#he does speak with a scouse accent I couldn’t help it
t0yearnf0r · 5 months
God what crack do they put in sakuatsu fics, and specifically what crack do they put in sakuatsu sport au’s
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Hiya! Hope you’re doing well! I’d like to request a fic! It’s teddy boy John x Reader ^_^
So, basically, John and Reader have been best friends since they were little. Ofc, they’re severely pining for eachother. There’s a school dance/prom and Reader get asked by someone to go as a date to it and reader accepts bc they see it as an opportunity to try to get rid of their feelings for John. Sometime during the night of the prom, John finds reader crying outside the building. The guy who asked reader out didn’t show until like an hour in and when he did show he came with some random blonde bimbo, the douche paying reader no attention when he arrived. John tries to comfort reader and he’s not very good at it so he just somehow admits his feelings for them accidentally.
I love ur writing sm! Have a brilliant day!
~ ABRD <3
Hi, I'm well, thank you! Hope you are as well! So glad you enjoy my writing! I sat down and started writing as soon as I got the notif for your ask c: I've never written a request before so hopefully this is okay! When you mentioned John admitting his feelings, I immediately thought of the scene from the movie, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (one of my favorite movies from my childhood), where Luther confesses that he likes Alma, so it's sort of inspired by that. Since you mentioned reader having grown up with John, I gave her a written Scouse accent ^w^ Proofed in UK English.
If I Fell In Love With You
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(image from Pinterest)
You and John are walking the halls of the school, as you often did together, with John having his arm draped over you.
It didn’t really matter where you were since you were usually by each other’s side anyway.
At the sight of the bulletin board, you let out an excited squeal. “Look, Lenny, it’s almost time for the dance!” It came out in an inviting way, despite you trying to bury your feelings for John.
“You’re not seriously gonna go to that, are ye?” his nasally voice rings out.
“’course I am,” you answer. “Everyone is. And I know you will, too.”
He rolls his eyes jokingly. “John Lennon does not dance.”
You let out a laugh and try to hide your blush when he playfully ruffles your hair. “Stop it!” You attempt to tame your locks as you continue, “Well, anyway, I’m going, whether you do or not.”
As the pair of you continue walking, another boy walks up to join you. To anyone else, he was just another student, but John had always seen him as a rival, both academically and in romance (though he was too proud to admit that).
“Hi, Y/N,” the boy says. You greet him back and he continues, “I couldn’t help but overhear you talking about the dance.” He practically stares John in the eyes as he speaks, “I was wondering if you’d like to go with me.”
John is trying to hide the jealous expression on his face as you reply, “Oh, sure!”
The boy lets out a relieved laugh. “Okay, good. Meet you there, then?”
You nod and John looks at you stunned as the boy walks away. “What? A bird can’t be expected to go to a dance on her own!” you explain.
John simply chuckles and the two of you continue your walk.
It’s the night of the dance and you’re nervous as can be.
“Don’t worry, my dear,” your mother comforts, adjusting your skirt so it looks perfect for the photo she’s taking. “I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time.”
You simply nod and take the deepest breath you can manage.
You arrive at the dance alone. You expected this, of course. The boy was supposed to meet you there.
You find yourself practically camping by the punch bowl for forty-five minutes before you spot him.
He’s arm-in-arm with the most popular girl in school, a natural blonde with natural unintelligence.
He seems to not notice you as the two of them stride over to the punch bowl. You call his name repeatedly, trying to get his attention, but he and his date simply ignore you before making their way to the dance floor.
You scoff, trying hard not to cry and ruin your makeup, before speed-walking out the door.
As tears flood your face a few minutes later, someone stops to sit by you on the stairs. “Y/N?”
You look up into the light brown eyes of John Winston Lennon. “I thought you weren’t comin’.” You sniffle, and wipe your face with the back of your hand, trying to conceal the tears that had just covered your cheeks.
“Well, I thought it would be a good opportunity to— Never mind that, what are you doin’ out here?”
You sniffle again. “Well, you know that guy I was supposed to go with?"
“Yeah.” He already seems angry at even the mention of the other boy.
“Well, he just showed up… with another girl. That stupid blonde who thinks she’s better than the rest of us just ‘cause she’s naturally blonde. He didn’t even call or acknowledge me!” Finishing your story, you burst into tears again.
John isn’t quite sure what he should do, but he knows exactly what he wants to do. He stands. “I’m gonna give that good-for-nothin’ bastard the hardest smack he’s ever had!”
“John, no, please don’t cause a scene!” you protest.
John sighs and sits next to you again, draping his arm around you like he always has. “He’s ugly anyway, Y/N.” You laugh a little as he continues, “And he’s thick as two short planks.”
“Don’t say that, Lenny,” you say with a giggle.
“I ought to stick my foot up his arse,” he says. He sighs a bit, still not really sure what to do. “D’ye wanna go to my house?”
You shake your head slowly. “This is the only opportunity I have to go to the dance.”
John nods in understanding. The quiet is thick enough to cut with a knife before he says, “Y/N?” You hum a response and he continues, “He really is stupid.”
“Why’s that, Lennon?”
“Well, he’d have to be to stand up… someone.”
He seems troubled about something. You quirk an eyebrow as you ask, “Somethin’ on your mind, John?”
He exhales sharply. “No, not really. Well, yeah, but—” He growls in frustration. “Look, Y/N, I’m a lad.”
You laugh a little. “Last time, I checked, yeah.”
“And you’re a bird. And we’ve known each other a long time.”
You quirk your eyebrow again. “What are you tryin’ to say?”
He runs a hand through his hair—you noticed he had restyled it slightly to look more clean—and says, “Well, I have to be honest, you’re the most beautiful best friend a boy could ask for.”
You frown at the words “best friend”, but manage to say, “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”
He chuckles. “What I’m sayin’, Y/N, is— Well, what I mean to say is—”
You’d never seen John so flustered in all the years you’d known him.
“Y/N, I like you and I’d like to kiss you right this minute!” he spits.
You blush, unsure of what to say. So, you sit in silence for a moment.
John stands quickly. “I shouldn’t have come here; this was a mistake.” He starts to leave.
“Wait, John!” He turns around to find you standing now. “I like you too, John.”
He stalks back over. “You what?”
“I like you, too,” you repeat.
Now he goes silent.
A few beats pass before you look into his eyes. “Kiss me?”
His lips are instantly locked with yours in a moment of passion.
“Go back in?” he asks a moment later.
You nod, intertwine arms with him and the two of you head back inside for a night of pictures in the photobooth and dances to rock-and-roll music.
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judediangelo75 · 4 years
My Bride (Part 1)
Hello everyone~
So... this is going to be very different than anything I’ve written before. For starters this connects to nothing that I’ve previously written.
Two, it doesn’t really take place at Hogwarts per say. I’m including a lot of the characters from the game but that’s the closest I can say it relates to the game.
Three, it’s gonna be in parts because I’m too lazy to write a long post.
I got the idea from @makichaotic where in her headcanon there was a rumor that Talbott was a vampire.
Except Talbott is actually a vampire.
I have no clue what I’m possibly doing to be completely honest. This idea has been floating around in my mind for awhile so I have to get it out somehow.
Let me know what you think!
I also threw in David ( @that-scouse-wizard / @jd-the-anime-fan ) and Vixen ( @cleverglitteryfoxtrot ), two MC friends 😊🥰
“Baby girl?” 
Judith turned away from the full body mirror in the direction of her father’s voice. An elegant strapless and backless white silk dress hugged her short, curvy figure. Her long locs were pulled up into a high ponytail, a few hanging around her face. A dark shadow dusted over her eyelids while dark red lipstick covered her full lips. 
“Yes, Papa?” came the soft reply. The older man frowned.
His daughter was beautiful.
Gorgeous even.
Though he wished she wasn’t getting dressed up for this.
Judith just recently turned 21.
As required by law, every young adult that turned 21 were to attend a ball that is hosted every year by the royal family.
Though, there was a catch. 
It was for a way for vampires to find a desirable mate among the human population. If they was able to return home by sunrise, then they were free to live their life as they pleased. If not, they becomes that vampire’s wife or husband.
Most were forbidden from seeing their families and friends ever again. 
Kendrick would know. He never personally saw his best friend Ava again after her ball. Who then later became their queen when the former king and queen died.
Ava’s parents passed away few years after her coronation. They never saw their precious daughter again.
Now that same fate seem to be staring the seasoned Healer in the face.
And Kendrick isn’t ready to say goodbye to his little girl.
“Papa, you’re crying,” Judith whispered, a frown forming on her painted lips. She quickly walked up to the older man to wipe away his tears. Misty gold eyes locked with concerned ones. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby girl,” Kendrick whispered. Judith hugged her father tight as he said this, waiting to prolong her trip to the castle. The older man didn’t hesitate to return it, breathing in the scent he grew accustomed to from when she was a baby.
“I’ll do my best to come back home,” Judith said softly, squeezing the man who sired her. Kendrick shook his head at this.
He didn’t want her to promise him anything. 
Judith was the spitting image of him. His little girl grew up into a beautiful young woman. It would take a miracle for a vampire not to take notice of her.
“Please don’t promise me anything. I don’t think my old heart can take it...” Judith pursed her lips.
“You’re not old, Papa. You don’t look a day over 25,” she said in hopes of lifting the man’s spirits. And she got what she wanted. An inaudible chuckle rumbled in the his chest. 
It’s just like his daughter to try to make him smile or laugh. 
If he could never see her again, he can only pray that she’s mated to a good man.
“Thank you, Judith. I... I love you, baby girl...” Judith forced herself not to cry in front of her dad. 
She didn’t like how this felt like a goodbye. She didn’t want to leave her father forever...
“I love you too, Papa...” The two stayed there for a bit longer until Kendrick pulled away with a soft sigh.
“Time to go baby girl...”
Judith hugged her dad’s waist tighter as they approached the looming castle.
They weren’t rich. Her father spent a good amount of his savings to buy her dress and shoes. 
When he wanted to buy her a carriage to escort her to the ball, she declined. She claimed that she was more than happy to be escorted by her father on horseback. Kendrick agreed, unwilling to deny his little girl anything.
They approached the entrance slowly before stopping a foot away. 
Kendrick dismounted first before helping his daughter off their horse, Nerco Di Angelo. Judith hugged her father one last time before going to pet the dark horse, who let out huff and nuzzled her face.
“I love you, Nerco. Take good care of Papa,” she whispered before kissing the star on the horse’s forehead.
The sound of someone clearing their throat sounded off behind her.
Taking a deep breath, the young woman turned to find a guard staring passively at her.
Time to go.
Without a word, the guard gestured her to come inside. Judith turned to her father.
“I love you, Papa...” It took everything within the usually stoic man not to cry again.
“I love you too, Judith. Never forget that...” Nodding sadly, Judith walked into the castle with the guard in tow.
She sent a silent prayer in hopes of seeing her dear father again.
Talbott was bored.
Extraordinarily so.
He felt the eyes of his parents burning holes into him on occasion and it annoyed him to no end.
The ball started some time ago and he’s already wishing it to be morning. He himself just recently turned 21 and his parents, along with the council, are looking at him to find a bride.
If not this year, then he will continue to socialize with potential mates every year until he does. After all, his father was 25 when he finally found his mother, who recently turned 21 at that time.
Ava and Trent glanced at their disinterested son with slight worry. They knew how much the young man hated social events. He did his best to be polite to his guests but not much more. They would be lucky if he found someone on the first try.
Ava sighed. Although she was happy and grateful with the life that she has, she sometimes missed the old life she once had. Under the old king and queen, they forbade her from seeing her friends and parents.
She missed them terribly. She hoped whoever her son chose that she could help them adjust to life as a part of the royal family. She and her husband even discussed about letting their family to come to the castle. After all, they clearly saw what it did to their relationship.
Despite Trent’s evident infatuation with her, Ava hated him for choosing her. If he never laid eyes on her, she would’ve still be with her parents and dear friends. It took a few years to even consummate their marriage because Ava refused to share a bed with him. She didn’t let him drink from her.
It took Trent years to win the young woman’s heart. With a decent amount of suffering on his part. To be deprived of the one that suppose to complete him drove him to points of madness and bloodlust.
They didn’t want the same thing to happen to their son...
Glancing at her son again, she noticed that he was sitting up a little straighter. Her brows shot up to her hairline. 
He found someone...
Oh dear Gods above, please allow whoever it was to love her son. She’ll do anything to make sure that they’re happy, just as long they were able to love Talbott...
‘She’s so beautiful...’ 
Talbott’s red eyes were trained on a young dark skin woman in a white silk dress. The dress highlighted her slim, but curvy, figure. Her hair was up in a ponytail, ending around mid-back with a few locs framing her face. Her facial features were delicate and sharp.
Her eyes.
A brilliant shade of gold that would put the coins in the treasury to shame.
Talbott felt his body flush with heat and his gums throb a bit. 
He had to get to know her.
The young woman was conversing with a familiar pair. David Willows, husband to Merula Synde, and Vixen Mcmachen, wife to Barnaby Lee.
With no warning to his parents, Talbott got up and walked towards the trio. 
David saw the prince coming and bowed.
“Your Highness,” the young man greeted. Vixen smiled and curtsied to him, giving him a cheeky wink all the meanwhile.
It was at that point Judith felt a presence behind her. Turning around, she came face to face with the Crown Prince himself. 
Swiftly, Judith curtsied.
“Good evening, Your Highness,” she said, willing her voice to remain steady. She straighten and was minorly surprised to find the prince staring at her.
“Good evening, David. Rosalina. Miss,” Talbott said, taking Judith’s hand and kissing the back of it. 
‘Her scent...’ Talbott’s eyes grew a little heavy, his pupils dilated. It was so inviting... 
Vanilla and along with something else he couldn’t name. He also detected a faint accent in her voice, something completely unfamiliar, but far from unpleasant.
“I don’t believe we’ve met before,” he started slowly, curious to know the name to this enchanting woman. 
David cleared his throat. 
“Prince Talbott, may I introduce to you, Judith Harris. A childhood friend to Vixen and I,” he said.
“Pleasure to meet you, Judith...” The young woman did her best to suppress a shiver. The way the prince said her name...
It was like he was tasting it.
“Please, Your Highness. The pleasure is all mine,” she said, trying her best not to read too deep into how the way Talbott was staring at her. It didn’t help that he had yet to let go of her hand...
David and Vixen did their best not to smirk. Their partners so owe them a few gold coins. They were both happy to find their old friend. Especially since it’s been 3 years since David married to the love of his life and Vixen just a year after him. 
What they didn’t expect was for Prince Talbott to fancy her. 
They was just talked to her about their lives at the castle and their relationships. Judith was just telling them how she was doing, her archery, combat lessons and art. Just as she was telling them that she was hoping that no vampire took an interest in her, the Gods placed Prince Talbott before her.
Seems like she hasn’t quite learned her lesson about speaking certain things aloud. The Gods loved a challenge.
“May I have a dance with you, darling?” Judith sharply inhaled, willing her heart not to race. 
‘It’s just a dance. Nothing more...’ 
“It would be an honor, Your Highness.” Talbott wanted to pout. He wished that Judith would say his name. He wants to know how it sounded like with her faint accent.
Offering his arm, Judith interloped hers in his. Saying goodbye to her old friends, they walked to the center of the dance floor. A slow song started to play.
The two took the initial position. One hand on Judith’s lower back. One hand on Talbott’s broad shoulder. Their remaining hand intertwined with each other’s. The pair moved along with the music.
‘Warm. She’s really warm and soft...’ Talbott was biting the inside of his cheek, willing his hand to stay in that one spot. His heart was beating rapidly now and he was fighting his instincts.
To pull her closer.
To inhale more of the sweet scent that clung to her skin.
To taste her full lips.
To sink his fangs into that elegant long neck, marking her as his.
He bet she tasted divine...
“Are you enjoying the ball?” Her lovely voice brought him back to the present. He cleared his throat.
“I admit, I was rather bored at first,” he admitted. Gold eyes glimmered with curiosity.
“Oh?” she inquired. He nodded before pulling her closer to satisfy his needs a little.
“But with you here, I can finally enjoy the night.” Those pretty eyes widen and pearly whites bit the plump flesh of her lower lip.
Talbott fought back a groan. 
He wanted to be the one doing that...
“Oh! What a... lovely thing to say,” Judith whispered, uneasy. 
She wasn’t going to deny that she felt something towards the tall handsome vampire, but she wanted to go home.
Go back home to her Papa.
And that idea seems bleaker and bleaker with the way Talbott was looking at her. She swears she can see a hint of his fangs every time he spoke.
“Is something wrong, darling,” Talbott asked.
“Oh, no! Just a little thirsty.” Judith knew she was lying through the skin of her teeth but she knew better than to openly reject the Crown Prince. 
She liked her head exactly where it was, thank you very much.
“Come. Let’s get you something to drink then,” the young man smiled. Judith tried not to grimace.
‘Yup, those were definitely his fangs I saw...’ she thought to herself as Talbott led her to the refreshment table. Judith wasn’t a fan of wine and stuck with water. Talbott even hand feeding her some samplers as they converse with one another.
“Hello son.” The pair turned to the masculine voice that spoke. Judith felt her blood run cold. 
The king and queen.
She really may not go home after all.
Ava and Trent have been watching their son curiously as he acquainted himself with a young dark skin woman.
Not once has he left her side. The two look at each other and decided to meet the woman who seem to unknowingly captivated their son. They approached the two by the refreshment table.
“Hello son.” The couple turned to them. Talbott nodded at them as the young woman curtsied.
“Mum. Dad.”
“Good evening, Your Majesties.” Ava studied the young woman closely.
She looked very familiar.
“Good evening, my love. And who might this be,” Ava asked. Talbott wrapped an arm around the short woman’s waist, causing her to flush a soft shade of red.
“Mother, Father. This is Judith Harris.” Ava inhaled sharply.
“Did... did you say Harris,” she asked softly. Could it be-
Judith shyly glanced at the royal couple, gold eyes shining.
“You’re Kendrick’s daughter, aren’t you?” Judith blinked in surprise. She knew that her father and the queen were childhood friends, but she didn’t expect her to remember him.
“Yes I am, Your Majesty...” The likeness was uncanny. She looked like the female version of her father. The queen smiled and hugged her. 
Judith stiffen at the sudden hug and hesitantly hugged the queen back.
“I’m sorry, my dear. I didn’t expect a piece of my past to catch up with me...” The queen was eager to learn more about Kendrick’s little girl.
And her future daughter-in-law...
If she was Kendrick’s daughter, she shouldn’t have to worry about Talbott’s mating to her. Kendrick, although cold and aloof, was a very sweet and caring man. She’ll bet her crown that his daughter was the same exact way. 
Though she didn’t like how Judith kept glancing at the entrance every once and awhile.
She understood the girl’s desire to leave but she didn’t want her son to suffer. Especially when he was already showing signs of infatuation towards her. 
‘Please, all I ask is for you to give him a chance’ she silently pleaded.
Talbott was growing restless. 
He was happy to see that the young woman he chose was to the approval of his parents. Especially since she seem to be the daughter to a childhood friend of his mum.
But he wanted to be alone with her.
So when Judith said she wanted to get some air, he jumped at the opportunity to show her the gardens.
The walk there was silent. They reached the heart of the garden, sitting on the lip of the fountain.
“This place is breathtaking,” she whispered. Talbott bit his lip as he stared at her. 
She was breathtaking.
The moonlight bathed her in its ancient glow. 
Her molten gold eyes lit up like embers of a flame.
Her cheekbones, collarbones and shoulders were kissed by the moonlight itself, reflecting the slivery rays.
Her dress took on a silver light, making her take on the form of a goddess.
“Yes, it is...” Judith stiffen when she heard the response whispered against her cheek. A cool pair of lips pressed against her cheek for a chaste kiss. 
“I’ll be frank with you, darling. I never would’ve thought I would find my mate tonight, but I’m glad I was wrong,” Talbott said softly before placing another kiss to her cheek. 
Just as he was about to wrap his arms around her waist, Judith pulled away. She was standing, taking cautious steps backwards.
Talbott felt his heart stall, fighting back a snarl.
“I-I’m sorry, Your Highness... b-but I-I can’t be your mate...” A frown found its way on Talbott’s handsome face, as he was quick to stand with her.
“I’m afraid I can’t take no for an answer, darling. I can’t live without you now that I found you,” Talbott said slowly as he approached her, trying to keep his instincts in check. He’s seen vampires being rejected by their mate, and it was never a pretty sight.
A lot of them were driven to bouts of madness and eventually had to be taken out of their misery.
He didn’t want to end up like them.
He’ll give her anything she wants, all he asks in return was her unconditional love.
Judith, feeling like cornered prey, did the only thing she could think of.
A snarl sounded out behind her, sending a cold wave of fear down her spine but she didn’t dare stop or look back. She found a garden maze and quickly ran inside, in hopes of losing the prince. 
Thanks to her training, she rather light on her feet, even in heels surprisingly. Low growls and snarls filled the air all around her so she could barely tell where Talbott was. 
She wanted to cry.
She didn’t ask for this. 
She didn’t want to become the wife to a vampire, even if he was a prince.
All she wanted was to go home to her Papa.
She let out a scream when a hand grabbed her by the elbow, spinning her around to find glowing red eyes staring down at her.
A pair of lips descended on her soft, vulnerable ones. A sob escaped the back of her throat as she tried pushing against Talbott’s chest.
Though her efforts were futile.
Talbott pulled away to look at his mate’s teary face. Though his eyes spoke volumes of his anger, Judith never noticed the fear there as well.
The heir to the throne said nothing as he laid kisses along the length of her neck.
“Talbott, no! Please,” she cried, squirming to get away when she felt cold fangs brush against her skin.
“I’m sorry, my beloved...” was the last thing Judith heard before the pain of his fangs sinking into her neck took root in her system.
Her cry of pain was broke the peace of the night before everything fell quiet once again.
Kendrick watched as the morning rays peaked over the horizon, waiting.
His daughter was no where in sight.
A lone tear escaped his eye as sun made it’s way up in the sky. Accepting the fate he was given.
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