#he even tried something with that compass in 2x08
quietparanoiac · 1 year
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He's acting rather strangely.
Sister Boniface Mysteries (2022–), 2x07
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ladyluscinia · 11 months
Ugh I'm still thinking about that damn tweet so...
2x08 Reaction #6
Ok, so this is not a screed against people posting about or hoping for Izzy's return - whether in joking denial or genuine belief. Like if that's what makes you feel better after the finale, you are entitled to all the posts, fix-it fics, etc.
I really want to push back on this idea that it's this obvious thing canon is supporting.
This is not another Lucius situation. Like. It's just not.
Look, when Lucius was "killed" at the end of S1, it was a joke everyone was in on. He got tossed over the side of the ship with a little "fwoop" and a literal shoe spinning in the air. His "offscreen death" was confirmed by a guy who could not have known what happened after he fell. Of course he was alive.
Lucius's fake-out was so successful because it engaged with the genre of the show in a way that rewarded the audience for buying into the suspension of disbelief.
Izzy's death... doesn't.
Izzy dies from a stray bullet in a shot that you might miss on first watch. He's not doing anything important, or protecting anyone. It's random. They reveal he's injured and then make it back to the ship, only for him to give a dramatic deathbed speech. He dies on screen, and they immediately cut to his funeral.
This isn't the kind of death that fits with OFMD's universe. They tried to borrow a scene from Black Sails or something and just sanded down its edges. Killing a character in the main cast just because "it's a pirate show"? Really? The daring escape plan is real and dangerous and life-threatening in the same episode where Auntie survives an explosion, and we watched Zheng and Edward casually massacre their way through a dozen soldiers each?
I'm buying into the suspension of disbelief that our ragtag crew can escape scott-free because it's a silly romcom about a muppet guy where "things always have a way of working out in the end", and then the show looks me dead in the eye and says "Actually, no, this time the consequences are real. Sorry."
A bird landing on a grave doesn't change that?
Like... in Pirates of the Caribbean they can resurrect Barbossa from the dead like it's nothing because some of the first worldbuilding elements they introduce are a compass that points at what you most desire and gold that curses you into an undead existence. Of course necromancy exists.
OFMD had a guy turn into a seagull behind a tree for plausible deniability, a cursed coat rationalized as a peanut allergy, and the gravy basket which took place wholly in Edward's head. Resurrection would be a hell of a reach. Even if they did open S3 with it, it would be a retcon of Izzy's death, not a reveal that we all could have predicted.
Which does mean that pointing to vague tweets from the crew or likes of Witch!Buttons posts and pushing the idea "Look - they're telling us he'll be back!" leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Like... it's not set up as an inside joke this time. And especially if they don't get renewed - and they certainly seem worried - they should not get credited for leaving this particular beat "open" and just being thwarted by MAX or whatever.
Izzy dying right then, as shown on screen, was unambiguously their final beat.
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nyikondlovu · 3 years
No other thoughts other than the fact that:
Beth Chapel and Rick Tyler always run parallel to each other. in season one they also shared an episode of their origins as Doctor Midnite and Hourman II respectively. We saw in 1x05 how Rick relied so much on anger about how his parents died in order to avoid dealing with the pain so he emotionally isolated himself from everyone while Beth became the opposite as a people pleaser because she didn't have her best friends aka her parents by her side 24/7 and she points out that she ‘talks a lot but people don't like it’, that episode was about how they process their emotions while 2x08 was about identity for the two of them.
Rick was in pain regarding how cruel his uncle was and if a criminal was who he was destined to be but he had some comfort in that his father's hourglass worked for him meaning he had enough good in him to be a superhero while Beth on the other spectrum was quietly questioning HER identity as a daughter, as a superhero, as a young black woman. Rick had his cushion of superhero-ness taken from him by Eclipso when he convinced Rick enough that Grundy was bad and bad could never change so he used the one thing he believed confirmed he was a good person, his fathers hourglass. At the end of the episode Rick doesn't know who he is.
Beth started as someone who lost her best friend Chuck, her parents wouldn't talk to her about their divorce and barely spent time at home and she needed to be saved from physical attacks by Rick. She was questioning what she truly brings to the JSA and who she really is. Eclipso trying to use things that she's most probably been told or seen behind the bs of such as her gender and her race and her fighting abilities or lack thereof. He tried using the every new JSA member was chosen except you to break her but he didn't account for her finding strength within herself because (what I believe is) Beth is one of the strongest members of the team mentally. She ends the episode confident in herself and her abilities.
Now that we’ve come to the end of the season I felt it only right to look at the journey Beth has taken from season one to the end of season two (growth over 26 episodes)
Season one we see Beth from a spectator’s perspective because we are seeing her through Courtney’s eyes. Beth might have come off as annoying to some viewers because we didn’t know her and had no reason to love to hate her (Cindy) or just immediately like her (Yolanda). Even her origin story needs you to look past the ‘I saw your dog chewing on these and now I own them’ because that is not what happened. What happened was Beth was concerned about people who didn’t much care for her but because she saw Yolanda scaling up the hospital, she went to Courtney to find out what’s going on showing her compassion immediately.
Next she helped a group of people who kinda didn’t want her as a member of the team or didn’t care enough about her to officially let her join and even AFTER Courtney asked her for the goggles back she refused because she wanted to help the group anyway because she was best suited to use the goggles and she knew it. There is the stubbornness subtly put on show.
Finally, you have her rushing to protect Barbara in the finale even though she has no combat training but she still went through with her attempt. There is the courage and bravery she’s ALWAYS had.
Coming into season two we are now in HER perspective. How she feels like her parents marriage falling apart is something SHE needs to fix. There’s her people pleasing always have to take care of people coming back into play. She makes it HER job to fix her parents when it’s THEIR job because it’s THEIR relationship.
We see how she bottles everything up to the point where when Rick asks her what’s wrong she lashes out then bursts into tears. She’s someone who suffers in silence.
All of these traits come into play in Chapter eight of season two. All the insecurities and horrible things she’s been having thinking about herself and role in the JSA are fully realized.
She uses her courage to call Eclipso out on his racism
She uses her bravery to pull the goggles from him and tell him she chose herself to be Doctor Mid-Nite.
She uses her stubbornness to keep fighting against Eclipso instead of giving in like her other teammates have
She takes her compassion and people pleasing and turns it toward herself. SHE is Doctor Mid-Nite because she’s proud of all these things he tried attacking her with. She’s fully acknowledged her fears but doesn’t hide from them. She faces them head on. She emerges CONFIDENT in both herself and her abilities.
We see this confidence when she tells her parents how she feels at the end of the episode. We see it in chapter ten when she tells them no and she isn’t ready to talk about her jsa related missions. We see it when SHE walks out on the people she’s most wanted to pay attention to her because there’s something more important going on.
Beth evolves this season and I’m so glad she did because she is a wonderful character. I hope she continues growing while Rick continues on his journey of finding himself outside of the hourglass. While he learns that people love him and he’s worth caring about.
I really enjoyed season two and can’t wait for season three.
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myfandomrambles · 4 years
Morgana Pendragon Character Analysis (pt1)
Morgana Pendragon is one of the most key characters in Merlin. Her role is integral to the character arc of all of the other leads. Her story is about how someone can let their pain consume them whole. As an abuse victim and a member of a marginalised community, she is set up for being isolated and fearful. This alienation is turned both inward and outward making her deeply dangerous to herself and others. She takes this alienation to push almost everyone out of her life and force others to suffer the same way she did. Her righteous anger at her treatment by her father and society goes to waste when none is put to constructive ends. 
She allows emptiness, fear and anger to consume her. She replaced her core beliefs with those of “others are out to hurt me” and “the only way to live is through the acquisition of power”. Her ability for both affective and cognitive empathy becomes suppressed as any joy she can drive comes from exerting control over others. She is compelled into implementing her obsessions around revenge and survival. Depression, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, fear and anger fill all corners of her mind leaving her without access to flexible thought and internal peace. 
At the start, she is living as a member of court and Uther’s ward. She continually butts heads with Uther. This is due to her being headstrong and fearless. This bravery and stubborn disposition causes more rifts as she is seen to be hysterical and as an object, leaving her subject to gaslighting and other forms of abuse. However, this rarely stops her from being involved when important. Morgana often works with Arthur and Merlin early on. The most key of these events being when they save Mordred. (1x08)
However, her stubbornness isn’t all-consuming, while resisting being forced to do things she dislikes she is smart enough to know when to lie and when to bend the knee. Partly because as a child and young-adult she holds a mix of respect, love and fear towards Uther. She shows skills in court life, this is deeply important to understand as it becomes a useful skill when she works against the kingdom. But in the beginning, it shows someone who lives in the duality of wanting to assert herself and someone who absorbed the social rules she was raised with. 
Morgana shows great care for those around her wanting them to be safe and happy. Often stepping up to speak on behalf of them, and generally treating even Gwen and Merlin, people considered her inferiors socially, with respect. Standing up for Gwen's dad, helping protect Elador, helping feed peasants and trying to protect Gwen when they are attacked shows her kindness and loyalty. (1x03, 1x08, 1x10-12)
She doesn’t have a consuming desire for power, no particular plan to marry into or otherwise acquire power. Her later turn to power is reactive and less of an innate drive. It also a drive to be the one who determines her future. 
When Morgana's powers start to grow we see the first shift in her character. The development of anxiety and depression colour the way she acts. It adds layers to her abuse and trauma. A great deal of gaslighting is used to convince her she is mistaken and to prevent the acknowledgement of her magic. Which we know Gaius has been hiding since she was a child visa via her prophetic nightmares. 
This alienation is from the entire culture she grew up in. When she visits the druids in The Nightmare Begins (2x03) Morgana feels free and desires to stay, she just wants to be herself. 
This is similar to the experience marginalised people experience in real life. She knows that if discovered her magic father figure/father would likely kill her. Morgana also believes her other loved ones would at the least disown her. 
In reality, there is some nuance. Merlin acts as both an agent of the system while originally trying to help her and Gaius and Gwen would not wish harm on her. But Morgana is understandably afraid and full of anxiety to reach out for help. This anxiety, confusion, fear and alienation become the way she perceives the world. Life is Morgana, then everyone else. This pain drives a wedge between her and everyone she used to care for.
Outside of the gaslighting and threat of violence, she experiences from those close to her during The Witchfinder (2x07) we see her deal with mental assault from an outside force with no support from her family as they don’t understand. This makes her dysregulation, anxiety, depression and isolation worsen. 
The next two key events in her first character transformation can be seen at the end of season two. First, Morgana meets Morgause (2x08) and automatically feels a connection to her. Second, Morgana is pushed to verbally disown Uther due to his treatment of Avalar and by extension the rest of the Druids and others born with magic. This is the final relational rupture between them:
Morgana: They are rising up against you! From this day forward, I do not know you. From this day forward, I disown you
King Uther: You will go to your chambers!
Morgana: And you, Uther, you will go to hell.
We then see her move into helping Morgause try and destroy Camelot. At this point, it is driven by the anger she has for Uther and his treatment of others. It has yet to have the drive of becoming queen. Her connection to Morgause also plays a large role as she finally has a person to be close to without the artifice of court life over it. Morgause gives her a choice and with that an illusion of power. At this point, there is a more powerful member of their team. Morgana ends this attempt at Camelot almost being murdered by someone she considered a friend. (2x12)
We then have an interesting moment in her character arch in her year away from Camelot. This time away changes her from someone who while willing to hurt Uther didn’t seem driven for the destruction of Camelot, to one who will hurt everyone. There is also a reprieve from the fear-driven to more controlled anger by the assistance of Morgause. 
We are never told what happened in the year. All we know is he stayed with her sister and likely had her hatred of Uther entrenched even further. Her worst tendencies towards vengeance over justice and ego over compassion are reinforced. This shifts her schema farther into negative ones and worsens her ability to think in shades of grey.
When she does return her previous ability to play the game of court life is stronger and utilised to great effect convincing everyone for a while that she is essentially the same person, except for Merlin and by extension Gaius. Gwen is the next to figure it out due to Morgana’s affect control dropping and her real emotion bleeding through over time. (3x08)
As she returns to Camelot she quickly moves to attempt another attack. This attempt is stopped again by Merlin, but in this attempt, we see new cruelty in her willingness to torture Uther and that her magic has grown. This is also the last time I believe her alienation and marginalization is her driving force. After this, I think she fully turns her internalized fear of her magic onto everyone else. Her exchange with Merlin during the battle feels genuine and not at all like manipulation or even just a justification as it becomes later, but a real motivation. She has not yet grown to shut off her empathy for everyone, only Uther and Arthur. (3x1-2)
Soon after her second attempt on the castle, we see another large shift in motivations. She almost dies and is severely injured which puts her in a vulnerable place and during this same time she learns she is Uther’s daughter in blood as well as circumstance. She learns that he never was willing to claim her or even tell her. This pushes her to act rashly, almost committing patricide. (3x05)
Her ability to be cruel in her aims continues to grow, to hurt Arthur she puts Gwen through terrible pain as well as Elyan. (3x07) We see her magic grow, her emotions grow but her ability to hide her intentions failing, at least around Gwen. Her attempts at her family's lives also continue to be cruel as she tries to kill Arthur and Uther in slow and painful ways. (3x08, 3x11)
When Morgana isn’t trying to kill the people she used to love she is trying to mess with their lives in more petty ways. This includes exposing the love Arthur and Gwen have for each other, putting their relationship in jeopardy and Gwen’s over well being. This is over her fear of Gwen being Queen when Arthur would become Queen, something that Morgana gains obsessive thoughts over throughout the rest of the story. (3x10)
Morgana is willing to kill a large number of the people at this point not only those she has a personal issue with. Though she does offer safety to Gwen thought it’s contingent on her considering Morgana to be the rightful queen. She is willing to rule by fear and threat, not understanding how to win over the people. (3x12-13). This attempt fails and Morgana loses her sister and the allies her sister made.
After being defeated and having to flee the castle with her dying sister she spends a year moving around with her ill sister while also gaining more strength and becoming a fully-fledged High Priestess of the Old Religion. 
In an attempt to take the castle again she has to kill her sister. Something that caused her great distress as Morgana believed Morgause was the only person who understood and loved her. This event causes great suffering to all, it’s also when Morgana adds her obsession with Emrys along with her obsessive thoughts over Gwen and Uther. 
During this first period of exile, she recruits Agravaine to be her spy and aid within the court. They seem to be united by a common cause but Morgana doesn’t treat him as equal, adopting the belief she hated so much from Uther, treating others as tools. 
She also accepted a standard of living that is much below that of the ward of the king. Her way of dress and acting also shifts, she’s still cunning and driven but while now being the master of herself she is more erratic and seems to feel just as out of control and obsessed as she was when living a lie. Her affect control, impulse control, regulation and social regulation deteriorated. Fear also returns to being a driving force. (4x01-2)
Morgana succeeds in killing Uther in The Wicked Day (4x03) by cursing a necklace and Agravaine puts it on Uther so that when Arthur uses magic to try and bring back his father from a fatal injury he dies faster. Planning to finally kill her father she also wishes guilt and pain on her brother.
We then see Morgana use both strength and her ability to manipulate to work Queen Annis to try and kill Arthur. Morgana is not against using her history to use another person. However, Annis sees through her when Arthur shows honour and points out that Morgana is much more like Uther than she realises, and in saying this it also refutes the point Morgana tried to make early in the episode that Gorlois was who was her true father. This is true in both the biological sense but also through the fact that Uther spent more time acting as her father and had generally known her own life. This statement also acts as a trigger causing her to show extreme emotions. (4x05)
One of the key lines of dialogue we have to see where Morgana’s mindset is at during this period is 
Morgana: Don’t think I don’t understand loyalty because I’ve got no one left to be loyal to
This is important because it shows that the isolation that started by The Nightmare Begins has enveloped her. Now she is no longer even fighting with or for anyone she has devoted herself to revenge and survival.
We also see the fear that drives Morgana as at the site of Emrys her first reaction is flight. During their battle, we see that they are almost evenly matched in magical power, though Morgana only really gets through due to Merlin not being willing to act decisively still. (4x06)
Morgana's obsession with Emrys becomes almost all-consuming. Morgana gives away the most emotionally significant thing left of her sister to obtain information on Emrys. She tries desperately to find the information torturing a man who spent her childhood helping to take care of her. But a layer of contradictions exists as he also tried to make her doubt her reality and is helping the person destined to prevent her ascension to queen and to kill her. This complex relationship is important here for the emotional repercussions of what seems like a straightforward attempt to extract information. (4x07)
Morgana shows no regard for even the laws of life and death gain in her quest in Lancelot Du Lac (4x09) bringing Lancelot back to life. Morgana does not even to directly finish her quest to take the throne but to ruin her once friend, and closest confidant's chance at happiness. This is driven by an obsession with her past nightmare about Gwen becoming Queen. Though of course, it has the added benefit of breaking her brother's heart. The only show of emotional connection we see in her is the fear underlying her actions and her musings on the emptiness the shade Lancelot has. 
During The Sword and The Stone (4x12-13), we see Morgana take over the castle by using Agravaine for treason. Morgana is not only ruthless in what would be considered warfare but takes initiative to be cruel to the peasants willing to let them starve to gain control. She then tortures Gawain, Elyan and Gaius not only for information but just because she gains pleasure from it. The ability to empathise with those she deemed her enemies is no longer existent, even those who have not directly harmed her. Her depressive states and emotional nubbing is only broken when she can exert control over other people. She is choosing to hurt others for her pleasure. 
This is their first battle when both Morgana and Arthur understand who the other is. Morgana calls him as her “dear brother” as a taunt. We then have this exchange:
King Arthur: What happened to you, Morgana?
King Arthur: I thought we were friends
Morgana: As did I. But alas, we were both wrong.
King Arthur: You can't blame me for my father's sins.
Morgana: It's a little late for that. You’ve made it perfectly clear how you feel about me and my kind. You're not as different from Uther as you'd like to think.
King Arthur: Nor are you.
Morgana: I’m going to enjoy killing you, Arthur Pendragon. Not even Emrys can save you now.
We see Arthur is hurt by what happened and truly did love Morgana and doesn’t like having to fight her like this. And Morgana is consumed by the pain of the past to the inability to care for the present. Arthur, however, is not giving her the power of acknowledging her as his sister. He still says “my father”. He compares her to their father and triggers her anger. We see them attempt to fight, Morgana is unable to use her magic due to Merlin and panics. 
She gathers herself, able to make her escape even coming close to killing Gwen. She then almost dies only being revived by Aithusa, who becomes her closest friend from this point on. (4x13)
We then have another time skip of over two years. Two of those years Morgana was being tortured in the pit by The Sarum. This has the effect of taking an already traumatised individual and layering two years of severe chronic trauma on top of it. She has less control of herself as a result of this and loses the little bit of impulse control she had. 
We first see Morgana after this when she is searching for the Diamair to try and learn how to beat Arthur. Morgana can capture and lure Arthur to her by kidnapping his men and using spies. She almost finds what she seeks but the creature itself has no wish to be used by her making her search futile. We also see her not even consider a father being willing to do something dangerous to save his daughter, her own acquired lack of compassion colouring her judgement. 
This is also the re-introduction of Mordred, a character that acts as the turning point in the rest of the narrative. Seeing Mordred shows some of the only real joy we see from Morgana since her sister died years back. She, however, pushes him away due to her display of rage and dysregulation. Mordred stabs her literally in the back. (5x01-2)
One of Morgana's most cruel attacks is used to try and turn Gwen into a weapon by torturing her for days, breaking down her psychological defences leaving her open to manipulation. This leaves her under control of Morgana thinking that Morgana cares for her. While this is mainly a spell able to be broken there is a part that relies on Gwen's psychology of being compassionate so she will be sympathetic to Morgana’s story and trauma. With the long psychological attacks and this play on Gwen's compassion, we see Morana essentially form a trauma bond. She manipulates Gwen’s perceptions and emotions in a way that is very similar to emotional abusers. 
 This act also kills Elyan in Morgana's attempt to harm Arthur (5x06) During this control we see how strongly Morgana used it to make Gwen not only a weapon but also they feel like they are friends again, being lonely might have been part of why he chose this method and less of a direct method like she did with Merlin. (5x07-8) 
Once Arthur is aware of her curse on Gwen he sets out to break the magic but is almost thwarted by the Dochraid who tells Morgana of his plans to save Gwen. This is interesting as the Dochraid is one of the few magic beings who truly side with Morgana betting on her strength of will over Merlin’s. Morgana is then forced to face off against the one thing other than her dragon, Mordred. Mordred puts up a good fight even saving Merlin’s secret. She felt conflicted in harming him and ends up losing to his surprise attack. (5x09)
After her plan with Gwen fails he returns to her full-tilt hunt for Emrys. She hunts the Catha for information causing terror across multiple kingdoms, then excruciatingly tortures him to try and find out. Hunting anyone down who might know these plans however fail because Alator and Finna believed in something larger and were willing to suffer and die. Morgana no longer understands the bigger picture her idea of a world free for magic isn't her leading drive anymore. After this incident, Morgana is seen to have declared all-out war with Camelot. (5x10)
Mordred acts as the last domino to fall into place before the final battle between Morgana and Arthur Pendragon. When Kara is killed and Merlin and Arthur were the drivers behind her execution, Mordred becomes angry enough at the system of Camelot to move to side with someone he saw as dangerous and broken. He gives Morgana the information she needs on Emrys. (5x11)
With Mordred by her side, Morgana makes her final move, forging a sword just to kill Arthur and finalizing the amassment of an army. She clears the way by removing Emrys from the situation, giving her and Mordred a clean shot at Arthur and the army of Camelot. However, she underestimates Merlin and we see her lose much of her Army and Mordred. This causes Morgana despair as she has to bury the last person she loved. One of the few things that could even start to pierce her depression is ripped away. 
This loss isn’t enough to stop the endless patterns of a compulsive need to take out revenge on Arthur. 
The final moments of her life she taunts her brother in his death claiming a victory. It’s however short-lived as Merlin kills her with a dragon fire-forged blade right after she claims her immortality. Her pain consumed her, and as the death of her father there is no triumph in hurting her brother as all it does is open her up for her death. (5x12-13)
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stahlop · 5 years
Once Upon a Time 2x09 “Queen of Hearts” Review
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Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10 1x11 1x12 1x13 1x14 1x15 1x16 1x17 1x18 1x19 1x20 1x21 1x22 2x01 2x02 2x03 2x04 2x05 2x06 2x07 2x08
What a spectacular episode! It has it all. What happened to Cora after young Regina pushed her through the mirror. How she and Hook formed an alliance. How the safe haven came to be. Sword fighting between Emma and Hook. True Love’s Kiss (again) between Mary Margaret and David. And the big one, Emma apparently has magic! Hold on, because this one is going to be long.
Summary: Emma and crew are trapped in Rumplestiltskin’s cell by Cora and Hook. Hook is sent by the Evil Queen to kill the Queen of Hearts. In Storybrooke, Gold and Regina set a plan in motion to prevent Cora from coming through the portal, but could end up killing Emma and Mary Margaret instead.
Opening: Geyser of water
Character Observations:
Emma: So last episode she was feeling extremely guilty over Henry being in the Burning Red Room and not believing him. This episode (which is just later the same day), Emma is feeling as though her Saviorhood has been thrust upon her and that she’s not really as special as she thought she was. Good thing that gets dispelled later on. Emma and crew are in Rumplestiltskin’s cell looking for the squid ink he said he left there. First they find a scroll with Emma’s name written on it in any space available. They think he’d gone crazy. Emma is a little unnerved by this course of events. She wants to know what it means. Mary Margaret says Rumplestiltskin was obsessed with her since she could break the curse. They can’t find the squid ink anywhere. Emma thinks maybe something got lost in translation in the Netherworld, but then Mulan finds and empty ink pot. Emma’s upset because that was their way back home, and then Aurora makes a great throw with the ink pot and closes the cell doors on them. Cora comes and immediately gets the compass from them. Emma immediately tries to get it back through the bars, but can’t get it. Cora reveals that she has Aurora’s heart, but looks almost heartbroken when Hook reveals that he actually took it. Emma tries to appeal to Hook with the fact that she needs to get to her son, but he’s done with being nice to her after she left him on the beanstalk. She claims he would’ve done the same, but he says she’s wrong and Emma looks properly chastised. Poor Emma, she looks like a kid that just got caught doing something bad by the teacher. Then Hook rubs it in even more when he shows her the dried up bean the giant had kept (that Emma, once again, tries to grab through the cell bars), and how it had once been full of life, and now it’s shriveled and useless, just like Emma. She looks like she’s really thinking about her life choices right in this instance. Emma is not trying to hack through the bars of the cell with a sword, which is going just as well as expected. The women lament about whose fault it is that they’re in this predicament, but Emma feels it’s all her fault because she the Savior and she’s not doing much in the way of saving. Mary Margaret tells Emma that good always triumphs over evil and Emma tells her she sounds like Henry. Mary Margaret says optimism runs in their family but Emma thinks it must have skipped a generation because she is anything but optimistic. Emma goes on and on about how she’s not special, that Gold planned everything and used her as a pawn, and she’s just a name on a piece of paper. Emma quips that the paper isn’t going to magically open the cell door for them, but that helps Mary Margaret remember that you can blow spells, which she does, and the bars disappear. Emma realizes it was written in squid ink and seriously, this is the happiest I’ve ever seen Emma in this series. She’s absolutely elated that they’re able to get out.  Emma, Mary Margaret, and Mulan, despite the time delay of getting out, manage to get to Lake Nostos right as Cora and Hook are about to jump into the portal. Mary Margaret shoots the compass out of their hands and Emma goes to look for it. Emma goes and sword fights with Hook. He looks like he’s got her beat, but then the satchel with Aurora’s heart almost goes in the portal and he saves it, giving Emma a chance to get her sword back (because Hook is much better at sword fighting than she is). But Emma ends up on her back with Hook right on top of her making sexual innuendos, and oh, guess what she just happened to land on? The compass. Which she then uses to knock Hook out. She then runs at Cora (seriously, Emma), who poufs away. Mary Margaret tries to get herself and Emma to the portal but Cora comes back and throws them back. Cora then attempts to take Mary Margaret’s heart, but Emma is not losing her mother so soon, so she gets in the way and Cora plunges her hand into her chest. Cora tells her love is weakness, but then Cora can’t get Emma’s heart out of her chest. Emma realizes love is strength and magic surges through her and knocks Cora out. And, of course, Emma is freaking the eff out because being the Savior is one thing, but having magic is another thing altogether. And with that, Emma and Mary Margaret jump into the portal and finally get home. Regina, Gold, and Henry happen to be at the well where they come out and Henry tells Emma that Regina saved them on their way home. After Mary Margaret wakes up David, Emma goes to confront Gold. She knows he could have gotten out of his cell whenever he wanted since the squid ink was there. She says because he created the curse, everything she’s done has been what he’s wanted her to do. He tells her he just took advantage of what she was, a product of true love. She’s powerful because of that, not anything he did. And he confirms that she has magic. Emma is not sure how to feel about that. She, Henry, Mary Margaret, David, and Ruby go to get dinner, as a family.
Cora: In the past we discover Cora has become the Queen of Hearts in Wonderland. Hook goes to take her heart thanks to a spell from the Evil Queen, but Cora doesn’t keep her heart in her chest. Well, if she didn’t have her heart when Regina was young, that would explain a lot. Cora then retaliates by plunging her hand into Hook’s chest and squeezing his heart. She looks devastated when Hook tells her it was her daughter who wanted her dead (well, what does she expect after murdering her fiance and then expecting her to marry someone else right off the bat and then getting banished to Wonderland?). Still holding Hook’s heart, she says he’ll tell her everything because when he you hold someone’s heart you control them. Hook wants Cora to get it over with and kill him but she rants about Regina and how she should have come to kill her herself. She doesn’t kill him because she wants his help. She explains that she can get him his revenge and how the curse will wipe his memories and he won’t know who he is, let alone who Rumplestiltskin is. She wants him to bring her back under the guise of having killed her so she can Regina’s heart out. Well, that escalated quickly. Cora is in an ornate coffin and the Evil Queen wants to say goodbye to her. The Evil Queen actually reveals that she still loves her mother and that’s why she wanted her killed. Once she leaves, Hook questions why the Evil Queen is still alive and Cora actually has feelings towards her daughter and decides that she will bide her time and wait until the curse ends and Regina has nothing and no one and then she’ll swoop in because she’ll need her mother. But first they need to protect themselves. Cora makes the barrier that protects that little corner of land from the curse and tells Hook they will be frozen there for 28 years, and then he can have his revenge.
In the present, due to having Aurora’s heart, Cora and Hook are waiting for Emma and crew when they go to Rumplestiltskin’s cell. She thanks Aurora for helping her, magics the compass to herself, and then shows them that she has Aurora’s heart. Cora and Hook leave to go open the portal after Emma makes one last plea to Hook. They go to Lake Nostos, since the waters will restore what once was lost. Hook says there’s no water. Cora’s response is to magically dig into the earth and find the water underneath, creating a geyser of water. Cora asks Hook how he can doubt her after everything they’ve been through. The geyser calms down enough for Cora to let Hook throw the ashes into it and it creates a portal. They’re about to jump in when an arrow whizzes by and knocks the compass out of their hands. Cora starts shooting fireballs and Mulan lobs them back. Cora throws the satchel with Aurora’s heart and poufs away. Mulan catches it on her sword and almost loses it in the portal, but Hook catches it. Mulan gives Mary Margaret her sword to go give Aurora back her heart and Cora comes back. She and Mary Margaret circle each other, but Emma comes in with her sword to try and get Cora, who poufs away before she can get to her. Cora knocks Emma and Mary Margaret to the ground when they make a run for the portal. Cora goes for Mary Margaret and tells her she’s going to finally get for her daughter what she’s always wanted. Her heart. But as she goes to grab it, Emma knocks Mary Margaret out of her way and Cora ends up in Emma’s chest. Cora is delighted at what she perceives as Emma’s stupidity for loving her mother. She tells her love is weakness but then can’t get Emma’s heart out of her chest. Cora is thoroughly confused. Emma realizes love is strength and somehow pushes her away with magic. Cora tells Hook they failed after Emma and Mary Margaret go through the portal. Hook tells her not to doubt him and shows her the bean. Cora thinks it’s useless since it’s petrified. Has she already forgotten what the waters of Lake Nostos can do? Cora and Hook are then seen on the Jolly Roger that has appeared on the outskirts of Storybrooke’s harbor. Very excited to see what kind of trouble they get into.
Evil Queen/Regina: The Evil Queen catches Hook in Belle’s cell. She steals his hook before he can kill her. She tells him she’s a valuable chess piece. She’s also impressed that Hook managed to get through her guards and into Belle’s cell. But she does not like his attitude. She tells him she knows all about his vendetta against Rumplestiltskin and that he’s been in Neverland and that she can help him if he helps her. They have a drink and she tells him about the curse that is coming. She entices him by telling him the new land they’re going to is a land without magic and Rumplestiltskin will be powerless, making it that much easier for Hook to kill him. The Evil Queen is practically seducing him while talking to him. It’s a little unnerving. Hook wants to know what he has to do for her. She wants him to kill her mother. She enchants his hook so he can pull out her heart. He wonders what she did to have such ire from the Evil Queen, but that’s her business. She just wants him to kill her and bring her body back. And then, one of the best parts of this episode happens when the Evil Queen reveals that Claude, a dead body, will be going with Hook. Hook has no clue who Claude is and the Evil Queen reminds him that he just killed him in the cell block. This whole scene and delivery are hilarious. Hook is understandably confused as to why he’s bringing a dead body with him. She then explains the rules of the hat and that he will be going to Wonderland.The next time we see the Evil Queen, Hook has brought back Cora’s ‘body’, and she is mourning for her mother (in one of the most atrocious outfits I’ve seen on her so far, like what is even happening with this outfit?). The Evil Queen is visibly upset, considering she just hired someone to assassinate her mother. But she really wanted her dead because of Cora telling her love is weakness, and she still loves her mother, so she can’t bring Cora with her in the curse because it will make her weak. And what she doesn’t realize is that ends up saving her life. She just knows that she is in control and she finally feels like she has won.
Now Regina, on the other hand, feels like her life is falling apart. Which is why she so willingly goes along with Gold to ‘prevent’ Cora from getting through the portal. She’s actually very optimistic at the beginning of the episode, believing that Mary Margaret and Emma will make it home. Gold starts questioning (manipulating) what she believes. She knows David gave the message to them, but because he’s not awake, Gold says they don’t know if he did or not. Also, the constant threat of Cora coming through terrifies Regina. She’s still that scared little girl when it comes to her mother. She doesn’t realize she is so much more powerful than Cora is now, and Gold doesn’t help her in believing that either. He tells her that if they ‘accidentally’ kill Emma and Mary Margaret with the portal barrier, then Regina would be the only parent in Henry’s life. Regina is truly trying to turn over a new leaf. She tells Gold she can’t lie to Henry. Gold basically double dares Regina to help him because Cora would be a threat to everyone, including Henry, if she comes through. Regina is still very conflicted. She goes to Henry and tells him that she and Gold need to prepare for the portal (guess she made that decision pretty easily then), and Henry couldn’t be prouder of how much his mother has changed. She and Gold go to the mines where Gold steals all the fairy dust diamonds. Gold takes Regina to the Wishing Well, since it supposedly returns lost things. The water at the bottom is bubbling, indicating that there is, indeed, a portal opening up and someone will be coming through. Gold is still insistent that Cora will be coming through, and Regina is still holding out hope that it will be Emma and Mary Margaret. Gold creates the portal barrier. Henry and Ruby run up and Henry accuses Regina of not helping Emma and Mary Margaret. She tries to explain how she is protecting him and the town from Cora, but Henry is hysterical now because he also believes that Emma and Mary Margaret will be coming through the portal. He gives the good always defeats evil line and points it at Regina. She’s not having it thought. She knows Cora would destroy everything she loves and she can’t let that happen to Henry. He tries to run for the well, but Regina holds him back. Henry eventually uses Regina wanting to change and that she needs to have faith in him to guilt her into removing the barrier. Regina takes the barrier into herself and manages to do it without killing herself somehow. They think they’re too late, but Emma and Mary Margaret make it out. Regina’s feelings are very conflicted here. She’s happy that she did what she did to make Henry happy, but now his ‘real’ mom is back (and Henry calls them both mom, and she looks so hurt when he calls Emma mom). Henry tells them that Regina saved them. Emma tries to talk to Regina about Cora, but can’t say much more than she’s a piece of work. Regina welcomes her back with a mix of jealousy and honesty. They all go over to watch Mary Margaret wake up David. Regina is feeling completely out of place. Henry gives her a hug and tells her she really has changed. You can tell that she’s completely overwhelmed with Henry hugging her, yet really happy at the same time. Emma asks Henry to come to dinner with everyone at Granny’s, but does not invite Regina, who is heartbroken to be left behind, and Gold rubs it in that they didn’t invite her along. She is now definitely at her lowest point and Cora coming can only make things worse for Regina.
Mary Margaret: She is full of hope, even when it looks like there is none. She exposits to Emma how she hasn’t been to Rumplestiltskin’s cell since before Emma was born and that her being the Savior was prophesied. They others wonder if someone else was in the cell with Rumplestiltskin but Mary Margaret explains that he was by himself, even visitors were forbidden as he was too dangerous. Emma wonders what it means, but Mary Margaret is convinced that Rumplestiltskin was obsessed with Emma since she was the key to breaking the curse. Mary Margaret starts getting a little desperate when they can’t find the squid ink that David told her about. Emma suggests something was lost in the translation but Mary Margaret is determined to find it. They end up finding an empty bottle of ink and then Aurora traps them in the cell. When Cora tells them that Aurora helped her, Mary Margaret feels very betrayed, considering she’s been like a mother to her and helping her through the nightmares. But then they realize that Cora has Aurora’s heart. After Cora and Hook leave, Mary Margaret has given up hope. She tells Emma, in a very annoyed voice, that trying to get out is impossible because it was enchanted to keep Rumplestiltskin in (seriously, she has that tone that mom’s have after their child has done something eleventy-billion times and still continues to do it). But once Emma starts blaming herself for them being trapped in the cell, Mary Margaret’s tone changes and she’s all gung-ho about good always defeating evil. She still seems to believe that Emma is the Savior, despite Emma believing she’s just a pawn in Rumplestiltskin’s game. Mary Margaret once again tells Emma they will get out of there. Emma isn’t hopeful because all they’re doing is staring at the scroll with her name written on it, but that strikes a memory in Mary Margaret about how Cora used to do spells. She blew them off the page. So she does so with Emma’s name scroll and it breaks down the cell for them to get out. Emma is amazed. Mary Margaret basically tell her she told her so, and they run off to get to Cora and Hook before they can use the portal. They make is just in time as Mary Margaret shoots the compass out of their hands with an arrow right as they were going to  jump into the portal. Emma immediately starts sword fighting Hook and Mulan deflects Cora’s fireballs with her sword, while Mary Margaret shoots arrows to help them out. Mary Margaret tells Mulan to go back to Aurora once they have her heart. Mulan gives Mary Margaret her sword to help defeat Cora. Emma tries to get Cora but she poufs away and Mary Margaret and Emma try to get into the portal at that point, but Cora knocks them away. Cora confronts Mary Margaret who asks why she wants to go to Storybrooke so bad. Cora tells her Regina needs her and she’s going to give her the one thing she’s always wanted, her heart. Cora attempts to take Mary Margaret’s heart but Emma pushes her out of the way. After Emma somehow defeats her with magic, Mary Margaret quickly soothes her by telling her they’ll figure it out in Storybrooke and they make the leap home. Immediately, when they get to Storybrooke, Red comes and takes her to David. Mary Margaret rushes to Gold’s shop and True Love Kisses David awake, in the exact scene they had when he kissed her awake in the Pilot. He even says the Burning Red Room gave him pause. They all go off to Granny’s for dinner. Hopefully, we’ll get to see Mary Margaret in actual mother mode now that they’re back in Storybrooke and not fighting for their lives.
Gold: I’m honestly not sure if he is truly afraid of Cora coming through that portal, or he just finds life easier without Emma and Mary Margaret around or both. Gold has stated he’s more powerful than Cora, so why is he so afraid of her coming through the portal? Especially since Regina seems to be turning over a new leaf and could easily help him defeat her. Either way, he manipulates Regina into helping him set up the portal barrier (or at least tagging along because she doesn’t seem to do much but stand there). He actually looks shocked when it appears that Emma and Mary Margaret aren’t going to make through the portal, but then has no emotion when Emma and Mary Margaret make it back through. He literally just walks off and doesn’t say a word, just shoots Regina a look that apparently she was right. Emma confronts him after David wakes up. He actually goes to apologize for the portal barrier, but she understands having met Cora. She’s upset about him orchestrating the whole Savior thing. Plus he could have gotten out of his cell whenever he wanted. He tells her he was exactly where he wanted to be. Gold tells her that he didn’t create her or make her the Savior, he merely took advantage of who she was, the product of true love. He tells her that’s what makes her powerful and everything she’s done has all been her. Emma realizes he doesn’t know what happened between her and Cora. He confirms that it’s magic and that he had nothing to do with that. Everyone leaves for dinner leaving Gold and Regina. He congratulates her on reuniting Henry and Emma and quips that maybe they’ll even invite her to dinner one day.
Aurora/Mulan: When it’s discovered that Cora has Aurora’s heart she instantly feels guilty. Mulan feels guilty for not protecting her from her heart being taken. Aurora insists on being tied up and left behind when they go after Cora and Hook. Mulan eventually returns with Aurora’s heart and puts it back in her chest. Aurora tells Mulan what Cora told her about the wraiths and souls and they decide to go figure out how to put Phillip’s soul back in his body.
Henry: He has so much faith in Regina in seeing how much she’s changed. It means so much to Regina for him to trust her and love her like he does. It’s his faith that finally gets Regina to practically kill herself to stop the portal barrier. And while he does thank her and tell her how much she’s changed, again, it’s not enough to invite her to come to dinner with Emma, Mary Margaret, David, the dwarfs, and Ruby. I get that he’s 11 and doesn’t necessarily understand how Regina is feeling, but he’s finally forging a real relationship with his adoptive mother that isn’t manipulative. Wouldn’t the fact that she just saved them from being killed warrant an invitation to dinner?
Why does Belle look like Storybrooke Belle and not Enchanted Forest Belle in her cell? Is the Evil Queen really letting her do her makeup and hair everyday?
How does the Evil Queen know all the details about Hook’s vendetta against Rumplestiltskin? Did Rumplestiltskin tell her?
Where does Cora keep her heart if not in her chest and how long has she not had her heart with her?
How does the Evil Queen not suspect that Cora isn’t dead? Did Cora enact some kind of glamour spell? She’s breathing and she has a heartbeat. How did the Evil Queen not check for these?
Is Henry, Sr. already dead at this point? Has the Evil Queen already taken his heart to get ready for the curse? Because otherwise, a) I’d think he’d also be mourning Cora as she was his wife, and b) the love is weakness concerning Cora wouldn’t make sense because until the Evil Queen was told she needed to take the heart of the thing she loves most, Henry, Sr., was going to go over in the curse as well. But in the episode The Thing You Love Most, it seemed as though she cast the curse almost immediately after she killed him.
Where did Rumplestiltskin hide a pot of ink on him when he was captured? Wouldn’t they have taken everything from him? And would they really have let him have a pen and parchment in his cell? Or were those on him as well?
I thought the dwarves were going to harvest the diamonds for fairy dust the day after they found them? Did David tell them not to bother once the hat was burned?
How did Hook get the bean from the Giant? Did he kill the giant to get it?
Why does Henry assume that Gold and Regina taking all the magic is for something bad when she had just told him they had to prepare things for Emma and Mary Margaret coming through the portal?
Exactly what was Regina needed for with the portal barrier? Gold used the fairy wand to get the magic diamonds, and then used it to bring the barrier down to the well. Regina just stood there and watched. Was she his scapegoat in case things went wrong?
How did Mary Margaret, Emma, and Mulan know to go to Lake Nostos? Did Mary Margaret track Cora and Hook there? 
Are the writers really expecting me to believe that Emma, who has no formal sword fighting training and has only picked up a sword once before, can beat Hook, who has, who knows how many years of sword fighting under his belt?
How convenient that Regina and Gold just happened to be trying to stop the portal at the same time Emma and Mary Margaret make it through. 
Isn’t Phillip technically dead without his soul? Wouldn’t his body be decomposing? Or is getting your soul ripped out equivalent to a sleeping curse when it comes to body preservation?
Who is steering the Jolly Roger? Hook is nowhere near the wheel.
There are hash marks in Belle’s cell. I counted them. There are 193 groups of five. That’s 965 days. So assuming that Belle made all the marks and there weren’t there from a previous occupant, Belle has been the Evil Queen’s prisoner for roughly two and a half years (based on our calendars).
The wand Gold uses to take the diamonds from the mine belonged to Cinderella’s fairy godmother that he killed in The Price of Gold.
Hook was able to take Aurora’s heart because of the spell the Evil Queen put on it.
Cora doesn’t keep her heart in her chest.
Now we know how Gold woke up when he learned Emma’s name when she first came to town, he had it ingrained in his memory.
Mulan’s sword can deflect Cora’s magic.
You don’t need magic to put a heart back in someone’s chest.
I’m not sure how long it takes to get to your destination once jumping through a portal, or what the time to time correspondence is between Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest, but it took an awfully long time for Emma and Mary Margaret to get through the portal.
Rumplestiltskin wanted to be caught and in the cell because he needed to know Emma’s name and tell Snow and Charming about her being the Savior, since he’d already put the True Love’s Kiss contingent in place by putting some of it on the curse scroll.
It’s 5:10 in the evening when they pass the clock tower on the way to Granny’s.
Cora is holding the rose (dried) that Regina placed in her coffin when she and Hook arrive in Storybrooke.
Great episode! This was the season 2 fall arc ender before they took a month break. It will be interesting to see how Cora and Hook being in Storybrooke will change dynamics. I’m also looking forward to Mary Margaret and David figuring out how to be Emma’s parents and Emma being Henry’s mom now that they’re all back together. Remember, the curse was only lifted about a week and a half ago in their timeline, even if it was 9 weeks of episodes for us.
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blyedeeks · 8 years
Why the heck hasn’t Bellarke gotten together yet, a Meta.
So here’s a meta I never thought I would write, cause everyone is always so caught up on the “behind the scenes” (aka jason, eliza, etc interviews)that they miss what the show is saying (screaming)
And to prove I’m not crazy, here is the reason why i’m writing this in the first place:
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So there you go, @ivthegreatest​, as promised this meta is for you (i LOVE YOU for questioning this).
So without further ado, let’s discuss Bellarke’s development and their obstacles.
I love Season 1, it’s no secret. One of the (many) reasons why is because I think its arcs are very well organized and built. That being said, on season 1 we can divide bellarke’s arcs in groups of 3-4 episodes.
1x01-1x03: The Clichés
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It starts like this: Belamy and Clarke antagonize each other from their very first scene. 
As their initial roles had them, Clarke was the hero/princess and Bellamy was the villain/rebel. As much as there’s always been some intense level of attraction between them (also ever since the first scene?!), their ideals alone set them miles apart.
Clarke thought Bellamy was a first class douche and Bellamy saw her as a representation of all the priviledged people on the ark. Each one of them had their own agendas: Clarke just wanted everyone to survive while Bellamy wanted to make sure the arkers wouldn’t make it down to Earth (+ he wanted to protect O).
The show sets Bellamy as “the bad guy”, the one who starts rebelions, the one who tries to create anarchy while making sure he’s in power. And Clarke was “the good guy”, seaching for food, protecting the moste fragile ones etc. They would never get together as they were ,in fact, enemies.
It all escalated on 1x02, where Bellamy (on the most “Bellamy you played yourself” moment in history) threatened to cut off her hand because she was getting in the way of his plans. But, on the same episode, when Bellamy – the supposed bad guy- had a chance to get rid of his problem– he doesn’t. That’s when the audience realizes there’s something there (with bellamy, with bellarke). Clarke doesn’t make the same realization necessarily (she must see something, but this is for another meta).
On 1x03 we end this arc as Bellamy and Clarke see they MIGHT be wrong about each other - as Bellamy sees Clarke killing atom.
Clear as heck, Bellamy changes the way he sees Clarke, he realizes the “princess” is very capable of making tough choices. Less obvious, but even more canon, Clarke sees Bellamy differently too, she knows now he’s not a murderer (” I saw you in the woods with Atom. I know you're not a killer “ 1x04 ).They weren’t friends at all, but they saw something in each other that other characters didn’t see.
And,... there was a catch already. While Bellamy and Clarke were on this antagonistic cycle, Clarke was already getting involved “prince charming”. Someone who (supposedly) shared her views on keeping peace, someone who was against that anarchy mess, someone with hero hair and a flashing smile. Yeah, Finn.
But well, as 1x03 prelude-ed it, all roles were about to change drastically and everyone would find out they were wrong about...everything. Which bring us to the next arc:
1x04-1x07: The Switch
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1x04 pinpoints the moment Bellamy and Clarke begin to lead together. After getting to know each other better (1x01-1x03) – but not enough for them to even be friends, they find something in common: Charlotte.
And because of the whole mess she created by killing Wells (RIP bb) and accidentally framing Murphy for it, throughout the whole episode, Bellamy’s and Clarke’s leading styles clash and it was a mess.
That is until they realize they are both wrong, they lose Charlotte, they don’t know what to do with Murphy and then Bellamy finally accepts that they can’t leave in anarchy anymore. Clarke accepts that she can’t lead of her own, “We make the rules” and all that shiz. And bellarke become co leaders, what a beautiful thing.
BUT, on the same episode- Clarke and Finn finally get together. So, whatever it was that MIGHT have happened between Bellarke now that they’ve reached a middle ground (?))............. well, there’s a Finn in the way now. Sorry, folks.
(the writers know what they are doing im telling you).
But... but 1x04 is also the episode Raven comes down to earth.....hum. (more on that later).
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1x05-1x06 follow 1x04’s lead. Bellamy and Clarke aren’t exactly friends, but they compromise. Bellamy is still somewhat of a “bad guy” (bad boy?), Clarke is the moral compass, and they fight a lot. Bellamy still has his agenda, Clarke still calls him on it  (“That's why you took the wristbands. Needed everyone to think we're dead” -1x05 / “Yeah, he knows. Now has to live with it.”  1x06– Clarke after the deaths of the Culling). But they are understanding each other better step by step.
And what is interesting here is that  the writers created this movement of Bellamy and Clarke getting closer and closer while Finn and Clarke got further away from each other.
On the first arc, episodes 1x02-1x03, when Bellamy and Clarke were the most apart, Clarke and Finn got closer and the writers were selling him as her obvious romantic interest with all the flirting and the smiles and the presents.
But on 1x04, as Bellamy and Clarke become leaders, Finn and Clarke get together for the first time only so the writers can show it was a farse (Raven). When 1x05 starts, Bellamy and Clarke just agreed to... agree, they are on their way of becoming closer- and Flarke is about to do the opposite. 
That’s why 1x04-1x06 was an uncertain period for Bellarke as it was for Flarke.
For Bellarke, Bellamy and Clarke had this partnership where they would have a real conversation in one moment (“you’re not a murderer” 1x05/” Can you wish on this kind of shooting star?” 1x06) and fight on the next (see the quotes up there). For Flarke, Finn and Clarke were just dancing around each other, but Raven was his girlfriend and she loved him. Clarke was pissed at Finn, she wanted to stay away from him, but she had feelings for him, and they just wouldn’t have a definite conversation about the matter.
Which bring us to 1x07:
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1x07 changed everything.
I know everyone loves 1x08 (so do I), but man, 1x07 is the reason everything happened the way it did.
Thing is, on 1x07 the writers threw grey all over the place. Sure, they were already playing with the ideal of people being morally grey since forever, but 1x07 was the real deal. Bellamy and Clarke connected like HECK….. and over torturing a person. (Only my otp would.)
And this is not something they can go back from. Clarke stained herself, and she didn’t know what to do with it. But there came Bellamy to tell her something he’d been telling himself for awhile: “Who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things.”.
(something that rang so freaking deeply in her, she’d repeat it again: “ The things that we've done to survive, they don't define us.” 2x08)
Now, they have more in common than they had before. More than that, it’s like they are accepting that, crazy as it might be, they understand each other.
So, to me, it’s no coincidence that right before that Bellarke scene Clarke lets Finn go for good. Rewatch if any of you might, on 1x07 Clarke just tells him to be with Raven, and she walks away from him (and even though Clarke would still have feelings for Finn - that was the end of their romantic relationship for good.).
....... she walks away....from Finn....... and then that scene with Bellamy happens outside the dropship.
Smart writers.
 Now Iv is probably reading this and saying “see?!?!? You’re just proving my point, THEY COULD HAVE GOTTEN TOGETHER AT LEAST ONCE AFTER THAT”
Okay, okay, I know what you mean because here is the MOST FLIRTY ARC OF THIS ENTIRE SHOW i’m not gonna even describe me i’ll just leave the pics here:
1x08-1x10: The Bellamy and Clarke FEEL THINGS
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Do I need to talk about it?
1x08-1x10 was epic, it was feels all over the place, it was Clarke and Bellamy bonding and pouring their hearts for each other, forgiving each other, accepting each other; It was flirting at inappropriate times, having deep conversations, trusting each other and making Finn annoyed and jealous. It was a freaking magical time.
I personally believe that only after this arc Bellamy and Clarke were close enough for their characters to “hook up” in some way and for it not to be OOC.
But, we only had 2 problems: 1- They were just getting closer. 1x07-1x10 happened in the span of days, they were beginning to truly be friends or something, so I think they would need more time.Plus, Clarke was hurting over Finn.
2- If there was anything to happen, before it could, they were separated.
The writers must have realized what Iv has (why wouldn’t bellamy and clarke hook up now??) because those two were separated all the time after this arc. They had the total amout of (*SPOILER NUMBER FOR IV*) separations, it’s ridiculous.
So here we go:
1x11-1x13: The Kidnapping Fest
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Clarke and Bellamy were on their awesome co-leader, bickering mode. But Clarke and Finn are taken in the middle of 1x11, try to run away and failed.
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Clarke and Finn manage to come back only at the end of 1x12, but then chaos had already started as they knew the grounders were coming (so yeah no time for anything else- only for dramatic co-speeches because Bellamy and Clarke will always have time to be Drama King and Queen).
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On 1x13, they did their co-leadership thing, heart eyes and all, but they had a war to prepare to. And then, they were separated. Again.
Which actually bring us to Season 2.
( Season 2 isn’t as well structured as season 1. So I’m not gonna talk about season 2 arcs, but episodes)
As everyone well know, Bellarke was freaking separated up until episode 2x05.
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But right at the very moment they reunited, they found an obstacle already. (these writers are out to get us)
“Where’s Finn?” , Clarke asks Bellamy right away.
Well, Finn, Finn was killing people because he loved Clarke
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(bc i’m extra and the writers are sneaky:
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Make no mistake, this shiz is heavy. Clarke doesn’t deal well with blood on her hands, she hates it. Now she sees Finn, Spacewalker, supposedly the guy who loves peace and sunshine, killing 18 people in cold blood because of her.
( Is anyone really surprised the next theme of the season was “love is weakness” or-? )
So, from the moment Bellamy and Clarke reunited until they were separated again (2x09), all this was over Clarke’s head.
And things just kept piling up: Bellamy and Clarke reunited, they found Finn killed 18 grounders, the grounders now want Finn to die a very painful death to pay for his crime, huge tension fly between Arkers and Grounders -who were supposed to be allies as their people were stuck in Mt Weather. Finn surrenders himself, Clarke KILLS Finn, it haunts her like heck, L.exa s gets in her head that they are both leaders that need to “do what needs to be done” for their people – and that love is weakness.  
But this was not only a huge emotional ride that happened in a short period. This shaped the way Clarke allowed herself to feel for Bellamy.
How? Let’s re- analyze things.
It sure seems that ~something~ changed about her feelings for Bellamy on the time they were away from each other. They went from walking side by side on 1x13:
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or even this
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To this:
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It’s a freaking huge leap.
Not to mention all the times between 2x01-2x05 when it was pretty obvious she had been missing Bellamy, worrying about him AND equating him with Finn:
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(”Finn and Bellamy?”)
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(”Not all of us”)
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(” Finn and Bellamy?”)
When we get to 2x05, we can’t even tell for sure what Clarke’s feeling (I don’t think Clarke knew) , but ,my friends, it’s deep. But then when she finally finds Bellamy again – Finn is in trouble, and he killed for her, and he created tension between grounders/skypeople and he died at her own hands.
Finn, the guy she had feelings for. ( also had feelings for). The first member of the “ Finn and Bellamy???” duo.
And that’s when we realize this “duo” is no coincidence at all.
Her feelings for Bellamy are SO (VERY FREAKING MUCH) related to this season 2 plot that one of the first things she said to him on 2x09 was “I can’t lose you too” (remembering Finn). Right after we saw L.xa convincing Clarke that “love is weakness” and that leaders had to forget about the matters of the heart to take care of their people. Then Clarke let go of Finn (“Love is weakness”), then she let go of Bellamy too (“I was being weak”).
Which lead them to be separated, again.
And this time, it was not only the physical separation that set them apart and didn’t allow their relationship to reach a new level.
Now Clarke got this new belief that would only be over by the end of season 3 probably (that is, if it is over). Now Clarke puts her people first, forget about liabilities and love if they are an inconvenience.
(which is an interesting way to watch s03 if any of you might. )
Of course, that her love for Bellamy is a freaking bastard and it doesn’t exactly allow her to do that-
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(oh Clarke, you try, I’ll give you that) 
-But truth be told, this plot is also one of the huge reasons why they aren’t together (yet).
Clarke would later be haunted by other decisions she made on season 2B, which also separated her from Bellamy, and other separations (literal and metaphorical) came between them, but this is one arc is one of their most important obstacles.
 Phew, since Iv hasn’t watched past 2x12 and this is long already, consider this meta a “part 1” of why the heck Bellarke didn’t get together yet.
However, for anyone (including you, Iv) that watches past 2x16 I’m pretty sure there are so many obstacles there we don’t even need to discuss it. 
But we’ll see about that later.
76 notes · View notes
stahlop · 5 years
Once Upon a Time 2x08 “Into the Deep” Review
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Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10 1x11 1x12 1x13 1x14 1x15 1x16 1x17 1x18 1x19 1x20 1x21 1x22 2x01 2x02 2x03 2x04 2x05 2x06 2x07
We get to see more of the Burning Red Room this week and David decides to go under a sleeping curse to relay the message to his wife and daughter better than Henry’s been doing. And Hook goes back to Cora and gets back into her good graces in a spectacular way. Honestly, this episode is a bridge episode to me. It doesn’t have any big revelations and it’s basically just the characters trying to communicate information to each other. And considering this is my third watch through, I’d forgotten most of what was going to happen in this episode, including the fact that David went under the sleeping curse.
Summary: Hook and Cora have a falling out, but Hook manages to steal Aurora’s heart so their deal to get to Storybrooke is back on. Mary Margaret, Emma and Mulan go to make more poppy powder so Mary Margaret can go back to the Burning Red Room to communicate with Henry. David decides he doesn’t want Henry to continue to suffer, so he goes under a sleeping curse to get the information to the girls.
Opening: Zombie Army
Character Observations:
Cora: She’s had enough of Hook’s bullshit once he gets down from the beanstalk without the compass. She cuts him out of the deal to go to Storybrooke and poufs herself back to the safe haven where she makes all the dead people rise. There’s the zombie army I was expecting back in The Doctor. The zombies easily find Emma and crew, and in the scuffle, Aurora is taken captive and brought back to the safe haven dungeon. Cora is being all nice and bringing her food but Aurora informs her that Emma and Mary Margaret won’t trade her for the compass. Cora doesn’t think they’ll let an innocent die. Well, Mary Margaret might not, Emma is another story. I guess Cora assumes that Emma is like her mother, sweet and full of hope. Cora figures out that Aurora wanted to go to Storybrooke with Emma and Mary Margaret and chastises her for forgetting Phillip already. She then tells Aurora that Phillip’s soul is in another realm, and if she helps her, she’ll tell her how to bring Phillip back. Cora gets a plate full of food kicked at her for that, so she throws Aurora into a rock and knocks her out. She then sends a Crow? Raven? to Mary Margaret letting her know that Aurora will die at sunset if they don’t bring her the compass. We next see Cora in the dungeon when Hook has released Aurora. She’s rightfully angry. She has that really scary anger in which she’s completely calm the entire time she’s talking to you, and that makes it even worse because screaming would be better, magic would be better, but no, she’s just calm (my dad was like this, never raised his voice, scary as hell, that’s probably why he was such a good principal). She pins Hook to the wall and threatens to kill him again. I really thought Cora would have been a kill first, ask questions later type person. Hook already seems to know that she won’t kill him right away and that he’ll be able to have his say, along with a few other innuendos. He gets her attention by telling her he brought her a gift and that gives her pause. She is immensely pleased that Hook brought her Aurora’s heart. She speaks through it, as Aurora, letting the women know how Hook helped her escape and how he might fancy Emma. Cora tells Hook that Emma won’t trust him, and he knows that, but it’s enough that he freed Aurora. Cora is impressed, which I’m sure is very rare for her, and agrees to let Hook come to Storybrooke with her again.
Hook: It’s about 11-12 hours after Emma left Hook chained at the top of the beanstalk (10 hours plus however long it takes to climb down), and he’s finally free and back in the Enchanted Forest. And, oh look, Cora’s waiting for him, how sweet, but not. Turns out Hook stole the enchanted bracelets from Cora that he and Emma used to go up the beanstalk. She wants to compass but he doesn’t have it. Cora’s tired of Hook’s games, realizes that he chose Emma for reasons and now he has to face the consequences. Hook is all swagger and sass when he asks if Cora is going to kill him. Seriously, does this guy have a death wish? Cora could snap his neck instantly and not give a damn. But Cora won’t kill him, she’ll just leave him behind so he can’t get to Storybrooke and never get his revenge against Rumplestiltskin. Hook looks like he’s an elementary school kid getting yelled at by the teacher, but then he turns on the charm again and he looks like he’s about to kiss Cora or something else with the way he says ‘discuss things’, ew. Cora isn’t falling for his pretty face and basically says she’s done with him. Hook is understandably upset and tries to stab her with his hook but she poufs away and he’s left on the ground. The next time we see Hook he’s waking Aurora up after Cora took her hostage. He’s letting her go as retaliation for Cora not letting him get his revenge. Aurora obviously thinks this is some sort of ruse, but Hook says he doesn’t like being double-crossed (um, you double-crossed Cora first, Hook). He’s all dark and broody about it, but then, just as Aurora’s about to leave, he gets all sheepish when asking if Aurora will ask Emma if their deal is still on. He’ll get the ashes if she brings him along. Cora comes into the dungeon and finds Aurora gone and Hook there. How Cora didn’t kill Hook right away is beyond me. Maybe his pretty face does buy him time. He gets pinned against the wall for his behavior and even when she takes his Hook and skims it over his chest, he still has no worries about being killed. He just looks annoyed. Cora says she has to kill him now, but he tells her she should thank him because he brought her a gift. Turns out, Hook knows how to take a heart, and he took Aurora’s heart! Cora uses it to give false information to Emma, Mary Margaret, and Mulan, including that Hook may care for Emma. Cora tells Hook that Emma still won’t trust him, he says that letting Aurora go will at least make her think he’s genuine. Cora let’s him back in on the scheme of going to Storybrooke.
Mary Margaret: She’s been on the back burner for much of this season, but tonight she gets to shine. She admits that she has been to the Burning Red Room as well and figures out it must be a side effect of the sleeping curse. Aurora’s mad that Mary Margaret didn’t say anything when she described it to her. Mary Margaret was protecting her and didn’t want to scare her. Said like a true mother, and what? How is not potentially bonding with Aurora over a shared experience protecting her? If anything, it would give Aurora hope that the dreams would fade just like Mary Margaret said they would. Aurora accuses Mary Margaret of being a liar and wonders what else she lied about and Mary Margaret gets really offended. Her expression is hilarious. Mary Margaret tells Emma they have a way home now because they can find out how to defeat Cora from Rumplestiltskin.  Emma finally catches on that they can communicate with Henry through Aurora in the Burning Red Room. They all go to find some shelter so  Aurora can meet with Henry in the room again. Emma is blaming herself for Henry being in the Red Room, but Mary Margaret tells her it will be okay. Unfortunately, this is when the zombie army decides to attack, so not everything is okay. They have to quickly wake up Aurora so they can run. Mary Margaret fends them off with her bow and then shoots one who tries to steal the compass from Emma. Mary Margaret and Emma make a run for it and catch up with Mulan who tells them Aurora’s gone. While regrouping, they receive the message from Cora about trading Aurora for the compass. Mulan demands the compass, but Emma won’t give it to her. Mary Margaret says they need to find a way to rescue Aurora and keep the compass. Mary Margaret decides she needs to go meet with Henry in the Netherworld and she’ll be able to get back there if she’s put under with poppy powder. Mulan doesn’t have any left but knows where she can get a poppy to make some. Emma notices Mary Margaret looks nervous and asks how bad the Netherworld is. Mary Margaret explains it, but more in terms of emotions and feelings, which makes Emma feel uber guilty about Henry going there. Mary Margaret tries to convince her that no one believed Henry’s stories, but Emma’s feeling that as his mom she should have. Mary Margaret one ups her by saying that she’s the guilty one because she told Cora about Daniel and none of this would have happened if she’d kept her mouth shut. Emma can blame herself all she wants, but it won’t get them home. Emma questions Mary Margaret about whether she thinks they’ll really make it home. She says that David taught her never to give up. The poppy powder is ready and Mary Margaret goes to sleep. She’s yelling for Henry, who isn’t there, when David drops in, literally. She gets the info about going to Rumplestiltskin’s cell for the squid ink and then realizes that David shouldn’t be able to be there. She looks so sad when David says he willingly took a sleeping curse just so he could see her. He leaps over the flames to kiss her and be free from the curse, but it’s just their souls, so they can’t actually kiss. Mary Margaret realizes she’s waking up, but David tells her they will find each other as they always do. Mary Margaret tells him they tend to lose each other a lot too and will this keep happening. David tells her it won’t. He tells her to have faith. Mary Margaret is starting to wake up and she’s crying because she doesn’t want to leave David. Mary Margaret awakes and immediately starts freaking out. She wants more poppy powder so she can see David. She explains to Emma what happened. They have to get back so she can wake up David. Emma assures her they will. She’s dispensing Mary Margaret’s advice about having faith. Mary Margaret tells Emma what they need to get to stop Cora and they prepare to leave when Emma realizes that Mulan took the compass and ran while they were sleeping. Emma and Mary Margaret manage to catch up to Mulan and Mary Margaret fires a warning arrow. Mulan says she’ll give the compass back but attempts to pull her sword. Mary Margaret is not having it. She tackles Mulan and tells her they found out how to defeat Cora. Mulan doesn’t want to do another journey, she just wants to rescue Aurora.  Mary Margaret is in Mulan’s face and Mulan basically dares Mary Margaret to stab her with her arrow. There’s a brief hesitation, like she expects Mulan to back down, but then she grabs the arrow, and thankfully, Aurora shows up at that exact moment to prevent Mary Margaret from becoming a murderer. Aurora tells them about Hook and her escape and they tell her they’re heading to Rumplestiltskin’s cell.
David: He’s just a little ball of sunshine in this episode, isn’t he. Going on about faith and hope. Seems Mary Margaret rubbed off on him pretty good. He’s pretty much Henry’s cheerleader about going into the Netherworld until Henry gets hurt. Then he decides he’ll go in. And for some reason he’s convinced Mary Margaret will be there and not Aurora. What? Where would he even get that idea? As far as he knows, Mary Margaret hadn’t had those dreams in years. Why would she suddenly be able to get back to the Netherworld now? And also, how does this prevent Henry from going there in his dreams? Is Henry just not going to sleep anymore? This whole plan is ludicrous! Also, David makes this plan before he finds out that he doesn’t go directly to the Burning Red Room and Gold doesn’t even tell him that until he’s literally about to prick his damn finger. What if there was no way to get there? What if being in the sleeping curse and being in the Netherworld are two totally separate realms? David tells everyone not to worry, because Mary Margaret will be there and kiss him awake. Which, really, is everyone taking stupid pills this episode? They are in a dream, they are not physically in the Netherworld. Why would anyone think this would work? Ugh! Henry gives him his amulet to control things (which Henry used so well) after giving another faith speech to Henry. So David pricks his finger (which for some reason has to administered through a spinning wheel spindle while it’s spinning) and falls asleep. He finds himself in a dark room with just a torch for light and realizes he’s in a circular room filled with mirrors. The amulet starts glowing, leading David to realize the Burning Red Room is under him. The floor is hot when he touches it. How convenient. And he’s able to get through by using the torch to break through the ceiling. He breaks the amulet in the process of falling through the ceiling. He finds Mary Margaret and tries to get to her but the flames are in the way. Mary Margaret does her whole ‘You found me’ thing, and David tells her about the squid ink hidden in Rumplestiltskin’s cell. He tells her to find it and come home. Mary Margaret finally realizes that David shouldn’t be there, and he admits he took a Sleeping Curse to see her and protect Henry. David tells her they need to kiss to wake him up. He leaps the flames in an over dramatic fashion to kiss Mary Margaret, but when they go to kiss they realize they aren’t really there and they can’t kiss. Again, how did no one foresee this? Mary Margaret is also starting to wake up and she’s scared. David reminds her that they always find each other and Mary Margaret reminds him that they keep losing each other too. He tells her to have faith. He is now stuck in the Netherworld under the Sleeping Curse until Mary Margaret is able to come home.
Mulan/Aurora: Emma and Mary Margaret show a picture of Henry to Aurora who confirms that it’s him in her dream. Aurora is confused about how she’s dreaming of Emma’s son, but Mary Margaret admits that the room is a side effect of the Sleeping Curse, and since they’ve all been under it, that’s why they go there. Aurora wonders what else Mary Margaret has been lying about since she didn’t admit to being there before when Aurora talked about it. Mary Margaret figures out that Aurora can now speak to Henry when asleep, so Aurora goes back to sleep to talk to Henry again. She tells him that he needs to speak to Rumplestiltskin and find out how to defeat Cora. The princess crew look for higher ground for the next time Aurora needs to meet with Henry (they planned to both fall asleep and meet in 2 hours). Aurora gets her shawl caught on a bush and Mulan wants to know if something is wrong. Aurora says she’s just caught, but Mulan is talking about her arm which she’s hiding under her shawl. It’s burned from the Burning Red Room. She plays it off to Mulan like she brushed it against a poisoned leaf, but Mulan is too smart for that. Mulan tells her she shouldn’t do this if it’s hurting her and Aurora tells her she doesn’t have much of a choice. Mulan reminds her that she vowed to Prince Phillip that she’d protect her, not have her risk her life for strangers to get to another land. Aurora wants to help because Phillip and Mulan risked their lives to save her from the Sleeping Curse. She wants to help others in the same way now. Mulan doesn’t seem too happy about this. Mulan stands guard while Aurora goes back to sleep. Henry is trying to tell Aurora what they need to do to defeat Cora but the flames are too much. Aurora keeps hearing her name called by a distorted voice above her and then is whisked away by a tornado, and she awakes to Mulan shaking her. Aurora is upset that she didn’t get the info from Henry, but they have bigger problems. The zombie horde has found them! In the scuffle, Mulan and Aurora take off, separating themselves from Emma and Mary Margaret. Mulan is attacked when she trips over a tree trunk. She fights off the zombie, but Aurora has been captured! Mulan finds Emma and Mary Margaret and lets them know that Aurora is gone. Aurora is in the dungeon at the safe haven. She seems pretty calm for being captured, especially when Cora comes in with food. Aurora immediately thinks it’s poisoned, but Cora wants her alive to trade for the compass. This is the most personality we’ve seen from Aurora. Cora keeps calling her plucky. She’s being a downright bitch. Good for you, Aurora. She tells Cora that they wouldn't trade her for the compass. They barely know her, why would they trade her? Cora says they won’t let an innocent die, but Aurora isn’t convinced, or at least, makes it look like she doesn’t care. Cora figures out that Aurora wanted to go through the portal with them and start a new life. She can’t believe Aurora’s over Phillip so quickly. Aurora says Phillips is with her every day and if she could bring him back she would. Cora says there is possibly a way to bring him back if Aurora helps her out, but Aurora continues being a bitch (in a good way), by kicking her food plate at Cora and telling her she’ll never help her. Cora throws her into the rock wall and knocks her out. She sends the others a message that she will kill Aurora if they don’t bring the compass by sundown. Mulan demands the compass from Emma and is outraged that they might put Aurora’s life over it. Mary Margaret says they need to find a way to rescue Aurora and keep the compass, but Mulan vowed that she’d protect Aurora. She tries to rip the compass out of Emma’s hand, but Emma tells her to go find her own. Mary Margaret breaks up the squabbling by asking Mulan if she can just give them some time to defeat Cora before making the trade. Mulan reminds them that their link to Henry is gone, but Mary Margaret thinks she can get into a deep enough sleep, with the help of the poppy powder, to reach Henry. Mulan is out, she used the last on the giant. Mary Margaret tells her to make some more. Mulan tells them the poppy is rare in this land, but she knows where they can get some, and they’ll make it back before sundown. Aurora wakens in the dungeon to Hook trying to wake her up. She thinks he’s here to kill her. He tells her waking her up wouldn’t be the best course of action for that. He lets her go. Aurora, of course, questions this, as he’s one of the bad guys, but he’s doing it to get back at Cora for not taking him to Storybrooke. He also tells Aurora to tell Emma he still wants their deal. He’ll get the ashes if they take him along. Aurora leaves. Mulan makes the poppy powder for Mary Margaret and then steals the compass while she and Emma sleep. We get a nice little slow mo shot of Mulan looking at the compass while running through the woods. They catch up with her by shooting an arrow as a warning. She makes to go get the compass but then reaches for her sword. Mary Margaret tackles her. Mulan basically dares Mary Margaret to kill her because she’s not giving up the compass and Aurora shows up before Mary Margaret actually does it. She lets them know about Hook and how he was very upset about what Emma did and how they could defeat Cora together if she just trusted him a little. But it’s not Aurora actually speaking, Cora is speaking through her stolen heart! Aurora asks if they found a way to defeat Cora and Emma informs her they have to go to Rumplestiltskin’s cell. So off they go.
Emma: She is feeling loads of guilt this episode. She blames herself for Henry being in the Netherworld while he sleeps because she didn’t believe him about being the Savior and the curse. She shows her guilt to Mary Margaret numerous times before Mary Margaret gets tired of it and says she shouldn’t feel guilty over what happened to Henry. No one would have believed that story. And besides, if you want to blame someone, blame her because she told Cora about Regina’s true love, Daniel, and that caused Cora to kill him and this whole thing to start. Emma finally decides they just need to blame Regina, which is completely where the blame needs to be placed.
Regina/Henry/Gold: Aurora tells Henry that his mom and grandmother are with him. He tells Regina and David who are sleeping in his room with him. David tells him having faith worked and they’ll find a way to get them home. Henry tells them they need to defeat someone to get home, Regina’s mother. Gold and Belle are on a date at Granny’s. Belle seems to be oblivious to the gossip going on around them that is about them. Granny makes some quips to Gold about dark magic and Gold reminds Belle that he has a complicated relationship with just about everyone in the town. Belle points out to him that it took her awhile to warm up to him as well. It’s really cute to see Gold actually courting Belle instead of manipulating her. Regina interrupts their date, which Gold is not happy about. Granny tries to clear the restaurant thinking there is going to be some sort of battle between the two. Regina claims they’ll be civil to each other. Gold reminds Belle that Regina was the woman who locked her up for 28 years. Belle attempts to leave but Gold insists she stay. Gold says Regina won’t get what she wants from him. Regina says it’s the one thing that may unite them and Gold is doubtful. Regina tells him Cora is trying to get to their land. Gold thought she was dead and that Regina saw the body.  Apparently she faked it. Gold doesn't seem to be as worried as Regina, he can handle Cora. And he won the last time he was up against her. Regina points out that he has Belle this time and she is his weakness. Regina is actually sweet by bringing Henry his blanket for his next Netherworld meeting with Aurora. It’s nice seeing some real growth from her. Henry asks if she’s really powerful. Gold says yes, but not as powerful as him. Regina says that’s debatable, but Gold says it’s not. I mean, unless she can’t be killed and can live forever like Gold, then no, she’s not more powerful. David wants to make sure Henry’s up to this, but Henry is tired of sitting on the sidelines. He wants to be a hero. David wants him to realize that being a hero also means knowing when to back away. Gold tells Henry the info he needs in the form of a bedtime story. He puts Henry to sleep with magic. Henry tries to tell Aurora the information, but the flames are too rough (use the damn amulet!) and Aurora gets sucked out before she can hear what he’s trying to tell her. He gets his arm burned in the process when he wakes up. Gold heals the burn with magic. Gold says because they are trying to stay in the Netherworld, instead of away from it, there are risks. And apparently waking Aurora before she was ready caused the injury somehow (what?). David and Regina don’t want Henry going back in, but Gold is adamant they get the info to Emma and Mary Margaret, otherwise Cora will be coming to Storybrooke. Regina says Aurora is gone so how can they send Henry back with no one there to receive their message? How about you wait until night time, when they’d normally be sleeping, and then they can send the message? Or wait a few hours and see if she’s back?  And that’s when David assumes that Mary Margaret will get herself there. Even Regina thinks that’s the dumbest thing she’s ever heard. David wants to go in Henry’s place, but Gold reminds him that he’s never been under a Sleeping Curse. David wants Gold to put him under one and Gold says he may never wake up because there’s no guarantee Mary Margaret will get back to kiss him. But David thinks they’ll be able to kiss in the Netherworld, which, really, Gold should have known this wouldn’t work, and they agree to put him under. Henry watches Regina make the Sleeping Curse potion. Henry wants to know if Regina’s been using magic. She swears she hasn’t except to stop Daniel. Henry’s just glad she’s using it to help people now. Henry wants to know if David will be okay under the curse. Regina says he’ll be asleep and unable to die in there, which I guess makes Henry feel better. Henry doesn’t want David to go in. He’s already been under the curse, but Regina reiterates that she and David value his safety first. So, is Henry just done with the Netherworld? He doesn’t want to go there and he won’t? This makes no sense!!! Regina says that his grandparents always find each other, so David will be safe. Hey, Regina actually said that lovingly and with no sarcasm whatsoever. Regina takes the spindle needle and places it in the potion which absorbs it. Henry hugs David and asks how he knows this will work. David gives him the faith speech and Henry gives him his amulet. Gold then tells David that he won’t be going to the Burning Red Room right away. He has to find it on his own because that’s only for the people who’ve already been under the sleeping curse. This would have been nice information to know at the beginning of the plan! Henry, Regina, and Gold wait for David to wake up.
Did no one go into Lancelot’s quarters while at the safe haven? How can Cora just have a heart vault sitting out where anyone could see it? Was it cloaked?
I’m confused about the zombie army. Were those people really dead or was Cora making them pretend to be? The heart she took out of the vault was not glowing until she blew on it, but the people obviously aren’t alive. Did she enchant dead hearts somehow?
Does Emma just randomly keep a picture of Henry in her pocket?
How are Emma, Mary Margaret, Mulan and Aurora keeping their clothes so clean, their hair so nice, and their make up so fresh?
Why aren’t you controlling the fire Henry?
Did Henry explain to Aurora that the Burning Red Room was called the Netherworld? Mary Margaret and Mulan both start calling it the Netherworld after Aurora talks to Henry and lets them know Emma and Mary Margaret are okay.
Does Mulan not know who Snow White is? She makes it sound like she and Aurora are just helping some random strangers, not royalty.
Why does David decide to go under the sleeping curse to protect Henry? Won’t Henry be going to the Netherworld in his dreams regardless?
If Regina knows how to make a Sleeping Curse, why did she need to steal the apple back from the Blind Witch in True North? Could she not have made another batch? Or was there something special about that apple?
Why is Mary Margaret attempting to fall asleep and talk to Henry during the day? Why would they expect Henry to still be asleep?
Why did the needle need to be on the spindle and the spinning wheel spinning for David to prick his finger? Or was that just for dramatic effect?
Does everyone go to the mirror room when under the Sleeping Curse? Didn’t Regina say the Sleeping Curse would make you dream of all your regrets in An Apple Red as Blood? 
Shouldn’t Gold have known that kissing in the Netherworld wouldn’t work?
Will Regina be taking care of Henry now that David is under the Sleeping Curse?
How the hell did Aurora find Emma, Mary Margaret, and Mulan in the middle of the woods?
How can Hook take a heart? Does he have magic we don’t know about?
Can anyone control someone through their heart? Hook took the heart but Cora is the one speaking through it.
Cora kept her heart collection at the safe haven in one of the makeshift houses.
According to the patrons in the diner, this is Gold and Belle’s third date.
Cora is supposed to be dead and Regina saw her body.
Aurora falls asleep really fast.
The ink in the quill that can stun dark magic is from a squid that lives at the bottom of a bottomless ocean, that’s impossible to find unless you’re a mermaid, or Rumplestiltskin.
Rumplestiltskin left squid ink in his cell.
We are reminded that Mary Margaret can talk to birds.
David starts out in a mirrored room above the Burning Red Room when he’s under the Sleeping Curse.
The amulet is broken in the real world after David breaks it in the Sleeping Curse.
You can talk through a person and listen in on their conversations if you control their heart.
Once Upon a Time Firsts:
Healing an injury with magic.
I think this is our first Captain Floor moment!
Well, that was longer than I expected, especially since this was an information dump episode. I did like the growth that we saw from Regina and the juxtaposition of her trying to change with Emma finally realizing that Regina is to blame for everything. That will be quite the reunion when they get back. So Storybrooke is now left without any law enforcement since David is asleep, and no one to keep either Regina or Gold in check. Oh, boy! No one really thought this through, did they? Mainly, I just felt that David was really dumb, and Gold wasn’t too far behind.
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