#he can be the commodore's most specialist boi
viric-dreams · 7 months
Why is Lieutenant Roberts a lieutenant despite being possibly the second-most senior officer on Grand Geode? He's never permanently commanded a ship. At some point he simply slid into his role as the Commodore's fixer, at first unofficially, but even after it became his full time role his previous title never quite seemed to vanish. He still positions his identity in relation to the Commodore anyway, so lieutenant he stays. What does this mean for his uniform? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - Chapter 2
I think I will be brave as well and post chapter 2.
In the chapter when Rowan muses about his call sign he uses the term FNG - it literally mean Fucking new guy. In US military it describes a newcomer.
Enjoy the chapter!
The next morning Rowan was on his way to the fire station. He had left the house a bit early to allow for traffic or getting lost. In the end he had arrived with ten minutes to spare. He parked the car along the road and walked to the main area in front of the station and stopped. 
The tall training building was on fire and a few people were outside in front of it as if in waiting. He searched for the captain but she was not there. He wanted to go and ask to the team about her whereabouts but did not want to interrupt the training session. So he just decided to lean against a wall of the fire station, arms folded at his chest and just watch the drill. 
He was curious about why they were not using the truck or water and wondered if they were following a specific exercise.
Being a fighter pilot was full of risks but by looking at the raging fire and thinking that there were people willingly putting themselves through that inferno made him shiver. He’d rather been strapped in a metal cage than in a house on fire.
All of a sudden a figure ran out of the building carrying what looked like a dummy and two more followed.  He gasped when he recognised the captain. The dummy she was carrying on her shoulders must have weighed a ton and he was impressed. He followed her, dumping the dummy on the ground and joining the tall blonde man and pat him on the shoulder looking happy. His lips turned up in a hint of a smile.
Her eyes met his and she gave him a huge smile and Rowan straightened up and pulled away from the wall. She walked to him while unbuttoning her bulky fireproof jacket.
“Morning Captain,” she brushed her hair away from her face and Rowan’s heart started to race.
“Enjoyed the show?”
He cleared his voice while he tried to gain some sense again “That was fascinating.”
“Can you give me twenty minutes to have a very quick shower and get changed? You don’t want to be in a meeting with a stinky woman.”
Captain Whitethorn nodded “Take your time.”
“You can go and meet the guys. They are a friendly bunch.” She offered “just ignore the lewd jokes.”
“Thank you for the head’s up.”
Aelin ran away and he gathered some courage and walked to the team. He was not the best around people he did not know, but he wanted to play nice.
He took another step and the tall blond man noticed him and walked with purpose toward him and offered him his hand “Captain Whitethorn isn’t it?”
Rowan nodded.
“Aelin told us you were coming. I am Lieutenant Ashryver.”
Rowan nodded and studied the man in front of him and noticed that his posture and attitude screamed military. After he had spent all his adult life in the force he had gotten used to spot one of them. He had the same feeling at the base during the fire. 
“Can I introduce you to our team?”
Aedion turned to the red-haired woman “Ladies first. This is Ansel. Never leave her and Aelin alone because then you are in trouble.”
“Hey, I’ll tell her you said that and she will put you on truck cleaning duties for a month.” Aedion ignored her and continued “then here we have Brullo, Nox, Ress, Ren and finally Luca.” He grabbed the young man’s shoulder “he is our probie. He finished the academy and he joined us a few months ago. For now he is coming to the less serious calls but we are planning on coddling him a bit less and make him see the real stuff as well.”
Then the man turned around, scanning the area in search for something or someone “we also have two EMTs, Elide and Lysandra but they must be around the station doing something. You will meet them anyway.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
“Everyone, clean up and don’t leave everything to Luca. All of you haul ass. Nox, Ren you are on equipment duty. Ansel, Ress you two are on uniform checks. Brullo, take Luca with you and go over him some truck procedures for before and after calls. Now away all of you.”
Rowan chuckled. The man was definitely ex military. 
“Where did you serve?” He asked the man taking a chance.
“I was in the army. I was an artillery specialist. Once I retired Aelin called me saying her station was looking for recruits and I applied for the job. Guess my experience with explosives and such was a plus. Many years later I am still here and still loving it.” Then he studied the Captain “how did you guess?”
“Your posture. It’s the stick up your arse, as Captain Galathynius would say, that gets drilled into you from day one. The way you give order, again, very familiar.”
“Call her Aelin, Cap or Captain. She hates being called Captain Galathynius.”
Rowan raised a eyebrow with curiosity for that statement.
“I usually call her brat or menace.” Aedion chuckled “she is my cousin. I have known her since we were little. I have earned that privilege.”
Aedion started walking back into the station and Captain Whitethorn followed him.
“She has the bas habit of not filtering what she wants to say, can be brash and very vocal when she is mad at something or someone, but she loves her job and her team. She loves being a firefighter. She might be young be she is extremely capable. She is the first female captain. Absurd to think that before her it was just a boy’s club, eh?” The man joked, and lead him into a big spacious room with a lone table and chair and a kitchen at the bottom of it “If she keeps likes this I can see her climbing up the ladder pretty quickly, although I cannot imagine her in a desk job.”
Rowan knew very little about the woman but he had the same feeling.
“This is where we spend most of the time when we are on shift, all tasks are done and just wait for a call. We have books, video-games, tv… you name it. And like all families we fight for who controls the remote.”
Aelin joined them a moment later “Are you giving our Captain the tour?”
“Yes, just the cheap tour for now. You can give him the proper one later.” Aedion winked at her.
“I guess that after our meeting, the Captain will be more than happy to get rid of me.
“I gave you a tour of the base, I would love a tour of the station.”
Aelin’s mouth almost fell open in disbelief.
“If you are not fed up with me we can think about it.” And she turned around and walked away the same way he did the day before. 
Aedion gestured with his head to follow her and Rowan ran after her.
“I am sorry for the delay. Once I got back to work yesterday I had an email saying that our annual performance review is due in three weeks. I did not have a way to contact you otherwise I would have pushed the meeting forward a bit.”
“It was actually interesting watching you guys train.” He followed her to her office and took the seat she offered “we have performance reviews as well. What do you guys have to do?”
Aelin was caught off guard by him being talkative all of a sudden “We get tested on our abilities. We usually go to the academy, are given a scenario and the whole team has to work as if that was a real call. We also get to perform some individual tasks and those are timed. It’s a very stressful period.”
“You can leave our project to me until you are done with your review. I am happy to give you an update and you can come once a week to check how things are progressing if you are too busy.”
“Are you trying to get rid of me, Captain?” She smiled at him, leaning back in her chair.
He shook his head and she noticed him finally relaxing and sitting more comfortably in his chair “we have those review as well and they are always stressful for the team and I am aware how much of my time, preparing drills takes me. I am offering you to concentrate on your mission ahead for now and then catch up in three weeks.”
Was he actually being nice to her?
“I will be fine captain, but thank you for the offer. I appreciate it.”
“If you change your mind, my offer will still be on the table.”
“So,” she said quite abruptly changing the subject. If he even thought she needed his help because she was a woman he was in for a tough ride.
Aelin grabbed a folder with her plan. She had spent the entire previous day working on it. “These are the copies for you.” And she passed him a pile of papers “they are the ideas and changes I would like to suggest. I believe that is the part you will have to discuss with your CO. the biggest and probably most time consuming change is the extra door. All the other suggestions are repairs and perhaps replacements of old parts. I would like to explain again that these changes are not up for discussion. They need to happen.”
Captain Whitethorn nodded “I have discussed the matter with my CO after our meeting and he understands that and agrees. He promised me that he will fight until the last ditch if they start blocking him with budget bullshit, his exact words.”
“Please tell Air Commodore Salvaterre that I appreciate his cooperation. It goes in the interest of every single person who works at the base. Him included.”
“This pile here is a draft of possible training sessions for both your squadron and the ground crew. I want basic fire prevention training, fire extinguisher training, reviews of fire drills. I would like to do some training, especially with the ground crew on fuels handling, fuel storing and clearing spillages. Your squadron will be welcome as well. I think it will benefit everyone.” She flipped through her notes “I would like to nominate a couple of people as Fire champions or any other name we can come up with. Their role would be to perform monthly deep inspections and weekly spot checks. The idea is that by doing this, you are always on the ball with any problems. Of course we will provide training on how to do all this.” She kept explaining and the man in front of her listened to her with great interest, never interrupting her. 
“Needless to say that fire prevention is everyone’s job. See it, report it. And if you can, fix it.” She jotted down a few things “of course all of this depends on our rosters. I don’t know how it works for you guys but we work in shift patterns.”
“My squadron and I, we work Monday to Friday when we are ground-side. Ground staff such as engineers for example, they tend to follow shift patterns as well. I can talk to the supervisors for the mechanics and engineering team and see if I can get a roster from them. They are aware of the fact that extra training is on its way.”
“Please do. I have a feeling that will be the biggest job.”
“Do you have any questions for me so far?”
“Which venue will we use?”
Aelin tapped her pen on the table “I was thinking here if it’s okay with you. We have the equipment, also we don’t have maximum security checks.”
“Speaking of security…” he extracted something from his pocket “`I have your badge.”
Aelin took the badge he offered in surprise.
“I imagine we will be working together quite a lot and you will need to visit the base as well on a regular basis. You have now the badge with consultant clearance. It’s not a lot, but it will grant you access to all the are you will need. And no more forms to fill.”
“Thank you, captain,” she was speechless “Thank you for trusting me.”
She smiled fondly at him and Rowan realised he’d do literally anything to see that smile. It was intoxicating.
They worked for a few hours and Aelin realised it was not as bad as she had feared. The captain had been very keen to listen to her plans and making suggestions according to his knowledge of the base and his team. He had also looked a bit less uncomfortable and more willing to have a full conversation instead of monosyllables. At least it was progress and since it looked like they were going to work together for a while it was a good thing. 
When her stomach grumbled loudly she coughed embarrassed to try and cover it but the very faint hint of a grin on the captain’s lips told her that he had head her.
“We can stop for lunch, captain.”
Aelin almost blushed “I guess so. I think I have a black hole forming in my stomach. Those drills always leave me famished.” She stood “there is a lovely diner very nearby. Can I interest you in lunch? It’s on me. But no shop talk.” She was ready for a refusal but the captain stood and nodded.
“I’d like lunch.”
When they left the office they met Elide and Lysandra carrying boxes full of supplies to stock the ambulance. As soon as Rowan noticed he jumped forward and offered to help Elide.
“Let me carry them. They are quite bulky.”
“Thank you,” said the woman flashing a smile to Aelin then showed the captain the direction to the ambulance.
“Where do I place it?” He asked once they were arrived. Elide opened the back door of the vehicle “just here. Lys and I will sort through everything. Thank for the help.”
Lysandra dropped all her stuff and turned to the two captains.
“These are Lysandra and Elide, they are our two resident EMTs.”
“Ladies, this is captain Whitethorn.”
Lysandra mouthed hot to Aelin and the woman rolled her eyes. 
“The captain and I were going for lunch. Could you please tell Aedion to man the fort for me while I am away? I am just going to Emrys and I have a radio with me if anything happens.”
The woman nodded “I know the drill. Go, enjoy lunch.”
The two captains left “we are walking. The place is just down the road. We are all regulars there.”
Five minutes later they reached the small diner and Rowan thought the place looked cosy and felt like the good old fashioned family run restaurant.
“Emrys and his husband Malakai have been running this place since forever. It’s an institution in the neighbourhood.”
“Aelin, my girl.” A very smiling Emrys walked from behind the counter and went to hug the woman “Are you keeping well?”
“Of course.”
“Two today?” He asked looking at the Aelin’s companion.
“Yes please. Can we sit anywhere?”
“Go ahead.” He gestured pointing at the tables.
“Quiet today?”
“Not at all. You just missed the rush. Until twenty minutes ago we were full. Malkai is delivering an order to the police station.”
Aelin walked to the table near the window and invited Rowan to join her.
“Here’s the menu for your friend. Let me know when you are ready to order.”
Rowan took the menu, opened it and lowered his head to start reading it.
Aelin studied him for a moment while he was distracted. Stared at his hands and noticed the hint of a tattoo sneaking from underneath the uniform. Interesting, she would have never pinned the man as someone who would have a tattoo. A smile tugged at her lips. A part of her wanted quite badly to get to know him a bit more. “Your hair,” she asked “has it always been silver or it became like that with age?” Then she stopped embarrassed “I mean I am not saying that you look old. I just meant as if it got like that as you grew up.”
He lifted his head from the menu and his piercing green eyes settled on her “I was born like this. Apparently it runs in my family.”
“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. I was just curious.”
He gave her a half a smile. It did not linger. It was quick and for a second she thought she had imagined it “I am used to it.” He tapped on the plastic menu “you haven’t decided yet?”
“Oh no, I don’t need a menu. I know it by heart and I know what I want.”
Emrys came back and both placed their orders and Aelin enjoyed the shocked expression on the captain.
“You can’t possibly eat all that stuff.”
“Watch me.”
The silence grew uncomfortable again. It looked as if he was chatty only when it came to work.
“Why did you join the airforce?”
For a moment he looked stunned at her question “I was eighteen and fresh out of high school. Happy I was done studying. My parents wanted me to go to uni, but the idea of spending four more years on books was not for me.” He explained and noticed she had he hands folded under her chin “One day I met Lorcan. We knew each other from before already, being both from Wendlyn and all. It was nice to see a friendly face in a new place. Anyway, he told me he had moved here to Terrasen with the TAF. He told me they were recruiting and I went to the base during an open day. The day after I had signed up and a month later I was starting pilot academy.”
“Where in Wendlyn?”
“I was there once. On holiday with…” no, not time yet “with a friend. We loved it very much.”
He nodded “It’s a nice place, but I must admit that after so many years I feel like an adopted citizen of Terrasen. Orynth is quite a gorgeous place.”
Emrys came with their food and Rowan noticed how skilfully placed all the plates on the table. As if he was used to have all those orders from her.
“You can’t be serious and actually eat all this food.”
Aelin tackled her first plate “watch the pro at work, captain.” She gave him a smile and Rowan shook his head and tackled his food.
“Why firefighter?”
He noticed her still for a second and the happiness wash away from her face in an instant. Fuck. Wrong question already.
“I was eight.” She said playing with her food for a moment “I was out playing with some of my friends. I was on my way home when I saw two massive fire trucks in front of my house and my home on fire.” She placed the fork on the plate “I ran toward the house but this fireman stopped me. I was crying and calling for my parents. He hugged me, he told me they were working to try and save my parents. I remember trashing in his arms to get free but he held me tight.” She took a bit to keep herself busy while telling the story “he took me to the back of the engine and showed me some of the tools and explained to me how the engine worked. He distracted me while his colleagues worked to stop the fire and save my parents.” She finally met his gaze “it took them almost two hours to kill the fire. After that there was nothing left of the house and of my life. My parents had been found dead in the house. The gas boiler has suffered a fault and basically exploded. They stood no chance.”
“Aelin I am…” his hand moved slowly closer to hers and brushed it gently “I am so sorry.”
“When I grew up I decided I wanted to be like the firemen who attended my fire. I wanted to rush into a house on fire and try to save some person’s parents of spouse and help them avoid the loss I suffered. I wanted to be like the man who stood with me and distracted me.”
Her finger lifted a little and met his almost in acknowledgement “Aedion’s family took me in. As soon as I finished high school I was like you. I had no interest in uni. So I signed up for the fire academy.”
“Sorry for ruining lunch.”
She shook her head and flicked his finger playfully. That had been the first contact between them. He had always kept his distance and that little flicker of affection made he heart flutter. The man was a puzzle. He could go from stone cold bastard to this in a small amount of time.
Aelin finished her food and noticed the captain staring at her with curiosity.
“I cannot believe it.”
“Told you,” she smiled at him with a smug expression “and I am even going to get cake.”
“No you are not.”
In defiance she stood and went to the counter and ordered chocolate hazelnut cake from Emrys. She came back and sat down again and ate the whole slice.
“Remind me to apply for a mortgage if I ever take you out for dinner.” At those words Rowan froze. He did not mean to do say that. It was supposed to be a joke but he should have learned by now that he was bad at making jokes.
“I’ll keep that in mind, Iceman.”
His head shoot up and looked at her. She had used his callsign. Something that only his squadron members would ever use. They all had one. It was a tradition. But it also meant something. It was always the other pilots in the team who choose the callsign. Never the pilot himself. It was a rite of passage that welcome you in the squadron. In a family. He got his one because of his hair. Everyone thought it was because he was cool and calm under pressure but no. When he was still one of the FNG he went through his naming ceremony like all the others FNG and they had decided he was going to be iceman because with his hair he reminded them of a creature from the snowy glaciers of the Staghorn mountains, hence iceman. Hearing her calling him like that made his heart skip a beat.
“We don’t have call signs. We got nicknames but nothing official like you guys.” She polished the plate from the chocolate left from the cake “the guys usually call me Captain or Cap. Aedion is the worst. Because he is my cousin he takes the liberty to call me brat or menace. I should really write him up for insubordination.”
She tapped his hand “come on grampa, let’s get back to work.” And stood. Rowan had wanted to grab that hand and hold it for a moment. It felt as if a small shift had happened in their weird work relationship.
Aelin paid for the meal as promised and they walked back to the station “are you sure you will be able to concentrate with all that food in you?”
On the way back Aelin looked up at the sky and noticed a few flakes that had started to follow. “Looks like it’s going to snow.”
She turned her head and caught Rowan sniffing the air, the eyes closed and a relaxed expression. The hard lines of his face had disappeared and the faint smile on his lips changed him completely. Yes, the man was hot but there was more to it. The very rare times that his face softened his eyes lit up as well turning a deeper green and made him stunning. She had a feeling those moments were rare and was glad that she had caught at least a couple. Like right now, his body relaxed enjoying the first flakes of snow. That was a precious insight in the man at her side.
“You like winter?” She broke the magic.
His eyes snapped open and his face turned hard again as if he hated being caught enjoying something.
“I do.” He said softly “I love the snow and winters in Terrasen are incredible.
Aelin smiled. His scent. His scent reminded her of Terrasen. Pine and snow. She had smelled it the other day while she was inside his plane and he was quite close to her. He smelled like winter and realised for a second that the nickname Iceman was perfect as well for that reason and not just because he could be a cold hearted bastard. They got back to the station and she found it quiet apart from Brullo and Luca near the fire engine. Apparently the man was explaining the youngster some of the routine checks they performed. He was their resident engineer and mechanic so he was the best one for that type of training.
“Nice lunch, Cap? Did you eat all the food at Emrys?”
“The vegetables are still there. They are safe.” Aelin turned when noticed that the joke came from Rowan.
Brullo and Luca burst out laughing “oh he is good.” Added the older man.
“My eating habits are the joke of the station.”
“Cap, they are insane.” Added Luca.
Aelin turned to Rowan and he lifted and eyebrow as if to say I agree with them.
She turned again on her colleagues “one more joke from the two of you and I’ll have you scrub the station from top to bottom with a toothbrush.” Then she turned on her feet and walked away to her office. 
Rowan tapped his hat in salute to the two men and followed her. He found her in the kitchen making coffee “Do you drink coffee?”
“I don’t think I could function without it.”
“Good. We basically drink it by the litre. It keeps you alive on a night shifts.”
She made some coffee and offered him a mug “milk, sugar?”
“Black, thank you.”
He watched her as she dropped two spoonfuls of sugar in it “All this sugar is not good for you.”
“Shhh you heathen.”
He rolled his eyes and took a sip of his coffee “Thank you for lunch by the way.”
“My treat, for working with me.” She apologised, while leaning against the counter and drinking her coffee.
“You are not as bad as I thought. I agree with Aedion, you are a brat and a menace but I can work with that.” Bad idea. Rowan noticed anger flash in her eyes.
“I am not having you calling me that.” She slammed the cup on the counter “you barely know me and I have been professional, sure if cracking a joke or two makes me a brat it’s your problem you need sense of humour. I have been busting my ass to fix the shit that went down in your station.” She took a step toward him and Rowan braced himself “I know how I run my station. I am aware of every single problem or fault that happens here. Your fucking hangar went down in a blaze of glory and you had no idea of the shitstorm about to happen.” She was now a few mere centimetres from his face and a foolish part of him wanted to push her against the counter and kiss her senseless. She was mad at him and all he thought was how her lips would feel. What was wrong with him?
“Don’t ever call me that again with that smug face of your because I have no problems removing that smirk with a punch.”
Rowan kept staring at her in silence, not risking saying a word while she was that mad at him. Damn the woman had fire in her. And it did not matter he was getting a well deserved lashing down from her, he could not stop thinking that she was beautiful. Not just physically, she was fierce, brave and passionate and he was irremediably drawn to her.
Which it was totally crazy since they had met the day before.
“Now get the fuck out of my station. We are done for today.” And she stepped back.
“Captain, I did not mean to offend you.”
“I said out.” She repeated through gritted teeth “I have your contact. I will let you know when I am in the mood to meet you again.” She grabbed her coffee and walked away from him.
Rowan stood still and stared at the spot where she had been. He ran a hand through his hair and cursed himself for his stupidity. They had finally set aside the bad start they had, and messed up everything again.
He picked up his cap on the counter and then realised he had left all the documents in her office. He was about to walk to her but then changed his mind bad idea. So he just left the station, got back to his car and drove back to the base.
Aelin was furious. Why did he have to go and ruin everything with his bloody mouth of his?
That beautiful mouth of his.
She paced the office for ten minutes then she left, went to changing room and changed into her training gear. Some exercise will do her good to clear her head.
Aedion found her twenty minutes later “here you are,” he shouted as she ran back and forth in the yard with a dummy on her shoulders.
“Aelin!” He shouted when she did not stop. When she ignored him again he went in front of her and stopped her “Aelin.”
“What?” She growled dropping the dummy on the ground with a loud thump. She was breathless.
“I thought you were with the captain.”
She ignored him and grabbed the dummy again but Aedion stopped her and grabbed her hand “did something happened?”
“Yes, he happened. He is an arsehole and I don’t know why I am bothering to help him.”
“Because it’s your job.”
“Well, he can go and ask west station for all I care.”
Aedion shook his head “they are in our territory.”
Aelin ran a hand through her hair.
“Did he do something to you? Because if he did I am very good at hand to hand combat. I’ll destroy his stiff arse.”
Aelin chuckled. Aedion had always been very protective with her.
“He called me a brat and a menace. He said that I am not as bad as he thought and that he agrees with you for my nicknames.”
Aedion laughed “that’s why you are mad at him? Ace, I love you but you can be both.”
She sat down on the dummy “I know. But if you say it it doesn’t bother me. We grew up together. You know me better than anyone. He instead…” she punched the dummy’s face “he had this smug face and he used this tone like a condescending prick.”
She groaned “you can be a brat and a menace but I can work with it,” she repeated in a mocking tone “I am the one doing him a favour to help him. Idiot.”
“You just want to find an excuse to hate him and push him away from you.” He sat down on the dummy beside her “Ace, could it be that you like him but you are still too scared to allow another man in your life?”
“No. I have known the guy for two days. And no, I do not like him.” She protested.
“Would it be that bad?”
Aelin stood and faced him “I am not interested in getting any closer to him than what works dictates. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie.
“You are overreacting and you are behaving like a brat and proving him right.”
She pushed him off the dummy “you are on truck duty for the whole week.” Aelin grabbed the dummy and went back to her training.
Rowan finally made it back to the base and went straight to his office but Lorcan intercepted him.
“You are back early. I thought you were going to be at the station all afternoon.”
Rowan ignored his CO and plopped on his chair and closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“That bad, eh?” Joked Lorcan at the man’s reaction.
“I opened my damn mouth. That’s what I did.”
Lorcan sat on the chair on the opposite side of the desk “What did you do? I thought you were the guy who counted till ten before opening his mouth. That’s why I gave you this assignment. I need this to go smoothly and fix all the shit that the old CO messed up. If I wanted to piss off the TFD’s captain I would have sent Moonbeam.”
Rowan snorted “probably would have been better. Far more charming than this cranky old bastard.”
“I have seen the woman. Fenrys would end up fucking everything. Literally.”
Lorcan sat back relaxed “I am coming to the station tomorrow and I will talk to her and bring her back into our good books.”
“You?” Rowan scoffed “if there is someone who has a worse temper than me is you, Lorcan.”
“I’ll be my charming self.” The man joked.
“The gods save us all.” Rowan joked standing and pacing the office “trying to scare her will not work either.”
“I noticed that. I wish some of our men would have that level of balls. Quite amazing for a woman.” Rowan’s head snapped at his CO’s words.
“Don’t even dare say anything like that in her face or you are a dead man.”
He and Lorcan would go along on most of the days but on some concepts, Lorcan still followed the good old fashioned ideas that for example females were not suited for the military, a topic they had many fights on. Rowan had tried to open up the ranks to a few more females in the squadron but Lorcan had rejected the idea every single time.
“You know how I feel about those things.”
“Yes, our very progressive man. Equality and all.”
“You can be such an arsehole.” Rowan stopped at the window “even the Navy is accepting women. Their recruitment for female officers is up by 40%. We are still to celebrate when we will have our first female officer.”
Lorcan growled “well, then move to the Navy.” He stood annoyed “flying a jet is not like service on an aircraft carrier!”
Rowan turned furious “you are not seriously telling me that you don’t believe a woman could fly a jet.” He slammed his fist on the table “I have seen Aelin in action and during drills. I have seen her jump into a building on fire without any second thought to save one of our men. I have seen her drag a dummy twice her size off a burning building while wearing the fire suit and an oxygen tank on her shoulder. She could probably do a vertical, pull 9G and then get off the plane and have a dance in our face. She is definitely not the fragile thing you think she is just because she is a woman.”
“What is your point?”
“Stop being a misogynist prick.”
Rowan phone went off and Lorcan moved away “if you are coming tomorrow, you leave that attitude behind.” Lorcan left and Rowan took the call. Once he was done he sat back down on his chair and looked outside noticing the snow falling and a gentle smile tugged his lips at the memory of the moment they had shared at the restaurant. He had to apologise. And quickly.
If you’d like to be tagged in any updates let me know :)
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loadmaple347 · 3 years
Alien Storm Crack
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Pick a war any war, and you can pretty much guarantee that it has been done to death on PC already. Well, OK then, the number of games featuring the Tet Offensive or Rorke’s Drift have been pretty thin on the ground, and despite the potential carnage, Passchendaele hasn’t seen much in the way of in-game footage, but generally, wherever there is war, us PC gamers are willing to fight. Just so long as the odds are stacked heavily in our favour.
Commodore 64 Crack: Alien Storm 1581 by Master. About this site: CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. The titles include: Shadow Dancer, Space Harrier, Cyber Police ESWAT, Congo Bongo, Alien Storm, Crack Down and Bonanza Bros. These SEGA titles will be added to the growing list officially licensed games that will be available in the iiRcade game store at launch, with plans for more games to be added both before and after launch. Exciting games on iiRcade iiRcade Store Launching Soon. Over 200+ Games Available at Launch iiRcade DEMO - Quick Sample of Some Games That You Can Play on iiRcade Backed by major gaming studios to indie developers, our collection of games is expanding fast. The final batch of games for Sega's upcoming Astro City Mini console have just been revealed in a livestream, taking the total number of known games up to 36.It was also revealed that the system.
So it’s a little strange when you consider that the Gulf War has taken so long to reach our monitors. If there is one thing you can guarantee in a war action game it’s a high ratio body count and they don’t come any higher than the six week Desert Storm operation - according to 'official’ figures Iraqi forces managed to kill about 150 of the Coalition forces, with a few more notched up by the US. However, according to US Central Command, 100,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed, while close to half a million others were either wounded, taken prisoner or were courting execution for desertion. Shocking figures indeed, but no more impressive than your typical PC game. Serious Sam can take out 100,000 screaming headless zombies in the time it takes George Bush Sr to call his boy and say: 'You go get ’em, son.'
Hot Potato
Of course, the main reason we haven’t had a Gulf War action game until now is because it was and still remains a contentious war, one that whether it was necessary or not, certainly gave EastEnders a battle in the ratings war. Still, wars are soon forgotten, and when Conflict: Desert Storm was conceived (the game, not the TV show), the world’s peacekeeping armies had moved through Somalia, the Balkans and East Timor. The time seemed right. Then came September 11, Operation Enduring Freedom, and George Bush’s thinly veiled desire to finish what his father had started in Iraq.
Consequently, Conflict: Desert Storm has become something of an interactive hot potato. Publisher SCi is of course no stranger to controversy after three Carmageddon titles, although they’re at pains to express the game has 'nothing to do whatsoever with September 11 or the war in Afghanistan'.
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Friendly Fire
The game we are concerned with today is far less controversial than you might I imagine, considering current events.
As with most PC games it offers a S more sanitised version of history based loosely on actual operations. Those of you expecting the Cold War realism of Operation Flashpoint may be a little disappointed. Desert Storm is an action game through and through, one that measures health out of a hundred, where you play the good guys, kill the bad guys and get to run across lots of sand. Burning oil fields, friendly fire, Gulf War Syndrome and NBC suits are all off the menu.
'It’s a game not a simulation,' says Jim Bambra, MD of Pivotal Games. 'We’ve drawn extensively on events in the Gulf War, but we’re not creating a soldier sim. Instead, we've gone for a fun-based game that allows you to take a few hits before being knocked out.'Certainly the PC could do with some light relief. Action games with a contemporary setting have exclusively been aimed more towards the hardcore, while the more arcade-like Delta Force series hasn’t delivered all it could have done. I for one am relieved, although since we saw more of Kate Adie than anyone else on the battlefield, it will be strange reliving the conflict without reporters bringing up the rear.
'Actually, during the Kuwait City mission a news helicopter buzzes you,' says Jim. 'You can see the cameraman filming you as you fight your way across the highway. Later, at the end of the game, the media are interviewing one of the characters you’ve rescued earlier on in the game.'
Sure enough, as I played through beta code a couple of days later, a helicopter flew over my squad. Needless to say they never filed their next report. You can’t have nosy media types exposing the cream of Britain’s fighting few, after all.
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Who Dares Wins
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Yes, you read that right; Britain’s fighting few. In what is something of a first, certainly in living memory, Desert Storm allows you to play either as Delta Force or the SAS. Of course the game isn’t much different whichever nationality you choose to control, but having led hundreds of virtual American soldiers to their doom, it makes a refreshing change to be able to do the same to your own countrymen.
'The most obvious difference is the character uniforms and voices,' adds Jim, 'but each set of characters has different levels of specialist skills. All the SAS guys have one skill level as a medic, while only one of the Delta Force characters has medic skill, but he starts at level 3.'It would be interesting to see how Delta Force and the SAS would square up to each other in the game, but in reality, the way the skills have been handed out to the troops is pretty realistic. For example the SAS are very adept at everything; each soldier is familiar with most weapons and can patch up a wounded colleague. US special forces on the other hand are much more specialised to the point where a medic wouldn’t only be able to perform minor surgery, he could offer counselling as well.
'We’ve used Cameron Spence as our military adviser,' adds Jim. 'Cameron is the author of Sabre Squadron and an exSAS trooper who fought behind enemy lines in the Gulf War. It’s been great having him on the team as he has first-hand knowledge of the weapons, tactics, and the environment in which the game is based.'Well that’s alright then.
Storm Troopers
Setting the game behind enemy lines makes a lot of sense, especially since the actual ground war in the desert only lasted a couple of days. By the time the tanks rolled across the Saudi border, the job of the special forces was all but done. For them the conflict lasted for weeks rather than hours and was rather more taxing than taking thousands of prisoners.
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'The mission objectives are varied,' says Jim. 'From blowing up bridges, rescuing prisoners of war from Baghdad, escorting the Emir of Kuwait to safety, all the way up to full-blown military attacks on enemy positions. In 'Cavalry Charge’ you have to take out mobile anti-aircraft defences and then call in the A10 Tankbusters to take out the emplaced enemy armour. Plus, we have classic Scud hunting missions, and wetop it all off with a deep insertion into Iraq to take out a high-ranking Iraqi general in his heavily guarded fortress.' To help you in your mission of course are the members of your highly-trained squad. Up to four soldiers will be in action at any one time and like Red Storm’s recent Ghost Recon, switching between your troops and issuing commands on the fly is a thankfully simple affair.
'The order system is very elegant,' says Jim. 'It’s all done in the game world with no recourse to planning maps or complex in-game editors. You can tell the other men to follow you, go to any position you can see in the game world, get them to crouch, crawl, fire at will or set up ambushes.'
'Each character complements the others,' he adds. 'Success depends on using the characters as a team with the sniper and heavy weapons guys being used to cover the others as they advance. Once the front guys are in position, the heavy weapons and sniper guy can be quickly called up or moved into new positions using the order system.'
A Real Hummer
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It wouldn’t be much of a game without an array of real-world weaponry, most of which we’re all well acquainted with through Counter-Strike and other games and mods; M16 with M203 grenade launcher, Barrett Light 50, M60, AK-47, MP5 - the lot. Moreover there are mines, grenades, mounted machine guns, Stinger missiles and the option to call in artillery or air strikes. Best of all your specialists can hop into Humvees and M2 APCs and drive around. Of course the Iraqis have hardware of their own, so racing through the desert isn’t something you do too often.
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While the version of the game we played had very impressive team Al, that of the enemy was rather static. They throw grenades, run from yours and even try to outflank you, but finding cover seems something of a problem. Of course we have a few months to go until release, by which time we will have played the multiplayer side of things (you can join up as Russian Spetsnaz or Iraqi Republican Guard). Maybe Pivotal will even sneak in a Sadam Vs Bush minigame. Controversial certainly, but it would be fun.
Desert Siege
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While there is a place for a game like Desert Storm, its biggest problem is its release so soon after the Ghost Recon add-on Desert Siege. Despite being set in near-future East Africa, Desert Siege is a fantastic expansion to a great game. Desert Storm itself shares many similarities with Ghost Recon' the four-man squad, the environment and the realtime tactics. Desert Storm certainly has its work cut out and worryingly Pivotal doesn’t seem to have played it. Leaving aside Ghost Recon, there are many other realistic shooters out there or on the way -Counter-Strike: Condition Zero and Raven Shield are two that spring to mind -prompting us to fear that Desert Storm may be a game too far.
'If shooters don’t evolve, then yes, PC gamers will get sick of them,' says Jim. 'But Conflict: Desert Storm is primarily a third-person game, not a first-person shooter. This makes it play very differently from other FPSs. It’s also very tactical with each of the characters performing a different role, and to succeed, you have to use the characters as a team. With Conflict: Desert Storm we’re offering something very different.'
Whether it’ll be different enough, we’ll have to wait and see. One thing’s for sure, with so many realistic teambased games setting themselves in fictional conflicts, the fact that Desert Storm has a very real setting will be a big draw. For me, until we get to go over the top and across the bog of the Somme, the desert will do just fine.
How Real Is Conflict Desert Storm?
Just how real is Conflict: Desert Storm compared to the real war in the desert? Well it’s certainly the case that we’d rather play Desert Storm than have been in Desert Storm. While in the game you have to worry about being shot in the face by an Iraqi bullet, in reality, as a Brit, you had a greater chance of being shot in the back by an American one. Then of course there was the extreme heat, the dust and lack of water. The only extremes you face in front of a PC are tiredness, obesity and incontinence. Just be glad Conflict: Desert Storm is a game. If you want the real experience, put on a gimp suit, turn up the central heating, set your PC in front of a treadmill and gaffer tape mobile phones to your ears to simulate the effect of being in constant contact with depleted uranium. If you don’t expire with ten minutes, you surely will within ten years.
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commxdorescientia · 7 years
Headcanons masterpost:
This blog was inspired by THIS POST by Fran. Commodore Scientia is not meant to remove Aranea and her contributions from the game at all, he is more of a ‘what if Ignis didn’t grow up in Insomnia.’ 
Last update on 10/15/17.
Younger self:
Mother is Lucian, was a diplomat assigned to Lucian embassies in other countries, her last posting was to Tenebrae
Father is Tenebraen, liaison to the Lucian embassy while his mother was assigned there
He was working as a page in the embassy when he was old enough (about 6 or 7)
Was enrolled in the training classes all pages are required to attend, both educational courses as well as martial arts and defense courses
The weapons master recognized his flexibility and sorted him into the appropriate class when the time came
Primary weapon became lance, secondary was daggers
He was still in Tenebrae when the Lucian king brought his son to the queen for healing and during the attack by Niflheim (he was about 9/10 years old.)
He caught glimpses of the Lucian prince during his duties as a page
He was curious about him, but did not get the opportunity to approach him before the attack launched by Nilfheim
His mother died during the attack and he does not know what happened to his father
Essentially an orphan now, he was collected by Nilfheim troops and placed in a Niflheim-run ‘boy’s home’/orphanage
One of the other boys in the group he was assigned to found he was half Lucian and used him as an emotional punching bag over the course of a few weeks, which then evolved into being a physical punching bag - this lasted about as long as it took for Ignis to find a pole of an appropriate length (he ended up dismantling a broom) and come up with a plan
He broke his glasses (and his nose) but won the fight - however, the other boys refused to have anything to do with him after
He had to do without after breaking his glasses - the orphanage didn’t have the funding to replace them and didn’t see the need as his eyesight wasn’t terrible, things only got fuzzy at a great distance.
The ostracizing spread into the school they all attended, and he was left without friends throughout middle school
For the next several years, he focused on his studies and practicing with his weapon instead, getting top marks in classes but frustrated at his lack of teacher for lance instruction - he practiced what he remembered from the instructors in Tenebrae, but didn’t know what to do to advance his techniques
During this time, he learned how to cook his own food, as the orphanage and school food was unappetizing
High school/college age:
When he took the exams to move forward into the next level of schooling, he was quickly snapped up by a sort of ‘officer/specialists school’ that was looking for children with specific abilities and skills
The school taught comportment and manners; how to conduct oneself while at formal events, among the nobility, and among the rank and file; tactics; and ruthlessness in command of the battlefield and in one-on-one combat, as well as certain specialized military/combat career paths.
He was able to find a teacher to further his lancework
They also had him continuing to learn daggers as part of his curriculum
He was also able to further his culinary education - the school pushed for self sufficiency in it’s students, and to cultivate a multitude of skills that could be of use once they graduated
Spoilers and extras below:
Same time as the game:
He is currently working for the Niflheim Empire, in the military
Commodore is just a general rank they gave him as a mercenary, he’s not in the military chain of command in anything other than the unit they put him in - he could just as easily be Captain or Lieutenant 
He could be a complete fateswap with Aranea - she is Noct’s advisor and tactician, or
He could be one of Aranea’s underlings/soldiers, similar to Biggs and Wedge, or even a student of her’s
Post game:
To be added later
Personality and Miscellany: 
He smokes. And drinks. Not to excess, but he’s not a stranger to it. He still has his coffee addiction.
Doesn’t put much stock into the Six, prophecy, and fate
If the cards are played right, he can be convinced to stop working for the Empire
He has a hatred of his Lucian heritage; after all, if it weren’t for them, Tenebrae would not have been attacked and he would not be an orphan.
Due to various incidences, having his heritage pointed out is likely to piss him off
Most of his relationships with other people are hookups/one night stands (see below)
Hidden headcanons: (things that would not be considered common knowledge)
The people running the ‘officer/specialist’ school could not believe their luck in finding a Scientia outside of Lucis
He was placed into rigorous training to bring out the most in his abilities
Perfection was demanded of him, and punishment swift if he failed
He was instructed in not only the techniques of a dragoon, but also in espionage, assassination, and sabotage
The school also instilled in him a ‘use or be used’ attitude
Don’t make personal connections or develop feelings for others, as all it does is create openings that can be used against you
Others only have value in what they can do for you (advancement in position, completion of a job, etc,) and they will only keep you around in order to get something of value from you
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
71% off #C# Developers: Double Your Coding Speed with Visual Studio – $10
Fast Coding Techniques that Every C# Developer Must Know
All Levels,  – 2.5 hours,  33 lectures 
Average rating 4.4/5 (4.4 (332 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
Visual Studio 2010 or higher Basic knowledge of Visual Studio
Course description:
If you want to be a real pro C# coder, you need to master your keyboard and Visual Studio. You need to be able to navigate in your code base, find and modify code in seconds. Great coders hardly ever use the mouse. They do everything with the keyboard. They use shortcuts and some tricks to type less and generate more code in less time. And that is what this course is all about. 
In this course, Mosh, author of six 5-star C# courses, shares with you lots of shortcuts and tricks that help you find, write and modify code in less time.
In particular, you’ll learn
How to quickly find files, classes and methods. Say goodbye to Solution Explorer and navigating between folders to find classes.
How to navigate in the code like a pro: no more clicking back and forth to navigate between members of classes. Jump from one method to another and come back to where you were.
How to compile, run and debug applications faster and more effectively.
60+ shortcuts that will boost your productivity (both on Windows and Mac)
How to reduce your chance of getting RSI (repetitive strain injury)
Ideal Student
This course is most suited to junior C# developers new to Visual Studio. But even if you’ve been programming in Visual Studio for a few years, you may still learn tips and tricks that you’re not aware of. There is a whole section dedicated to ReSharper, which is one of the greatest plug-ins for Visual Studio. If you’ve never used ReSharper before, this course is a must for you.
Full Money-back Guarantee
This course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. No questions asked. If you don’t learn anything from this course, ask for a refund within 30 days. All your money back.
“Every Visual Studio programmer in the world needs to take this short course. Seriously! Take it. Now! The value per money is simply immense.” Gino Costescu
“Excellent tips and tricks: I’ve been using Visual Studio for years and even being a seasoned user, I found the tips and tricks offered in this course to be extremely helpful.” – Jake Janes
“Thank you for your classes! There are awesome, ninja coding skills on the way!” – Fredy Guibert
“Great course! It’s neat and systematic and shows some usefull tricks for VS.” – Nikola Kratka
“I’ve been using VS for many years. So, I’m quite familiar with navigating VS with the keyboard, but I still learned some very cool tricks.” – Jason E. Rice
“Great course, great instructor: You did a great job. I’d take any other course you’d teach.” – Saif Ahsanullah
“Very clear, helpful and to the point: The course is very helpful. I was looking for this kind of course because I’m a professional web developer with 3 year-exprience, with a very poor performance keyboard with Visual Studio, so your course is helping me a lot.” – Antonio Marques Taltavull
“Awesome! Great instructor, short and too the point, really helped my programming! Hardly took an hour of my time to learn the basic concepts. Love it!” – Eshan Singh
About Your Instructor
Mosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a software engineer with 15 years of experience. He has been involved in the design and implementation of numerous projects of varying size and complexity, including web applications, mobile apps, desktop applications and frameworks.
So, do you want to learn the time-saving techniques of pro C# developers? Take the course now and get started. 
Full details Over 60 keyboard shortcuts that speed up your coding Learn to write more code with less typing Learn to use your keyboard like a pro and rely less on the mouse Learn to navigate in your projects and find files, classes and members more quickly Learn to compile, run and debug applications faster Learn about great add-ons that make coding fun and easy
Full details Any .NET developer who wants to increase their productivity and write code fast Any .NET developer who wants to master their keyboard skills
“Mosh breaks things down into small pieces and makes it so easy for anyone to understand, this is what separates the men from the boys when it comes to being an amazing lecturer and an amazing programmer in terms of getting that light bulb to turn on in your head for you thank you ! kudos Mosh :-)” (Scorpion Venomm)
“Another great course from Mosh. Great time saving techniques every developer should know. If you want a course that gives you that “Now that’s cool.” moment then this is the course for you.” (Mark Baker)
“I bought this course during the fall 2016 “binge learning” sale for a VERY reasonable price. After completing the course I can recommend it to anyone who doesn’t have extensive experience in Visual Studio (VS). However I was a bit mislead by the description. I assumed it was targeted more at “intermediate” users who want to learn all the little tricks that are available in VS and while I certainly learned a few great new things, I have been slightly disappointed for the following reasons: 1) 3 out of 13 general VS lessons are about basic cursor movement and text selection in any text file, not just in VS. I grew up in the 80ies and had my first computer while still in elementary school. So there really wasn’t anything new for me. However while this is basic knowledge for me, It might not be for newer generations who grew up with smartphones and tablets! 2) The course needs some updating to VS 2015 (and soon 2017). There are some things in the ReSharper Section, that can now be done in VS (at least with the Productivity Power Tools installed) without ReSharper, I’ll send the instructor an email about those. 3) Speaking of ReSharper… It has been recommended to me before and I appreciate that it is mentioned here. It is certainly a great tool, but at a price point that makes it not that interesting for many developers and/or companies. If I understand it right, the ReSharper section of this course was added as a bonus later on. However I think it would be better to reduce that section to a quick overview of what it can do, and relocate the detailed instructions (in an extended version) into their own ReSharper focused course. 4) Section 3 about version control systems should be extended/updated with a short lesson about git since VS supports it now out of the box. It is still a very good course and I like Mosh’s teaching style so far (looking forward to the c# intermediate and advanced courses) and as I wrote in the introduction, I do recommend this course. But if you already know some basic keyboard text navigation and have no intention on buying ReSharper, you might be disappointed by this course – unless you got it at a discount!” (Marcus Zottl)
  About Instructor:
Mosh Hamedani
Moshfegh Hamedani is a passionate and creative software engineer with a strong focus on pragmatism and simplicity. He started programming at the age of seven on a Commodore 64. Later, during his high school years, he started learning C and C++ . In 2002, along with the first release of .NET, he shifted his focus to C#. Since then he has been involved in the design and implementation of numerous software projects, including modern web applications, mobile apps, desktop applications and frameworks. Aside from his career as a software engineer, he truly enjoys sharing his knowledge with others. Since his early twenties, he has been teaching courses and running workshops on C#, ASP. NET, object-oriented programming and clean coding. He is author of 6 best-selling courses on Udemy and more will be coming soon. Mosh has a Master of Science in Network Systems and a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. He is also a Microsoft Certified Application Developer, Technology Specialist (Web Applications) and Professional. Outside the software world, Mosh is a photographer, a pianist and a passionate Latin dancer.
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