#he draws seb my dear baby boy seb who i love so much. SO well and i will forever be insane about it thank you <3
mojaves · 1 year
new icon and yes i Am going to yell about it bc it is art that i commissioned [that i WILL post later. tee and hee and so on] from my dearly beloved friend bones @nuclearstorms who you should also commission btw by the way btw bc his art fucks severley and he is SOOOsosososo kind and easy to work with. btw. im looking directly at you. commission him you want to commission him soooooooooo bad. so bad.
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
Dear beloved mutual,
1. You have the power to revive one fashion trend, which trend do you revive?
2. How do you come up with niche but cool au ideas? Do they just appear out of nowhere?
3. You are to help create the perfect f1 driver, choose the dna of two drivers that will be used in the creation of this perfect driver and pick anyone related to f1 to raise them.
Oh my god, these are such fantastic questions. I feel like I have to turn the question back on you and ask how you came up with such unique ones?? Whenever I do this kind of game, I cannot think of actually interesting questions at all lmao
Hmmmm....maybe that we all have to dress formally/more dressy all the time- Again, I like comfy clothes as much as the next person and sometimes when I wake up and have to go out, I cannot muster the energy to dress well at all. HOWEVER at the same time, I don't really feel incentivized to dress up anyways, considering I'll probably end up severely standing out. It just makes me so grrr to look at old paintings or pictures and everyone feels much more stylish compared to nowadays. Though, I guess their version of "dressing down" appears formal to us in modern day. Sigh, I just wanna dress up fancy and not feel like I'm super out of place. I'm just not a huge fan of modern fashion, especially fast fashion. Like we own so many more clothes now then we did in the past, but they're all so much worse quality and mainly boring.
Ahhhhh good question. I think I might have said before, but a lot of them just come from me doing something or learning about something new, and I want to share it with people. But it feels much more interesting to actually do something with that information, rather than just infodump. It's actually a symbiotic relationship. I learn/do something -> I use making an au as a medium to share this new interest -> I then have an actual reason to learn more in depth, actually retain the info and have a reason to share it! I think it has to be something very fascinating to me for it to actually become a full, committed AU though. I joke a lot about creating random ones, but it has to actually stick in my head for it to come to fruition. But a lot of the things I joke about usually end up integrating into an AU. Such as when I use Machiavelli quotes, or draw specific scenarios. But yeah they're usually just random concepts that I want to draw, and then I come up with lore to make it make sense. It's fun though to randomly discover parallels, and make associations prob no one else would ever make. Like to who else other than me would HRE Charles VI and Sebastian Vettel being similar make any sense?? Let me try to write out how I remember coming up with my main AUs: Boy King AU: I've talked about this in depth before but basically I saw a little statuette of a Holy Roman Emperor as a literal boy king and it stuck in my mind for a while, and I'm like, haha Seb statue??? And it all spiraled from there. Matador AU: I think I randomly got a thirst trap tiktok of matadors on my fyp, and I became a bit obsessed with their clothes and aesthetic. And then I was like, Spain...Fernando...matador Fernando!! And actually, the only reason that AU has lore is bcs I'm a vettonso stannie lol(same with Boy King AU tbh!!) Nandopoleon: Well, I've been obsessed with Napoleon a while, so of course I unconsciously started trying to make comparisons. But honestly....they really are so fucking similar, it's insane to me. They are the same person, okay!! Renaissance Muse AU: Purely came from thinking Seb looked similar to The David. But tbh now it's more about statues/works of art I think he looks similar to and want to draw! + Bond AU and Hussar AU: I just find them fascinating and love the parallels. One of my fav posts of mine is still the Hussar to F1 comparison, very similar to matador AU.
Lmfao you already know I'm making the vettonso baby. I like to think since they're pretty similar, the baby would be 2x as talented. It's hard to say who could raise them bcs I feel like those related to F1 who are good parents prob wouldn't put their kid into F1. So maybe Mark? And also I think it's kinda funny for him to have to raise vettonso's love child. But it's like Mark with Oscar. Maybe Mark didn't totally succeed, but maybe he can through managing the next gen, y'know?
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