#yes attacking the dog is cowardly of him but I think that is more interesting
corpsejelli · 1 year
Don’t care what anyone says I like Eddie dombrowski and I think he is a compelling character and not just some edgy dude who doesn’t like dogs
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
fist - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 292 - slightly NSFW
Becoming a criminal defense attorney was something Barty regretted from the moment he got into law school. He'd folded to his father's wishes, and for that, he would never forgive himself. The stuffy suits that hid his tattoos and the lying to judges all day about drug charges to get random rich arseholes off were enough to make him go mental, and he frequently fantasized about running off to Fiji or someplace similar, if only to escape it all.
At least, until he met inmate 3280. Inmate 3280, or E. Rosier, as his file said, was in for assault and battery, and his lawyer bills were being paid for by stuffy parents who seemed to think that paying exorbitant amounts for his defense was more than enough, as they showed no interest in visiting him. Barty knew the type.
So when he sat down with E. Rosier, he already had a bit of a soft spot for the bloke. And then, the other man explained his story.
"I attacked him for insulting my favorite TV show," he explained, shrugging, rubbing his still-bruised fist.
"You...what?" Barty asked, already more excited about this case than any other he'd ever had.
"Courage the Cowardly Dog is a fucking legend," Rosier shrugged. "He called him stupid. I had to punch him. And then it turned out he had a mate who was a police officer or some shit...
But Barty wasn't paying attention. Because this guy was absolutely off his rocker. And also fucking hot.
"Anyway. You gonna get me off, lawyer man?" Rosier drawled, sending him a grin that made Barty want to do very unprofessional things.
And when he said, "Yes," he wasn't exact sure which meaning of the phrase he was thinking about.
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leupagus · 1 year
Beard and Nate: friends to enemies to God I hope they get to be friends again
One thing I found interesting about this episode is Beard and Jane's axe-throwing date with the bespoke Nate Crotch Targets. Leaving aside Beard's 17 axes, which he cannot imagine having in a different country (and I do love that at some point between probably season 1 and 2, when he and Ted decided to stay in the UK for the forseeable future instead of going home after those first four months, Beard had his axes shipped and has added to the pile since then. Also that Ted is aware of Beard's axe problem), the vitriol of that is something that's really narratively significant, I think. Because it speaks to the fact that Beard has not remotely forgiven Nate for what he did. And I think that says a lot about Beard as a person, and as a friend.
Beard and Ted have been friends for a long time — long before Wichita (remember, they were only there for one year) — and whatever their past may be, they have a loyalty to each other that is really remarkable. Yes, Beard came to the UK along with Ted; but Ted must have insisted on them as a package deal, and Beard would have a pretty nice salary from Richmond too, not to mention comparable company housing to Ted's pad. They're very close and comfortable talking about complicated, messy emotional stuff with each other — part of the reason the Diamond Dogs formed was because Ted and Beard's rapport began to expand to encompass Higgins and Nate. He sees those two as similar kinds of men, willing to honestly express their feelings and mutually support each other.
And then Nate starts to change.
Beard and Ted first clock it in the very first episode of season 2, in Nate's attitude toward Will (which I think is more Nate repeating the mistakes that his father made with him than Nate actively reveling in abuse — I have a whole BOOK I want to write about Lloyd and Nate's conversation in this past episode, I absolutely cried, don't look at me). Neither of them say anything, which I think would be a mistake if this was real life but in the show is meant to reflect the idea that "sometimes you can let people make mistakes and improve on their own, but sometimes you have to step in early." But Beard, throughout the season, watches Nate a little more carefully, and then when Nate really goes over the line with Colin, he finally steps in. Nate makes his public apology to Colin and things are seemingly fine — remember, Nate's awful comment to Will happens out of Beard's sight.
But Beard obviously doesn't stop watching Nate, because he figures out pretty much instantly that Nate was Trent's source for the story about Ted's panic attacks. Not only that, but the first thing Nate does when Beard sees him is to ask where Roy is, and then lie to him when Beard makes a pretty blatant comment about the article. Then later, when they're all talking with Roy about the Jamie & Keeley situation and Nate confesses about the kiss, Beard makes the flat "I'd be happy to punch you in the face" comment. Because from his perspective, Nate's done something absolutely awful and won't even admit to it, even though he'll readily admit to trying to kiss Keeley. (I'm not making any claims as to which one is "worse," but the show clearly wants to portray Nate talking to Trent as the bigger problem.) Then you have the fight between Nate and Ted (which Ted 10000% told Beard about, I cannot imagine a world where he didn't), the ripped sign, and Nate leaving the club to coach for Rupert Mannion.
As far as Beard can see, Nate took what Beard and Ted had given him — not the assistant coachship, but the camaraderie and trust — and used it to hurt Ted in the most cowardly way possible.
And I don't think Beard is right.
We still don't know exactly why or how Nate told Trent about the panic attacks (what I wouldn't give for THAT flashback), but I think the folks who assume he did it to advance his own career or at the behest of Rupert or something are way off. I think Nate's anger at Ted is a whole other essay, and this past episode has really made it clear how much it's tangled up in his expectations for himself as well as for his father-figures, but I don't think that it's something Beard has been able to understand. All he sees is the fallout from Nate and Ted's broken friendship, and the grief that caused Ted this past year. He's only seen the pain on one side and not the other.
So we have Beard celebrating Nate's departure from West Ham, despite (and maybe because of) the fact that Ted's already forgiven Nate. We see Beard slowly trusting Trent — who after all did write the article but who wasn't Ted's friend or confidante at the time and owed him absolutely nothing — but still willing to erect boundaries when he wants to (even if he pulls them down within 30 seconds). And what I hope we get in the next two episodes is Beard understanding Nate more and accepting that his friend still needs him.
And that his friend is Nate.
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mochiable · 3 years
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— how you met nct dream.
anon request: hello! i don’t know if you take this type of request but i would love a scenario on how you meet nct dream ot7 if it’s possible, thank you!
warning: one swear word
wc: 1.5k
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you had been watching that cute boy on the badminton court playing with his friends ever since you had started working in the gym and you couldn't help but become more and more interested in him with each passing day. the noises he made when he hit the shuttlecock, the whimpers that came from his pink fluffy lips when he missed the expected shot and the way he frowned and puckered his mouth when his partner missed were some of your favourite things about going to work. yet you had never been able to strike up a conversation. never until this day, when his friends decided to take a break and go watch the football match, while he preferred to stay and practice a bit more.
"you're good," you complimented him once you approached him and threw him a bottle of water, which he managed to catch on the fly. "thank you," he replied flashing you a shy smile, causing his cheekbones to bulge. "where did you learn all that?" you asked sitting down on the bench at the side of the court. he turned to look at you nervously, setting the bottle down once he had taken a sip. "my father... well... he taught me, i guess," he replied, averting his gaze to anywhere on the court except your eyes. "and what do you like best about it?" you questioned him, watching the feather he was playing with bounce on the ground. "ahhh, i... i like badminton, i mean... i like it a lot, like... the... the... the rackets are really nice," he replied trying to find the right words, looking even more tender than ever and causing a smile to form on your lips. but just then his friends arrived, so you stood up and approached him. "nice to meet you, mark," you bowed your head and he copied you, failing to hide the blush on his cheeks.
you snorted once more when the card of the hotel you were staying at wouldn't open the door. you had just taken a dip in the pool and were starting to get cold from wearing only a t-shirt over your swimsuit. you had already used every curse word the dictionary had and still the door wouldn't open. until suddenly you heard a click and it did, so you hurriedly tried to enter. however, something a little softer than the door blocked your way, making you bump into it or, rather, into someone.
“can i help you with something?” the boy smiled kindly as two others a little taller than him appeared from behind. you frowned, looking at the number painted on the door and then looking at the number written on your card. it was then that you realised your mistake, “shit! sorry, sorry. i've got the wrong room,” you apologised, trying to hide your embarrassment and nervousness. “is your room next door?” he asked leaning the side of his body against the door frame, to which you nodded, “i hope to see you again then,” he spoke, as the other two boys who hadn't moved yet tried to hide their laughter. you smiled still a little self-consciously and turned around with the intention of getting out of there. “nice outfit, by the way.”
you were taking the dog for a walk in the park as you usually did, but this day was a bit different. you let the dog loose, trusting him completely, although you regretted it after a second when you saw how he ran away from you, starting to chase a boy riding his bike. you ran after him, calling his name and wishing you were born with more stamina, because your lungs weren’t strong enough for that. the boy slowed down when he noticed the animal running after him, who didn't think twice before jumping on top of him and knocking him off his bike, licking his face while getting petted. when you managed to get to where they were, you apologised repeatedly, getting several "don't worry" from the boy, smiling with amusement at your furry friend.
“i hope your dog doesn't attack me again,” he laughed softly, hopping on his bike and riding off, reassuring you that there would definitely be a next time.
in the summer you worked in a flower shop, you didn't get paid much but it was enough to pay for your studies. that day, your boss sent you to the most famous dance company in your city to deliver a bouquet with yellow sunflowers, something strange you had to admit.
leaving the lift you bumped into a handsome guy who apologized for not having noticed and almost destroying those beautiful flowers. as an apology he offered to guide you to your destination and you, a bit shy, accepted shyly. you could notice the look of confusion when you pointed out where you should deliver the sunflowers and, when you entered the room, he didn't hesitate to speak.
“so the flowers are for me, you’re the one sending them?” he approached them to smell their soft, fresh scent and then looked at you with a twinkle in his eye. you shook your head slightly, watching an amused pout form on his handsome face, “how bad, i would’ve wished to receive such a gift from someone so pretty.”
Songpa Naru Park was perhaps your favourite place to spend the afternoon when you didn't have too much to do. coming here, watching the almond blossoms swaying in the wind, listening to the swallows singing and watching families having a good time were your favourite images. you couldn't miss the photographs, you were nobody without your camera and your snapshots.
at that moment, watching the black and white ducks arguing over which part of the lake belonged to each of them, you felt a flash in your right profile, which made you startle and your camera, which was in your lap, rush to the ground. however, a big hand prevented that horrible disaster.
“forgive me,” the stranger apologised, “i didn't mean to,” he showed you his perfect white teeth as he returned the camera to your lap. “did you take a picture of me?” you asked looking in his direction, remembering that bright light. he looked at you with regret and put his hand to the back of his neck, scratching it nervously, “sorry about that too.” you gave him a tight-lipped smile and lifted your shoulders, “don't worry, it's all right,” you replied turning your gaze back to the lake, “it’s beautiful, isn't it?” you asked, watching him out of the corner of your eye. “yes, very pretty,” he replied, looking at your picture on his camera, which brought another smile to your face, a bigger one this time.
you were definitely lost. maybe if you hadn't listened to your brother, you would now be at the restaurant where your parents were waiting for you. but obviously, he didn't want to use the gps as he had "memorised the way". and this is when he forced you to roll down the car window and ask some stranger for help.
“excuse me, could you tell me where Las Torres restaurant is?” you asked a handsome guy, wearing a loose summer brown shirt. he smiled at you and asked for your phone so he could write it down for you, which you readily agreed to. “here you go. i’ve drawn you the official route, but also a small detour that will get you there faster,” he explained, handing you back the phone through the window. after thanking him and saying goodbye, he gave you a smile with a wink, which caused a slight blush to appear on your cheeks. you soon learned the reason for this gesture. he hadn't asked for your mobile phone just to guide you, but to write down his number as well.
you were having dinner with a friend at one of your favourite restaurants, celebrating the end of the school year and another year of your friendship. however, you weren't paying full attention to your friend, as you were busier watching the boy who hadn't stopped looking at you all night and who, when you looked back at him, looked away, blushing slightly. halfway through dinner you could notice his friend saying something in his ear, looking in your direction, and how the boy's eyes widened while he began to shake his head. but suddenly, the other boy stood up and, ignoring his friend's prayers, approached you with a mischievous smile on his face.
“good evening,” he greeted, interrupting your conversation and resting his hands on the table, “you've caught my friend's eye, but he's too shy and cowardly to come and ask for your number himself, so i’m here to make his dreams come true,” he addressed you with confidence and amusement, pointing to the sweet boy who was now covering his face with the tablecloth. you finally decided to write down your number on the napkin and your heart skipped a beat as the boy smiled shyly at you after receiving the piece of paper with your number written on it.
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requests are open!
main masterlist | nct masterlist
a/n: this is my very first multiple scenario and i have to admit i’m very nervous about it. i’d really appreciate it if you could provide me with some feedback and tell what do you think of it! hope you liked it, love you<3
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
bro your coyote joel idea is so good but may i add- in modern america, coyotes are seen as more "cowardly" than wolves. Joel, as a red life, doesnt attack directly, but sets traps and flees as soon as someone sees him. on a completely unrelated note consider joel giving puppy dog eyes
- acacia
YES GOOD that’s like. part of the vibe I was trying to get across. you are very correct that’s where I was going for with the coyote comparison. this animal that’s seen as a cowardly nuisance in America. (also, notably, arguably being considered a cowardly nuisance for daring to continue to exist and cause problems where humans are, which I think is an interesting angle to it too that I haven’t fully put my finger down on.) and yes, Joel mostly sets traps, turns tail in order to survive, and causes problems by stealing when he has to, doesn’t he? very coyote.
…also Joel giving puppy dog eyes is a hilarious image and I greatly appreciate it.
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Hey. I don’t like posting this because I like to be a positive person and this is a really cool and positive fandom, but I need to say please avoid melodicalmusic on DeviantArt/doggiebeats on Quotev. Initially I thought it was just someone who was missing the point, but they are far worse and actively harmful. (notes under cut)
melodicalmusic/doggiebeats is the author and illustrator of an au fic named “Velo Life”. At first glance it is harmless, the art is fine. The story revolves around a mask named Pap (a papillon dog) doing things, being an assistant to the monarchy, and dating Fox. Sometimes other masks get chapters, but the overall focus is on her oc, which is fine, as ocs can be good. The problem isn’t conception, it’s execution.
Transphobia: Melodic decided to cast Leopard as a non-binary intersex character. It was a fair design choice, other than the fact she referred to them as a “pseudo-h*rmaphodite”, which is medically outdated, as well as the inclusion of ‘pseudo’ is more offensive than the slur alone. Leopard has biological cubs, despite most intersex (obviously not all) being infertile or unable to carry children showing a lack of research on the topic, as well as it being a very dysphoric situation for many trans and intersex people.
Leopard was referred to as a “quing”, combination “queen” and “king”. Now. Mull over it. Okay stop mulling, because she had every inch to just use “Monarch”, such as “Monarch Leopard”, as well as titles like “Their/Your Majesty”, which works for both kings and queens, so it should have been suitable for Leopard.
Unprompted, she backpedaled saying “But I wanted Leopard in my AU to be a actual female. Cause I think it's for the best. Everyone kinda hated Leopard, but I love everything she does. No not Transgender, just really a female.”. Besides the fact she took it in her own hands to decide that a mask played by Seal was ‘now a cis woman’, she implies that trans women are not women, calling cis women ‘really a female’.
In her fic, the only other trans character is Egg, who is exceptionally ambiguous to being trans, not specifying if Egg is NB, FTM, or if he as well was going to be intersex. She dedicates a chapter to pride month, yet a lot of the focus is on the cishet masks (Pap (her oc), Frog, and Fox), as well as a concerning ship of T-Rex and Poodle, as everyone knows that T-Rex is somewhat coded to be a child, since Jojo was only 16 when she performed. Despite claiming to respect trans people, she only had two trans characters, and decided that one of them wouldn’t be trans anymore because “I admired the high-pitch voice that was fitted for the Leopard, it just suits SO well. Even if the show kept going, I always hear the digital high vocals.”. Call me crazy, but that’s not a reason to make a man a cis woman.
As a trans man, Leopard was disgustingly handled in the show with the panel first week, accusing Seal of ‘tricking’ them for wearing drag and acting feminine (not acting like a woman, acting feminine), and I hoped it wouldn’t leech into the fandom. Clearly I was wrong.
Homophobia: Where to start with this. As stated, she changed Leopard from a NB intersex character (in her original canon) to a cis woman. In the fic, Leopard is married to Nick. I don’t need to tell you that she made Nick x Leopard into a straight ship. She made the only gay ship tease in the show into a straight ship. I wish it ended here.
Somali, an oc, has potential. Not here, but he has it. Somali is gay. If you think I’m undermining his character, that is his character. Somali likes magic and theater, and is very flamboyant. He is a gay walking stereotype. In his description, it is stated, “The story is that he turnout Gay, Of course Pappy was Supportive, but she knew it wasn't fair, especially through everything she's involved.” If you need me to translate: Somali broke up with Pap after realizing he was gay. Pap saw that as unfair, and that she was a victim of being lead on because he found out he was gay. Yes, Pap is making Somali being gay and dealing with his internalized homophobia… about herself. She goes to the point of calling him her nemesis. Which is a... toxic way to refer to someone who broke up with you on clean terms.
Somali eventually teams up with Rottweiler, Pap’s brother (who abuses her, despite it being out of character in every means) and is. Evil, and he hates Pap now apparently. We can’t go a minute without the gay oc being evil huh. Somali being gay doesn’t add to the story, it just suggests the only reason he stopped dating her was that he was gay (which is bad and offensive in Pap’s eyes) because he is not shown to fall for Rottweiler, or have any crushes on other male masks. His homosexuality is an accessory tag, and it’s really not a good one when he is the only gay character with a lot of lines.
Every. Character. That. Is. LGBT. Is. A. Token. Ice Cream and T-Rex are the closest ones to not be tokens, as Ice Cream has a job at a diner and T-Rex gets lines, but T-Rex is only used for exposition, and again, a child shipped with an adult mask. Peacock’s and Rabbit’s role outside of the first chapter is to have a rocky relationship, being forced to rekindle their relationship after Pap tells them to do so for a love festival. Several of the female masks are bisexual or lesbians, but they add so little to the plot, that I don’t even remember which ships are which. Every [since Leopard used to not be but is now] main character is heterosexual and cis (Pap, Fox, Leopard, Kitty, Frog, Turtle, Rottweiler) which doesn’t imply that she actually is that pro LGBT. Drawings of hers for Ice Cream and Egg are captioned “Just something Gay for you guys to see~” (fetishizing much?).
Ableism: One of the ocs in the fic is a Red Panda, who is related to Panda (don’t be confused, animal wise they are not closely related at all). In the fic, Red Panda suffers from PTSD due to an accident which caused her to be disabled in the leg, who uses a single-leg-crutch to walk. The physical disability is handled well enough, not being a hindrance or made fun of, but her personality is the worst. Red Panda is a cowardly and sniveling child, scared of her own shadow and completely incompetent. Her PTSD is very thinly written, not giving her any specific triggers or reasons for anxiety. If her PTSD was presented with her being afraid of entering a vehicle or certain smells that would relate to the accident (rubber, smoke, leather), it would make sense, but Red Panda is scared of everything. On a dare, Frog tells Kitty to impersonate a mask. Kitty impersonates Red Panda, making fun of her cowardice, which can be an actual attack on people who have PTSD (like myself), Kitty justifies herself, saying she couldn’t think of anyone else, Red Panda immediately accepting it. Being a minor character, there is no time for her to develop, and the Red Panda we were presented with is already a mess.
In the same chapter that Red Panda is introduced, Axolotl (mentioned a lot later) dares Fox to remove his prosthetic arm. I don’t need to need prosthesis to know that asking someone to take their ARM OFF is unfunny and uncalled for. Pap, Fox’s girlfriend, decided to take the time and kissed the welt, commenting that it “looked interesting”. Don’t- don’t do that. Don’t kiss people’s scars or cuts or welts or anything related to their disability, especially without permission. Axolotl was being ablest to Fox and somehow Fox didn’t know better and forgot to tell her she was acting uncivilized, despite being one of the smartest masks in the canon.
Condoning Incest: One of the ocs in the fic is an Axolotl. The axolotl is Frog’s biological sister, Frog having Turtle as his adopted brother, which in fic Turtle is stated to have been adopted in Frog’s family for over 15 years. In the axolotl’s description, it is stated “Though Axolotl is a relative of him, She deeply has a crush on him. Which maybe weird but hey, Turtle's Adopted. So not a big deal”. No, it’s not ‘ok’ because Turtle is adopted, especially since they’ve been related 15 years. It’s not like Frog and Turtle are ‘close enough to be brothers’, they are related by law. Axolotl is presented to quirkily force a kiss on Turtle in one chapter, which she is not punished or condoned for 1. Sexually harassing him 2. Committing incest and putting it on his conscience, OTHER than her getting salmonella, which all characters who kiss Turtle are prone to getting (Ice Cream in chapter was stated to have fallen sick after kissing him). Axolotl is treated completely fine and Turtle has her in his band, regardless of the fact she is predatory towards him. Additionally, Axolotl is treated as a babysitter towards all of the children on the island, despite, again, sexually harassing someone she is related to, which people saw happen.
Incest is a harmful thing that can cause people to self-deprecate themselves or worse. It’s not a quirky “ha ha, they kissed, so funny!” because Axolotl DOES want to prey on Turtle. She DOES want to be with him. She didn’t CARE about his feelings, in the moment or after. It wasn’t a cute kiss on the cheek, and it wasn’t funny.
Fetishization of Japan: Pap is a weeeeeb. Pap is stated to be Japanese (her last name being Akita) which is confusing on account of the fact Rottweiler and her family are not shown to be Japanese? Anyways, Pap uses broken Japanese, completely unsparingly, and just says it in a way she expects everyone to understand her. It’s not Engrish, she speaks English well enough, she just adds it in sentences, and Melodic doesn’t even offer translations at the end of chapters. Phrases used are arbitrary, one some reason ending with “translator”. Entire sentences can be in Japanese, making the story hard to follow. If this fetishization of the language was limited to Pap, it’d be more tolerable, but other masks, ones who have no reason to know Japanese, use it as well, equally poorly.
Xenophobia: Some reason the USA and UK masks are all good guys (other than Rottweiler) but the German masks live in a ‘badlands’. German Monster teams up with Rottweiler and is his girlfriend, while German Dragon sexually assaults Kitty when they go through the badlands. There is no rhyme or reason why they are the scapegoated ‘evil’ series, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Inability to handle criticism: I tried. I tried my absolute best to tell her that what she was writing was harmful and past borderline offensive. I told her that Somali was a gay stereotype and very poorly presented, not getting a personality out of ‘likes singing’ (which all masks do…) and ‘is evil gay’. She didn’t care. We told her she was using slurs and that turning a mask played by Seal into a cis woman was offensive and transphobic (as well as Leopard already poorly being handled). She didn’t care.
In fact she more than didn’t care. She called us insensitive and whiny. Quote from her, "Now, I been feeling upset about some Haters/Karens harassing me on my AU ideas. And yes that's dumb.” Karens. You know, the stereotypical older women who hate the gays and trans people and bully people doing their jobs? Karens? Yeah, no. A Karen would be against any characters being trans or gay, insisting the show is for families, not telling them to stop using literal slurs (which have been outdated over 20 years) and to actually write gay characters. She genuinely acts like she can do no wrong and that everyone that doesn’t fawn over her is bad. This has nothing to do with the quality of the writing and the lack of grammar, this is about how she is unapologetically offensive and writing triggering content for the sake of being ‘quirky’.
I’m not saying “go rally against her” or “dox her” or “flame her story”, I’m suggesting please don’t give her attention. She’s clearly a child, and she’s not willing to change. All we can do is limit how much attention she gets until she grows up.
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sweeethinny · 4 years
Reputation - Look What You Made Me Do (Chapter 5)
this time it didn't take me so long :) I had difficulties with the ending but I think I managed to finish it in a decent way (thank to @harrys-wheezys who help me, saying about how the war had changed them, and they realizing it :))
keep commenting, i love reading your opinions 
I don't like your little games Don't like your tilted stage
''Look what they wrote about us!" Harry looked at her, a little still tired from the morning sex round, his brain soft and with little ability to understand anything but Ginny's naked breasts, right next to him ''Harry Potter , 32, Order of Merlin blah blah blah, was seen chatting animatedly alongside another ex- Holyhead Harpies player, other than his wife, Ginny Potter (or can we call her Weasley again?)'' Ginny turned her head to him, a little too furious for nine on a cold Sunday morning "Terry is a lesbian! And she knows it."
''Why do you still buy this?'' Harry yawned, cuddling up to her chest, smiling at the softness of her breasts, better than the pillows, as he felt her nails on his scalp, almost driving him back to sleep.
''Why do I need to know what they are saying about us?'' He knew it wasn't really a question, so he kept quiet ''Forbidden romance is a hell. They've been separating us for years now, do you remember that about our marriage?'' 
Rita no longer wrote alone, now she shared the gossip podium with Beau Miller, a man no one really knew where he came from, and seemed to have won people's hearts more for his beauty than for the work itself.
'' ..Of course, what he writes is pure shit ' Harry grunted angrily, throwing the newspaper into the fire and watching it burn, irritated that he said that about Ginny ''They said she has kept me under the love potion .. Ginevra Weasley! The woman who knows very well what it is to have no control over yourself while someone else manipulates you like a puppet, would make me drink love potions! ' Harry clapped his hand on the table, suddenly feeling like he was on edge. .
He thanked for being alone.
''Is the future Potter keeping our chosen one under a potion? ' Harry feigned a very forced accent, his hand on his chest while blinking pompously into nothingness ''To hell with 'Our Chosen One' ''
It was just as irritating how much they got into their lives, saying filthy things about the two, making silly assumptions about betrayals, love potions, and even a teenage pregnancy - the picture of Ginny with Teddy in her arms gave them that.
Harry was so tired, especially now in the week of their wedding, where he was so nervous and upset that he thought he was about to fall to the floor with a heart attack. And it made it worse that Ginny was in France with Fleur, for something about her dress.
They always made him look like a fool, and Harry definitely hated them.
And it was with this resignation that he left his office, marching furiously to the building where the Prophet was.
 The role you made me play Of the fool, no, I don't like you
 ''How to forget? I think Beau is still scared of me'' He laughed nasally, hugging the woman's waist and burying his head more in her breasts ''But it wasn't just me who did it, if I remember correctly, in your seventh year you also lost the head''
''She caught me on a bad day'' Ginny defended herself
 It was supposed to be a calm Quidditch Final, at least it was what she expected.
She was prepared to face Ravenclaw with all her blood, determined to win and make use of all those training sessions under the rain and mornings that had barely emerged. She would win.
Harry being there, helped a lot too.
''If we win .. '' She said when the two met in the locker room still empty, for just one conversation.
"When you win," he said, kissing the tip of her nose before listening to her again, with all his attention and affection.
But then there was the press, as usual, and Rita Skeeter was there too, asking about silly stuff.
Ginny was on the edge, missing her stupid boyfriend who got bogged down with jobs until he missed the last trip to Hogsmeade, afraid to lose, eager to have scouts in the audience who would assess her potential to the last drop, judging her good or not for her team, nervous about the exam of her NIEM's next week .. It was so much, that having Rita distorting her words was not a real desire.
That smile ... Ginny was so eager to take it away.
I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie
''But Mrs Weasley, have you been playing just to impress a certain person? ' That had been the question after Ginny had scored 8 goals in less than an hour, and helped Gryffindor to win the Cup and being an incredible captain, being quite modest.
Of course, because everything about her was always intertwined, in some way, with Harry.
With little patience left, she decided to smile sarcastically as took the feather in her hand and kneaded it until there were no more pieces left, approaching the woman in a very unfriendly way, which made her startle and take two steps back, cowardly
''Yes, and I've been well rewarded for that. As you can see .. '' She waved her notebook with her wand, making it burn and end up nothing less than dust on the dirty floor of the locker room ''I'm great with my hands''
You said the gun was mine Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!)
 ''You're really good with your hands'' Harry kissed the one who was resting beside him on the bed, also kissing her finger with their wedding ring, feeling the cold gold against his lips
''Thank you, I got better with time... You are lucky that I don't mind all these intrusions, because I already received some invitations to run away from you'' The man laughed, lifting his chin to look at her, green eyes playing fun
''I can't even believe what made you stay'' Ginny shrugged, smiling and running her nails over his shoulders
''Your fortune, of course''
 ''Ginny Potter getting married out of interest?
That's right wizard world, the Quidditch Team's great player,  Holyhead Harpies, received a marriage proposal from a Puddlemere United Team player, which we were unable to identify. And he claims that Ginny Potter told him that she will only marry Harry Potter because of his fortune.
More information on page 15.''
''Does the man say that but they don't know who he is?'' She snorted ''She loves to make me look like a disguised bitch'' Harry barely looked up from Ron's letter, drinking his coffee and wondering if he should get a piece of cake or cookies.
''She does it because she knows you read and it hits you ' The bride turned like a rabid dog towards him
''Hit me? Please, Harry! I am furious that they do not destroy the image of a man who proposed to a committed person, but make up this shit about me .. I'm sure that tonight she will be there'' The Ministry party, the one that the two tried to make up any excuse for not to go, but that in the end, he had been obliged to attend. ''Do you know something? I will use the diamonds you gave me. And I'm going to buy a new dress.'' Ginny got up from the table
''I thought diamonds would be for special occasions'' He joked, still not looking at her
"And isn't that special?" He risked looking at her; her cheeks flushed like fire, hair up in a quick bun and his shirt as pajamas ''Wear your expensive suit too. We will be the most glamorous couple of that idiot party'' And then she left, stomping firmly and still babbling curses along the way.
''How I look?'' Ginny came out of the closet, and Harry started to wonder if they really needed to go to that stupid party, or if he could invent a disease that made him stuck at home.
She was stunning, the dress was golden and long, falling very close to her body and with straps so thin that he didn’t know how they didn’t split in half, a straight neckline that made her breasts look so stunning it was like he was 17 years and be embarrassed to see them. Her hair was tied in a neat bun, the diamond earrings matched the ring he had given her last month, delicate but shiny like party globes. Her lips were blood red, her eyes painted black and gold that made Harry forget the time she had spent in the bathroom.
''Wow'' He blinked a few times, watching her approach and fix his tie, blinking innocently and laughing
''Thank you my love, you are also beautiful ..'' Her hands smoothed the suit well aligned, seeming to approve that he had listened to her and put on the expensive piece ''I loved the gold buttons, they really make a great pair with my dress'' Ginny put her arm through his ''Can we go, Mr Potter? I need to parade with my rich fiance around.''
''I never felt so happy that I was being extorted'' They laughed, finishing getting what they needed before apparating to the Ballroom who were told it would be the event, identifying themselves at the entrance and smiling at the first camera that appeared , ignoring all the looks that some gave him "I come back from the dead, but what they care about is whether my future wife is about to kill me to keep my fortune or not .. "
But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time
''Because it sells more newspapers when they talk about a selfish bitch'' Ginny faked a smile ''Look, everyone commenting about us.' The circle of journalists seemed about to burst with excitement when they saw them coming in, ignoring anyone else more important that it passed them, seeming to argue about who should go to the couple first
"They must be arguing about what you had to do to get these earrings"
''I hope they're being creative .. Just a blowjob wouldn't pay'' Harry laughed, wrapping his arm around her waist and bowing a little - she was on heels, they weren't so different in height now - to whisper;
''But I wouldn't mind buying you jewelry for every time you have your mouth full ' The woman blushed, biting her lip and looking at it boldly
''I'll have an arsenal of them then'' Before he could make any further comments, their names were called, and Rita Skeeter was right there in front, smiling from ear to ear
''Mr and Mrs Potter.'' Her false tone got to make Harry sick ''As always; admirable'' Rita blinked a few times at the diamond in Ginny's ears, almost approaching to assess the jewel ''It would be an honor to have an interview with you, there are several fans who are dying to know more details of the wedding of two such important...wizards'' She looked up and down at Ginny, as if assessing whether she was worth it that much.
Because, she was always Harry Potter's girlfriend, and nothing more. Forget her career as a player, and all her other merits.
''I can only say it will be luxurious'' Ginny commented, as much as it was a lie ''Nothing more'' She smiled falsely ''And even, I remember putting your name on the list'' Rita seemed to be excited, eyes and puffing out the chest
''We have an extensive list, you see, but we don't forget you'' Harry assured
''It's a great honor-- ''
'' --The list, of course, forbidden people'' The redhead smiled from ear to ear ''Now, if you'll excuse me ... ''
I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined I check it once, then I check it twice, oh! Look what you made me do
 ''She spoke shit of our marriage for a week'' Harry sighed ''I have never been so sad''
''She made me do that'' Ginny shrugged. ''That dress really made me beautiful. I hate you for tearing it up'' She slapped her husband on the back, who was laughing against her warm skin.
''You didn't look angry when I did that. In fact, I remember you groaned a lot. We had complaints from neighbors underneath''
''Living in a building was the worst idea ever'' Harry nodded, getting back on her chest, smiling at the feeling of being at home. ''She asked me for help\ last week''
''Rita'' Ginny laughed ''Maybe that's why today's story, she must be mad since I refused to help her''
I don't like your kingdom keys They once belonged to me
 ''Me and you?'' Ginny spoke a little disappointed, looking at the empty room and then at the woman in front of her ''I work at the sports session, Rita''
"But I need you to help me, Chudley Cannons has this new player and .."
'' ..I won't intercept them for you, do your dirty work alone'' The blonde nodded, looking unexpectedly like a demon from those muggle movies she and Harry had been watching
''My job is not dirty, Mrs Potter, it is as worthy as yours'' Ginny laughed, staring at her with an even worrying calm, seeing that lying red face in front of her ''We should unite here, be solidary with the other.''
''A job that consists of being invasive in the lives of others and making up lies, is not a worthy job, Mrs. Skeeter'' The last name looked like poison on her lips ''The last time I helped you, my name ended up in a not so friendly story about a naked photo of me that they had taken and were trying to sell around ... It seems that you didn't think much about the 'female sorority' before launching the article defaming me''
''I don't invent anything'' Ginny nodded sarcastically, turning away and heading back to her work area
''I'm sure not ... But thank me Rita, for not writing gossip'' Then she looked over her shoulder, still seeing her standing there ''I would have great topics to comment on''
 You asked me for a place to sleep Locked me out and threw a feast (what?)
 ''I think they're going to fire her ... Beau has also been walking the tightrope for the past few days'' She dropped the newspaper, lying on the bed and coming face to face with Harry, rubbing his face and sighing tiredly ''Not that I care, it's just Karma''
''Definitely'' The husband kissed the tip of her nose, then the cheeks, until he reached her mouth, smiling and winking still a little sleepy ''The guy who sold the photos is still in prison. I went to Askaban yesterday and saw him, he looked a little crazy and upset when he saw me. The guards say he started having nightmares about me killing him.''
''Urgh, can't this family stay away from the drama for even a second? If Beau listens, you can be sure that tomorrow is the first page dedicated to that. "Harry Potter, the savior of the wizarding world or a torturer of defenseless poor people?"
''He's definitely not a helpless poor. And he's lucky that I didn't find him, because I would have left him with more damage than just a cut on his shoulder'' The green eyes darkened, and Ginny knew he wasn't horny ''They treated him so lovingly I even thought they would give him they own bed for him to spend the night ... While you can't leave the house for a week!''
''It's an unfair world, babe'' And as if that still didn't torment her, Ginny kissed her husband, relieved by the feeling that ran through her, as if the tension had evaporated away and only the two existed
 The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma
 ''But I have you, my great savior'' She kissed him again, less deeply this time ''Some guys told me I deserved it ... You know, for whatever shit they believe I did. Michael met me on the street and said it was just me reaping what I planted.'' Harry rolled his eyes, sighing and seeming to control any instinct to leave their bed and go after each one
''I hate them so much'' Ginny nodded ''Last week a trainee made a joke about your poster is on the bedroom wall, facing the bed. I don't think he wanted me to hear'' His wife laughed, throwing her head back and happy that he could break the tension ''I'm serious, he affected having seen death''
 '' ..I leave it facing my bed, because you know, don't you? Lonely nights and everything'' Harry took a deep breath, already being spotted by the freshman's other colleague, who was as white as paper looking over the boy's head, his eyes wide.
''If you continue like this, only what you will have will be lonely nights'' Then his malicious laugh stopped, and Harry even doubted that his breath was gone.
''Erm .. Sorry, Har ... Mr Potter'' The boy turned around, looking much more like one of their children when they were caught tampering with something where it shouldn't have been, not as an auror in training.
''Not that you should apologize to me, it wasn't my ass that you were using as an aid to wanking ... But hopefully next time, it will appear in your mind and leave it soft enough to not want to play for a week'''
 And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure
Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours
''He's still not looking me in the eye'' Ginny was still laughing, trying to contain the noise so as not to wake her children but looking almost impossible
''I really hope he saw your ass instead of mine .. Not that yours is ugly, I love her'' She kissed the tip of his nose, reaching down to squeeze the naked flesh ''All round and perfect'' Another kiss
''But it wasn't the one he wanted to see'' Ginny nodded, letting her be hugged ''I'm sorry for all this meddling''
''You don't have to apologize for anything, they're the ones who are fucking invasive. I accepted that life back in my fifth year, when you kissed me, and it wouldn't change a single point of my decisions '' The two looked at each other, Harry looking much more naked than he really was, blinking those beautiful green eyes in her direction, with a slight smile on his face
''I love you ... even if you are just here to steal my fortune, or if you are looking to get away with someone else ... ''
"... Or that I'm keeping you under the Love Potion?" Harry laughed, nodding
''Yes, I still love you so much'' Ginny smiled, even after all these years, still blushing shyly
''You look so romantic after I fuck you good'' He shrugged
"That's what they say ... But they say a lot, they already said they couldn't trust me when I was only 15 years old."
'' ..And today they use your opinion as a guide'' Ginny reminded him ''They always seem so sorry when you talk about the war'' Not that Harry talked much, but there was always a lecture here or there, and rather intrusive questions on the anniversary that marked the end. ''Rita always seems sorry about that time, but I never know if it is because we discovered her cover or just because there is a little humanity in her ... Anyway, I don't trust her at all. Not that she trusts me too much, of course. ''
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
Harry laughed softly, running his fingers over her cheek and outlining his wife's face, as if he wanted to frame her to never forget. Ginny took a hand on her cheek, kissing the scar he had acquired in the fifth year, as if to prove that they were there now. Better. Alive
''The date is coming ... What will they all write this time?'' Ginny shrugged, interlacing her fingers with his and approaching her husband, wrapping her bare leg around his waist
"Some shit that will make somebody cry and say 'he was just a kid!' while they congratulate you and frighten our children'' Our children, it was one of the things he would never tire of listening to. Harry chuckled, relaxing against her, laying his head back in the middle of her soft breasts, being surrounded by that heady scent that he would never get sick of.
''Isn't it crazy to think that Teddy is already so big? We're getting old ''
''Oh, don't say that too loud, magazines love to remind us of that. Last week a magazine said I should cut my hair again to 'look younger'.'' Harry laughed, running his fingers over the red strands that were on the pillow, not as long as when they were teenagers, but not as small as when she was played, but still incredibly beautiful.
''We're not the same anymore, are we?'' She doesn't need to ask what exactly he was talking about. The war had changed everyone, but Ginny and Harry would never be forgotten about their changes, even if she cut her hair and he let his hair grow, there would always be a gossip magazine reminding them who they once were. Students leading a movement against the Ministry, teenagers having to deal with things that not even an adult would handle well, among thousands more.
''It would be impossible to be'' She smiled a little colorless, before her maternal instinct warned her ''James woke up.'' And the alone and comfortable moment was over, the two of them picked up their fallen pajamas by the bed and they dressed at impressive speed, much faster and more prepared than when they were young and didn't want to be caught by Molly. Her mother was much more understandable than a 7-year-old son, under locked doors
They would never be the same again.
I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now
Oh, 'cause she's dead! 
 ''Good morning, mate'' Harry unlocked the door when the little one knocked, waving him to come to bed with them, as he knew it was his wish
''Morning'' he murmured sleepily, still looking sleepy, scratching his brown eyes and crawling on the sheets to stay in the middle, laying his head on his mother's chest like a baby, before going back to sleep calmly. Ginny kissed his slightly sweaty hair and hugged the small body that was now glued to hers.
''How long until the other two come too?'' She whispered, laughing softly as ahe tried to hear if there was noise from the other rooms as well.
''A few minutes'' Harry didn't look sad ''We can still run away ... We took them all and we were gone for a week'' Ginny laughed, denying and using her free hand to ruffle her husband's hair
''You could never do that'' She unmasked him ''But we can get away after an interview, I know the kids will love it ... ''
When the day came, there were, as always, reporters, cameras and people everywhere. It seemed that they never got tired of questioning every morbid detail of what the trio had been through in those years at Hogwarts.
But before the second interview started, Harry simply apparated with his whole family out, leaving everyone gaping when the six Potter (because Teddy would always be a Potter) simply disappeared, waving to the journalists before landing at the beach house of them, not far from London, but hidden enough that no one could find them.
"Tomorrow this will be on the cover of magazines" And it was.
''I do not care. They forced me to do this.. Ask about all the shit I went through? I do not care. Tease the kids?'' He waved to the kids running from Teddy who claimed to be a monster, laughing and screaming loudly, looking a lot less tense than they did a few minutes ago, when five journalists surrounded they to ask questions. ''I don't accept'' Harry would never let them take away their peace.
 ''Harry Potter, the wizard who saved the world or just a man in need of attention?
Harry Potter, 32, First Order of Merlin, Chief of Aurors, attended the Annual Anniversary Meeting of the End of the Second Witch War, with his wife Ginny Potter, his sons James, Albus and Lily Potter, as well as his godson Edward Lupin (known like Teddy). After the first interview (see more on page 15) the wizard who saved the world looked irritated when some questions started to be asked, and simply apparated the whole family out.
What does the editor of this newspaper think of this? Of two things, one; does the wizard who saved the world need attention and need his name back in the tabloids, or is it just a way to make everyone forget the possible betrayal he committed (see more on page 18) last Friday? ''
Look what you made me do
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okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: First date.
Prompt: Luke asks Pen a date in a particular way.
Warning: none.
Genre: romantic, fluff.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Phil Brooks, Roxy.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot 70 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 🐶.
Song mentioned: Persone silenziose, Luca Carboni feat Tiziano Ferro.
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Note: this is not about episode 15x10. I written it weeks before seeing that moment. It was just a dream (one of the little about garvez) I made.
 There are some silent people, there are timid presences hidden among people... but silence makes noise, the eyes have an amplifier... those eyes that have always been used to listening...
Hearing his cell phone vibrate, for a moment Luke fears that they have a new case. He looks at the display and smiles. -Alvez.- he gasps, trying to catch his breath. Roxy runs around him, agitated by the unexpected break.
The friend on the other end of the line chuckles. -Hey, brother, how are you?- he caresses the dog, calming him down. -Am I bother you?- he sighs.
-Never! I was running with Rox!- she barks, greeting Phil in her own way.
-You really have to find a girl, Luke.- he lovingly scolds him. Latin smiles inside himself. I'm just working on it. -About this... Did I mention my physiotherapist, Lisa? She's very pretty. I was wondering... would you like to have a double date? She, Penelope, you and I.- Luke's brain freezes on hearing that name. The heart starts pumping blood again at a speed not recommended. -What do you say? Hey, man, are you still there?- he blinks several times to recover.
-Yes, yes, I’m, but... What does your proposal mean? Do you know? Is it so obvious?- he blushes, but at the same time he is unable to get that grimace of absolute joy out of his face that appears every time he accidentally thinks of her.
-I understand what? Oh, wait. I hoped I saw wrong... You like her, don't you?- Luke runs his tongue over his lips, sighs in a teenage way.
-Yeah, huh, in fact... I asked her out. Or...- he scratches his head, nervous. -Technically I wrote her a letter. So, I don't know if you can consider it…- he recognizes Phil's exclamation.
-A letter? You mean paper letter? Only you can do such an old-fashioned thing!- he struggles to stop laughing. -Let me know how it goes, heartbreaker!- he is about to hang up, but he understands that he still has a joke in store. -If it goes bad, remember that there is someone else interested, not too far away...- Luke shakes his head. He doesn’t have time to put the phone in the pocket, that it starts ringing again.
He answers without looking. -Any other ridiculous joke, Brooks?- but he soon realizes it's not Phil.
-Alvez, we have a case and it's pretty bad. How long does it take you to get here?-
People who can't speak, who put their thoughts in order, people full of fear that someone might know their little and big... contradictory thoughts!
 Although not many are convinced of this, Penelope is capable of being a professional person. That's why she notices the envelope just beyond her office door. But she decides not to consider it until the case is resolved. And so, she does.
Leaning against the backrest, she yawns. Her eyes fall on that envelope, still sealed, intact. She looks more carefully at the only writing. Her name. Penelope. She recognizes the handwriting before opening it. She closes her eyes, thinking that when she opens them again, she will understand that it was a hallucination.
Instead it is always there. She starts reading.
I can't imagine what you're thinking right now. In fact, she has no idea what she should expect from the continuation. For this reason, she decides to go ahead. Maybe I should have started by calling you Garcia, like the rest of the team. But you are not only Garcia, for me, and especially when I think of you outside of work.
Here, now her head is definitely confused. She has to read the sentence a second time. It's the same. It is always there. She's not just Garcia for him. What else, then? I hope you are still reading it. I wrote you this letter instead of an email or a message, because I had too many things to say and I hope that a little of what I feel has been transmitted to the sheet and that you can believe me. He managed to snatch a laugh from her and he is not even physically here. She finds herself stroking those sentences with her fingers. He is really so sweet... And suited to his style. A cold email could never give her heart pounding. I'd like to go out to dinner one evening with you. She jumps, risking falling off the chair. Luke's next sentence scares her even more. He seems to read her mind. Yes, I don't mean as colleagues or friends at O'Keefe. I mean a real full-blown appointment. Considering how they have always been going around the issue, without ever taking an effective step that leaves no room for doubt... well, yes, it is quite strange. Romantic. Intimate. Just the two of us. He continues to puzzled her, every word he adds.
In case you haven't died from a giggle attack now, I'd like to try to show you that it's all true. For once he hasn't guessed her reaction at all, quite the opposite. Laugh? She is not thinking about it at all. No, rather, should this irregularity in her heart beat worry her? Is she by chance having a heart attack? Should she call someone? I have been imagining that moment for far too long (more than I would admit). Oh shit, if he goes on this log, she'll really have to call an ambulance. I see you as if you were now in front of me. I see your extraordinary beauty in every nuance. Holy crap, holy crap. Her extraordinary beauty? Was he by chance drugged when he started writing this letter? Does he really think this of her? So, this is the reason why he stares at her for so long even in the least indicated moments. And I see myself, awkwardly, with my heart rumbling in my ears and sweaty hands, forcing me to ring the bell. And listening with tension to every noise coming from beyond the door. And your steps. He is a cursed poet, a director, an artist, because he has managed to show what he has described as almost real, a film, an anticipation... a spoiler aimed at the future. And then I imagine your smile a little uncertain, as if you had feared that in the end it would turn out to be a joke. Damn profilers; how can you play with them equally? I would make a compliment, you would thank me by touching my arm, I would reach to heaven. In Heaven just for a light touch on the arm? She doesn’t dare, really, Penelope doesn’t dare to imagine what effect it would then have if she accidentally came into contact with a slightly more pushed area... like the chest. I don't want to irk you; I'll spare you the rest of the evening. Irk you; here's the mystery solved, it's a Reid joke! But she doesn't believe it, never for a second. I will just tell you that I am sure I would have a fantastic time. Just because it would be with you. Damn bastard, what creature, no matter the gender, could decline an offer presented in this way? Without feeling like an idiot.
Because you are this. When I am close to you, it is as if the words no longer want to collaborate with me and form sentences of complete meaning... She knows the feeling perfectly, bro. But at the same time, I'm fine, you make me feel good, otherwise I wouldn't want to spend so much time with you. Well, it has its own logic. When love is logical? And why she thought that damn word?
I don't want to tell you what I feel for you loud and clear. I'd rather do it face to face; however cowardly I may be. And you're smart enough (actually a genius) to read between the lines. Smart enough, he says. And she knows it's true, but she doesn't dare to make assumptions. Lie, she already did. She did so whenever their eyes chained themselves for more than four seconds. But does anyone know this rule? Luke definitely doesn’t. Over four seconds means that the person who is looking at you wants to do something more with you, besides staring at you. No, not just a kiss. Of course.
I look forward to your reply, with trepidation and I hope I haven't ruined everything. For me, even just your friendship is important, but I could no longer live without knowing the truth, without getting involved. In her heart she wasn’t convinced that he would ever be able to take the first step.
Wherever and wherever you are, I wish you a wonderful day,
She emits so many sighs that she looks like a teapot about to explode, or a steam train. Has she really read those beautiful (wonderful, other than beautiful) words addressed to her by the Newbie (which for some time now can no longer be considered such)? No, she must have misunderstood, misinterpreted something. Instead it's all there, black on white: Luke Alvez wants to go out with her, a real date, romantic, intimate. He has swept away all doubts and loopholes. And now it's up to her, to answer him.
When was the last time she picked up one of her colorful and oddly shaped pens to do anything other than close a call with the team?
Okay, come on, it can't be that hard. He exposed his soul with her. The least she can do is try to return the favor.
 Luke didn’t expect an answer so soon, on the contrary, it would be more legitimate that he had not imagined to get a real reaction from his blonde colleague, only... he needed to get rid of that weight. He still felt good. He regretted to not meeting her before returning home after the case was over. It was strange, but it had already happened that she wasn't there waiting for them.
He would lie if he denied he has thinking about it until his brain went out. Or that it wasn’t his first thought when he woke up, while shaving with a little more attention than usual.
Yet he can't help but feel some fibrillation down the path to his desk. And when he sees that envelope on the smooth surface, he reacts more or less like Garcia. At first, he believes it is a projection of his mind. He must touch it to accept that it is a concrete object belonging to this dimension. Penelope imitated him in a sublime way. His name, only four letters, seems almost a drawing, traced by her fantastic hands. He tries very hard to hold back the cry of joy that has gone up to his throat. It may also contain a negative response; but he doesn’t even consider this possibility. Usually he is not a positive person, but this time... He looks around. There is practically nobody, here there are the positive sides of get there early. So how long has that envelope been there? Did she leave it here the night before? Or is Penelope already hidden in her office?
A lot of unnecessary questions. He opens it and instantly his nostrils are struck by a heavenly perfume. Gingerly, he brings it close to his nose. Yes, it is hers. Oh jeez, will he come out alive in the end? He takes a quick look. The first thing he notices is that it's much shorter than his. But didn't someone say that the synthesis is the maximum understanding of the text? Maybe he's confusing the areas.
He starts reading, calmly.
but he bursts already after the first word, which is none other than his name again. He must close his eyes and press his fingers on his temple, to achieve a mental balance stable enough to be able to continue. wow, a letter, what... Anachronistic thing. And somehow, I must admit, fascinating. Never as much as she is, but the bottom line is that... she liked it! A good start. It is useless to dance around it: you completely puzzled me. I confess that I find it hard to believe that you want to go out with me as... As an interested man. Why does it have to be so complicated to accept? She thinks she is not live up to him? What nonsense! If anything, the exact opposite! She could have any one man, doesn't she know? But he hopes she wants only him. He wants to be the lucky chosen one, more than anything else in the world. But I decided to get involved, as you did. It seems to me a story a bit too elaborate to be a joke. Yeah, elaborate… why does he fall even deeper for her every word? And I suspected that there was a romantic under the beard and the hunter's skin. Caught, Alvez. Never been so happy to be discovered by a girl, since elementary school, when he played hide and seek. Are you glad I used your same method? And also one of my favorite pens; enjoy the perfume, and consider it an appetizer for that day... He doesn't resist, he tastes the aroma a second time, letting his lungs fill themselves with it, closing his eyes like a moron, hearing Garcia's voice in his head that repeats the last sentence. An appetizer. It is so erotic that... he is happy to sitting with the lower half of the body under the desk. And by the way: you didn't indicate a date. Oh shit, she's right! How could he have been so stupid? He blushes, cursing himself. Out of the corner of his eye he sees that Matt and Tara are entering. He must hurry to finish the reading.
I wish you and Roxy a good evening, and I apologize you for forgetting Sergio 😉 And, here is a second unforgivable omission. But no, she said the exact opposite. She's giving him a chance. For real.
Your fantastic Penny
Penny. He savors that name on his lips, slowly. Fantastic, she certainly is. He puts the letter in a drawer at random, he doesn't need to see it again, he has already learned it by heart, even if he doesn't have Reid's skills.
Luke proves even bolder than she thought. Taking advantage of the fact that no new cases have arrived, he manages to find a way to send the letter to her the same day. Now that he has received a first green light it is really difficult to refrain.
She could access the video of the camera placed outside her office to watch him put it under her door. But it would be a slightly maniac thing. So, she just picks it up from the floor and opens it with little grace. She reads all in one breath.
I thank you for your magnanimity. Yes, you cannot imagine what pleasure it is for me to can hold a handwritten script by your hands. Do you understand now how hopeless I am? She's starting to get an idea. They are on the same boat. Do you think that a joke would be worth this self-denunciation and humiliation? You're right, for the emotion (and stupidity) I forgot to indicate a date, or maybe I was afraid that you might be scared of it, as if I had already decided everything. Yes, it is a far from remote hypothesis. Unless we will get a case, what you think about tomorrow night? Tomorrow. Tomorrow night. Just over 24 hours from now. She strives to breathe normally. And forgive me if I haven't been able to rely on post delivery times,
your Luke
Hers! Hers! Will he ever really be hers? Her boyfriend. Luke Alvez her boyfriend. It looks like a joke. It seems too real. And it frightens her.
She spends most of the day wondering what is the best way to answer him. She discards another letter because someone would surely notice it as she leaves it on Agent Alvez's desk. A message is too little and an email... Too detached. She wastes time so long that it is the moment to go home.
 She is waiting for the elevator, always swimming in indecision. And it is at that moment that fate sets in motion. Luke appears from around the corner. At first, he seems almost frightened to find her there. Then his face melts into a smile. -Hey..- he is unexpectedly shy.
-Hey.- she replies with the same intonation. They look at each other for a few minutes. Weirdly, no one, stranger or part of the team, arrives to interrupt that moment. -Okay.- says Penelope after a century. Luke's eyes widen. She approaches him slowly, and puts her hand on his shoulder. -Okay, Luke, tomorrow is fine.- she whispers, making him shiver. -But you still forgot to indicate a time.- she smiles, going away.
Luke blushes. -Oh, you're right... it’s good 8.00 p.m.? Then you should have enough time to... You know.- she nods.
-It's perfect.- the elevator arrives, he lets her go up first. They are silent throughout the journey. Just before arriving, she approaches him again and places a kiss on his cheek. -Good night, Luke. See you tomorrow.-
 The next evening
And suddenly you run away... without saying goodbye. Your eyes go down the stairs... I don't know what they are going to do, if to be moved or to dream... to get angry or to meditate...
Luke manages to hold back anxiety for the first twenty minutes. After another ten he goes into paranoia. Half an hour late seems to him a socially acceptable time to lose his head and call her. The phone rings empty. He waits a few more minutes and tries again. Ring endlessly, until the voice mail goes. Damn, why the hell isn't she picking up? It is on the third call that he completely loses his mind. He presses the repeat button practically without even realizing it. He takes strangely little time to reach thirty; thirty calls.
He doesn't even think for a moment if he should call the police. If something bad happened to her, what could a policeman do more than a federal agent (not on duty)? He drives like a madman to her house; he only went once but he has already memorized the route. Like whatever concerns her. He forces himself to park in a decent way and also to close the car; if someone would steal it, he would certainly be not be very clever, in case he had to take her somewhere, like a hospital... He climbs the stairs three steps at a time. He is already ready to knock down the door, he is mentally preparing himself for the act, when it opens wide and behind it there is her, perfectly healthy, intact, except that she seems very shaken.
He can finally start breathing again. Oxygen enters his lungs violently. -Penelope.- he coughs, as an inevitable consequence.
She just stares at him with terrified eyes. -You gave me... you gave a heart attack!- she puts one of her hands on her chest. Luke notices that she is wearing an open dressing gown that reveals a pajama. Did she prepare for their date or did she never give him a real chance? Did he just delude himself? He intends to get all the answers right now.
After the relief a little anger takes over, transmitted through a pungent irony. -Why, you thought you got rid of me forever?- but he doesn't last long, because she seems really too lost and fragile to be really angry. He already knows the reason for her behavior. He just needs to hear her say it.
-What?- Penelope asks, even more confused. Luke shakes his head.
-Forget it.- but he has a spasmodic need to touch her, any part of the body will be fine. -Why did you ditch me?- he caresses her arm, that thin layer of skin exposed to the outside world, and, surprisingly, she doesn't jump, she doesn't chase him away. -I waited until eleven o'clock.- is a reproach, but he has said it in the lowest and sweetest tone that is available in his vocal range. Penelope looks at him in passing. She doesn’t let her eyes fall into male ones. They are too magnetic. And she is in pajamas. And that's enough to embarrass her. Why does he persist in staying on her doorstep? She sighs, recalling the spirit of the Garcia of the past. The queen of ice. Anything just to get rid of him.
-You and the team wanted to play a trick on me and I ruined your party... I can't say I'm really sorry.- she is an excellent actress, even though she has never been able to exploit these qualities in real, private life... only on a stage. Luke seems to have taken really bad. As if... nope. It doesn't really care. -It's life, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...- and instead, she seems to be rotten wrong. The man grabs her wrist that a second ago he was gently stroking and drags her dangerously towards him. Now she just can't avoid eye contact. And maybe it's better to not focus on his beautiful mouth.
That is now ranting at her. -What are you talking about?- the tone seems desperate, pained. -I will have called you thirty times and surely your voice mail will be clogged.- in fact it was really so. She didn't believe he would be able to go that far and listen to him beg her to tell him if she was okay, that the rest didn't matter, that he just needed to know that everything was ok... of course he shook her. But not enough to give her the strength to answer and reassure him. Why the hell was she so stupid?
Luke doesn't seem to think this of her, but the blonde continues straight on the road that will lead her to crash and collect the pieces of her heart. -I thought you would get there alone.- the voice, however, is already trembling, and she is wavering and seeking support in the door, rather than in him.
She reads sincerity in his face, yet she is unable to do anything other than boycott her own happiness. -Penelope, let's face it: did you think it was just a joke?- she doesn't nod, nor does she deny. Her eyes speak, confess. -Really? After everything we've written to each other?- a vein in his neck throbs, his face is red and his eyes are shiny. It's the first time she's seen him so furious. And to know that she is the reason... no, it is not at all good.
Even if she tells him exactly the opposite. -You're not cute when you're angry.- she shoots before she can stop it. This is not a thought that first formed in her mind and then was came out from the mouth. No, it born of nowhere.
Luke frowns. He is so puzzled that he lets her go. -What?- and she can no longer deny. She would like to have his arms around her back and his lips on hers. By this time, she could have already gotten it, if she wasn't an idiot and a coward. Never again, she promises. Never repeat the same mistake again.
-I won't take it back.- from now on she will be 100% sincere, even if it means having to suffer. She was never able to protect herself from the feelings that people cause her before Luke Alvez appeared on her radar. Why was everything different with him right away? She already knows the answer to this question too. She looks him straight in the eye. She could so easily fall in love with him... and it probably has already happened. -I said you're not cute when you're angry.- she tries to use a firm, stable tone of voice, even if a samba contest is taking place inside her.
Luke's face darkens. -But I'm not mad at you. I'm... just sad.- he has found a way to make her feel guilty, and almost certainly he is not aware of it. Both his attitude and tone are killing her. -It was so difficult to find the courage to ask you out and...- she interrupts him, practically caught by an electrocution. For a moment she sees him kneeling at his feet. No less insecure than now, despite they having been together for years. Willing to stay with her, even if she were to say no. And she can no longer really continue to doubt.
-Oh God. You really wanted to go out with me.- she starts shaking her head and at the same time her legs melt. Luke promptly holds her up, making her rest on his chest. He sticks his fingers in her blonde strands. Just to get this, the evening cannot be considered a fiasco, for him.
-I still want it.- he whispers. Then he sees her closing her eyes and trying to reach his lips. He barely rejects her, practicing violence against himself. -No, no kisses- Penelope teases him with a lost puppy look, abandoned in a cardboard while it's about to rain  -don't look at me like that, don't tempt me, it wouldn't be fair.- he feels a jerk, but he has already waited so long that twenty-four more hours won't make much difference. Quite right? He could convince himself. -I want to do things right, with you.- because she deserves it, that's what he doesn't add. Because he doesn't want too much frenzy to extinguish their flame, even if he doesn't really believe it's possible.
She tickles him on the chest through the layers of cloth. -But between us has there ever been anything normal and ordinary?- she replies promptly. And she's right. Fucking right. Her scent, the same of the letter, clouds his brain. But he holds on.
-But I'd still like to try.- Penelope nods, giving up and contenting herself with embracing him and trying to merge with the male body. -Then, will you blow me off a second time?- it had to be a joke, but she catches the few shades of seriousness in it.
She sighs, touching his neck and catching his eyes. -I can't promise you that I will. I wish I could, but my... fears, sometimes... win and...- Luke nods too, because this is a fight he has often faced, since he met a certain Penelope Garcia, BAU’ computer technician.
He takes her face in his hands. -I hope you just know that on the other side there is a man waiting anxiously and with heavy heart.- the phrase seems too retro and artificial to remain serious. Straight output directly from a nineteenth-century comedy. -Look, I made you laugh, it's already something.- he rests his lips on her forehead. -It's all real, Penelope, you don't have to be afraid you can suffer. Do you believe me?- he feels her nod.
But she understands alone that he also needs to hear it from her voice. -Yes.- even if it's a murmur, just whispered.
Luke smiles. -Well.- he's going to do something again that is against what he really wants. Kissing her, entering her apartment, closing the door with his foot, as they do in the movies and scandalizing Sergio. What would be wrong with that? -Now I go home, I have to force myself, otherwise I would stay here with you forever.- her eyes are exactly asking him why he shouldn’t. -I put almost all the cards on the table, I think I can't do more.- he comes off with difficulty, it's really a painful action.
For her too. -See you tomorrow, Luke.- she greets him only. But then the man turns, before turning to take the stairs, and then she adds a simple, very small sentence. That changes everything. -I'll miss you!-
TAGS: @martinab26​​​   @thinitta​​​  @garvezz​​​ @mercedes-maldonado​​​  @shyladystudentfan​​​  @pegasus-scifichick​​​ @paperwalk​​​  @inlovewithgarvaz​​​ @the-ellen-stuff​​​ @astressedwriter​​​  @symphonyashley​​​​ @veronicafiore88​​​​ @kofforever​​​​ @myhollyhanna23​​​​ @tootsienoodles​​  @centiaaa​​  shadowdreamer5 @penelopesluke​​ @dumbdraws​​ @onefail-at-atime​ @reidskitty13​ @adorarapril​ @princesstreaclefanfic​ @glocknade111-blog​ @magiunific​ @fallen-novak​ @dreatine​ @hopelessdayydreamer​ Tell me if you want to be removed! ^_^
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Survey #269
“why aren’t you scared of me, why do you care for me, when we all fall asleep, where do we go?”
What’s your sexual orientation? Bisexual. What are you obsessed with right now? lol y'all know my staple stuff I'm always obsessed with, so two recent ones are Skillet (I've been binging soooo hard) and drawing again! What piercings do you want? A lot, jfc. More than any, I want collarbone dermals once I lose enough weight to where they're prominent. I've been on a goddamn weight loss plateau for two years. What’s your favorite show to binge? None. I generally don't enjoy binging too much. Do you watch porn? No, not interested. Do you have a secret sideblog? lol this survey blog. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? No. I very briefly considered getting one pierced, but I won't. Are you angry with anyone right now? Not like... actively. But passively it's there. What tattoos do you want? I refuse to die until I'm P A I N T E D  F O R  T H E  G O D S. Do you like paper books or ebooks better? Absolutely paperback books. It feels more "real," something to dive into, and it's easier to see and understand how far you're in. We talked about this in Writing once, was an interesting convo. Plus the smell of books, aaaaaahhhhh. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? Yes How many followers do you have? On here? *checks* 265. Do you read erotica? No, I'd feel SUPER uncomfortable. That's why 50 Shades has never appealed to me. Have you ever gotten into an accident with you parents’ car? No. Ever thought of just picking up and moving far away? Oh yes. What’s the wallpaper on your computer? My lock screen is the Halo of the Sun from SH, and my actual desktop wallpaper is my favorite closeup of my late pup Teddy. What is the last thing/person you took a picture of? Probably a stupid Facebook meme to show Sara or something lmao. Name a band/artist you like that isn’t that popular. Otep. Can you lift your significant other (your best friend if you’re single)? I'm sure I could. What is the first vehicle you recall your parents/guardians owning? Mom had a blue/greenish van for most of my childhood, while Dad had this old tan thing that he nicknamed "Frida the Cheetah" lmao. He had that damn car forever. Have you ever seen counterfeit money? Not knowingly. Have you ever lost a pet you were attached to? Well of course. I grew up with tons of pets. What was the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done? Probably texting back "fuck you" to Mom when she was being really shitty when I was having a breakdown. Pick one: laundry, dishes, or vacuuming? I'd pick vacuuming over the others any day. Have you ever moved and had to change schools growing up? No. You are forced to move out-of-state. Where do you go? I literally want to move to Canada. The highway and back roads take you to the same place; choose your route. Back roads, probably. You’re going to be a mom/dad; what do you think/do? Have a fucking panic attack. Are you more likely to give up or persist when you’re having trouble? It really depends on the seriousness of the situation, but in most cases I've actually faced, give up. Do you resemble one parent more than the other? I don't think so. Your best friend needs a kidney to survive; do you give them one of yours? If we're compatible, yes. Name a big life event that has taken place for you within the last 2 years. Nothing because my life is incredibly monotonous and stagnant. Name one difficult lesson you’ve learned. Life isn't fair, and life doesn't care. Name one thing you look forward to as you get older. Hey, let's hope I can be a functioning adult before I'm 70. Do you use your hands when you talk to emphasize what you are saying? Yes. Will you usually admit it when you’ve made a mistake? Yeah. Does stress ever affect you physically? If yes, how? Oh, yes. My stomach will absolutely hurt and I sweat more than normal (I say "normal" because I have hyperhidrosis). Did you have a money box as a kid? What shape was it if you did? I don't remember... I know we didn't regularly get an allowance or anything like that, but maybe I'm sure I stored money I was given somewhere? Has kids TV ever frightened you? As a kid, I both watched and feared Courage the Cowardly Dog, lol. Do you have any potted plants in your house? No. If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why? Early '80s! What a time for music, metal fashion, and fun. If you ran a store, what would you sell/have? IF I was more knowledgeable on more species, probably reptiles and more proper care materials and give advice that's not shit. Places like PetSmart and Petco just... disgust me. What part in a movie would you love to play? If I was confident in acting, probably the maniac lmao. I've experienced enough Crazy for that. What's the oldest article of clothing you own? I don't really know, but I do know Mom has a lot of my and my siblings' shirts as we've grown up to knit together a blanket one day. Fuckin cute as hell. What piece of furniture have you replaced the most? The couch. What instrument do you wish you could be more than great at? Guitar, with that electric twist anyway. What’s the best part of your favorite movie? When Simba roars atop Pride Rock in the storm and all the lionesses join in FUCK I get goosebumps out the WAZOO. What do you think is the most over-rated candy ever? Twizzlers, disgoosting. If you could only debate two topics the rest of your life, what would they be? LGBTQ+ rights is #1, then... hm... probably the pro-choice argument. Or just women rights in general. Out of your friends, who would you say you are most jealous of, artistically? Oh man, my friend Mini. She drew pretty well when we were young, but her skill like... increased exponentially with time. She doesn't draw in a *style* I'm envious of, but that growth tho. Most jealous of….intellectually? Girt. What is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed? My brain lmao. A famous person you have met? Nobody. Who were the last five people to text you? Dad, Sara, Ashley, Mom, and my grandma. What is your favorite book that you had to read for school? The Outsiders. Think of the last two people you kissed. Who was more fun? I've explained the "idk if *I* ever actually kissed Girt" before, but just for the sake of the question, I'll just count him. I tbh hated it only ever because why were your lips always wet, sir???? The latest person was Sara, and she kissed fine. If your house was burning down and you only had sixty seconds to grab one or two things, what would you grab and why? Roman and Venus because they're family and I adore them. Out of all the concerts you have been to, which band/singer was the best performer? Alice was great! When was the last time you went miniature golfing? For Jason's and my second or third anniversary, so a long time ago. What’s a song you like from a genre you hate? I always answer this question with a country answer, so let's go rap. Hm. OH, probably a Post Malone song. I actually don't mind him. If you had twin girls what would you name them? Alessandra indisputably, and then the other... maybe like, Josephine. Especially as twins, I'd want two gorgeous, less-heard names. What kind of condoms do you use? I don't use any because I'm not sexually active. Do you say years young or years old [ex: 16 years young or 16 years old]? Man, I miss the days I could confidently say "years young," lmao. Do you have any personality disorders? Avoidant, yes. I'm pretty convinced I have dependent PD, too. Do you shave your arms? Armpits, yes, but not my entire arms. What do you dip your fries in? Ketchup or honey mustard. Has one of your good friends ever moved away? Damn, yeah. I particularly remember this girl from elementary school in I think the 5th grade that I was very close with, yet I don't remember her name now. What color car are you when you play The Game of Life? Dude idr the colors at all. Which hair color do you find the ugliest? I've seen it be pulled off, but generally, yellow. Would you date a guy that wears more make-up than you do? Hell yeah man you fuckin strut that shit. Did you ever play M.A.S.H. when you were little? Ah, I remember that! Sure did. If you were getting married, who would be your maid of honor? My mom. If you have any pets, were they adopted from the humane society? No, but I would of course. Do you like home design, like picking out paint colors and furniture? Not any more than the average person. Do you chew gum on a regular basis? No. List all of your features that you have ever got compliments on: Do you mean just physical? If that's the case, hair, eyes, smile, uh... I feel like that's it. WAIT I can't remember who but someone once called my nose cute. Have you ever been in a hot air balloon, and if not, would you ever want to go in one? No; yes. What type of computer do you have? It's an Acer Nitro 5. Is anyone else in the room with you right now? My snake. Do you whiten your teeth with crest white strips? Not Crest, but a different brand, yes. I hate my teeth. Do you listen to local bands? Not really. I will sometimes listen to an old friend's band, at least bits of what they post on Facebook. Nova Mortis, check 'em out if you like pretty heavy metal. Do you have a pool in your back yard? No, but damn do I wish. Do your parents fight? Do they even talk at all? That's why they're divorced. They, especially Mom, avoid doing so whenever they can. Do you drink alcohol on New Year’s Eve? Usually. Do you wear rings? Just one, a friendship ring w/ Sara. Are there any restaurants in walking distance to your house? It'd be quite a long walk, at least by my standards. What was the last picture you uploaded to your Facebook? A picture of Mom and me. Have you ever listened to the same song on repeat for hours on end? YES. When I find a song I really like, I become VERY obsessive. Like I will play it and play it and play it for days. I in general have an extremely obsessive personality. Do you like staying in hotels? I don't have much of an opinion. It's a nice change of space, though. Are musicals interesting or boring? They're cheesy to me. What is your favorite scent of incense? (If you burn it) Okay, HEAR ME OUT. There is legit a kind called "monkey farts" that smells SO FUCKIN GOOD. Jason used to burn incense in his room all the time and that was my favorite one, so I use it now. Where do you normally hang out on the weekends? At home. I'm always at home, regardless of the day. Can you tune a guitar by ear or do you need a tuner? I never could. Do you like love songs? Generally, yes. They're sweet. Would you rather drink 7Up or Sprite? Fun fact: Sprite used to be my FAVORITE soda as a kid. I even had a fuckin Sprite shirt. Now, I hate it. I haven't tasted 7UP in forever. What is your favorite song as of right now? I'm seriously digging Halocene lately, esp their cover of "bury a friend." Have you ever sex texted? This is gonna sound so stupid, but I'm actually not *totally* sure what that is? Just like, dirty talking or like, virtually RPing sex? The former I did when I was fuckin 12 like a goddamn idiot, but not the latter. When's the last time you went out of state? A year and a half (I think?) ago to visit Sara. What was your favorite TV show last year? I didn't *really* have one, at least not actively. Like I didn't devoutly watch anything. Would you know who to talk to if you wanted weed? HAHA I sureeeee do. I wouldn't want any, though. What is your favorite Beatles song? "Hey, Jude." If you could kiss anyone right now, who would it be? I don't want to think about this. What is your favorite energy drink? I don't like energy drinks. Way too intense. Have you ever been to Hooters before? No. When's the last time you tripped? (Literally or, you know) HA, funny I take this survey today because my left foot is either broken or I seriously tore a ligament in it because I fell yesterday. I had to go up a dose on my medication that helps my nightmares, but it's notoriously for lowering your blood pressure, and mine is naturally low. I got up to go to the bathroom and grab breakfast and many times nearly passed out from being so dizzy until I finally fell and my foot bent forward. I couldn't even walk by myself yesterday and am still really struggling today. Our family friend brought the boot she wore when she broke her foot over just a while ago, but if this doesn't help, Mom's demanding I go to the ER. Can you touch your toes? I don't know HOW I can, but I can, I guess from when I did yoga daily and I could pretty much go under my feet. What would you say is the best feeling in the world? Being in love and knowing they're in love with you, too. Have you ever “spoken” to any celebrities via Twitter? No. Do you like croissants? YESSSSSSSSSSS. Do you get a lot of traffic outside your house or not? Yes. Mom explained to me why one day because I'd asked, but idr what she said. Do you eat cereal bars? No, I'm a granola bar person. Would you consider yourself healthy? Uh no. Assuming you could speak and understand the language, would you ever study in a foreign, non-English speaking country? Sure, for like a year or so! Doing that in Germany would be amazing. Are you on any prescribed medication? A lot. Do you know any immigrants? I know an illegal one that got deported. I probably know others. Have you ever lived in university or college accommodation before? No. If you haven’t already, are you scared of leaving home? If you have, do you like it? Very scared. I'm just very dependent and ignorant on how to be an adult. If you could only eat one vegetable for a year (not including potatoes) what would it be? Broccoli. Do you have a certain routine in the bath or shower? What is it? Shave, shampoo, facial scrub, this exfoliating brush for your feet, and then body wash. Is there anything that you loved a year ago but just can’t stand now? Hm. I don't really know. What’s the weirdest meat you’ve ever eaten? I took the SMALLEST bite out of it because I couldn't stomach eating it, but after a lot of convincing I tried a microscopic bit out of deer jerky. If you smoke, what brand of cigarettes do you smoke? If you don’t, have you ever tried? Don't smoke and don't want to. Do you like dried fruit at all? what’s your favorite type? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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threnodygrimblood · 5 years
The Family that Shouldn’t Be
Summary: With Muriel and Eustace dead, Courage finds himself all alone at the farmhouse. Fortunately or unfortunately for Courage, the villains he faced in the past begins to make themselves at home at the farmhouse, bringing with them much fun and mayhem the small pink dog can handle.
Rated T for just in case
Firstly, Happy Halloween! I hope all of you have a fun and safe Halloween.
Secondly, I would like to show my appreciation and gratitude to those who sent an ask. Thank you so much for them! They made my day reading all the nice things you've said. I honestly thought everyone would get tired of reading another fanfic with the same plot with Muriel and Eustace dying and the villains living with Courage as some of the other fanfics. Thank you all so much again. I will try to reply to your reviews as soon as I can.
Thirdly, I know I said I was going to switch between my two CtCD fanfics, but I really wanted to do a Halloween chapter for The Family that Shouldn't Be. Plus, Tales of Halloween inspired me with the living evil pumpkins attacking idea. I also wanted to have Muriel and Eustace be able to visit on Hallow's Eve when the veil is at its weakest, and the dead can visit the living for a certain amount of time. And sorry, still no Clutching Foot appearance. I'll make sure the Clutching Foot shows up in the next chapter.
I also apologize if some of it feels rushed. I did have a deadline for getting this chapter done in time for Halloween.
All Courage the Cowardly Dog character belongs to John Dilworth
The Halloween Where Pumpkins Attacked
It was the day before Halloween and Courage, and the villains were on their way to pick up some items to celebrate it. Much to Courage, and to his surprise, Katz's dismay, Cajun wanted to hold a horror movie marathon. So, their first stop was at a blockbuster to rent movies. Courage still wondered how he and Katz got roped into picking out movies.
"All I'm saying is we should replace the tape player with a DVD player," Cajun said as they walked into the building.
"I think that is something we should agree on unanimously," Katz argued.
Though it was Autumn, the middle of Nowhere was still a hot desert, the heat had lessened slightly despite it, and the city was starting to feel the chill of winter coming. Courage looked up at Katz. The feline was wearing a grey sweater over a white dress shirt. The dog wasn't sure why he thought Katz looked suave wearing those clothes and wondered why his thoughts went to when the feline had dressed as a captain during that submarine scam of his and thought he looked. . .dashing. Courage shook his head to clear his thoughts.
Courage watched Katz pick a movie off the rack and study it.
"Uh, Katz? I can ask you a question?" Courage asked.
"You already have," Katz answered as he placed the movie back.
Courage gave the cat a disgruntled stare. "I wanted to ask you why you don't like horror movies."
"The horror movies these days are all the same. Drugs, sex, naked women, alcohol, and more blood a human body can't hold. I much prefer the old classic horror movies." Katz answered.
Cajun scoffed. "Those old black and white movies are sooooo boring."
"You do realize that without the classics, the horror genre wouldn't be the way they are today," Katz informed him.
"Yeah, 'cus someone thought they were boring and decided to improve them." Cajun conversed.
Since Courage didn't like horrifying movies, he left the villains in the horror section and was in the children section looking at the Halloween themed cartoons he could find. As he looked over one, he heard a commotion as the employee attempted to wrestle a movie out of Weremole's mouth while Katz holding onto Weremole demanded the feral animal to let go. Other than that little hitch and having to pay to replace the damaged tape, they each chose several movies they wanted to watch. They went to the store to pick up ingredients to cook with and drink.
Before going into the store, they had to remind Weremole repeatedly not to attack or eat anyone. The shopping was still tense for Courage as he kept a close eye on Weremole. Katz and Weremole stayed with the cart as the other three looked at the pumpkins sitting in the front of the produce section. Courage noted that each pumpkin looked perfect; not even one was misshapen or had a blemish on them. He grabbed a random pumpkin and spotted a sticker on it, stating the military produced the pumpkins. The few times Courage encountered the military didn't turn out well, so he had a foreboding feeling towards these pumpkins.
"Hey, pup!"
Courage looked over to see Cajun walking over to him with two pumpkins under each arm.
"Found a pumpkin yet?" he asked.
"Mm-hm." Courage answered.
"Let's put them in the cart, yeah?" Cajun said.
They, along with Le Quack, placed their pumpkins into the cart. Cajun went back and came back with two more pumpkins. Courage knew five of the pumpkins were for each of them, but Cajun wouldn't say why he got an extra pumpkin.
When they reached the baking aisle, Courage spotted Halloween themed cookie cutters. He set them in the cart and other items to make sugar cookies, and every time he did, he would glance up at Katz to see his reaction. The cat gave none. Once they paid their purchases, they loaded everything into the back of the truck, got into the cab, and drove home. Once at home, they set the pumpkins near the front door, placed the tapes next to the tv, and put their groceries away. Katz, Cajun, and Courage started working on the sweets they wanted to make for Halloween.
Courage was the last to finish as he wasn't making one cookie dough but four. Plain, black, orange, and green. Katz was still there, enjoying a cup of tea. He wrapped each dough and placed them in the refrigerator.
"Need help with the dishes?" Katz inquired.
Courage was surprised to hear Katz offer to help with the dishes, and he wasn't going to refuse. "Yes, thank you."
With Katz's help, they finished washing the dishes in record time. The rest of the day went by without a hitch, and Courage was quite relaxed as he went to sleep that night.
Courage woke early on Halloween day to get started on his cookies. He rolled out the chilled cookie dough out on the table and used the cookie cutters on each one. The pumpkin cutter in the orange dough. Bat and cat cutters in the black dough. The witch in the green dough. And the skull and ghost cutters in the plain dough. He wiped at his forehead and let out a breath once the cookies finished being baked and cooled. Next came the decorating as he set out the different colored icing on the table.
With his tongue tucked between his teeth, Courage started working on drawing faces on each cookie. A lot of the faces were crooked, and as long they tasted good, he didn't mind that they weren't perfect. The dog smiled at the cookies, ready to be eaten during their movie marathon. He turned around and stopped. Katz leaned against the refrigerator watching him.
"Uh, why are you just standing there?" Courage inquired.
"You were so fixated on your decorating I didn't want to disturb you," Katz answered as he walked over to the dog.
Katz leaned over to inspect the cookies. "There isn't any vinegar in these, is there?"
Courage had to fight not to roll his eyes. "Muriel was the one that put vinegar in everything. These are plain sugar cookies." Courage answered.
Courage watched Katz plucked a pumpkin cookie from the plate, took a bite, and chew. The cat stopped eating and eyed the cookie.
"What's in this?" he asked after he swallowed.
Oh, right.
"I added some allspice to make the pumpkin cookies taste like a pumpkin." Courage explained.
"Interesting," Katz said. He finished the cookie and said, "You better not enter them into the Nowhere Sweet Stuff contest next year."
Courage blinked his eyes at Katz. His tone didn't sound at all threatening or menacing. It seemed more like he was being playful, maybe even . . .teasing? No. That can't be right. Courage shook his head; he was sure he imagined it. The kitchen door swung open, and a being with a carved pumpkin for a head burst into the room.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Courage screamed. He leaped up and clung to the side of Katz's face shaking and stammering.
Katz wasn't affected by the scare. If anything, he was annoyed. Cajun reached up and pulled the pumpkin off his head. Courage had been focusing on the frightening pumpkin head; he didn't realize it was Cajun.
"Hahaha! Sorry, pup. I came to tell ya both that we're just waitin' on ya both to carve the pumpkins out on the front porch, and I couldn't resist tryin' to scare ya." Cajun apologized.
Katz spoke not a word as he calmly and gently grasped Courage with a paw and pulled him off. The cat plant the dog in one of the chairs walked over to Cajun, grabbed the pumpkin out the fox's paws, and slammed it down on his head. Cajun yelped as the pumpkin smashed into pieces.
Appeased, Katz turned to Courage and said, "Let's put your cookies on the dining table with the other sweets, so they don't get in the way of cooking later."
"What about the dishes?" Courage asked.
"We'll have the fox do them for scaring you," Katz told the dog.
Courage agreed with Katz and with the plate in paws and thanking the feline for opening the kitchen door for him, placed the plate on the dining table. Katz headed for the front of the house, and Courage followed him. Le Quack sat on the front porch covered with newspaper and Weremole sniffed at the seeds and pumpkin guts.
Cajun walked out while rubbing at his head. "Pick your pumpkin. I brought plenty of knives for each of us."
Each one started on their pumpkin, except for Weremole, who just stared at his.
"Here, let me help." Courage offered.
The dog cut open the top and scooped out all the seeds and insides for Weremole. When Courage finished, Weremole continued staring at the pumpkin then took a bite out of it. Courage grimace as the feral mole spat the shell and flesh out.
"Well, that's one way to carve a pumpkin," Cajun commented
Courage looked closely and saw the fox was right. Weremole had managed to gouge out two eyes, a nose, and a mouth out of the pumpkin. The dog went to work on his pumpkin when he heard Le Quack chuckle, followed by a small explosion.
"Watch it!" Katz hissed as he brushed off bits of the pumpkin off his arm.
"It is nice, no?" Le Quack asked, showing off his pumpkin, which had smoke swirling out the face the duck somehow was able to blow out without destroying the pumpkin itself. Courage was impressed.
Courage went back to his pumpkin and looked up only when Cajun declared his jack-o-lantern done. He had given it evil eyes and a wicked jagged smile. Courage thought it was good and noticed that Katz didn't touch his pumpkin.
"You're not going to carve your pumpkin?" Courage asked the cat.
"I do not find it fun," Katz answered.
"You don't like Halloween, huh?" Courage said.
"I enjoyed it when I was a kitten — dressing up as something else to scheme people for candy. But as I grew older, it lost its magic. It became tedious." Katz explained.
Le Quack chuckled. "I used to con other children out of their bags of candy."
That was terrible!
"I enjoyed the parties! The food and activities." Cajun inputted.
Weremole never celebrated the holiday, so he didn't have much to say.
"What about you, pup?" Cajun asked.
"We never really celebrated it. Muriel would make something special on this day, but I never went trick-or-treating. Unless you count going into stores that gave out candy for free." Courage answered.
"Well, what about with your parents?" Cajun questioned.
Courage's ears drooped, and he looked dejected. "If they had, I don't remember. The earliest memory I can remember was of my parents when I lost them to a crazy veterinarian. He launched them into space on a rocket while I was a pup. He wanted to breed dogs in outer space, which I still don't know why. I don't know if they're still alive or not to this day." He explained.
Courage didn't know why he decided to confine with the villains a bit of his past. He supposed it was because he saw them as a family and was becoming more relaxed around them. He noticed how quiet it was and looked up to see the villains staring intently at him.
"Oh, pup!" Cajun exclaimed, rushing over to Courage and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug, squeezing an "Urk!" out of the dog.
Weremole and Le Quack gave their condolences to the dog as well, and Katz stayed where he was. Cajun put Courage back down, and the dog was able to finish carving his jack-o-lantern. Crescent shaped eyes, a round nose, and a happy mouth.
"How cute," Cajun commented. "What about you, pussy cat?"
Katz ignored the fox and walked into the house.
"That's rude." huffed Cajun.
Courage thought Cajun was right, but he also knew Katz being a cat can be aloof. Le Quack and Weremole went off to do their own thing, leaving Cajun and Courage alone. Cajun not wanting to let the pumpkin go to waste, carved up Katz's pumpkin.
"Do you think Katz would look this if he were a lot less serious?" Cajun asked as he showed the dog the pumpkin.
Cajun carved a smiling cat face into the last pumpkin. Cat ears were even cut into the orange gourd. Courage then helped carry the knives into the kitchen when he and Cajun cleaned up the mess on the front porch.
"Don't worry about washin' 'em pup. I got it." Cajun informed Courage.
"Are you sure?" Courage asked.
"Yup. Plus, I owe washin' yer dishes for scarin' ya." Cajun told him.
Courage thanked Cajun and not knowing what else to do until everyone was ready to watch the movies, the dog went up to the attic. He stopped in the doorway when he caught sight of Katz sitting at the computer. Courage carefully strolled over to the feline. "Katz?" he called softly.
Katz looked up at Courage as the dog got closer, then he did something that Courage didn't expect. Katz pulled the dog into a hug. Courage was utterly speechless, and unlike Cajun's bone-crushing embrace, Katz's hug was gentler. He wished he understood what the cat was thinking. He also wanted Katz to show him more of this side of him. Katz released his hold and stared intently at Courage.
The only thing Courage could think of saying was, "Thank you, Katz."
Katz nodded and asked, "When will the movie marathon start?"
"After breakfast or lunch? Cajun didn't specify." Courage answered.
Katz let out a sigh. "Let us go and ask the fox."
Both made the trek down to the main floor, and as soon they walked into the dining room, they heard noises in the kitchen. Feeling terror welling up in him, Courage hung back behind Katz as he pushed the kitchen door open. Looking from behind Katz's legs, the dog watched as Cajun hand both paws clamped around a pumpkin on his head as he stumbled about the kitchen.
Katz had a cross look on his face, and as he placed his paws on his hips he said, "It wasn't funny the first time you did that, what makes you think it would be funny the second time?"
"I'm not doing it this time! The thing just came in and chomped down on my head!" was Cajun's garbled answer as he tried to pull the pumpkin off his head and walked into the kitchen table.
Letting out a loud gasp of alarm, ran over to Cajun, grabbed hold of the pumpkin, he pulled Cajun down to the floor with him and tugged as hard as he could on the pumpkin.
"Easy! Easy!" yelped Cajun.
With a mighty tug, Courage removed the pumpkin off the fox's head. Cajun fell on his back, and Courage stumbled backward before catching his balance. The pumpkin wiggled in Courage's arms then it turned to face the dog. Courage's eyes widen in horror as the jack-o-lantern opened its mouth wide, snarled at him, and reached out to him with vines.
"Aaaaaaaah!" Courage screamed, eyes popping out. Red paws took the pumpkin from Courage's hands, and Katz threw the pumpkin away. The dog winced when he heard glass shattering.
"I think our pumpkins are alive and hungry," Cajun groaned, rubbing his head.
After catching a breather, Courage asked, "Where are Le Quack and Weremole?"
Right on cue, Le Quack waddled into the kitchen, his mallet on his shoulder with pieces of pumpkin pulp dripping off it. Cajun stifled a snort as they could see Le Quack's backside was missing his tail feathers.
"I am, how do you say, not amused." Le Quack said with a vexed look on his face.
"What happened to you?" Cajun asked, still trying not to laugh.
"The pumpkin snuck up and tried to eat me. It took my feathers as I tried to get it off." Le Quack answered, looking directly at Cajun and held his mallet menacingly. Cajun got the hint.
A pumpkin came bouncing in, stopped in front of the group, and began shaking to and fro. Courage shook and bit at his claws as the three villains watched ready to attack if the pumpkin went for any of them. What they didn't expect was for it to explode into pieces with Weremole bursting out with a vicious snarl.
"It's like something out of an alien movie!" Cajun screamed as he threw himself onto Katz.
Katz glared at the fox and tried to shove him off. "It's only Weremole," he stated as said feral mole shook his body to get pumpkin out his fur.
"How is that's not worst?!" Cajun challenged.
While the villains were busy talking, the jack-o-lantern thrown out the window met up with one of the other jack-o-lanterns, and together they gathered seeds from the trashcan and planted the seeds nearby. The jack-o-lantern Courage made walked over on vine feet with the watering can and poured it on the packed ground. Vines and pumpkins grew out of the field rapidly, and the jack-o-lanterns started making slices into several of the pumpkins.
"What about the other pumpkins?" Le Quack inquired.
"One's out there," Cajun said, jabbing his thumb in the direction Katz threw it. "And the last two should be out in the front."
Pumpkins began climbing in through the open window and broke down the door. Courage and the villains screamed at the sight. They made a run for it. Or at least Courage, after picking up the four villains, made a run for it through the rooms downstairs and seeing more jack-o-lanterns coming into the living room, ran up the stairs to the attic. After slamming the door shut with a foot, Courage dropped the villains and took a breather.
"Ah. . ."
Courage looked up to see the villains staring at the cat pumpkin Cajun made. It stared back with its smiling face, and Courage relaxed, thinking it was harmless. Then its face morphed into a snarling face and clamped down onto Katz's leg. Katz's fur puffed up and started kicking at the thing.
"Someone get this blasted thing off my leg!" he growled.
Katz should've been careful with what he asked for. Le Quack brought his mallet down on the pumpkin, destroying it. Luckily Katz was quick enough to avoid having his foot injured.
"What now?" Cajun asked.
"I think the better question to ask is where did those pumpkins came from," Katz said as he examined his leg.
Courage piped up. "There was a sticker on the pumpkins that said the military grew them."
"Figures." Katz sighed.
"What now?" Cajun asked.
They heard shrieking coming from outside. Looking out the window, Courage and the villains watched as the pumpkins began feasting on each other. To their horror, each time a pumpkin grew more prominent each time it ate one. When they finished, all was left were ten pumpkins left, all of them in different sizes, but one noticeably larger. They watched as the pumpkins got together to form a body almost as big as the house.
"Oh, great. Now we must deal with a giant evil pumpkin version of a snowman," muttered Cajun.
Courage pulled a polaroid camera out from a pocket and snapped a quick picture. Once the photo developed, he scanned it and got on the computer. He ignored the others gathering around him to watch as he attached the photo to an email he was preparing to send to the military.
"You're bringing the army here?!" Le Quack screamed.
"I didn't know what else to do." defend Courage.
Katz pinched the bridge of his nose. "What we need to do is think of a way to defeat that thing before it kills us or before the military shows up."
Weremole snarled at them.
"Weremole is correct. The pumpkin I smashed is not doing much." Le Quack stated.
"So, all we have to do is smash that thing to kill it," Cajun concluded.
"It'll take more than us hitting it with weapons to destroy it," Katz stated.
Courage thought on it and said, "We could destroy it if we had explosives. . ."
One by one, heads turned to look at Le Quack. The duck looked at each individual and said, "I may have a case. . . or two. . . or five of TNT and a couple of barrels of explosives in the barn."
"What are they doing in the barn?" Cajun asked.
"The cat did not want me storing them in the basement like I wanted to." Le Quack explained.
"Really?" Cajun asked, turning his attention to Katz.
"Forgive me for not wanting cases of volatile explosives going off and destroying the farmhouse and possibly us with it just by being tapped or jostled." Katz huffed.
"Well, thank you for thinking about our well-being, but it's not gonna help us with our situation now, is it?" Cajun said.
The house shook and looking out the window; Courage saw the pumpkin creature searching for them.
"Guys!" he called out to get the other's attention. "I'll distract the thing, and you go get the TNT and set it somewhere so we can destroy it."
"Why does it have to be us?" Cajun asked out of curiosity.
"Because I've been running around all my life, making me quick enough to outrun it, and you're villains and know how to blow things up?" Courage answered.
"He has a point." Le Quack stated.
"We'll have to lure it away from the house. At the very least, from the windmill, since I'm sure none of us want those vandals to show up again." Katz proposed.
The window smashed open as vines wiggled their way into the room. They all screamed, and out the door, they went.
Courage bolted ahead of the villains down both flights of stairs and out the back door. He stopped as the pumpkin creature still felt its way around the room, and the dog called out, "Hey!"
The pumpkin looked down at the dog and screamed at him. Courage screamed back and took off. He felt the ground shook with every step the creature took after him. Courage took the thing out in the desert and realized that in his haste, he forgot to ask how he would know where the villains were going to set up their trap. As the two ran around the vast stretch of desert, Courage was starting to get winded as the sun pounded mercilessly down on him.
The dog was starting to slow, and he wished he had a dirt bike. He felt the creature take a swipe at him, and with a startled cry, Courage pumped his legs harder. Up ahead, he saw TNT and other explosive barrels piled into a giant mound, and he was heading right towards it. How was he going to escape the creature before running headlong into it? Turning away would only bring the beast with him. Courage's brain worked hard on what to do when the ground under him crumbled, and he fell into a hole.
"Oof!" Courage cried out as he landed on his rump. He realized he wasn't alone as Weremole was in the hole with him. The ground shook as the pumpkin creature ran past, and then it shook more violently as a loud explosion rend the air.
When it was all quiet, Courage and Weremole climbed out of the hole to see how it went with the pumpkin creature. They saw a giant smoking crater with large pieces of the pumpkins splattered every and other pieces raining down.
"Maybe we overdid it with the explosives." Cajun mused.
"Better with the overkill than under kill, no?" Le Quack asked.
They heard sirens and turning towards the source saw vehicles approaching. The cars stopped nearby, and Courage recognized the General as he stepped out.
"I say, we heard the explosion and came this way. Are you the ones that sent that email about the pumpkins?" the General inquired. Courage nodded. "Where is the pumpkin creature?"
Courage, worried about the villains, but more importantly, Le Quack, turned back to look at them and saw that Weremole wasn't in sight, and Cajun and Le Quack were wearing fake mustaches and Katz rubbed at his temple.
"Take a look around," Cajun said, indicating the destroyed mess around them.
"Right." the General glanced at the soldier standing next to him who nodded, turned towards the other soldiers standing nearby, and made a hand gesture. The soldiers pulled out shovels and began shoveling up the mess.
"I do apologize for any grievance you all experienced, gentlemen." the General apologized. "We were trying out a new way of growing pumpkins; we didn't expect something like this to happen."
"Shocking," Katz muttered under his breath.
"Well, we'll take care of things here, you civilians can be on your way." the General informed them.
"What about the other pumpkins bought?" Courage asked.
"We'll look into it and pull the pumpkins out the stores."
Dismissed, Courage and the others headed back home. Seeing the mess, the pumpkins made, they all worked together to clean it all up, getting rid of the smashed pumpkins they managed to take out.
"This house is going to reek of pumpkins for days," Cajun commented.
Cajun and Katz boarded up the broken windows as Courage swept up the broken glass. It was late in the day when they were finished cleaning their house and were able to eat anything. Fortunately, there were leftovers from the previous night they were able to eat.
"And you said we would never eat the leftovers." Cajun boasted to Katz.
The cat tsked in response.
They ate the leftovers while Weremole went hunting for rabbits and soon after went to watch their movies. Everyone settled into their spots except Le Quack took the rocking chair, and Courage sat with Katz in the armchair. Courage was speechless as to why Katz allowed him to sit with him but didn't much time to ponder more on it as Cajun put the first movie on. Most of the films had Courage covering his eyes or covering his ears. It was the tense music that did it, and every time he did, Katz would scratch him behind an ear.
Movie after movie and snack after snack made the rest of the go by, most of the popcorn and candy ended up on the floor by Cajun cheering whenever the villain caught their prey or by Courage when he jumped from a jump scare. They had all fallen asleep before the last film ended. Cajun was sprawled out on the floor, sleeping with his mouth wide open, Weremole slept on his side, snoring loudly, Le Quack had his beak tucked under a wing, and Courage lay asleep on Katz's lap.
Not even one was aware of the ghostly visitors they had.
"Is that a lovely sight?" Muriel asked with a smile on her face.
"Who cares about that, Muriel! I want the stupid cat and stupid dog out of my chair!" Eustace snapped and reached out for Katz. His hands passed through Katz, and each time the cat's brows would crease, and his tail would twitch in agitation.
"Oh, Eustace." Muriel scowled with her hands on her hips. "You're dead. You don't need your chair anymore."
Eustace grumbled as he worked harder to get the cat out of his chair. Muriel smiled again at Courage, but it was a sad smile. "Oh, Courage. I worried about what would happen to you the day Eustace and I would pass. I'm sorry we left you alone suddenly, but I'm so happy to see you have new friends now."
Muriel had been appalled when she discovered four of the six villains Eustace called upon to kill Courage was living with him. She was going to find a way to kick them out of the house. Still, Muriel became at ease after seeing the house intact, save for the windows boarded up. Looking closely at Courage, she saw there were no injuries the dog was well-fed and not only cared for but relaxed around them to sleep without worrying about any of them attacking him. And she could see he was content the way Courage snuggled in the cat's lap and the paw resting on the dog's back was relaxed and not holding down or the like.
Muriel pet Courage's head and continued. "Remember that I'll always love you, my Courage." she placed a kiss on his forehead.
Courage stirred from his sleep. "Muriel?" he whispered.
He glanced around the room, sure that he didn't imagine it as the grandfather clock near the stairs announced it was midnight. He felt Katz's fingers ran through his fur.
"Were you dreaming?" Katz asked.
Courage supposed he was and nodded.
"I don't know about you, but I rather not sleep here and wake up with stiff joints," Katz told him.
Courage agreed and the two as quietly as can be headed up to their room.
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #205
Sat Sep 7 2019 [02:15 PM] Wack'd: Previously on Fantastic Four: Reed, Sue and Ben went into space with an alien lady named Adora to save her world from Skrulls. Meanwhile Johnny checked out a college for the rich and famous, where he is unknowingly targeted by an assassin who shoots lasers out of his camera and has atrocious facial hair [02:16 PM] Bocaj: Did they meet catra [02:16 PM] Wack'd: No [02:16 PM] Wack'd: It'd be better if they did [02:16 PM] Bocaj: They did meet Tigra though [02:16 PM] Bocaj: It’s a similar concept without all of the same trauma [02:17 PM] maxwellelvis: And to also recap, this is like the first time the Four have gone up against the Skrulls since the Lee/Kirby run, and their old enemies have gone up in the galactic food chain since then. [02:17 PM] maxwellelvis: They also no longer look like goblins. [02:17 PM] Wack'd: They're just in time for the end of the world!
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[02:17 PM] Bocaj: If they don’t look like goblins the. What’s the point? [02:17 PM] Wack'd: Agreed [02:17 PM] maxwellelvis: See what I mean? [02:18 PM] maxwellelvis: This is the Skrulls at their peak. [02:18 PM] Wack'd: Skrulls are a superstitious and cowardly lot
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[02:19 PM] maxwellelvis: This must be before the Skrull Emperor and/or Empress [02:19 PM] Bocaj: A lot of things have a Supreme in marvel [02:19 PM] Umbramatic: SUPREME [02:19 PM] Bocaj: The Kree, the skrulls, the sorcerers, the AIM [02:19 PM] Wack'd: The SuprAIM [02:19 PM] Bocaj: Nice [02:20 PM] maxwellelvis: No wait, that cannot be. [02:20 PM] Wack'd: Anyway the Skrulls are using hit and run tactics. Show up, fuck shit up, retreat from weapons range before the enemy has a chance to retaliate, launch another attack, repeat [02:20 PM] Wack'd: The upshot is that this buys Reed, Sue, and Ben a little bit of time before things get too bad [02:20 PM] Bocaj: I mean, good tactics if you can get it [02:21 PM] Wack'd: Yeah this is actually a clever way to establish stakes while still giving the team a chance to get their bearings [02:22 PM] Wack'd: SCANMAN! WITH THE POWER TO...SCAN!
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[02:23 PM] Wack'd: I give Keith Pollard a 6/10 for wacky hat effort
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[02:23 PM] maxwellelvis: In that big spread, I just noticed, you can see that the artist took pains to show that Adora's people aren't getting entirely curbstomped; you can see that they've managed to down about three Skrull ships, if you can figure out the color coding on the lasers. It's just, that's three ships out of... a lot more than that. So it shows that they're fighting courageously, but are still outgunned, outmanned, and almost out of time. [02:23 PM] maxwellelvis: S'a Kirby original, Dorrek's hat. [02:23 PM] Wack'd: Pollard's kinda toned it down but I guess it's the same general idea as this 60s one [02:24 PM] Bocaj: Skrulls have dogs [02:24 PM] maxwellelvis: I can't find a picture of him from then, but have this screenshot of Dorrek from the 1967 cartoon [02:24 PM] Bocaj: I want to believe in green shapeshifting doggos [02:24 PM] Bocaj: That’s not green [02:25 PM] maxwellelvis: Nobody was the right colors in that cartoon. [02:25 PM] maxwellelvis: It's got coloring errors worse than Star Trek: The Animated Series up the wazoo, and I'm pretty sure this show doesn't have the excuse of a colorblind guy doing the colors. [02:26 PM] maxwellelvis: Also love that Dorrek says it's not fair that the Fantastic Four are here when the way he's been waging war here hasn't given the illusion of any sort of fair fight. [02:26 PM] Bocaj: Love those giant ears [02:27 PM] Umbramatic: ye [02:28 PM] Bocaj: Apparently one of the skrulls reed turned into a cow (which was later turned into hamburger and eaten) was a relative of Dorrek’s [02:28 PM] Bocaj: To put it lightly he hates the fantastic four with all his hate [02:28 PM] Wack'd: So the Watcher creates the illusion of an incoming Earth starship, freaking the Skrulls out and causing Dorrek to point all his troops at it. And then the Watcher mopes a little about breaking his oath again [02:28 PM] Bocaj: All he does is break his oath [02:29 PM] maxwellelvis: I'll reiterate, Uatu is like the Doctor but lacking the backbone to actually chew his people out for their total non-interference policy. [02:29 PM] Wack'd: Meanwhile back on Earth...Johnny's already moving into a dorm! Things move fast at Security College [02:29 PM] Bocaj: Like the doctor I think he got put on trial once [02:30 PM] Wack'd: well that's not creepy
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[02:30 PM] Bocaj: Wow that’s very illegal [02:30 PM] Wack'd: So it turns out this was all a Batman Gambit [02:30 PM] maxwellelvis: Wait, that’s illegal [02:30 PM] Bocaj: I can’t believe Johnny rebellious youth supports the police state [02:31 PM] Umbramatic: oh no [02:31 PM] Wack'd: That random lady who insulted Johnny for being intellectually uncurious and immature a few issues ago was hypnotized into doing so by The Monocle because by weakening his ego and making him doubt himself he'd be easier to convince to go to this school [02:31 PM] Bocaj: .... [02:32 PM] Umbramatic: oh [02:32 PM] Bocaj: Villains sure have incredibly specific plans sometimes [02:32 PM] Wack'd: He didn't have hypnosis last time we saw him but "murders people with camera lasers" is kind of a weak gimmick so I don't mind [02:32 PM] Wack'd: Also: Lanie had a point! Johnny should be more interested in the fact that he got go literally go to space numerous times [02:33 PM] Bocaj: Hypnotism is one of those powers villains tend to get for free [02:33 PM] Bocaj: I think super Skrull has it [02:33 PM] Wack'd: Oh hey another shadowy mastermind. Not sitting in a chair facing away from the camera though
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[02:34 PM] Wack'd: What's the point of video calling if you're not going to show your face? Just call him on the fucking phone [02:34 PM] maxwellelvis: This doesn't surprise me. The Monocle just doesn't have the presence to command an entire story by himself. [02:34 PM] maxwellelvis: @Wack'd Ask the Sovereign [02:34 PM] Wack'd: Eh he was a hired goon in his original story too [02:34 PM] Wack'd: He's an assassin for hire [02:35 PM] Wack'd: So Johnny goes to bed. And then he and every other student on campus hear a compelling voice that leads them to the administration building. HYPNOSIS [02:36 PM] Wack'd: Also the compelling voice is calling Johnny "John" and. Nope. Wrong. never gonna get over that [02:36 PM] Wack'd: MEANWHILE BACK IN SPACE [02:37 PM] Wack'd: Oh hey this weird bubble city of survivors are from Xandar! [02:37 PM] Wack'd: Their planet it looks a lot less destroyed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe [02:37 PM] Bocaj: Yeah I don't think Xandar gets destroyed until 200something with the Annihilation story [02:38 PM] Wack'd: ...but it's [02:38 PM] Wack'd: it's already destroyed [02:38 PM] maxwellelvis: COMPLETELY destroyed [02:38 PM] Wack'd: this bubble city is all that's left [02:38 PM] Bocaj: I just realized that Xandar might be a riff on Kandar [02:39 PM] Wack'd: Aliens love brain uploading
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[02:40 PM] Bocaj: What a perspective [02:40 PM] Wack'd: hahahaha ben points out they stole this shot from *forbidden planet* [02:40 PM] maxwellelvis: That's a heck of a way to preserve your culture, but I sure hope the brains are happy in there. [02:40 PM] maxwellelvis: Metahumor, or Marv Wolfman ribbing the artist? You decide. [02:41 PM] Wack'd: Anyway the Skrulls want this computer, or more specifically the fucking metric ton of power it takes to operate it, to give themselves an upper hand against the Kree [02:41 PM] maxwellelvis: Or, with the changeover in how comics are made, would that be more like directing the artist? [02:41 PM] maxwellelvis: And there we are. [02:41 PM] Wack'd: Probably conscious homage [02:41 PM] maxwellelvis: Gotcha [02:43 PM] Wack'd: Anyway the Skrulls come back! Fight scene! [02:44 PM] maxwellelvis: Anyways, I should have figured that this was motivated by either expansion or asset acquisition. [02:44 PM] Wack'd: Kinda weird that the Skrulls have ground troops (or, uh, anti-grav troops) rather than just using spaceships for everything [02:44 PM] Wack'd: But it gets us a fight scene, so [02:45 PM] maxwellelvis: It's a fool who commits all his resources to one branch of his military. Don't know if that's an actual saying about war and warfare, but I feel it's true, at least from my limited strategy gaming experience. [02:46 PM] Wack'd: I mean this is a little like if Germany sent troops into Britain during the Blitz. Really you're just risking blowing up your own dudes
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[02:46 PM] Umbramatic: SPLAM [02:46 PM] Bocaj: Spinel [02:47 PM] Wack'd: Yes [02:47 PM] Wack'd: So! Reed, Sue, and Ben are knocked out and taken to the Skrull ship [02:47 PM] Wack'd: And so we cliffhanger into...*sigh* [02:47 PM] Wack'd: Nova #25 [02:47 PM] Wack'd: Dammit
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kylandara · 5 years
Not at all! Many of us long foresaw Daenerys doing exactly what she did, but, speaking for myself, I wasn’t sure the show runners would actually follow through with it for fear of the predictable backlash. Fans of the television series who were unfamiliar with the books or never read them have a different perspective of Daeneyrs than those who have read them. The books do a far better job of showing the negative results of and backlash to Daenerys’ rule. Her mistakes are more glaring, as is her flippant nature, her naïveté, how careless or thoughtless she can be, etc. All of this is fair—she is still a very young girl, after all. But the signs of how terrible she is at ruling are far more apparent.
For viewers of the HBO show only, they were first introduced to Daenerys as a fragile, scared young girl who was subjected to a forced marriage, rape, and being a hostage (for all intents), who overcame, and grew stronger, bolder, and wound up with three dragons. She is first presented in a sympathetic light, and the final scene of the first season is very inspirational and moving. It feels heroic, and majestic, even divine. And it was the note on which the first season ended. It sort of established the idea, “Hey, this one is special, and, now has the tools that will ONE DAY allow her to triumph!”
When this happened, everyone cheered…
Any possible character flaws seemed miniscule. She stood by apathetically while her husband brutally murdererd her brother? Well, he was oppressive and a jerk, therefore, it’s justifiable. She tried coercing Drogo into invading Westeros to take the Iron Throne? Well, Robert tried having her assassinated, so it’s justifiable. She orders Mirri Maz Duur to be bound and burned alive? Well, she betrayed Daenerys so it’s justifiable. Additionally, her kind acts, such as trying to placate her brother, protect her handmaids, and being staunchly anti-rape, made her a very sympathetic and likable character, so, by the initial season’s end we had two heroic, young, beautiful and seemingly noble characters (Daenerys and Robb) with righteous causes who showed the promise of eventual and satisfying victory. Keep this viewer entitlement (of the payoff of expectations) in mind.
For the next two seasons, we see her struggle as a leader, still very powerless and vulnerable, trying at first just to survive. She slowly overcomes, and acquires an army and horde of worshipers along the way. Because Daenerys is presented as generally good, seemingly kind and benevolent, it meant people overlooked signs of her wrath or entitlement. Because her actions were seemingly justifiable, doing terrible things (such as murder) to survive, or slaughtering people to liberate others (burning/killing the masters to free the unsullied and slaves of Astopor and Yunkai), many fans began to look at her as a feminist icon, and a pre-ordained winner whose victory was not only inevitable but deserved.
Over the course of the first 4 seasons, while others—good and bad—struggle, rise, and fall, Daenerys seemed to grow stronger, and stronger, and stronger. Her dragons grew, as did her armies and influence. Now worshiped as a liberator and queen, she ruled Mereen with absolute authority. As her actions were to the viewer seemingly (though simplistically) good, such as ending slavery, enforcing justice, ending fighting pits which she saw as inhumane, showing empathy for the girl killed by Dragon and seeking to rectify, or outrage over crucified slaves, etc, it allowed viewers to overlook the more sinister and vicious aspects of her nature that seemed to be emerging in direct correlation to her ascent in power. Her demands of absolute devotion/submission, her indiscriminate crucifixions, her using her dragons as weapons of terror, executing men alive via method of burning and eaten by dragon, they all seemed excusable because, well, she was acting on behalf of the slaves and the poor against treacherous, violent, elitist foreigners, and uniform homogenous faceless killers, right? I mean, she was good, so, by default, they were bad. Burning the Dothraki Khals alive, and assuming command of the entire culture? That was empowering and epic, not terrifying and evil. They were bad so they deserved to die terribly, and her promises to the horde that they’d ravage Westeros, well, that’s just inspirational
Even once Daenerys truly ascends to the height of her power, after invading Westeros and allying herself with some unsavory characters (sand snakes anyone?), and invading/conquering, and burning whole armies alive or defeated soldiers, it was cheered because it as against bad characters, the Lannister men, Randyl Tarly. And, all her threats to Tyrion or Jon, her seemingly growing ambition, lack of patience and general wrath were easily forgotten, because she agreed to head North to help fight against the Night King. It isn’t in her own best interests as one hoping to rule the whole kingdom, no, it was generous and heroic! For so many viewers, Daenerys always seemed to be about the right thing, and any bad actions she took were either justified or excused because it was taken against bad people. And then she got to season 8, and started threatening Sansa, burning Varys and attacking the civilians of King’s Landing.
Remember that viewer entitlement I mentioned earlier? Remember the outrage and heartbreak and complaining (especially from the ladies) that happened after the Red Wedding? Well, it’s because Robb, Talisa and Cat’s deaths weren’t “fair”. They weren’t right. They broke the generally accepted fantasy format and subverted expectations. Robb was “the hero”, right? I mean, he was the son of the guy we originally accepted as the hero, taking up the Stark cause. Robb was a good man! He was young, handsome, heroic, and bold, he was in love, and was to be a father. He was everything Joffrey wasn't, he was honest and kind, and benevolent. His cause was righteous! How could they kill him? Those mistakes he made, well, there were reasons! Why should there be consequence? How can he die?? It angered people because it crushed their expectations that he would eventually beat the cowardly, sniveling, vicious liar Joffrey Baratheon, and liberate his sister, avenge his father, and set the world right. It was so obvious. Hence, when it didn’t happen, people were pissed.
If you didn’t see this coming, ask YOURSELF why.
Well, history repeats itself, and Suday night, those same expectations were subverted in a way the viewers didn’t want. Their precious Mother of Dragons became a mass murdering tyrant. It was not only well within character, her motivations made sense, and the groundwork had long been lain to justify it narratively. What it did was subvert the accepted “fact” that Daenerys was the good guy! Like Robb before her, she was young, beautiful, had high ideals, was fierce, determined, and kind. Her cause seemed righteous. How could they have her, then, do a heel turn and go seemingly rogue? Well, the signs were there for those willing to see them, but, sadly, some people cannot reconcile the reality of a character with their preconceptions of their nature and purpose, and, having loved the character, they feel outraged said beloved character has done a terrible wrong. Fans love to accept a bad character redeeming themselves, but can’t seem to accept an accepted-as-good character taking a dark turn.
The questioning is why are people willing to accept violence against bad people. I say this as I also try to analyse how Sansa also fed Ramsey to dog. On a surface level yes he deserved it, but violence is violence no? What are your thoughts. Do you guys think we tend to give our favourites a pass?
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mezzopurrloin · 5 years
Mezzo Plays Final Fantasy X: Part 3
Surprisingly, Tidus isn't dead.
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He's just washed up on the coast of some island. He's hit in the back of the head with a blitzball, and spies some people on the beach waving to him.
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He decides to do a midair flip kick to send it back, impressing their leader.
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Then he swims to shore and introduces himself, first saying he's from Zanarkand, then after that confuses everyone, telling people he was infected by Sin's toxin.
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His name is (probably) not a Pac-Man reference. Tidus asks if it's true Zanarkand was destroyed a thousand years ago, and Wakka dispenses some exposition.
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"It was just as Rikku had said. Wakka and Rikku couldn't both be lying. Why would they? I appreciated the fact that Wakka was trying to cheer me up. But at that time, all I could think about was... everything that happened to me -- all of this -- started with Sin. Maybe if I could find Sin one more time, I could go home! For now, I'd just live life until that time came. No more worrying about where, or when, I was. Sure it was hard not to think of home. But I started to feel better already. A little better...maybe."
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Wakka decides to escort Tidus back to his village.
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Of course, they end up meeting some fiends along the way. Wakka fights using his blitzball as a weapon, which seems a bit odd, but it makes for a good throwing weapon apparently.
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He also tells Tidus about a big blitzball tournament coming up. Wakka says that maybe someone there will recognize Tidus if he plays, and Tidus agrees to help out.
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Here we get a nice view of Besaid Village. Wakka joined the Aurochs 10 years ago, but the team hasn't won a single game since then. He's about to give up on the blitz, but wants this last tournament to be his best yet. Tidus agrees and hopes to steer the Aurochs toward victory.
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Just before entering the village proper, Wakka asks Tidus about the prayer, which of course just makes Tidus more confused.
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You just put your hands in this position while saying "Praise be to Yevon."
"Any blitzball player would know that prayer. It was the blitzball sign for victory."
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Time to loot some stuff! This house was wrecked by Sin and the owner never bothered rebuilding it, so it's not like they have any use for these things anyway.
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There's also a little lodge here belonging to a group called the Crusaders. They're sworn to battle Sin, but no one's ever been able to truly defeat it, so their duties mainly involve keeping it away from populated areas.
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One thing I forgot to mention about save points is that they also provide a full HP/MP recharge. This makes them a convenient replacement for the inns of other RPGs, though you're free to rest at the Crusaders' lodge if you want.
Once that's done, Tidus heads into the temple. It's the biggest building in the village, and faces away from the ocean, as that's where Sin comes from.
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Inside the temple plays the Hymn of the Fayth, another plot-important song. No, 'fayth' is not a typo.
"It was then, standing in that place. I began to realize how different this world was from my own."
Tidus talks to one of the temple attendants, and after using the toxin excuse again, gets some more exposition.
"It was funny hearing myself make the same excuse over and over. Funny, and a little sad."
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"So what he meant...was that we should respect some kinda great men or something like that...I figured."
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Tidus goes back to Wakka's place for a quick nap.
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Which leads us to another flashback sequence. Young Tidus is happy to see Jecht gone from his life.
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His mom isn't quite that sympathetic to him.
After he wakes up, Wakka is gone. Tidus heads back to the temple to find out what's going on.
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It seems that the summoner is in trouble, and Tidus immediately runs into the temple depths to help.
Monk: "The precepts must be obeyed!"
Tidus: "Like I care!"
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This takes him to the Cloister of Trials, a puzzle that must be overcome before reaching the chamber of the fayth. This one's pretty simple and teaches you the basics of these rooms.
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The puzzles are based around spheres. Glyph Spheres open the way to the chamber, Destruction Spheres destroy things to uncover hidden treasures, and each temple also has its own type of sphere. Only one sphere can be held at a time and you can stick them into sphere-shaped slots to activate things.
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In this case, there's a Besaid Sphere powering this lovely Tron lines complex.
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If we replace it with a Destruction Sphere...
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It blows up a wall to reveal a hidden chest. Inside is a Rod of Wisdom, which we can't use yet. It's important to get every Destruction Sphere treasure we can, as there's a late-game reward for obtaining them all. And generally, it's important to grab everything we can the first time, since backtracking isn't really a thing for 90% of the game.
Anyway, after completing the Cloister of Trials, Wakka meets up with Tidus again, and he explains that only summoners, apprentice summoners, and their guardians can enter. Wakka is free to enter because he's a guardian. Summoners go on a pilgrimage to every temple in Spira, and the guardians protect them.
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We meet some more guardians outside the chamber. And then the door opens, revealing...
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"Man, was I surprised. And here I was, thinking summoners were all old geezers."
The group heads out to the town square, and the summoner decides to show her prowess.
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"I had never seen anything like it in my life. Sure, it was a little scary, but still... I could feel a strange kind of gentleness from it."
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You get to pick a name for the aeon too. Her canon name is Valefor, but I went with Yvonne on a suggestion from Umbra.
The celebration continues into the night, and Tidus and the summoner finally get to meet face-to-face.
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Yuna forgives Tidus for barging in, as she feels it was her fault for taking so long.
"I remember... That night, we talked for the first time. I didn't know it then, but after that night, everything changed. For everyone... For me..."
If you haven't already figured it out, yes, Yuna is the main love interest. After talking to her, Tidus heads to the Crusaders' lodge to sleep.
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It's only been one day and you're already having dreams about her?
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Yeah, yeah, Rikku's cute too.
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Jecht, stop being such an asshole. This is why your son hates you.
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Tidus awakens and sees Wakka and the girl in black, Lulu, talking.
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You know how they say Final Fantasy characters are obsessed with belts? Yeah, here's a prime example. Apparently they made Lulu's dress entirely out of belts as a challenge to the animators.
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The camera moves up so we can get a nice head shot of her too.
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Wakka gives some context on the conversation after coming inside. His brother Chappu joined the Crusaders, and was killed by Sin. Wakka learned the news on the day of the last blitzball tournament, which understandably threw his game off.
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In the morning, Wakka presents a gift to Tidus.
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This sword is called Brotherhood, and is quite fancy. It was originally meant to be a gift for Chappu, but he never used it. Tidus leaves the village with Yuna's group, as they're going on the same ship.
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Well, not quite yet. There's one more thing to grab first. See my comment above about how it's really important to pick stuff up the first time around.
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No, I don't get it either.
Once that's done, the group stops to pray at the monument above town. Chappu didn't pray at it the day he left. While making their way back to the coast, we get some more random encounters.
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Flying fiends are Wakka's speciaility. They have a big evasion bonus vs. melee, but Wakka's ball can hit them with no problems.
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This slime monster looks dangerous, though. Its amorphous body gives it strong resistance to physical attacks.
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Time to call in our black mage. Lulu uses these adorable little plushies as weapons and as focuses for her magic. Many are references to other Final Fantasy creatures, like the moogle up there. She also takes the time to explain this game's element system. Fire and ice oppose each other, as do lightning and water. This blob is water based, so...
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Zap! Problem solved.
Tidus runs a bit ahead of everyone else when we reach the next area...
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And runs into this furry guy, who we saw at the temple earlier. He doesn't take kindly to Tidus and attacks. The two trade blows for a bit, until everyone else comes in and puts a stop to it.
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He's another one of Yuna's guardians. He doesn't talk much, and can't be used as a party member yet, but he will be later.
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I know this post is already overloaded with screenshots but really, check out the view here.
Anyway, upon encountering a large flying fiend, Wakka decides that rather than handling it himself, he lets Yuna try out her summoning. You can swap party members in and out at any time during a battle.
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Time to see what our aeon can do. By using the Summon command, Yuna calls Yvonne to the field. All other party members disappear while the aeon is summoned.
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Yvonne can use standard attacks, cast black magic much like Lulu, and has the Sonic Wings special which deals damage and delays the opponent's turn.
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Much like players, aeons have their own Overdrive bar too. That's what picking up the thing from the dog was all about. In this case though, I decided that her first Overdrive, Energy Ray, was enough for this fight.
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She charges up a laser in her mouth, then fires it at the ground.
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Then, explosions. Perfect for taking out any irritating fiends.
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One last encounter to show here. In this case each character is up against the type of fiend they're specialized against. You want to have Tidus hit the wolf thing, Wakka go for the flyer, and Lulu cast Thunder on the blob, and they're finished off easily.
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All of our other party members have their own places on the Sphere Grid, and they gain S.Lvls and spheres the same way Tidus does. Tidus learned a new ability too: Flee, which guarantees escape from any non-boss fight. Some say that fleeing from battles is cowardly, but it's still handy to use in a pinch.
Oh, by the way, that Rod of Wisdom we found? It's a weapon for Yuna. It gives a good magic boost and the Sensor ability, allowing her to show enemy HP and traits. When not using aeons, Yuna acts as our white mage, giving out heals and buffs when needed.
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One last thing to grab as we hit the beach. This is a component for a postgame weapon for Yuna. I don't know if I'll get into the postgame for this LP, but it's good to have anyway.
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Yuna and her crew board the ship. Yuna waves goodbye to the villagers as they set off.
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fopvamprip · 6 years
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                                                    DO NOT RB.
                                               𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖛𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖙                                                         ( the band )
The movie Queen Of The Damned made Lestat and his band out to have a more Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, late 90s early 2000s industrial sound, AND I DO NOT AGREE WITH THAT. Lestat doesn’t confine himself to a set music gendre so it’s really hard for me to define the sound that The Vampire Lestat has in my head but fuck if I’m not going to try!
First off, 𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖐 𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝕷𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖙 !  I’ve only heard two songs by this guy so I’m not sure how accurate his singing range is to Lestat’s, but right now he’s doing great sweatie.
𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖘. Lestat absolutely loves rock. The power, the passion, the rebellion. And the way music has evolved throughout his lifetime has been an absolutely mindblowing thing to witness-- but often Lestat finds his heart aching for the sounds he grew up with in 1700s France. So while many of his peers opt for more electric sounds, Lestat likes to keep his rococo roots alive by sprinkling pianos, harpsichords, violins, and cellos throughout his music. Nothing is more interesting than meshing a plucky harpsichord and an electric bass into the same song amirite! Its art, don’t worry about it.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖉. The Vampire Lestat: a band that seemed to bust out of nowhere in the ‘80s but quickly rose to stardom thanks to talent and a strange connection to the popular novel Interview With The Vampire. The band broke up in ‘93 after their domination of the music scene through the ‘80s, but every member has gone on to continue their music career in one way or another. All except for Dorian, that is.
It may be called The Vampire Lestat, but don’t be fooled by the name. TVL is nowhere near a solo act! He is accompanied by 3 other people on stage, all of which he has come to consider close friends. Now, I don’t know nor really care who he canonly was in the band with. I’m so weary of Anne’s work. So uhhh all the band members associated with my Lestat are all orginal NPCs.
                        𝕾𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖆 𝕽𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖓. LEAD BASSIST, BACKUP VOCALS. 23, latina trans woman. Big trad goth energies. Was the frontwoman for the band (originally titled Satan’s Night Out) before Lestat became the driving force behind it. In interviews she is often asked if being ‘kicked out’ of the vocalist position for the band bothers her, or if she’s jealous of Lestat, but she has always brushed it away. Frankly, singing in front of a crowd wasn’t really her thing. She only was the lead when she was because their last one quit, and was more than happy to let Lestat take the wheel so long as she still got to write some songs, too. After the band broke up in ‘93, Sasha and Albie got married and started a much more low-key music careers as their focus shifted from fame to domestic life.
                           𝕯𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖘. LEAD GUITARIST, CELLIST. 20, cis man from liverpool. As post punk as it gets. Presumed to be ace by Lestat, but he never talked about his sexuality much. Was the newest member of the band until Lestat came around. Like his sexuality, not much is known about his background aside from the fact that he is technically in the country on an expired student visa. After the band broke up Dorian faded into obscurity without even his former bandmates knowing where he went off to. Some speculate he got into drugs, but Lestat thinks he might know better. He turned Dorian 92 on an intoxicating june night. Maybe it was because of pure desperation for a deep bond again, maybe it was just poor judgement. Either way, Dorian was damned, and he began to pull away from the trio he’d once been so close to. It was likely he fell victim to the aching melancholy that replaced what was once blood in your veins, or maybe he just wanted to close this chapter of his life already. Whatever it was, Lestat knows he’ll run into Dorian again.
            𝕬𝖑𝖇𝖎𝖊 𝕺𝖑𝖘𝖔𝖓. LEAD DRUMMER, VIOLINIST, BACKUP KEYBOARDIST. 22, just a dude from Austin, Minnesota who wanted to be apart of something bigger. Joth. Both Albie and Sasha started the band together (with Sasha’s then girlfriend, Ronnie) in their sophmore year of college shortly before they both dropped out to focus on their music full time. The three drove across the country playing small gigs. Wisconsin, through Illinois, Missouri (where Ronnie dumped Sasha and ditched without another word), Tennessee (where they picked up Dorian in Nashville), and onward their fortunes twisted up and down. The group was on the brink of calling it quits entirely when they finally met Lestat at an open mic in Florida. When the group broke up for real, Albie was more than happy to settle down with Sasha. Together they adopted his two nephews and wrote songs for kids shows like The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy, Scooby Doo, Courage The Cowardly Dog, and more!
𝖜𝖔𝖜 I’m out of things to ramble about for now so uhhhh take some random songs that give me TVL vibes
Just change "Lola” to “Louis” and its Lestat’s ode to his fave sad boi
Im at a loss for words tbh I’m not even sure how to describe it. its just, Him
UNDER BLUE MOON I SAW YOU!!! SO SOON YOU’LL TAKE ME!!!!! This is a song abt The Hunt you can’t change my mind
This feels like something Lestat would write about his own turning
This song is just About Lestat. He feels personally attacked any time he hears it. Yes Sure this song was written for a movie but Lestat isn’t convinced Bowie ever got over their one night stand in ‘85
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himbosims · 6 years
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The Simself Challenge? Is that what this is called? I have no idea. . .
The challenge is basically to make a simself then answer a fuck ton of question so here we are. Thanks @willowbomb and @sim-borg for tagging me. I’ll tag: whoever wants to do this because idk who hasn't done this yet
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? My childhood nickname was Tot. My friends call me d*ke and slut though so hey
3. BIRTHDAY? July 23, 2001
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? Series definitely The Mortal Instruments or the Infernal Artifacts by Cassandra Clare
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? Both i think, definitely aliens. I don't fuck with ghosts and all that because I don't want to die
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? Right now my favs are Adam Silvera and Becky Albertalli
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? Where I live we have five stations, one that plays music from the 30’s all the time, three country, and one that says it plays pop but ends up playing country anyways. So, none.
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? Idk man, thats a loaded question. Probably vanilla
9. WHAT WORD WOULD YOU USE OFTEN TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING GREAT OR WONDERFUL? ??? lit… idk dude I was trying to think of something that's weird but I can't think of anything
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? Be My Mistake by The 1975 or Not Warriors by Waterparks
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? Serious answer, lunacy (there's a reason its my username) not as serious, I just heard someone outside yell for the chillin’s and I started laughing because that word is great
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?  I’m currently listening to From Eden by Hozier
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? Shameless, Glee, Shadowhunters, Grey’s. I could go on.
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN?Love, Simon, Call Me By Your Name, or The Perks of Being a Wallflower
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Spiders and needles
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? Everything, in seriousness, my selfishness or narcissism,  
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? Cats are my favorites but dogs are cool
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? Never have been
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Irl- my friend EJ. Online- @hallowiamshebsims
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? I don't remember the last time I was excited for something
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? Hannah Montana, Ned Declassified, Drake and Josh, Flapjack, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Chowder, Rugrats. I'm a true early Gen Z kid
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? My girl best friend, I dont tell him everything because i'm a secretive bitch
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? Writing, reading, creating imaginary worlds to live in
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? I am almost done with History Is All You Left me by Adam Silvera and oh boy that book
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Paranorman: “You’re gonna love my boyfriend, he’s like a total chick flick nut.”
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? @hallowiamshebsims @simmerberlin @willowbomb @pollinationqueen @gunthermnch
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? The ability to always have the money to pay for things
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? People falling down, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJq4jWSQNd
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? I have two teachers that are really weird about phones and talking in class so we pass notes instead
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? I went to a christian concert when I was like 5 so there's that
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? Nope, I live in the south how do you expect me to not eat meat
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? Teacher since I live in the south and that's the only jobs beside retail or waitress in my town
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? The Shadow World, but I wanna be a warlock, not a dumb shadowhunter lol
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? I’m afraid of what's in the dark, which is a hard ass way to say yes
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? All the time but im tone deaf so its bad
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? If I was sick, yeah. Other than that, I did twice. Once because I had a really bad panic attack right before the bus got to my house and I called my mom claiming I was really sick, and once a few weeks ago because my dog got sprayed by a skunk therefore making me smell like a skunk
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? New York City, LA, San Francisco, Toronto, Portland, London. Any big city to be honest
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? A dog and three cats
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? Both. I sometimes stay up super late and sometimes i'm up really early. And if I can actually force myself out of bed I can get a lot done in either of those times
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? Yeah but im gay so its not good driving l
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? Everything that wont break in a week
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? I don't really have a favorite, I listen to all kinds of stuff
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? Uhhhhh, Deadpool, or Spiderman
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? It takes a lot to make me angry but when im angry it's bad and I forget what i do when i was angry so i don't really know
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? English and Creative Writing
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? Younger sister, younger step brother
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? A starbucks coffee last night
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5’7 or something
75. CAN YOU COOK? Depends on what i'm cooking
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? Books, music, friends
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? Racists, homophobes, sexists- so basically most the people in my town (hell what am i kidding, this side of the Mason-Dixon line)
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? I am on the ace spectrum and I am panromantic
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? ‘Merica the brave
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? CallMeKevin RTGame The Shane Dawson squad
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP?I guess this hell site
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE?My mom and I are kinda close, i don't really talk to my dad much (even though I live with him half the week)
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? Aussie, British, Scottish, Irish… all of them
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? Everywhere that’s not my state and the ones touching it
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? notta
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? Yes, but not crazy religious. I just believe in fate and that there is some type of higher power
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? I have an issue with adrenaline. As in, although i am an anxious person with too much adrenaline anyways I like to do things that give me a rush of adrenaline
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? I can't have my eyes pierced because I'm allergic to metal in the sense of having it in my body
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? I mean netiehr, but i'm not a huge fan of sand
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? You’ve made it through your worst day before, you can do it again
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? I think so
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? Sytherlin, not surprise
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? I’m talking to myself right now
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? Nah, my writing is kind alike my diary
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? I give people too many chances
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Check the ID, maybe take the money and leave it in a bush or something. I don’t know
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? Please don’t  tickle me
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? Read question 94
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? Alec Lightwood or Magnus Bane, but young Alec because I can't be friends with 27 year old Alec
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? Scared of needles, remember?
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? Not really but if my future partner wants some i’d be open to talk about it
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? My ex-best friend. I used to hate how she never had to try to get good grades or be good at things, she just was
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? All my memories are embarrassing if you look close enough
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? At least twice a month
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOU CLOTHES? Nutruels and black
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? I think I wa son the news once
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 17
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? I have a lot, “Words have the power to change us.” “perhaps it is because of time that we suffer.” “I remain a work in progress until I die.” “The thing you are most afraid to write, write that.” I could go on
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The Croydon Cat Killer
A/N: Now this lovely piece of work here is probably my fifth attempt. Tumble deleted my first draft and its neater version. Then Microsoft crashed on me and took another report which I had re-written twice. Needless to say this report is actually killing me.
 Trigger Warnings: Now as you could probably tell from the title this report focuses on the death of animals. What this guy has done to his targets is pretty gruesome in all aspects. I’ve tried to include in the tags all trigger warnings involving animal harm and death, however, if you want any other warnings included please contact me as soon as possible. I understand that whilst there may be some aspects of true crime that you are ok with, there are others that may trigger you.
 So now, lets be on with the strange and unusual case of the animal killer known as:
 The Croydon Cat Killer.
It was Easter 2017 when I first heard about the Croydon cat killer.
 I was back home from university for the holidays along with all my siblings so the house had been chaotic to say the least. I ended up retreating to my phone when the Twins began fighting again, unwilling to deal with their bickering so soon.
 I know, terrible elder sibling - but they argue all the time.
 Anyway, it was whilst I was on Facebook that I first mention of the Croydon Cat Killer.
 Again, I know what you’re thinking.
 “Raven, a Facebook post? Those things are usually full of shit.”
 And yes I do realise this, however this friend was trustworthy, factual, someone not likely to share fake posts seeking to incite panic.
 Also it was a link to a report written by a reputable newspaper.
 No not the Daily Mail
 Anyway, it was from this report that birthed my interest in the case, in is sheer absurdity and the audacity of the Cat Killer.
 And its really what began this blog, on the stranger lesser known crimes around the world, for this is undoubtedly an unknown case by many, but those who do know of it all share the same fear.
 That one day this Cat Killer will turn his attention to Humans.
  The Initial Suspicion:
 The rise in Cat mutilations and deaths was first noticed by Co-Founders Tony Jenkins and Boudicca Rising of the South Norwood Animal Rescue Liberty Charity, or SNARL for short.
 (Remember them, they’ll come up a lot.)
 More and more calls were coming in from the South London areas concerning strange cat deaths which often shared the same characteristics.
 These cats, discovered in increasing numbers in the South London areas, were mostly found in public areas.
 Public streets, high traffic grassy areas, and a few times in people’s own gardens, and even on the front steps of their owners’ homes. A most notable case was when a cats paw was left on her owners front step.
 These cats were found without their heads and tails, and later other body parts, but alarmingly there was often an absence of blood at the scenes, and any blood found was minimal and congealed. They were often laid out, displayed.
 Later forensic tests done by forensic specialists and veterinarians would show bruising consisted with death by bludgeoning. It is believed by many that the decapitation and mutilation occurred afterwards, though some disagree.
 Most shockingly however, was the fact that several of these cats were found with raw chicken in their stomachs, obviously eaten a little while before their deaths. The owners were insistent that none of them fed their cats anything of the sort before hand.
 A clear sign of luring? Of malicious intent?
 At the time of the initial reports however only the mutilation was known about, and the rising numbers of reports and the way the bodies appeared immediately raised suspicion in Boudicca and Tony. They began collecting reports, and even brought the bodies personally to their vets and third party vets to understand what could have occurred.
 They also began to heavily petition the police for investigation.
 With the families and SNARL working together to raise awareness about the Cat Killer, even reporting the incidents on Facebook, the case soon garnered attention across the country.
 Pets are undoubtedly important members of families. Any sane human being that owns a pet loves them unconditionally.
 Not one of you who own a pet can deny use of the baby voice when talking to whatever animal you own. I once watched a friend coo over their pet snake whilst rubbing its head.
 Pet owners are a weird lot, but our pets are our family, and unfortunately vulnerable members of our family at that.
 Animals have their advantages against humans. But smaller ones like cats, especially those trusting of humans, are always at risk of cruelty and harm.
 Serial killers, and I will count this man as a serial killer of a kind for ease despite the fact his victims are only animals, have always been cowardly by nature. They have always gone for the easier targets, ones that won’t cause too much trouble, too frightened or scared to attack a man or woman that could beat them. They relied on tricks, the good nature of others, and the fact their targets were often smaller and less confrontational than them. Blitzing them, or surprising them so they were incapable of fighting back.
 It is probably why the Croydon Cat Killer selected cats as their main targets. Much smaller than most dogs, less able to fight back, an easier target.
 It is his targets that also brought out such an outrage as well, and led to the quick creation of Operation Takahe.
 Operation Takahe:
 The investigation into the Croydon Cat Killer began almost astonishingly quickly considering the victims were cats, but the sheer number of animals beginning to be attributed to this Cat Killer, in the hundreds already, the mutilation that occurred and the attention the case was receiving meant the Police were quick to establish an investigation.
 This investigation was codenamed Operation Takahe. Boudicca and Tony’s initial suspicions about the reports began in January 2015, and by the summer of the same year Police investigation was already underway.
 The Investigation would last three years, until the August of 2018, and in that time multiple facts became known about the Cat Killer.
 1.       The fact the cats were bludgeoned to death and several were fed raw chicken shortly before death became known through forensic testing and study.
2.       It was shown, and is mostly believed, that the decapitation of the head and tail occurred after death.
3.       The initial victim, the apparent first cat killed by the cat killer, was discovered. It is still believed, though with some uncertainty, that a cat killed in Croydon in early 2014 was one of the killers first victims, maybe even the first. This and the fact he worked mostly in the South of London gave him the name the Croydon Cat killer.
4.       The cats missing body parts mostly remained missing, but horrifyingly a few were returned in other areas  at a later date. Causing the owners further distress to say the least.
 Later facts would show just how expansive the killers range was.
 5.       Reports of similar mutilations began to come in from as far south as the Isle of Wight and possibly as far North as Brighton. Many attacks seem to occur in areas near a motorway known as the M25, a road which circles London and connects the city to other major roads leading out all over the country. This lead him to be known by a new name – The M25 (Cat) Killer.
6.       Foxes and rabbits were also starting to be discovered, in the same conditions as the cats killed previously. This lead SNARL and others to refer to the killer as the UK Animal Killer.
7.       The kills were also shown to happen in under-surveilled rural areas, and urban areas with little traffic.
 Whilst this all occurred the case garnered more and more attention, the Cat killer became a mystery figure. Profiles of the killer were made, and descriptions of his appearance.
 He was described as a white male in his 40’s, with short brown hair, dark clothing, and acne scaring on his face based on sparse witness reports as he was never caught on camera. They also declared he could be wearing a headlamp.
 His personality profile was as such:
 1. He often travelled, possibly for work.
 2. It was eventually believed he lived in Addiscombe, considering the amount of attacks occurring there.
 3. Profilers and psychologists also theorised his hated for cats in particular could have stemmed from a hated or fear of women, and the mutilation of the animals after, and the distinct need to leave these animals in the open and for their owners to find, was for sexual gratification.
  Celebrities and politicians alike were drawn to the case, tweeting descriptions and drawing attention to the case in hopes of an arrest.
 All the information together seemed to present the idea of a prolific sadist, a human one.
 A suspect was arrested but released.
 A man who was on the sexual offenders list for raping an older woman had his home searched.
 Which is why it is so shocking that in September 2018, the Police shut down Project Takahe with news that the killer had been found.
 The common Fox.
  The End?
 Police revealed that they had seen a few images of foxes carrying the missing cat parts away from scenes. They also found fox DNA on the corpses as well.
Stephen Harris, a retired professor of environmental sciences at the University of Bristol who had studied fox behaviour for fifty years, asserted that there was no killer.
 He asserted the lack of blood or its congealing, as well as the lack of heads and tails, and other body parts was absolutely due to car collisions. Other say it was a moral panic.
 He does not go on to explain how the cars could have put a cat paw print on their owners front porch.
 He also explains that foxes commonly chew of the head and tails of their prey as well. Nd yes he was called in on a case prior involving the death of cats in the late 1990’s in London, and confirmed they were Foxes.
 SNARL and many other could only react in disbelief. I myself included.
 Cats laid out, obviously dissected, and they call it the work of cars and foxes.
 Cats in accidents leave massive amounts of blood in the road, of which I have been unfortunate witness to, and the foxes scavenger nature (especially London) which could easily explain why foxes were seen with cat parts.
 This theory leaves many things unexplained:
 1.       The display of the animals in open areas, the repeat of pattern, the openness these cats were found in.
 2.       The sudden increase of cat death as a whole, enough to make those who recorded such things suspicious.
 3.       The animal parts returning at a later date, especially the paw that appeared on their owner’s door step.
 There is also the fact that shortly before the closing down of the investigation a man was arrested for arson AND cat mutilation and gave up his fellows as well, claiming there was still someone who was out there committing crimes.
 It is the opinion of many that this is a vast oversight by police, nearly negligent in fact.
 I myself have, as you do, spoken with several of my friends on this topic. Some who work in civil service and are of the heavy opinion that this closing of the investigation was due to budgeting by the higher ups who probably withdrew funds due to the cases length and the victimology.
 Many believe that this may be another group, a single man with possible copy-cats, or simply one man.
 Very few appear to believe it is a fox.
 The believe not looking to catch this killer now is a grave mistake, and not just for animals.
 Because there is one main worry that still persists amongst people who worked on or who have looked into this case.
 That this man, whomever he is, will one day turn his attentions to people.
 Animal killing and mutilation are a precursor to killers after all, most notably serial killers.
 But here’s hoping it’s a fox, I hate to think what would happen otherwise.
 And please, have a lovely night.
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