#he does the very rare nature spirit thing of actually moving domains and it *goes poorly* it lends even more weight
ride-a-dromedary · 1 month
One of my favourite personal headcanons lending weight to Halsin's immediate and very vocal distaste of how refugees are being treated in Baldur's Gate (aside from being a half decent man who has eyes and can make logical observations) and his extension of shelter to the tiefling refugees - is that his own immediate family were a group of refugees that hailed from the High Forest that took up residence near (what is now called) Reithwin when Halsin was a child. They left the High Forest due to the increasingly dangerous conditions that were brewing and spreading at the time, concerned the Northern conflict and threat would soon spread throughout the forest. Halsin's struggle with displacement and tendency to feel generally uncomfortable with...well, stagnant comfort, started relatively early on because of this due to unresolved feelings of having been - quite literally - uprooted.
He is particularly sensitive regarding keeping families together, as his maternal grandparents and some of his maternal uncles, cousins and aunts decided to stay on, or could not make the trip, so they were ultimately separated (on a permanent basis, as his grandparents ultimately passed away on their ancestral homeland, and the rest of his family is either long dead or scattered to the wind), which greatly affected his mother.
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