#hc and jd are kinda hot
katethevampire · 1 year
Okay I just checked and I haven't posted it yet so here it is!:
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mikelogan · 1 year
You're not wrong at all!! But also I'm gonna take ur horny HC and make it kinda hurt/comfort sorry 👉👈 anyways trans!JD absolutely has a breeding kink to match Perry's but also pregnancy and the thought of it gives him massive dysphoria so they both have to walk a VERY careful line between 'hot af' and 'oh god I think I'm gonna be sick'
Quite literally my exact thoughts on it bestie 🤌 I think it would be extremely important for them to really discuss it first instead of it randomly coming out during sex. It kind of depends on the fic I guess, but I would say 8 times out of 10, I don't see them as wanting kids, at least at that time. So while the kink itself is really hot, they both know that it's not something they /actually/ want. I do also tend to go back and forth on how distressing it would be for JD. Like it would be one thing if it was planned (which would include months and months of talking about it and preparing, etc) but if it was unplanned? Literally horrifying.
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fuckedforger · 5 years
hc + jason dean
𝚂𝙴𝙽𝙳 ‘ 𝙷𝙲 ‘  + 𝙰 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳  //  @teenhrror
HOOOOOO BOY HERE WE GO [ puts on my essay writin’ smoking jacket ]When it comes to JD Veronica has a LOT of mixed feelings and opinions and very little of it is she willing to fully investigate because of what that would lead to in introspection and while she’s intentionally like 90% compartmentalization at the this point she knows her stability is about as solid as a a jenga tower about 3/4s thru the game and if she’d like to be Functional that means as little to no deep introspection as possible. If asked she’d say she doesn’t hate him even after all the fuckery, if she was honest she’d say she’s still kinda in love with him. She ‘d really only dated earlier because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do and her middle school crush on the Heathers got her a one way ticket to Hell. Before JD Veronica was on a pretty heavy spiral into deeper and deeper depressions with more and more apathy being one of the major elements of it, by the time they met she was pretty checked out. When they met he actually really did help pull her out of The Pit and sparked some life back into her. There are basically two broad categories you can use to help make sense of this gordian knot of shit 1. the love stuff 2. the grim shit. They blur a LOT but there’s enough definition that it gives me some way to impose some order on this so it’s comprehensible. Both the positive and the negative originate from the same place: She really gets him on a visceral level. The kind where if she tried to relay it would sound like fucking nonsense because it really is that instinctual. Where problems begin is that she refuses to believe is that he was right when he pointed out the same-- that he also really understood her --because what he was pointing out about her was something she couldn’t deal with. And that’s one of the HUGE things that fucks her up about him and kind of impairs her sorting her shit out about him.There’s a bit from the script that doesn’t make it into the movie that I think about pretty much every fucking day which really kinda hits on that element of her conflict imo. It’s from the diary scene immediately post- Kurt and Ram’s funeral:
VERONICA (V.O.)[…] I gave J.D. shit about the Ich Luge thing but what really frightens me is that I’m not frightened by what J.D.’ll do next. It’s God versus my boyfriend and God’s losing….
It also crops up in that she’s not super sorry she shot him or let him “kill” himself, she’s more horrified by what her okayness with that means about her than the action itself. It’s the side of herself that spurred her into being a Heather and kept her there. Betty Finn didn’t sell her soul for power and only occasionally feels bad about her actions in maintaining it, that’s Veronica. And that’s the same part of her that was okay with what they did, that agreed with JD’s thinking. I mean Kurt and Ram were utter trash and Heather was not much better lbr. But Veronica does have enough --whatever you wanna say it is-- to recognize that death was not the only way to deal with them and that their actions created new and more insidious problems for more vulnerable people who SUPER don’t deserve it.But that also doesn’t change the fact she’s super into JD like, this is from the script like LINES before they break up
J.D. (malevolently) They're playing our song....As the "song" kicks in (a bunch of guys shouting over a drummachine), J.D. seductively moves toward VERONICA, semi-lip-syncing it. As a seethingly angry but not unarousedVERONICA watches, J.D. slithers onto the couch.
Veronica’s pretty much never NOT into him. He’s like her awful trenchcoated kryptonite and it also stems from that inherent affinity. It’s not just some grim metaphor holding up of the mirror showing her her terrible truths or whatever. The Heathers can also do that to her easily because of their own affinity, it’s also the good qualities of him and the broken ones that keep her in a knot about him. And she’s deeply aware she should not feel positively about him given his actions but she does and it’s another part of why she doesn’t really examine it too closely. There’s also noooooo illusions of like “ Oh but my love can fix him uwu ” shit going at any point, I mean bitch shot him 3 times she’s not deluded. She just sees how engaging, intelligent, funny, caring and loving he can be with the same clarity she can see how absolutely fucking dangerous he is. And what TERRIFIES HER is that it doesn’t worry her at all, that she’s still totally hot for him.That after all the shit they did together she still doesn’t hate him, that she misses him and wishes he was around and wants to just talk to him about anything and everything and hear his opinions on them no matter how batshit. And that says a whole metric FUCK TON about her that she’s reALLY NOT READY TO LOOK AT.
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abotrash · 7 years
Alright, quick crossover between HC's, when JF had his quick metal phase, he'd play it all the time. This includes in the morning when Ronnie is just waking up. As she's so effected by music, metal first thing in the morning would put her into a metal kind of attitude, and while metal JD may have been scary, metal Ronnie is super fucking hot.
sjskxmdo they all enjoy the hell out of seeing metal Veronica, even if they're kinda scared to admit it with how she can be,,,
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katethevampire · 1 year
I just found out that 'ghost sex' is an AO3 tag.
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katethevampire · 1 year
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katethevampire · 1 year
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