
Momo: I can handle bugs, but I wouldn't say I'm "good" with them, lololol
Momo: I've totally got weaknesses! Like the sound of two pieces of styrofoam being rubbed together!
Riku: Aagh! A chill just ran down my spine..!
Tamaki: There was a bad taste in my mouth just now..!
Sogo: These two are very sensitive to those sorts of things.
Momo: Sorry, lololol
Momo: If I said this on radio, would it have the same effect on the listeners!? I'll have to come up with an answer everyone can handle, lol
Ryunosuke: Thank you! I'm looking forward to it.
Tsumugi: I can't imagine Momo-san having weaknesses, either!
Tsumugi: Momo-san, could we hear your request for yourself next?
Momo: Okay!
Momo: My request is a super deep Re:vale talk, about stuff only I know! (*^▽゜)v☆ミ
Momo: The show isn't just for me, it's for our fans too. I figured it'd be a nice treat for them!
Yuki: If it's stuff only you know, does that mean it's something even I don't know about?
Momo: Basically, I'll be approaching Re:vale's charm from my own perspective!
Momo: Like the time Yuki almost dropped his phone in a pot because he was half-asleep, or how all of Yuki's pictures turn out amazing, even when I try to take them without warning!
Tamaki: You're only gonna talk about Yukirin!
Momo: Oh! Am I?
Tenn: That won't be much of a Re:vale talk
Iori: I suppose this is the impact of marketing yourself as a married couple...
Ryunosuke: I'm sure your fans will be happy to know how close you are!
Yuki: Re:vale is both of us. If you only talk about me, I'll be sad, and maybe even a little angry
Yuki: Maybe I'll get so sad that I barge into the recording booth with you
Momo: While I'm broadcasting!?
Yuki: No, not really.
Yuki: Even if I want to
Momo: Yuki..! I'm so sorry for making you sad! I'll make sure to talk about myself, too!
Momo: I'll tell you all about how important you are to me ☆
Gaku: Did he listen to anything Yuki-san just said..?
Tenn: Who knows?
Rinto: Yuki-kun has gone quiet...
Tsumugi: IDOLiSH7 could learn a lot from Re:vale's intimacy..!
Mitsuki: Nah, they're way too intense, lololol
Yamato: Our manager says pretty unhinged stuff sometimes.
Nagi: I do not mind doing a marriage routine with IDOLiSH7 :-)
Riku: There's seven of us, so it'd be really hard to decide our roles..!
Tsumugi: Lastly, Yuki-san, may we hear your request?
Yuki: Yeah
Yuki: Momo, try treating me more coldly
Momo: Huh!? You mean I gotta be mean to you!?
Momo: No way! That's too hard! Σ(T□T)
Yuki: I had a different request for you originally, but I changed my mind.
Momo: You change requests too fast! You told me the same thing just a while ago.
Yuki: That's good. Keep going
Momo: No! That wasn't me being mean, I was just calling you out!
Yuki: But it's not quite enough. Say something meaner
Momo: Yuuukiiiiiii~~~~~~ ・゜・(ノд`;)・゜・
Kaoru: Do you think he'll get mad and start sulking if you say something mean to him, even though he asked for it?
Yamato: Ugh, that's so annoying.
Rinto: This is Momo-kun we're dealing with, so I'm sure he already has the proper aftercare in mind...
Yuki: Say anything you want
Momo: I'm absolutely never gonna get this request!!!
Yuki: ^^
Tsumugi: What a passionate development..!
Tsumugi: I'm sure you've all got more things to say, but that's it for the requests. Thank you!
Yuki: Now it's time for Momo to request something from us
Sogo: If there's anything you want, let us know.
1. Do you have a request for us?
Momo: To keep playing with me, I guess! Thanks for being such good friends (○´д`人´д`○)
2. Do you have a request for TRIGGER?
Momo: We've got a tour coming up, so come see us if you've got the time!
3. Do you have a request for Yuki-san?
Momo: Change that request from earlier to something else right now, please... |ω・`)
Gaku: Those were some great requests!
Yuki: I hope they get fulfilled ^^
Momo: I was serious about all of them, so here's hoping!
Mitsuki: It's almost your birthday, too! I hope you'll let us celebrate it with you, even though it comes before the requests!
Momo: Yay! I've been waiting for this, lol
Mitsuki: Happy birthday, Momo-san! I'll bake you a cake later!
Ryunosuke: Happy birthday! I'm glad you were so excited for this!
Tamaki: Momorin, hbd! Make sure to get my request!
Riku: Happy birthday, Momo-san! I'm looking forward to your radio show!
Tenn: Happy birthday. Thank you for always looking out for us.
Kaoru: Happy birthday. I hope you have a good year.
Sogo: Momo-san, happy birthday. As both your fan and junior, I will be praying for Re:vale's continued success.
Iori: Happy birthday. I hope you continue to look after IDOLiSH7.
Gaku: Momo-san, happy birthday. Come see TRIGGER's lives, too!
Yamato: Happy birthday. Here's to many more years of being friends.
Banri: Happy birthday! I'll be cheering for you, as always. And I look forward to your upcoming live.
Rinto: Happy birthday! It makes me very happy to have celebrated all these birthdays with you. I hope I can continue doing just that.
Tsumugi: Happy birthday, Momo-san..!
Momo: Thanks for the requests and birthday messages! I'm super happy right now..!
Momo: Now that I got all this, I can head towards my birthday at full speed!
Gaku: Do you have any plans?
Momo: We have the afternoon off, so I'm planning to have dinner at Yuki's!
Yuki: It's too bad we don't get the entire day
Momo: Half a day is more than enough! lol I'm so happy I get to celebrate with you and Okarin (ノ*´▽)ノ
Momo: But I need to host a great radio show before that!
Momo: With all your requests, I'll make sure that my Twelve Hits! will be fun. Just you wait!
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Nanase Riku: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 5
3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Riku! It’s a secret takoyaki party!!
6: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Let’s spend a wonderful time with everyone!
5: Riku-kun, happy birthday! “Twelve Hits!” was fun.
4: Rikkun, HBD! The cheese ones are super delicious.
2: Riku, congrats. Take care of me this year too.
1: Happy Birthday. I grilled Nanase-san’s takoyaki. 
7: Iori, you gave me a takoyaki with nothing inside again!
1: What are you talking about?
1: I put it in Nanase-san’s plate. Here.
7: Geez! I said I’m sorry! I regret that I talked about Iori on request!
7: [Cowering Kinako Stamp]
1: [Glaring Pudding Stamp]
T: Are Iori-san and Riku-san fighting…?!
2: It’s fine. They are just playing (lol)
3: Because he talked about an embarrassing episode on his unfailing funny story request, so he’s embarrassed!
6: It’s not embarrassing! It’s really cute.
5: Riku-kun’s takoyaki doesn’t have anything inside huh...
7: Even though it’s my birthday!!!
7: [Angry Kinako Stamp]
4: Iorin, you’re not very mature.
1: Because I’m underage.
7: I’m really sorry! Since Iori is always reliable, I feel happy when I see you being cute...
7: I’ll give you the chocolate Takoyaki you like! Okay?
1: I don’t like sweets.
1: But I’ll take it anyway.
4: Choco-tako is quite good
4: [Pudding Riding on Spoon Stamp]
3: Careful not to put sauce!
6: Takoyaki varieties are infinite :-)
T: Iori-san, I know it was a broadcasted radio show but Riku-san talked about it thinking it’s fun to talk so...
1: I get it. It’s not like I was really mad.
7: Iori!!! That’s great!
3: Riku’s jumping with Iori lol
5: That’s quite a relief huh. I’m glad!
2: Since he’s hugging him while holding a skewer, Ichi’s face is twitching.
6: (;*;)
T: Nagi-san, what happened?!
6: There was a very sour takoyaki...
4: It’s umeboshi!!!
T: That’s what I brought in!
T: I brought other food too but I thought it would be nice if I have something unusual… I thought it would be surprising and would be unexpectedly good if I brought umeboshi! Lol
3: Nagi’s eyes are watering lol I’ll bring you some tea!
5: I don’t dislike it. It might actually be pretty good?
4: But So-chan like anything with a stimulating taste
7: It’s true! It’s sour!
T: Riku-san ate it too huh!
T: I’m sorry… It’s the president’s favorite, but it seems like it’s too sour for some people… ><
7: It’s fine! I start to like this sourness, it’s good! 
1: Nanase-san is making the same face as Rokuya-san.
7: (;*;)
7: This face?!
7: [Smiling Kinako Stamp]
2: Riku, good work on the radio. It was fun.
7: Eheheh! Thank you!
T: You talked a lot about the dorm and green rooms huh! I enjoyed listening to it at the booth!
*T: How was Tamaki-san’s reaction to having his request chosen?
7: He sent me lots of pudding for while! Not only the rabbit chat stickers, he also bought me pudding at the convenience store!
7: I wanna do “Twelve Hits!” again. Doing it once is not enough!
7: When I thought everyone is listening to me, I felt happy!
6: Let’s have fun on the radio with me again :-)
7: Same here, Nagi!
5: Riku-kun’s goal as an idol from now on was really cool.
7: I'm glad! Even though I’m a little embarrassed…!
7: But I could say that goal because everyone is with me.
7: I learned for the first time that becoming IDOLiSH7’s center and someone expecting from me is such a happy thing. I sometimes feel scared, but I feel like I want to answer everyone’s expectations and I want them to smile more!
7: More than anything, it’s not scary because everyone is there.
7: Iori, Yamato-san, Mitsuki, Tamaki, Sougo-san, Nagi. Thank you for singing with me and being my friends!
3: What’re you saying! To say thanks; that’s our line..!
5: I’m also happy that I could sing with Riku-kun.
6: Riku makes everyone HAPPY with your singing voice!
4: Let’s be together forever from now on too!
2: We’re relying on you, Riku.
1: You don’t need to feel scared. Because you’re IDOLiSH7’s best center.
7: Everyone, really thank you! From now on too, let’s work hard together!
T: You talked a lot about the dorm and green rooms huh! I enjoyed listening to it at the booth!
T: How were the fans’ reactions?
7: Seems like everyone enjoyed it! They messaged me a lot that they found the food keychain capsule toys!
7: I wanna do “Twelve Hits!” again. Doing it once is not enough!
T: You talked a lot about the dorm and green rooms huh! I enjoyed listening to it at the booth!
T: Now that the broadcast ended, what did Riku-san think?
7: It was super fun! All the fans were really nice. I also got a lot of birthday celebration messages!
7: I wanna do “Twelve Hits!” again. Doing it once is not enough!
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souzoushin · 6 years
[Translation] IDOLiSH7: Rabbit Chat [Yuki - Bunny Hoodie]  Part 5
Title: "Happy Birthday” From Everyone
Participants: Momo, Tsumugi, Yuki
Source: Unlocked in game from Yuki’s limited birthday (2016) card, pictured here.
**Note: This will only be part 5, since I’m just aiming to complete the card. The previous four are available as translated by someone else; you can see @i7rabicha for a record of this (here).
*** [Previous: (see i7rabicha -- note: not my translation!)] *** [Next: N/A]
Yuki, happy birthday!! *゚ロ゚)*゚ロ゚)*゚ロ゚)ノ~★celebration★\(゚ロ゚*(゚ロ゚*(゚ロ゚*
And, little miss manager, thank you for being such a wonderful guide! Trying to lead Yuki around is a real pain, no?
Yuki-san, Happy Birthday!
Not at all...! We had everyone’s smooth lead-ins, so we somehow even got him to arrive early!
Thank you both, really.
It was fun in a different way from the surprises I’ve helped with.
I felt like a mother watching her child set foot in the outside world for the first time! ww
I managed to go outside on my own, so keep me company next time we’re free. ^^
It’s good to just do it once in a while! Didn’t it give you time to think about a lot of stuff? While walking along such nostalgic streets.
It did. I kept remembering things, like how we’d buy meat buns at this convenience store and split them in half, or how we’d stay at that one cafe until it was closing time, working on songs.
Amazing, Yuki!! You remembered, I’m so happy.
I always remember everything about you, Momo.
Now you’re lying! You totally didn’t remember the anniversary of the first time I took a bath together with you!!
Isn’t that one a bit too difficult?
It’s not difficult!! You just lack enough love!!
You’re such a harsh judge.
It surely just means that’s how much Momo-san loves you, Yuki-san!
That’s right~! And it was super difficult trying to rent this place starting midnight, they only let us have it for the sake of old friendships!
Just goes to show how talented you are, Momo.
Still, seeing everyone that came to greet me wear T-shirts with our faces printed on them was quite the bizarre experience.
We prepared them specifically for this day! They were all really excited to wear them!
They were super into it. In fact, it’s the first time I saw TRIGGGER that into something. So much that I promised to treat them to lunch later on.
I bet it went more like, “We’ll wear them for you, so you owe us lunch.”
That’s not true! That’s not how I wrote that scenario in my head! ww
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Still, TRIGGER put on a show for us yet again.
It was such a passionate session...! I want to play guitar with them again!
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By the way, Momo-san, I heard that you kindly taught Iori-san and Riku-san how to play accompaniments...!
Well, I only taught them one that used to be popular among girls back in the day, though! w
That was its own brand of interesting too, just like the seiyuu concerts that Nagi-kun goes to watch in secret.
Also, having Yamato-kun pour me a drink yet again felt really satisfying. That begrudging expression on him just gets my heart racing.
The fact that you keep bullying him like this is why he doesn’t like you! w
I just can’t stop myself from picking on him.
Speaking of IDOLiSH7, and that aside, I’ve been entrusted with everyone’s birthday messages yet again! May I post them in here again, just like last time...?
Show us, show us! Everyone’s messages of love towards Yuki!
I’m counting on you, little miss manager!
Iori-san: “Yuki-san, I wish you a happy birthday. I heard that you and nii-san have made plans to become cooking buddies. I will continue to look up to you as a model senior when it comes to both personal and professional matters. We’ll be in your care.”
Yamato-san: “Happy Birthday, Yuki-san. It is true that we’ve been in your care and we owe you for a lot of things, so I chose to attend today. Please continue to get along with Momo-san.”
Mitsuki-san: “Yuki-san, Happy Birthday! I was worried that just veggies might not have enough protein, so I tried cooking with a lot of beans and seeds. I apologize if that was uncalled for! For next time, please tell me about your special vegetable menu!”
Tamaki-san: “Yukirin, hbd. You’ve taught me a lot of stuff. It’s always fun to spend time with you, Yukirin. I wanna say you don’t feel like a senior, but like not in a bad way. Let’s eat pudding together again.”
Sougo-san: “Yuki-san, I wish you a happy birthday. I’m glad to have been allowed to celebrate with you, so differently from how we did with Momo-san. It honored me to get to wear a printed T-shirt of the two of you and to be permitted at such a nostalgic location. I will treasure the memory for life. May you have a wonderful year.”
Nagi-san: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. YUKI! I look forward to seeing what forms of entertainment we can expect from you next. Also if you watch Cocona, you might become even happier.”
Riku-san: “Yuki-san, happy birthday to you!! I think it’s really great that your birthday is on Christmas Eve, because it feels like one amazing thing after another. I’m glad I got to celebrate your birthday, Yuki-san. I’ll work hard so that I can also become someone like you, who is able to convey such wonderful feelings to everyone!”
This is nice.
It feels as if the whole world is revolving around me.
Yuki, did it make you emotional!?
I wonder. Maybe it did.
Momo-chan can totally tell! You’re giving a really soft smile.
It’s the same face you made earlier when Okarin was singing on stage!
I really didn’t expect Okarin to sing, so it felt moving to see.
If it made you happy, then that’s all that matters...!
Momo is one thing, but I never expected to receive this kind of celebration, myself.
What’re you talking about! Our juniors know all too well what a kind person you are, Yuki!
If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have gathered to have a party like this!
TRIGGER worked their hardest to celebrate too, and didn’t they send a message just earlier?
It says: “Looking at Re:vale, it’s easy to tell just how much you treasure each other, and that you mean the most in the world to each other. Please continue to be a model to us from now on as well, and to show us the greatest view as we walk in your footsteps.”
So this time it wasn’t a declaration of war.
Well, they already did that last month after all!
Then, should I take this chance to do an impression of Momo?
I’m so happy I could seriously burst. Oh, let these feelings of mine fly out into the entire world~
That’s no good--!! That lacked any flair, start all over!
What’s flair.
Yuki-san, could I have a little bit more of your time for something? Lol.
>> 1. Was there anything you had particularly much fun with while celebrating?
Was there anything you had particularly much fun with while celebrating?
When we kind of had a karaoke competition with everyone. Okarin was trying so hard while singing it was adorable. He never even goes to karaoke with us, so I felt moved.
>> 2. Was there any part of the celebration that really surprised you?
Was there any part of the celebration that really surprised you?
Maybe, how into it TRIGGER were. They were wearing sunglasses and those T-shirts. and even had a jam session with Momo. I think it’s best if TRIGGER fans never get to see that.
>> 3. Was there any part of the celebration that you found difficult to handle?
Was there any part of the celebration that you found difficult to handle?
Not me, but there was a part where Sougo-kun kind of had this passionate outburst, as if some hidden side of him went rampant, and Tamaki-kun was desperately trying to stop him. Does his personality change depending on the place he’s in too, just like it does when he’s drunk?
Oh right, Yuki, did you get to see Ban-san!?
No, I think I caught a glimpse of his ponytail from a distance at some point, but we didn’t get to meet face to face.
I wonder if he’s still being cautious...
Isn’t that just Ban’s way of being thoughtful? We didn’t see him on your birthday either. So he can’t go showing his face just for mine now.
I see... Ban-san is so kind and considerate, I really like him...
Momo, adultery is bad.
It’s not adultery!! Also, this feels like déjà vu wwwww
Um... Actually, just like last month with Momo-san, I have been entrusted a message from Banri-san as well.
Of course, part of the reason he wasn’t able to meet you today was also how busy everything got, but... May I deliver the message...?
I’m sure Ban must have known it would come to this, too. Would you be so kind, then?
Yes, let’s see the birthday message from our beloved Ban-san!
Roger that!
“Happy birthday, Yuki. I never imagined I’d get to take part in both Momo-kun’s birthday and yours. This has honestly been a really great day for me. I listened to your new song, and rest assured that I’ll still be cheering you on from now on. Also, keep the rabbit chats to no more than one every three days.”
Isn’t this message way too cold compared to what Momo got?
Eeh!? Yuki, but can’t you feel the strong love overflowing from this message!?!?
It has to be as direct as how you say it, Momo, or I can’t tell.
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You say that, but I saw you screencap it!! ww
Well, because it’s one of Ban’s very rare affectionate moments.
Yuki, that’s a bit creepy wwww
Momo, my mental stability isn’t infinite either, you know.
Sorry wwww
After I’ve calmed down, I won’t forgive you unless you keep me company for an entire day.
That’s a really easy task, you know.
Oh really, it’s that easy. Then, I’m sure you won’t mind writing me a passionate message right here either.
I already have one prepared, of course!!! I copied it from the memo and kept waiting for the right time to paste it!!!
So your love for me is just copy paste level?
Don’t start stealing my lines, that stuff is what I usually say!! w
I was joking.
I was, too. I don’t have any copy-paste, you know!
I know.
It’s a birthday message from Momo-san to Yuki-san, so I’m sure it will be full of love!
Little miss manager saying that just raised the bar even more, but I’ll do my best to live up!!
Let me hear what you have to say, Momo.
Getting cornered like this sure makes me nervous.
Hey, Yuki.
Happy Birthday.
Even now, I’m still so unbelievably happy that I actually got to celebrate with you like this again.
Yuki, lately you’ve been doing your best to express a lot more of your feelings to me than just three simple words ever could, in a lot of ways. And you have no idea just how grateful I am, so much that I sometimes feel like my heart will burst from my chest.
I’m so glad and grateful that you exist.
Thank you for being by my side.
Thank you for letting me be your partner.
Please let me celebrate your birthday next year, too.
-- From Momo, who really loves you!
I don't know what I'd do if you didn’t celebrate with me next year.
I’ll say it however many times it takes.
I swear we’ll still be together, even 100 years from now, or even 1000.
Wait, was it my birthday today...?? Why are we making me happy here......?
No, you’re the one making me happy.
Because today is my birthday.
So please smile, Momo.
I’ve witnessed yet again just how deep your bond runs... Also, your birthday has become quite the passionate topic on social media as well, Yuki-san!
She’s right! Here, Yuki, look how many birthday messages you got from the fans!
We really ought to post a reply from you for them. What should we write!!
That’s true. Little miss manager, this thank-you message is addressed to you as well, so please let me type it.
Thank you for celebrating Momo’s birthday and mine again this year. I feel as if Momo and the fans are what gives meaning to my songs.
I would like you all to keep loving us, and only us, forever from now on.
And I’ll make sure that Momo’s and my Re:vale will keep charming you.
Note: I do not own this card, so this translation was never intended to cover the rest of the parts, and it never will. I was just aiming to complete it because it was left unfinished before. The screencaps I used were kindly provided by KirakiraDenka on Twitter, and I received them via lli-luz-ill here on Tumblr. Thank you both!
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10310-cinderella · 7 years
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To celebrate Ryuu’s birthday, his seiyuu, Satou Takuya tweeted a birthday message to the Cinderella boy.
As posted to day October 12th 2017, 00:22 AM Japan Time   (Admin’s Local time is 2 hours behind!)
This may getting cliche, but, congrats Ryuu.
This year sure is hectic, huh.
It may get though but to me, you have grown stronger and dazzling.
So stick your chest out and do your best with your friends.
TRIGGER is the best!
*edit: apparently satou takuya thought to make it “Tsunashi, Hapiba” in vertical in his tweet by each of the first word in each line, but his “ba” didn’t make it. Sorry that I can’t get this across in translation.
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Ahaha, the line didn’t make it*💦
Sorry, let’s not fret about it!
And here is our usual special birthday message from Mitsuki’s seiyuu, Yonaga Tsubasa.
As posted to day October 12th 2017, 3:00 PM Japan Time
Today is TRIGGER’s reliable sexy beast, Tsunashi-san’s birthday!
Tsunashi-san, happy birthday! 🎉🎂
I’ve been always thinking about it, how do you manage to be so manly?
You’ll tell me when we drink the okinawa sake later today, right✨
There’s a lot of stuff happened, so let’s make a noise by drink lots and eat to our fill
by Mitsuki
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ryuuppai · 7 years
[i7] Yaotome Gaku Birthday Photobook Part 3: Gaku and his Junior Idols
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  
Riku: Yaotome-san, happy birthday–!
Iori: Happy birthday.
Mitsuki: Yaotome congrats–!!
Yamato: Happy bday
Tamaki: Gakkun, hbd!!
Gaku: Thanks!
Sogo: Yaotome-san, happy birthday. I'm always grateful to what TRIGGER does for us. From now one, please keep being a source of aspiration to us.
Gaku: Thanks. It gets lively with seven people here, huh.
Tsumugi: This discussion will be used in the photobook series project! I believe that you have it in front of you, so while you look at the Gaku Photobook, please talk about his birthday!
Yamato: Wow–, you're good-looking aren't you, my eyes are healed. 
Mitsuki: So cool!! Every page is so cool!
Gaku: Thank you (lol)
Riku: Thank you for using the picture that I took!
Tamaki: Gakkun did you clear the game?
Gaku: I reached up until stage 5.
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Tamaki: At stage 5 you're still an amateur
Sogo: Tamaki-kun! You shouldn't say something rude to your senior!
Gaku: It's fine. In this game, Yotsuba is my senior, after all. 
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Gaku: Yotsuba, isn't the character you're using strong? How did you get it?
Tamaki: I paid
Nagi: In my case, I pulled 50 times in a row (1).
Riku: For me, because I was pulling quickly, some kind of warning popped up! 
Iori: Nanase-san! I told you to plan your expenses more carefully, didn't I!
Riku: I'm pretty bad at planning my expenses
Tamaki: Iorin, why did you stop playing the game when you pulled the rabbit character?
Iori: You don't need to say something unnecessary
Yamato: If the girls hear that the Most Desired Embrace is into games, they'll weep. 
Gaku: It's fine. I started a movie club with Yuki-san, after all. Nikaido, you join too.
Yamato: Pardon me?
Mitsuki: Who went off topic! Alright, everyone, let's say which one is our favourite Yaotome, one by one!
Iori: I like the Monster Yaotome. He looks like he'd be the leader of the stray cats.
Yamato: Onii-san finds the sight of him going all out while holding a hagoita (2) Yaotome-like. 
Mitsuki: There's no other choice than MATSURI though!? It's our very own uniform after all! Well done (3)!
Tamaki: I like the cook from the job experience thing. I like the parfait.
Sogo: I was hesitating between this and the Secret Night costume, but I'd say the Yaotome-san from Leopard Eyes. Even though it's an outfit without adornment, I can feel the aura emanating from its sexiness and your bare skin, so I like it. 
Nagi: My preference is the Yaotome-shi holding a fan. It's Japanese and sophisticated.
Riku: I like the Yaotome-san from Ainana Academy! He looks like a cool teacher! The rabbit hoodie Yaotome-san feels like an older brother, so I like that one too!
Gaku: Thanks. Everyone has their own preferences huh (lol)
Yamato: The dinner at the restaurant one is the most suited for the Most Desired Embrace, right. 
Mitsuki: The TRIGGER Police Yaotome is more Most Desired Embrace-like though!? Isn't a man who can fight cool!
Yamato: Isn't the Yaotome leading a stable life, taking the time to set up special days better?
Iori: If you say so, then the Yaotome-san who's a teacher also looks like a reliable person who would raise a family with you. 
Riku: If he's going to come over, then the Santa Yaotome-san is good!
Gaku: Don't talk as if there were multiple of me. There's only the idol me, you know. 
Mitsuki: Talking about multiple of you, we did say that there was someone who looks just like you, right. The young man who delivers soba to our place.
Gaku: Aah, you did talk about it.
Mitsuki: Even though he looks like TRIGGER's Yaotome, when we asked him if he knew about us, he said "I'm cheering you on."
Tamaki: Really. Yamamura is a good guy. 
Mitsuki: I also asked him who's his favourite member.
Yamato: Ooh, and then?
Mitsuki: "Dear customer, soba can be served with tempura, it can be noodles with duck, zarusoba (4), it can be served with egg, it can be all kinds of things, right. They all have their own best qualities. I can't pick just one."
Riku: The soba delivery man is so cool!!
Sogo: Yamamura-san, that's beautiful......
Nagi: He is wonderful...
Gaku: Huuh. That guy says some pretty nice things, doesn't he.
Mitsuki: I've pledged not to get soba from anyone else than Yamamura, anymore. 
Tsumugi: Yamamura-san is a kind and wonderful person, isn't he. I will take this moment to ask you the questions that I have received from IDOLiSH7!
Gaku: What will it be. I'm kinda nervous (lol)
[Tsumugi: Which one would would you prefer between a Kujo who's really drunk, after having reached the drinking age, and a Tsunashi-san with a wicked tongue?]
Gaku: 100% drunk Tenn. I'd take so many pictures. It'd make me sad if Ryu had a wicked tongue. I think I'd get genuinely depressed.
[Tsumugi: Are you the type to lick the pudding off of the bottle's lid?]
Gaku: If I'm at home, then yes. I don't do that outside.
[Tsumugi: Please tell us a memory of your birthday parties.]
Gaku: My parents are divorced, so my birthday mostly got celebrated at my mother's house. It was fun. I'd receive stuff like prepaid cards to buy books a lot from my old man.
Tsumugi: Thank you! Well then, Yaotome-san's next job will start shortly,  so I would like to wrap this up here!
Riku: Huh–! Yaotome-san is already leaving!?
Tamaki: I want to talk to Gakkun more!
Gaku: What's with you guys. Aren't you nice (lol)
Iori: You seem extremely busy, but do take care of your body somehow. Please enjoy your birthday party, as well.
Yamato: Say hi to Kujo and Tsunashi-san too. Tell me more about that movie club later. There's no way I'll join though.
Nagi: I hope that you will have a wonderful BIRTHDAY, Yaotome-shi. 
Sogo: Please do your best at work. I'm glad that I could convey you some congratulatory wishes. I will be sending you my other impressions of the Gaku Photobook later. 
Gaku: Thanks. Well then, you guys do your best at work too.
Mitsuki: Yeah! Congrats, Yaotome!
(1) For people who are unfamiliar with Japanese mobile games, they usually feature a gacha/lottery type system where you put in your game currency, and get a character/item at random. That action is called "pulling."
(2) This refers to his New Year card. A hagoita is the wooden paddle that he's holding in the picture. 
(3) The term that Mitsuki uses is "appare" which you might recognize as a line from All Boys! ~MATSURI~.
(4) Zarusoba is "soba served on a bamboo draining basket with dipping sauce." 
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franeridart · 7 years
If children inherit one of their parents' quirks, or a combination of the two, what do you think Bakugou's parents' quirks are? Also what do you think Izuku would have gotten if his power manifested like usual(his father breathes fire and his mother has minor telekinesis)?
Actually anon!!!!! We know Mitsuki and Masaru’s quirks! Mitsuki can sweat glycerine (no explosions) and Masaru has oxidizing sweat (can make small explosions) so when combined you got Bakugou’s nitroglycerine sweat! I find it super neat tbh I was really happy when I found out about it (...also because I kinda headcanoned Bakugou taking the explosions from his mild and lovable father and he did what a good)
As for Izuku tbh I don’t know? I never spent much time thinking about it, but if we exclude the possibilities of him having his mother or his father’s same quirks, the neatest combination would have probably been firebending I think - he could either produce his own fire (like his father does, that would be the strongest outcome I guess) and bend it through his mother’s magnetizing-type quirk, or he could bend already existing fire only, which is also pretty neat but not as self-sufficient and therefore a lil less strong... anyway it would have been hilarious tbh because if he’d had a fire quirk Todoroki Bakugou and he would have all been fire babies and that’s ???? amazing™
Anon said: You know, as funny and adorable was seeing Kiri cry because Tetsu's quirk is similar to his, the new chapters that revealed his insecurities made it more sad, because the Sport Festival is for gaining popularity and attention, and Kirishima already thought his quirk was not flashy, then he meets another student who has a quirk similar to his. It must have been really devastating to his self-esteem
I’m gonna be honest anon, I’ve been keeping track of Kiri’s self-esteem issues since he first mentioned disliking his quirk before the USJ attack so anything that’s happened after it in that sense hasn’t really been a surprise for me? I’ve been hoping Horikoshi would properly address it like he did in the lastest chapters for ages - seeing him honestly upset about Tetsu having his same quirk made me go aw baby the first time I read it in the manga too, so when I saw it happen again in the anime I did still find it kinda sad BUT ALSO it does make you think about how much he grew into himself!! How much better he got with his confidence and how much he tries and works hard oh my god I love that child
Also!!! The fact that even though at first he had that reaction to Tetsu they still ended up being seriously good friends and gunning for each other and having the healthiest rivalry ever is!!!! So good!!!! He could have held a grudge against him forever but instead!!!!! Oh man!!!!!
(... what actually made me sad because I’m weak and a baby is Kaminari going “aw man I’m not good at those” when they announced the second round, like, god save me how many times has this boy been left out of children games through his childhood because his quirk is incompatible with teamwork I want to  c r y)
Anon said:Personally, I cant wait for the part where Kirishima and Tetsutetsu sparkle together while (lovingly) staring at each other and becoming (boy)friends
I WILL die when that happens anon, n g l Kiri and Tetsu’s relationship makes me stupidly happy they’re way too good ahhhhhhhh!!!!
ANON I know you’re pretty hype about how amazing Deku is and he IS and I’m glad he’s getting the recognition he deserves, but Baku and his various complexes and the way he’s treated make me so damn sad in this arc??? Seeing him like that again when the manga has him in such a healthier place hurts me rip
Anon said:if you can hype over the smallest things then i can too right anyways did you notice kaminari saying bakugou's name yass (what no i don't love this pairing at all hah a h)
Every time Bakugou and Kaminari acknowledge each other I die anon I 100% feel you on this that’s a perfectly acceptable reasons to be hype bakunari is a good and I cried
Anon said:I only just realized the new bnha episode was set to come out on my birthday?? BUT HONESTLY WHAT A BLESSING! Hiryuu trying to get everyone to work together in the beginning?? Amazing. (i blame my love for him on you) and then kirishima running away crying,after finding out tetsu's quirk? I'M cryin, my bois, my bros ugh. Ojiro smashing robots with his tail, what a blessing. Aizawa's commentary and Toshi's proud face when deku won!!! Everything. Just everything about it. Oqjdfiwk hbd 2 me
HBD TO YOU INDEED I hope you had a good day in general too, anon!!! And I’m also glad I could make you love my boy Hiryuu he deserves to be noticed dragon child too good I want a manga about him
Anon said:Cheese sticks are made of mozzarella cheese!
*gently holds your face* anon, I know you mean well and it’s not your fault, but mozzarella’s not what you American people think it is 
Anon said:I used to think bokuroo was a cute ship but not that into it but I think your art converted me. I literally can't stop shipping them now
That’s!!!!!!!!!!!! Super good to know!!!!! Ship those healthy babies!!!
Anon said:Okay, but have you realised Servamp is back tomorrow?? I'm sooooooo happy
The real question here is when is it gonna be translated and by whom??? Following that manga is hard on me pls gimme the chapter already good side of the internet
Anon said:Come to think of it, I've never thought about this before but it was brought to my attention and I thought I'd ask because it's always better to be sure, but what are your pronouns?
She/her! But seriously don’t worry about it, it’s not gonna upset me if you get it wrong or forget or mix it up~
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reminiscentbelle · 4 years
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idolhail · 2 years
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Happy Birthday!
Mitsuki Izumi
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strifetime · 7 years
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Two 11x scouts, 2 solo's (not pictured), and 1 ticket scout that brought megane Mitsuki home!! 😂🙌😍 HBD! 💗
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