#hbi yapping
halfbakedideas · 4 months
i’m more shocked that 13 has a phone than i really should be.
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sexysilverstrider · 3 years
honestlyla mvie cmtu yg sama produser yg aq ske is yg psl anak serigala jadian tu. tu pun aq tana tgk lg sbb sakit aq woi HAHAHAHA bt ya mvie dia yg len2 slow bg aq
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hasanjuniors · 7 years
Day 4 and 5 about fasting
Holaa. . i’m so sorry cause lastday i’m not write in my tumblr, ya karena ada beberapa hal yang ngebuat gw hrus melewatkan wktu untk menulis di tumblr gw,  oke jdi sdkit gw critain ne, ehemm. . kenapa gw kmrin kgak nulis di tumblr, yaps karena gw kmrin ngalamin sdkit musibah yg bkin gw sibuk bngt shingga gk bsa jlan pulang breng sma doi dan sdkit emosi gw yg gk stabil, siang jam stelah istrhat siang dan sholat dzhur kmrin gw kmbali ke kelas dan sperti bysa gw ngbrol dan brcnda sma tmen2 krna wktu itu jam materi udh ksong alias hbis, jdi gw stay dpan lptop ngerjain software untuk alat tugas akhir gw sambil nungguin chat si doi yg pling gw sayangin hehe, tiba2 gw kpkiran sma project hardware tugas akhir gw yg ada dilaboratorium bengkel prodi gw, serasa feeling gw tu mngatakan bhwa gw hrus kbengkel untuk ngecek project gw, dan akhirnya stelah ngrjain software bbrpa jam, gw mmtuskan untk sgera turun ke bengkel ngecek project gw, kreetttt... *bunyi pintu bengkel yg gw buka, mklum pintunya dri steanless jdi agk kasar klo dibuka hehe, dan akhirnya gw msuk lngsung gw jalan mnuju project gw, dan emang bner feeling gw tepat bngt klo ad yg gk beres dgn project gw, *seketika gw kaget.. krna yg trjadi adalah project gw berantakan alat gw ilang smua, dan beberpa komponen dri board gw lepas gak karuan, pkiran serasa kocar kacir, jantung berdetak keras, dan emosi pun meledak.. *an%&&%k. . teriakan umpatan pun gw lontarkan, yg gw rsain lngsung bdan gw lemes bngt bingung gw hrus ngpain, krna sdkit kalian tau project itu gw buat bukan dgn wktu yg singkat tpi dgn wktu lama dan kesabaran yg ekstra, dan psti kalian juga tau rsanya ktika project kalian udh hmpir slesei dan ktika kalian mau nylesein smua berantakan gw yakin rsanya bdan serasa udh kgak ada jiwanya dah lemesss aplg hri itu gw lg puasa, hmm okelah gw mncoba menenangkan diri gw dan gw coba untk cari dmn bbrpa kompnen gw yg ilang dan mncoba ikhlas untk menerima, okelah pelaku udh gw temuin yaitu anak kecil ingusan anak bpak penjaga mobil dinas di akademi gw, apa bole buat gw kgak mungkin mrahin anak kecil dan gw kgak mungkin nuntut anak kecil buat ngerjain project gw itu smua mustahil, akhirnya gw emang hrus sabar dan ikhlas broo. .*huffttt... okedah smua junior gw kmpulin gw sruh buat nyari keseluruh bagian lab. untk nyari komponen gw yg ilang entah kmn, stelah smua komponen ketemu akhirnya gw mulai merakit kembali project gw dan gw sekaligus rapiin beberapa agar smua trlihat lebih perfect, okelah itu mengapa gw kmren kgak bisa nulis di tumblr dan kgak bsa pulang bareng si doi eemmm emang sih untk mslah sprti ini kalian hrus bner2 sabar dan mau untk ngorbanin sgala hal demi hal yg lbih baik buat diri kalian sndri, *haha sok puitis gini gw jadinya njirr.. dan sekarang dipagi hari kelima ini gw hrus slesein project gw krna iyaps gk mungkin lah gw hrus nunggu trus untk nylesein project ini gw hrus smngat dan gw yakin gw psti bsa, gw gk peduli gmn pun nnti hasilnya krna gw juga yakin ada kpuasan trsndiri yg gw rsain ktika gw mnyeleseikan tugas akhir gw dgn tngan dan keringat gw sndri, okee see yaa :)) semangaat.. !!
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fictorfoo-blog · 7 years
FRI(END) Gue pernah naif.... gini loh gue mengangp kata sahabat itu sangat naif, gue selalu ketawa sinis tiap kali ada suatu geng yang pasang hastag #sahabatselamanya #bestfriendforever dan apalah apalah kata2 menjijikan ttng itu, pdhal gue gak tau siapa mereka ato ada kisah apa dbalik mereka. Dan somehow tiba2 gue punya mereka yang gue sebut ehem.... sahabat. Sahabat gue ada 2 yang pertama sahabat SMA dan sahabat kuliah. Yang SMA ini kita emang udah temenan sejak TK bahkan orang tua kita sahabatan trus kita kaya geng2 gitu di sana kaya geng aadc bedanya ada cowonya aja. Trus ada sahabat kuliah ini yang paling gokil kita kaya beda kelakuan gitu tapi kita punya 1 pmikiran yaitu open minded. Jadi kita emag pkirannya rada2 out gitu smpe punya masalah sama dosen bareng, telat wisudah bareng (sekarang udah wisuda dong *kipas2 toga) Satu kesamaan dari kedua geng sahabat gue ini adalah ada satu moment kita tiba2 saling menghilang, kaya menjaga jarak gitu, kalo biasa nya grup WA ramenya kek pasar malam gitu tiba2 tu grup jd sepi kek kuburan, seriosly kaya ada yng dsembunyikan. Terus juga mau ketemuan jd susah hanya beberapa yng bisa itupun hampir gagal.Hal ini rata2 terjadi saat kita baru aja selesai ngelakuin sesuatu , klo geng SMA gue pas kita hbis lulus mo cari kampus, sedangkan geng kuliah gue pas kita lgi sibuk2nya cari kerjaan abis wisudaan. Seperti judulnya FRI(END) dlm tiap persahabatn itu pasti ada endnya, end dsini artinya kita berhenti sejenak pada aktifitas shabat2an ini dan fokus pada masa depan masing2. Mungkin mereka dan harusnya gue saat itu untuk sdikit berdiam sdikit ngejauhin diri kita sendiri dari zona kekanakan kita, seperti kita ngerasa bahwa kita menua dan harus bersikap dan bepikir "dewasa" secara naif. Awalnya gue sedih, marah bete karna ngerasa di cuekin dikacangin dicurangi (serius gue perna se alay ini saat wa gue gak drespon di grup chat) tapi lama2 gue ngerti kenapa itu terjadi pas gue mulai denger2 bahwa teman2 gue uda ada jalannya masing2 buat masa depan mereka, entah gue denger dari nyokab lah dari tetangga lah.dan gue senyum... yap senyum ketawa dalam hati ikut ngerayain, gue Wa mereka 1 per 1 dan diblas sama merka, walaupun kelihatn banget kita berusha "akrab" sperti jaman sekolah dulu sih. Tapi gue ngerti kok gue percaya nanti mereka bakalan balik lgi ngeramein grup ato sekedar reuni. Dan gue nunggu itu dsaat kita ngumpul dan satu persatu mulai ngasitau perkembangan mereka sekarng udah kerja belum? Udah nikah mungkin dan udah bawa anak. Ato cerita2 masa lalu yang memalukan. Who know gue nunguin moment itu dan pastinya mereka juga pengen kek gitu.
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halfbakedideas · 5 months
i need to clear something up.
more interested in the azicrow/aziracrow side, because i’ve seen both and idk which is more used.
EDIT: stars, i didn’t expect so many people to see this so quickly; the only reason i included ineffable idiots is because of how often i see it (personally i use ineffable spouses)
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
i’ve posted about aziracrow-themed jewellery i’ve seen out around the shops a couple times but here’s one on nails.
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halfbakedideas · 2 months
okay so. i completely forgot to mention that all of my ‘what’s fourteen up to’ ficlets take place in my time lord animal shifters au.
so the reason this fic ends with the bit:
‘If Rose got home from school an hour later to see her mum chasing her uncle through the house with the power cord of a kitchen appliance, well it wasn’t the oddest thing that she had come home to in the last couple of months.’
is because rose had came home to find fourteen in fox form on the sofa during this fic.
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
completely forgot to post about this on thursday but
i held a snake
at uni
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
imagining a human!doctors au where all their incarnations are siblings and
one of the doctors is like “oh yeah, we do have proper names, but we’ve been going by our numbers for so long it feels weird to stop, yk?”
and their companion/s (friend/s) responding with “no??? i do not know what that’s like??? why were y’all even referred to by numbers in the first place??”
could work with any doctor & companion combination?
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halfbakedideas · 2 months
doing research into trauma responses (the flight, fight, fawn, freeze one specifically) and had a Thought
i could be wrong, but aziraphale would probably gravitate towards the fawn response.
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
is my outfit tonight inspired by the tenth doctor or crowley? yes.
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
thinking about an au where, despite whatever choice crowley made about going to heaven with aziraphale (i.e. if they turned it down), aziraphale accepting the supreme archangel position reinstated crowley as an angel regardless.
(non-consensual angel-ification, if you will.)
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
cleaning out my song lyrics folder (yes i do have an entire folder dedicated to lyrics - it's massive) and came across this one:
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and i immediately thought of crowley post 02x06.
the brainrot’s real y’all…
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
couldn’t find the other post i made about aziracrow-themed jewellery, so here’s another.
EDIT: found it.
first, this one reminded me of aziraphale:
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and now i’m thinking about a scene/fanfic where azira wears these and waits to see what crowley says:
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this stall has so many different snake earrings it’s honestly ridiculous.
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halfbakedideas · 5 months
taylor swift’s ‘say don’t go’ is so s2 finale aziracrow coded.
just look at this:
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halfbakedideas · 5 months
been entertaining two very different ways i can see it going post 02x06. you can disagree with me on any of this, these are just my ramblings.
[do i need to warn for spoliers? idk if there’s really any here? let me know if i do]
route 1: crowley stays on earth. but retreats into himself after aziraphale leaves for heaven and becomes a shell of himself. depressed and just wrecked. he hasn’t really been a demon/doing particularly demonic things since armageddon’t and because of that, doesn’t have really that much to do. crowley’s been abruptly and suddenly abandoned by the person he loves, so he loses himself to drink and misery and heartache.
route 2: the opposite, where crowley doesn’t stay on earth. instead he goes down to hell and through/after a series of events, becomes the prince of hell. this one makes their eventual reunion even more painful. the supreme archangel and the prince of hell facing each other.
the two of them went from being effectively on their own side to being on opposites sides — arguably more opposite than they ever have been before. because now they’re the leaders of their sides, sides that crowley tried to convince azira that they don’t need (that are toxic). this reunion would be so far from what crowley had tried to do at the end of season 2 it hurts.
whereas, route 1’s reunion would also be painful but in a very different way, where there are just so many emotions swirling about.
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