#he also helped design an amphitheater one time iirc but that was when i was a baby
lillybean730 · 8 months
i like that crochet can't be easily replicated by machines like knitting can, it makes it feel more important that i can do it you know?
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slipperyskell · 4 years
Spare mason head canons? Any spare mason head canons for the poor? (This is nuka world blues btw also hi I love your art)
howdy howdy howdy, i have many headcanons for sale
okay so! 
already p well established, but he’s an absolute fucking unit 
Prolly one of the only people who’s taller than Gage (who I hc is like... 6′1″ or so) 
I’m talking like 6′7″ 
300 lbs at least, prolly more tho
he will bend you into a pretzel 
also he’s that healthy kinda muscular where you can tell he’s absolutely fucking ripped but there’s a healthy layer of fat over it like there’s supposed to be 
he ain’t really tech savvy specifically when it comes to computers, but he’s a lot smarter than he lets on when it comes to people 
and weaponry, for that matter
i mean those predator grenades he gives you at the end of the Nuka-World questline (assuming you let the pack live)? He straight up says he was the one who made them after messing around with some tech he found on a couple of Ops’s corpses. Which he killed, I might add 
that being said though, i actually HC he may have come from a vault. which one? I have no idea. But he got real fuckin tired of vault life and headed out as soon as he could before stumbling into the pack. None of em thought he’d be shit at first but they still let him in, and look where he’s at now? 
now to be clear there ain’t any bits of evidence in game of him being a vaultie being the case - this is my own take. Only reason i say it might be is simply considering the fact that so many people would be small and malnourished because of the harsh wastes. Meanwhile, we have Mason (and Cito, though that’s a can of worms in of itself) who’s tall as fuck and built like a brick shit house to boot 
So if you wanna go that route you can but you don’t have to 
i like to think he’s the chaotic neutral, airing on evil version of Hancock 
let’s his people do what they want, but he’s in charge, they know that, and will be reminded if they need to be 
speaking of Hancock, his romance (if mason had one >:’) ) would be a chaotic neutral airing on evil version of Hancock’s, too. Puts up that cocky persona so people don’t fuck with him or you, but v much turns into a softy when he’s around you. 
prolly just as if not more horny tho let’s be real
Surprisingly playful, likes to tease - will call you a shithead for fun 
he will give you noogies - it’s going to happen, you’re just gonna have to deal
honestly? I think he’s bi
drinks he respec women juice (honestly the level of misogyny i’ve seen from Mason content, namely fic, is rather alarming since there’s nothing in game even suggesting he’d be that way (aside from him calling Mags a bitch, and that’s when she and her brother riot and take over the power plant if it’s the ops that get fucked over, which imo is justified) 
like there’s literally nothing saying he’d treat em any less and it bugs me just how many people think he’d act that way 
anywhoosies tho
very much the youngest of the bosses tho - i’m talkin like mid to late twenties 
it’s implied in game that he may or may not have actually killed the previous alphas before taking their place (mags mentions she’s looking evidence for it iirc), and while i wouldn’t entirely put it past him to do so, i like to think the tarring and feathering is what did the previous alphas in 
which isn’t a good thing considering you’re specifically not supposed to kill the alphas when challenging them, only strip them of their rank and exile them 
in game his bed is just a pile of pillows by his terminal, which like... valid
but also consider: his bedroom being in a dressing room in the back stage of the amphitheater, separate from everyone else’s. lots of fun string lights, plenty of mirrors so he can look at himself while he’s putting on his face paint for the day, the works 
still has his glorified pile of pillows, but also a hammock that he LOVES napping in if he ain’t got shit to do (which is very rare all things considered). maybe a beanbag chair 
will use rifles n the like if he has to, but he’s much more a fan of shotguns and melee weaponry. 
for some reason this makes me think of the Psychos from Borderlands
perhaps Krieg? 
just... absolutely feral/violent on the battlefield 
ain’t afraid to play dirty if he has to, though normally he ain’t one to let himself get into that position in the first place if he can help it 
doesn’t really fuck with chems or booze, but might have some jet or daytripper if he’s having a REALLY bad day
gotta keep sharp yo 
that being said, he actually ends up being the designated trip sitter half the time during parties n shit 
which the pack has a lot of 
he doesn’t mind, really - but they owe him if it’s a surprise tripsitting 
His voice is a bit raspier than it actually is since he’s gotta pull out the Commanding voice to make sure people and animal alike are put back in line 
which, considering the state the previous alphas left the pack in, he’s gotta do it a lot 
he loves his pack, he really does, but jesus fucking christ 
honestly tho, despite him having to bare his teeth as much as he has to to make sure people are doing what they’re supposed to do, he’s surprisingly hard to actually piss off. 
though if you do piss him off? good luck 
you’re absolutely fucking screwed
hates seafood of all kinds - thinks it tastes gross 
if he HAS to eat it he will ofc, but he will bitch 
much prefers land meats 
namely lamb (if that’s a thing which i assume it is) and radstag. he does love a good gamey taste 
certainly ain’t gonna pass up a bramhin steak, that being said 
definitely works out, be it deliberately or through whatever he’s doing on his day to day 
I’ll prolly have more in the future about mason or the pack in general (or honestly just nuka world shit since my hyperfixation has shifted back to nuka time now) but this is what i got so far 
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