#he deserves the sweet fertility archon wife of his dreams
seakicker · 2 years
Pierro has full silver chest hair and a nice thick silver happy trail💕 he loves it when his goddess runs her hands over his chest n toned belly, it feels so intimate♡
yes yes THIS. hairy pierro supremacy MMMM
the most intimate moment of all is when the two of you bathe together. he always enjoys the way you pin your hair back and away from your face before getting in the bath; it gives him a wonderful view of his lovely wife’s pretty face. you always offer to soap him down even though he insists he can do it himself— to which you protest by saying he can't reach his back by himself so you have to do it for him, right? your hands feel impossibly smooth and gentle as they slide down his body, lathering him with your favorite soap and worshipping every muscle, scar, and mark on his body. you take care to pay special attention to his hair as well— he recalls you mentioning that you have a certain affinity for such masculine traits such as a nice thick happy trial and a lovely field of chest hair. does he ‘get’ it? probably not, but he’s more than willing to just let you enjoy yourself by praising him with your words and hands despite how ill-equipped he feels to receive such praise.
such gestures of affection are enough to chip away even at the cold, hard exterior of a man as icy and distant as pierro— he’s witnessed so much suffering and pain both prior to and immediately following the fall of khaenri’ah that experiencing such gestures of affection almost feels… unsettling. foreign, perhaps. he’d like to say he’s unworthy of such tender loving care from someone as loving and generous as you, but he knows better than to say such things out loud because you’d pout at him and tell him to “cut that kind of talk out” because you won’t listen to your husband, who’s plenty caring and loving in his own right, talk about himself like that. if anything, you’d just argue that everything he’s witnessed only makes him more worthy of such gentle treatment— he deserves the solace he was never granted in the past, you’d say.
as sweet as you are, you’re also impossibly stubborn too, pierro’s come to realize— not so much in a bullheaded, self-righteous way as some of the old royals he used to know were, but in a way that always lets him know when you won’t take “no” for an answer if the way you always manage to convince him to let you wash his body for him in the bath is any proof of that claim. it’s endearing, really— the way you refuse to let him speak poorly of himself because you know how much of a perfect man he really is, gruff exterior and slightly distant personality and all. pierro only watches as you run your fingers gently over the rough skin of his many, many scars and through the thick patches of hair decorating his chest and pubic bone, thankful that you’re too focused on taking care of him to see the slight (and, in his opinion, embarrassing) smile on his face.
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