#he clearly doesn’t have the confidence to act on the murderous desires he habors
corpsejelli · 1 year
Don’t care what anyone says I like Eddie dombrowski and I think he is a compelling character and not just some edgy dude who doesn’t like dogs
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avengersfluff · 7 years
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Feed Desire PART 2 Summary: Peter has been avoiding Y/N while preparing for the upcoming battle with Thanos. Y/N thinks it's because he just doesn't like her, however his reasons run much deeper than she'd ever imagine. A simple miscommunication on Drax's part now puts Peter in a very awkward position, live with the fear of becoming his father or act on desire. Warnings: Cursing and mild fluff. A/N::The first chapter was horrible and I apologize. I haven't written in a while so I'm a bit rusty. Also I'm still doing this on my phone so I'm sorry if there are mistakes. Word count::2473 *Part 2* It had been hours since Drax bluntly put the idea into Y/N's head that Peter found her repulsive. A few hours of Peter trying to explain himself to Natasha, explaining how his father hopped from planet to planet wooing women and disappearing never to come back. He explained how he watched his mother pine away daily after his father just for him to find out years later that his father was in fact the, as Peter put it, "king of all dick-heads". He explained in great detail that he had never been with a Terran woman before and how Y/N took his breath away the moment he saw her. How that if the events with his father hadn't just occurred he'd be chasing her and have no guilt about wooing her and leaving Earth the moment this war was over. Peter had broken hundreds of hearts across the galaxy and never once thought about how it must've felt when he'd just up a leave. Yet when he saw Y/N, he knew he wanted her. He wanted her so badly but he swore that his man-whoring days were over so to him the easiest way to not be tempted was to avoid Y/N and not let himself get too close. Natasha was stunned. She had put it all together that Y/N was haboring unknown feelings for the handsome space outlaw but she honestly never thought that Peter's distant act was him just trying to protect her friend's feelings from himself. It was a stupid notion on his part to just avoid her but a part of her wanted to make 'aw' sounds and tease the two endlessly about their secret crushes on each other. "Peter, that'd be really sweet if it wasn't so stupid." Nat gave Peter a huge toothy grin after he had rambled on while sitting on the edge of her bed with his head in his hands. "You went about this horribly." The redhead added unable to stop the chuckle from escaping her lips. Groaning, Peter knotted his fingers into his redish-brown hair. "I know, trust me I know. It's been driving me crazy 'cause she's so damn /nice/." "Yeah she is." Natasha nodded scooting up so she was perched next to Peter on the edge of the bed. "She's nice, too nice." Natasha's smile fell as she let Peter's words sink into her mind, the longer she thought about the more she understood his reasoning. "Listen, Peter," she started while placing a gentle hand on the man's shoulder, "you don't have to 'woo her' or chase her. Just, I dunno, be her friend. Y/N is a very passionate person, she is one-hundred percent devoted to her friends. Once you develop any type of friendship or relationship with her, you're stuck with her for life." Natasha knew her friend. She knew how Y/N was, how if she let Peter into her heart, that it would crush her the day he told her he would be leaving. Y/N loved so deeply that it worried Natasha anytime a man got close to her, even Steve or Bucky. To Natasha, Y/N was precious and she wanted desperately to protect her. In her mind, Natasha was the mother hen and Y/N and Wanda were her chicks. Peter glanced up at the redhead who seemed far away in thought. It didn't take him long to register that these 'Avengers' were a family, much like he and his fellow 'Guardians'. Apparently they were a close family and Peter knew he had to fix the mess he started and that Drax escalated with his drama. This was a family he definitely didn't get on the bad side of. Especially with two huge super soldiers lurking about, and not forgetting the God. "I should go talk to her." He whispered more to himself, to try and give himself a slight boost of confidence. Mentally he was telling himself that explaining this would be a piece of cake. Hell, he had talked his way out of situations that would've gotten him murdered, he could smooth over Drax's mistake. "Yeah." Natasha give him a light shove as he stood up before giving two thumbs up. "Good luck, Star-Prince." He cringed at the popular used mock name he had been given. "Star-*Lord*." He corrected for about the millionth time. "You'll graduate to Lord when you patch things up with my friend." The redhead chuckled before kicking back on her bed. ****** It took Peter forever but he finally found Y/N in the recreation room, her eyes glued to the gaming screen in front of her. Peter stopped in the doorway and just watched her for a long moment as she played and was clearly very focused on the Pac-Man game in front of her. Peter had to hand it Stark, he spared no expense when it came to fun factor of his compound. He had been sure he'd never see another classic Pac-Man arcade machine ever again yet here, Stark had not only Pac-Man but Galaga, Super Mario Brothers and many others that Peter always loved playing in his younger days. Their first day on earth, Peter spent the whole night in this room. Listening to music and playing all these wonderful games. He only left because Gamora had to pretty much drag him out by his ear. He leaned up against the door frame and folded his arms across his chest, a small smile daring to grace his features as he watched Y/N play the game. He took in how her eyes narrowed every time one of the ghosts got close. How her tongue was poking out just a bit in concentration. He even watched as her shoulders tensed each time she moved the joystick or pushed a button on the console. He was gawking, he knew he was but something about a woman who was so into her arcade games got him hot and bothered. Maybe it was because anytime he spoke of these games other women would look at him crazy. Yet here Y/N was, oblivious to the world around her while being completely sucked into this game that was his absolute favorite. "Shit." She cursed under her breath as the ghosts cornered Pac-Man, leaving her no where else to go. Peter chuckled once the familiar music of Pac-Man losing filled the room. "I hate those damn ghosts." Peter finally announced his presence causing Y/N to jump and quickly whip her head around towards Peter. With wide eyes, Y/N shifted nervously and quickly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I didn't know anyone was here." She finally spoke up. "I figured everyone would be in bed by now." Peter pushed himself off the door frame and deeper into the room. "Most are, I just couldn't sleep." He lied. "So you like Pac-Man?" This was a nice ice breaker, or so he thought. Something to strike up a conversation before blurting out his apology on Drax's behalf. Y/N's brow shot up as Peter got closer. He never once tried to speak to her yet now here he was, alone with her trying to get her to talk about video games? "Uh, yeah. I pretty much begged Tony for these." She answered with a sharp nod of her head before turning back towards the game. "I saw someone beat my high score so I was trying to get my name back up there." This caused Peter to give a cocky smirk as he leaned up against the machine beside her, his eyes looking fondly on the high scores list. Number one, P.J.Q. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I didn't know that was your high score." He spoke with a chuckle. "You? You're P.J.Q?" Y/N snapped her eyes over to him in slight disbelief. "I thought Tony reset the scores just to mess with me." She admitted with a blush. "Peter Jason Quill, it wouldn't let me put Star-Lord in so..." Peter felt his body relax when the small smile threatened to appear on her lips. Her eyes still focused on the game. "You should talk to Tony 'bout that. I'm sure he could find a way to allow Star-Lord in there." "Shit, every game in here would have my name on it. It'd be awesome." A chuckle escaped his lips as he also turned his gaze on the gaming screen, watching with admiration as she skillfully played the game. "Listen, I was actually looking for you," he started with a soft voice, "about earlier...what Drax said--" "It's fine." She cut him off, her small smile disappearing and her body tensing slightly. "No it's not." Peter shook his head, he obviously threw her off her game because he watched as the blue ghost caught up with Pac-Man, thus ending the game a second time. "Drax is, well, he's blunt and very outspoken. Especially when he thinks he's right." Y/N sighed, pulling herself away from the game and quickly wandered over towards the couch where Groot laid asleep on a comfy blue throw pillow. "It doesn't matter. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion." Peter watched with a frown as she carefully scooped up Groot and cradled him carefully in the crook of her arm being very careful not to wake him. "But he was wrong." Peter stubbornly walked after her as she made for the exit. "I never said I found you repulsive. I don't know where in the hell he got that from." Y/N still felt her stomach twisting up into knots as she tried to scurry away from Peter. She had spent the whole afternoon looking in the mirror and crying. Her self esteem had taken a massive blow and her mind had convinced her that she was in fact repulsive as Drax had said, even though Groot stayed by her side all afternoon speaking his only know words in hopes of trying to cheer her up. "It doesn't matter. We can just drop it." She whispered over her shoulder as she made her way towards her room, Peter still hot on her heels. All she wanted to do was hide away and forget today ever happened. Silently she cursed herself for even bringing the subject up. Had she kept her mouth shut everything would've been normal and fine. Peter would still be avoiding her, not chasing her down the halls and she'd go back to suffering in silence. "It matters!" Peter snapped in a hushed tone as not to wake Groot. He reached out and grabbed Y/N by the shoulders and spun her around so she would be facing him. Also in an attempt to keep her from wiggling away he pressed her back against the door to her room, his fingers pressing lightly into her bare shoulders, the thin straps of her tank top rubbing lightly against his palms. "It matters to me because he was wrong. He couldn't have been more wrong." Peter's voice softened and his eyes were pleading. "Just, please let me explain." Y/N grunted when she felt the hard, cold wood of the door press into her back. Her breathing even seemed to hitch as Peter's eyes bore down into hers. Their current position made Y/N realize just how tall Peter actually was and how he easily towered of her. She couldn't blink or even form words right now but she could hear the sincerity in his voice. This apparently really was him wanting to explain, not Gamora or Nat forcing him to apologize or suffer bodily harm. Taking a deep breath, Y/N finally gave in, nodding her head before glancing down at the still deep sleeping toddler tree in her arms. "Okay." She nodded as Peter finally released her arms and took a step back. "Just, come in. I'm gonna go put Groot down on my bed and then we'll talk." Turning her back to Peter, Y/N opened her door and stepped inside, flicking on the lights. Peter stepped in after her, quietly closing the door behind him. Once inside he took a good look around the room, his jaw dropping slightly in awe as he glanced around. On her walls were old movie posters from the 80s. Ghostbusters, Aliens, Breakfast Club, Back To The Future, Indiana Jones and of course, one of his favorites, Star Wars. But not just any Star Wars, Empire. "Holy shit." He muttered as she stepped out of the living area into a room that was off to the left, clear that was the bedroom. While he was alone, Peter took this opportunity to snoop. Of course he headed right for the movie collection that took up an entire bookcase next to the flat screen TV. He smiled to himself seeing the movies were arranged genre. He noticed that Y/N held a great fascination for Science Fiction and space themed movies. He also noted there weren't very many "chick flicks" on this bookcase. He was about to pull away and go sit himself on her couch when a case on the TV stand caught his attention. "No fucking way." He breathed out quick grabbed up the case and his green eyes sparkled in excitement. "What?" Y/N asked as she walked back in the room to see Peter clutching the DVD case. "You like ThunderCats?" "The real question is, who /*doesn't*/ like ThunderCats?" Peter asked in excitement. "Shit, I used to watch this show every damn day when I was a kid. I can't believe you have a box set. Is this, holy hell it is!" Peter beamed flipping the case over to read the back. "This is every episode! Can we watch this?" He asked in a child like manner, his eyes quickly darting over to Y/N who was watching him with an amused grin on her face. Both her hands resting lazily on her hips. "Everyone here makes fun of me for watching this show." She chuckled walking over towards Peter and the TV. "It'd be nice to actually watch the show with someone who likes it as much as I do." She nodded picking up the DVD remote and taking the box set from Peter. Carefully she loaded the first disk into the player before heading over to the couch. Peter pumped his fist happily and raced for the couch. He ripped off his jacket and laid it over the arm of the couch before flopping himself down. For a moment he felt like a kid again and completely forgot why he was in her room to begin with. He was there to explain, not watch cartoons. Oh well, he thought, this would hopefully make things a little less awkward when he did explain because hopefully they'd be more relaxed around each other and maybe this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. *** Tags: @vic394 Tags are open.
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