#its been like an hour and im still vibrating. anyway
mojaves · 1 year
new icon and yes i Am going to yell about it bc it is art that i commissioned [that i WILL post later. tee and hee and so on] from my dearly beloved friend bones @nuclearstorms who you should also commission btw by the way btw bc his art fucks severley and he is SOOOsosososo kind and easy to work with. btw. im looking directly at you. commission him you want to commission him soooooooooo bad. so bad.
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choism · 10 months
A Little Secret | c.s
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High!Choi San Solo
Genre: smut, solo
Word Count: 633
Warnings: San is High for the first time, masturbation, toys, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, edging
A/N: yes im skipping kinktober for now and writing something indulgent i know i know shame on me. But I was talking with @cheollipop and got this idea and i was like ayo im high rn I can write this rn and see if I can make a comprehensive fic while zooted lmao. Anyway here it is I hope you all enjoy!
The room was still, the only sound apparent being the trees rustling through the window in the chill air. San lay on his bed, legs spread wide and lube dripping down his cock. He thrusts his hips in the air, meeting the rhythm of his slicked hand. Fucking up into his fist, the slick sound filling the air of his cool room followed by nothing other than his whimpers and pants.
About a week ago, Mingi had given San these ‘special gummies’ he had called them. Mingi told San they were edibles, and if he wanted to try them he could. San, out of curiosity as he had never been high before, wanted to try them. Mingi gave him a heads up that he may get the munchies, may not be able to control his facial expression, and one secret third thing that if he gets to that point he should indulge in his desires. San didn’t know what Mingi meant by that last bit, but whatever it was he should try it anyway if he gets the urge. 
Now, here lies San in his bed, finally understanding Mingi’s words. This is his third round within the past hour and a half of the edible hitting, and he is feeling everything. 
San quickens his pace, frantically fucking into his fist and moaning a bit louder than before. He can feel his third orgasming approaching, his legs starting to shake from the overstimulation, each orgasm taking longer to reach than before. With a few more pumps San finishes into his hand, his hot cum dripping down from his hand and onto his stomach. He sits up and cleans himself off, but he still doesn’t feel satisfied enough. Each orgasm feels better than the one before and he just can’t keep himself from yearning for more.
After cleaning himself off he grabs one of his toys, a vibrating cock ring. San puts it on his softening cock, making sure it's on snug and turns it on. He grabs his cock, slick it back up again and jerking himself back to full hardness again. San fucks into his fist a few times before letting go of his cock. He reaches over again to grab another toy, a dildo this time. He sets it next to him and lubes up his fingers, slowly inserting one into his hole and curling it. His cock twitches in restraint, the vibrating cock ring doing its job and keeping him just out of reach of orgasm. 
San inserts another finger, panting and whining at the stimulation. He bites his lip, a tear slipping out as his angry cock twitches, holding back orgasm. San let’s out little “ah! Ah! Ah!’s” as he adds another finger. Having fucked himself enough, he replaces his fingers with the tip of the dildo, slowly sliding it in inch by inch. He fucks himself gently with the toy, turning up the vibration setting on his cockring. He can feel the tightness in his abdomen. San’s core scrunching in anticipation and his legs shaking a little. His mouth shapes into an ‘O’ shape as he ups the setting one more time. He can feel his pelvis shake as he finally, finally orgasms. He lets out a low moan as he finishes, his cum shooting far towards his chest, seemingly nonstop rope after rope of semen coming out of his throbbing cock. Tears fill his eyes at his longest orgasm yet, his cock still squirting precum everywhere and near coating his chest.
Panting as he comes down from his orgasm and collapses against his bed again. San sighs and goes to get up but can’t bring himself to, his high from his orgasm and his literal high being too much.
He has to take edibles more often.
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thatonedaydream · 7 months
Don’t really wanna be Elevator Buddies (Sephiroth x Reader)
A/N: Part 1 here. im suffering sufficiently at my current job that im leaving that i think i can write something because i need an outlet and i also want sephiroth to make it better. also, i am so much older than when i wrote the first part; as such, my writing probably reads a lot more different - better, worse or same is up to you. to those who have requested a part 2 and have waited literal years (its been 4!!!!!), i love you, i'm so sorry its so late.
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Staring at the message in your work inbox, you suddenly couldn’t summon the effort to care. Your mood instantly dropped and you needed to leave your desk. You kept your headset on as you wandered towards the small staff kitchen under the guise that you were still connected to a meeting and listening in, when really you just want to block people out. You didn’t want to be perceived.
You just wanted out.
ShinRa Inc wasn’t known as the best place to work, but the pay was good and it was better than any other options you had. 
The coffee machine rumbled as you waited for it to process your order. You didn’t even want to drink the cheap, watered down stuff, you just didn’t want to be at your desk looking at that stupid fucking request. There wasn’t much that could get your out of these kinds of emotional troughs bar one thing that seemed to always work.
You felt the vibration of a notification from your phone in your pocket. Knowing what and who it was probably from, you eagerly checked the new message that had come through. It was just a photo of blue sky with some clouds—the tops of greenery you didn’t recognise lined the bottom. It was very abstract and out of context, but you were used to it now.
Putting aside your misery for the moment, you typed out a short response.
I can’t beat that. This is my view.
You took a photo of the ceiling above you. Stark, stale and claustrophobic in comparison to the natural sky you were given. You sent it off and only a few seconds later, received a thumbs up in response. It made you laugh.
Sephiroth was a terrible at texting sometimes, but it was endearing in way.
When you had first traded contact details a little after The Elevator Incident, it had taken a while before anything was sent from either of you. You were too scared of bothering him and he was more than likely too busy or just didn’t know what to send. It also felt like trading personal IDs was crossing into an entirely different friend territory that wasn’t as nonchalant as impromptu elevator conversations.
The messaging ice was broken when, one day, you got a single image of chocobo out in the wild with no context. If you didn’t have Sephiroth’s ID saved, you would have wondered if someone had messaged the wrong person. Your response was a quick ‘I love chocobos, they’re so cute!’, and your reward several hours later was a picture of a sweetly sleeping chocobo in a stable.
Sephiroth was a man of very few words, but he still found ways to communicate with you and that honestly made you feel… Well, you weren’t sure you wanted to admit what you were feeling too much. You knew you had feelings for the man, that you were attracted to him, but those feelings had no where to go. You couldn’t tell him.
For many reasons, you just couldn’t ever tell him about your ever growing affection for him.
You just couldn’t.
You wandered back to your desk, completely forgetting about the coffee you had made in the kitchen. The message from the 1st Class Soldier perked you up way more than the caffeine would have anyway. You scrolled through your requests again and sighed. It was probably going to be another late night in the office. Maybe you’d just call in sick tomorrow.
You worked a few more hours, eyeing your phone and hoping for more messages, but none came. Sephiroth was often the one to initiate conversation as you still felt like you would bother him if you sent something first. Still… You kind of really wanted to talk to someone—to him, specifically. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to send one message?
Picking up your phone you opened up your chat and tried to think of something to say. You typed out several things, but kept deleting them. ‘Hello’ felt too formal, ‘Hi!’ seemed too chipper.
Is something wrong?
The message popped up before you could send something yourself.
!!! No! I was just about to message you. How are you?
There was a pause—and then a short voice message.
▶• ıll— “Are you sure you’re alright? Was there something else you wanted to say to me?”  
You could hear the smile in his words and you flushed upon the realisation that he must have seen your stupid three dots pop up and disappear constantly in the chat. You playfully hissed your own voice note back, 
▶• ıll— “Ohhh shut up, I just didn’t want to bother you!” 
Putting your phone down, you peeked over your divider and looked around to see if anyone else could hear you. It was fairly late in the office, way past usual business hours, so you could see some screens still lit up around the  space, but there wasn’t anyone near you.
Your phone pinged a few times, indicating new messages. Some more photos, but this time of more a familiar sight—the Midgar cityscape.
I’m back.
It had been awhile since he had left on his last mission. You were glad he was back safe, not that you’d tell him that now. You sent off a quick, mildly motion blurred snap of your desk and sent it off.
A question mark? A question mark to what? The photo wasn’t that blurry.
It’s my desk.
Are you still working? It’s late.
Ohhhh… You cringed; it was late. Honestly if you didn’t procrastinate with absolute loathing and low morale earlier in the day you probably could have been home already, but you couldn’t push through the negativity.
Yeah, its been a rough day.
You waited for a response, but none came. Sephiroth went inactive spontaneously during your conversations, so it wasn’t surprising. Instead you put your phone down and continued on a project that was behind on its deadlines. Technically all of them were behind, but this one you at least had the energy to push through for now.
An hour later your phone pinged a couple times. A photo of the elevator you used everyday to get to up to your floor and:
Time to leave.
You stared at the message, biting your lip. Even if you wanted to leave, there was still things to be done and—
Do I have to drag you out?
▶• ıll— “Okay! Alright! I’m packing up, hold your damn chocobos. I’m leaving now.”
Who knew Sephiroth could be so pushy? During the long elevator ride down to the lobby, you wondered if maybe he only showed this side of himself to people he trusted or cared about. The thought made your stomach flip.
It could also have been that people never really gave Sephiroth the opportunity to be himself. It was an upsetting thought. He was the 1st Class Soldier, a warrior that couldn’t be toppled, a man way above the norm. Untouchable. Distant. You knew what his public image was like, but still somehow you couldn’t fathom how people couldn’t consider that there was another side to him.
The side of him that you always got to see.
The same Sephiroth that you saw was waiting for you as the elevator doors opened. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. He stood by the empty reception desk with his arms crossed, looking out the front entrance. When he heard your footsteps he turned to face you almost immediately. The man’s expression would have seemed stoic to others, but you recognised the warmth in his mako-infused gaze.
What if you were the only person he looked at that way? You held your smile steady even as your heart argued with your head to accept that maybe that’s what you really wanted.
It felt like Sephiroth’s gaze only intensified as you approached him. “...You look awful.” His voice was low, quiet, but still teasing. There was a chuckle in there too, somewhere in his deep tone. Sure you had heard it recently in the voice message, but it wasn’t the same as hearing him speak to you in person.
“That’s so mean, Seph. Not even a proper greeting for me? Wow.” Even though you were exhausted, you automatically matched his manner. “You look…” Oh, you couldn’t tell him how you really felt about how he looked. There were so many adoring and affectionate words, yet somehow still not enough. “...Like you?” You finally sputtered out after filtering all the other things that your mouth wanted to say.
The 1st Class Soldier gifted you with a short laugh and you struggled to hold back the burst of emotions that bloomed in your chest. “You are so mean to me.” This interaction wasn’t like the others. This didn’t feel like the light playful chats in the elevator. When did these interactions change? When did all the same words that you used to use before suddenly mean something different?
Sephiroth suddenly leaned closer towards you, a small smirk crossing his lips. “I am nice to you.” The way he spoke was next to a purr, “Did you want me to be mean?” It felt like the mako glow in his eyes brightened for a moment; he was close enough that you could see specks of the otherworldly green in his irises.
You wanted to die on the spot. He was not flirting with you, no matter how much it felt like it. No way. However, before you could stop yourself, you replied quietly. “...I like it when you’re nice to me.” The look on Sephiroth’s face melted into something else—something just as warm, just as intense, but something so much more genuine and it immediately scared you. Before he could say anything more you let out dismissive laugh. “Phew, I am a lot more exhausted than I thought. I-I should probably get home.”
Maybe the fear was reflected in your expression. Sephiroth fell back into his usual cool and stoic demeanor and you wanted to apologise—it was hard not to feel as though you had just ruined something important. Casual conversation you could navigate. This? What was this?
Of course you’d find a way to make a bad day worse. Of course you’d ruin a good thing. Of course you’d—
A large hand pressed into your lower back and guided you forwards, interrupting your downward spiraling thoughts. When you looked up at Sephiroth beside you, he simply watched and waited for you to take the lead. Nothing in how he looked at you had changed from when you had first exited the elevator. “There’s a car waiting for you outside.” That voice you so adored, was steady and warm and sure. Still the same.
Quietly you stepped outside with Sephiroth in tow. He opened the car door for you, nodding to the driver who did the same in return. You sat in the back seat, with the soldier leaning outside on the vehicle, looking in to make sure you were comfortable. 
“...Bye Seph.” You really did sound tired.
Sephiroth didn’t respond right away, but the silence wasn’t as heavy as the one inside the lobby. He placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head. “Goodnight.” You knew there was something else he wanted to say, but he held his tongue. There was another pause before he shut the door for you.
You leaned back in your seat and let the butterflies run rampant in your belly, let the buzz run through your veins, let it hum through your body. You covered your hands with your face. It felt like there was still something left to say, a conversation left unfinished.
From outside the ShinRa building, Sephiroth watched as you were driven away out of sight. He stood there, holding what he really wanted to say to you in his throat.
It was frustrating for him to know he could physically conquer any fight, any conflict, except for whatever he could see going on in your eyes. Did you know that he could see you becoming more and more tired with each interaction you had? It frustrated him to no end knowing that people took advantage of you and your time and your efforts. Idiots. Fools. 
How could he put into words how you made him feel? Sephiroth was no good at words. He just wanted to keep you safe. He just wanted you not to be tired. He just wanted you to always smile when you saw him—a smile that said you were genuinely happy to see him. Not the 1st Class Soldier, but happy to see Sephiroth himself.
The man snapped out of his reverie as his phone pinged with a message. A voice note from you.
▶• ıll— “...I missed you, Sephiroth. Welcome home.”
Sephiroth stared at the screen of his phone.
And then he replayed the message, just to hear your voice again.
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scentedashes · 1 month
"My Present.."
ArleFuri, smut, 18!++
Dom!Arle, Sub!Furina (Arle w/ a dick)
Short story since rushed 💔
Present AU
(I did not reread this for any mistakes sadly)
"N-ngh..! A-arle.." furina moaned as she screamed arlecchinos name, she was using a vibrator while fingering herself. "H-harder.. Hah.. Deeper.. Please..!" She was almost about to reach her climax, "Hmngh.." Her moan filled the room, bed sheets soaking wet. "H-hah.." She panted "When will you be home.."
She whimpers, begging and just wanting Arlecchino to be here already. Two hours later, it was already twelve am.. The doors creaked open, "Miss Furina?" Arlecchino enters and questioned, "Hm, shes asleep.." she notices the bed sheets stll wet from furina's climax earlier, "Naughty girl.."
She smirked and leaned to Furinas neck to give her a kiss on the neck. Furina moans, "E-eh?!' As her eyes slowly opened 'Why did you have to wake me up like that?!" Arlecchino giggled teasingly,
"Did i take too long? I see that the bed sheets are still wet.." Furina blushed from embarrasement,
"Why did you take so long anyway?!" She pouts
"Hmm, how about I make it up to you, make sure you're more pleased with what I can do then what you can do to yourself?" She teased while crawling in the bed, closer to furina. "You do remember its my birthday to day, right?" Furina gulped from forget ness,
"Pft- of course I did!" In a nervous tone "Oh? My.. my.. you forgot didn't you? Since you don't have a gift for me.. Why not BE my gift for tonight?" She hinted at what she wanted to do after her little stressful day.
"L-like?" Furina stutters
"Like a sex toy, my Droplet.. I've been feeling a lot stressed lately, why not try to help me stress it out? Hm?" She suddenly ripped Furina's clothes, seeing that she wasn't wearing any underwear under her shirt and shorts. "Oh? I guess my gift was easier to open than I expected.." Furina yelps from the sudden rip of her clothing, seeing arlecchino so thirsty and hungry for her made her a little scared, knowing she will in fact be rougher than usual..
"Now.." The buldge from her pants grew, finally.. she slipped down her pants revealing only her boxers and a buldge just wanting to be let out already. Her tip producing precum, desperate to put it in Furina already. She wanted to fuck her relentlessly, without stopping until both of them collapsed. "Ha... Ah.. fuck I can't wait." Arlecchino panted, Furina gulps from how Arlecchino was so needy and thinking If she'd even handle her. She finally pulls down her boxer, her dick bouncing out. "Doggy style. Now." She said aggressively, making furina immediately go in the position she wanted to fuck her in. "Handle me like a good girl you are, Miss Furina." She grinds her tip on Furina's clit, making her moan. A few seconds later she inserts the tip inside Furina, now making her whimper on how big it is.
"T-too big.. Ah..!" Furina said while her body trembled, how can she even be able to handle the birthday girl's dick this big? Arlecchino gropes one of Furina's boobs and plays with her nipple, she finally inserts half of her dick inside Furina, but it felt like she was slow.. Was she just making sure Furina can take her size? Maybe..
"Good.. Girl.. That's it.. swallow me whole." She inserts her whole dick inside Furina, making her moan and whimper every thrust,
"A-arle! Mmh..!" She moans, Arlecchinos thrust becomes faster and faster every time. "Good.. scream my name.. say who owns you." She felt Arlecchino getting bigger inside, Furina's eyes rolled to the back of her head.
At this point, Arlecchino was hitting Furina's g-spot almost every thrust. "I-im hah.. close.." Furina said in a weak tone,
Arlecchino was also close to hers. "Then I'll go faster." She didn't lie, she thrusted faster than ever, she wanted Furina to swallow and receive everything she gave her. Finally, she thrust her whole dick inside Furina, making both of them hit their climax. "Good.. girl.." as she came inside Furina, Arlecchino pulls out "Say.. round two?" She smiles and kisses Furina "E-eh.."
I'm so sorry I posted this late once again, and a short story since I rushed it.. if I have more time I'll try to make a long story once again 💔 But for now, the ending here is for you guys to desire what they'll be doing in round two 🫶
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toutallyahoe · 1 year
━ pretty,, nsfw headcanons
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requested by: @imnotyoursocialbee pairing(s): miko chen x male reader word count: 2398 (woof, what a count) warnings: nsfw, 18+ only, unprotected sex, praise kink, subspace (implied), belly bulge, masturbation, sex toys, dacryphilia, corruption kink (?), exhibitionism, feminization, pet names (pretty girl, princess), humiliation kink
a/n: *giggles* so, im still here... uhh... hi?
anyways uhhhh, ngl this is a bit long because this bitch was like one of baby tou's cartoon crushes (the other is his whore of a bestie lol)
and woof, ive been holding on to these headcanons for a fucking while now specifically years lol
also wrote this in one sitting in four hours, its two a.m. and my ass is fucking numb help
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- miko chen is pretty vanilla. well, the right word would be tame— tamer than his best friend, twisting tiger, that is. so while miko prefers it to be soft sex for the most part, especially pretty early on in the relationship. but he has no objection to trying out things if you suggest something up
- miko is innocent but not that innocent, you know? he is an attractive guy and has a great muscular build because he has to keep fit for his job as a football player. he and the rest of nakama continue to practice martial arts on top of that as well he does yoga as a hobby. so, miko has a nice body and you just have to constantly tell him so
- it isnt a surprise miko developed a praise kink because of that
- of course, hearing you compliment him? praising how attractive or pretty he was and his body? it was making the poor man melt. especially if you just abuse his praise kink as you fuck him hard and good against the mattress (or any surface for that matter)
- addition to just verbally praising miko, its also best if you praise him physically— and by that i mean touching him all over. dont stop touching him as you continue to sing praises about how pretty he was and the noises he makes because miko is just a sucker for physical contact
- and miko has the cutest noises ever
- poor dear would try to hide his noises because he gets embarrassed, so you have to coerce him to stop holding it in and just let it out. of course it works more better if you keep ramming your cock into him as you say so because as you continue, miko just loses all sense of thought
- miko also loses his brain cells and goes head empty if he notices or you bringing up the bulge on his stomach because of your cock
- miko would be so embarrassed each time you comment about the way your cock bulges in his belly that he tries to hide his face in his hands
- you have to try and coerce him to look and with a few more coercion, miko prettily moans as he hesitantly does look and god, the poor man is very flustered
- he is always surprised to see his belly bulging every damn time because of you
- and btw, you better fuck his thighs. miko's thighs are thick and wonderful. this man has one of the loveliest thighs ever so when you are finished ruining his hole and the poor dear is trying to gather his bearings? press his thighs together and slide your cock between them, miko is just going to let out a tired chuckle as you slowly fuck his wonderful thighs
- anyways, miko has some toys. not a lot but he does have like a dildo and a small egg/bullet vibrator due to his curiosity before you two are together and he just wants to get off, okay?
- funny thing was that before the relationship with you, miko was such a fucking virgin. like, he knows about porn and had watched some to get off but god this man was so clueless about a lot of things. and the porn he watched were like the very tame and vanilla ones too
- so when miko bought toys to test out, god this poor man is a mess. especially with the lil vibrator because when miko tested it out and masturbated by having it inside him as it vibrates while he jerks off until he cums. when he was finished and when miko was trying to take it out inside of him, he pushed it in deeper instead... and it was still vibrating
- let me tell you, miko had trouble trying to get the vibrator out of him because poor dear was overwhelmed from his masturbation already and as he tries to get it out, he accidentally keeps pushing it in as it vibrates. and miko had the dumb idea earlier to put it in a high-vibration level
- miko was practically writhing and drooling. he had been looking for the remote of the vibrator but due to his panic earlier about the position he was in, man has lost it momentarily
- miko had to call you as a resort to ask for help as he had found his phone instead
- you had thought something was very wrong when miko called you and his voice was shaky and he seemed like he was crying. your worries only worsened when he told you to come to his apartment as fast as possible because he needs help and then just hang up
- you did not fucking expect to arrive in his apartment (using the key he had given you a while back to unlock the door) and find poor miko to be an absolute mess in his room
- miko was almost naked if not for the shirt he was wearing that hid his chest, (un)fortunately his bottom half wasnt covered and from how he was positioned in his bed? it was a pretty sight
- miko was on his belly while his ass is up, hands clenching on the sheets of the bed. his thighs were shaking and from the very damp spot on his sheets and his red aching cock, he had been cumming for a while
- miko can barely look at you in the eye as he begs for you to find the remote or get the damn vibrator out of him because he cant do it himself
- it was very awkward and embarrassing for the both of you when you had to help out. especially when you cant find the remote and miko had to beg for you to just take out the damn vibrator
- it was very unbearable for the both of you
- miko had placed himself on your lap as you helped. he was already sensitive and with the way you try your best to fish out the vibrator with your fingers (that you lubed up earlier with the same lube miko used that you found in his nightstand) but accidentally pushing the vibrator yourself, miko got more overwhelmed
- especially the soft whispers of your apologies that honestly made miko just slowly lose it for you being there. close to him
- by the time you got the vibrator out, miko was a panting and sensitive mess that slumped on your chest as he hid his face in the crook of your neck from embarrassment. weak thank yous leaving his lips as you just dont know what to do next
- to say the least, you two were very awkward after that because miko just... that happened to him and it was hard for you upon having to see your close friend in that light and the uncomfortable tightness in your pants. you had to excuse yourself from miko's hold and go to the bathroom to force yourself to stop being hard as you wash your hands and splash your face in the sink
- it was very awkward for a while between you too
- but that didnt stop you two from hooking up tho because after that happened, might as well because miko had liked you for a while and you saw him be a fucking pathetic mess? yeah, just, yup
- after you two be awkward for weeks, that is
- ngl, miko doesnt know if what happened with the vibrator was a blessing or not because it did lead to you two hooking up eventually. but dont expect him to masturbate with toys for a while
- but anyways, aside from the saga of miko having trouble with a vibrator and what happens in closed doors. fucking outside? now thats fun
- miko has his reserves on it because it can absolutely ruin his reputation as a famous football player, you know?
- but miko also cant help but get excited at the thought of fucking in a public space as he had done before by touching himself at the thought of you in his assigned room and desperately trying to muffle his moans
- now you might ask, how can that be risky when miko is in his room? well, it just so happens its walls were shoji due to the team staying in a hotel following traditional japanese architecture
- and miko just so happens got hot and bothered seeing you in practice earlier, sweating and such. this was before the vibrator problem btw, but yeah
- and going to say this but miko acts like a fucking virgin a lot even when you two have sex multiple times now. baby is so innocent
- but not that innocent. especially after these last few ones
- anyways, aside from that, miko doesnt mind wearing pretty clothes. i mean, he was attractive and practically a celebrity, so it wasnt a surprised that miko would try to look his best
- especially for you
- but oh no, when i say he doesnt mind dressing up in pretty clothes, i meant pretty feminine clothes
- specifically miko can rock the e-girls and gothic style
- miko looks so cute and pretty in them. especially when he wears pretty lil skirts and thigh highs (or fishnets) while pairing those said thigh highs with those cute lil thigh garter straps. it looks so beautiful around that pale skin of his and god, the slight fat in his thighs just makes it lovely when he wore those
- it wasnt a surprise when miko had worn a cute skirt and thigh highs after one of your joking suggestions because you told him he would look so pretty as a girl— miko was overwhelmed with so many sweet compliments that led to you two fucking while miko was still wearing his lil skirt. and the thigh-highs are always on
- and if you have to fuck his thighs, just roll it all a lil more down to have more access to those thighs of his
- but god, it wasnt a surprise when miko got over his shy virgin act after a while from all the horny fucking and had let you fuck him in public (and not just him masturbating a lil risky with paper-thin walls of a hotel room with someone passing by his room) with only small hesitation on the scenario he got recognized and create a scandal
- and its because baby boi here was wearing such cute feminine clothes and a mask. miko easily passed as a girl in his clothes and with his hair being long and half of his face hidden by a mask? you were the only one who knew the identity of the pretty lil thing pressed so close to you when both of you were on the train
- this wasnt planned tbf as you two were actually just going on a fun and cute date but miko just looks so pretty and he was also so close to you that you cant help yourself and it was also heaven sent you two were pushed up against the other side of the train doors that wont be opening for a long while
- after asking miko's consent in a quiet voice so that only he can hear you, miko was against it at first because he was terrified about you two getting caught but looking around and see people minding their own business in this cramp train and with the way you were pressed against his back? miko agreed with hot cheeks
- it was honestly easy to fuck miko when he was close to you and he was wearing a short skirt. you had pushed yourself closer to miko and had wrapped an arm around miko's waist while your other hand sneakily went behind and had slipped inside his skirt, toying with the panties he wore mindlessly as you whisper how much he was such a pretty girl
- it wasnt long before you had sneakily unzipped your pants and took your painfully hard cock and slowly entered miko, minding how you dont have lube to make sliding inside him easier. but it was fine because after a while of the two of you biting back the groan and moan leaving your lips and miko adjusting, you began to move
- miko was desperately trying so hard not to blow both of your covers from his moaning. there was some regret in miko for a moment as despite him not typically loud (that award goes to tiger between the two) but it was hard not to be vocal. not when your cock feels so good inside him, filling him up so well
- miko didnt expect to get off a lot on getting fucked in public if he had to be honest. it was so risky on what you two were doing... but it got miko so excited
- still, he is trying his best to keep his noises which was very hard when you keep whispering praises in his ear and holding him more closer
- of course, it wont be smooth sailing here before both of you had finished and arrived at your stop because when you accidentally thrust hard that made miko let out a squeak, it got some attention and one passenger didnt let it go unlike the others who minded their own business once again
- miko was clenching so tightly around your cock as you coerced your lil princess to answer for the both of you on the stranger's question. miko was practically begging silently at you to answer it yourself as he shook in your hold. tears were forming in the corner of miko's eyes as his heart was beating faster at the fear and... excitement...?
- miko doesnt know, either way, he was fucking terrified and didnt think he can find his voice at all. so he was shaking his head to indicate he didnt wanna answer and hoped you understand the position he was in and save both of your asses by answering the stranger yourself
- unfortunately you wouldnt let it be easy and miko realized it when he saw the smile on your lips in the reflection of the train window
- "princess? a kind stranger was asking if you are fine"
- miko silently cried when you pushed your cock deeper into him. his hole clenched deliciously around your cock
- "wont you answer them?"
- "y-yes... thank you..."
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Prompts 10 and 14 with reader and Dick Grayson please
Brotherly Love
Short story
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Warnings: None.
Is this similar to (THIS POST!)? Yes.
Is it still cute? Yes.
Series Masterlist
Dick had been staying at the Manor, it was nice. Usually, he was away in Blüdhaven, where he lived.
His presence brung a new vibe to the house. You could especially notice this when the bass of a pop song was traveling through every crevice of the residence. You had lost count of how many times the song he was listening to would loop. But the clock in your wall had told you how long it's been happening. The scarce knowledge of music that you have and the repetitive use of certain words had urged you to open up your phone and use the search engine.
"I'm bringin' sexy back
You motherfuckers watch how I attack"
By...Justin Timberlake?
Now you had a name for the song that's stuck its self to your brain like glue.(and apparently Dicks)
You quickly hopped out of bed and into the hallway, using your muscle memory to take you to a certain brother of yours room.
You knocked loudly. "Dick!"
No response.
"Richard!" You yelled, banging on his door.
No response.
The vibrations from the music were much more noticeable as you stood in front of his door. You could feel every change in the bass as you grabbed the door handle. Slowly, you cracked open the door, hoping that you don't see anything that you don't want to. Thankfully, Dick was just sitting on his bed. You fully opened the door, causing him to look up and reach for his phone, finally turning down the song that has been playing on repeat.
"Hey, I just wanted to check if you're okay. You've been listening to SexyBack on repeat for an hour." You revealed. You watched as an overjoyed smile subconsciously formed on his lips.
"You know Justin?" He asked.
"No, I have never met Justin."
Dick let an abrupt shout of laughter fall from his lips. He leaned forward as all of the air left his body.
"Anyway, I'm going to see an old friend." He stated, standing up and showing off his outfit. "Do I look good?"
You let a smile curl on your lips. "No."
"Very funny." He whispered, rolling his eyes at you.
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Taglist: @sanjanapm
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sehrgefaelltmir · 6 months
Tell me about planes!! :)
OK SO!!!!!! for someone who is obsessed with planes i haven’t been on many exciting planes (mostly just 737s cause if you live in ireland you always just take the L and fly ryanair lmao). my favourite plane i’ve ever been on is the embraer 190 cause it’s SUCH a lil cutie patootie. and my favourite plane overall is the A340-600. i don’t have any tattoos but if i was gonna get one i would get a schematic style tattoo of the A340 cause it’s just so pretty. (idk if u can really describe a plane as pretty but it is to me djdkjddsj) they’re kinda being phased out of use now cause airlines are moving to 2-engine planes (as opposed to the A340 which has 4) but i really hope i’ll get to fly on one one day before they’re all retired!!
also a cool thing about being obsessed w planes is that i have infinite tolerance for them. like one time i had to go through like 4 airports in one day and i had a BLAST i never get it when people don’t like going to the airport?? it’s just like. head empty 🥰 planes 🥰
my favourite airport is nicolaus copernicus in wrocław cause i had a layover there on the way to visit my friend in warsaw (connecting flight was a LOT E190, best day ever tbh) and it was just kinda vibey? djdjskbds idk it was late at night and really empty and the vibes were immaculate
also i LOVE planespotting. if someone agreed to go planespotting w me i would literally propose to them on the spot. it sounds boring but i swear its not jfdjdjdjjd its so fun!! there’s this really good spot for it near where i live atm and one time i was there and i saw this couple taking pics together with an A320 taking off over them ☹️ like thats the most romantic thing ive ever seen??? ouch???
anyway im like,, in a constant state of planespotting. the second i hear a plane i whip out flightradar24 cause i NEED to know where that mf is going im nosey. and the best thing about flightradar is that it tells u the aircraft’s whole schedule, so this one time i was flying home from nürnberg and i could tell the flight was gonna be delayed like 4 hours before they told us cause our plane was still in spain and it hadnt moved lmao (ryanair moment)
oooh also lowkey no one likes flying w me bc like. a) im really annoying abt the planes as u all can see. and b) i WILL make u be at the airport like 5 hours early. one time i was flying w my friend out of copenhagen and it was like 3 hours before the flight n we were in the WRONG COUNTRY i was on the verge of tears all day 😭 never missed a flight n i never will. im an airport dad frfr 🫡
OK LAST THING one time i saw a concorde!! like,, it wasn’t flying obviously lmao (i was born the year they were retired) but it was on display and i got to get on it n see the cockpit and stuff which was like very cool actually
oh my god this was so long sorry jdsjjdjdhd but ty for letting me infodump at you <33333
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legendarybelmont · 11 months
i guess its wip saturday? apparently? @beevean tagged me but i cant name many writer mutuals off the top of my head... maybe @oopsalltes? anyway uhhh lemme find a usable chunk of writing... since i have no idea if im actually gonna finish it anytime soon, heres a chunk of chapter 3 for the scorpion and the frog
The sun was out today. The weather was fine, not too hot or too cold; the sunlight warmed his skin when he stood under it, and there was a faint breeze that tousled his hair and brushed against his face. He felt a few strands get caught in his mouth and reached to pull them away, holding the fiery red locks between his fingers. Old age had hardly done anything to his hair colour, for one thing. He almost never found any greys. His joints were also mostly fine, or so he assumed. He never got the complaints about aches and pains that everyone always went on about, aside from a twinge in the muscles here or there.
Simon huffed out a breath, leaning back against the wall of his house. From his position on the porch, just next to his door where there wasn't any shade, the light was getting in his eyes. He squinted. 79 years old, and he still wasn't used to the daytime. He could barely see a damn thing, but that didn’t stop him from being hyper-aware that people were staring at him. This was a common occurrence. He didn't particularly care, aside from the fact that it was frustrating. If people had a problem, they could just speak to him. He wasn't going to bite. He focused on his peripherals. His neighbours were watching him with tense shoulders and tight expressions, like they were waiting for him to strike. Ridiculous. As if he'd ever hurt a human before. They were going to strain themselves for no reason, going around like that. He turned his head and shot them a look, eyes piercing, which got him a mixed response of general fright and halfhearted apologetic glances as they shuffled away.
Working his jaw, Simon directed his gaze up to the sky instead, noting the position of the sun before he had to avert his eyes. Afternoon. He'd been out here for hours already, and nothing. Just like the last time, and the time before that. He growled, and then deflated slightly, exasperated, as he heard a muffled squeak of surprise from somewhere off to his left. What, was he an attraction now? He was sure there were more interesting things to be looking at than an old man waiting on a visit. Juste had been demanding he get a clock for telling the time, because the light made his eyes sting and looking to the sun whenever he needed to check the hour didn't help. Frankly, Simon didn't see the issue. Only so much damage the sun could still do to someone his age.
He'd take more of the fussing yet, if it meant an end to three months of nothing. It had been three months, and his grandson hadn't shown up once. Not to the village, or to his house, or anywhere in the area at all. The last time Simon had seen him, he was practically vibrating with joy, because his friend Maxim was due to return soon from his training expedition, and Juste had missed him more than a man would miss water in the desert. He'd sent the boy off on his way, if only so his gushing wouldn't rupture his eardrums. And now, there was a complete and total absence where Juste should be. His friends, too. The swordsman, Maxim, and Lydie, their mediator. Simon hadn't seen hide nor hair of any of the three since his last chat with Juste, no matter how hard or how far he looked, and he was starting to worry.
Maybe not just starting. Waiting around outside on his porch for half the day, every day, for weeks on end, hoping that Juste would finally come by was probably the start of it. Simon grunted, pushing himself away from the warm bricks. He felt stiff from all the standing, but that wouldn't be what everyone meant when they complained about their body failing them as they got old. As far as Simon was concerned, he was still in top form, for fighting and otherwise. Death didn't come with any warning for Belmonts. He recalled that his own great grandfather had been in perfect health the entire time Simon had known him, before suddenly dropping one day and never getting up again. He guessed that his life would end like that, too. Death was a bastard, and petty. That didn’t mean he wasn’t on the lookout for any sudden ailments, though.
He stretched to get his body working again, flexing his fingers. No matter how healthy you were, sitting in one spot for hours on end wouldn't make you very flexible. Simon stepped off of his porch, raising a hand to cover his face with. Still too sunny. His eyes were watering, but at least the temperature was okay. Nothing worse than a day that was blinding and sweltering all at once; made him feel like a piece of cooked meat. He heard scuttling noises someplace around him, and took them for the villagers scattering after he’d begun to move. They thought they were being subtle. That was not the case. Speaking of the villagers... scanning the area, he saw one of the men who lived further off from him tending to his garden. Joseph, if Simon remembered right. He started to walk towards him, since the man wasn't looking and Simon couldn't wave him over. The grass crunched beneath his feet, and the wind was getting stronger, now battering away at his elbow like it was an enemy. The chill wasn’t unpleasant.
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sweetcrazyluvie · 5 months
small feelings
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fwb!jaehyun x afab reader
18+ mdni, smut
summary: you cannot shake off this feeling of sadness and aimlessness, and the only thing that makes you feel alive these days is having sex up with your sneaky link / fwb jaehyun. but after a particular hookup session, you realize you are certain of your feelings for him: you are in love with him. on top of all these lingering mental problems, you realize he will never love you back. so you have no choice but to push him away, and everything else too.
wc: 8k (girl bye it was not that serious)
cw: very self-indulgent im ctfu, depressed / miserable reader, very brief suicide ideation, arguing followed by a time skip, HEAVY miscommunication, some blood bc reader gets hurt from dropping a vase, kinda hurt/comfort (?), protected sex turns unprotected, creampie, petnames (baby, angel, princess), jaehyun kinda gets freaky and possessive, spitting kink, idk what else honestly I suck at this omg
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he’s approaching. well, that is what he told you about half an hour ago. and since then, you have been scrambling around the house back and forth, trying to clean up as best as you can because something as simple as that seems to slip from your mind among other things recently.
you scan your room with your eyes to see if you missed anything, and, of course, you did: your bright purple vibrator sitting pretty on your pink sheets—of which you were using before he called. you mentally smack yourself at how stupid you are to almost leave something like that out in the open.
your heart races as you run to the bathroom to do a quick clean to at least give the illusion that it is not entirely dirty. and so you do the same for every area in the house again, even the ones he will not go in. essentially, everything besides the garage because that is beyond saving.
jaehyun won’t care anyway, but eventually the place is finally to your liking and satisfaction. you head back to your room to change into a cute, tight, and pink outfit because that is something he does care about. deep down, you know that is why he is even coming to your house after work: for your body. however, you crave his too, so, in essence, that makes you just as bad.
you have to apply your makeup quickly; he should be here soon. but as your hands mindlessly work on your face, you stare at yourself in the vanity mirror: the girl who looks back is just so…unrecognizable. and for a split second, you swear you can see her frown back at you. when you blink, though, only your pathetic reflection remains.
you try to shake off the feeling as your phone screen lights up next to you.
jae <3 : I’m here. open the door.
he doesn’t knock. he never does. and somehow, the blunt tone of the message has you feeling uneasy.
you check yourself out just one more time before walking up to the door to let him in. but as your hand reaches for the doorknob, you let a sigh escape from your mouth to calm down. you are always nervous to see him, and you can’t help but hate yourself for that.
even so, you just clear your throat and fix your posture before finally opening the door. and there you see him: the most beautiful man you had ever laid your eyes upon. and more specifically, the man you wanted to be yours.
it all happened so fast. you were in his arms. I missed you’s were exchanged even though it hadn’t even been a week since the last. the both of you gravitated towards your room in an uncontrolled, frenzied manner—kissing and crashing into the walls on the way. clothes were thrown and scattered onto your carpet.
it all happened so fast—and so naturally. he just understands you in a way no one or nothing has: he makes you feel alive when everything else inside of you feels dead.
the night is young, and your body feels like it’s on fire. he’s unrelenting. it’s a feeling that you only want for yourself but you’ll never dare to let him know that—you can’t. and still, you want more. his cock is magic and you’re falling for its vicious spell.
it’s criminal: the lewd and loud sounds that your bodies make clapping against each other while also moaning relentlessly. the neighbors can probably hear you guys going at it but that does not matter at all when you’re with him. actually, all your problems vanish when you’re with him, and just maybe, that is why you always come back for more—the escapism is a drug.
“how do you feel and taste better each time? holy shit, baby.”
his nails dig those familiar crescents into your hips as the backshots he’s giving you only become more intense—pain and pleasure in its most pure and perfect form.
“this is what you wanted, huh?”
“oh god yes,” you mewl.
“taking it so good, princess.”
you unconsciously clench tight on his cock in response and he laughs softly.
“my pretty girl likes it when I tell her how good she’s doing… so fucking cute. you make it so hard to hold back, you know?”
your back arches and your hands grip onto the sheets with such a violent and searing pleasure that can only be brought out by him.
“then don’t.”
you don’t know where this sudden rush of courage came from, and it surprises the both of you. and so after a few more thrusts into you, he slows down then stops.
“what are you implying, angel?”
“exactly what I just said. if you don’t want to hold back, there is no reason you should be.”
“is that so?”
“yes,” you say, holding back a whimper as you feel his cock twitch in your walls.
“ok, I just needed the clarification. in that case… can I take the condom off then?” he asks. his voice is firm, but somehow tender and sweet.
“jae…” you sigh, even though your heart skips a beat. “actually, I don’t know…”
“you can’t just rile me up and then back down. come on, princess. I promise I’ll be careful. I’ll pull out.”
you guys had met almost a year and a half ago through mutual friends. and then you started messing around six months into knowing each other, but you had never done it raw before with him. although you don’t hate the idea, the fact he is the one who asked first makes you nervous. the feeling might be too much; the idea of it is too much. it would be too much to bear. it would feel…intimate and romantic, almost. and that right there is something you have been trying to fight in silence for a while now.
and just as you’re about to tell him no, his long fingers trail along the spine of your back and you tremble pathetically to his touch.
“come on… you know you want it too, don’t lie to yourself.”
“well, yes, but–”
“but what?”
you don’t say anything as your mind runs in circles to find an excuse; you do really want it at your core. the thought of it also awakens something primal inside of you. that voice in the back of your head is screaming no, but everything else needs this. you need this.
“you scared? scared it’ll feel too good?” he says, rolling his hips smoothly into yours again.
“I’m not scared…hhh…” you choke, shaking as he starts hitting it from the back again.
“then what is it?”
your mind blanks other than the thought of how much better it would feel if he took it off. and just like that, you find yourself nodding your head.
“you’ll let me do that? I need a yes or a no. come on, baby,” he says, fingers tracing smooth circles onto your back.
“ok fine, n-need it off. please…” you whine as you give in.
“I got you, princess,” he soothes.
he slides out of your plush walls, and you turn your head to watch as he removes the rubber with ease. his eyes glow as he strokes himself a bit and lines himself up again at your entrance.
the tip alone has you both seeing stars, but that feeling is taken to the next level when he is all the way in—it’s cosmic.
you can’t think straight. now, it’s too much yet too little. you keep rolling your hips back to meet his thrusts because you’re so needy and desperate for more. you tilt your head back again and watch as the veins in his arms pop out as he uses force to still you from moving.
“stop it. just let me make you feel good. let me do all the work, okay?”
he slides almost all the way out—his tip latching onto your entrance—before pushing himself back with force and passion. it feels like heaven, twice as nice even, and the deep seated feeling of guilt in your gut makes it shamefully feel better. so you can’t help but fight against his strength and push yourself back onto his dick.
“I thought I told you to stop doing that,” he says, voice now stern and demanding.
he grabs a fistful of your hair into a makeshift ponytail and pulls your back up to his chest.
“isn’t that right?” he whispers seductively into your ear, licking a thick stripe along the earlobe.
“s-sorry,” you cry out.
his strokes are slow and delicious like this, but before you can really bask in the feeling, he pushes you back onto the bed, his arm somehow managing to snake around your neck like a headlock. your hands are now clutching at the sheets again, with more force if even possible. his chest is right against your back and the closeness of it all is suffocating yet so divine.
“fuck jae, s-so good…”
“god, princess. you drive me crazy, you know that, right?” he groans into your ear.
his hips now slam into yours perfectly—hitting that spot and angle rhythmically. he chokes you harder with his arm as his pace becomes faster and messier. you clench onto his dick as you feel that band in your stomach about to explode.
“let me cum inside. fuck, baby, please. let me do it,” he’s vocal in a way he never has been and it’s driving you over the edge.
you just moan, mind too fuzzy to even think or speak properly. his every move and sound feels amplified like this and it’s dizzying.
“god damn, you’re just sucking me in so good… so tight… please…” he whimpers, his pace becoming even more messier.
“jae, oh my god,” you moan.
you can barely breathe now. it all hurts so good. it’s too dangerous. it really feels like he’s making love to you and you’re scared that by letting him finish inside you, your feelings for him will become even more complicated than they already are.
“hurry up, baby. yes or no. I’m not gonna last longer the way you’re squeezing onto me. holy shit…” he chokes out.
a couple more strokes has him twitching and that makes it all the more real. your heart begins to race in a way it never has before. and soon enough, you feel that sweet and vicious euphoria rushing up to you in cathartic shivers and it lets the words roll off your tongue: “cum in me, jae. please.”
the both of you cry out as the orgasm courses through your body which leads to him shooting his warm ropes into your velvet walls.
“jae, I lo–oh my…”
jaehyun kisses your ear and continues to ride out your orgasm.
he really just fucked you so good that you almost told him that you loved him. and the sad and terrifying truth was that if you weren’t sure of that before, you were damn sure of it now. you are in love with him. he mostly likely just sees you as his booty call, and you can’t blame him because you answer every time with no hesitation.
and the worst part is that you know he will never love the real you: the one that is constantly dragged down by the demons of the past.
when he pulls out and away from you, your body immediately reacts to the lack of heat and warmth from him. the afterglow doesn’t last long before the shame pours in with no mercy.
and strangely enough, the tears start to drip down your flushed cheeks because this was it. you had given him basically all that you could. you gave him the rawest form of love you had and that still wasn’t enough for an I like you. really, what more could you expect after that? things will only go down from here.
you are ripped back into reality with the sound of him rambling.
“…all right. see what happens when you let me do my thing?” he says, so happy and sure of himself.
but your heart feels like it has shattered into a million fragments. and there was no way you could hide it. you can’t even look at him. you sniffle—tears pouring and staining your cheeks.
“uh yeah…” you mumble, wiping under your eyes with the back of your hand.
the energy in the room has shifted like a light switch, but he doesn’t take notice.
“you need to go, jae,” you whisper.
“what was that, angel?”
“you need to go,” you say, voice still a quiet whisper.
“uhhh, is everything ok? I thought–”
you turn to look at him now and he is taken aback by the pain written all over your face.
“I said you need to go. now!” you raise your voice.
“what’s wrong? was it something just now? did I go too far?”
“I don’t… I don’t want to talk about it right now. please… just leave…”
you wouldn’t want to see him ever again, actually you couldn’t stand the thought of having to pretend around him anymore knowing you couldn't be his and he couldn’t be yours.
“princess…” he sighs, placing his hand on your shoulder.
but you nudge it away and start to gather his clothes.
“what the hell, y/n? talk to me!”
the sudden switch to your name at this moment makes you even angrier for some reason.
“I need you to go! what about that don’t you understand?”
you throw his clothes at him, but his scent—the overuse of cologne to mask the stench of weed—bounces back to you anyway. they fall and scatter all over his feet and he stares at you in disbelief.
you knew you were being dramatic, but you couldn’t help it: you felt hurt. and most of all, just plain stupid for thinking there was even a slight possibility for something more to happen between the two of you—a future.
he sighs as he dresses himself lazily, not even bothering to buckle his belt.
“tell you what… what I don’t understand is why you always keep making things harder for me. just why can’t you open yourself up to me emotionally. WHAT is going on that you feel the need to shut down like this?”
“oh so now I’m a chore for you?”
“that is NOT what I am saying.”
“it is what you’re implying. I’m too much for you, aren’t I?”
“right now, yes, you are. but I need you to help me here. just TALK to me.”
your mind doesn’t register that last part, only caught up with that yes. you are too much for him. you already felt like a burden to everyone and everything in this damn world but to hear it vocalized from him even in the slightest had your thoughts reeling into dangerous territory.
you could not form the words, instead choking on your sobs.
you cry as you feel so many emotions—all these small feelings you had ignored—crash over you like an unforgiving, powerful wave.
“hey, I–”
“just get the fuck out!” you cut him off.
your words are charged with anger and you just want to scream at him more for being so stupid and so beautiful.
he sighs again. his eyes are now glowing with a certain sadness and concern that makes the regret all the more soul-crushing. why couldn’t he just love you back? why couldn’t he just fix you?
he gets closer to you so he can place a tender kiss on your forehead. he strokes his thumb on your cheek, like he normally does, but this time it makes you feel sick to your stomach.
“just talk to me whenever you’re ready, princess. I’ll be waiting,” he says.
he walks out of your room and slams the door on the way out. the sound echoes into your heart and soul. and you cry harder than before because you knew deep down that you weren’t going to talk to him again. ever.
and loneliness, then, watches you from the nearest shadow, waiting like a ravenous predator.
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*jae <3 sent you $150
jae <3 : you know, for the plan B, just in case ;)
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nostalgia is one hell of a drug, and also one hell of a bitch when it comes to letting go. there’s a ton of clothes in your closet that don’t even fit you or you just wouldn’t wear anymore—your taste has changed, or rather, grown. yet for some reason you have it all stashed in there like some hoarder on a television show. it’s an amalgamation of distinct eras of your life and memories that you are too lazy—and also don’t want to—throw away. nonetheless, you cannot find that one damn jacket you swore was in there. you think to yourself that perhaps, just maybe, it is deep in your hamper full of dirty clothes that you haven’t touched in weeks.
you decide you need to leave your house for something other than work and unavoidable errands. staying cooped up inside has done more damage than you’d like to admit, especially when the days are like mush and blend together. this monotonous excuse of an existence is a curse, truly.
not bothering to rummage through the mess, you just pick the first jacket you can find and put it on even though it does not match your outfit at all.
it’s late in the afternoon, and it’s only been one hour since you woke up and got out of bed.
through your window, you take notice of the dull, cloudy sky and realize it’s going to be that annoying, uncomfortable type of chilly day outside, but you have your mind settled on going to the park because god knows you need to touch some grass and reconnect with nature.
you slightly regret brushing off your friends who asked to hangout, but you didn’t want to drag their moods down with how miserable you were. you had to clear your mind—rid it of all reminders of him.
this glumness has just consumed you with a vengeance like no other.
and inevitably, it follows you to the car as you put the keys into the ignition and then drive to the park as if on autopilot. it follows you as you get out and find a bench to sit your pathetic butt on. it then sinks its razor–sharp teeth into you as your eyes scan your surroundings and realize you are alone.
there are kids playing with one another, couples walking together, and just all types of people who just don’t look empty. you know you shouldn’t generalize that because these people could just be putting on a facade for all you know. what stings, though, is how you no longer have the energy to put one on yourself. there’s no bone in your body that has the ability to present such a performance anymore.
instead, you try to focus on something else, like the trees or the stray dogs running around, but you can’t ignore the obvious: you still feel like shit.
you can’t help but ruminate over the fact that you feel so…unhappy, and a large part of that just comes from loneliness. also, you just feel stuck, like there is no moving forward from this because this sadness will never let go of its vicious grasp on you.
it’s like all the small and minor feelings you shoved aside were now majorly affecting every part of your soul, body, and mind.
there are just so many things to be disappointed about in your life and it is killing you—eating away at you inside-out. a single, stupid teardrop drips down your cheek because apparently even that is all your body can muster.
so after a few excruciating minutes of people-watching and the endless screaming in your mind, you decide that this trip was for nothing.
you don’t bother to pick up something to eat on the way home. you’ve lost your appetite.
and just when you think your day couldn’t get any more sour, it does. the cherry on top is that your car stops mid-driveway as it just shuts off. it had been needing repairs that you had been putting off and it came right back to bite in this vulnerable time.
you just groan and debate killing yourself right then and there, but then decide you should just masturbate and go to sleep.
you walk into your home like a ghost, change into comfy clothes, and hop into bed.
as you log into your second twitter account, a caller notification pops up on your screen. your heart sinks to your stomach as you end up clicking it on accident and realize exactly who is calling: jae <3.
you hadn’t exactly brought it upon yourself to block his number despite the few times he tried reaching out throughout the months you haven’t spoken.
you freeze when you hear some rustling and then his familiar, warm voice speaking: “y/n?? you picked up! oh my… I–is it ok if I talk. o-or do you wanna go first? well, we don’t have to right now if you don’t want that, we can meet up–”
beep. you hang up.
you just can’t. hearing him so happy and excited made you want to run back into his arms, but you knew that couldn’t be a reality. even if he did like you back, there was no way in hell he would love the dark parts of you, the parts that made you feel so aimless and eternally dejected. he said it himself: it was too much.
you couldn’t do that to him.
a few seconds later, you get a text that reads talk to me, please :(
and then another call, but you don’t pick up this time. although, you almost do, because he could fix your car—and you miss everything about him—but the car is the most important part, obviously.
after, you stalk all his socials and let regret do its usual bidding.
the night ends with loneliness steeped in exhaustion that not even a scrolling-through-twitter-bookmarks session could remedy.
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it’s that damned time of the year where it rains a bit too much for your liking because now you don’t really know if it’s right to blame the weather for being extremely sad, glum, and horny but you do it anyway.
and naturally, you stare at the ceiling with empty eyes as you ponder about life or whatever (and mainly him, as always, it seems). the television plays Jersey Shore in the background, yet even that can’t conceal the incessant trickle of the rain and the downpour hitting your roof and outside your window. you want to scream or die or kill somebody; any of those sound good right about now. you’re broke as hell—bank account barely skating above the negatives—so you can’t order anything to your house and you’ve used your vibrator too many times to count that the feeling it used to give you is no longer the same. there’s no point. ugh. you hate it here.
but it’s like he can sense your distress and almost immediately after groaning into the loneliness of your room, your phone dings. you pick up the phone from under your blanket and see the screen lit up with a text message from a certain someone you’ve been avoiding.
jae <3 : you doing anything rn princess? I wanna come over. I haven’t seen you in so long… I really want to talk to you.
and that is all it takes for the walls you built up to come crumbling down.
you bite your lip to hide the cheeky grin that creeps onto your face like an idiot. damn it. you fight the urge to reply back immediately so as to not seem desperate.
yes, he’s sent a string of messages over the course of time you’ve been ignoring him, but this one feels different, and maybe that is just because you want it to be.
anyway, his dick could fix at least one of your problems right now so after waiting for what felt like forever, you hit him back.
y/n: just chilling by myself. hungry. pls bring food.
you were rotting in bed in pajamas you’ve worn for a bit over two days so you immediately scramble out of the sheets to get yourself dolled up for him because for some reason you feel the need to impress him.
it isn’t until half an hour later that jaehyun shows up at your doorstep, soaked from the rain, holding grocery bags in his hands. his dimples still show even as he smiles with semi-pursed lips.
you stare at him for a while, bewildered at how even more gorgeous and stunning he seems, and honestly holding yourself back from just latching on him like a rabid animal.
“can I come in or…are you just gonna keep looking at me like a deer in headlights?” he says, smug.
you snatch the bags from him with a swiftness that makes your emotions of lust and embarrassment all the more palpable, and head towards your kitchen table to set them down. he giggles slightly at this and he takes off his sopping wet jacket, hanging it up on the coat rack you have in the entry hallway. and then he kicks off his shoes with ease which leaves them on the floor scattered. he drops his keys on the counter with a loud bang, running his fingers through his hair after. he sighs loudly and it echoes throughout the room and you can feel it within your chest. it’s all so…safe and comfortable, and maybe that’s because he’s done this many times before. and it feels like nothing has changed even though you haven’t spoken to him in months.
well that is until you snoop through the bags and peep a bouquet of flowers—your favorite ones at that.
“jae, what is this for?” you ask.
you turn your face to look at him, thinking he’s still lurking by the entrance but he’s actually standing right behind you.
your face is now inches away from his chest. and you can breathe in his musk. he reeks of cologne and weed in the best way possible. you stumble and bump your back onto a chair as he reaches over your side.
“I saw them and I thought of you,” he mumbles, grabbing all the other bags.
he drags his feet to the kitchen and unloads all the groceries onto the counter.
it’s so subtle that you almost don’t catch it but the tops of his ears turn a bit red after he says it. it’s cute, and your heart flutters at how he remembers the little things about you.
“well thank you. they’re really pretty.”
the plastic bag crumples as you take the bouquet out and you dive your nose in to take in their sweet aroma.
“I’ll be right back,” you say before heading to your basement to find a vase to put them in, and also to cool off. maybe it was the time apart, but your mind could not function properly around him. it was like every quality about him became ten times more attractive and enticing.
you flip the light switch on and the light flickers twice before giving out. you’ve been meaning to replace the light bulb but you keep forgetting (or rather pushing it off). and now it’s caught up to you like many other things and feelings.
you use your phone’s flashlight to guide you along the mess that you created and you finally find what you're looking for, only it’s at the top of some shelf that you can’t really reach. there’s a small ladder that’s hiding in the small crevice between the shelf and the wall. but still, even after using it and taking all three of its steps, you can barely grasp the vase with your fingertips and you slide it closer and closer towards you before it finally lands in your hands safely.
you’re on your tippy toes at this point, legs trembling. and as soon as you’re ready to get down, it happens in an instant: you lose your balance.
there’s no sugarcoating it. there’s no saving grace and you fall backwards onto your ass. even though it takes the brunt of tumble, your hands fall victim to the vase and its shattered pieces.
maybe it was the noise and the commotion or maybe you let out a scream without realizing it, but jaehyun bolts into the garage not even seconds later.
through the slivers of light radiating from your phone, you can barely peep the blood leaking from your palm and his horrified face.
“a-are you ok?” he asks.
before you can even answer, he picks you up as if you were a doll and rushes you over to the bathroom where he sits you down on the toilet seat.
he already knows where everything is so he pulls out the first aid kit from the cabinet underneath the sink and tends to your bloody hands immediately.
honestly, the cuts weren’t anything major but your heart starts to beat like crazy at how worried he is yet he remains calm and careful in taking care of you.
“this is going to hurt, princess. I’m sorry,” he says before softly dabbing a wet cloth onto your skin.
you wince in pain and he reacts by holding onto your arm and rubbing soothing circles with his thumb.
“shhh… it’s ok. I’ll make you feel better soon.”
he does this for a while and eventually reaches for the bandages.
but the whole time you found yourself staring at him in awe. there was a war going on in your mind. you analyzed his every move: the way he sighed or played with his bottom lip by nibbling on it or how he’d sneak a glance at you with so much worry. all you wanted was to crawl into his skin and be inside of him to know his thoughts and what he was thinking about you.
he places the final bandage and looks up at you with tender eyes before averting his gaze.
“thank you, jae…” you mumble.
you can feel your heart about to just slide out of your chest and onto the tile floor. the insane pace it’s beating at won’t stop.
“why didn’t you ask me for help? I thought you were just going to your room or something. I didn’t know you were going to do that and almost kill yourself.”
“ok, well I thought I had it, but I guess not. I just needed a moment to myself anyway.”
“a moment to yourself? but I just got here?”
“you don’t understand. it’s just… never mind,” you sigh.
“what? you don’t want to talk about that right now either?” he says, tone tinged with slight resentment.
you stand up from the toilet seat because the air in the room quickly is injected with tension, and it becomes stifling and suffocating. how else are you supposed to say that him getting you flowers had you riled up? and how are you supposed to tell him that being around him is too much because you’re hopelessly in love with him and want to be more than just whatever you guys have going on?
perhaps silence and secrecy are the better options.
“ok, whatever,” he says. “that’s not the point. I was right there, you could have just told me to do it. you know I’ll always be there for you, even the small things.”
“I know, jae.”
“ok, so you do know that?”
you have a feeling you know where this is going and you want to die.
“then how come you’ve been ignoring me? all my calls and messages… I know you’ve been getting them. and you fucking hung up on me the other day too? do you know how happy I was when you answered?” he says, anger bleeding into hurt.
“I’m really sorry-”
“I’m not stupid y/n. I don’t like when you hide things from me, you know that.”
at this point, you make way towards the door but he holds onto your arm with a vice grip and shoves you back onto the toilet seat. he uses his body as a barrier so you can’t leave and you know there’s no use trying to get through.
“are you trying to make me bleed again?” you ask angrily, trying to mask how exposed and scared you feel.
“oh, don’t be dramatic, y/n. you’re not leaving until you tell me why you’ve been leaving me in the dust.”
“you’re the one being dramatic! just let me out of here!”
“I’ll let you out when I get what I want.”
“why does it matter to you anyway?”
“because I care about you!”
“you’re only saying that because you want to get between my legs.”
“that’s not true at all.”
“is it not? because that’s what it feels like.”
“you’re not being fair. let me remind you that it was me who’s been reaching out and you were the one who decides to respond after weeks of radio silence. how do you think that makes me feel?”
“I don’t know…you could’ve tried harder,” you mumble, already resigning to the fact he had already won this mini argument.
there was no point anyway. he had every right to be angry but you just hated confrontation especially when it came to him.
you were just too flustered and emotional now. you wanted to confess your feelings to him but didn’t want everything you had to collapse. you can’t look at him in the face now.
“y/n…look, I do care about you. so fucking much, actually and you have no idea.”
“jae, I care about you too but can we just not do this right now?”
“how else am I supposed to show you that I love you when you shut me out? you don’t know how much it killed me that you acted like I don’t exist to you.”
your whole body freezes at that stupid four letter word. it sounds so pretty coming from his tongue, but you don’t know if he means it the way you want it to.
he kneels on the ground so he is at eye level with you. he starts to cup his hands on your face.
“did I do something wrong? that’s all I want to know so I can fix it or try to do better.”
there’s no point in hiding anymore. when you open your eyes which have been shut closed, you see that hurt is written all over his face and it’s all your fault. your absence in his life has affected him just like it has affected you.
he just looks so sad yet so pretty and you want him to hold you and tell you it’ll all be okay. you want to kiss him, touch him, feel him, and most of all, make love to him.
“I love you, jae. I love you so much and I don’t know, every second I’m with you it gets worse because I know I won’t be more to you. I need you in a way that you can’t even imagine.”
“y/n, I-”
“LET ME FINISH!” you cut him off.
he looks taken aback at first, but then just gives a weak nod and smile to let you continue.
you start rambling: “I… I just am going through a lot mentally too and I didn’t want to ruin what we had by saying anything so for some reason it just made more sense to ignore you and hope that it would go away and-”
all of a sudden, jaehyun smashes his lips onto yours.
it’s passionate, more fervor than usual. it’s like he’s putting his all into this kiss and you just melt into him, fingers running through his hair as his hands travel to your back to pull you in closer.
“I… love you too…y/n…” he moans in between kisses.
when you both pull away, he starts to plant soft kisses along your neck that begin to travel up to your ear.
“do you need me to show you how much I love you, princess?” he whispers.
“p-please, jae… I want you…”
with no hesitation, he carries you into your room.
he then sits on the edge of the bed as you stand before him. the both of you scramble to get some clothes off and then latch onto each other like magnets—skin on skin, lips on lips.
like clockwork, you straddle your legs over his lap. you roll your hips into his and whimper at the feeling: your bare folds rubbing against his boxer briefs. one of his strong hands holds onto your lower back as the other supports the back of your neck.
the kissing is laced with carnal desire, as if you both wanted to eat the other whole. your hips move faster in response and you're both moaning into each other’s mouth. you can feel how hard he is and also how your wetness stains and seeps into the fabric.
he pulls away to trail kisses down your neck, leaving his signature love bites and marks.
once he reaches your chest, he places soft kisses before unclasping your bra like he has done many times before. but this time, you notice the look of lust and love in his eyes as they scan your body. maybe it’s always been like that and you hadn’t noticed it. your heart swells at this and you caress his cheek.
his mouth then attacks your chest with passion and you arch your back to push your body more into his. your hips are now moving in sweet circles and your mind is clouded with how good it all feels—how much fulfilling it is now that you know that he loves you back.
“my princess, so beautiful,” he coos, before grabbing you and pinning your back against the bed.
as your back lays falt, he trails kisses down your chest, stomach, and around your plush thighs. his face then makes contact with your pussy and he watches it with hungry eyes. your body quite literally trembles just knowing he is just mere centimeters away from tasting you.
“you don’t know how long I’ve waited for this,” he confesses.
he notices you bite your lip in anticipation. the adrenaline courses through your veins as pleasure awaits you.
“maybe, I should just… I don’t know… not do this and let you see what it feels like to be left wanting.”
“baby, I’m really sorry. please don’t tease me right now,” you whine.
“you deserve this, just a little bit,” he says before blowing air right onto your dripping folds.
you clench on nothing as he smirks at you.
“I hate you,” you moan.
“I thought you loved me?”
“two things can be true at once.”
“say you love me or else I’m not going through with this.”
“SAY it.”
you forgot how commanding he could be in bed and it has you clenching again at nothing.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he says, content.
and just like that, he dives right into tasting you finally. the months apart had done a number on you because his mouth felt infinitely better than it ever did. it was like his thirst hadn’t been quenched in years.
it felt spiritual, as if his movements came straight from the heavens above and all you could do was lay there and take in all of his love—and anger.
it didn’t take long before you began grasping onto the locks of his now longer hair, shoving him in further to reach your high faster.
however, he pulls away with a quickness. you groan at the feeling of pleasure being snatched away from you.
“sorry, angel, but I need you to cum on my cock this time… need to feel you unwind all over me.”
you watch and rub your legs together as he slides his briefs down just enough to reveal his pretty cock, pink tip glistening with love—all because of you and all for you.
you whine when he starts to coat himself in your arousal, his thick length catching against your clit as he rubs against your folds with tenderness.
“feels good, yeah?”
“fuck… need you now, jae,” you whine.
“you ready?”
“yes. only and always for you.”
“that’s my baby.”
your hands grip your bed sheets as he slides inside of you. you’ll honestly never get used to just how big he is. even when he bottoms out, it takes time for the pain to eventually blossom into pleasure as he moves his hips rhymically into yours.
it’s not rough and needy but more soft and careful. he really takes his time to feel all of you and give it to you so good. your hands rub and down his slender back as he makes the most intimate and precious love to you. and you love how his gold chain brushes up against your face with every delicious stroke.
it has you so weak and your head feels so fuzzy—the feeling is indescribable.
“my pretty angel, my girl… taking me so well. fuck, you were made for me.”
you can only offer a loud moan in response and your walls clench harder onto him automatically.
“keep doing that and I’m gonna cum inside you, baby. you want that?”
“yes, baby. oh my god, yes please. I want it so fucking bad.”
“then take it.”
he slips two of his fingers into your mouth and you suck on them with all your might. his eyes watch you in amazement and passion.
your body trembles as he continuously hits that sweet spot.
and just like that, you feel the euphoria coming to you in waves. he knows it and laughs softly, removing his soaked fingers from you mouth.
“you’re almost there, angel?”
“y-yes,” you moan.
“I can feel it. I know you’ve missed this. isn’t that right?”
“missed you so much…” you mewl, feeling tears about to form in your eyes.
“missed you too, baby. fuck…” he says and gives your forehead a quick, reassuring peck.
you claw your nails into his back as he picks up the pace—to help you reach that pleasure point. you wrap your legs around him instinctively and succumb to the overwhelming feeling of his love.
“I’m coming, ahh. I’m…”
you scream as the pleasure burns all over your body. jaehyun doesn’t falter for a second, only going faster, even though his own orgasm follows immediately after—his warm load filling you up as you finish all over him.
“so…good…that’s it…” he chokes out.
“I love you!” you scream.
“love you… I love you,” he whimpers as he slows down.
you’re extremely sensitive at this point and you whine as jaehyun refuses to stop, still rutting his hips into you: pushing in every last drop.
“I’m not done yet. you’ve denied me perfection for so long.”
“shhh…angel, just need you to take it. can you do that for me?”
“good girl, that’s a good girl,” he coos.
all of a sudden, his body shifts as he pushes your legs back to your chest, guiding you guys into a mating press position.
“it h-hurtsss…” you whine.
you felt like your body was going to snap in half, truly.
“I know, baby. but it’ll feel better, you just have to trust me.”
“ok, baby.”
“you’re perfect,” he says. “you’re my baby, right?”
he then pistons his hips into you with force and you just moan quietly: “I-I’m your baby.”
“I know that’s right,” he says, letting out a breathy moan. “open up for me.”
you do as he says and your jaw falls slack open. a lengthy string of spit drops into your mouth and you just take it.
his cock feels excruciatingly perfect like this. he is so deep inside of you and you feel like his love is going to suffocate you in the most tender way.
“you’re doing great, angel. just give me all your stress. let it all out.”
his lips find purchase on yours and you melt into him again.
your mind now is only full of thoughts of him, but positive ones for once. you feel… fulfilled and alive again. like this, he is taking off so much weight off your shoulders.
and thus, you cannot help how healing this feels and the tears that drip down your face as a result. jaehyun kisses them as they fall and doesn’t let up his pace.
“you’re mine… my angel. you belong to no one else but me. right, pretty?”
“I’m yours,” you mewl.
“say it again.”
“yours, jae, yours,” you babble, now feeling overwhelmed by the pressure in your core about to snap.
“can you open for me like you did before, baby?” he asks. and you immediately drop your jaw to invite his spit in again.
“you’re MY girl. this is MY pussy. you are MINE. f-finally…” he groans, emphasizing those specific words with harder thrusts.
“I love you, jae. fuck, I love you so much. I can’t live without you. I want…” you whine. you can’t finish the sentence from just how good it all feels.
“say you’re mine again, p-please. I’m gonna-”
“I’M Y-YOURS,” you scream as the orgasm suddenly unfolds with searing heat all over your body.
your arms and legs latch around him to keep him in place, to stop him from moving. the clench of your walls does him in instantaneously. you feel so full of him as he unloads himself in you. his pace stops immediately as you suck him dry for all he’s worth.
the amount of I love you’s exchanged in these moments were too many to count, but you knew you didn’t want him out of you any time soon.
“can we stay like this, please?” you whisper, kissing his neck. “I feel safe and warm.”
“if that’s what you want, then I’m all for it,” jaehyun says reassuringly.
you hold each other, bodies so intimately connected together, as sleep eventually washes over the both of you.
the night ends with love, this time, steeped with passion and desire.
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it is three in the afternoon when you wake up. jaehyun is nowhere to be seen in the room.
immediately, you jump out of bed to look for him, heart already sinking to the floor. but those feelings of fear vanish when you see him standing pretty in your kitchen, wearing an apron you forgot you even owned, cooking up something that smelled utterly delectable.
you basically run over to him and hug him from behind, pressing the side of your face against his back.
“you scared me.”
“I did? I’m sorry about that.”
“I thought you left me.”
“I would never do that, not now, when I finally have you for myself.”
his words are reassuring and comforting. maybe that is what you needed in your life.
you find out later that he fixed your car that morning and cleaned up the glass pieces in the garage from the broken vase. and you realize that even though he cannot necessarily “fix” you or your problems entirely, he wants to help you get better. and you shouldn’t run away and deny the support because you would do the same for him.
there are small feelings in this world that will eat you up and spit you right out, but there are also small feelings that, over time, will help you become a better person. the key is to recognize each one and feel them all the way through: let them run their course. with jaehyun, you were able to deal with those emotions and feelings together.
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a/n: thank you for getting through this mess of a fic oh my god. sorry for the rushed and corny ass ending (and the lack of editing). but this has been sitting in my drafts since february and I just want to be rid of it.
I have just been going through so much lately and it's taking everything in me to not just end my shit likeee. also who peeped that twilight-esque time skip LMFAOOOO
anyways let me stop being big and rude. please lmk if you liked this or if you have any requests (my inbox is always open!) love yall <3
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sc3n3kitt3h · 2 years
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kagejima · 2 years
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@mrskenmakozume @northofneverland we really gonna do this again for the second time this week, huh? 😮‍💨 idk if i can do it again, im still recovering from the last time 😵‍💫
now that i have had a full like ten hours to recover--
my head empty, bro, obviously all i can think about is how atsumu is OBVIOUSLY bisexual - in my knowledge we bisexuals are either incredibly nervous or incredibly chaotic, there is no inbetween with us..... anyways, man would not hesitate to suck shugo's cock as soon as it popped out of you. jesus, im already picturing the fucking eye contact this motherfucker would make and the hums he would purposely do to make shugo feel good and make you whimper and wiggle on shugo's laps as you watched him with shugo's cock in his mouth and how wet he'd make it before he helped slide it back into you.....
shoyo is just vibrating like a little energizer bunny and wants to fuck you as soon as he can, he's B E G G I N G shugo to let him have a turn with you, whining because his hand is moving so quickly over his cock (((maybe youre staring at shoyo's muscles too, he's been working out really hard with bo and tsumu 💪🏻))) chsjfjwj hinata may be small but his cock is certainly not, ill die on that hill. you're fucking just obsessed with the way he's fucking his fist that shugo has to grab the back of your head and pull you by your hair so you'll stop looking at shoyo. shoyo stands up on the bench, his aching and weepy hard cock in your face and he's pressing it against your cheek and begging you to let him fuck your mouth, he wants to so bad :((
omi is just the littlest bit ashamed that he's just as turned on by this as everybody else,,,, but it's been so long since he's been touched this way, so long since he's felt the heat and wetness that comes with fucking..... he's so hesitant that he's almost on the outside of it while tsumu and shoyo are going feral about this and tsumu is jacking off while sucking on shugo's cock trying to get you nice and ready again
omi is just very shyly stroking his cock to the chaos of it all, and it's your sweet little voice saying his name that finally gets him to come over to you
BO???? Baby, bo has a new kink unlocked, but he's not gonna admit it in front of fucking shugo, he'll never hear the end of it. Bo is TRYING not to touch himself while all of this chaos is happening ----
tsumu is on his knees in front of you and shugo and jacking himself off, watching shugo's cock bully its way into your little cunt over and over... you've got shoyo's cock in your mouth and it's taking everything in shoyo to not just grab your head and face-fuck you to the point that your throat hurts and you're coughing and gagging around him, one of your hands is wrapped around omi's cock as you're trying to help him and the WHINE shoyo makes when you stop sucking his cock and start sucking on omi's instead.....
baby, bo is S T R U G G L I N G because he loves seeing you being used like this by his closest friends and he isn't allowed to touch you..... shugo is watching bo throughout it though, bo's hands at his sides and clenching them into fists as precum dribbles from the head of his cock and down onto the tile of the locker room floor....
and shugo is groaning and murmuring in your ear, he's like
"look at your sweet little boyfriend, babygirl.... are you gonna help him?"
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koi-bysunset · 3 years
hi! first, i want to say that your post about touch-ups on toasty’s hair has been living in my brain all day, i love it so much <333
what about a scenario where xyx takes you on his bike to one of his favourite locations? :)
signing as anon bc i’m not brave
- 🦎
i know i said i’ll answer this during the weekend, but i couldn’t help myself. i hope u like this just as much as my other stuff!
(wherein xyx takes you for a morning outside.)
today you've learned to be careful of what you wish for.
you've always hinted at wanting to be taken to xyx' favorite place. sure, you've learned not to push things too far when it comes to him, but it still remains at the back of your mind, never failing in making itself known every few days. after all, for a man who's travelled most of the world, his favorite place would have to be pretty special. oh, regret.
you wake up to a warm breeze on your face--too warm. you lift your hand up to shield yourself from it, and the wind comes forth with a voice. "come on, love. time to get up."
"wh..." you open your eyes--they're crusted together, oh god--and see xyx's face over yours, lips pursed and ready to blow air on your face again to wake you up. "huh?"
"get ready, we're leaving in 10 minutes." you feel his lips press on your cheek. "where are we going?" your voice is hoarse and you can barely see past the sleepy haze, but you start to get up anyway. a soft green light catches your eye and you look at it: the clock reads 4:00AM. "xyx what the fuck."
"as much as i love watching you sleep, i'm taking you somewhere."
"uh, okay? where?"
"somewhere special." you feel the bed dip as he leans in to give you a kiss. "this is going to be worth it, love. i promise." your mind clears a little bit as you decide to humor him and make your way over to the bathroom to make yourself look less like a sleepy disaster. you do the bare minimum: wash your face, brush your teeth, comb out your hair with your fingers. you take a second to look at yourself in the mirror and decide to put on a little bit of perfume.
xyx waits for you outside, leaning on his motorbike. "took you long enough."
"oh i'm sorry, it's kind of hard to get my ass up when the birds aren't even awake yet." he only chuckles in reply and swings his leg over his bike. "get in, we don't have all day."
"i'm pretty sure we do when it's this early." he only gives you a look. "doll. behave." 
that's surely one way to shut you up.
you oblige him and ride the bike, going behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist. "all good, love?" you nod against his back, still reeling from his last comment. he revs the engine and you're off.
if you weren't awake then, you're certainly awake now. you've never really gotten used to riding with xyx, at least not yet. he drives with a unique intensity, like he's always racing someone even if there's nobody else there. like he's running away from something. hair whipping in the wind and air whistling on your ears, he drives and brakes and speeds and all you can do is hold on to him like your life depended on it, because oftentimes it does.
you race through traffic, passing the city to the residential areas, then the open highway, ending up going through a dirt road. xyx goes slower now, swerving to avoid chunks of rock and hardened soil. eventually you come to a closed fence, overrun with weeds and crawling vines. "we're here, love." you can feel his voice vibrate through his back. "are you alright?"
"yeah, just a little winded. that was a long ride. what was that, one hour?" he gently taps your hand to let you know it's time to get off. "one and a half hours, actually." you get off and so does he, and he pushes the motorbike up to the chain linked fence. you see him yank on something repeatedly, and the gate announces its opening with a loud creak. he goes in without another word, and of course you follow.
the gate seems to entrap a small jungle. grass covers every inch of the ground, save for a few cracked and mossy slabs of cement to serve as footpaths. you look to the right and see what seems to be a ticket booth covered in moss and dirt. you see bushes, trees, defunct lamp posts wrapped in vines. the place seemed to be abandoned for years, if not decades.
xyx seems to feel your curiosity. "this place was once a botanical garden," he starts to explain. "it was supposed to be for the students at the community college just behind this. the college ran out of money, and they had to shut everything down." you walk on a canopy of dried leaves and overripe fruit. "nobody bothered to clean up the mess to put it back on the market, so i bought it and left it this way."
"thank god. by the way you wrestled that gate i thought we were doing a little B&E this morning." he laughs loudly. "did you really? that's adorable." he looks back at you. "don't worry doll, i'll represent both of us if it comes to it." you just roll your eyes at him in response. "we're here." he kicks the stand for the motorcycle and leaves it aside.
it's just now that you notice he brought his work satchel with him. "what's that for?"
"you'll see."
"but i want to see it now." he clicks his tongue. "tsk, tsk. what did i say about behaving?" he winks. "anyway, we're here. just a few steps left, doll."
you hear it before you see it: running water. xyx pushes aside a few branches and you see a staircase leading down to a small waterfall. the water is clear and the rocks are smooth with years of continuous erosion, and you can see there are stumps and slabs of concrete built as a makeshift picnic table. you gasp. "xyx... wow." he's already gone down a few steps, and he's reaching out to you. "be careful my love, you might slip. hold on to me, yeah?"
the two of you go down the stairs, and he puts down the satchel on the table. "beautiful, isn't it?" he points to the direction opposite the waterfall. "the sun rises on that side." he starts taking out several plastic tubs filled with food, and it hits you: a sunrise picnic. "xyx." he ignores you. "xyx."
"you asked me once about taking you to my favorite spot and i just." he pauses as he opens the lids of the containers. toast, tomatoes, eggs, avocado, insulated mugs for coffee. "i know you think about it, sometimes. you don't say it but i can feel it." he looks at you. "i was just afraid i'll fuck it up or you won't like it. i had to convince myself for a while that you haven’t actually seen it yet to even say you don’t like it." you step closer to him and he looks away. "this is the one place i have where everything falls away and sometimes i go here to think about a lot of things--to think about us." 
"nothing bad, i hope." he laughs, soft and vulnerable. you want to reach out to him, but you know he doesn't like to be coddled. "no, no. nothing bad, love. just--ah, can we sit?" you oblige him and you both sit down. he brings out two empty containers and begins dividing the portions. one for you, one for him. "just, you know. general stuff."
you know he isn't done talking, so you wait. "i genuinely didn't think i'd love you like this, you know." his face is tinged pink, and you see the rays of sunlight slowly peeking from behind his head. the morning is still blue, but the warmth reaches out its fingers. "it's been a lifelong fear of mine--being left alone. sometimes i let people in and," he adjusts himself on his seat and grabs a plastic fork to start eating, but instead he just holds it, poised to slice himself a bite but not actually doing it. "i always think that they'll leave one way or another. most times i'm proven right." oh, your heart begins to ache for him, for this self-fulfilling prophesy, this self-fulfilling tragedy, this man who is always left behind, who took up law to make himself see better, pick things apart and choose words in a way that suits him to let people think he's being generous without actually giving anything. your heart aches for this man, your broken lover, smile wielded like a weapon, jokes at the ready like bows and arrows pulled taut, heart locked in a chest in a secret room, only allowing the briefest of glimpses. 
his face is open, so open to you, you're the only one to see him like this, weapons lowered, gates lifted, guards guiding you to his heart. "sometimes, though," he reaches out to hold your hand. "i'm proven wrong."
you don't know what to say, so you say nothing, you squeeze his hand and fight back tears and hope it's enough, hope that he sees how you're bleeding for him, how you'll give the world to him if he so much as ask. "i've never felt so alive, since you. i always knew what being alive is supposed to feel like, but i've never quite gotten there. no matter how far up i jump, no matter how fast i drive, it's just out of my reach." he exhales a laugh through his nose. "i used to think something was wrong with me, you know." a beat of silence passes. "i mean, something's definitely wrong with me, but--you know what i mean." his voice is softer now, going softer still--barely a whisper above the river's music--and the sun starts to show the top of its head from the horizon. "i used to... i used to think about it a lot, you know. how close i could cut it. how much farther i have to go so i can just feel alive." he picks at his food. "i never thought i would get that feeling just being in a call with you and watching you fuck up tongue twisters."
the laugh that bursts out of you is loud and unexpected. "oh my god you ass, stop ruining the moment, i haven't told you that i love you too." his smile eases. "it's not ruining the moment if it's true, love." he traces circles on your hand with his thumb. "sometimes when we stay in and you get really close to me, i'll start to feel my heart pounding. i-it's ridiculous, really."
you are melting. the sun reveals itself behind xyx and he is bathed in a golden halo of light, heart bare and yours for the taking. "xyx." he is starting to trust again and he chose you to trust just as much as you chose him. you grip his hand tight and try to say all the words you can't because the words 'i love you' sound so simple now. this is more than that. this is lifetimes of devotion and trust and deep caring that consumes, that gives, that hurts and fills and breaks and forms. this is love unprecedented, this is what being alive is like. "i love," you choke because the word is not enough and you're frustrated, dammit, you want him to know everything that he makes you feel and you want to give him your still-beating heart and let him know you are at his mercy. but sure, the word love will do. "i love you. so fucking much."
he smiles back at you, sunlit and sublime, and for a moment you realize that this is something that will stay with you forever. "i love you too." he looks down at the food on the table. "let's eat, shall we? don't want this to get cold, not after i spent hours preparing this." you nod, taking a bite. xyx turns his head back and sees a fully-risen sun. "ah, dammit. missed the sunrise." you smile to yourself. you got to see the sunrise, and he was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen that morning.
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blxkwxrl-blog · 3 years
i never thought of making smuts lmao but i kinda wanna, so i hope you'll like it.
yn - your name
yfn1 - your friend(1)'s name
yfn2 - your friend(2)'s name
ycn - your crush's name
ybn - your boyfriend's name
ycgn - your crush's girlfriend's name
summer is almost over, yet youre still not done with all this school work.
you sighed as you scroll past the photos your classmates posted from their vacation. its been long since you met your boyfriend too,
so you called him up, to plan a meet. he didnt pickup.
you saw your phone beeping from texts from your friend.
yfn1: hey yn, wanna go out tomorrow? a new club opened nearby.
you: sure! will it be just the two of us?
yfn1: no no. it will be me, you, yfn2 and ycn.
you felt your heart beating a bit faster.
you: ycgn wont come?
yfn1: no shes busy.
you: okay then.
but you couldnt stop your heart racing, just by the thought of his presence near you. the guilt of having a crush on someone else, whilst being in a relationship was eating you up. but luckily yoir boyfriend was pretty understanding, so he understood your problem and let you go to the club.
you knew it was wrong,
The next day;
you got in his car, as he took the shotgun. you couldn't help but stare at his veiny arm, and his hazel eyes. "so yn, are you done with school work?"
you were so distracted by him, that you ignored the question your friend asked.
"yn are you okay?"
you startled, and nodded as a response.
you all reached the club after an hour. the music was loud, your felt your whole body vibrating, as the music blasted at its full volume.
"hey yn, do you want a drink?" he asked, you nodded, and said "just order a beer for me, i dont want to get drunk."
he nodded, and ordered two beers for him and you. your guilt was haunting you, as your boyfriend's face came to your mind. 'i shouldnt, why do i like him? i shouldnt...why..why..no.'
you felt your stomachs forming knots. a sudden nauseous feeling took over your body, just from imagining your boyfriend's face. 'i shouldnt, and i wont.'
"yn are you okay?" ycn asked, he looked concerned. "hm" you said, as you gulped down the beer. the sweet taste of the beer filled your mouth, as you talked to ycn about yourself and other things you were curious about.
"ycn look, he looks like he got laid or something" you laughed as you saw a random guy passing by, who looked extremely proud and happy, judging from his facial expressions.
"how did you know he was drunk?" ycn asked smirking at you. "experience." you replied, taking a sip of your beer. "well what kind of experience?" ycn raised his eyebrows, as he smirked at you. "ummm blowjob probably. ybn and i didnt go that far yet"
you looked away as he smirked at you more,
"show me the kind of experience you have.", judging from his words and tone, you thought he was joking. so you laughed and played along. "sure, unzip and i'll show you my godly skills."
"oh yea? then get down the chair." you were a bit shook, but you didnt show that. "sure mister. open up first."
"hey yn and ycn!" you heard your other two friends calling you. you two talked to them, and ordered food.
you and ycn sat beside eachother. "feed me" ycn said. you laughed and took your spoon. he stopped you and said "no no, with your hand"
you were a bit shy, but anyways you fed him with your hands, but there was something strange. you felt him sucking your fingers slightly. you pulled your hand out, and blushed.
"my turn!" he fed you, but to your reflex, you bit his finger. "that hurts moron", he said hitting you playfully. you hit him back. he accidentally touched your thigh, you blushed a bit,
"that was by mistake. im sorry" he said
"its okay, dont worry about it" you smiled at him.
"hey guys do you know where the washroom is?", you asked.
"i do.", ycn replied. "shall i escort you milady?" he said.
you laughed and nodded.
"hey" ycn said,
"yeah?" you replied from the washroom.
"do you want me to come in?" he joked, you played and said.
to your surprise, he did actually come in.
"what are you doing ycn?" you asked. he pinned you against the wall, you could feel his alcholic breath, hitching against your neck, as he stared deep into your eyes. you felt him leaning in closer, 'this is wrong'. 'i shouldnt do it'. 'i cant hurt ybn, but it feels weirdly right'.
for a second you gave in yourself, after battling in your mind. "haha gotch ya!". ycn laughed, as he smiled in victory.
"god youre such an idiot." you said. "noo youuu." ycn snickered back at you, as he laughed at your flustered face.
you were glad he didnt do it, but deep down you wanted him to.
"what took you two so long?" your friends asked. you laughed and said "oh we were having a quickie."
ycn nodded and smirked at you.
"hey yn" ycn called you, "mhm?" you said as you feasted on the noodles on your plate. "how are your legs so smooth? what do you use?"
you almost spat out your food, you replied "eh i dont use anything, except my razor."
ycn nodded in response.
"hey dont waste the food" you said, as you saw few pieces of meet on the plate. "do you want it ycn?" you asked.
"yes" ycn replied, "but only if you feed it to me.......with your mouth."
you were kinda flustered. there was a sudden rush of excitement, to feel his lips, but the guilt held you back.
"no no" you said,
"then", he took a piece of meat in his mouth, and put it in your mouth. you blushed hard, as you felt his lips brushing against yours.
"do you wanna take pics?" he asked. you nodded.
he wrapped his hand around his shoulder, and pulled you in. you felt warm, you could hear his heart beating rhythmatically.
it was around 8pm now,
"hey, my mom will kill me if i dont go soon. wanna go together?" you asked.
he nodded and booked a cab for you two.
"hey, you know.." he said, and leaned in closer, and kissed your cheek lightly. "youre attractive, the most attractive person ive ever met."
he leaned in, and slipped in his tongue in your mouth. you savoured every inch of his mouth, as he slid his hand under your shirt, and squeezed your breast. "this feels right, but..."
"ma'am is this your stop?" the cab driver's words broke the heat in the air. you nodded, and opened the door for yourself.
"i'll miss you yn" he said, kissing your lips for ome last time, "i'll miss you too", you whispered, as you hugged him as hard as you could for one last time, before bidding him a final farewell.
you took a heavy breath, as you walked towards your house, the guilt of cheating and being in love with someone else, made you feel sick.
but at the same time,
it all felt so right.
The next morning;
you were having the worst migrane ever, you sighed as you snuck in some aspirins in your bedroom.
the memories from last night, made you feel light, as you gulped down the bitter aspirin.
you: hey! did you reach home safely?
ycn: yeah. you?
you: yeah. sorry for not asking sooner, i passed out.
ycn: its cool.
you: so you remember last night?
ycn: what about it?
you: what you told me?
ycn: ??
you: no nevermind, my bad, i mixed you with someone else.
ycn: hm, take care.
you: yeah, you too.
you felt your heart breaking,
you felt nauseous,
you were numb.
you fell in love,
you lived your dream.
but whats the price?
a bittersweet after-taste of the alcohol.
no memories from the night,
you two confessed.
A/N (author's note):
Hey guys! hope that you will like it. comment if you want a part 2 or a continuation,
or another imagine. i can do custom imagines too,
hope that you'll like it,
have a good day<3
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formulawonu · 3 years
flutters / mick schumacher
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(not my gif! creds to owner <3)
warning: kissing, getting a little touchy,, and just being flustered idk
summary: *requested by @gpiggy98​ <3* mick has just finished an intense race and you’re the only person he really wants to be around at the moment since you’re his best friend. you’ve secretly liked him for a while now and offer/give him a massage to cool down after the race and you can’t help but get flustered at the intimacy of the moment.
a/n: honestly. what would i give to have mick as my best friend. what would i give to basically have mick in my life. FOR REAL. ugh mick schumacher supremacy. anw i didnt know how to end this one properly so idk if im 100% satisfied but it was fun writing hsjakdhasd but enjoy anyway x (i’m always open to requests btw!!!!)
It’s the end of the Hungarian Grand Prix and you feel like you can finally breathe properly after a couple of hours. You’d think you’d have gotten used to going through race weekends by now but you always seem to find your breath caught in your throat and worrying over the safety of your best friend. Mick had finished in p12 - his current best finish throughout the season - and you were extremely proud of him. Despite how well he did defending from other cars on the field in the car he has, you can tell from the way his brows furrow together after removing his helmet that he’s far from satisfied. Watching him go through the procedure after each race required by the FIA from the garage, you decide to make your way back to the hospitality in order to not get into anyone’s way. You figured that you would just talk to Mick when he was free and tell him proud you are of him. What you were not expecting was Mick to show up at the hospitality earlier than you had expected, his body language clearly still tense, and motioning you with just his head to follow him up to his assigned driver’s room. He doesn’t really stop to wait for you or anything because he knows you understand that he doesn’t want to be around a lot of people right now. It leaves you feeling pleased that you’re still the one he wants to talk to. Perks of being his best friend.
“Hey, you.” You say as you enter Mick’s room, shutting the door behind you. You stand there for a while, leaning against the door as you take in Mick sitting down on the couch, his eyes shut with his head thrown back. His hair is all messy from wearing his helmet but it looks good anyway. You knew this wasn’t the right time to be thinking it, but you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t acknowledge how Mick made looking stressed extremely attractive. Sexy, even. Mick pops open one eye as he lazily looks at you. “I’m so frustrated.” He mumbles. He then pats the space beside him, telling you to come sit beside him. You make your way to the couch and plop down beside him, trying not to mind the way your heart beats faster as the distance between you both has marginally decreased. Immediately after and without warning, Mick drops his head on your lap. You want to blame the lack of AC for the sudden rise of temperature in the room you’re both in, but you know that the heat is really just rising in your cheeks as you imagine how close Mick is to your body. “I’m so tired.” He continues, shutting his eyes again. You can’t stop the way your heart is rapidly beating inside of your chest and you wouldn’t be surprised if Mick could actually hear it. The vibrations that come from Mick’s voice run through your whole body, leaving you to slightly shift your thighs closer together. You bring your hands to run through his hair, hoping to distract yourself from your own thoughts by giving him a small massage. Mick hums in response. You rub small circles into his temples, picturing him doing the same thing to you in another area of your body. You have to stop yourself there. You seriously cannot be thinking about this while you’re trying to distract yourself from the fact that Mick, your best friend, is all hot and sweaty. Well, there’s always points for trying. 
You don’t realize you’ve stopped the small massage you were giving him until you feel Mick’s hand grip your knee. “Why’d you stop? That felt so good.” The heat rushes to your cheeks and you can feel Mick’s eyes on your face. You can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes because you’re flustered at how dirty your thoughts had gotten because of a few words Mick had muttered in passing. The fact that his hand was still on your knee also did not help your case. It was something you had come to terms with a while ago: you deeply liked your best friend - that was why you were acting like this around him. You had tried your best to ignore the fuzzy feelings that came up every time you thought of him or the way your stomach would drop whenever he was around. You tried to deny and cover it up by saying you just really appreciated him as a person, but you eventually gave in and realized it was pointless to fight your feelings. It didn’t matter anyway. Mick was still your best friend, regardless of whatever feelings you had for him. 
“Oh. Sorry.” You mutter, still refusing to look at him as you try to will the heat in your cheeks to disappear. You knew not to make eye contact with Mick because those damn eyes knew you almost better than you knew yourself so meeting them would just spell out disaster for you. He would figure out something was off immediately. You begin moving your hands again through Mick’s hair, kneading in a new pattern. Your eyes land on the hand still resting on your knee. You focus on it as you continue to massage Mick when suddenly it begins to draw circles of its own nearer your inner thigh. Your breath hitches in your throat and you accidentally tug at Mick’s hair because of your unguarded reaction to his hand. You quickly look at his face to see if he’s felt that (though surely he has) and you find yourself looking into a pair of amused eyes. There’s a hint of playfulness in them as he’s probably made the connection that you are... well... currently going through it. “You okay, there?” He whispers, raising an eyebrow at you. You try to play it off, as you usually do. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I-” His hand moves higher up and you involuntarily pause. “-be.” You swallow and desperately try to focus on anything else but the hand that is now closer to you than you had ever imagined it to be. How white the wall is, how cool Mick’s helmet is, how comfortable the couch is. Mick suddenly shifts his position and the hand on your thigh disappears. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. The place where Mick’s hand once was now feels incredibly bare. Mick is still moving around until he’s positioned himself to be facing you, still lying down, with his head propped up by his hand. The arm propping his head up is over your legs - suddenly, you feel like you’ve fallen into a dangerous trap. 
“Hey there.” He whispers, smiling at you with those damn eyes filled with amusement. Like he knows. “Hi?” His free hand moves to trace lines up and down your arm. Goosebumps immediately come and you shiver. He smiles even wider, noting the way your body has unintentionally reacted to his touch. “Are you cold?” He continues to run a finger up and down your arm, mindlessly drawing his own patterns. His eyes never leaving yours. You know you should be answering him now, replying with anything really, but his hand has made its way back down and is now drawing circles on the part of your thigh he’s resting on. “Am- Am I what?” You ask, not remembering what he’s just said a few seconds ago. Your eyes move to glance at Mick’s hand then back to his face. Mick then fully sits up, this time lifting your legs to rest over his lap. “Something’s bothering you.” He says, gently turning your chin to have you face him. Your eyes land on his lips before you meet his eyes. “Not at all. I am just peachy.” He chuckles as you inwardly cringe, knowing full well that you didn’t sound convincing at all. What were you supposed to do when his other hand was now drawing those same distracting circles this time on your side. You had never been this close with Mick. You weren’t supposed to be this close to Mick. His eyes drop to your lips. “Can I try something to get whatever it is off your mind?” He whispers. You nod before you can think about what he’s just offered, too taken by how Mick’s face seems to be inching ever so closely to yours by the second. Your eyes flutter shut when you feel the touch of another pair of lips on yours. It starts out slow, almost shy, as if he’s checking to make sure you’re okay with what’s happening. But then you pull him closer to you, slightly parting your lips to invite him in. Your hands make their way around his neck and tugging at the ends of his hair. The pace has suddenly shifted and Mick has lifted you on top of him, letting you straddle him as he now moves his hands up and down the sides of your body. 
There was no way this was actually happening. All you wanted to do a couple of moments ago was tell Mick how proud you were of him. You push your body closer to his, trying to eliminate the almost nonexistent space between the two of you. Mick moans in your mouth, his hands gripping your waist tighter. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for so long.” He says in between kisses. He’s trailing kisses down your jaw then your neck. “Me too. You have no idea.” You breathe into his ear. You’re about to kiss him again when suddenly you hear a knock at the door. You both pause, looking at each other wide-eyed. 
“Mick, it’s Guenther. We need to debrief quickly. Won’t take long, I swear.” You slowly move off of Mick, trying not to make noise. You were sure no one thought you guys were doing anything weird anyway but you didn’t want to be caught looking like it. Mick is still sitting next to you, both of you trying not to laugh. It’s almost like he doesn’t want Guenther to think he’s in the room. “Mick,” You hear knocks coming from the other side of the door. “The earlier we start, the quicker you can get back. Hi to Y/N, who is in there too.” You both burst out laughing, the jig obviously up. Mick finally gets up, chuckling and accepting he has to go and start debriefing. 
“I’ll see you when I get back. Still need to get that thing off of your mind.” He says, winking at you as he steps out of the room. 
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caramelcal · 3 years
His Favorite Girl
a/n: HELLO. (sounding like the guy in the cinema cba lol) anyways I have returned for a brief period of time to share this update with you guys. It’s based off of this request here: “ Do you think you could write a Luke x gang again where maybe he has to leave for work during sex and the reader touches herself out of frustration and he comes back and finds her ?” 
STOP BECAUSE THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT WHAT THE REQUESTER WANTED BUT ILL WRITE SOMETHING AGAIN BUT LIKE JUST TH REQUEST IF THATS WHAT YOU GUYS WANT SDGHGDFGBH but this is kinda a part 2 to the Bambi/His Favorite Secret series thingy cause a few people wanted that! thank you guys so much for all the love mwah
i should literally be studying rn but im not so <3 im very sorry for this abomination lol
sorry for the long a/n guys! :( enjoy x 
word count: 3.4k
warnings: smutty stuff (fucking, fingering, anal and all that...ive never written this before so PLS PLS PLS give me feedback omg) uh choking, doesn’t have a daddy kink in this but sir is mentioned. talks of being tied up and being tied up? talks about overstim... he calls her little girl at one point...
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“Luke! Stop moving!” She lightly slapped her boyfriend’s hand, to which he groaned in return. Her tongue stuck out slightly from between her lips in concentration, eyebrows furrowing as she returned to the task she had firmly put her mind to. That was, until the blond giant moved again, “Luke!”
“Bambi,” Luke echoed lightly, using his nickname for the smaller girl in front of him who looked up at him with an unimpressed facial expression.
“You’re gonna ruin it,” She mumbled lightly, pointing back down at her artwork which Luke only then first looked at. It was safe to say, although he shouldn’t have been, he was thoroughly shocked.
His nails, which his girl had somehow managed to convince him into painting weren’t black, or blue. No, they were bright, blasting, hot pink. He groaned lightly, wondering just how exactly she had managed to rope him into this and just how he was going to hide his nails from the rest of the gang later on tonight when he -they- met up with them tonight.
She was a bundle of both nerves and excitement, finally getting to meet Luke’s closest friends. It had been about a week since their argument, and now she was meeting his friends. It seemed like everything was moving in the right direction, thankfully. She couldn’t wait to be honest, very much looking forward to being able to hear more about Luke from his friends, and just meeting them in general.
They seemed fun.
Well, as fun as gang members could be. She probably should have been more cautious surrounding them, but Luke got her guard down so quickly and she was yet to regret that. How scary could they possibly be considering the man in front of her, soft blond curls held back by her bunny bath headband, nails painted hot pink, was supposed to be the scariest man in the whole city.
“Cal’s gonna rip the piss outta me for this, Bambi,” He complained softly, with no plans to take the polish off of his nails as he looked at his girlfriend, between his legs, small hand wrapped around the bottle of nail polish with her other hand laying against his knee.
She couldn’t help the small upturn of her lips as she blew softly against the nail polish on his fingernails, not patient enough to let it airdry despite it being a fast-drying polish. She shrugged lightly, head flopping to the side adorably as Luke stared down at her, resisting the urge to run his hands through her hair; another issue he had with the wet paint on his fingernails.
“I think it looks great, we’re matching,” She then flaunted the bright pink color that coated her own nails, and Luke’s lips twitched into a grin, careful not to ‘aww’ at the cute words that came out of the smaller girl’s mouth.
He hummed lightly, leaning back against the couch but his baby blues never leaving her face, “They look a lot better on you than they do me, Bambi.”
“I think they’re cute,” The girl climbed onto his lap, making Luke take a deep intake of breath as she sits barely an inch away from a rather sensitive area of his. She, however, seemed to pay no attention to the risen area of his jeans as she leaned against his chest, face hidden in the crook of his neck, soft breaths from her mouth fanning against his neck.
He twisted to give her a small kiss on the forehead, to which she responds by kissing his neck softly, lips staying against his neck as her hand traveled up his stomach up to his neck, holding him close as she began to kiss the base of his neck more.
“Lu,” She whispered softly, “How much time have we got?”
“Like an hour, baby. Why?”
However, the girl never replied verbally, and instead repositioned herself carefully, Luke’s neck void from her warmth before her hand started to travel down, painfully slow, until it landed right above the tent in his jeans. His eyes traveled up to meet hers, eyebrow raised as she dropped her hand down barely, lips struggling to pull the smirk away.
He lifted his hands to her back, going to reposition her before she shook her head, “Your nail polish, Lu. Hands down.”
His hands didn’t move, frozen in place around her clothed waist. His nails were long since dried, she knew that, but she liked this. She liked the intake of breath he took when her hand ghosted over the hardened cock in his jeans, the way he couldn’t lift his hands; scared to smudge the pink on his nails.
He was restricted. Oh, how the tables had turned.
Her hand gently palmed against his hardened, clothed cock, causing a grumble to emit from his throat. It was a deep rumbling sound, -something that the girl had heard numerous times but would never get used to.
To her, everything about Luke was perfect, even his moans.
“Bambi, you know the rules about teasing-”
Her lips attached to his, cutting him off rather efficiently, pressing softly as she continued to palm him through his jeans, gently rocking on his thigh. He moaned into their kiss, her tongue, as a reflex, finding its way into his mouth. Their tongues pressed against one another, lips still pressed together as her spare hand crawled up to the back of his neck, playing with his soft curls.
Her palm pressed into his fully hardened cock now, his tongue swiping over her lips before tugging on it, pulling apart, breathless. His hands found a place on her waist, guiding her softly but firmly, taking back the control he craved.
Looking her straight in the eyes, one of Luke’s hands went around her neck, thumb pulling her lower lip down as he unbuckled his belt with one hand, taking his cock out of its confined clothing and bringing her hand down to hold onto it. It wasn’t the first time that she had given him a handjob, and it wouldn’t be the last, but she still couldn’t help but be nervous.
Despite not being a virgin when she met Luke, she still lacked a lot of experience that Luke definitely had. She knew that he would never judge her, but that never stopped the nerves that festered.
“All shy all of a sudden, Bambi?” He mocked, hand around her neck tightening as he bit down on her ear lobe, gently tugging at it before letting out a breath, “All big and brave, teasing Sir, aren’t you? If you’re going to start it, then you’re going to finish it. On your knees. Now.”
Releasing a shaky breath, the girl clambered out of Luke’s lap dropping to the floor, in a similar position to the one she had been in minutes before, only in a more sexual manner. Her lips met the tip of his cock, tongue lightly swiping across the base.
His hand grabbed firmly onto the hair on the back of her head, holding her steady as she got used to the feeling of his cock in her mouth before thrusting against her. She gagged as it hit the back of her throat, sending vibrations up him, releasing a deep moan from his throat.
“Suck, little girl,” Luke commanded deeply, leaving no room for argument as the smaller girl abided to his command, tongue swiping over him as she reached up to cover the last part of his cock with her hand.
Yet, she didn’t get much further when a ringing sounded through the room, Luke groaning but ultimately pulling away from the girl who stayed on the floor, watching Luke as he grabbed his phone.
“What?” He gritted his teeth lightly, trying to keep his frustration at bay after being interrupted.
He sighed softly, not looking at the small girl with furrowed eyebrows still on the floor as he pulled his jeans back up, clambering to get shoes on and getting ready to leave, hanging the phone up.
“Luke what’s going on?”
“Gang shit, Bambi. I gotta get going, be ready for six, we’re meeting Cal, Ash, and Mike later, remember?” He offered her no more words, but she can tell he isn’t angry at her, just due to their interruption.
However, she can’t help but be frustrated at the interruption, waiting until after Luke leaves to huff and puff about it before starting to get ready.
. . .
“Luke has this old penguin fan account on Instagram from like seven years ago. There’s this one picture on there with him with a penguin hat-”
“Cal, stop,” Luke interrupted Cal swiftly, an arm going around his smaller girlfriend’s waist who looked far too amused by the embarrassing things about Luke that Cal was telling.
“No, no, Calum please keep going. Please,” The girl begged, feeling very comfortable around the Maori boy. They were pleasant, to her at least, and so far they had made her feel very comfortable and very much at home. It was hard to believe that the people joking with her where infamous mobsters, ones that were feared all across the city, and state. 
They had met in Ashton’s house, who she had already met before, at six o’clock. It turns out gang members like to be punctual, or maybe it was only these ones.
Luke was in a bit of a hurry once he arrived back home, with no time to finish what he and his girl had started before he had to leave in a hurry, leaving her oh so frustrated. This was only magnified when she saw him afterward, ready to head to Ash’s in that pale pink silk button-up that only seemed like it would suit him; like it was made specifically for him.
Maybe it was.
Luke was never shy of customized clothing, cars, or anything he wanted honestly. If you have the money, why not? Was always his answer when she asked why he seemed to wear all of these expensive items. If it wasn’t custom-made, it was a high-quality designer that he wore, she rarely ever found him in anything that didn’t smell of cash and high-class, -far too expensive but albeit intoxicating- cologne.
This money of Luke’s also happened to extend to her also. He was never shy of picking her up a few things, letting her have his card for shopping and now, he started going out shopping with her too. He didn’t look like the type that would go out with his ‘girlfriend’ or anyone, but in the case of her, he followed her around like a lost puppy; willing to hold her bags, let her drain his bank account. Not that she did, anyway. She was still mindful, even if Luke had more money than he knew what to do with.
“Nah, can’t. Don’t want Luke to kill me for embarrassing me in front of his precious little girlfriend,” Calum teased lightly, shaking his head as his eyes darted to meet Luke’s baby blues. Truthfully, Luke could pretend to be annoyed at Cal and the rest for exposing his old penguin Instagram account but he was just glad to see them getting along with the girl that owned his heart.
She was the first girlfriend that his best friends seemed to approve of. He didn’t normally bring his girlfriends to meet them, but the ones he did, the boys he called his best friends didn’t usually like them. For the first time, Luke could actually see a future with the girl in front of him, beamingly smiling as Cal and Michael joke about with her and laughing at their attempts of humor.
God, he loved her.
“So, do you think they like me?” She asked the moment they got home, the door shut behind them. Luke turned around, staring at the wide-eyed girl with a small smile on his lips.
Did she seriously not realize how much they liked her? Especially with how much joking that they had done with her, he was certain that she would have realized but then again, she wasn’t the most self-assured person when it comes to new people. He nodded his head, “Yeah, Bambi. They really liked you.”
Luke would never get over the way her eyes sparkled, his smile only growing. She looked amazing in that red silky dress that he had bought her, and he looked just as good in the coral colored button-up he was wearing.
Their lips met softly, Luke bending down slightly to meet her lips as the girl went up on her tiptoes, bare feet on the top of Luke’s shoes. He didn’t mind, in fact, he barely even realized as he swiped his tongue across her bottom lip for access which she quickly gave him. Her hands wrapped around his neck, one entangling in his blond curls, while his went around her waist and one under her ass, lifting her up.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, lips never breaking away from his as she moaned into the kiss. She pushed herself closer to him as the kiss heated up, eyes closed as Luke tried his best to navigate the way to their bedroom. Thankfully, even with his eyes partially closed and completely distracted by the soft lips on his, he managed to get there, fumbling with the doorknob before kicking the door open.
Luke pulled away quickly to get a breath, now at the edge of the bed as his mouth went to the side of her face, pressing kisses along her neck before whispering in a sinfully sultry voice, “Let’s finish what we started earlier, huh?”
With that, she was placed down on the bed, staring at Luke with a glaze in her eyes, lust, lips slightly swollen as he pushed her dress up, nudging her underwear to the side. His fingers ghosted over her pussy, making her take a ragged intake of breath. He was on top of her, watching her as she awaited every movement of his fingers, completely helpless under his touch.
“So wet for me, baby,” He murmured, pressing a few chaste kisses against the base of her neck as he rubbed her slit. She didn’t reply just yet, whining lightly when he slowed down his movements, coming to a stop, “Tell me what you want baby.”
“You, Lu. I want you, sir,” Her words flooded out of her mouth quickly, the aching between her legs becoming too much. If Luke didn’t do something about it soon then she would have to. She stared up at his smirking face above her. His fingers pulled away from her, making her whine as he reached for his belt, skillfully unbuckling it and letting his cock spring free from its confines.
He looked up at her as he repositioned himself, her squirming with need beneath him before he lined his tip at her entrance, baby blues meeting her eyes, “You sure?”
She nodded vigorously in return, but Luke didn’t move, commanding lightly, “Words, baby.”
“Please Luke, I’m sure. Please fuck me.” He swatted her thigh at the sound of the swear falling from her lips but obliged nonetheless, plunging deep into her letting out a moan, her strangled moan following behind.
He plunged in once again, hitting a spot that made her whimper and moan at the same time, hands reaching around to his back, clawing on the now exposed skin. Luke’s hips are flushed against hers as he goes deep inside of her once again, both moaning.
“Fuck, Bambi,”
Luke’s pace quickened, thrusts becoming sloppier as he continued to thrust into her, hitting her sweet spot over and over, moans filling the room with small pleads from her and soft curses from him.
Then a phone went off. Luke froze inside of her, and she groaned, sweaty, a mess, and incredibly sexually frustrated. She could feel Luke sitting inside of her; how big he was. She thought that he was going to ignore the phone call, to continue something that they were robbed of earlier. He wasn’t really going to let them be interrupted twice today, was he?
He reached over to the bedside table, picking his phone up and looking at the caller ID before sighing. He pulled out of her, baby blues looking at her with a frown, “I need to take this.”
“Luke,” It was a plead. For him to stay with her, to let them finish what they started. She shuffled lightly until she was sitting in front of him, on her knees. Her hand went to the side of his face, caressing it gently as she put her face at his neck, “Stay with me, Sir. I need you.”
He knew exactly what she was trying to do, but he wasn’t going to fall for it. He pulled away from her, gripping onto her side as a warning with his free hand, “No, Bambi.”
His voice was low, a warning for her to stop what she was doing as he sent her a pointed look. He didn’t even let her make another move or get another word in before he was back in his jeans and walking out of the room, leaving her alone.
The seconds that she was alone turned into minutes, and those minutes turned into ten, then fifteen. She shifted uncomfortably, still on edge and incredibly frustrated. It didn’t seem like Luke was coming back as he had left without saying goodbye or telling her where he was going to be or how long. Was this all because she had tried to get him to stay?
Well, if he wasn’t going to get back, she would have to take stuff into her own hands. Leaning back, her hand reached her own clit, rubbing desperately, basking in the feeling once again. This time, she would get the job done.
Her fingers slipped inside of her, curling into her, moans softly filtering out of her lips. She was close, her fingers covered in her own slick as she continued to curl her hands into herself, soft pants falling from her lips as she spread her legs more to get a better angle, trying to go deeper.
Her hands would never be as good as Luke’s though, her small fingers not holding a torch to his digits. He knew everything that made her squirm, even better than she did, he had her all decoded, knew how to navigate her better than anyone else ever could.
“Baby I need to get-” Luke opened the door, stopping when his eyes met her figure on the middle of the bed, fingers inside of her as soft breaths fell from her lips. Her head titled back, eyes lidded as he froze on the spot before a smirk made its way onto his face.
“Really?” He asked incredulously, sauntering up to the bed before grabbing onto her wrist, pulling her fingers out of her desperate cunt making her whine. Her eyes met his, which never strayed, even after he brought her hand up to his mouth and swirling his tongue around her slick-covered digits.
“Quiet,” He shut her up quickly, voice hard and commanding, something that made nerves bundle in her stomach and turned her on even more. He stood up again, sauntering over to the dresser before pulling a belt from the top of it, grabbing her hands and confining them with the thick leather, “Since you can’t keep your hands off of that pretty little pussy of mine, I guess we’re going to have to do something about that.”
Luke pulled her up to the headboard, hooping the leather around there and tightening it. When he let go, she pulled against the leather restraints, only to find her hands unable to move from their position at the headboard.
“So desperate to cum, baby? Well, you’ll be desperate to stop after I make you come over and over until there’s no more cum left in your body and you're writhing beneath me. Do you understand me, baby?”
“Yes Sir,” She whimpered out in return, nodding her head as she breathed heavily, watching Luke’s hand as it trailed teasingly down her side until it reached her pussy, a finger flicking up and down it, making her hips jerk up.
“But first of all, I need to go deal with the drug run. See you later, Bambi.”
And with a smirk on his face, Luke left his girlfriend there, tied up to the bed, whining for him to come back. And he would, and when he did, she wouldn’t be walking for days afterward.
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subspencer · 4 years
giving chip a blowjob is something so personal to me!! he’s so used to just giving and not receiving (as we’ve seen too many times in the movie) so when you drop to your knees and start unbuckling his pants he’s just like “??? are you sure ??? you don’t have too!” and you have to tell him that sex is supposed to be both parties receiving pleasure, and you’re glad to help him!! i feel like he would still be kind of :/ because he doesn’t feel like he deserves things like that. anyways i just want to spend so much time showing chip that he deserves nice things and is just an amazing person 💗💗 I WANT TO MAKE HIM FEEL GOOD IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK
(🫐 anon)
sorry this was meant to be horny & i made it a bit sad. it’s still horny tho. settle in this is a long one.
chip taylor always looks sad. he’s smiles a whole lot, but he always looks sad. it’s behind his eyes, and he can’t possibly smile hard enough to cover that up.
he tries to though, and you notice it every time. and it’s the most obvious whenever his girlfriend comes to the bar to pick chip up from work. she always parks her car right out front and lets the roar of its engine be what notifies him it’s time to leave, and the only time you’ve seen her face is when she came in to berate him for taking too long. she rarely likes to come inside, she thinks the kind of people who work in a dive bar like this are beneath her. it makes chip wonder what she must really think of him.
he goes every time he hears the engine, always waving the other bartenders goodbye with a big smile and sad eyes. you think you probably look the same as he does by now, smiling at him on the outside, but sad on the inside because you know how much he’s probably hurting. you look like that every time he leaves through those doors.
but one night you’re working the closing shift again, and you notice chip hasn’t left yet. his shift ended almost an hour ago yet he was still wiping down tables and stacking up barstools. there was no car outside.
you wanted to ask him why he’s here, but you don’t want him to think it’s a cue to leave. so you worked with him in silence, wondering how long you’d get to keep chip before he was taken away by someone else. but inevitably he ran out of tables to clear, and you thought it would be the end of that.
only, he didn’t leave. he came behind the bar and started cleaning the glassware under the counter. and as much as you’d like for him linger around you all the time, it became a cause for concern.
“chip? are you okay?” you whispered it like it was a forbidden question. it wasn’t one he heard a lot.
“why wouldn’t i be?” and there was that cover-up smile again.
“chip, you should’ve gone home by now... is everything okay?” one of your hands came to arm, wrapping softly around it just above his elbow to serve as a security blanket.
“i- uh. i don’t wanna go home. my girlfriend — well, my ex-girlfriend, is there. moving all her stuff out and... i don’t wanna get caught in that cross-fire.”
“you broke up with her?”
he cleared his throat and nodded.
“she was mean to you. you don’t deserve that.”
you removed your hand from his arm, but he catches you by the wrist.
“thanks, for saying that.” his hand eases its grip, just enough so your hand falls an inch or two and makes your fingers tangle with his.
but something about his face still doesn’t look like he’s convinced, and so you can’t stop yourself from throwing your arms around his shoulders and squeezing him in a tight hug.
“chip, i mean it. you deserve...you deserve every good thing in this world.” you let yourself linger for a moment longer, burying your head into his neck and taking a deep inhale of his warm vanilla scent. when you finally came face-to-face with him, you wondered if his lips would taste as sweet as he smelled.
he didn’t make you wonder for too long. he pressed his plush lips against yours, softly at first, then capturing your bottom lip between his own and holding it just for a second before releasing.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to take advantage— you were being nice—”
you silenced his apologies with your mouth covering his own, not exercising quite the same restraint as he had in your first kiss. your tongue swiped across his bottom lip, willing his mouth to part just slightly to allow you access inside. still, you made it a point to be slow, rolling your tongue lazily against his, to let him know this was meant to be tender and loving declaration as opposed to just lust. it was necessary to make that clear before your next actions.
“i’d like to be a whole lot nicer.” you got the sense it’d probably been a long time since someone treated him well. you ran your hands off his shoulders and down his chest, rubbing on the sides of his ribs in comfort and stopping low on his belly.
he looked at you through half-lidded eyes as you laced your fingers through his belt loops, giving them a little tug as a hint before guiding his back against the high bar countertop. one of your palms smoothed over the front of his jeans, hovering over his bulge.
“y-you don’t have to.” he kept his voice as even as possible, but his hips were giving him away by grinding into your touch.
“i want to. is that okay?”
he nodded. “please.”
your hands made quick work of his belt buckle, tugging the front of his jeans open to allow some relief as you sank onto your knees. you pressed a quick kiss on the outline of his shaft through his boxers, glancing up to see his reaction and finding chip's eyes already closed and his head thrown back.
a smile overtook your face before you pulled down the waistband of his boxers, cupping him at the base while dragging your tongue across his bare length. the soft whine turned into a moan in chip's throat as you wrapped your lips around him and took him in, using your palm to cover what you couldn't fit.
his fingers gripped the edge of the countertop, and you realized he'd probably never been allowed to be the one in control before, so you brought one of hands down to your head, weaving it into your hair.
"a-are you sure?"
you hummed around him and his eyes rolled back as he guided your head gently down on his cock. every contented moan you made only encouraged him more, pushing into you deeper, touching the back of your throat as the sounds vibrated against him.
his breathing picked up pace, taking deep, heavy pants.
"im-im gonna cum" he gave you a warning and tried to pull away, but you held his hips tightly in place, taking him all the way in as he spilled himself down your throat, crying out your name as he did.
once his breath settled you pressed a warm kiss against his lower belly, helping him into his clothes as you stood up, guided by his hands cupping your face. he littered little kisses across your forehead and on the tip of your nose before meeting you at your lips.
you pulled back momentarily just for a look at his gorgeous face with a wide smile plastered across it. this time it reached his eyes.
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