#he gets avoidant and runs. abandoning people with No warning to try to parse this.
sinsolucion · 2 years
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strengths: ● efficient ● energetic ● self-confident ● strong-willed ● charismatic & inspiring ● strategic weaknesses: ● stubborn & dominant ● intolerant ● impatient ● arrogant ● poor emotional handling ● cold and ruthless
commanders are natural-born leaders. people with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. however, commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves.
if there’s anything commanders love, it’s a good challenge, big or small, and they firmly believe that given enough time and resources, they can achieve any goal. this quality makes people with the commander personality type brilliant entrepreneurs, and their ability to think strategically and hold a long-term focus while executing each step of their plans with determination and precision makes them powerful business leaders. this determination is often a self-fulfilling prophecy, as commanders push their goals through with sheer willpower where others might give up and move on, and their extraverted nature means they are likely to push everyone else right along with them, achieving spectacular results in the process.
at the negotiating table, be it in a corporate environment or buying a car, commanders are dominant, relentless, and unforgiving. this isn’t because they are coldhearted or vicious per se – it’s more that commander personalities genuinely enjoy the challenge, the battle of wits, the repartee that comes from this environment, and if the other side can’t keep up, that’s no reason for commanders to fold on their own core tenet of ultimate victory. if there’s anyone commanders respect, it’s someone who is able to stand up to them intellectually, who is able to act with a precision and quality equal to their own. commanders are true powerhouses, and they cultivate an image of being larger than life – and often enough they are. 
tagged: @bloodxhound ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡ 
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theskyeandsea · 4 years
Two Player Game || Orion & Skylar
Timing: August 7th, 2020
Location: Quarter
Tagging: @3starsquinn​ & @theskyeandsea
Description: Ever the nerds, Skylar and Rio meet up at Quarter for some good ol’ wholesome fun.
Warnings: Brief mention of chronic illness symptoms
Checking her phone, Skylar chewed on the inside of her cheek as she waited outside Quarter for Rio. The last time she’d gone to do something fun, that she’d dared to try and enjoy herself a little… she’d found herself locked in a room, spilling some of her deepest secrets to a near stranger.If something bad happened to her, at least Rio wasn’t a stranger? But… he’d been acting so strange the last few days. She’d seen his very public messages with Blanche, seen mentions of a wedding, things like that. But, wasn’t he dating Winston? Was it a game? Just a little prank or something? Her fingers drummed absently against her thigh, the sleeves of her long shirt rubbing against her palm. She was looking forward to stepping inside the cool AC of the arcade, where wearing a long sleeved shirt wouldn’t look too out of place. As she glanced down the street, she saw Rio walking up and offered a smile. “Hey Rio. I’m glad you could make it. This place is a lot of fun, I’ve been here a few times before.” She said with a nod.
Orion wasn’t a celebrity. He had grown up in the town and spent the majority of his life not knowing most of the people that lived in town. Now, it seemed like everywhere he went people were staring at him. He had created a public spectacle of himself. The most embarrassing public spectacle of all time, in the history of public spectacles. He wondered how Blanche ranked this in comparison to the graduation video. Rio didn’t even want to leave the house. The only reason he did was for Skylar. He did so incognito, with a snapback pulled over his head and sunglasses. Maybe he was being overdramatic. Maybe people didn’t care about this nearly as much as Rio thought they did. All he knew was that it felt like all eyes were on him, and as someone who hated attention this was basically the worst thing that could have ever happened to him. He spotted Skylar standing by the doors and waved as he got close. “Hey!” Rio sighed, hoping he sounded happier than he felt. He was happy to spend time with Skylar, honestly it would probably help him feel better. “Thanks for inviting me. I haven’t been here in forever. How are things going?” He tried for a smile and moved to head into the arcade. Less people meant less attention.
Rio’s appearance had caught Skylar slightly off-guard-- she didn’t think he owned a snapback, much less would wear one. But, it was still nice to see him. The last time she’d hung out with Rio, she’d still been in a haze of Bliss, not entirely processing everything around her. She’d managed to piece things together afterwards, realized dimly that there had been some strange kind of tension in the air. It didn’t really matter now, though. She’d been… too scared to use the medicine recently, not after what she’d seen in the Hall of Mirrors. And besides, she’d went to the lake to change only a few weeks ago and, as much as she hated having to do that, at least she hadn’t run into anyone dangerous, hadn’t lost her voice, hadn’t been hurt again. “Of course.” She said with a nod, following Rio inside the arcade. The flashing lights and sound of pinball machines rang through the room and Skylar turned to Rio, signing as she spoke. “It’s a little loud in here, so I might need to sign more often. Have any games you want to play first?”
It had been a year or two and Orion had almost forgotten just how loud the place was. Back when he was a kid, Rio loved the place. It had been more than a few years now since he came in, but it didn’t look like it had changed much in between. The noise was overwhelming almost immediately, his hunter hearing betraying him. Rio flinched at the sensory overload and tried to ignore it, signing to Skylar as he spoke quietly, “Sounds good to me. Don’t bother with Gauntlet” Rio pointed over to the abandoned game, “It’s been broken since I was a kid.” He laughed and pulled the sunglasses off of his face. He hoped that nobody in here would come up and ask about the wedding. “The first thing I used to do every time I came into this place was play Pac-Man.” 
Over the loud clattering sounds of pinballs getting hit every which way and people yelling at Dragon’s Lair as the machine ate their last quarter, Skylar could barely hear a word that Rio was saying. But, his sign was fluid and easy to understand, which was part of why she liked hanging out with him. She didn’t have to try so hard like she normally did with other people when it came to conversation. “That works for me,” She said, lowering her voice to barely above a whisper as she signed back at him. She wasn’t entirely sure how hunter things worked-- she knew that Rio could hear better than most people, but she wasn’t really sure what qualified as “most people.” It was kind of ironic. The two of them being friends, but at opposite ends of the spectrums in more than a few areas. At the mention of Pac-Man she broke out into a smile. “That’s my favorite game, I’d love to play. That one or Dig Dug. There’s something cute about the little Reptar guys.” She signed as she began to wander towards the Pac-Man cabinet. 
Orion was confident signing now. It had been a language he had always been interesting in learning and had been working towards before meeting Skylar. But he became more passionate about it after making friends with her and Ricky. While he couldn’t be perfect, he was confident that next to English it was his best language. “I love Dig dug!” Rio signed back, motioning towards the machine as they brushed past it to get to Pac-Man, “We can play that one next.” Rio didn’t talk any louder than necessary, especially considering the noise. He could barely hear with the sound of pinballs smacking against the machines and coins dumping down, scraping against metal on their way down. He rubbed at his ears, trying to be nonchalant as he did it, in an attempt to filter out some of the noise. Usually, his ears adjusted. It wasn’t continuous torture. It was just a matter of time. “I don’t mean to brag, but I’m pretty good at this game.” Rio laughed as he signed, pausing for a moment longer before sighing in defeat and signing, “I’m kidding. I’m so bad at this game. After so many years playing you’d think I may be better.” 
“Amazing.” Skylar beamed, offering an enthusiastic thumbs up and leaned against the Pac-Man cabinet. She watched as Rio rubbed at his ears, saw how he seemed to wince just a bit at all the sound around them. It must be so loud in here for him. Digging around in her pockets, Skylar pulled out a small pack of tissues and held them out to him. “Do you think these might help?” She signed, “With all of the sound?” Skylar gestured to his ears. They weren’t quite ear plugs, but they would be better than being forced to listen to all the noise around her. As she watched the little flapping mouth run around the maze of bright pellets, Skylar relaxed a little bit. This was normal, this was fun. Even if neither one of them were quite normal, at least they could still relax like regular people. “I mean, I think it just takes a little bit of practice. And figuring out what works for you.” Sticking a quarter into the game, she signed quickly before the game started, “I always go for the bottom area first. See?” Skylar said as she played through the first stage, then the second, before she lost her first two lives on the third stage and the Game Over image blinked on the fourth. “I’m not great, but I’ve played it a lot.” She signed. 
Skylar had taken notice, and the next thing Orion knew she was holding out tissues and offering them to him. He wasn’t sure how much it could help, but just knowing that Skylar was thinking about that for him was all that mattered. He took the tissues, signing a quick thank you before tearing it and stuffing a small portion into his ears. It didn’t fix things perfectly, but the loud sounds from the arcade and children were dulled at least a bit which helped tremendously. Rio settled in to watch Skylar and appreciated her strategy, carrying her all the way to the fourth round before dying. “Hey, I usually lose my first life in the first round or two. You’re better than me.” He grinned. He jumped on next and true to his word, by the time he finally scraped his way to the second level he had already lost two lives. It put him at a disadvantage from the beginning, but he was starting to get confident that he could at least get to the third, clearing three corners and heading towards the fourth with the ghosts double teamed him, coming from both sides and cutting him off before he could get to the slightly larger ball. The game over screen flashed, and Rio sighed before giving a knowing look towards Skylar, “See?” Rio pushed out of the chair, floating around the machine to see if Skylar was going another round or if Dig Dug had stolen her attention. As thankful as Rio was that Skylar had not mentioned anything about the prior weekend’s drama, he had to admit it left him a little nervous. Was she avoiding the topic? Had she just not seen it, by some miracle? Eventually, the pressure became too heavy and Rio found himself sighing, barely mumbling the words out loud, “So. You haven’t asked about last weekend at all.”
Smiling, Skylar offered a slight nod in acknowledgement as Rio filled his ears with tissues. It wasn’t perfect, but she could understand the discomfort that came with having sensory issues. Her hearing aids might help her, but they had their own drawbacks-- with all the noise around them, she couldn’t parse out anything, couldn’t really distinguish what was what. It all jumbled together into a barely comprehensible mishmash of sound. “It’s all just practice. I used to play it a lot when I was home sick. My brother had a whole bunch of old arcade games saved on his computer.” Skylar explained, whispering and signing as Rio took his turn once more. She wondered how Hunter was doing. He would have just finished his first year in college… Did he miss her? Did he wonder how she was? Or was he too busy with his classes to even think about her? She blinked, shaking her head slightly as she realized Rio’s lips were moving. She couldn’t quite make out the words. She’d been too distracted to catch them, she’d only seen something that looked like… Wheat thin? “Hm? Sorry, I didn’t catch that.” She signed apologetically. “Something about… oh.” The word clicked into place. “The weekend.” Her cheeks went red and she shook her head. “You don’t need to talk about that if you don’t want to. It’s okay, really.” 
Despite the obvious differences, Orion had always felt connected to Skylar. Besides their common interests, their experiences actually seemed to be somewhat similar. Rio had never had a lot of illnesses to deal with growing up, but he had been forced inside for other reasons. Just like Skylar, he had turned to gaming and reading to pass the time while he was locked in his house. “Makes sense. I usually played gameboy or read whenever I was in my room.” The situations weren’t that comparable, Rio knew. He had been in good health at least, for what that was worth. He didn’t want to try to compare their experiences too much. At the end of the day, Skylar was still born into a species that Rio’s kind hunted. That was an advantage whether Rio accepted that heritage or not. Skylar zoned out for a minute, lost in some other thought. He happily signed it again, speaking the words quietly as he did. So she did know about it, but had not brought it up. What a good friend. “Thanks.” Rio signed as sincerely as he could. Because he was truly so, so thankful, “Just know... that wasn’t me in my right mind. And I wouldn’t do something like that to Winston.” Well, technically he had. But not while under the influence of a love potion. “But let’s see if you can beat the highest score in Dig Dug” Rio’s face beamed, pointing toward the arcade and rubbing his hands together excitedly.
“Mhm, I’d do that a lot too. But sometimes I’d get bored of Pokemon for the fiftieth time, you know? My brother found an emulator with arcade games, so I got pretty good at them.” Skylar said, remembering how quietly bashful Hunter had been when he’d shown her the games he’d picked out for her. It was, she realized now, how he’d shown how much he cared for her. The little conversations about video games, anime, their shared nerdy interests. She wondered if he still had that emulator on his laptop. Or if he’d deleted it too. As Rio continued to sign, she could see the emotion flickering on his face, the nerves. “I don’t really need to know what happened, if you don’t want to talk about it. But, I’m glad that you’re back to normal now.” She signed and nodded at the prospect of Dig Dug. “I don’t think I can beat the high score… But, I’m happy to give it a shot.” Skylar responded with an enthusiastic grin.
“That’s really cool,” Orion had basically abandoned talking at this point, mouthing the words without using any sound. He was glad she had a brother like that to share games with, even if she didn’t mention him a lot. Athena had never shared many interests that Rio had. “Maybe another time?” Rio signed with relief, happy that Skylar didn’t need some big explanation. Rio had embarrassed himself enough. He was tired of thinking about it, and more exhausted trying to explain it to people. Regardless, he was thankful that Skylar was willing to ignore it and continue on as if nothing happened. Considering how their relationship started, it seemed like a big development. There was a certain amount of trust that Rio wasn’t sure he would ever be able to earn back. It was nice to know that he had at least won some. Skylar was a good friend, and Rio was lucky that she had forgiven him. He wouldn’t have blamed her if she hadn’t. “Hey, I have faith in you. I think you’re going for the gold. I want your name up in first place. You got this!”
“Whenever you want to talk about it, let me know. Or if you don’t want to talk about it ever, that’s okay too.” Skylar nodded as she signed. She knew all too well what it was like, to have people want to hear about what was going on, to want to help and listen. But, when there was just too much shame, too much that people wouldn’t understand? She wouldn’t put pressure on Rio to open up if he didn’t want to. As they finished up their last round on Pac-Man, with Skylar getting halfway through stage seven before she lost focus because of the sharp ringing sound of alarm bells going off from a nearby shoot ‘em up game that sent feedback through her hearing aids. At that point, she decided it would be easiest to just turn them off. At least she wouldn’t be overwhelmed with sound. And besides, Rio was really good about signing with her. It was much appreciated in places like this. “I’ll do my best.” She signed before slipping a coin into the machine and watching intently as the little space man looking guy began to dig through the ground. “It’s really cool that there’s a place like this in town.” She whispered as she played, knowing Rio could hear her. “It’s nice to be able to just play games, you know?” And not worry about everything else that happened in White Crest. 
Orion enjoyed the moment of peace the two were able to share. The town had a way of constantly changing and throwing people for a loop. This week it was a love potion, who knew what next week would bring. So in between it was nice to have some time to just enjoy life with a friend. Rio didn’t bother answering Skylar while she was playing. He didn’t want to distract her, plus Rio had noticed her flip her hearing aids off earlier. Instead he waited until she finished a level, taking advantage of the break between to turn towards her. “God, it’s so nice to just be able to unwind for once. This place was like a mini safe haven for me as a kid.” There were a few around town. When he needed to be away from his family or alone. The arcade and the drive in theatre were his most popular spots. The more sensitive his hearing got, the more often the drive in won out over the arcade l. Until he stopped coming altogether. But being here now, especially with a friend of his made him realize how much he missed the place. And how much he would enjoy it now coming back. “I’m really glad you invited me. It’s so nice to be able to do this.” Rio grinned at her, noticing the screen change and signing quickly, “Next round coming up. Get ready.”
Dig Dug might have been one of her favorite games, but Skylar wasn’t very good at it. She never could get the hang of dropping the rocks on the enemies and, more often than not, she wound up creating strange winding paths in the dirt that did very little to help her progress. But, she made it through the first stage and watched as Rio signed. It was nice of him to sign with her like this. As Rio talked about unwinding, Skylar remembered that he had lived here his whole life. What must that have been like? She’d only lived here for a year-- God, a year-- she could only imagine how hard growing up here must have been. “I’m glad that you had some place like this growing up.” She replied with a smile. “And yeah, of course. There’s been so much going on, I just thought it would be nice to do something fun for once.” Focusing on the game, she made it through a handful more of the levels before her little explorer man was unfortunately smushed by a poorly timed rock at just the wrong moment. “Mmm. Your turn.” She beamed 
Orion couldn’t agree more. It was nice to do something for once. His week had been occupied by being drugged and then punched. He wouldn’t have called it the most successful of weeks, if it hadn’t been for this small reprieve. But knowing that things were good here gave Rio hope that the rest would turn out okay as well. For now, he just wanted to focus on enjoying it. He had been studying the screen intently as Skylar played through. He held his breath at every last second dodge. Cheered every time she defeated an enemy. Gasped when she lost a life. Finally, once she lost her last life Rio dramatically waved his arms in the air, silently miming an extended NOOO! He bashfully took the controls afterwards, afraid that he couldn’t measure up to her playing. He made it a few levels mostly unscathed. He started fumbling on the fourth level, second guessing a move that led to his death. He sighed, but carried in. He made it another two levels in before he eventually lost entirely.  As far as Dig Dug went, it may have been his best game yet. “Have you played Space Invaders? It’s the only game I managed to get a high score on in here.” Rio’s smile was wide with pride, “I mean, it was like tenth place or something but small victories, right?” He shrugged, taking the win. “I think that one is two player. Want to check it out?”
Rio’s enthusiasm as she made her way through the game was really encouraging, if a little distracting. But, it was still nice. Skylar had never had friends like this, who shared her interests, who enjoyed the games she did. Then again, she’d never really had friends before coming to White Crest. Just people who moved in and out of her life, never really making any lasting connections. She’d had people who had helped her out of pity or maybe guilt. But she’d never had friends like the ones she’d found here. Like Winston and Remmy and Rio and Morgan and Shiloh. The thought of Shiloh made her cheeks flush slightly and she was grateful for the glow of arcade machines to hide it. Skylar turned her attention to Rio’s game, gasping as he dodged around the screen, carefully weaving around the enemies. He was so good at this game, really. “That was so good.” She said, holding her hand up for him for a high five. At the mention of Space invaders, Skylar beamed. “That sounds great to me.” 
“That was… lucky.” Orion paused midsign before finishing it. He had never considered that the enhanced reflexes that came along with his hunter genetics would help him in video games too. Rio had always been a bit of a spaz, and he thought that probably got in the way of any enhanced reflexes being offered to him. With Skylar he had been able to relax a bit, which made focusing on enjoying the game instead of stressing about dying easier. “I don’t think I’ve ever done that well before.” He laughed, returning the high five and jumping up from the seat. Skylar seemed just as excited about the idea of playing Space Invaders as Rio was. The two found the machine, Rio practically bouncing across the carpet in excitement. He slid into the seat next to Skylar and slid in the two quarters for the two to get started, “You ready?”
“That was amazing, really.” Skylar said with a smile. As the two of them made their way to the next game, she couldn’t help but think about how… good all of this was. Maybe, maybe life in White Crest wasn’t easy or simple. But, there were still good moments. And those made all the difference to her. Just being able to pretend like there wasn’t some secret of her looming over her head, that this entire town didn’t have danger lurking behind every corner, it was nice. Moments like these were the ones that counted. “Yup.” She said, giving Rio a thumbs up and a grin. “Game on!”
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homunculusrune · 4 years
➳ Permanent Starter Call | Relationship ad
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So this is specifically for isola muses who would like to have meaningful or long-term relationship/arrangements with Prisoner! It’s not necessarily a Necessary Permission just to interact with Prisoner- I’m pretty much okay with interacting with anybody! This is more of an interest call for plotting out an interaction if they haven’t met yet. 
I’d ideally like to interact with a lot of people, because Prisoner at least at this point is pretty reactionary and survival oriented. He also has maybe a lot more issues than he’s had the time or environment to parse.
Prisoner is the nameless and voiceless (but highly opinionated) protagonist of the roguelike game Dead Cells, where he has been stuck in, more or less, a groundhog day loop in an ever-shifting setting populated with undead monsters. He’s been fighting for his survival, and dying a lot. His ethics are colorful in the name of survival, but his heart’s in the right place. 
cause his head’s not, geddit? ha ha.
Prisoner comes from a rather dark and upsetting game. The world as he knows is an island ruled by a tyrant king who held a bloody inquisition and genocide against his own people in an attempt to curb the rising tide of a mutagenic, zombifying disease known as the Malaise. While egregious examples will be tagged accordingly, Prisoner’s experience- and elements of his trauma- come laden heavily with themes of incarceration, execution (especially by hanging), torture, illness, body horror, blood, violence, and the desecration and burning of the dead.
If these are greatly uncomfortable for you, it is entirely up to you if you’d rather we don’t interact, or would like to interact but ask that I keep one or more topics away from how he interacts with your muse specifically, please communicate this. 
This is easy to achieve but does not go very far. Prisoner is fairly wary of intentions for the environment he was used to living in, and, also, kinda losing his mind a bit in Spirale for there being more than seven living people who are not trying to kill or exploit him. Prisoner can be summarized as friendly but mistrustful so most people who hold a few conversations with him, or just stick around one way or another, will get on his good side, by virtue of watering the horrible wilting plant that is his sense that he’s a real person.
He may or may not unexpectedly drop some of said issues on you if you get into conversations with him, depending on his mood. The world he knows in general, and the specific path he’s beaten through it, are rather unkind and dark, so if you’d rather keep things light, this is just something to communicate on OOC. (see content warnings; while in-character these things might pop out of the blue, out of character is another story- I am more than happy to discuss and will pretty much always forewarn you if Prisoner’s mood is swinging for the morbid.)
He also has a soft spot towards small animals or children so if your muse is young, cute, or seems that way he will at least want you to be okay. (and, yes. this includes monsters. this is a guy who occasionally secures the company of large one-eyed carnivorous/bitey grubs... and puts little bows on them. His sense of cute is not everybody’s.)
Prisoner’s pretty willing to run small favors or hear out friends (is not opposed to quid pro quo arrangements either, even if they’re pretty loveless) but if the arrangement seems exploitative he may ditch on you. If you’re in trouble, he’s likely to help out, even if he doesn’t necessarily like or trust you that much- other survivors are rare where he comes from. 
Prisoner is in House 112! Mostly, I’ve operated on the idea that he has come and gone at odd hours at best and not dropped off any personal belongings- thus making it maybe a little hard to tell if he’s there at all except that someone may have poked around or swiped food- but if your muse lives in the same house in Fibonacci Ward, please let me know anytime if you want to interact on that front!
More selective than casual friendship; this is a situation where Prisoner’s actual loyalty rears its head and it generally comes down to that he genuinely believes that you aren’t going to use him. Being used is a major concern / fear of his; he has pretty good reason to believe his entire existence was meant to be a means to an end for another person, and then personally spent an uncertain amount of time working for someone who proved to be using him for selfish gain and then abandon him in the lurch.
Other people who are synthetic beings, or who have been exploited/used somehow may be quicker to earn his trust or at least his compassion. 
At this level you will almost definitely be privy to a lot of Prisoner’s exciting personal issues and he may even be willing to not pretend that he’s joking about them. 
To have Prisoner’s loyalty means that he will not only work very hard or risk injury to help your muse, he may actually be willing to die for it- as he’s used to a respawn system much like Isola’s, he is potentially willing to use his own death as a means to an end. 
This can range from the frivolous to genuinely serious. Prisoner is generally averse to authority, has a habit of viewing upsetting or macabre situations opportunistically, and can be plenty abrasive or flippant; if your muse takes things very seriously or is personally offended by his attitude I am absolutely game to play that out. It’s also worth noting as someone who lived much of his life at the hands and abuses of a criminal system, he is generally not a fan of persons of the law, though he can overcome that reflexive discomfort, his reflex is to be suspicious and wary first and foremost.
At the same time, he does hold himself to standards, and will also dislike or not get along with people who needlessly attack or bully innocent entities. 
Generally, if Prisoner is attacked or feels threatened, he’ll throw down at least as long as it takes him to get out of the situation. That said, most people Prisoner considers enemies, he will maybe avoid or argue with, but is unlikely to sabotage or want them to die.
The exception is...
In his home canon Prisoner maintains a great deal of animosity for the King of the Island, a person who served as his “original host” and who he was created.. for? out of? in a way he is not himself totally clear on.
It’s a nice summary to say that Prisoner spent most of the initial run of the game actively trying to hunt the King down and kill him, and is not deterred slightly by the revelation that the King is, at the time, in a catatonic state.
Once you really earn Prisoner’s hatred, he is a very hard enemy to shake, and he will not mince words. A really great way to get into this category is to repeat previous trauma- basically, trick, trap, or persuade Prisoner into an exploitative arrangement, especially if this involves somehow tampering with or causing him to second-guess his memories. The Collector went from ‘someone Prisoner is decently fond of, or at least considers a friend’ immediately to ‘bro I would stab you in the parking lot of a White Castle’ once Prisoner realized he was being exploited by Collector, even for an ostensibly noble goal (making a cure for the plague)- he has zero tolerance or patience for this.
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texanredrose · 7 years
By Moonlight - The Killing
Yang didn't need to think. 
She pushed away from Winter, began charging for Cardin, hardly catching sight of the little vial glowing with some sort of hex. 
On the upside, it meant he wasn't a warlock, because those sort of contained spells weren't designed for magic users, always running the chance of reacting to the magic running through a warlock's veins. 
On the downside, though, it meant there was no stopping the damn thing from being released as he tossed it towards the dais, neither Blake nor Weiss familiar with such devices to know that the little vial spelled their doom. 
So the hunter did the only thing left to her- she jumped, diving to intercept the projectile, hoping the enchantments in her furs and armor might protect her and counteract whatever was in the vial as the fragile glass broke. 
But that was a touch too optimistic. 
She fell to the ground, a scream tearing from her chest as lightning ran throughout her body, weaving agony in its wake. Her dragon magic emerged, but a touch too late, now fighting a spell designed to paralyze its target and torture the person in the prison of their own body, images at the edges of her vision, old faces she hadn't seen in years lingering just out of focus.
A growl loud enough to rattle bones echoed in the room before screams joined hers but she couldn't parse what happened, writhing against the stone floor as she regained and lost her mobility in turns, all the while trying her hardest to ground herself in the moment. 
"Huntress!" A voice called, alarmed and worried, and then hands on her somewhere. "Yang, can you hear me?" 
Was that someone else or the same person? Her hearing started suffering, whispers sounding like those long dead with words- what were they saying? 
Where was she? 
"Call for the castle healer! Any healer! Any witch or wiz-" 
"Stop your screaming." A tired voice drawled as it came closer. "It's giving me a headache." 
Yang didn't dare open her eyes; she could feel her body trying to shift, because taking her dragon form would increase her innate magic, would make fight back the hex so much easier, but the hall was too crowded. If she swung her tail, she'd likely send people flying, and she couldn't keep her human form still at the moment. 
It was too dangerous and the last thing any of them needed was a dragon showing up- a creature often seen as a bad omen in Atlas. At the same time... everything hurt. 
"Stop your thrashing and look at me." Her eyes opened to see the former Queen looming over her, a frown on her lips. "Ah, a dragon. That would explain why you're still alive. Now open your mouth." She pulled her lips back, hoping it would be enough to display why that was a bad idea, her teeth already beginning to enlarge and sharpen into fangs. "Try harder, you overgrown lizard."
"Mother." Weiss- it must've been her- warned as the shouting and growling stopped. "I'm quite certain Winter is fond of her-" 
"Then she can thank me in the morning. Open. Up." The hex worked deeper, into her chest and stopping her heart for a moment before her dragonfire ignited, restarting her heart and singeing the woman's hair as a burst of fire left her lips. "I should've expected that." Fingers like steel traps grabbed her jaw, holding it open. "This will only take a moment." 
Whining- high, keening, conveying worry and concern- drew closer to her. 
"Keep her back." 
"That's... going to be difficult," Blake said, though shuffling followed. 
In the next moment, Yang's world narrowed to the excruciating sensation of lightning and fire being drawn up her throat and out her mouth, the hex and her own magic sucked out so forcefully beyond unpleasant, and she tried to struggle against the grip holding her jaw open. 
However, with the hex still somewhat in effect, she couldn't seem to get the muscles to cooperate, forced to do nothing more than scream as it felt like her very soul was being pulled from her body. 
"Mother, hurry!" 
"We can't keep her back!"
A few more moments that drug on like small eternities before Yang felt her body slump back to the stone, unsure when her back had arched like a bow, coughing and hacking as her whole body ached. 
"Ha- hah- hag," she said, blinking up as her inner dragon chased away the lingering lightning running through her veins. 
"Excuse you, she just saved your life. I think." 
"Hush, Weiss; she's not insulting me." The woman looked into her eyes, nodding and immediately reaching for her wine. "The stories never differentiate, but hags are witches who specialize in manipulating magic rather than casting it." She took a deep pull, shaking her head and rubbing at her temple. "Don't tell me you're so optimistic as to think this is the first time your father- or one of his cretins- has tried killing any of us with tools he hardly understands; the damned fool only got me to marry him with a love potion. He's always been a puppet in the hands of those thrice blasted warlocks in Vacuo, just like half the court." 
Her chest still burned, but it lessened in degrees as she recovered, having lost some of her own strength in the process. "Does tha... wine help with..."
"It keeps the magic I ingest from taking hold; the smell of alcohol masks the smell created by potions of my own." 
"So that's why father left that poisoned bottle for you? He was trying to take away your own weapon and poison you in the same stroke?" Weiss appeared at the edge of her vision, quickly overshadowed by Winter sticking her face closer, sniffing at Yang. 
The older woman paused, making a noise in the back of her throat. "I honestly thought he knew; I'd never drink from a bottle other than my own. I wonder how many others are poisoned." 
"Did you just leave them there?" 
The werewolf nosed at Yang's hand until she weakly lifted it up, resting it on white fur stained red by blood. 
"Well, I wasn't expecting my daughters to raid my wine cabinet when my back was turned." 
Winter pressed closer, nosing her chest and waist, whining softly as she moved her hand to scratching along the werewolf's jaw. 
"That's a terrible excuse!" 
"Hey... are you okay?" Yang's voice was hoarse and scratchy, eyes falling shut for a moment. Winter whined in response, nosing under her shoulder, as if encouraging her to sit up. "I'm fine... tired, but fine." 
"I'll keep that in mind," the woman said, getting to her feet unsteadily. "Now, congratulations on your ascension to the throne, I wish you happiness in your impending union, and I'll excuse myself from the festivities. I'd suggest you take the Huntress to her rooms; she'll need to recover her strength."
"I can... get there myself." Pushing herself up to her feet, Yang leaned against Winter briefly to gather her strength. "I'll just-" 
The werewolf growled, shooting a look at her sister, which was somehow immediately understood. With a gesture towards her fiancé, the two somehow transferred Yang from her own feet to sitting astride Winter's shoulders. 
"... uh-" 
"Are you really about to argue with her?" Amber eyes glanced down briefly. "I don't think you'll win the fight in your state." 
"Guards!" Weiss yelled out, waving over two men with spears in their hands. "Escort them to the Huntress' quarters. Neither of them are... in a position to open doors." 
"Yes, Your Majesty." 
"Don't I get a say in this?" Her lips lifted in a weak smirk before slumping against Winter's neck. "Ah, nevermind. A night in a bed sounds good."
With that, the werewolf carried her out of the feasting hall, people stepping out of her way and bowing their heads in reverence, more than a few whispering quick prayers for Yang to recover her strength. 
She hardly registered much after they left, lulled into semi consciousness by the easy rocking motion of the werewolf's gait. It stopped only once, accompanied by a growl and the quick shuffling of the guards, moving to go down a different hallway than before, into a part of the castle Yang hadn't been in before- the royal wing. 
Everything looked nicer if more... impersonal. Were it not for the guards leading the way and Winter bearing her weight, she might've passed the door by completely, hardly able to see it among the pristine white walls. 
The antechamber wasn't much better, with everything in its place, if a bit more... damaged, poorly concealed claw marks combined with a fine layer of dust and the musty scent of a room abandoned stinging her nose. Considering she'd spent her nights in the woods and mornings in the shed, Winter probably only came into the room to change clothing daily and avoid suspicion.
The guards excused themselves, at first trying to offer their assistance in moving Yang to the bed and finding that wasn't appreciated, considering how the werewolf began growling. 
"They're just tryin' ta help, y'know." She drawled, sliding from Winter's back and fumbling with the straps and buttons to her furs and armor, letting them fall to the ground and resolving to tidy up when she awoke. The night air bit into her skin, making her shiver as she bent over and pulled at the laces of her boots, which were quickly latched onto by Winter, fangs lightly digging into the leather and tugging. "Heh, thanks, Miss Winter." 
A growl answered her as the other boot was pulled off. 
"I'll keep calling you that until you come up with something different." Finally, she laid back, sighing deeply and cracking her eyes open when she felt the bed dip. 
Although far larger than perhaps the bed could comfortably fit, Winter got up and settled down beside Yang, clearly intending to remain there until she'd recovered. 
"You can go back to the feast," she said. "I'm sure you're hungry." 
The werewolf deeply sighed, settling further into her spot. 
Yang laughed. "Take that as a no. Alright. See ya... in the morning." 
Letting go, she fell into a deep slumber, surrounded by warmth despite not having drawn the covers over herself.
Yang woke slowly, warm and comfortable despite the irritation along her right side. So exhausted from the ordeal, she hadn't even removed her prosthetic, and had rolled onto it sometime during the night, the metal biting into her chest a mild discomfort she could ignore during bone weary slumber but not outside it. However, trying to move immediately became a bit difficult, seeing as an arm was draped over her waist, holding her in place, and her breath caught in her throat at what she might find if she rolled over. 
"I'm awake... to an extent," Winter said, though the words were soft at the edges, warm breath hitting the back of her head. "And I'm wearing clothes." Relieved, she shifted and rolled onto her back, finding the woman beside her in a long shirt that went past the swell of her hips, a contrast to the thin shift Yang wore under her armor and the leggings she couldn't have gotten off the night before due to lack of energy. "I find your sense of modesty odd, for one raised by werewolves."
Her lips curled into a grin. "Just because we're a bunch of beasts doesn't mean we can't be civilized about it."
Winter chuckled, a bright sound in the early morning that made her grin grow; from the stories she'd heard upon arriving in the royal city, she wouldn't think it possible. Surely, half the kingdom thought the entire royal family had no humor at all, but now it seemed that the removal of the dark cloud lording over them gave each the ability to relax, be happy. Weiss obviously wasted no time securing her own happiness; her sister would likely follow in time. 
Which actually brought up a thought. 
"What happened to your brother?" 
A frown tugged at her lips as the woman looked away briefly. "He fled. I don't know any specifics but I can... smell it- fear, panic, on the south wind. He's running and I'm not sure when he'll stop." 
"Are you going to chase him?" It probably wasn't her place to ask. She hunted fearsome and fantastic beasts, not people, but her eyes were glued to the woman's expression. 
"No," she said, eyes unfocused for a moment before she closed them, sighing deeply as she turned into the mattress. "He'll return, someday. Either to beg forgiveness or avenge our father. We'll be ready for him."
"I'm glad you're confident." Yang reached over and detached her prosthetic, sighing in relief. Her shoulder needed time to recover before she got up and faced the day. "He might run to Vacuo. But those warlocks don't like when their toys get taken away." 
"We'll deal with it when it comes," she said, shuffling closer and laying an arm across Yang's stomach. "You should rest. You deserve it." 
A few moments of silence passed, a hundred thoughts ricocheting around inside her skull. "I should start packing." Winter immediately stiffened but she pressed on, staring at the intricate moldings on the ceiling above. "This job's done. I'll need to go report back so no one else comes up here trying to kill you. Plus, I can visit the Elders-" 
"You could send a messenger for that." 
"... I could." 
"But you won't." She pushed herself up, scrubbing at her eyes. "I suppose there's no reason for you to stay, now." 
"And it upsets you." Winter glanced at her, then pointedly directed her gaze elsewhere. Slowly, the hunter sat up, reaching out to lay a hand on her shoulder. "I know it feels like you’re going against who you are, but you have to adapt to this new side of you. Wolves are social and very vocal; they communicate everything with their pack."
"I don't even know what that means." Frustration colored her tone, brows pinching together. "I don't have a pack; as far as I know, there are no werewolves in Atlas besides myself." 
"Your pack isn't just other werewolves." She licked her lips. "Think, right now, if the castle was under siege. An army just outside the gates, swords looking for throats to slit. Who would you rush to protect? Weiss? Blake? Servants? Soldiers?" 
Winter's expression darkened, a flash of gold in her eyes as she tensed, lips pulling back in a snarl. The idea of a threat called to both the elder sibling and the wolf within her, and she replied readily. "Weiss and Blake, yes. Klein. James. Healer Goodwitch..." then blue eyes turned her way. "You." 
Yang nodded, not at all surprised. But that didn’t make it easier. "Packs stick together, usually. You see me as part of your pack; it's only natural to be upset that I'm leaving." 
The woman stood, pulling away from her touch, shaking her head as she paced. "That... it doesn't feel right. There's something else. More."
To some extent, she knew. Humans were weaker creatures- adaptable, resilient, yet ultimately brought down by their own failings- but wolves were sure, steady, they understood their place in the world intrinsically. The wolf in her knew what she wanted... or was at least willing to accept inclinations. 
Shortly after turning, after accepting the mantle of werewolf, it wasn't uncommon for... mistakes to be made, to bond with someone out of gratitude or overwhelming- but, ultimately, short lived- affection. Being the one who helped Winter, of course their bond would be strong... but was it true? 
Yang scratched at the back of her head, looking down at her lap. On the one hand, the werewolf might genuinely want her as a mate... on the other, it could be the byproduct of confusion and stress, a need to have someone- anyone- as a partner.
"Miss Winter... I have to go," she said, watching the woman stop her pacing and look back, a slump to her shoulders. "It's for the best." 
"I don't believe that," she replied, expression smoothing out into polite stoicism, so very much like when they’d first met, minus the aggression. "But I understand I can't change your mind." Pressing her lips into a thin line, Winter turned, retrieving a robe and sliding it over her shoulders. "I'll see to the arrangements myself. You should rest while you can; the packing I'll leave to you, but I'll have a mount and provisions ready when you decide to depart." 
Just before stepping out of the bedchamber, the woman turned and offered her a genuine smile. "Thank you, Yang. You've done more than words can say and I'll never be able to express the depths of my gratitude."
Her heart clenched but she offered an answering smile all the same, watching as Winter slipped out before collapsing back against the mattress. 
In the back of her mind, she wondered if she was making the right decision. She liked the woman- the gruff soldier dedicated to her mission, the elder sibling drawing their father's ire to protect her sister, the proud soul learning to show weakness with grace- and with every turn, she discovered more facets, more layers, and each called to her. Yang could fall in love so quickly and it had burned her before; she'd nursed a broken heart, being left behind for one reason or another. And Winter was the sort of person she could fall for, if she hadn't already.
But the doubt lingered. She was a hunter, an adventurer, a warrior scarred from battles- not someone fit to sup with nobles, and she couldn't even be certain Winter truly cared for her. It could just as easily be clinging to someone who understood during a period of uncertainty. A lifeline. 
Distance and time would tell. She was making the right decision. 
For a moment, Yang cast her gaze around, unsure if she wanted to try sleeping a bit later, but she had to shut her eyes. On the dresser, there were little trinkets- bobbles from the southern tips of Atlas, effigies of deities, the sorts of tokens people would give to someone to wish for safe passage- and tucked up in the corner of the vanity mirror was a child's rendering of the royal family with 'me' scrawled above the middle child's white ponytail. 
If she allowed herself to look around... she might never leave. 
"My job is done. Other people need my help," she said, rolling onto her left side and massaging her right shoulder. "This'll pass." 
In a few years, maybe she'll come back out this way. If not for a job, then just to pass through. Maybe she could pen a letter to Blake- the Faunus seemed inclined to discreet communications, given how hard and long she'd worked to keep her relationship with Weiss as secret as either of them could manage. And when she returned, saw Winter standing tall beside her chosen mate, she would be happy for her. Werewolves mated for life and Winter seemed loyal before that. 
Whoever she chose would be lucky. 
Yang shut her eyes, and dozed lightly, entertaining a dozen daydreams. 
The wind blew softly- cold, but bitter only in spurts. New flags flew from every rampart- the old heraldry discarded in favor of a white snowflake on a black field, a wolf's head with a crown between its ears above- and even some of the guards and knights had their uniforms and decorations swapped out for the new design. Weiss' reign was only three days old but the eagerness to embrace her rule was more than telling and her mother, now sober more often than not, provided the wise council she was once so well known for, though she yielded readily when the reigning Queen stood firm.
Yang sighed, her breath coming out in a puff of fog. Early morning in the Atlas winter meant weak light and short days but the people seemed in high spirits, bowing and waving as the little procession made its way through the royal city, towards the southern gate. She'd tried telling them the fanfare wasn't necessary- rarely did the people who hired her personally walk her to the gates for a farewell- but the Queen insisted and there was no talking her out of it. Her head went bare, bereft of the crown of her forefathers, and she'd yet to decide if a new one would be made. Yet, she'd managed to convince Blake to wear the former Queen's, and Yang had to smile at the way the woman had done her best to keep her composure while suggesting it while Blake blushed madly. In hindsight, the Faunus should've probably expected so ostentatious a courtship favor, belated though it may be with the wedding on the way. The royal couple led the little procession, smiling and waving to the people they passed, pausing for a step or two to bend an ear.
Behind them, Yang shuffled along, lead in hand as a horse easily worth more gold than she'd ever carried on her person marched behind her- had to be a war horse, alert and on guard, proud and stubborn, all the headstrong might of a stallion packed into a mare that promised fierce retribution to any who provoked her. Honestly, Yang thought they'd get along swimmingly, especially after the first chuff at her hand, the horse's dark brown eyes almost daring her to do something- as if she could sense or smell the dragon's blood in her veins. To her left, Winter strode purposefully down the thoroughfare, chin up and shoulders back, bedecked in her best dress uniform with new, silver pauldrons attached to a white cloak with golden trim- a foolhardy decision, perhaps, but one that sent a clear message of resolute fearlessness. It likely wouldn't kill her, but if either pauldron touched her skin, it would burn, even in human form; Yang found herself admiring the werewolf's absolute determination, even if it was ill advised. 
"You look good." The words tumbled from her mouth before she could stop them, a blush rising in her cheeks as she tried to make herself sound a little more articulate. "I mean- your new armor. It looks very good on you. Strong, dependable, warm." 
Mentally, she slapped herself, but Winter offered a wan smile. "Thank you, Yang. I'm glad you approve." She nodded ahead of them. "Weiss thinks it's reckless. I think it sends a message." 
"That every cloud has a silver lining?" She grinned, lips pulling wider at the startled laughter that burst into the morning air. Winter hadn't laughed like that in the past few days; she wasn't entirely humorless, but she'd been subdued, morose. It felt good to see her in higher spirits. "I think it's a little of all three. And it's good to see you smiling again." 
"Strange, I think, that you've known me so little, you think the absence of a smile is odd." She shrugged- carefully. "Yet, you know me best of any."
"Do I though?" She tried to play it off but a voice whispered in the back of her mind: she did know, that the person most people saw was an act, that though she'd been cold and stiff before it wasn't born of personal choice but necessity. Winter could be kind, warm, encouraging... she did know the person beneath the mask. "But you... know a few things about me, too." 
"Yes. I know the blood in your veins, the strength of your convictions, the height of your intelligence, your perceptiveness- you were forced to grow up quickly. I assume you helped raise and teach some of the new werewolves, acted as guide and guardian." Winter paused. "I'd like very much to hear what stories you might have to tell." 
Lilac eyes fell on the city gates. "I'm afraid none of them are short, and our time is." 
"Permit me my fantasies," she replied, expression turning a touch somber. "A goodbye isn't painful unless you're never going to say hello again." 
"Who told you that?" Yang thought back on... a lot of goodbyes and found herself unable to agree fully. 
"It's an old saying. Hopeful, I suppose." Winter glanced her way. "I suspect you see it differently."
"The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained." Tears stung at her eyes. "That's from experience. Doesn't matter if it's the last one or not." A hand laid on her shoulder, bringing them to a brief halt. 
Winter's brows pinched together, voice soft. "You are strong, not just for the power in your arms or the scars you bear." Her right hand clenched, though only for a moment. "Your strength comes from rising above the pain others have put you through, and not letting it darken your heart." 
"I guess." Again, doubts swirled. She'd given Winter reasons for her leaving... but they weren't the whole truth, now were they? Was she repeating history? 
"Yang." She met the werewolf's gaze- blue, with a hint of gold about the iris, a sure sign the two sides had started to find their balance. "I understand why you're leaving." She paused. "I don't like it. I don't want it... but I understand your reasons. And it's not like you're slipping off in the dead of night." 
"I think that's more your bag." The words left her mouth before she could think better of it, surprising both of them. Lips tugged up before both of them started laughing, bringing the rest of the procession to a halt.
"I- I have to admit, you have a fair point," Winter finally said after reining in her amusement. "But I do try to give warning now." 
"Just give it a few more years." They started walking again, Weiss and Blake throwing little looks and whispers back and forth. "Once you can change at will... now that will be when giving heads up matters." 
"I realize this may come off as selfish..." Winter paused, weighing her words before speaking. "But I'll admit I wish I had someone to help me in the time to come. It'll be difficult, being alone." 
"You won't be alone. You have your pack," she swallowed, offering a small smile. "I'm... I'm still with you, even when I'm not here." 
The werewolf looked at her, nodding solemnly. "You will be indeed." The corners of her lips tugged up. "You're a very difficult person to forget, Yang." 
She gripped the reins a little tighter as they approached the gates, trying to keep the words locked behind her teeth, but they tumbled out all the same. "You're pretty remarkable yourself, Miss Winter."
Weiss had restored her sister's title first and foremost, once again putting the elder sibling as heiress apparent, though she'd joked once or twice about only having the title for the next two decades, if that. Given the way Blake had blushed, she'd be willing to bet that charge wasn't too far off. 
Her expression tightened, gaze turning away. "Promise me you'll try to be careful. Invest in some enchantments to repel hexes, or perhaps a shield?" 
"I'll pick one up. Just for you." She shouldn't have said that. Yet she did and found herself sharing a smile with Winter just before they passed through the gates, Weiss and Blake awaiting them on the other side. "I suppose this is it, Your Majesty."
"The end of one chapter and the beginning of another one," Weiss said, offering a brief hug- which took Yang off guard, though she quickly recovered, returning the embrace. "You do realize you'll be welcomed in Atlas, correct? Whenever you might deign to return, our borders and our castle will be open to you." 
"Thank you, Your Majesty." Yang nodded, then turned to Blake, who also embraced her. "And, uh, Your Majesty?" 
"Just Blake is fine." The Faunus gave her a little smile that seemed to hint at a tease. "People like us should stick together." 
What that meant, the hunter had an idea and rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Just Blake." 
Her shoulder was shoved lightly, a small laugh following that brought a smile to her lips. Then she turned towards Winter, unsure what to expect. 
After a pause, she stepped forward, offering a hand. "Farewell, Huntress. Thank you, for everything." 
She grabbed Winter's forearm- a warrior's gesture. "My pleasure, Your Highness." 
They held each other there a moment, looking into each other's eyes before breaking contact, both tight lipped. Yang turned, opting to lead the horse a bit further up the road before mounting, and dragging her feet in the process. 
A weight slammed into her back, arms wrapping around her chest as she staggered forward. Looking over her shoulder, she found Winter's face buried in her furs, eyes shut tight and teeth grit as one pauldron pressed against her skin, grey smoke wafting up. 
"I know you can't stay. I know I can't go." Her voice, soft, hardly rose above the din of the royal city awakening, but Yang heard every word. "But if you ever return, I will be here for you. You can always come back." 
She laid a hand on the arm about her waist, sighing. Yang turned in Winter's arms, letting the lead drop and returning the embrace. She simply couldn't ignore the powerful pull in her chest.
"Follow your heart. Listen to your wolf. You'll find your path." She pulled far enough away to run the backs of her knuckles against silver burned flesh, allowing some of her dragon magic to leak out and speed along the recovery process. Wouldn't be good for the people to see their divine werewolf sporting a fresh silver burn, after all. The way Winter leaned into the touch had nothing to do with it. "If you ever come to Vale for business, ask for the Elders. They'll welcome you as a sister." She paused, debating. "And they know the quickest way to find me." 
"I'll keep it in mind." She drew back, reluctant to break contact but doing so all the same and offering a small smile. "Safe travels." 
"Hunter's luck," she replied, grabbing the abandoned reins and going off, mounting up and beginning down the road, the horse's steady gait comforting, but only so much. When she got to the top of a hill- right before the bend that would hide the heart of Atlas from her sight- she looked back. 
Winter stood there, watching her, and the pain in her heart confirmed at least one thing. Regardless if the werewolf saw her as a packmate, a playmate, or a lifemate, Yang had already started to fall in love with her. 
She pulled on the reins and gave the horse- Ember, she decided, that would be a good name- her head, launching them both into a full gallop towards the coast. 
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