#hc: marlow mao
kimsgoeun · 2 years
Severin/Marlow + They both work in the same office AU
Marlow and Severin are desk mates that do not work well together at some sales company
Everyone in the office knows they don’t get along and tries to intervene to stop them before their fights get too much
They’ve had multiple conversations with HR, but somehow are never reprimanded too bad since aside from their spats, they are A+ employees
A new client comes in and demands that they have Marlow and Severin represent them because they’ve heard raving reviews about both of them individually from other business associates
The pair groan in their heads but place fake smiles as they agree to the job
The pair butt heads all the time about presentations, who takes the lead, and even where they should eat lunch
The job eventually has them staying over night in a different city and get stuck sharing a room because their company couldn’t spring for two
Oh, it gets worse, the company messed up and got them a room with one bed instead of two
They argue about who should sleep on the floor only for them to both stubbornly take the bed
A pillow divider is put in between them but it’s of course knocked over at some point in the middle of the night and then they wake up cuddled together with all their limbs tangled
They are both deeply embarrassed and immediately blame the other for their spooning and then try to pretend it didn’t happen
They still do well in their presentation despite the hiccup, but now they can’t quite look at each other 
Severin is the first one to break the ice by making some smartass remark and it brings them back to normal
Or it does up until they’re in each other’s faces with no one to separate them and it leads into them somehow making out (cue to another smartass remark from Severin about how clearly Marlow was creating all this tension with them because she’s been sexually attracted to Severin the entire time 😒)
When they do start seeing each other, the office can’t decide if their dynamic is better or worse since they now seem to be eye fucking each other all the time in between heated arguments
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
💞 For anyone!
@humangods me doing a million of my muses 🙃
the love language my muse receives love in Words of affirmation or quality time. Alisha takes on a lot without expecting anything in return, so when someone does point it out and shows their appreciation, she gets all happy flustered about it. And then for quality time, she mostly realizes that she might not have a lot of time left where she’s fully there, so she wants to take in as many genuine moments as she can. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch and acts of service. It mostly stems from her wanting to take care of others, so it’s her go to for showing others that she cares. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love When she’s in it, very. If Alisha finds someone she wants to be with, she doesn’t want to waste either of their time playing games or second guessing if she should do something or not. She wants them to know that she does care about them even if the relationship ends up in flames--just so she doesn’t have any regrets on her side of it. 
one random love-language related headcanon As Alisha has gotten sicker, she’s mostly given up the idea of love and relationships. As much as she enjoys showing someone she cares about them and being in a relationship, at this point she thinks it’s unfair to bring someone into her life only to cause them potential heartache/loss due to her sickness. 
the love language my muse receives love in Physical touch and maybe quality time. Angelina likes being affectionate in a comfortable/cozy way. And with her busy schedule as a rider, she does like having that quality one on one (or group) time doing something where her full attention is on them and not everything else going on in her life. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Words of affirmation. She is everyone’s hype person. She will even cheer you on even if she is pissed off at you. She also just knows that what you say is important, so she never wants to say something hurtful just for the sake of being hurtful/cruel. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love Angelina would be pretty demonstrative. She wouldn’t shy away from being affectionate or letting others see that she cares about someone. 
one random love-language related headcanon Angelina hasn’t ever been in a relationship before. She’s never had time for one and she’s never really thought about being in one with her career. Sometimes she is curious about being in one, but she’s also never met anyone that she would ever want to romantically pursue. So she’s mostly be clueless about it all if she did find someone she liked. 
the love language my muse receives love in Physical touch. She likes the comfort of being close to someone and tends to view it as her way of shielding herself from the horrors of her work by being in a warm embrace and what not. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Words of affirmation and acts of service. She’s gotten really good at taking care of people’s feelings and being a sympathetic/empathetic person. It’s easier for her to take care of others as her way of showing she cares through words or actions. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love She doesn’t come off as very demonstrative since she tends to be guarded. She’s hesitant about taking that step, so if someone else took that step first, you’d most likely see her really melt into the gesture. 
one random love-language related headcanon Autumn loves to write heart-felt handwritten letters. She’ll usually write one up to attach to a gift she’s giving to someone for a special occasion. She’d also enjoy leaving little notes for them to find around the house. 
the love language my muse receives love in Physical touch and acts of service. Avery likes all aspects of being in a relationship, but favors physical intimacy and just having someone take care of her (since she’s usually busy taking care of everyone else). 
the love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch. She loves giving out hugs and holding hands and just being around the person she cares about. She likes being that comforting presence to someone else. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love Very. She loves being in a relationship and all that comes with it. She also just loves love and believes in finding some kind of fairytale ending. 
one random love-language related headcanon Avery doesn’t like receiving gifts unless they’re handmade items (and usually given to her by her children). She just prefers not having a lot of stuff even if the sentiment is nice, though she may make an exception to jewelry that she can wear more than on special occasions. 
the love language my muse receives love in Hui would say gifts and physical touch, but she’s secretly a sucker for words of affirmation. She does crave something more than a physical connection, but she never allows herself to get to that point, nor does she want to ask for anything beyond something superficial. And while she has heard plenty of people say “nice” things to her, she knows a lot of the time it’s being said so they can sleep with her and not because they actually care. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch. It’s the easiest one for her to do since she doesn’t really want to offer anything else. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love Not very, at least with genuine love. She has a very high wall up around her heart and if she ever got to the point of wanting to demonstrate that she actually cares (before the other did), she’d probably freak out and abandon ship. 
one random love-language related headcanon Hui has a hard time believing in anyone’s romantic gestures towards her. Since she always has an agenda, she tends to project and assume the other person does to (and then gets proven right a lot, soooo...) 
the love language my muse receives love in Acts of service. She is very much a take charge person, so when someone is actually trying to take care of her through whatever means (especially since she never asks for help), she appreciates it a lot. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Gifts. Malorie likes to be able to spend and give presents to show she cares and appreciates them. She does tend to give people expensive gifts though. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love She’s not the most, but it isn’t a 0% kind of thing either. She just doesn’t like to be too affectionate or show off too much PDA for others to see. In private, she does like to at least be in closer proximity to them. 
one random love-language related headcanon When Malorie is reading with someone, she enjoys being able to rest her legs on their lap or she likes to be leaning against them to be cozy. 
the love language my muse receives love in Gifts and physical touch. Malow does like getting spoiled since she grew up with money, but she’s not necessarily a “snob” and won’t dislike a gift if it isn’t something pricey. And then Marlow does like being showered with affection. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch. A lot of the time she’ll do a lot of subtle/unconscious touches (like running her hand over their back or brushing her arm/leg against the other’s). 
how demonstrative my muse is with love In a relationship she’s confident in, she’d be very. If it’s new or she’s still feeling things out, Marlow can be a little hesitant/cautious, but her body language would seem otherwise to someone looking at her around someone. 
one random love-language related headcanon Marlow is very picky about the people she’s interested in for both dating or hook-ups. She kind of gives herself a small pool of people to choose from because of her family and doesn’t want to bring someone into her world that could be either using her to get to them/her money or that would cause her family some kind of embarrassment. 
the love language my muse receives love in Physical touch and words of affirmation. She is very affectionate and just likes hearing nice things. She will most likely be all heart eyes if given either. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch and gift giving. Nadine in general loves love though so she would probably do a little bit of everything, but those two are her big go-to. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love Very. She tends to wear her heart on her sleeve and goes all out when she’s with someone. 
one random love-language related headcanon Nadine can come off awkward in the beginning but grows confident in displaying her affection once she gets more comfortable in the relationship. But she also comes off as a love-struck puppy and will just follow the person she likes around.
the love language my muse receives love in Physical touch, maybe? Priscilla doesn’t necessarily vibe with any of them since she likes to believe she’s ~independent~ and doesn’t need relationships or other people. But she does enjoy the physical aspects of a “relationship” (i.e. sex) but not all the lovey-dovey stuff (holding hands, hugs, etc.).
the love language my muse expresses love in The closest one she probably does is acts of service. She’d most likely pick up lunch/dinner for them or a coffee if she’s also ordering one, but that’s about it. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love She really isn’t. For the most part, affection can make her uncomfortable (maybe flustered more so if it’s from someone she does like) and awkward. It’s probably easier for her for the other person to be the more dominant one in that aspect or for them to take the lead since it isn’t always apparent to her to show she cares. 
one random love-language related headcanon Priscilla would be awful at words of affirmation unless they’re into sarcastic comments and insults. 
the love language my muse receives love in Quality time. Being a vampire, Romi just wants to be able to enjoy the time spent with whoever she’s with. She probably enjoys doing something out of the box since she wants to be able to experience something different. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Words of affirmation and physical touch. Romi would really only do this if she was seriously invested in the person she’s with. It does make it hard for her to date (which is why she usually doesn’t) since she’d otherwise come off cold/uninterested. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love Romi kind of comes off as a tsundere, so if she is with someone and invested, she will be softer and more affectionate, but it’s difficult for her to get to that point. It would definitely seem like a big switch in how demonstrative she is once she is in a relationship. 
one random love-language related headcanon Physical touch wise, Romi loves being able to see the other person’s reaction to being in their space and whatever she’s doing to them. Mostly because she’d be fixated on them due to her heightened senses. 
the love language my muse receives love in Quality time. Rose tends to be busy with work, so she appreciates getting to spend real time with the person she’s interested in and would appreciate if they try to make the time spent special. Although, she’d also be happy with a simple night in as long as there was good conversation and/or they’re both fully present (she hates being with people and they’re just on their phones the whole time).
the love language my muse expresses love in Words of affirmation and a little bit of acts of service. She loves being able to communicate and share with the person she’s with, and if she isn’t swamped with work, Rose does like to go out of her way to do things for her person.
how demonstrative my muse is with love She’s not the most demonstrative, but she does try her best in her own way. If her significant other brought it up though, she’d try to put in more effort.
one random love-language related headcanon Rose is bad at giving sentimental gifts. She much prefers buying gifts that are practical (as well as receiving practical gifts lol), but she knows most people don’t appreciate that on special occasions. Because of that, exchanging gifts stresses her out a tad.
the love language my muse receives love in Acts or service or words of affirmation. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Acts of service mostly. It’s easier for her to do that than to be emotional open/vulnerable with someone. Or she’ll gift give, since again, that’s easier to do without necessarily putting forth a ton of emotional expression. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love Not very, but she doesn’t mean to be like that. Serena tends to second guess herself when she’s about to do something and then ends up chickening out and not doing anything. 
one random love-language related headcanon Serena can be hesitant about being physically affection with someone. It takes her a bit to warm up to taking that step. 
the love language my muse receives love in Words of affirmation. She just likes hearing praise and having her ego stroked lol. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Gift giving mostly. They’re probably very expensive presents that only sometimes correlate to the persons likes or taste. I do think she’d also show her love through physical touch, although that mostly means she likes invading other people’s personal space and being touchy-feely. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love If it’s genuine, very. Sinn typically is very childish/annoying in how she shows any kind of interest or affection already, so if she’s actually interested, the difference is mostly subtle. Probably a difference in the expression on her face or that she isn’t as deliberate in the way she touches you. 
one random love-language related headcanon Sinn comes off as not needing or wanting affection (which is why she always uses it as a joke or a tactic), but she just doesn’t know how to deal with it if it’s real. Her safe space is in the violence and pain, so straying out of it can confuse her a bit. 
the love language my muse receives love in Gifts. Yes, she is spoiled and just likes getting things, but if she has real feelings, she just appreciates any sentimental things as a present. Tasmin would probably be fine with receiving love in any of the other forms, but she’s definitely more used to receiving gifts. 
the love language my muse expresses love in Physical touch. She does like being affectionate and that’s easier for her to dole out versus the other stuff. 
how demonstrative my muse is with love She would be very if it’s a meaningful relationship. Not that she isn’t if it’s not, but if it’s not, she kind of goes through the motions rather than be genuine about it (I would say that maybe the emotion isn’t really there in her eyes).
one random love-language related headcanon Trying to verbalize her feelings is hard for Tasmin because it wasn’t something she grew up with or was necessarily taught. Trying to be genuinely kind/lovey in her compliments without making it flirtatious usually just flusters her and it’d be hard for her to maintain eye contact. 
the love language my muse receives love in Physical touch. She loves being able to end the day cuddling on the couch and drinking wine tbh. But she also just enjoys the comfort of being around the person she’s with since it helps her relax.
the love language my muse expresses love in Quality time. Xio likes going out of her way to make things special. She’d be good at making grand gestures since she does like planning out things/events, so she would want to make elaborate (or simple but special) dates.
how demonstrative my muse is with love She isn’t the most demonstrative in terms of small gestures, but that’s mostly because she’s so busy with work and doesn’t always have the time to just be there for someone. It is why she tries to go all out with dates since she usually blocks off chunks of time in her schedule for them. 
one random love-language related headcanon She once dated someone who gave her a lot of gifts and she always felt awkward about receiving them. Mostly because she didn’t know what to do with them if they weren’t practical gifts. She doesn’t mind getting gifts, but if it’s random knickknacks, she is most likely trying to figure out either where to put it if she has to keep it or if she can get away with tossing it after some time. 
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kimsgoeun · 3 years
Oops, I missed it, but that ship meme for whoever and however many you want!👌
where was their first date ?: some dinner at the office where one of them has brought food from their shared, favorite place; it’s probably after a long day of work and they figure this is the only way they’d be able to pull off a date what my muse would do to cheer yours up: compliments; picking wren up her favorite coffee; offering to take over some of her workload who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: wren. anywhere, everywhere. it makes alisha all smiley who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: wren or neither lol how my muse would wake yours up: by first having breakfast/coffee ready and then trying to nudge wren awake to let them know they have food waiting for them when they’re ready to get up who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: alisha who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: wren or neither who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: it might be wren simply because alisha would be worried about saying it knowing her condition; it might be said because they’re fighting and wren is trying to get alisha to take care of herself, or because they’re having a very sweet/good moment and feelings just get away with them who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: wren on a normal day; alisha if she’s having a bad day who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: alisha; a kitten probably who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: wren who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: alisha who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: neither what is their shared, favourite kink ?: hmm. i feel like they’d definitely want to focus on the other so they’d have a good time, so like maybe light restraints/blindfolds. but alisha hasn’t done too much to begin with, so she’d be open to try new things if wren was into anything specific describe their typical kiss: lots of peppering kisses that are super sweet; but if they’re busy with work then it’s a lot of quick kisses to the head/temple/cheek how my muse shows their love for yours: alisha would be overly affectionate in general, lots of little comfortable touches, sitting closely besides wren when they’re working/chatting their favourite ways to give affection: back hugs who is more dominate ?: wren, maybe? or neither.  who sings in the shower ?: alisha who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: wren who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: wren who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?: wren or neither who has the weirder taste in music ?: wren who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: alisha who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: alisha maybe what would they name their children ?: alisha wouldn’t be picky, so if they did have kids, she’d let wren choose. otherwise they might just try out different names until they decide they like it best who would their children take after more ?: alisha’s sweetness and wren’s drive
where was their first date ?: someplace deserted but otherwise very pretty; like some abandoned park that is now overgrown with plant life. it would definitely come off as a place that seems like the other has taken them to to get rid of them (one of them being like “...Are you planning on killing me??”) but they probably need something from the place or it holds some kind of sentimental value to one of them what my muse would do to cheer yours up: offer to injure or maim someone; to go play pranks on random people; distract her with something more fun (like themselves lol) who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: max or neither. i’d say whatever part of the other they are closer to who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: camilla or both how my muse would wake yours up: opening the blinds and letting the sun blind her  who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: max who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: camilla who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: do they say it? i feel like they just might never say it but they both know that’s the case because of their actions towards each other who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: camilla, but also both who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: max or neither. camilla would just frown constantly at the pet and be annoyed because they don’t want to share the attention with it who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: hmmm. them both just trying to make the other louder though who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: both or max more so who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: as a joke, camilla lmfao what is their shared, favourite kink ?: idkkk. i do feel like that accidentally or purposely break a lot of stuff but i wouldn’t say that’s a kink for them lol describe their typical kiss: in the beginning, camilla is probably a little confused/hesitant in kissing anyone if they had feelings so it’d take her a bit to warm up but then they’d just commit to it 100%; if it’s just a hook-up for the sake of carnal needs, then she probably doesn’t kiss to begin with how my muse shows their love for yours: by causing a ton of unnecessary bloodshed 🙃but when they are a thing, she would offer shoulder rubs or head scratches their favourite ways to give affection: distracting kisses/touches who is more dominate ?: i mean both would probably fight to be it, but camilla would find it amusing when max is who sings in the shower ?: neither maybe who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: camilla who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: max who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?: camilla who has the weirder taste in music ?: camilla who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: max or neither who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: hmm neither? maybe camilla? just because max makes her interested in human life again what would they name their children ?:  i don’t think they’d have children? unless they’re just adopting a bunch of misfits lol. but camilla would nickname children with inappropriate hell-related names who would their children take after more ?: they would either get their attitude from both of them or they would be the complete opposite of the both of them.
where was their first date ?: some bought out/empty venue aversa probably set up to be impressive what my muse would do to cheer yours up: make small talk; drink with her who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: aversa maybe. cheek/chin/neck? who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: caria (she’d have to be pissed off though) how my muse would wake yours up: with promises of a drink; or jokingly threatening her who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: neither who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: aversa who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: ooh probably caria, and she would not be happy to admitting to it who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: both who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: aversa or neither; something “low” maintenance probably, that or something impressive who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: caria who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: aversa who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: neither what is their shared, favourite kink ?: probably something to do with control describe their typical kiss: rough and passionate probably; they’d also both kiss each other like they’re making sure it’s okay to continue on how my muse shows their love for yours: continuing to show up tbh their favourite ways to give affection: kisses to aversa’a hands/knuckles, or towering over aversa when she isn’t in heels to kiss her who is more dominate ?: caria who sings in the shower ?: aversa or neither who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: aversa who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: caria who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?: aversa who has the weirder taste in music ?: caria who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: caria  who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: caria would ask aversa how she feels about it, idk if she necessarily would want to get married though what would they name their children ?: no kids? if kids, caria would suggest a name of a family member she loves who would their children take after more ?: neither of them lol
where was their first date ?: someplace stupid and illegal; they most definitely almost got in trouble for trespassing because chess claimed it was okay for them to be there. like some cheesy touristy place but after hours.  what my muse would do to cheer yours up: become a cat and curl up on her; bring her something sweet to eat who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: carmen, forehead or face kisses in general :3 who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: chess, oops. but also her accidentally doing that if she were to ever try to bring her breakfast/drinks in bed how my muse would wake yours up: poking at her and pestering her with weird questions who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: chess who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: chess who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: if chess said it first, she’d probably just say it casually in conversation as if they’d already been saying it all the time; if carmen i could see it maybe like when they’re sleepy and it just being a cute moment who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: carmen who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: chess, any stray animals they find who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: carmen who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: chess who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: neither what is their shared, favourite kink ?: idk if they’d have any  describe their typical kiss: chess would be annoying and kiss carmen to be distracting; maybe more quick kisses though since they tend to be affectionate in other ways rather than complete makeout sessions  how my muse shows their love for yours: being around; showing up when she knows carmen might be in trouble; coming up with backup plans for her their favourite ways to give affection: snuggles who is more dominate ?: carmen who sings in the shower ?: chess who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: chess who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: chess who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?: chess who has the weirder taste in music ?: chess who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: chess who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: carmen or neither; chess at least wouldn’t feel the need to be legally married so she wouldn’t bring it up otherwise what would they name their children ?: something cute and/or silly (or maybe the nickname is silly) who would their children take after more ?: carmen; chess would be a grump about it
where was their first date ?:  what my muse would do to cheer yours up: who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: enzo who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: neither how my muse would wake yours up: through inappropriateness tbh; or by jumping onto him who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: hui who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: both who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: enzo? probably because they’re arguing or he’s upset from learning the truth. it’s probably not at all very romantic. or if it is said in a sweet moment, hui will deflect and distract to not have to say it back who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: enzo or neither who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: enzo; i vote dog or horse. but something strong-looking maybe? and impressive and smart who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: hui for both?  who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: hui who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: neither what is their shared, favourite kink ?: them just doing it everywhere lmfao. no cares in the world describe their typical kiss: passionate, something close and all-consuming; or if she’s trying to draw them in they are short but teasing since she wants to lead them on to be more interested in her how my muse shows their love for yours: by being vulnerable and trying to talk things out. by trying to better herself in a way that isn’t necessarily benefitting her end game plans their favourite ways to give affection: hui usually finds a reason to be in the other person’s physical space/bubble who is more dominate ?: both, and they find it equally amusing when the other is who sings in the shower ?: enzo or neither who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: enzo who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: hui who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?: both who has the weirder taste in music ?: hui who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: hui who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: as a means to an end, hui; as a real suggestion, maybe enzo what would they name their children ?: maybe after a family member? hui would want something solid/strong but still pretty name-wise anyway.  who would their children take after more ?: enzo’s charm and hui’s cunningness lol. they’d create a dangerous child if they were interested in starting a family
where was their first date ?: some dingy bar what my muse would do to cheer yours up: buy her something pretty and expensive who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: katharine; cheeks/lips who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: both if mad probably how my muse would wake yours up: whispering inappropriate things probably who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: kalianna who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: katharine or both tbh who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: katharine; she blurts it out and regrets it since she’d be concerned how kalianna would take it who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: both, but mostly kalianna who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: katharine; a watch dog probably or a super expensive cat who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: kalianna who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: katharine who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: neither what is their shared, favourite kink ?: hmm. idk being in risky places probably. describe their typical kiss: hungry, passionate, greedy; they probably act like it’s their last one together too so they tend ot savor it.  how my muse shows their love for yours: buying her things she’s mentioned before; sitting quietly together with their limbs tangled or some part of them touching their favourite ways to give affection: tracing her finger over her skin who is more dominate ?: both though who sings in the shower ?: kalianna or neither who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: kalianna who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: katharine who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?: both who has the weirder taste in music ?: kalianna who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: neither who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: katharine what would they name their children ?: idk if they’d want kids 🤔 who would their children take after more ?: both and that kid would be terrifying
where was their first date ?: the coffeeshop down the street from lucy’s work  what my muse would do to cheer yours up: bring her coffee; talk about some book that came in they thought alexis would like who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: alexis, to the temple who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: alexis (ah what if it’s because lucy has fallen off the wagon 🥺😭) how my muse would wake yours up: coffee!  who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: neither who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: lucy who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: lucy; probably during a bender and she’s also terrified of what’s going to happen who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: alexis or neither who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: neither probably who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: alexis who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: alexis who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: neither what is their shared, favourite kink ?: idk if they’d have one?  describe their typical kiss: they probably start off short and sweet, a little timid too; by the time they’re more established, i’d say they last longer and lucy sort of kisses her like they’re trying to apologizes for all the shit they’re putting alexis through how my muse shows their love for yours: cuddles; staying with alexis when/if she asks’ trying to remain sober their favourite ways to give affection: hand holding, leaning against the other who is more dominate ?: lucy who sings in the shower ?: alexis who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: lucy who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: alexis who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?: lucy who has the weirder taste in music ?: lucy who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: lucy who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: alexis or neither what would they name their children ?: i don’t think they’d want kids either; or at least lucy would be too terrified to ever think about kids who would their children take after more ?: if they ddi, lucy would hope they take after alexis
where was their first date ?: marlow’s place? something lowkey and chill like watching a movie together over takeout. it probably wasn’t even meant to be a date but severin just barges in and it ends up that way what my muse would do to cheer yours up: reassuring comments; offer to do something silly/stupid together who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: severin. anywhere who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: both, because they’re annoying how my muse would wake yours up: straddling severin lolol who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: marlow who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: severin who said i love you first and how ( or when ) did they say it ?: marlow; she says it because she feels like severin is pulling away probably who would get into a physical altercation over the other ?: severin who insists on purchasing a pet together ( and what kind of pet ) ?: severin or neither who is louder ( in and out of bed ) ?: marlow who takes more risks ( in and out of bed ) ?: both who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first ?: jokingly either tbh what is their shared, favourite kink ?: semi-public places? light bondage? lol.  describe their typical kiss: teasing. it probably happens unexpectedly so it catches the other off guard. a lot of the time the kisses are a promise for more to come later how my muse shows their love for yours: pressing an arm or leg against theirs; putting their arms through severin’s; kissing old scars their favourite ways to give affection: hand holding. leg rubs. kisses along their collarbone. who is more dominate ?: severin maybe who sings in the shower ?: marlow who washes the other’s hair in the shower ?: marlow who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush ?: marlow who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family ?: severin; and this is why marlow does not invite her to family dinners who has the weirder taste in music ?: severin who would initiate dancing in the rain ?: severin who would be the one to suggest marriage ?: marlow what would they name their children ?: something not heavenly related lol.  who would their children take after more ?: severin
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kimsgoeun · 3 years
Alisha 😡 // Camilla 🌼 // Caria ⛈️ // Chess 😵 // Hui 🍬 // Katharine 🐢 // Lucy ⌛ // Marlow 💣
Alisha - 😡 anger headcanon There’s a difference in her anger depending on its cause. If it’s due to just every day annoyances/irritations, then Alisha mostly goes silent with her anger and distracts herself with work or goes out running to get rid of her tension. If she’s become angry due to using her powers, and her emotions are already running high, then she’s a lot more erratic and confrontational. Definitely more snappy/short-tempered as well. Though if she usually gets into one of those anger spells, she doesn’t come into work. 
Camilla - 🌼 happiness headcanon Sometimes Camilla is hit with a sense of deja vu during spring time when the flowers are blooming and there’s a nice breeze on a sunny day. They know it’s a memory of a life she once led, but it’s also not a memory they can fully grasp or remember. Something about it makes her non-existent heart flutter for a split second and she has the tendency to look around as if they’d find the answer to what it is they’re remembering. Of course, when they can’t, it just pisses them off and then proceeds to kill whatever flowers are near. 
Caria - ⛈️ sadness headcanon When her older brother died in a business deal gone bad, her mother was destroyed by the news. Caria remembers feeling numb and her eyes being red from tears, but her feelings only worsened watching her mom fall apart at the death of her only son. She spent a week in bed with her mom and was barely able to get her to move or even eat or drink. For a good chunk of time, Caria worried she was going to lose her mom too because of her brother’s death. 
Chess - 😵 sickness headcanon Chess rarely gets sick due to be a shapeshifter, but when she does, she’s a miserable mess about it. She tends to be rather whiny and clingy when she is, and will 100% complain about not wanting to be sick and how it is unfair. When she’s sick, she also loses her control of her powers, so sometimes she’s stuck as a cat or can’t shift. But the worst is when she’s stuck somewhere between (though fortunately it’s been mostly her stuck with cat features - a tail, her eyes, the ears, weird patches of fur - rather than the other way around).
Hui - 🍬 family headcanon Both of Hui’s parents are alive, but she has very little contact with them due to circumstances. For her father, he’s mostly a drunk and does the same as her in terms of finding someone to mooch off of to keep a roof over his head and food in his belly. Because they’re similar in that respect, she hates it, but she mostly abhors him because he’s still married and abandoned his wife to try and chase the thrill of what he once had before squandering it away. For her mom, she’s ill and stuck in a hospital. Hui tends to use some of the money she hustles out of people to keep her mom’s hospital room available to her. But she also refuses to visit because she can’t bear to see her mom ill. 
Katharine - 🐢 mental health headcanon Finding out her husband had ordered a hit on her did take a toll on her even if she didn’t show it or admit to it. Not only was it a blow to her ego, but it did break her heart a little (even if the love between them had been gone for a long time). It brought back the abandonment issues she felt growing up as a child and that fear of being alone and unloved again. It also brought back decades worth of anger and resentment she had thought she had let go of when marrying her husband. 
Lucy - ⌛ sleep headcanon Even before the death of her friend, Lucy was an insomniac. They have trouble both with falling asleep and with being able to remain asleep. It’s been mostly caused by stress, but now it’s due to her paranoia so she tends to wake up to every sound in a panic. In a good week, Lucy can squeeze out a couple of hours each day. During a bad one, they can only get a few hours every couple of days. Anyone that knows them can eventually tell how much sleep they’d manage to get based on how much and how often they’re drinking caffeine throughout the day. 
Marlow - 💣stress headcanon Marlow tries to aim for perfection which is the main cause for a lot of her stress. With the business she’s now in due to her family, she doesn’t want to disappoint them (especially her father) and make a giant mistake that could ruin their family name. Most of the time, she can manage her stress and comes off as perfectly functional. On the days it’s too much, she’s a little more temperamental and argumentative. She is also prone to wringing her hands, pacing, and talking to herself to try and work through her problems. 
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kimsgoeun · 3 years
MARLOW: how comfortable is your muse with prolonged eye contact?, is there anywhere on your muse’s body they want to be touched most? // ALISHA: does your muse like being hugged?, what is one chore your muse would prefer someone else do for them?
how comfortable is your muse with prolonged eye contact?
If it’s due to being afraid or being challenge, she has no problem with it. Her father taught her not to show fear. But if it’s with someone she truly cares about, Marlow would most likely look away just so she doesn’t appear too vulnerable. 
is there anywhere on your muse’s body they want to be touched most?
Lower back. She appreciates the intimacy of it. 
does your muse like being hugged?
Yes. Alisha is definitely a touchy-feely person if she knows the other person is comfortable and okay with physical affection/touch. 
what is one chore your muse would prefer someone else do for them?
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kimsgoeun · 3 years
Alisha: 💟 // Camilla: 😘 // Caria: 💐 // Chess:⚰️ // Hui: 🎭 // Katharine: 💃🏻 // Lucy: 💋 // Marlow: 💔
alisha // 💟 - Have my muse’s beliefs about love ever changed and if they have, how?
It hasn’t changed. She’s a believer in love and loves love, though she can’t say that she’s ever truly experienced it. With her mental state deteriorating, she does feel the pressure to find someone just to not have one of those big life regrets. 
camilla //😘 - Does my muse want to fall in love
At one point in time while she was human she did. Now when they see people in love, she doesn’t quite fathom how or why people do it. It was one of the emotions that they let go of rather easily as a demon, so she wouldn’t expect it to ever happen, especially now. 
caria // 💐 - What is my muse’s favorite type of flower and do they like receiving flowers?
Caria likes foxgloves and poppies. She does like receiving flowers, and used to fill her boutique with them, but now she doesn’t care for them (or acts like she doesn’t). Because of how her life is now, she just doesn’t like to be reminded of the nicer things that used to be a part of her life. 
chess // ⚰️ - How would my muse react to the death of their significant other? Why?
Chess would be devastated. When she cares about others, she cares a lot. A lot of the time, she wears her heart on her sleeve even if it seems like she’s rather carefree over most things, so losing anyone important to her, especially a significant other, would be difficult for her to deal with. 
hui // 🎭 - What kind of dates does my muse like going on when with their partner?
Her first response would be anything expensive or on the nicer/finer side of things. She’d likely act and manipulate her date into wanting to impress her by going above and beyond on dates. If it was with someone she actually cared about, she’d be happy with anything thoughtful (though initially she’d act as if it was beneath her if it wasn’t “high class”). She’d just figure out at some point that quality time is what she prefers. 
katharine // 💃🏻 - Does my muse dance with their partner? If they do, are they any good?
Yes and yes, at least for ballroom related dances. She would’ve specifically learned all types of them because she wanted to be impressive and come off as having come from money. The fact that ballroom dances tend to have extravagant dresses would also be a plus to her. 
lucy // 💋 - Is my muse a hopeless romantic?
No. While a small part of her would crave companionship and everything that comes with it, they also wouldn’t know what to do with a genuine romance. It’s just difficult for her to believe that anything good could be a part of their lives. 
marlow // 💔 - Has my muse ever really gotten heartbroken? If so, by who were they?
She has. It was with a guy who came from a similar background as her, so it was parent-approved, and probably the only guy she liked out of the people she’d met through her family’s social circle. Both families, including herself, figured they would get married at some point, but he got caught up in something he shouldn’t have and got himself killed. 
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kimsgoeun · 3 years
Alisha: amaryllis // Lucy: acanthus // Katharine: aloe // Chess: edelweiss // Caria: salvia // Hui: abatina // Marlow: rose // Camilla: iris
alisha // amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ? how do they express that pride ?
Alisha is proud of the patients she’s saved over the years before her powers started to really make a noticeable effect on her. Of course, she also cares about the patients she’s saved without using her powers, but she tends to feel more in tune with herself when she is able to use her powers. If any of the patients she saved sent her pictures of themselves now after their recovery, she’d display them proudly in her office. 
lucy // acanthus :   is your muse deceptive ,   or willing to lie or deceive to achieve certain means ? why or why not ?
She’s not the greatest at it, but yes, she’d be willing to lie/deceive to achieve certain things. When they were growing up, it was simply due to trying to survive the pressure their parents put them under (aka her lying about not being under the influence of something). Now she lies to act as if her life is still all in order and to not get themselves into further trouble. 
katharine // aloe :   how does your muse handle grief ?
Katharine doesn’t let it affect her, or at least hides it well enough that people think she doesn’t care about the person’s death. Growing up knowing she’d been abandoned by her parents pretty just made her stop caring about others. Even if she did grow to care for someone and they became important to her, she’d likely go numb and still act unaffected by their passing. 
chess // edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ? are they known to be courageous from then on ?
The bravest moment would probably be the first time she interfered in someone else’s wrongdoings. Prior to that, Chess tended to be very careless and lazy (though she’s still both of those things to some extent) and didn’t bother with other people’s business unless she got a personal gain from it. She wouldn’t really consider it her being brave though, but found more satisfaction in doing that than letting things slide by. 
caria // salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ? how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ?
Yes, though more so towards people that matter to her than things. Caria would vehemently deny it, but it would be apparent she was being possessive due to acting rather petty and jealous. She’d also be sporting some kind of attitude. 
hui // abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (  due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc . ) ,  or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?
Hui would, with time, change her mind about how she’s living her life. Right now she’s just so sure that her life would be better and happier if she was able to secure herself a richer social status. She’s kind of not noticed anything else going on in her life since she’s so tunneled on accomplishing what she wants. 
marlow // rose :   how much does your muse value other people ? do they wish to have many friends ,   lovers ,   and/or associates ? are they an easy person to love ?
At one point in her life she valued having other people around. She was very social growing up but that changed when she got more involved with her father’s business. She started whittling down the amount of people she kept around her because of the stress and burden of her daily life. Her parents were also very selective about who was in their social circles, including Marlow’s, so the people around her are all mostly business-related associates. They tend to not be her favorite people either since she finds them dull. As for her being easy to love, she wouldn’t claim to be so, even if she did want to find love. 
camilla // iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?
It would’ve been to someone in her life when she was either human or had recently turned into a demon. Probably something along the lines of being sorry for what they had done, and consequently turned into a demon for it. 
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