kabybaali 2 months
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Last art for Wen Ning's birthday event, sweet days!
Day 5: traditional clothing/jewelry
Tomorrow we'll start with the spicy days uwu 馃挄
Thanks to everyone who participated and supported so far 馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅
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sands-wenning 2 months
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Wen Ning birthday event, day 5: traditional clothing
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snarkivistfic 2 months
Happy birthday fic for Wen Ning!!!
1k, Rated: Teen, one shot
Relationship: Wen Ning/ Ouyang Zizhen
Zizhen makes a cake for Wen Ning's birthday and they discuss a memory.
For @sands-wenning 's Sweet and Spicy Wen Ning Day!!! Prompt: Birthday cake
Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much to the organizers of this event!! It was so fun!
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kabybaali 2 months
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Wen Ning surrounded by flowers is one of my fav things in the world 馃挅
Wen Ning's birthday event, day 1: Flowers
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kabybaali 2 months
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Wen Ning's birthday event, day 8: Tattoos/piercings 鉂わ笍
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kabybaali 2 months
Wen Ning got two presents from his Wei Ying, some candy and a new outfit 馃き馃挅
Wen Ning's Bday event day 4: popsicle
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kabybaali 2 months
Wen Ning's Bday event, day 6: facial/love bites 馃挅
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kabybaali 2 months
For Wen Ning's birthday event day 2, I made a Collab with my sweet friend uwu
Art made by me
Story made by @vahntares 馃挅
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Wen Ning couldn't help but push the tray with the steaming red bean cakes away from the prying hands trying to steal them.
"膧iy膩! I never imagined you could be so cold-hearted! You hide under those kind eyes and that beautiful smile!"
His cheeks tinged slightly, as he had never been accused of such things before, yet his hands remained firm and steady.
"The-they鈥檙e not ready y-y-yet!"
"Are you going to keep them away from me? I've never been able to taste one of these! A-Ning, please have mercy on this tormented soul, you're denying water to a man who spent years in the desert!"
More nonsense. Wen Ning could only hope that the heat in the kitchen was enough to explain the blushing heat on his face.
He stood his ground, as he had promised himself to give his best to the beaming young man in front of him, even if it cost him some teasing. Especially since, as he said, he had never tasted a red bean cake before and the experience had to be perfect. The young man pouted, yet Wen Ning already knew every single one of his false expressions inside out. So many months together were not in vain.
They met each other at a private event. Wen Ning's desserts were highly sought after and both his teachers and peers felt envy and admiration for his quick rise to fame. And that young man had been so fascinated by what he was eating that without a second thought he decided to spend the rest of the evening in the kitchen next to him.
After that it was hard to shake him off, although he never really tried. Something about his smile made it hard to refuse his company, not to say that all his remarks at the meal were very sharp and precise.
And all the requests he had were always gladly fulfilled once the cafeteria was closed.
It was a shared little space the two of them had build.
Wen Ning saw the red bean cakes and let out a big sigh.
"Fifteen minutes!"
Wei Ying shook his legs as he became increasingly impatient
"A-Ning! Don't you feel bad making me wait for SO long? Is this your customer service?"
Wen Ning thought it would be better not to answer. If Wei Ying ate the cakes at that moment he would most likely burn his tongue and all his effort would be thrown away.
''Good things come to those who wait'', he said to himself"
As if reading his mind, Wei Ying looked at him with such a plea in his eyes that it made Wen Ning's heart skip a beat.
"How about a milkshake!?"
Wen Ning yielded with a gentle smile.
Perhaps they both knew that if Wei Ying insisted again Wen Ning would eventually give in, but this was the game between them.
Request, bake or prepare, taste and please.
As long as Wei Ying had something in his mouth to taste he would be happy and as long as he was happy Wen Ning would be pleased as well.
Wen Ning began to take the ingredients out of the fridge. There was no use in asking about the flavor. Just as he knew all of his tricks, he also knew all the things he liked.
He looked up just long enough to make sure that Wei Ying's stubborn hands were away from the tray with the cakes.
And then he noticed something
Wei Ying looked different from the first time they met.
Wen Ning's hands began to mix the milk with the fresh fruits as his eyes continued to trail over him.
Wei Ying's face was not so sharply defined anymore, and the sharp lines had been replaced by something softer. His beauty was something that would hardly be overshadowed by the small cute rolls in his stomach as he sat up, perhaps that was why Wen Ning hadn't noticed it before.
When they first met, Wei Ying wasn't very aware of himself and in a certain light his skin would seem light, pressing against his bones. A very normal appearance by modern standards, standards Wen Ning did not approve of.
He added creamy vanilla ice cream and a dash of cinnamon to the milkshake.
Wei Ying, being totally honest, had more color in his cheeks and more energy in his movements. No one could blame Wen Ning if he refused to stop spoiling him with desserts.
Without being able to prevent it, his eyes met with the young man's. How long had Wei Ying been looking at him? Embarrassed, Wen Ning immediately lowered his head and continued to prepare the thick milkshake. He prayed that it hadn't been too obvious.
It was sheer agony to walk out of the kitchen and towards the table. His movements were stiff thanks to the embarrassment that kept flowing through his joints.
He held out the glass cup and a plate with some red bean cakes. He forced himself to act normal.
"H-here you go."
"But... You said it would take 15 minutes for the cakes to cool down..."
Obviously, if Wei Ying was told that the cakes would be ready in 15 minutes, he would wait 10 minutes at most. Wen Ning omitted this information and shyly shrugged his shoulders.
It was better to pretend that he made a mistake.聽
Wei Ying didn't inquire further, he just let out one of his thunderous laughs and received everything.
Although there were neither customers nor critics, those kinds of moments were the ones that made Wen Ning really want to break out in a cold sweat.聽
He had learned to take criticism and opinions about his work, but at the end of the day the only opinion that would matter to him would come from this outrageous young man.
He brought a cup of coffee with him to keep him company as he tasted the cakes.
When he reached the table, Wei Ying was already sipping the milkshake. Both of their hands tensed.
"Oh... damn... I blew it..."
The red bean cakes were supposed to be the main dish and Wei Ying had already sweetened his mouth with the milkshake. How could he properly savor one taste when his senses were coated with another, stronger one?
In a slightly desperate move, Wen Ning extended his cup of coffee that didn't yet have any sugar in it. Wei Ying joyfully accepted and took a good sip.
After that everything flowed as it was supposed to.
"They're not lying when they say the taste is addictive! So smooth! They're delicious! I'm so lucky to have A-Ning cook for me!"
Wei Ying kept heaping praise. It was a good thing, as a baker he was very confident in his taste and sincerity.
Wen Ning took a coffee sip.
His tongue grew warm, then his cheeks, and finally his heart.
"隆 !"
He began to cough uncontrollably.
Wen Ning waved as he tried to calm himself.
The rim of his coffee cup tasted like vanilla.
"I-I.. The coffee made me ch-ch-choke!"
"Your face is so red!"
Wen Ning squeezed his eyes tightly shut as if that could keep him from losing his mind.
He could barely endure mild feelings and this thing he was experiencing was taking his breath away.
He summoned up his courage and saw Wei Ying's worried eyes looking at him. There he was, plumper cheeks, lips with little crumbs.
His heart seemed to beat faster. Yes, Wei Ying had definitely gained some weight. It was a lovely sight, seeing spring blooming on his body.
Unable to control the train of thoughts, Wen Ning wondered where else the extra weight had gone.
He remembered when Wei Ying entered the cafeteria. His hips and waist now had a more inviting curve, enticing him to sink his fingers into the flesh and knead it.
And the backside... It already drew his attention before but now, and despite having such an innocent mind, it was hard not to want to look at it again.
The cough came back.
''Shouldn't be thinking about this!'' Wen Ning thought to himself.
Wen Ning felt pats on his back.
It took him a few minutes to recover
"膧iy膩..." Wei Ying saw the plate in front of him "they were so delicious that there's only one left."
Wen Ning had a placid smile "I made them for you."
It could be his imagination, but an adorable blush appeared on Wei Ying's face.
"At least eat this one, say ahhhh."
Ready to refuse, Wen Ning opened his mouth, but of course, instead of words coming out, a soft cake made its way in. He bit into a small piece and the dough fell apart like silk.
Wei Ying pushed the cake back in.
It was clear he wasn't going to give up so Wen Ning decided to finish it before his mind went off again. The last bite was bigger, and he miscalculated.
Wei Ying's fingers were trapped between his lips.
Wen Ning felt like he might die of embarrassment, but he couldn't cough again because Wei Ying's fingers dragged out slowly and carefully, forced to travel a twisting path to his chin.
Wei Ying's gaze seemed a little agitated, a little lost... a little hungry.
Even if the desserts, sweets and pastries whetted the appetite, a bigger craving was rising between the two of them. Something even sweeter and warmer.
Wen Ning doesn't quite remember who made the first move. Was it Wei Ying who sat on his lap or was it him who lured him in?
Who made the final step to close the distance?
The taste of red beans, vanilla and coffee blended into one. Wen Ning thought that combination was better than anything else that he had ever put in his mouth. Ever.
Their lips melted against each other, wanting to be tasted in full. Slowly he let himself go, guided by Wei Ying's playful nature, kissing in an ever-changing pace, sometimes long and soft, sometimes faster and full of hunger. Wei Ying couldn't make up his mind on how he wanted to keep going and Wen Ning wasn't going to stop him finding new ways to do it.
They ended up completely out of breath and put their foreheads together to give each other a break.
Unknown to them, they had both been watching each other silently, waiting to decipher what it was that was keeping them uneasy.
Wei Ying let out a light, hearty laugh.
"A-Ning" he said as he playfully kissed Wen Ning's cheek
"That was delicious."
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kabybaali 2 months
Wen Ning's birthday event day 7: cheongsam 馃挄
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kabybaali 2 months
Wen Ning's Bday event, day 3: Pet 馃挅
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sands-wenning 3 months
Sharing with the artist's permission 馃挅 :3
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sands-wenning 3 months
Sharing here with the artist's permission 馃挅
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sands-wenning 2 months
Wen Ning's birthday event, day 5: traditional clothing
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sands-wenning 2 months
Another beautiful work for the event
Sharing with artist's permission
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sands-wenning 2 months
Thanks to everyone who participated in Wen Ning's birthday event! 鉂わ笍 the AO3 collection will remain open
And if you want to add a late art, just tag @sands-wenning and we'll RP
See you next year 馃挄
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sands-wenning 2 months
Wen Ning birthday event. Final day, happy birthday Wen Ning
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