#I’m nuturing it like a garden
t0yearnf0r · 5 months
God what crack do they put in sakuatsu fics, and specifically what crack do they put in sakuatsu sport au’s
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arasigyrn · 3 years
I'd love a director's commentary for Hold your Heart Close!
Hold Your Heart Close, my first foray into Hockey fic!
I don't actually remember how I got into this pairing. I started watching Steve Dangle on Youtube pre-Shanaplan. I think 2014-15 was the first full season of LFRs I watched as it aired.
I do remember reading at least one hockey fic where wandering hearts were a thing which is probably where the original idea came from. This fic got written in one sitting (not typical for me) so it was a very stream of consciousness thing. It's also over three thousand words long so I'm going to put more detailed thoughts behind a Read More
"Keith's heart is broken in three pieces: one in his bedroom, under a pile of dirty kit: one in the garden, by the family BBQ: the last one in the reception of the hospital where his mom died. Connor spends three weeks coaxing the pieces back together before he comes back."
This first part; I wanted to establish what Connor's abilities actually were and that breaking the heart was rare. Keith's heart break was supposed to indicate that heartbreak could be really serious and also that Connor didn't have a lot of experience with serious damage to a heart. I wanted to leave the details a little vague because the loss of Keith's mom caused the heartbreak but it's not the part Connor cared about.
"In the end, Hyms doesn't make him tell him about the dreams at all. Connor loves him for that and he makes a point of smoothing out all the cracks in Hyms's heart when he rescues it again and again. He has a lot of work as the season tips into pre-playoffs rush. The Leafs are sucking, hard and Connor gets called up for a game in Anaheim."
I didn't put a lot of details in the Marlies bit because all I needed there was to establish that Connor helps out his teammates and bring in Zach as the team-mate who Connor actually talked to about his magic. I already knew it was going to be just Connor and Freddie who had actual magic on the team and Connor wasn't going to be talking to Freddie so Zach with his university education was the logical choice.
"Unsurprisingly, it's Mitch who comes to him first. He says something about a girl but Connor doesn't really get anything useful from the babble of words which are clearly just there to explain why he's spilling his heart into Connor's hands. It's just a crack, nothing structural but Connor runs his thumb over it, soothing away the broken edges."
This was a good chance to show how Connor's abilities became this unspoken secret and how everyone learns when they need to. Again, I didn't want to add too much detail because it's mostly setting the mood. Mitch is curious but a good ally to have and I wanted to show how Connor's ability makes him aware of all the secrets in the locker room.
I wanted the whole 'hearts' thing to feel like just another part of the world. Not something that anyone thinks too hard about. A person's heart being separate means it's a lot harder to hide emotions and I felt that most people would avoid drawing attention to them. It doesn't really come up explicitly but most people can only see their own heart or the hearts of people who love them. Love in this context is a very broad category; platonic love, family or close enough friends 'count'.
Connor's magic is the exception which makes him more discreet about mentioning people's hearts.
"The biggest issue Connor has during training camp is actually Frederik Andersen, the new goalie. Freddie is magic. Not like Connor is magic, Freddie actually wears a charm to keep his powers off the ice. Locker room rumour doesn't offer any details but Connor can feel the energy crackling around him from across the room."
I have a thing for making Freddie a wizard, apparently. If I'm writing magic-realism, Freddie always ends up Magic. This description was meant to convey a few things. Firstly, Freddie's magic is not Connor's quiet, nuturing magic. It's something that could change how a game plays out and it's something more direct.
Freddie being magic put him and Connor on a level, narratively speaking. It's their thing, not that Freddie knows that. Again, Freddie's magic is so different and Connor's magic is shared only by word-of-mouth so Freddie doesn't realize Connor has magic but it gives Connor a reason to notice him before Freddie starts throwing his heart around.
"He's not mean about it but a bad training session makes him explode. Freddie doesn't take it out on other people. Instead, Freddie throws his gloves across the room, turns to his locker and hurls his heart across the room. Freddie kicks the bench and stomps off to the showers."
Freddie's temper is pretty well known. I wanted him throwing his heart across the room to be a well-established pattern. Freddie does this to release some of the frustration and rage. Some players break sticks, Freddie throws his heart around. He's been doing it for his whole career but he's never had anyone to repair the damage. Hearts will heal over time so it never mattered. Freddie was only hurting himself so nobody ever said anything to him.
"The game against LA is the first time Freddie's rage breaks his heart. It hits the wall and just comes apart. Connor isn't even sure he can fix this but everyone is looking at him out of the corners of their eyes. He gathers up the pieces and the jagged edges cut his fingertips as he tries to reassemble Freddie's heart and hold it together."
The second time we encounter heartbreak. Heartbreak is serious. Connor has to work hard to reassemble a broken heart. It's also a reminder that Connor's powers come with a price. Groundwork for how serious heartbreak is to a Heart Witch and how badly Connor gets hurt/drained when he's fixing someone else's heart. Heart Magic is a quiet, private magic but it's not a safe magic. Everything comes with a cost.
"Connor's got a pretty good handle on his heart; the one and only real benefit of being a Heart Witch. He's still basically powerless to stop his heart from drifting wistfully after Freddie. It feels stupid at first; Connor's had crushes before but his heart's never ignored Connor's attempts to reclaim it this completely before. Then it feels inevitable. Freddie's awesome, hot and exactly Connor's type."
This is where we get a reminder that emotions are not easily controlled or ignored. Connor's been in control when he uses his power but he's still vulnerable to falling in love. His heart isn't entirely his own anymore and that puts him in danger. I left this bit ambiguous; either Freddie doesn't really pay attention to his heart because he's focused on hockey so he hasn't even noticed that Connor's heart is showing up or Connor is controlling his heart enough that he's hiding it subconsciously. It works either way, I think.
"Connor can't even feel surprise that Freddie isn't crushed. Freddie's raging. Connor doesn't even register the danger when Freddie throws his paddle clear across the room. He's trying to scrape up the energy to sit up when Freddie reaches into his locker.
And grabs Connor's heart."
So, this is the scene that I wrote the fic around. I always knew Freddie was breaking Connor's heart. At the same time, I wasn't writing Freddie as abusive or cruel.
I wanted to set up that Connor, or rather, his heart was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
That meant that Freddie couldn't know Connor's heart was there. Connor couldn't be alert to the danger. The playoff elimination was such a deflating moment. This team of mostly-rookies and new players had done so well and to lose like that was such a downer that I decided Connor wouldn't be paying attention to where his heart was, Freddie was going to be angry enough to break the heart he threw across the room and Connor's heart would have gone to Freddie instinctively, searching for support from a loved one.
I wanted it to be sudden. Connor was going to be taken by surprise but I wanted the reader to be able to see the disaster as it happened. If I got it right, the reader should have had that flash of dread as soon as Connor's heart is grabbed.
"He doesn't start thinking properly until he's lying on the bed in the trainer's room. He still can't get his eyes open. He feels like he's been bag-skated through the ice. He feels like someone just peeled off all his skin and left a window open. He can tell that Hyms's there, a rustle of paper as he turns pages. Connor lets himself just drift until someone else comes in."
I didn't go into too much detail about what Connor's heartbreak actually did for him. Having been on the wrong side of a couple of bad knocks, I don't think the hurt person ever notices as much as people expect them too.
I brought Zach back in because he'd been established as Connor's confidant and the closest thing to an expert in Heart Witches that the team had. Willy shows up because he was the logical person to suspect. I don't think Mitch would have been very restful and the rest of the team probably got sent home.
At this point, the team doesn't really have any idea what to do. Connor's magic is not very well studied. There aren't any experts to call on. Connor's injury is purely magical so the only thing they can do is keep him safe and hope that he gets better. Connor is very alone in his magic and he has been throughout the story up to this point.
Zach staying with him is the most logical outcome. I don't generally like magic systems that are too logical or scientific. Magic should be a little bit unknowable and unpredictable. It shouldn't ever be completely understood.
"The voices over his head go quiet all of a sudden. Connor tunes back in with an effort. Willy sounds like he's glaring across the face-off dot at someone who dissed his flow. Hyms sounds...unfriendly. There's got to be someone else there but Connor can't hear a third voice.
He does feel warmth. It's like coming in after playing shinny in midwinter, that moment when the door opens and the warmth comes spilling out."
This is where Freddie shows up. He's been getting shouted at and asked questions and he's been shouting and asking his own questions back. Mitch is still outside the room so Freddie knows that Connor's a Heart Witch by now. He's also been told that Connor's been fixing his heart for the whole season by some of the team. Freddie's having a lot of revelations and he's found his heart, amid the shards of a heart that isn't his.
Freddie takes things seriously. He doesn't go to Connor until he's picked up every splinter of Connor's heart. His magic doesn't fix it. He tries but it doesn't work like that. Freddie's magic isn't quiet and steady. He can't do what Connor does.
Freddie brings Connor's heart back because that's what you do when you've fucked up. If someone gives you their heart and you break it but you didn't mean to, you bring it back and hope they'll trust you with it again when it's healed. Freddie doesn't want to give Connor's heart back but he doesn't deserve to keep it right now.
He will persuade Zach and Willy to let him keep Connor company. It's going to take some work because Zach and Willy are Connor's bros from the Marlies. They don't trust Freddie and they'll be back but this is magic and Freddie is willing to beg.
""It's cool," Connor starts.
"It is NOT cool," Freddie snaps. "I broke your heart in thirty eight pieces and nearly killed you because I lost my temper.""
Freddie didn't mean to break Connor's heart. He still had to apologize. I wanted it to be clear that Freddie knew he'd made a mistake and regretted it. Freddie would have been more careful if he'd known he had Connor's heart. He's going to be a while getting over the guilt but he's already focused on making amends and being better in the future.
I wanted it tied into the frustration and guilt of the loss because that's what Freddie was angry about. He wasn't trying to hurt Connor but he was blaming himself.
This was the second part that had to be included if I wanted a happy ending.
""But I don't think my English is good enough for that apology yet," Freddie tips his head so he's smiling at Connor. "So instead, I am going to get the trainer to check you out and then, I am going to take you to breakfast. If you don't have plans?"
"I-uh-no?" Connor pushes up a little. Neither heart on his chest moves. "Should I-" he gestures to Freddie's heart. "Do you want it back?"
"No," Freddie says and smiles again. "It's where it's supposed to be.""
The English thing is mostly an in-joke. The Danes I know are all functionally tri-lingual so Freddie's English is probably better than Connor's. It's Freddie's way of buying some time. He still doesn't really know how badly breaking Connor's heart hurt him or how long Connor's heart has been nestled in his locker. Freddie can't apologize until he knows all these things and he's saying that he is sorry but he doesn't know how much he has to be sorry for yet.
At the same time, it's a bad time to be making declarations.
Freddie can't tell Connor he loves him while Connor's still shaking from Freddie breaking his heart. The words don't mean anything when Freddie's the one who hurt him. It isn't believeable. Connor might think Freddie's saying it out of guilt or pity.
But Freddie doesn't ever strike me as the cautious type. He can't tell Connor he loves him. He can show him. He can give his heart to the man who spent a whole season caring for it and show Connor that he trusts him.
It's not a declaration but it's a gesture because Freddie wants this. He wants Connor and he wants to talk about this and see where they're going to end up. It's a hopeful ending, I think but it's an honest one.
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twst-oc-ask-blog · 4 years
🐾 Warm moments almost relived🐾
Entering the botanical garden always gave her a nice, calming feeling. Bahati always enjoyed the sent of flowers, and she liked coming here to relieve stress, either from her group of six female friends or from the over powering sent of males that permeated the whole school. This garden was her only sanctuary from both situations. Choosing to head to the back of the garden, Bahati moved her bag closer to her body and started her treak to the back of the botanical garden.
Upon nearing her desired location, the scent of a certain lion enter her nostrils. With a sigh, she remembered that he enjoyed coming to this garden as well. For him this place was a good way to skip school or just to have a nice nap. When she spotted him, Bahati made sure to not step on his legs or tail, as she didn’t want to deal with an angry Leona. After passing over him, she looked back and notice a few strands of hair hanging down into his face, causing his facial expression to be very annoyed.
Putting her bag down a bit away from him, Bahati moved closer, and crouched down next to him. She gently moved the strands of hair away from his face, tucking it in with the rest of his hair. Leona wiggled a bit, then settled back down, his face returning to a nutural expression after words.
With a smile, Bahati stood back up and turned around as to retrieve her bag and continue to her favorite spot in the Botanical Garden. That is until, she felt something wrap around her leg. Looking down, she noticed that Leona’s tail had wrapped itself around her ankle. With a sigh, she leaned over as far as she could, barely being able to grab the strap of her bag. Turning back to the lion, she crossed her arms and gave a huff, “How long are you going to keep pretending to be alseep, Leona-sama?”
Looking at his face, the jackal could see a smirk. Lazily, Leona opened one eye and looked her, his smirk growing a bit larger. “Your scent woke me up, little jackal.”
Bahati looked at him, unamused, “May I please have my leg back? I came here to do some home work, not skip school and be your napping buddy.”
Leona looked at her, as his tail unwrapped itself from her ankle. With a smile to him, Bahati turned back around to head to her desired location. Until, that is, she felt a tug on her tail, that caused her to tumble backwards into his arms. Bahati’s cheeks grew red, as she turned to glare daggers at him. “Leona-sama wha-”
“Where do you think your going? I need a new pillow.” Bahati’s glare hardened at him as her cheek grew darker.
“Leona. I came here to do my homework, I am not a pillow or a napping buddy, at least not today.” Bahati stayed strong with her conviction even though she true did want to just spend some time with him, time they never got as kids.
As for Leona, he was staring at her. After all at home, she always referred to him by his last name (a mandated rule by her mother), and although she called him by his first name here at NRC, she always used the honorific sama after it. For her to purely just say his name, either means a slip of the tongue or that she was comfortable & relaxed with him at this very moment in time.
“Jackal.... You said my name....” Bahati looked at him straight faced and was about to make a quippy remark until he continued “Without an honorific.”
Bahati thought for a quick second then covered her face as she flushed red. “I’m so sorry Leona-sama! It was a pure slip of the tongue!”
Her response made him chuckle. “It’s fine Jackal.”
“No, it isn’t! I spoke to you in a familiar way that I don’t have your permission for!” Leona looked at her, growling quietly.
“You do have permission, Bahati.” This time it was her turn to look shocked at the other party. He only every called her ‘Jackal’, and nothing else. “Out of everyone in this school I’ve known you the longest, and the same for you about me. If anyone has a right to call me by my name without the us of an honorific, it’s you.”
Bahati stared at him, utterly shocked. Her face was slowly getting even more red, that it was even reaching the tips of her ears. With her in a shocked state, Leona placed her seated down against the tree, then layed his head on her lap, noticing her tail wagging.
“Did you just say that to get me to stop arguing with you Leona?”
“No, was just and added benefit.” Bahati rolled her eyes and got to work on her home work, petting Leona’s ears every once and awhile.
A short time later
Reggie wondered into the garden, wondering where his dorm head, and the resident female Savanaclaw student were. After wandering a bit, he found them.
Leona’s head laying on her lap, his body curled as close as it could to her. As for Bahati, she fell asleep doing her homework. Her back was against the tree, with her a lulled to the side, her hand resting on Leona’s head as she likely fell asleep petting his head and ears.
Ruggie quietly chuckled to himself, and left the two of them to nap in peace.... after of course taking a picture. “Shishishi, Bahati-san is going to murder me when she finds out.”
Quickly the hyena left the lion and jackal to rest. In the end, Bahati did get a calm and relaxing afternoon, even if it wasn’t the one she wanted or expected.
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empress-violetlight · 4 years
Vi’s Mount Countdown - 6 to go to Lord of the Reins!
The mount collecting is going well!  Only a few more now, and that beautiful Sky Blue Celestial Wind Serpent will be mine!
I spent a little time grabbing the last of those from Ardenweald:
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Firstly, it only took like 2 hours of farming the stupid little sprites to finally get the rare to spawn that dropped my Spinemaw Gladechewer.  It’s my first Gorm mount, and it’s quite the pretty little bug, if I do say so.  I’ve farmed longer from small pets, so this was more than worth it.  Goes quite well with my pretty pink Lunar Festival holiday transmog too ^^
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Now this one, the Swift Gloofhoof, was a real pain in the ass.  First I had to travel to the far end of the zone, then make some difficult platforming jumps (and WoW is no Mario Bros. -- platforming is really annoying) that needed a slow fall mechanic to work.  Luckily my pet Wolfhawk, Amaroq, was up to the task, even if Kaiji and Beauty here are stealing the credit.  Yes, I have 3 different Devilsaurs -- Kaiji, Envy and Ironhide -- what of it?  Anyway the next part was relatively easy -- just went to an NPC and had a Dreamcatcher made, then activated by Ysera in my Covenent (for non-Night Fae, you just go up to Heart of the Forest and ask the guards to get Ysera to come out for this part of the questline).  Finally, I had the item needed to track Night Mare.  However, unlike most of the other world rares, Night Mare hit like a truck -- he was too much for my casual self to solo.  How stupid is that on Blizzard’s part?  Making a rare that *everyone* in your party needs an item after a convoluted quest line to see, then make it too hard to solo?  Anyway, I was lucky in that I found a really kick ass Heroic Raiding Mage to help me out.  Shout out to Tahk on Mal’Ganis!  You really saved my butt, and we both got one beauty of a mount!  With my Gloofhoof, I now have all the mounts you can find through questing in Ardenweald!  Just one rare drop/Covenent anima sink to go now!
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Next, I got my first mount from the Night Fae special Covenant feature, the Queen’s Conservatory!  In this special garden, you nuture Wildseeds and help the spirits within get reborn.  It supposedly takes upgrading your garden a few times before they start dropping mounts, but this Wakener’s Runestag is an exception.  I didn’t expect to get a mount so soon into my garden (I’m on Tier 2), so this was a nice surprise :)
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Next, I was lucky enough to get a Necroray Egg from a Maldraxxus calling!  3 days later and it hatched into my Bulbous Necroray!  I have all the rays from Argus in Legion already, so this one’s not quite as exciting as the other mounts.  It’s just a reskin, but hey, every little bit counts.
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Finally, I got around to finishing the last achievement for “Glory of the Cataclysm Raider”!  My Drake of the East Wind might not be as impressive now as it would have been a few expansions back, but I’m still very happy with this beautiful dragon!  Wish my pets had turned around for the picture though.  
Anyway, wish me luck on getting those last 6 I need!  My dragon’s closer than ever!  
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nonsimsical · 4 years
All odds for an OC of your choice! ❤️
Soo, I’m pretty sure that you meant a diff one, but I’m going with these odd numbers lmfao! I’m also going to do Yuri, because she needs some love - plus I’ve recently had to give her a little rewrite losing Jun!
[insert img later]
1. How old are they? Yuri is 22 years old. 3. What is their romantic/sexual orientation? She is straight. 5. What do they look like? She favors her Mother, who is Korean/Japanese. 7. Does their name have a meaning? Yuriko/Yuri = Lily in Japanese. Lillies were Memee’s (Yuri’s Mother) Mother’s favorite flower, so she chose that name in honor of her Mother’s memory. 9. Do they have a good relationship with their family? Yes! Yuri has always been very close with her family, but I feel that now she’s expecting a child and grieving the loss of her husband she’ll be even closer to those she holds near and dear. 11. Where do they live? Rosewood Park 13. Are they poor, middle-class or wealthy? She doesn’t like to boast, but she’s comfortable. 15. Who is their best friend? Akemi (@iwatzuka) 17. Who is the person they hate most in the world? Hate is a strong word, and strong feeling. One that can be all consuming. Yuri tends to not hold onto those kinds of feelings because they can eat your alive. 19. Have they ever fallen in love? She has, yes. 21. Does that person love them back? He did. To the very end. RIP PARK Jun 23. Are they a good shoulder to cry on? She is a very good listener and is very attentive, empathetic and nuturing, so yes. I would say she is. 25. How do they handle being complimented? Depends on how well she knows you. If she doesn’t know you very well or at all, she’ll be incredibly shy, awkward and embarrassed. 27. Are they very driven? You betcha! Meara, her little sister, can be very competitive and she brings that out in Yuri - who used to give her little sister whatever she wanted but learned down the line that - that isn’t what is best for “Mousie” (aka meara) or for herself. 29. What kind of state is the world that they live in? Economically the town is thriving. Low crime rate, and the usual crimes are the youth getting bored and breaking into the skate park of the school to run amok. There has been an occasional joy ride in someone elses boat, but generall a few weeks of community service and they’re off the hook. Nothing too bad has happened in Rosewood Park. It’s a wonderful town to raise a family in. The neighbors are incredibly friendly and helpful. 31. Does the character worry about their place in society? No, not really. She mostly is worried how she’ll be as a Mother on her own. She’s afraid of failing her child, of failing Jun’s memory. It gives her a lot of anxiety so having things to do to keep her mind off of that really helps so she’s taking up gardening. 33. Do they like themselves? Yes, it took her awhile to accept and like herself. She suffered bullying in school, it was really bad when she was 10-12, but now she’s confident in her skills and her intelligence and her heart. 35. Are they very forgiving? She is yes. 37. Are they trustworthy? Very. 39. How do they react to criticism? She appreciates it. She’s a firm believer in there is always room for improvement and learning new things every day. 41. Can they fight? Actually, yes. Memee’s Father enrolled Yuri into martial arts. She’s quiet skilled in hand to hand combat as well as with a katana. 43. Have they ever been seriously injured? She had a broken arm when she was 12. 45. Do they have any other survival skills? See 41. Also, she knows what plants are edible and which are poisonous. She’s quiet the green thumb and she’s pretty handy with a fishing pole. 47. How intelligent are they? Off the charts, but she doesn’t flaunt it. 49. What is their job? She went to school to become a doctor specializing in pediatrics, however when she and Jun found out she was pregnant they agreed she should stay home and focus on their child. So she’s currently transitioning into writing so she can work from home.
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simmingkatie · 5 years
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Graham and Amaris Love have officially moved into their dream home in Brindleton Bay. 
Graham, a family oriented, charming, natural cook, aspires to reach the top of the culinary career and one day open his own restaurant. 
Amaris, a nuturing, positive, outdoors lover plans to spend her days gardening and selling floral arrangements. 
The two wants lots of children to fill their home with love, 3-4.
Have you picked up on what this is yet? ;) It’s the family dynamics challenge! Yeah, I’m starting over. I liked Cooper and Lacey… but I didn’t love them. Look at these two, though! I LOVE them! Let’s do this. 
But don’t expect any consistency. I’ll post when I have content, and that’s about it. So you may get 5 one day, and then none for a week lmao. I’m sorry!
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schreichters · 5 years
give me more AUs or headcanons to fill the hole in my heart pls and thank you
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL AU david is troy, matteo is gabriella, can’t decide whether leonie is sharpay or david’s version of chad who’s a varsity athlete on the girl’s team and keeps trying to get david to ditch the musical (and matteo) to focus on basketball. david is a jock who thinks singing is stupid!!! matteo is Shy and Quiet and Withdrawn!!! they sing karaoke together and fall MADLY IN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE and there isn’t closeted drama just “omg should we audition for the musical” drama. matteo’s friends are also well-meaning but stupid and are like “musicals are so fucking stupid dude” but once they see him come out of his shell on stage and with david they’re like wow...nvm follow ur DREAMS. actually i’ve decided alex is sharpay. meeting matteo and discovering theatre helps david stop be so achievement-oriented and punishing himself with high standards but learn to enjoy life and appreciate art with the boy that he loves...it’s Beautiful.
in addition to the original getting together story there are two more films where david and matteo are just happily dating and at one point play pretend like they’re kids in david’s treehouse! there’s a little plastic robot and matteo ties a cape around david’s shoulders! duets are sung! it’s very wholesome. 
i can kind of see a “to all the boys i’ve loved before” datteo au where matteo is laura jean and david is peter k and matteo’s love letters get released and he’s terrified of his best friend jonas finding out he’s in love with him! so he agrees to fake-date his old crush david (HIS FIRST KISS WITH A BOY DAVID, I’M SCREAMING) who is convince his ex-girlfriend leonie that he’s over her. of course they fall in love. matteo pines because he thinks david is too good for him and ofc jonas is totally understanding when matteo tells him that this was an old crush (which was originally a lie, but now that he’s met david again, is true) and hanna and mia are his sisters that he confides in...........the only thing is that i don’t want there to be the “no kissing” rule because i’m a SUCKER for kisses during fake-dating that cause incredible existential angst. so yes david kisses matteo ~as part of the charade~........it’s heartbreakingly breathtakingly gentle and tender and david pours all of his love and desire to keep matteo safe into it and matteo’s like Wow Wish He Liked Me Back!
in canonverse, i’ve decided david is afraid of the dark and doesn’t like to sleep in the pitch black so matteo gets a nightlight in a silly shape and covers the ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars....they lay on the bed and go “”star gazing”” in them sometimes. matteo buys david a new beanie for his birthday and wears it almost as much as he does. david likes seeing matteo in his clothes just as much as matteo likes wearing them, so it works out. david and jonas high five when saying goodbye to each other one time (in a very Bro way) and matteo legit almost cries he feels so lucky to have this. they put potted plants outside on matteo’s balcony and it’s a little tender thing they nuture and take care of together. this is curtesy of angie but when they’re older matteo starts a whole garden in their yard and it feels so Permanent like this is their home and they’re not leaving and he and david both love that. david first calls matteo “baby” over text and spends the rest of the day freaking out about it and matteo reads it and literally Shuts Down like his whole brain and then when they’re having dinner matteo is like “uhhh that text was cool” and then david transitions it to an irl thing. also matteo gets a pet rat and they love to take turns petting it and letting it run around on them, they’re co-rat-dads. like literally matteo will refer to david as “your father” when talking to the rat. when hans hears that HE almost cries it’s very sweet. THE END!!!!
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I started an entry into the stoned-thoughts file that felt like a mild (good) epiphany: I was waxing enthusiastic to my guildies about Pokemon Go. And I said: I'm really happy with Go for right now though I do a Pokemon  walk every morning after the kids are in school. "Bye kids! Have a great day in class! Mom's gonna go off and play Pokemon Go now." I figure even with dropping coins on stuff in the store it's cheaper than a gym membership, and it's nice walking around the hood sometimes I get stoned and wander off in a happy relaxed daze chasing shadows of new fabulous beasties. Truly great way to spend a morning, vastly better than housework I call it "exercise" So like, I cut and pasted from there to the file, and then I thought maybe I’d drop a few additional thoughts: to realize that caretaking is built into humans. We love gardening, we love exploring, we love learning the ecosystems around us and gently influencing them to our mutual benefit. This is what humans do best, this is the point of humans. We make games like Farmville and Pokemon Go to satisfy our natural built-in urge to harmlessly explore and garden. And then we wake up and read about how we are (collectively) poisoning the planet and murdering each other and we cry and show up for our shift, and we play our games and we garden and we caretake and we nuture and we water our plants. Maybe we click a few things on Amazon because those shoes are cute and we can’t be bothered to look into whether this particular e-tailer sources from child slaves or not. And then I was like, wow this is dark for the stoned-thoughts file, better drop it straight on Tumblr.
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kafkaeskin · 7 years
Hi there! I have a question about your flower series. Do the flowers you chose for each character have any symbolism? I would google but sadly I don't even know what the majority of them are called ;; hope you can help!
Hey anon! A good question, and the answer is uhh..kinda? My reasoning behind picking out the flowers was mostly a really weird mixture between amateur flower symbolism and gut feeling. Also, most of the time I didn't really use references for the flowers, so rather than accurately depicting an existing plant I decided to just loosely base the flowers off of them? so here goes ~
Butters: SunflowersI had to pair butters with sunflowers! They are just such bright and bubbly flowers, also very durable and giving (I'd love some sunflowerseeds right now!) BUT at the same time, I always thought there’s something darker about them? Think wilted sunflowers next to the dusty porch of an abandoned country home. The flowers can also look kinda intense/intimidating sometimes, like a bick black angry eye. As such, I think they could represent Butters bright, happy nature, while also referring to the darker aspects of his life. 
Eric: Orange LiliesThey symbolise hatred and passion, which is a perfect fit for Cartman imo, also they look adequately flashy!  Cartman actually has a lot of potential and can be quite the driven individual but unfortunately, his negative attitude towards others (and secretly, himself) tends to just destroy everything. Like when he went `nah, I'll just do whatever I want', just to spite his own adult self, thus possibly ruining his own future?  he often strikes me as being a slave to his own twisted mind, so I tried to illustrate that conflict!
Kyle: kinda loosely based on Jasmine?                                                     I just wanted something elvish and pretty for him,heh. Jasmine fits though because aside from all that romantic-symbolism shebang, it is perceived as a complex, nuturing and caring flower (bc he is a mom), and it is also very resilient! I guess I could have gone with something that represents his choleric, fiery nature better, but I just think that (recent events aside,hehe) his concern for everybodys well-being is a very defining aspect of his character. 
Stan: Bleeding HeartSince the day my mom planted one in our garden and threatened to cut my hand off if it came to harm I have kind of a love-hate realationship with this plant, lol. But I instantly knew I'd choose it for Stan! It is very bold, beautiful and romantic and, of course, also very emo and fragile-looking. As such it covers most of the traits that I see in Stan. The flowers come out of his mouth because good or bad, he kinda wears his emotions on his sleeve for all to see. But mostly, his showing-love-through-puking-thing, I guess.
Kenny: White Calla LilesThese flowers symbolise purity, but they are also a common funeral flower, so kinda the obvious choice for Kenny. They are even associated with resurrection! (Of the christ, technically, but, eh close enough) It always amazes me how Kenny, while being a little boob-obsessed shit who has seen and done way too much in his short violent life, manages to stay such a pure angelic soul? I mean, that dude is just inherently good and untainted. I have no idea how he does it! 
Whoops, this has gotten pretty long, I'm sorry! I think I'll better leave the other boys for another post. Hope this makes sense so far :)
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perspextivexx · 4 years
Who Can See Shinigami?
This is for all of my original characters - those on the blog first, because of the recent interactions with Bleach canon and original characters. This is mainly a reference post for myself, because I’m putting logical reasoning with it.
Credits to @rangikuxmatsumoto and @toomanydamnmuses for assisting with the idea. 
This is gonna be long, so list below the cut:
Briar Blackrose - Yes because of her relation and time spent around Maria, who is her long distance cousin, which raises her spiritual power above an average human beings. As well as, her exposure to constant death and death rituals increases her awareness of undead beings, however it’s only those with high spiritual energy such as a Vice Captain or a hollow (most likely from the person she killed). She will not notice the ghost of a normal person floating around.
Kim Daae - Yes Being the daughter of a god does have it’s privileges, but like the above it’s limited to those that are at least a seated officer or above in terms of spiritual pressure. She won’t notice a casual spirit.
Wish Borealis - Yes due to her being a supernatural creature, she will notice other supernatural creatures around. Besides those she interacts with from my friend @toomanydamnmuses and her blogs, she’s generally going to avoid shinigami unless she’s left without a choice.
Rosalina Borealis - Yes She’s undead. She’ll ignore shinigami for the most part unless in their home environment, and the occasional stray spirit looking for somewhere to go she’ll assist. She prefers not to raise a fuss about her being undead, and attract attention to herself.
Maria Satan - Yes She’s the queen of Hell, and deals with spirits on a regular basis that were horrible in life and in death, banished to face her punishments. Getting in the way of shinigami can be quite satisfying, but she’s not going to risk war for some amusement. 
Demise Satan - Yes As Maria’s son, he’ll see in general what she sees. He’s a side muse, being that he’s three and generally with Maria.
Lili Nekozawa - Yes but is the same as Kim and Briar, despite her being undead (as an angel), she’s fairly young and doesn’t have experience with shinigami. She’ll spot them, but not the regular spirit unless she really focuses or eats enough fish to give her strength to focus.
Himawari Kobayashi - Yes She’s a shinigami.
Aurum the Doll - No Her spiritual energy is limited to being that of a human’s from the magic that brought her to life, so she won’t see shinigami and the like outside of their realms.
Hope Beladora - Yes She is an angel and much stronger as she’s been dead for quite sometime, so she can see spirits and shinigami alike with minimal effort on her part. She will allow innocent spirits to pass on, to Heaven or to the Soul Society, it rather depends sometimes.
Aria Blackheart - No Despite being Briar and Maria’s cousin and having the slight above average spiritual power, she does not nuture that by being surrounded by death and avoids killing at all times, even if it puts her at risk. 
Melody Carmille - Yes/No In her human verse before she died, she had no spiritual pressure besides from being human. After the superstar died and became a succubus, she has enough spiritual energy to sense a high level shinigami, but not a no-seat nobody. She wouldn’t give them the time of day either.
Desmonda Harley Beladora - Yes Her father being supernatural but unknown, the birth daughter of Maria and the adoptive daughter of Hope could see shinigami and spirits, but it’s only the spirits she can tell she shouldn’t see. She thinks all shinigami are LARPers. 
Evelyn Graystone - Yes She can see them as a Norse goddess of time, but like her employer, Rosalina, she prefers to have little to do with shinigami outside of a professional standpoint. 
Josephine ( Jeremi ) Thanatos -  Yes As the daughter of Life and Death, she can see the dead as clear as the living, but has the knowledge to tell the difference. Despite taking after Death in his abilities, she doesn’t like to get involved with shinigami if she’s on Earth.
Ella ( Zorka ) Dawn - Yes As the goddess of life/Josephine’s mother, she can see the shinigami and spirits. Her kindness proceeds her as she’ll offer a snack from the garden of life or perhaps a helping hand in calming a spirit by having them look into her night sky hair. Her spiritual energy is higher than the listed by far.
From other blogs! Honorable mentions!
@theorphanalchemist - No Her alchemy does not apply to seeing shinigami outside of gigai or her own unfortunate demise.
@yoxngmadnxss Yes After being torn apart and put back together to gain near immortality as powers, she sees shinigami but not spirits, at least, she pretends she can’t see the ghost of the humans she drove insane on accident haunting her.
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negusx3 · 5 years
Tumblr media
Memories gone cold Turned polar Your love for me Falling out of a polaroid Picture this Picture that Poured out like The contents of a pitcher You ain't getting back I been outside Thinking bout myself I mean trash I mean I been pitching tents Lost in dreams Where I'm forced to Attend and re-attend Your wedding I pat the Floor of the palace And pretend Like this isn't how Things are supposed to end I turned to Gardening Trying not to Talk about What I was guarding Sure that your flaws Were the reason when My problematic Mannerisms Kept seeping in And nothing grew Like I thought it should I should've placed Those pictures in A place, Maybe the pots You bought When I told you I was convinced The most beautiful things Are contained And rinsed Nature nutured And compressed Just like the Bonds I-..... I Let let die https://www.instagram.com/p/BxfExyPBcf2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ltd5na9vdutq
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wellenklavier · 7 years
9 ;)
9. opinion on brown eyes? - I’m gonna be honest wit yall… they r good. soft an warm like mash potatoe. deep and brown like RICH SOIL. THAT YOU CAN NUTURE A FRIENDSHIP GARDEN IN. some of the best and most caring people ive ever met have brown eyes and id never be as happy as i am without them
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