#hc; indarias
dutybcrne · 4 months
In my hc, Indarias after going mad from the karmic debt she’d been afflicted with, would eventually come to be the malevolent being that had deceived Shenhe’s father and attempted to devour the girl.
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leafyduckwebs · 3 months
One of the things that hurts me the most thinking about the Yakshas is that they'd 100% get along great with the Traveler, but they sadly didn't get to meet, and they never will.
Judging from the cutscenes, Xiao has always been the most reserved Yaksha even before the others passed away. If Traveler was able to develop a strong relationship with him, they would've definitely done the same with the others.
Bosacius would've been proud of how strong they are, and he'd join their side in every battle they lead. Outside of the battlefield, he'd drag them away to pull pranks on the others.
Bonanus could've taught them how to dance and grow flowers. And after being invited to their teapot for the first time, she would've had a blast helping them create their own garden.
Indarius might've admired their battle prowess and invited them to spar with her. Then, after she won, they'd nap on the grass on Mt Aocang until Cloud Retainer makes them get up.
Menogias would've absolutely adored their clothes and jewelry. He'd take it upon himself to fuss over their appearance before every Liyue event. I also like to think that he'd do Aether's hair, too.
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yelshin · 1 year
Them as a kitten<3
An: just a small hc since im close to hitting 300 followers and repay for not posting too much ALSO I LOVE CATS一 you can't stop me from writing these type of things (even tho i have a dog)
Tw: yelling (at Xiao's part)
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You were on your way home with a bag on your hands; inside was a small gift for your hard working lover.
You opened the door of your house before entering in. "Childe? Im home!" You expect him to greet you but silence greet you instead. You start looking around the house for any sign of ginger hair yet you saw nothing.
You sigh before going upstairs and knock on his door 3 times; still no answered. You grew impatient so you open the door looking around the dark room, you opened the lights and see something under the covers; it looks small and seems to be curled up in ball
You lifted the covers "aha! There you are一..." Infront of you was a small ginger cat! Which reminds you of Childe obviously一 you poke the cat to check its breathing and thank god the cat was still breathing! You picked it up in your hands before scratching its neck gently as it lets out a soft purr
"THIS CAT IS TEMPTING ME TO SQUISH HIM TO DEATH一" You immediately shook your head to shake out the dangerous thoughts (tempting to kin floyd/j) "What should i call you? Hmm.." the kitten starts pawing your hands as if its trying to send you something.
But of course you weren't dumb to not notice that the cat have a features like Childe; Ginger fur, blue eyes(LMAO WITH NO SIGN OF LIGHT-/J) and especially it looks like it will cause its own shenanigans soon.
"wait一CHILDE?! IS THIS YOU?? HOW AND WHEN AND WHERE." You bombarded your cat or lets just say your lover. He tried to answer them by writing on a pen but failed miserably.
He absolutely LOVES to knock things off the counter whenever you're not giving him any attention. (Fight me if disagree.)
Yk those type of cats who went missing for several days and return with a dead rat? Yeah he's like that.
But he's the best at cuddles; he sometimes lay on your stomach, lap, chest and even sometimes on top of your head
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一XIAO (writing kitten Xiao feels so illegal help)
You were reading a book in your living room, you noticed that Xiao isn't back from his friends house; now you're worried for him.
Few seconds you receive a call from one of Xiao's friends(haha lets all pretend bosacious and the others are alive..hahaha) you pick it up and put it on high volume so that you can hear them speaking
"[NAME]! GET YOUR BOYFRIEND PLEASE." you flinched at the sudden yell and hurriedly dress up to pick your lover from his friend's house.
Once you arrived they immediately handed you a small(HIS HEIGHT OKAY-) kitten with amber eyes staring at your soul "TAKE HIM! HE'S GOING FERAL!" Indarias pushed the kitten to you and shut the door. Close.
Thr cat stare at you with doe eyes, you knew damn well that you can't resist this cat一 "yknow what. Im keeping you." You go back to your house and carefully drop him on the floor
You watched as he immediately rush to Xiao's room(i mean its his room but uhh) and trying to tell you something
"huh? You like this room?"
"You want this to be your room?"
This time the kitten hissed at you but you didn't mind! You found it cute instead, you tried connecting the cats actions the it clicked you; The cat was Xiao!
You immediately tackled (kitten) Xiao on a hug before snuggling to him.
God HE'S EXTREMELY grumpy. One time you we're trying to feed him some cat foods but he just glare at you and look at the counter (which has almond tofu on a plate)
The type of cat who will stare at the rat for many hours while the rat is trap in the corner; shivering
Expect alots of cuddles and purring when you pet him and scratch his neck gently
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An: *sighs and kneels down* I NEED REQUESTS LIKE C'MON i need it to motivate myself even more ykykyk
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lanceeselhombre · 2 years
do you have any hcs about the yakshas/zhongli after the event?
Of course I do!!!
Firstly I absolutely love that it’s cannon that the 5 yakshas were a family. I can’t thank Hoyoverse enough for that one 🙏 Xiao is the only one that looks up to Zhongli as a dad though (or at least, he’s the closest to him by a long shot).
Even though Xiao isn’t the youngest, I bet he gets treated like he is. Bonanus and Indarias fawn over him all the time and Bosacius is the one pulling all the pranks. I think Menogias is the voice of reason among them. You would think that means he’s a bit of a buzz kill, but it’s the other way around; he’s just really sneaky about his part in the jokes.
They all love and protect each other, but Xiao and Bosacius are the most feral about it. ‘No one talks about my siblings but me’ energy.
Menogias is the mom friend. The two girls might have their moments, but he easily outclasses them. He makes sure they all take care of themselves, that they sleep, eat, rest, etc. Needless to say that he was always on Xiao’s case.
Indarias and Bonanus were 100% a tag team and inseparable. They were probably childhood friends (as in, before meeting the other 3) so they had a really close relationship. They’re tomboys at heart and can easily take on the boys in anything despite still being in touch with their feminine sides. They aren’t afraid to get dirty.
Zhongli became the father figure by proxy of everyone because of how close he is to Xiao. I have a separate list of hcs I won’t get into on this post where Xiao spent some time with just Zhongli and Guizhong before being introduced to the other yakshas. Anyway, before him the other 4 just saw Zhongli as their archon, but over time they saw him being a father for the ‘baby’ of the family and that fondness rubbed off. They didn’t have that close father-child relationship, but they looked up to him.
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stellar-snz · 2 years
(Spoilers-ish for the latest quest in G//enshin I//mpact)
Holy-- I can't believe after all those feels I've been put through, all I can think of is Bonanus  (hydro yaksha), and Indarias (pyro yaksha). They are so p,,,pretty 😍😍😍
They are girlfriends and you can't change my mind.... and I am melting at all the snz/caretaking prompts I can write them into.
I HC Bonanus to have small kitten-ish sneezes in fits of three and she gets somewhat sniffly and her nose turns pink after like...5 sneezes. As for spray, I think she'd have the wettest cold sneezes and the sound of her sneezes would be inaudible in a way. Like instead of the normal "-chiieeww!" sound her sneezes makes, it would sound like "-tsh!" or "-csshhh!" Like Xiao, I think she'd shrink or hide away when feeling ill. I can't really think of much things she'd be allergic to, but perhaps dust(?) Like there was this one time Menogias kicked up a bunch of dust while practice-sparring with her and it sent her into a fit. Additionally, she has a mild cat allergy. It's not too bad but if she's around lots of cats or spends too much time with one, or if the cat has lots of fur- she'll react. Indarias once had to pull her away from a cat because she hadn't realized how bad her allergies were getting.
As for Indarias, I picture her having a normal-sounding sneeze but when she's around people, she likes to makes them sound dramatic/louder to get attention. In the case of Xiao and Menogias, she likes to scream them out to scare the living daylights out of them and cackle loudly, almost falling off her seat afterwards. While Bonanus' buildups are relatively short, hers are torturously long. Like,, sometimes she has to sit alone, nose twitching and breaths hitching but no sneeze would come out. The only time they did is once Bonanus brushed a feather along her nose... and it was a pretty long fit. Speaking of dramatic, she'd be the most annoying(/j) person to take care of when ill. She usually just sneezes herself dizzy when she has a cold and she'd be more withdrawn when sick because all her energy is just... sucked out. She's also allergic to flowers and tells people to get back when she has an allergic fit because of them because she ends up setting things on fire.
Menogias is the responsible one amongst the yakshas but also has a prankster side to him. He's the one to scold his brothers and sisters about proper sneezing ettiquette like "INDARIAS! COVER YOUR MOUTH!! YOU'LL SPREAD COLDS THAT WAY" or "BOSACIUS, GET AWAY FROM THOSE! YOU'RE ALLERGIC! YES- I KNOW THEY'RE CUTE" Asides from that, his sneezes normally sound like a cough and usually stifles (a habit Bosacius is trying to get him to break.) Since he usually holds back, it's unfortunate to say that when he's finally alone, he can't sneeze. The quickest way to know if he's sick is through his voice.
Bosacius' sneezes are LOUD and are usually accompanied by a clap of thunder. If people around him when he builds up to a sneeze, they swear that their hair stands on end and when the sneeze finally comes out, they get a mini jolt of electricity. When Menogias told him to sneeze into the crook of his arm, he was like "??? Brother, which one ?" As for allergies, cats and pollen gets to him the most. Also I think he'd be a sympathetic sneezer???
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Indarias random lil hcs:
Constantly chewed on EVERYTHING. Needed to chew on things or she’d get antsy and even start trying to gnaw on her fellow Yakshas. Bosacius once got bit so hard he couldn’t move one of his arms for a solid week
This was partially because her bite and jaw strength overall are ridiculously strong—she’d been known to crunch through bone and even Geovishap armor with a single bite
Prior to becoming one of the Yakshas, she admittedly hunted adepti, minor gods, and humans alike for sustenance. She was caught by Mountain Shaper in his amber while hunting him, but spared due to Moon Carver’s intervention. She fought alongside and under them for a brief time before joining the Yakshas
-She’s constantly hungry—she alone could eat a banquet’s worth of food and still find herself feeling hungry a mere hour after the fact. This continues on even in her present state. She is willing to eat anything and everything she can catch and then some, but, back then, usually stuck to whatever the others ate to be safe. She’s long since reverted to her old diet
It was due in part to her old ways that she fell first out of all the others to her karmic debt. Both habits prior to joining the yakshas and during her fights alongside them—she had a habit of devouring the remains of her enemies before doing away with what she could not with her flames, always saying it was her unique way of ‘purifying’ them when one of the other Yakshas questioned her. When really, she just needed to satiate her hunger
Used to very vulnerable to peer pressure prior to her fall, no matter how independent she boasted herself to be. Once the other Yakshas settled on smth, she would be sure to follow. It was actually due to Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper’s urging that she joined Morax’s cause in the first place
Then stayed because she’d been admittedly smitten by a certain Hydro Yaksha. Though she never made any conscious choice to bridge the gap beyond the relationship the yakshas had with one another, even with how close they were, prioritizing the mission and protecting them all over personal feelings
She had quite the temper and tendency to hold grudges over the smallest offenses, especially in her early days fighting alongside the Yakshas—only Bonanus was ever capable of talking her into at the very least apologizing, and then eventually start swaying Indarias into letting bygones by bygones at all the more they all got to know each other. Though in their later years, she would ease up on this fault of hers
While she still held her sane mind, Indarias learned to weaponize her karmic debt well, both in using the cursed energy to disorient enemies or to help herself get an extra—even if frenzied—boost in strength against an especially tough foe/task
Her fighting style heavily relied on her flames and teeth to deal damage, with twin swords being her secondary weapon
Her sense of smell is unparalleled amid the five Yakshas—she could identify any of the others by scent alone within moments of meeting them, and could follow traces of their respective scents for leagues. Specifically made sure to be able to, in fact, since Mountain Shaper and Moon Carver encouraged her to look after the others as she would them
Even having been consumed by her karmic debt, Indarias can still recognize the scents of her fellow Yakshas even to make her pause—she won’t readily remember THEM entirely, but the familiarity can stave off her urge to kill and devour in the moment
Is immune to fire—her skin is also impenetrable like armor, due to her kind’s nature
The clothes she wore were made from the fur of a qilin she slew in her years prior to the Yakshas and that of her own brethren—the interwoven fibers serve both to be soft and be just as impenetrable as her own skin was like armor, as an extra protection
She had offered to hunt and get her fellow Yakshas more of the same furs so they may all be able to enjoy the armor and comfort as she did…but she couldn’t comprehend Why they were horrified and vehemently rejected her offer until one had finally sat her down and Explained
Indarias had fallen in love with a human man at some point in her last few decades with the Yakshas. Even knowing they could never settle down and have a proper life together, as the Yaksha’s impossible fight would no doubt continue on past his lifespan, she agreed to let the man fight and travel alongside her so they could still be together, even against the warnings of the others
He would just as soon come to succumb to an early death from the miasma of her karmic debt however, much to her grief and rage
That had been her breaking point, where her hold on herself shattered and lead to Indarias succumbing to its influence herself in her anguish shortly after, even finding herself cursing Morax for having given her the mission before the madness took fully hold
She would become akin to a plague to every malevolent monster and fellow adeptus alike after that, fighting out her heartbreak and resentment alike before she'd vanish without a trace
For a time after her rampage and disappearance, she lay dormant until she was roused from slumber summoned by a desperate exorcist looking to bring back his wife
Oh, how his woes moved her. Oh what a pawn he would prove to be, in swaying him into offering her a meal of someone far stronger than himself
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dutybcrne · 27 days
Indarias constantly feels like her own power is burning her alive. She is unsure if it is due to karmic debt or because of said karmic debt's influence on her mind making her power burn constantly thrumming under her skin, ready to unleash at the slightest provocation.
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