#he even bitched about ROTJ the way a shipper would
chena-h · 2 months
Finding out that GRRM is a L*ke/Leia shipper feels like someone slicing my forehead and prying my third eye open
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roosterbox · 6 years
The Last Jedi review
Obviously, SPOILERS ahead! Also, tumblr mobile still can’t add a Read More to posts. I don’t think it’s too long, but be aware. Either way, I apologize for any inconvenience.
Not gonna lie - the initial reaction of the fans (plus the spoilers I read) had me a bit concerned. Specifically how divisive the movie was. This seems to be one of the only SW films where the audience is so divided.
First, a list of things I liked:
- MOAR POE!!!1!1 (I ❤️ my gay space pilot son)
- Every scene with Carrie Fisher (*ugly tears*)
- The scene with Leia using the Force! I heard people bitching about that scene and I thought it would be too silly; it was not.
- Chewie being a little out of the spotlight, but 1000% reliable when he appeared.
- Any time Poe and Finn had a scene together = *my tiny shipper heart explodes in happiness*
- Rose was adorable
- YODA! And then they played his music theme from Empire and I just *chokes back tears*
- The scene between Luke and Leia. Must...not...cry...
- Rey vs. Snoke, a great parallel to Luke vs. Palpatine In ROTJ. She didn’t actually say the famous line (“I am a Jedi, like my father before me”), but the sentiment was most certainly there.
- Luke One-Man-Army-ing the bad guys. That shoulder dust off = “bitches, plz.”
A handful of things I’m more ‘meh’ towards:
- The Porgs
- plenty of FinnRey shipping fuel.
- the Casino scene.
- Benicio Del Toro. Well, at least it wasn’t Johnny Depp, lol.
And of course, the not so good things:
- Luke’s “moment of weakness.” I’m glad it was more brief than I was expecting, but it still felt like it ran against his entire character. Luke falling into despair is sad, but believable. Luke turning his back on the Jedi is sad, but believable. Luke turning into a grumpy old hermit with no time for Rey is disappointing, but believable. Luke getting the urge to kill his nephew - the son of his sister and his best friend - while the boy sleeps, and nearly acting upon it? That felt like character derailment more than development.
- Milking weird creature titties. Because that’s what I wanted to see. *rolls eyes*
- *heavy sigh* *pinches bridge of nose* ...more Hux.
- lots of fuel for Reylo shippers. Bleh.
- decent fuel for Kylux shippers. Ugh.
- shirtless Adam Driver. I was literally recoiling in my seat. No thank you.
- the editing was really sloppy. It’s like they didn’t know how to effectively handle multiple storylines. Also, if a shmoe like me can spot bad editing, it’s especially bad, lol. Much like with The Dark Knight Rises, I get the sense that a lot of material was left on the cutting room floor. Not a good thing to spot, particularly on the first viewing.
- miscommunication between Poe and Laura Dern’s character. Both of them are right AND wrong, and a big chunk of the plot could have been resolved if they’d had even ONE decent conversation. I hate hate hate it when things like that happen - when the plot hangs on a problem that can be cleared up with a simple conversation; heck, even a single line of dialogue. RomComs do it alllllll the time, which is a big reason why I don’t like them much. Treat your characters (and your audience) like adults, and be more creative in finding ways to build up the drama.
- my summary on my feelings towards Kylo Ren, now that I know what happened between him and Luke: “cool motive; still murder.” They want so badly for me to feel sorry for him, but I don’t. Not at all.
- Snoke dying after being built up as a sizable threat since TFA. I heard some people compare him to Darth Maul, which is fair to a certain degree, but Maul was only built up over one film, where Snoke had two, plus two years of audience speculation. This point didn’t frustrate me as much as it did other people, but I still wanted to point it out.
In the end, it was alright. Neither great nor awful, but alright. The best possible thing I can say about the movie is this: I left the theater happy and satisfied. I think that’s the most important thing.
Final verdict: 7/10
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