#he already traumatized by the prank lol 🤣
bloomingkyras · 1 year
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They back from Tartosa last night, and Taryn had show a pregnant symptoms. She keep vomiting and she told Jar'deen its already her late month..And Jar'deen give her permission to take pregnancy test and turn out..THEY WILL BE HAVING A NOO BOO. And its is a less then a few hour before the wedding ceremony..😄
transcripts under the cut:
Taryn:I have a suprise for u,guess what?
Jar’deen: Baby? Are u,pregnant?
Taryn:Yes! We gonna be parent..
Jar’deen:It's not a prank. Right?
Taryn:It's not.look by ur self..
Jar’deen:......... Me Father???
Jar’deen:Serious?? wo..that..
Taryn: Yes!! I know its too soon..
Jar’deen:Lets do this together, lets work hard for them and fix our house and give them our dream nursery that we discuss before. Thank you,my everything..
Taryn: I'm the one who suppose to say thank you,I'm not as good as u, u know my background before..and u are the one who always convince me to change and now here we are..gonna be parent. I will try my best to be a mother and a wife..thank you.Mr.Neat or Mr forever mine.
me crying while making the words lol. Finally, Taryn got what she want..a baby..err..actually i'm scared what they will both will be having..to be continue..and i know its too soon..but bye...
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