#he appreciates the simple beauty of god’s perfect creation the Fish
yuri-official · 10 months
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sophiexwrites · 4 years
A Gift from the Ghost King
Inspired by this awesome headcanon from @give-nico-a-gun, thanks a ton for the inspo! It’s come to be a long-ish one, 2.2k words.
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Christianity and needles, but not in the medical context... it’s really just harmless and sweet.
Setting: General Riordanverse/PJOVerse with canon/established Solangelo.
Mentioned couples Christmas sweaters from the shop (link).
Note: because most people recognise American-English more than normal English, I’ve decided to go American this time, like dropping the u when I have to and using ‘sweater’ instead of jumper so that no-one gets confused (fingers crossed I do it properly).
Nico and Will, for all their opposites, had one major thing in common: they were raised Christian. Neither were quite sure why, since their mothers were well aware of the Greek pantheon of gods rather than a monotheistic one, but they supposed their childhood communities wouldn’t have taken sweetly to the change. 
Which meant the emo teen wasn’t focusing on Halloween this October, but on Christmas. Already. What do you get someone who claims to have it all? 
Talking to his friends didn’t help much. Most of them suggested medical equipment or a simple day off; there were even a few jokes about sunscreen that Nico didn’t quite understand. Those of them who knew Will better said they were buying him new arrows, notebooks or trinkets to fit his sunny-surfer-dude aesthetic - those were great ideas but Nico couldn’t copy them. Will knew him well enough to tell whether it was Nico’s idea or not. The pale teen scowled, wondering why he even asked. He was completely stumped. 
Until early November, that is, when Will began to drop hints. Nico only realised it when when his boyfriend convinced him into a store just to look at their collection of couples Christmas sweaters, covered with sickeningly sweet messages and nicknames.
"Aww. look Neeks - this one says ‘Don't go bacon my heart’!" Will laughed a laugh that turned Nico's cheeks to bright red, pointing at the sweater closest to them. It was attached to another one, reading ‘I couldn’t if I fried’, along with a drawing of a fried egg reaching out toward the other’s bacon.
The hints came a few more times before Nico swallowed his pride and decided to learn how to make one from scratch. Why DIY? Because everything Will did for Nico was done himself: from writing and playing his own music (nevermind how Will’s voice was definitely not winning X-Factor material), to the fake Mythomagic set full of realistic depictions of the gods, or the admittedly adorable summertime picnics with more food and baked goods than Nico could ever eat. Nico felt it was time to return the favor, and step one was learning how to knit.
It started clumsy and full of holes. Nico seemed to have a talent for dropping stitches. The section he was working on started too tight, then so loose that it was almost falling apart. After two weeks of constant secret practice, however, along with more YouTube tutorials and undone rows than he was willing to admit, Nico made something basically shaped like clothing. 
But it was just regular, boring clothing. Of course, Nico knew Will would be overjoyed at just that, but this was the first Christmas the couple planned to spend together, at camp. It was time to go big or go home.
Long story short, Nico swallowed his pride again: this time, to ask his step-mother how to embroider. He was met with suspicious glances and wary questions before Persephone began cooing in delight.
“Oh, that’s the cutest thing! Who knew you could be so soft?” She giggled, already rushing around for threads, test fabrics and needles. “Though I suppose you take after your father, he’s secretly a big softie, y’know - now, are we doing patches, appliques, or diving in the deep end and sewing right onto the yarn?” Nico had a rule not to dive into anything, but with Christmas soon approaching he had to learn fast. Somehow, too, he had to keep it a secret from Will. By December 10th, he’d pretended the wide-eyed needles poking out of his cabin floorboards were totally a prank from Cecile, and Hazel definitely left behind the scrap of paper filled with wobbly cursive last time she visited... Will simply hadn’t noticed. Nico was just glad his boyfriend didn’t have time to read what was on the paper before he snatched it away; that would have ruined it all.
Christmas came quickly, fronted by sleepless nights of embroidery and fingers full of pinpricks for Nico. But he was glad to have it done by Christmas Eve, all wrapped and stashed under the black tree in the Hades Cabin. Usually, he would be spending the night alone, but tonight a warm Will-shaped bundle of joy hugged him while they slept. Nico could only hope he would be as happy the next morning.
“Is this one from you?” Will asked, voice quiet with hidden excitement. Nico nodded, too nervous to speak, pulling at his plain hoodie. The wrapping fell away as Will teared and tugged, soon left left cradling a lump of fabric. “This is... beautiful, Nico!” The nervous boy’s chest sagged in relief, smile stealing onto his face as Will threw off the sweater he was wearing and donned the new creation, spinning around in his rush to the nearest mirror.
“Do you like it?”
“Oh Gods, Nico, of course! Did you make this? Thank you so much!” Will held it up before putting it on, gifting Nico with a laugh like soft rain pattering down on a warm summers day as he read the words out loud. “Significant Annoyance? That’s perfect!” Nico laughed with him, glad the nickname was still well-received, as the teen slipped it on.
He was the greatest model Nico could have asked for. A narrow frame showed off the fabric well: a stunning blue, deep and bright at the same time. Nico thought he’d chosen it because it was cheap, but when Will put it on he realised it’s because it matched the doctor's eyes perfectly. The body of it fit well, even if the arms were a little loose, which made Nico glad he hadn’t painstakingly added rows upon rows of purled stitching for a cute pattern or edge. It wouldn’t have been worth the struggle - the embroidered words were centerpiece enough. They spilled across Will’s chest in a haze of silver, grey and white; threads mixed and blended in the way Persephone had learn from Athena herself. The 20 letters had taken ages to get right, but to see them coupled with Will’s pure joy and excitement as he studied them in his reflection made all the effort worth it.
Needless to say, it beat Will’s gift to Nico that Christmas... which may or may not have been a good thing, because Will’s competitive nature soon swarmed up, and he was already making a gift of his own by the New Year.
“Kayla!” He rushed, panting, into the Apollo cabin from the infirmary. “Please tell me you know where I left my other needle?” Will held a lonely knitting needle in his right hand, pointing it at his half-sister.
“Laundry pile.” She replied, waving behind her towards said pile. It was mainly full of denim and orange cotton, but Will managed to extract the pale wooden tool after some digging. “Why, are you making something again?” It had been years since Will had done any knitting, having been taught by Malcolm Pace of the Athena Cabin during Will’s first few weeks at camp, so Kayla had every reason to be curious. 
“Yep.” Will fell onto his bed, after fishing out a ball of yarn from under it. “You know the sweater Nico made me?”
Kayla laughed, sitting up straight. “The one you’ve been wearing almost every day since?” 
“Yeah, I want to make him one too.”
“What, for Christmas next year or something? Are you just going to hand it to him now?” His head was bent too far over his busy fingers to see as she raised an eyebrow at him, but he knew her sass too well. 
“Oh, totally. You know me, just can’t wait to be organised and do everything in advance.” He grinned down at his work, shaking his head slightly with concentration. He didn’t want to drop a stitch, after all. “It’s his birthday on the 28th, I’m going to give it to him then.”
His sister aww-ed in delight, deciding (for once) to leave him be so that he could get it done on time. Will appreciated that, because he had a lot of work to do in the coming month - or, rather, 27 days.
Will certainly worked hard in those four weeks. Between shifts at the infirmary, general camp stuff and counselor responsibilities, he barely had time to himself let alone keep spending enough time with his boyfriend to make everything seem normal and knit him a sweater. Much like Nico had, he considered just buying one ready-made or getting someone else to help him, but he was eager to do it properly. So, it was a relief after sleepless nights and busy days that Will was finally finished with the sweater three days early; only the embroidery left. But Will was tired and had already misspelt half the terms on his latest patient file, so he had to keep it simple.
GHOST KING 👻  He finished, snipping the end of the silver-white thread. Will held it up to Kayla and the light, dusting off any last threads. “What do you think?”
“Ghost King...” Kayla read, a small smile on her face. “With a tiny ghost, too! That’s adorable, Will.” She wandered a little closer, inspecting the gift in the light cast from the sunrise. “You used a template, right? Because you can’t draw, and your handwriting has never been that good.”
“Geez, Kayla, no need to be so harsh.” Will smiled, clearly joking. “Of course I did, it’s got to be perfect for tonight.” It was already Nico’s birthday; Will stayed up all night to finish on time. Kayla knew this and sighed, deciding to make her brother get some rest.
“I’m covering your shift today, you need to sleep before you have your date tonight.” She decided, swinging Will’s bag over her own shoulder and giving his weary face a last look. “Seriously, sleep. I’ll make up some worthy excuse and tell Nico, he’ll understand.” Will protested for only a moment before yawning, and flopping down onto his bunk.  A sleep couldn’t hurt...
He woke up near sunset that day, almost time to meet Nico. It was a rush for him to get ready and properly awake, but he made it to the woods just as the sun disappeared below the horizon. 
“Will!” Nico waved from the edge, a small look of worry on his face. “I was, um... beginning to think you wouldn’t come.” He admitted, and Will felt his face burn in shame for making his boyfriend worry, even a little.
“Of course I’d come, I just slept in all day. Sorry.” He said, and they wandered a little deeper into the woods, searching for the clearing. Nico insisted it was no problem, which made Will feel more at ease. He was still excited, however, to show Nico what he made (the gift was hidden in his bag, with food for the birthday picnic). 
The two made their way into the clearing in content silence, Will secretly itching to see Nico’s reaction to his gift. But he remained as patient as he could, happy to enjoy Nico’s smiles, quiet laughs and stories, enjoying his birthday together in the peaceful way Nico loved. In fact, Will (and Kayla, but she was sworn to secrecy) was the only demigod at camp who knew it was the Italian boy’s birthday - all Nico’s other friends were off in New Rome or the mortal world, after all. It made for far less stress on Nico’s half: he didn’t want random people wishing him a happy birthday all day. No, Nico di Angelo was perfectly joyful to spend the night with his Significant Annoyance under the stars, especially when he surprised him with a gift.
“Here you go.” Will said, presenting a soft package wrapped in black paper with tiny ghosts. The Son of Apollo bought it specially for that, and the remaining roll would stay unused in his cabin except from wrapping Nico’s other gifts: so he was relived to see the other boy smile ever so slightly. 
“Thanks, Will.”
“Don’t thank me yet, you haven’t opened it!”
“Okay, okay!” He almost laughed, ripping the paper to reveal an equally dark sweater. “Wow, did you make this?” Will hummed in excited agreement, watching Nico unfold and hold it up to the moonlight. 
“Oh my Gods.” He read the words and for a moment Will thought he was going to hate it. But then Nico laughed - no, giggled -  a clear, pure sound cutting through the crisp air like a knife through cake. “It’s pretty cool, thanks Will.” The compliment wouldn’t seem like much to an outsider, but Will knew it meant a lot. Nico turned to look at the blond with his dark brown eyes, plain and simple in a way Will could get lost in forever. They were creased at the sides as he smiled, a true smile with his eyes that Will enjoyed so much. He looked good, too, with the well-fitting black sweater on, small letters and tiny illustration embroidered on the neckline. 
“Stop staring.” Nico suppressed a smile, going red as his boyfriend shook his head slightly before looking Nico in the eye again.
“Aww, but you look so cute!”
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mrneighbourlove · 8 years
Sheathing a Blade: Ch 3. Klinge’s Final Hour
It had been nearly three years of tedious research. There were loose ends and dead ends, all the magic weaving together into one big mess. Queen Zarazu made a promise to Klinge and intended to keep it. She would search for a way to undone what was done to the commander. Vaati was no help, hardly remembering everything he used to make Klinge the way he was. Either that or the mage was lying, so a bit of persuasion was in order from Ralnor. And unfortunately her sister in law Leere made it clear she had no intention of helping Klinge, her grudge with him too great. During this time, the Gerudo had fallen for Asa and he deserved a happy ending, a family, someone to dote upon him. So finally, in nearly the dead of the night, the answer hit her. Etching out the spell rapidly, Zarazu practiced the magic on a rodent subject, just to be sure.
It worked. The spell was complete. Klinge could be... normal.
With a loud bang, Zarazu beat her fist on the commander's door.
"Klinge! Klinge, hurry! Open the door!"
Klinge swung the door open, grabbed Zarazu and pulled her in. He put her behind her and had a sword drawn.
"Zarazu, are you alright? Are we under attack!? Are the children alright?!?!"
The queen released a most undignified squeal when Klinge yanked her into his room, lifting her off the ground and depositing her back on her feet. The commander had once again been on edge when he heard Zarazu was pregnant for the second time with another son on the way. Luimaya and Turagor were excited that she had just begun to show a bit of a pudgy belly. Maybe rapping her knuckles on his door in the middle of the night was not the brightest idea, but she was too excited to care.
"I'm fine, Klinge, everyone is fine. Better yet, I'm better than fine!" Zarazu held up the scroll with the scribbles for the spell upon it. "I... I figured it out!"
Klinge's mind went blank. No, she didn't. There was no way.
"You can't be serious."
"Klinge, for what reason would I come banging on your door during the middle of the night unless Covarog was gone for diplomatic issues and I was in labor?"
Zarazu had no reason to pull his leg or to lie to him. It had taken a lot of work to make this spell come together and she would see it through no matter what time of day or night. Pulling the undead rat out from her pocket, she'd find Vaati a replacement later for stealing this one. She held it up and started chanting as her magic visibly wrapped around the rodent. With a high pitched squeak, the shimmering, magic turned into a blue goo and covered the little creature. Once the spell ended, the substance hardened. Within a minute, it started to break off, piece by piece, and there in her hand sat a perfectly, healthy rat, grooming his whiskers.
"Oh my god." Klinge's very bones shook up and down. His undead form quaked and he felt the rot of his own flesh for the first time in eons. Zarazu had really done it. She had succeeded where so many had failed. "You did it. You actual found a cure for un-death. Vaati and Leere would be eating out your hand if they found out."
"I spent too much time studying dark magic when I should have just focused on my own." Zarazu told him, handing him the white rat. She wanted him to be able to feel the critter move and breath, feel the warmth of its tiny body in his hands. It rubbed its paws over its ears, continuing the cleaning. "It's a simple reversal of flow, Klinge. Take out the undead and replace it with life energy. I had to find a source, but it was right there in front of me all along. You're alive, but undead. Leave the alive, take away the undead. Leave the light, take away the dark... and of course, add a bit of healing magic."
Klinge could be human again. Had the gods finally forgiven him?
"And you sure it lasts?"
"As sure as my magic flows through me, Klinge." Zarazu offered the commander the scroll. "Now... it's up to you whether or not if you want me to do this."
He could settle down, raise a family with Asakonigei, and be human again. Klinge gave a sigh of relief. Relief that his curse was finally, after eons of pain and hatred, going to come to an end. Klinge leaned down and hugged Zarazu, arms shaking.
"You helped me say goodbye to Cipher, brought me and Asakonegei together, and now you have done this. Thank you Zarazu, you are the greatest friend in all of creation."
His embrace nearly swallowed her. Queen Zarazu thought within time that she would get used to Klinge's huge size. With her husband being so muscular and bulky, it should not be too much difference. With Klinge though, he was not just big, he was a damn giant. Smiling, she patted his chest gently to soothe him.
"You still recall what I told you those twelve years ago?" She asked him. "Not a blade, but a friend. You deserve your chance at happiness, Klinge."
Her words resonated with Klinge. He'd never forget those words. Letting go he snapped to his gold armor. He had to tell Asakonigei.
"How long? Is there a ceremony we should have?"
"I imagine the spell should not take overly long, possibly an hour or so, no need for a big ceremony unless you really want to be the center of attention. But Klinge, you should know..." Zarazu swallowed, trying not to show her worry. "The rat was not comfortable; I could tell he was in some discomfort so you... this will probably hurt."
Klinge gave her a light pat.
"Zarazu, let me tell you some things that have hurt me. Having my body be controlled by your necromancer sister in law, getting beaten down by both Ganondorf and Vul'Kar in my life, having my heart broken...oh, and not to mention a certain someone freezing and shattering my arm. This will be nothing. And even if it does hurt, it will be worth it."
The commander had a point, which caused a light laugh.
"Very well, Klinge." Zarazu placed her hand on Klinge's arm. "Now, do me a favor before you go off proclaiming the news and escort me back to my chambers? I'm sure the council would have a fit if they knew I ran here in my pajamas, much less running while carrying my little one."
"Very well your highness. Though I must say that a staff member escorting the Queen to her bed chambers might be seen as highly scandalous."
Klinge gave a chuckle as he escorted her.
"Fuck them." Zarazu flicked her hand, dismissing the thought. "I rather have them talk than hear another scolding lecture from Covarog about walking around at night. I thought I'd never hear the end of it when I wanted bananas and tuna fish at two in the morning."
"He can send him to yell his ear off at me. Save you the trouble."
At her door he held her hand tightly. "Thank you once again. And I think a celebration could be in order. I don't think anyone in this family would let it down if we just made it a surprise. Doesn't need to be for the kingdom, just those closest to me, this one big happy family."
"A surprise would be rather fun though, yes?" Zarazu had that deviousness look in her eyes, contemplating the idea. Klinge was right, it would be a little cruel. Chuckling, the queen squeezed Klinge's hand in return. "Just do one thing for me once you're transformed..."
"Change your name." Zarazu requested of the commander with a smile. "We can still call you Klinge if you wish, but... you've never been just a blade, a tool, or a weapon. You're a man, a friend, a part of this family... let go of the old for something new."
A new name. A name to signify a new birth? That was...something to certainly think on.
"I will. And I've been meaning to do something else as well for a bit." Klinge took a solid silver ring with a Gerudo Emerald in the middle. "I'm going to propose to Asakonigei. Like I said, about to do it soon, but with what you just did for me, I think this will make the moment more perfect. You think she'll like it? I can always re-forge it into a Gerudo headpiece, but I think a ring is more Lordeidian."
"Oh, that's lovely, I think she'll adore it!" Zarazu looked at the ring, knowing how Asakonigei would appreciate the flawless stone and shimmering silver. The Kovina was so picky and strict when it came to her work, so the queen was certain Asa would appreciate the beautiful gem. "Yes, I think Asakonigei would like the ring more so than a headpiece. She could wear it more often and of course, show it off, flaunt it so she'd be the envy of women."
The queen then said, "And Klinge?"
"Be happy."
"I will."
Klinge said his goodbyes and made his way to Asakonigei's chambers. She had since given him a key to drop in any time. At this time at night she was asleep, but he couldn't wait till morning. Taking his helmet off he kissed her on the forehead.
"Hey beautiful. Wake up, there's something I have to tell you."
Asakonigei was deep in sleep when she felt Klinge on her bed. Only his weight could make the mattress shift like that. Mumbling, the Kovina was half conscious. What time was it? If he wanted something at the forge, it was going to wait until the sun rose in the sky.
"If it's the fact that I have a great pair of tits and a fantastic ass, I already know." Asakonigei's words were a bit slurred due to her sleepiness. "What's going on, Klinge?"
Klinge nudged closer.
"Asakonigei, Zarazu did it. She figured out a way for me to be human."
Klinge let the words float in the air.
Asakonigei was sure she was half asleep or dreaming or this was a joke. After three years of trying to find a solution for Klinge, the queen managed to crack the magic at this ungodly hour in the morning. If anyone could do it, Zarazu could. The way she commanded magic rivaled that of the ancient Hastarfelri. Maybe she would go down in history as not only the first Leden Voda, but the first who managed to defeat the undead rot.
"You... you're serious?" Asakonigei raised up onto her elbows on the mattress.
Klinge put his hand through Asakonigei's fine hair. The thrill of finally feeling her with untainted senses excited him.
"Serious as one can be. I wanted you to be the first to know."
"... when? Are you going to do it now?" Asakonigei swung her legs to the side of the bed. "Is there anything I need to do? Wait, is this going to hurt you? Is she sure it's going to work? What about your age? Is there anything that's going to change---" The rambling questions continued.
"Shh, shh, shhhh. It's alright." Klinge gently held her, one hand massaging her head. "Everything will be fine. If it works out I'll come back the age I died, as if I just woke up from a long, long dream. But I'll stay the same. I'll still be the man you knew. And as for the when, hopefully soon. Just need to let the family know first."
Zarazu had gotten all of those closest to Klinge to gather in the throne room. It was large enough to accommodate the need for all the family alongside the necessity for her magic. Etched in chalk, the queen had sketched out the sigils and symbols on the tile floor to make the process flow smoother. Zelda, of course, promptly screeched about the mess but Ganondorf quietly reminded her that it would be easy to clean up later. Covarog was a little worried about Zarazu performing such a powerful spell, being pregnant. Though the queen assured him that she would not do this if she did not feel comfortable.
"Are you ready, Klinge?" Zarazu asked him as she prepped the last piece of parchment for the spell.
Klinge looked to everyone gathered around. Despite all he had done in his life, he had grown to have a family that cared for his wellbeing. He was truly blessed.
"Of course." Klinge turned to everyone else. "I want to thank you all for coming, for being here for me. For giving me a second chance at life, and to grow and live with you all as equals."
It had been so very, very long since they had wondered these halls. The guards had surprisingly let him in at the drop of showing some magic and saying they were an old friend of Ganondorf's. Fools. They had everything prepared. The new body was a great warrior, but also a powerful magician on his own, but with their powers, they had acquired an untold amount of strength. They had waited over a decade from hopping body to body, until they found the most powerful host. Even then they trained, for acquiring the Triforce was difficult in its own, but it appeared Hyrule had gained new allies and champions while they were gone. Lorleidians, Goblins, and the most troubling news, a new line of Gerudo.
They had backup just in case things went south, but they would not lose today. They had waited so long for they're revenge. He was Teufel. And a God learns from his mistakes.
Teufel heard a large crowd of people in some sort of celebration, and what was more, sensed the Triforce gathered. Then a voice penetrated his ear. Klinge, or as Teufel remembered his name, Mablung, the bastard Gerudo who sliced his head off and helped take his previous mortal life. Excellent, he could kill all the Gerudo gathered as he took the Triforce. It seemed that he was busy talking with everyone around.
Teufel decided to wait. Why not give him one last moment of peace, and save the best guest for last...
"You know we'd be here for you, Klinge." Covarog told the commander.
"You're part of our family, Klinge, why wouldn't we be here?" Orana asked him with a chuckle.
"You've been there for us, so we'll be here for you." Ralnor assured him.
"We'll always be here." Asakonigei smiled brightly, unable to contain her excitement.
Zarazu unrolled the spell she worked so hard on for three years. It was now or never. Klinge would finally have his chance to be human. A family, a life, someone to love him for him, there would never be another opportunity like this. Dipping her fingers into the paint, the queen painted the runes on the commander's hands, his feet, his chest, and she had to his forehead. It would be easier to flow her magic through him if he had the same symbols on him as she did etched into her skin. She motioned for him to lean down so she could reach.
"Don't forget about Asa's ring now." Zarazu whispered into his ear. "A proposal right after this? I think it will be a never-ending happy moment."
Klinge felt a overwhelming sense of pride to now all these people felt gratitude towards him. There was a sense of sadness that Kanisa and Tebenam couldn't make it, but it would be a wonderful surprise for them. Klinge knelt down to Zarazu.
"Of course not. This moment could last forever."
A small chuckle came from someone walking into the room. Those who looked toward the source of the noise saw a man in a bright red cloak, his head just downwards enough that it covered his face.
"Well, Klinge, I'd say even the God's favour you today, old friend."
"Well, I haven't perfected the magic for time-stopping yet." Zarazu jested lightly with Klinge. Just as she started to chant the spell, a voice interrupted her from the entryway. Confused, the entire group exchanged glances. No one knew who this man was. Was it a friend of Klinge's that perhaps was simply late?
Ganondorf, however, knew exactly who it was. His breath hitched and fingers automatically went to grasp the sword at his side. No, surely this was just a nightmare. There was no way it could be Teufel. They defeated him all that time ago!
His voice. His goddamn voice. Klinge shot up and focused all his senses on the man. Teufel raised his head revealing his black ceremony mask, and the yellow and blackened eyes behind it.
"Come now. Surely you or Ganondorf have not forgotten me. You have a whole selection of people who have touched your lives, and yet you didn't invite me. What would Cipher ever say?"
Klinge put a hand for Zarazu to get behind him.
Confused, Zarazu allowed Klinge to gently push her behind him. Asakonigei was on edge as well, seeing how tense he was. Something was wrong. This man was either an enemy, a huge threat, or possibly a face which had surfaced from the past. Maybe it was all three. No matter, the Kovina began morphing the metal bracelets around her wrist into a dagger, the blade cleverly concealed by her arm. When the children saw their father holding onto this sword, Covarog, Orana, Ralnor, the whole lot quickly reached for their weapons as well.
"You're alive!" Ganondorf spat at Teufel. "How is this possible?!"
"You can thank Vul'Kar for that. Such a fascinating being. When he ravaged Hyrule, he broke apart my prison. Was only a matter of time before a mortal found me after that. Imagine my surprise on how much had changed. First the Holy Goddess incarnate would marry and bred with you. Look at how much you've undone the work of my past body. Perhaps I'll fix that. And then there's you Mablung. The fact that you are still alive is rather remarkable, although, you aren't exactly alive at the same time now are you."
Klinge was the first to draw a blade. The memories of the Genocide of his people at Teufel's hand, the murder and violation of his mother, it gave him a void of fear and disgust to see this monster again.
"What do you want Teufel?"
Zarazu had no idea about a prison beneath Hyrule. Covarog never said a word, nor anyone else. Vul'kar opened this man's prison? That was... goodness, that was at least twelve, thirteen years ago. How long had someone this dangerous been roaming free? How long had he been gathering power?
Evidently, Ganondorf knew him. From what little the Kovina could gather, this man had done some damage to the kingdom some time ago. Klinge did too, so this could only mean one thing. This person was trouble. Asakonigei tried not to make any sudden movements.
"Covarog," Zarazu whispered under her breath to her husband. "Should we attack him?"
"Don't move." Asakonigei hissed. "You don't know what he's capable of."
Teufel focused his unnatural eyes on Klinge and Ganondorf. How he despised the Gerudo who slayed him, who imprisoned him beneath the Earth.
"Do you remember what I told you both? What I would do to your descendants?" He pointed at everyone in the room in a short trail, stopping on Ganondorf and Zelda. "I'm willing to overlook that promise. Give me the Triforce. Otherwise I will sacrifice your grandchildren, skin alive your sons, and enjoy the succulent flesh of your daughters. Been too long since I've had the company of a Gerudo woman, or maybe I'll enjoy Lorleidian." His eyes darted from Cass, then to Zarazu. Looking back at the old Queen and King he clenched his fist. "Give me the Triforce, and I will spare your family."
Zarazu felt her skin crawl at the way the man looked at her. Asakonigei crunched her nose in a visible expression of disgust. Cass inched closer to Ralnor, holding onto his arm. Orana ready her fists while the others felt that overwhelming itch that a fight was about to happen. Covarog, for once, felt nervous, knowing how difficult it was for Klinge and his father to imprison Teufel. The how and why could wait until later, the lot of them had to focus on the now. He was back and had to be put down again. The threat against the innocent grandchildren made the queen's temper rise. Her signature ice began to flood across the room, out from underneath her feet.
"Your filthy hands won't touch me or my babies." Zarazu spat with narrowed eyes. "I'll have your head before that happens."
"You won't harm my family, Teufel." Ganondorf growled as he held out his sword. "I'll make sure of that."
"You leave them alone!" Asakonigei snapped at Teufel. "Go back to that hovel you crawled out of or we'll put you there!"
"Zarazu, where are the twins?" Covarog murmured into his wife's ear.
"Ba'puu has them. They're safe." Zarazu was confident in her faithful companion's ability to guard her children. He never let her down.
Klinge growled at Teufel. He would not let him harm a single hair on his family. But he knew how much of a danger he was before, and there was no telling how much he had prepared before coming here now.  
“I killed you once; I’m willing to do it again!”
Teufel drew his gilded sword, and dark energies wrapped around his hand. He looked at Zarazu, smelling the pregnancy off her.
"Twins and a baby on the way? Luimaya and Turagor correct? I'll make sure they die the most painfully. Remember, everything that happens now is on your head Ganon."
Tuefel swung his sword at Zarazu, projecting a beam of pure energy towards her. He then thrusted his free hand towards Ganondorf and the other men close to him, magic and soul draining lightning blasting towards them.
As the beam of destruction flew towards the Queen, Klinge moved to intercept. When it hit him it cut into him deep, blasting him across the room.
Zarazu reacted, but not fast enough. Before she could get the shield of ice completely up, the beam was in her face. Klinge protected her, and the blow blasted him halfway across the room. Jolted, Zarazu reacted to protect the others, the ice rising up and curling about Teufel. From what little she could recall, this guy had the ability to suck the magical energy out of others.
Asakonigei thrust both hands up, the metal in the tile rising to shield anyone from oncoming blasts. The crackle of the metal as it came together screeched loud enough to hurt ears. It was the most she could do right now.
Ganondorf went to use his body as a shield for Zelda. Ralnor threw Cass to the ground and covered her. Orana and Corsaire both drew their guns, firing.
Teufel laughed as he raised his hand, fire magic melting the bullets flying towards them, before releasing another shock, electrocuting Orana and Corasire and taking their energy. Quick to not linger and leave himself open, he swung another energy blast at Ralnor and Cass, to make sure they wouldn't interfere. Content, he charged towards Ganondorf, only to be met by Covarog. The man was huge and he had a large weight behind his sword, but Teufel held true.
"The sins of the father shall be dealt upon the son it seems."
Meanwhile Klinge stood up, trying to refocus his energies. When he saw Orana and Corsaire attacked, he rose quickly to his feet. Think damn it. He had to have some kind of weakness. As powerful as he is he is still mortal, bound to a body. And he was also alone.
Orana and Corsaire yelped, knocked flat on their backs. Groaning, both of them instantly felt like they had one too many tequila shots. Seeing Covarog face the horrible fiend, Zarazu felt a sense of fear rise in her heart. Nothing would hurt her husband if she could help it. Maybe it was the magic or the extra burst of hormones, she was not sure. Ice shot forth like a thousand daggers at Teufel. Asakonigei, sensing that rise of magical energy from the queen, wrapped everyone in a shield of metal. It might not hold forever, but it would do for now.
Teufel broke off from Covarog to avoid the Icy blasts. Lorleidians were not to be trifled with. "Seems I must deal with your wife first. She appears to about to suffer from a miscarriage."
The demon launched a ball of explosive fire at Covarog before heading towards the Queen, his sword swinging down in a down wards strike.
Klinge rose from his position and went to Ganondorf's side, his massive sword summoned, ready to slice the bastard in half once again.
"Let's hit him together. Zelda use your magic. We'll send him back to hell."
"Oh no you don't!" Asakonigei would not let the fiend touch her friend. Jarring spears formed from underneath Teufel, looking to impale him.
Covarog evaded the flames and went to shield Zarazu, not allowing the demon to hurt his wife.
"About time you asked." Zelda shot her brilliant white magic at the monster.
Teufel roared as a single spear shot through his right foot. He glared deeply at Asakonigei, and in his wrath, shot a single beam of electrified energy towards her with his finger, striking her through the shoulder and sapping her magic. Unfortunately, before he could make another killing shot, his thoughts were broken by the magic of light shot by Zelda, hitting his side.  He grabbed his hip as a black fluid poured from the wound, a dark red mist shooting out as well.
Klinge and Ganondorf struck against Teufel, not giving him a chance to attack the King and Queen or heal fully. Klinge was enraged by Teufel's most recent strike.
"You will not touch my family!"
Asakonigei's shield of metal fell instantly when the blow struck her. She slammed into the wall, knocking her head as she did so. It was like she could not move, all her energy gone. What did that man do to her? It was like she could barely breath!
Unable to get to his feet, Corsaire shakily pulled out a pistol. He could barely raise his arm. If he could just get one shot at the man's head, one shot, that's all it would take. He held his breath, and then exhaled, keeping his hand steady as he could. Then fired.
Teufel held steady against Ganondorf and Klinge, carefully watching that the other two Gerudo men didn't try to flank him. He shot Ganondorf in the chest with a blast of energy from his sword, only to be quickly countered by Klinge, the giant knight slamming into his blade. They locked for a moment, but Tuefel kept his unholy gaze directly on Klinge.
"You know Klinge, this form suits you."
"It's a shame Cipher couldn't join you or Ganondorf in dying together today, more so I can't pay her back for taking my arm."
The demon's eyes darted around, and he decided to torment Klinge a little more.
"Remember what I did to your mother? How I took her as my pet?"
"Shut up!"
"I think before I leave I'll take Orana or Cass with me."
Klinge was terrified that Teufel had taken the time to study his family by name. Teufel eyes shone bright with insanity and chaos. This small moment of worry for his family gave Teufel just enough of an edge, giving him the extra strength to raise a hand of light magic to Klinge's face and burn his eyes. The Undead's screams were music to Teufel's ears. He rose his blade to kill the poor Gerudo bastard.
"Yes, I think I'll take the Dragmire. And fuck her in every-"
The pirates shot made his mark, hitting Teufel directly in his left eye hole. Teufel recoiled backwards, a sound that couldn't be described to human ears roaring out of his being.
This was her chance. She had to have help. Using too much magic would tax her body and that was dangerous for the unborn child within her. The queen needed another energy source. Fission was not an easy magic to do. It was easier if there were two parties. Clasping a hand of Covarog's, she gave her husband a nod. With his fire and her ice, the King and Queen blasted Teufel with the combined magic. The fire full of darkness and ice full of light combusted upon the impact, creating a deafening bang and throwing Teufel through the throne room wall. The brick crumbled and fell apart.
"Lucky shot." Corsaire coughed as he pulled Orana closer, still holding the gun.
Teufel could feel everything burning in his body. Being restricted to a mortal body, his power bound to this goddamn mask, and not being able to use the God-like powers he once had was insulting. In his anger he rose from the rubble floating into the air. Things weren't going as planned. With a large focus of magic with both his hands he launched it towards the King and Queen, but Rinku appeared, and using her Master Sword, reflected the blast back at the Demon.
After a detonation, Teufel was still floating, but his robes were in tatters. He slowly lowered his arms in rage. The final bearer of the Triforce had appeared. Things were not going well.
Klinge stood beside Covarog, Ganondorf, and Zarazu, ready to launch as many spears as he needed to. Seeing the Demon enraged, and reinforcements arriving, filled Klinge with more hope.
Panting, Zarazu was not sure if she could do another fission blast. Even with Covarog helping her, the sudden depletion in her energy drained her. She started to go down to the floor. Concerned, Covarog held Zarazu before her knees buckled completely, telling her to breath. Ralnor decided it was time he made his move. He remembered the stories. If he was right, the power resided in Teufel's mask. He had to break the mask. Hopefully, it was simple enough. Calling forth his bow and arrow, the prince pulled back his arm and leased an arrow.
Teufel was focused, he was pissed, and he was not going to let another damn mortal get the drop on him again. Catching the arrow shot at him, Teufel launched a destructive blast of fire at Ralnor, rocketing the prince away in the blast. Teufel knew his curtain call was soon. He had prepared to fight the bearers of the Triforce, but everything else, all these extra warriors, it was too much, even for him. He would not risk losing his body, for if he did, he was certain they would destroy his mask this time, scattering his soul.
With an open palm he shot an open wave of darkness at everyone in the room, causing not only draining shocks, but hysteria inducing hallucinations.
Each trapped within their own nightmare, no one was ready for this kind of magic. It was horrible, the most terrible of dreams coming to life. Asakonigei was the only one who did not suffer the illusions, blissfully out cold.
Klinge watched through the pain as he barely could make out Teufel landing. The demon opened a portal behind him, and before stepping in, faced all his victims.
"Hear my words mortals. The only reason you live today, is because I share your weakness of flesh, a weakness, that when we met again, I will have transcended."
His words were sharp and defining to everyone, like a knife stabbing into their brains.
"I will return. It may be tomorrow, or it may a century from now, but I promise you, I will be back. For your defiance today I'll kill the child that grows inside you Zarazu. I will rape each of your children before bathing in their blood Ganondorf. And Klinge?"
The warrior looked up to see Teufel looking down on him.
"Everyone you have cared for will have their souls suffer damnation, and you will watch this world burn. Goodbye."
Teufel stepped through the portal. As soon as he did the hallucinations stopped, but their effects still lingered. His words and presence echoed throughout the hall.
The threat frightened them all, especially the queen. This evil demon had to die, had to be stopped, but what could she do in her current state? As soon as Teufel disappeared, everyone remembered to breathe. The healers were needed, Zarazu could not do much with a lack of magical energy. Covarog was holding onto her so tightly that she was sure she would bruise. Her husband was all right, the fire from Teufel having grazed his leg slightly. Rubbing a hand over her stomach, Zarazu felt the little life stirring within her. Her son was all right. Yes, of course he would be. All her children were strong. Oh, dear spirits the twins!!!
"Klinge... Klinge!" Zarazu put her hand on his eyes, gradually healing the burns. "Klinge, get up and check on Asa. Covarog, I want Luimaya and Turagor with me right now. I want my babies, I want them right here beside of me!" Her voice shook so badly, tears in her eyes from fear.
"I'm sure they're all right, Ba'puu wouldn't let them get hurt." Covarog tried to placate her. "We'll go righ tnow."
Klinge felt in an incredible amount of pain, but seeing Asa limp caused he to bolt towards her. He cradled her in his arms, his undeath and shock unable to pick up a pulse.
"Asakonigei! Please wake up, Asa!"
"Klinge, don't shake her!" Cass exclaimed, rushing over to the Kovina and commander. "She hit her head and has a nasty bump. We don't want it to worsen, all right?"
"Get her to a healer, Klinge." Ralnor told him. "Go on, don't worry about us."
Klinge looked at Ralnor. Don't worry, he had a steady stream of blood leaking from his head and hip. However, he headed the prince's words, and ran Asakonigei to the infirmary. Along the way he poured a blue potion into her mouth, a rare product that rejuvenated both health and magic. He hoped that would jump start her recovery.
Setting her down for a medic to examine her Klinge shook his head in disbelief. Teufel was back. He had nearly killed his family. And there was no telling where he went or when he'd return. Hyrule could never just have peace could they? Klinge knew that nothing else mattered but the fell being of his family, and he was willing to sacrifice anything for it.
For the entire evening, all the members of the royal family, for once, took it easy. Zarazu absolutely refused to let the twins out of her sight. She even went as far to suggest sleeping next to Ba'puu in case her magic did not let her know Teufel was near. Covarog had to station extra guards around every access point of the castle and outside of their chambers. Luimaya and Turagor slept soundly next to their mother in the huge bed, Zarazu's arms around each one, all exhausted from the day's events.
In the infirmary, the healers had Asakonigei stabilized. She was perfectly fine, just had a nasty bump on the head. When she finally roused, she came to her senses with a jolt, all the metal nearby hovering in the air. On high alert, the Kovina was ready to fight until she saw where she was.
"Oh, damn..." Asakonigei groaned, holding her forehead. "I feel like Nubi'ahlus accidently kicked me again. What... what happened?"
Klinge could be heard outside screaming at someone, barking an order.
"I want guards taken from the garrisons and stationed on every goddamn point of this castle! We will not rest until we are sure the demon had left nothing behind that could attack us. Now move!"
Smashing his way into the infirmary he relaxed only slightly when he saw Asakonigei arise from her sleep. Klinge rushed to her side.
"Asa, don't get up so quick, you suffered a colossal amount of damage to your head and shoulder!" Of course Klinge was exaggerating, but to him, even seeing her in any type of injury was major.
"I did? I don't remember..." Asakonigei felt of the bandages on her head, but nothing on her shoulder but a few wraps for support. Grabbing a glass from the table, she looked at her face. She frowned and winced as her fingers drifted over the sensitive skin. "Ew... he got me good." She touched the blackened and bruised skin on the side of her cheek, going down to her neck. "Are you okay? Is everyone else okay?"
"Ralnor and Covarog are being checked out for burns, the prince with the worst of the two. Orana and Corsaire suffered the worst of Teufel's attack. At the end though we were all hit by some very bad hallucinations before the bastard escaped. You were lucky to be out of it. Zarazu refuses to not leave her children. Otherwise...I think we'll all pull through physically." Klinge leaned closer. His darling Asa was hurt. She was hurt and he couldn't protect her.
"Are you feeling stable?"
"Klinge, I'm *fine*." Asakonigei assured him. "Other than a headache, I'll be all right. You're the one who took a bigger hit than anyone with that sword." She took his hand, trying to look his body over to see if he was in one piece. "You're the one who also got his important ceremony interrupted."
Fine. She wanted to play off her injuries so would he.
"I'm fine as well Asa. And forget about the ceremony. Now that I know you’re alright I have matters I need to attend to." Klinge let go her hand and made his way out.
"Hey!" Asakonigei did not like how he dismissed her so shortly. "You get your ass back here right now!" The Kovina swung her legs to the side of the bed and stood. That was a bad idea. She felt dizzy, so she held onto the bed. Maybe she hit her head a little harder than she thought. "I'm not forgetting about the ceremony, that's not only important to you, but to me too!"
Klinge stopped momentarily, gripping the door frame. Her words echoed with him before he gave a sigh. "The ceremony can wait a little longer. Now sit back in your bed before you hurt yourself even more."
Klinge shut the door behind him, scolding a doctor to check Asakonigei and remain on his post.
"What do you mean you can't find him? You are useless wizard." Klinge released Vaati from his grasp and threw him against the wall. A month had passed since Teufel's attack. Everyone had recovered to their physical peaks, but a few were still on edge. None more so then Klinge. He had grown restless, everything had to be perfect in the countries protection, yet he was surrounded by incompetence. He turned to the others gathered in the war chamber.
"Your spies Ralnor, have they found anything? Ghirahim, Leere? Anything to report on anyone's end here?"
Klinge rested on his chair, hands clenched into the table.
Leere shook her head at him in annoyance. Klinge was acting like a prick with a sword up his ass. "No undead or demonic presence rising anywhere."
"Klinge, if we had a lead, then we would have told you." Ralnor repeated for the third time that week. The prince tried his best to placate the commander. There was no possible way to track Teufel. Every new direction had a dead end. No one could find anything new on the demon. "My spies, the guards, the soldiers, the Lorleidians, everyone that has been looking for him and nothing has turned up."
"We've done the best we can, Commander Klinge." Captain Tulilad rubbed his temples. "We've searched high and low, everywhere."
"This is unacceptable. For the sake of those we protect, I suggest we redouble our efforts. Tulilad, I want the army ready for war at the drop of a command, and tighten the guard on the Queen and King. Ralnor, have your spies go to the criminal underbelly of our people. Tuefel thrives on indecency. Threaten people if you must. Leere, Vaati. Work together to find where he fled."
Klinge stood from his chair, knuckles clenched. Leaving he snapped at the Demon Lord.
"Ghirahim. Sword Practice. Now."
"This is insane!" Ghirahim protested as he rose from his chair. If Ganondorf's trusted demon sword looked exhausted, then it was trouble. He had endless amounts of energy. This meant the mortals had to be just as winded as he was. "No! No more! We've been doing this for a month! I'm out! I need a break." The demon sword ignored the commander's threats as he left the room.
"For once... I'm inclined to agree with Ghirahim." Ralnor gritted his teeth as the words left this mouth. "We're all exhausted, Klinge. I know that you want Teufel found, but if he doesn't want to be found, he won't be found. The only thing we can do right now is increase security."
Klinge glared down at Ralnor, so close to snapping. "I should have expected the demon to give up, but you Ralnor? You want a break, fine. Then when Cass lies dead because we couldn't catch the bastard, it's on your head."
Klinge gave a hard shove past the prince to practice by himself. Leere rose from her seat to be by her younger brothers side. "Din and Nayru, what a dick. You ok?"
Ralnor said nothing more, letting Klinge vent. Whether the commander forgot or not, the rest of them were mortal. All of them had to have some time to rest and to recuperate. Sighing, the prince tried not to think about Teufel coming after Cass. He could easily come after any living soul at any time.
"I'll be fine. Let's... let's just try to get some sleep. I can't remember the last time I crawled into bed."
Asakonigei found Klinge in the training yard. For the past month, she rarely saw the Gerudo. Everyone was on edge. Zarazu still refused to leave her children for long. The entire castle was constantly on lockdown and guards were working overtime. Most of all, the commander seemed so wrapped up in this ordeal with Teufel, that he forgot about... life in general.
Klinge blasted against the training dummies. The only one who could keep up with this intensity without getting hurt was Ghirahim in his armoured state. Coward, leaving his station. Klinge combo'd energy spears and dark fire blasts at overwhelming speeds before finishing off the last dummy by summoning his great sword and splitting it completely in half, his sword breaking apart the Earth beneath it. Debris and craters filled the yard. "Not fast enough." Klinge was huffing and panting when he heard a voice break through the haze of bloodlust. Turning around he saw Asakonigei.
"What is it? Now's not a good time."
"It's never a good time anymore, Klinge." Asakonigei was not taking that as an excuse anymore. For a month now, he had avoided her, wanting to find Teufel, consumed by revenge and the desire to kill. "You've ignored your ceremony, you've forgotten about actually having a life, and you're constantly working yourself to the bone about finding Teufel!"
"I need to find him, to end him. I wasn't ready last time, but I will next time." Klinge prepared another round of dummies.
"Klinge, you never know when he might show up again." Asakonigei stood in the way of the dummies, wanting his undivided attention. "He might surface tonight, tomorrow, or a thousand years from now! You can't go on with life with his shadow hanging over your head!"
"I will wait for him as long as it takes. And he will show again. His threat was clear enough. But he wouldn't even be out there if I wasn't so unprepared. If I was the man who I was forty years ago, focused, refined, unrelenting, he would have never stood a chance. Instead I grew soft, and because of that, he nearly killed those who I loved. AGAIN! My sacrifices will ensure future generations. I am the blade that will protect everyone, no matter the cost. Now get out of the way."
"... so in essence, you're blaming me for you going 'soft'." Asakonigei scoffed at the commander, still not moving from her spot. "I don't care about the threats! I care about you! You're seriously going to wait around for Teufel to show his face? No matter how long it will take? It could be years, decades, centuries, Klinge! Are you going to wait around long after I'm dead too? What about us?!"
"What do you people think I have been doing? All of this has been for who I care for! There will be no us if he kills you! I am doing this for Ganondorf, for Zarazu, for Cass, for all the kids, and for you! I'm the only one who can!"
Klinge was screaming at her face at this point.
Klinge never lost his temper like this, especially at her. It startled Asakonigei so badly, she took a step backwards, away from him. She could understand his reasons, but this was no longer about protecting the kingdom and the royal family. No, this was an obsession. One that would eventually drive a wedge between them.
"... are you sure? I think it's more of you're afraid to actually be normal and have a life. You've forgotten what it is like to be human even though you are one." Asakonigei spoke quietly, going around Klinge. "We had the threat of Vul'kar hanging over our heads, the knowledge of one day our island might die, and the fact that we might never have peace again. But that did not stop us from living our lives." She did not look back at him. "If you want to waste your years chasing after Teufel, then be my guest. Don't expect me to wait forever on you."
Klinge shook his head. She knew she was right, his old demons of hate clawed at him. But he couldn't shake the feeling of this revenge in his heart. He turned around screaming at her to try and understand him.
"Why can't you get it! He deserves to, no, he needs to die. He killed my mother, my aunt, my people. I will not let that happen here. I will not lose another family. I WILL NOT BE ALONE AGAIN!!!" Energy rippled off Klinge as he fell to his knees and slammed the ground, followed by gripping his head, trying to get a hold of his demons. "I will not let my weakness fail people again. I won't lack power. I won't....I won't...." Klinge let go, feeling suddenly very tired. He had one moment of clarity left. "Asa, help me. Please...I don't want to do this alone..."
"... and where do you think we would be today if Zarazu had decided to slit Ganondorf's throat those 13 years ago?" Asakonigei kept her back to him. She was angry with him yelling at her, but kept a cool demeanor for the time being. If she screamed at him, it would not make her feel any better about the situation. This was all Klinge's past, all his hate, all his revenge, everything revolved around his choice. There was little she could do to help. "You have us to help you, Klinge. You just need to ask, but you can't go around treating everyone like shit when we can't deliver you a miracle. Teufel is a damn demonic god, we're just mortals. We're not like you, we're not like him." The Kovina took a shaky breath. "This is your decision, Klinge. I cannot make it for you, I cannot do anything to help you. The bottom line is, you have two choices. Stay as you are now, consumed by your lust for revenge and live out the rest of your years just like you fear; alone. Or, you can change... despite any danger, sickness, war... death will take us when it takes us. The question is, when we go... are you going to be here as you are now?"
Klinge watched as she walked away, unable to reply. He stood motionless, trapped in his own thoughts. In place on his knees for over an hour, Klinge was going over all the variables. Teufel was immortal, he was immortal. Only he could stay and fight the demon. But he'd lose everyone around him, consumed by becoming a killing machine. Again. He had worked so hard to have a life again. Duty or family. Revenge or peace.
It was making Klinge sick. He couldn't take it. He knew Asakonigei was right, deep down he knew it, yet hatred wanted to claw into his heart and take root forever.
Klinge rose and made his way to Zarazu's. His armor was getting hot, he was getting sick, going back and forth in his decision. Taking off his helmet he knocked on her door, sweat pouring down his undead face.
"Zarazu, open up."
Instead of normally opening the door, the queen cracked it open a smidge to make sure it was indeed Klinge. After hearing about the abilities of Teufel, she was more paranoid than ever due to his threat against her unborn child and the twins. He could rip her to shreds for all she cared, but over her dead body would he touch her children. Allowing the commander inside of her chambers, the twins were quietly curled up on the bed with one of Ba'puu's hatchlings, already the size of a large dog. The tiny Luimaya was drawing on paper, practicing her letters and symbols for magic, while Turagor used various colors to draw a portrait of his family.
"Klinge?" Zarazu noticed his sweaty face, that complete and utter look of defeat in his eyes. "Forgive me, but you do not look so good. Are you unwell?"
Klinge took Zarazu by the arms shakily. His voice was ragged yet icy at the same time.
"Change me back to a human. Please. If you don't do it soon, I'll go down an undead warpath of suffering forever. I don't want revenge yet I crave it so. I don't want to become just a blade."
The way he gripped her arms so tightly caused her to squeak in surprise. Something was deeply troubling the commander. Klinge looked like he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. His words seemed desperate. Zarazu ushered him over to a chair to sit. She shushed him, rubbing his back, those maternal instincts never too far.
"Klinge, breathe... just take a moment to breathe." The queen poured him a glass of water from the pitcher. "Drink this first. Then we'll speak. I can't have you passing out on me. You're shaking like a leaf."
"Zarazu, I can't take it. Teufel is out there. I need to kill him, I need to feel his blood on my skin. I want revenge....I can't have that. I can't become a monster again. I can't justify it by saying its for family either. If I don't change back soon, I fear I will lose everyone in my pursuit to save them. I'll be the Black Butcher of Terror instead of the Blade of the Gerudo." Klinge was choking on his words, emotions boiling. "Help me, please my friend. I can't lose my friends and family in the void of hatred."
"Klinge, you're not going to lose us, we're right here." Zarazu assured him, taking his face into her hands. She was unable to bend over far due to her pregnant belly in the way. First and foremost, she needed to soothe his unease. His mind could not be in turmoil while she conducted the spell. "I cannot do the spell with you in such distress. You have to be relaxed, so please, calm yourself."
She waited for a few moments, trying to let Klinge reel in his emotions. This was the first time she had seen him so distraught. There was nothing which usually bothered the commander. "Revenge is a fickle weed in our garden, Klinge... even I wanted it at some point. But you must get over this fear of losing us, this fear of death. I'm not promised tomorrow, Klinge, no one is." Counting his breaths, the queen smiled as his breathing finally evened out steadily. "Whether Teufel is a dark cloud over our heads or not, we never know when our last day will be. The important thing is, we stand by each other's sides. Do you honestly think we'd let this hatred consume you?"
Klinge took deep breaths, calming his mind. "No. I suppose not..."
"Then you are worrying for nothing, Klinge. You forget that you have us standing with you." Zarazu told him with a kind smile. "You've never been alone, you just haven't been able to see us because we've been right behind you this entire time. Now, tell me what I told you all those years ago. You're not a blade, you're... what?"
Klinge looked at her with sharp determination in his eyes, silencing the hatred in his mind completely, at least for the time being. "A friend."
"Good... had to make sure you didn't forget." Zarazu took a breath of her own, a movement from her unborn son causing her to jump a little. She rubbed the side of her stomach, trying to push back down his heel. Little Zahirog loved to move about within her. "Now... as far as the spell goes, I will do this if you sincerely wish it. However, I want you to do this not because you feel obligated to do so out of fear, but because you sincerely want it. Yet, you must remember that there's no going back once it is complete. You will be mortal. You will be able to die. You will be fully human once more and there is no reverting process." The queen offered her petite hand. "Do you understand, Klinge?"
Klinge had a bit of hesitation. He couldn't be the weapon needed to fight against Teufel if he appeared again. Then, ease filled his mind. No. There were always new generations. If Covarog and Zarazu proved anything when fighting against Vul'kar, it was that new life always bred hope. He could put this old warrior down and begin anew. He took her hand, squeezing with a breath of confidence.
"I'm ready to start living again. Without fear."
"Muri'gana, please watch over the twins for me." Zarazu instructed Ba'puu's hatchling as she gathered the appropriate scrolls and paint. If everything went smoothly, which it should, the queen would have Klinge turned into a normal human within no time. Since it was a drastic change, she would want to make sure the commander would be all right afterwards. "If you feel unease, take them both to Ba'puu. I'll be back in an hour, all right?"
Turning her attention to Klinge, she motioned for him to follow her into her private office. "Come."
Klinge did as she asked. It was finally time. He fully equipped his armour, if anything were to happen, he'd want the damage or at least output contained inside his suit.
"So how shall we do this?"
"No armor and as little clothing as possible, Klinge." Zarazu told him as she mixed the paint with a single finger. "I do not know exactly how this is going to go with a human. We want to be careful."
Klinge was hesitant, but he slowly stripped his armour away.  
"Are you sure? What if I react...violently. My armour could contain any damage."
"The worst possible scenario is the spell does not work." Zarazu started painting the various symbols on him once more. The easier her magic could flow through him, the better. "I highly doubt there's going to be a violent reaction. If you start to, for whatever reason, I can contain the outburst with my ice. Your most important thing is to relax and try to breathe. I know there might be so pain involved."
Klinge finished taking off every piece of armour and laid on a table. He took one last look at his undead hand. Closing his eyes he breathed, for what he hoped, would be his last undead breath.
"No pain, no gain. Whenever you are ready."
"All right... here we go." Zarazu took a slow breath. Reading the spell, her words were loud and commanding, the magic flowing from her body to Klinge. The painted sigils on his skin began to glow, drawing in the magic, making it flow through his body. It was not exactly a comfortable sensation, feeling like a fire started from within, spreading out to his skin. The similar goo, which surrounded the rat, started to swirl up from Klinge's feet, latching onto his body. It was cold, just like the queen's ice. Swallowing him slowly, but surely, it trailed up his body to his head. Within a few minutes, the commander was encased and it started to harden.
Klinge mind was going blank. Everything was so cold. The Dark Magic in him was flaring, pulling at his soul. His muscles burned as they were pulled apart. Yet the chill never left him. His whole nervous system suddenly betrayed him as their was a spike of pain, the darkness him imploding on itself. A flash of light encased his vision and his mind went blank.
"Please work, please work..." Zarazu prayed silently as she held Klinge inside of the hardened shell. She could sense with her magic flowing through him that it hurt. The blackness of Vaati's magic, keeping him in that undead state fought back, and fought hard. The commander deserved a second chance. He deserved to be happy and she would not fail him. With gritted teeth, she pushed at darkness, wanting all of it out of Klinge's body. When the queen sensed the emptiness, she quickly began to stitch together the pieces of his entire being, his soul, his very self. "Come on, Klinge... don't fight this. You can do it."
Awareness coming back to him Klinge felt something....warm. He heard a heartbeat that wasn't someone else's. When he opened his eyes the light hurt, enough so that he raised his left hand to his face. When he did he felt something firm, but smooth. Pulling back his eyes were focused on a Gerudo hand.
"Covarog?" No. This arm. This Hand. It belong to him. When he stood up his body had a sense of life to it he had never felt before. "Zarazu?"
The spell worked perfectly except for one thing. The layer around the rat had been so thin it just crumbled away after the magic finished. So now, the queen was using her hands to tug at the pieces. She used a small pick made of ice to chip away at some of it. When she was finally able to remove a large piece covering Klinge's upper body, Zarazu tugged a bit too hard and fell flat on her backside. Scrambling over to the commander, she looked at him... and gasped.
"Holy spirits... it worked."
"What?" Klinge took in her amazement and all the emotion filling Zarazu to the brim. He certainly felt different, he could see his own hand in front of him, and he was certainly still Klinge, still having the metal arm attached to his right side. But he had to be sure. he had to look apon himself. "Get me a mirror."
Zarazu's mouth was slightly open. The spell worked and the results were fascinating. He... he looked so different. When Klinge asked for a mirror, the queen simply used her icy talent to form a full length, body mirror right there in front of him.
The second he looked apon himself, something in his soul came back. There he was, a full human Gerudo. All his scars were gone, except for the stiches that held his metal arm onto him. His face was completely healed of the damage Zelda had conflicted on him, and his eyes...Klinge stared deep into them. They weren't corrupted anymore, weren't threating, and they weren't filled with hatred. It was like he had awaken from a long, long nightmare. All the time he had missed, all of the emotions he used to be able to feel, came flooding back. With heavy breathing and a deep smile of gratitude, Klinge started to cry.
"You... it worked... it worked!" Zarazu stood on her tiptoes, hugging the commander around the neck. Her own eyes were watery. All that time he suffered, it finally led up to this point. Now, Klinge would be able to have the life he always dreamed of with Asakonigei. The two of them could be happy, could have a family, but most importantly, Klinge was himself again. "Look at you!" The queen held his face, looking over all the features with a huge grin. "All young and handsome again! Goodness, Asakonigei is going to be head over heels! You... oh spirits, Klinge, I'm so happy for you.!"
"I will see to your request, Klinge." Zarazu promised him, watching him put back on the armor piece by piece. He was a new person, a new man. This was a life changing moment for him. "Would you mind escorting me back to my twins first? I feel a little... well... a bit tired."
"Of course." Taking her hand Klinge led the Queen back to the twins. After making sure she was settled he made his way immediately for Asakonegei's forge. She was alone and busy working away at war axe. Klinge decided to not reveal himself right away. he wasn't going to use his new appearance as the icebreaker to calm her down. He'd talk with her first. Taking a breath of fresh rejuvenated air, he felt his pulse quicken. He was actually worried she might react poorly and smack him about. Or worse case scenario refuse to listen to him.
"Asakonegei? Do you have a moment?"
Asakonigei always turned to her work to vent her frustrations. Nubi'ahlus was there, keeping the flame hotter and going to fetch more wood, coal, water, metal, whatever was necessary. There was a huge barrel of new axes, swords, daggers, arrows, she had been busy. Currently, she was working on Ganondorf's swords. The retired king requested a bit of work on the old metal so she was adding another layer to strengthen the blade. Evidently, she had been at this for a while, her skin nearly black from all the soot. When she heard Klinge's voice, the Kovina paused. Removing the eye protection goggles, Asakonigei still had metal floating in the air. This happened when she was still high on emotions.
"What is it, Klinge?" Her voice held no enthusiasm. "Something wrong with your armor?"
"No. My armour is fine. I'm here about us." Klinge knew that she could rocket him away with all the armour he held. Slowly letting go of his tension he relaxed his shoulders.
"You told me I had to make a choice. My revenge or a future worth living. I took a lot of time thinking on that. You were right. My choice is to let go of who I once was. I can be content, no, feel rewarded being with those who matter to me, my family....and more importantly you. If I screwed up in some way for how I've been acting I apologize. I'm sorry for yelling at you Asa." Klinge watched as she said nothing at first. Gods he said something wrong didn't he? "Well?"
"... I'm glad you've decided not to go on down that path of revenge." Asakonigei still spoke quietly, thinking about what the future might hold. Even though he decided not to chase after Teufel did not mean he would go through with becoming human once more. She did not know he asked Zarazu to do the spell, could not tell with all his armor covering his body. "It would only bring you more pain and that is the last thing you need. I just wish... I wish for once you'd place a little more value in your wellbeing instead of worrying about everyone else. I worry about you too, you know."
Sensing she was probably not going to get angry if he came closer, Klinge took her hands. "I know. I'm ready to do that. I'm ready to be a new man. I love you Asa, and that along has driven me to make a fresh start."
"Actions speak louder than words, Klinge." Asakonigei felt touched by his sincere words, but still was not sure if he would follow through with what he promised. There was sadness in her eyes. It took a lot to make the Kovina emotional, but this was one of those times. "Are you going to be able to fully give up on your quest to kill Teufel? Are you going to stay here with me, with them? Are you even going to do the transformation spell that Zarazu worked so hard on for you?"
Klinge gave a little laugh and stepped back. "Yeah, I am." He put both hands on his helmet and pulled it off in a quick motion. He smiled down at Asakonegei with warm eyes. "Or did."
That was not Klinge. It had Klinge's voice, his armor, and even his sentimental gestures, but... he was not undead. How could this be? Asakonigei did not even recognize him. She took several steps backwards, knocking into some of the metal. Her eyes were wider than the moon. Did... did he really do the transformation spell? Was it really him? There was a look of absolutely amazement written on her features. She had to be sure. It had to be him, right?
"It's... really you?" Asakonigei breathed as she held up a hand to touch him. She had to be sure.
He knew his eyes were different, his features changed. So Klinge did the only thing he could do. He raised his mechanical arm, the one Asakonegei crafted for him, and gently took her hand, careful to not hurt her.
"It is. Now and until my final days."
Klinge then guided her hand to his face, taking a knee so she could reach him.
It was Klinge's arm. There was no denying the elaborate work and her signature. The mechanical arm that she made all that time ago could only be on one person. It really was him. He did the spell. He was human. The Kovina had no idea that he decided to do it so suddenly. For a moment, all she could do was stare at him. So this is what Klinge looked like when he was alive. Asakonigei ran her fingers over his face, his hair, and then down to his metal arm.
"You're... you did... it worked... you..." Asakonigei could not find the words. Suddenly, she started sobbing, her tears mingling with the grime on her face.
Klinge held Asakonegei close to him. "It's ok. Everything from now on is going be ok. And I'm sorry I got you crying, because I think I'm only going to make you tear up more."
"You... you idiot!" Asakonigei choked through a sob, punching him hard in the arm. She then shook her fingers, having forgotten about the armor. There were so many overwhelming emotions going through her mind. "You had me all worried! I love you too, and you had me worried that you were going to leave and go chase after that damn demon!!!"
"Glad to know you feel that way about me. Makes this just slightly less nerve wracking." Klinge was about to take a knee, when he quickly realised, he was already on one. This was the second time in his life a woman had brought him to his knees before he proposed. Cipher must be laughing her laugh off at his situation. Fate was funny that way.
"Asakonigei Tablita. You are my foundation, you are the fire that keeps me warm. You helped put me down the path to inner redemption. I'm actually looking forward to growing old, and having a conclusion to my life. And I want to do it all with you, in fact, I can't see my life with out you." Klinge summoned the wedding ring, the Gerudo Emerald encrusted onto the perfectly crafted silver ring. "I made this with all the care in my heart and the fires as enlarged as my passion for you. Will you take it, and accept me into your heart for the rest of this magnificent life? Will you marry me?"
Klinge was proposing. Asakonigei did not expect this in the least. The last thing on her mind was marrying the commander. Ever since the appearance of Teufel, the main concern was making weapons and watching her back around the castle. Everyone had been so tense. That ring, however, caught her attention. It was absolutely beautiful. The emerald reminded her of the ones she used to find on Lorleidi, up high in the mountains which touched the clouds. Though now, she had a man who loved her, who cared for her, who wanted to marry her.
"Yes... of course I will!" Asakonigei laughed with a nod of her head, a grin on her face. "Of course I'll marry you. There's no one else who would put up with me."
"Oh come now, you're not that-" Klinge was immediately shut up by Asakonigei kissing him. He wrapped his hand of flesh around her, feeling her smooth hair. Kissing her now he could feel the life pouring from her. This moment could last forever. Or at least a solid minute of embrace. Letting go Klinge's eyes locked with hers. That new found spark, a bound that could never be broken, was intertwined between them. Standing up he put his helmet back on his face.
"You are a damn fine kisser. Now would you join me my love? I think Zarazu has gathered everyone by now. If they are willing to listen to me after all I've put them through this past month. I have an important announcement to make."
Klinge walked into the room and made the way to the podium. Seemed everyone had shown, Kelly, Tulilad, the kids and their spouses, Ganondorf, Zelda, hell even Vaati and Ghirahim, though some clearly showed signs of fatigue and annoyance. Zarazu must have had to really convince them. Standing at the stand he looked back at Asakonigei for support, took a deep breath, and then looked back to the crowd.
"Thank you for gathering on short notice. I know with Teufel's return I have pushed maybe of you to great lengths of fatigue."
Leere snickered under her breath beside Ghirahim. "That's an understatement."
"For that, I wish to apologize. It was wrong of me to expect so much from of you all on such short notice against such an opponent. I know that you all have your own pace and are dedicated in your own ways, however, I have also come to realize I can't do this anymore myself. I'm an old, old warrior. I can see that my time is over, my ways outdated. That is why I am reinventing myself, starting over...and quite literally I might add." Klinge took off his helmet, revealing himself to the entire crowd.
The entire Dragmire family could not find words. Everyone was speechless and in awe. Zarazu was finally able to do the spell and it worked. Leere and Vaati expressed the most surprise, thinking such magic was never possible. Ghirahim remained stoic, not entirely sure how to feel about this. The demon sword looked at Ganondorf, seeing that his master was happy, therefore he was happy. Ganondorf was through the moon and Zelda was happy that Klinge had found some sort of peace and happiness in his life. All of the children were cheering and even the grandchildren danced in glee.
Klinge smiled at them all and nodded his head. Seeing their happiness made him feel content with his life.
"Thank you, all of you. But it's not just my new found life that I wish to celebrate. With this reincarnation, it's come to my attention that Klinge can no longer further exist."
"What?" That caught Asakonigei's attention, obviously confused. The rest of the group also shared perplexed glances. "I don't understand what you mean."
"Klinge was the product of a damaged body fueled by Dark Magic and Hatred. For hundreds of years he existed purely as a weapon, a nightmare on the battlefield. He was not entirely human. With a new living body I can put Klinge to rest and take on a new identity, a symbol for a new life. That said, I cannot take back the title of Mablung. He, like Klinge, died a long time ago. After much searching I have found that new identity. Hence forth, I shall be known as Malik "Klinge"....Tablita."
Zarazu smiled when she heard Klinge's announcement. It seemed like her friend was going to heed her suggestion after all, selecting a different name for his new chapter of life. She held onto Covarog's arm as the commander finished the rest of his announcement.
Asakonigei blushed when she heard him say her last name. So he was going to take her family's last name? That was something she did not foresee at all. A proposal, a shiny ring, and now, Klinge... no, Malik was going to share her name.
Klinge smiled profoundly looking at Asakonigei, making a motion for her to come join him. Looking back at the crowd he gave a chuckle with her at his side, holding onto her tenderly.
"So two things left. I think I may have given it away, but I've asked Asakonigei to marry me."
"About time." Covarog chuckled. "You two were practically made for each other, as stubborn as you are."
"When is the wedding going to be?" Zarazu asked. "I'll make sure we clear our schedules for that day."
Klinge looked down at Asakonigei and shrugged.
"We haven't decided..." He wasn't going to tell anyone he had literally purposed less than a hour ago,
"As for my final statement. I'm am no longer going to be the High Commander of Hyrule. Instead, with the power invested within me, and the support of the King and Queen", Klinge said looking towards them, "I shall be known as Lord Malik."
Kelly looked at Tulilad confused, but more so shocked. What would this mean for the structure of their military?
"You don't have to do that if you don't want to..." Asakonigei knew how much being a general meant to him. For years, he had protected the family. He had always been a fighter. "You don't have to give up everything."
"I won't, not entirely. As Lord I can still fight for Hyrule and command, but at my own leisure and my own terms. I think it's time someone else takes the mantle."
Malik looked towards Tulilad and Kelly.
"You two. How'd you like a promotion on both your ends?"
"A... promotion?" Tulilad looked at Kelly who exchanged glances with him. The captain of the guard never gave any thought to rising higher in the ranks.
"Yes, you two are the greatest soldiers I've ever trained, I think it's only fair. Captain Kelly, you are now the leader of the Royal Guard and special forces unit. Captain Tulilad, I am promoting you to High Commander of the entire army of Hyrule. Do you two accept?"
Kelly looked at Tulilad. This was....big. An honor that neither of them had foreseen. Kelly waited for Tulilad. She wasn't going to make a move on his position until he accepted his higher status.
"I... I would be honored to have such a title." Tulilad said, never thinking he'd achieve such a status in his lifetime. "You are still going to fight alongside us, right Klinge--- I mean, Malik... that's going to take some getting used to."
"Yes. If you ever need my advice you only need to ask. I'll still work alongside all of you, and be glad to fight by your side. Kelly, what about-"
"Yes, of course! It's an honor, sir!"
Malik was a little surprised by her energy, her suddenly taking a bow and interrupting him. She took Tulilad's hand and with the other gave a salute. He smiled, and saluted back. Were they a couple? Malik had no idea.
Squeezing Asakonigei’s hand he smiled over the entire family once again. He never felt so happy to be alive.
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