#he eitber needs to die or to find someone to transfer it to.
bitchfitch · 1 year
Consumed with the need to draw a comic and consumed with the knowledge I'm Really bad at actually finishing comics.
#either its going to be Monty and Cadfael having a sweet moment. Cadfael is whining about how now that hes marrying age#balls and dances arnt Fun anymore because everyone is just trying to get with him or talk up one of their friends. and it Sucks.#everyone just assumes he want to lead and its not like he Minds leading but the assumption its what hed want rubs him the wrong way#and everyone talks and talks so he can't just enjoy the music and there's no Breaks in it. and its such a prissy problem to have#especially considering Montgomery doesn't get to dance at all because hes on the job. and Monty listens and when Cadfael is done#he asks if he can hear the music well enough in this little side corridor theyve snuck off too.#and Cadfael doesn't grock it until Monty is bowing and holding out a hand to him so they can have a dance.#and its everything Cadfael wanted.#it's everything monty wanted too.#that or a less sweet thing of Conall and Arlo having another argument.#Conall has been staying away from the hill but the morning following every full moon hes back there with no memory of why he returned#and hes frustrated and angry and generally resentful so instead of just leaving again like he normally does he confronts Arlo about it.#and blames him for it because like Why else would conall keep waking up in his bed.#and Arlo scoffs and is busy tracking some hunters theough the woods above. luring them closer. He thanks Conall for bating them.#He again explains that Conall's lycanthropy is at its worst the night of the full moon. and so are all the other bits of the curse.#including the bit about how werewolves were the guard dogs of the unicorns back when things were 'good'#they have the usual bout about how Arlo could cure him and is just refusing not to and Arlo saying why would he do that?#its not like he enjoys this little routine of theres. Hes already told Conall plenty of times that if he wants free of his curse#he eitber needs to die or to find someone to transfer it to.#Arlo gestures to his mirror and the hunters whove come to kill the big bad wolf spotted in the area. and says heres his chance. Pick one#and Arlo will transfer the curse. Conall can be free so long as he dooms another.#and Conall once again refuses. Not willing to stoop that low before storming off.#arlo kills the hunters and muses to himself that he should get Conall angry more often. hes cuter like that.
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