#he gets that for himself even if it doesn't solve the issue of bringing isaac back or elijah having her parents again
thedeviljudges · 1 year
@kingkangyohan brought up such a lovely point on the bird app about how yohan's vendetta suited him; that the hate that burns through people actually looks good on him, and him being pleased and liberated is such a wonderful take on yohan because it's true!!
i think that's why yohan is so satisfying as a character because he's not trying to be anything other than himself. he doesn't go through the guilty stages or remorse - though most people would esp if it means potentially losing the love of their life.
yohan won against egregious transgressions, and it's gratifying for everyone to see someone who went through something so traumatic get revenge in a way that isn't necessarily the right way to approach coping with those feelings, but he does so nonetheless, and he's happy. yohan knew what he wanted; he got it (and more), and he can finally be at peace.
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beevean · 3 months
The more I think about S4 and how much of a rushjob the Styria plotline was, the more amazed I am at the utter failure that the ring is. When you really, really think in detail about how it works, it's so easy to see the gaps in logic in it.
What were the issues of using Hector to create an army for the Styrian council?
He would be able to create an army for himself that he could sic against the sisters. The ring allows them to assume control of the Night Creatures. We only see this as a short flash when Hector forges a creature, but he has to cut his own finger to force his army to stop attacking Isaac, so the ring solved this. One point!
Striga wants to strike the iron while it's hot and take advantage of the chaos in the region, and Lenore is taking too much time in "domesticating" him with good ol' fashioned gaslighting and manipulation. The ring brutally speeds things up: this could have been a nice plot point to show how prideful and eager to prove herself Lenore is, but in S4's quest to woobiefy her, it goes nowhere. Still, it can be seen as an answer to Striga's issue, so two points.
However, in the same scene, Striga also points out the paradox of relying on dead bodies to make an army when they need living humans to feed. This is straight up an issue with Hector himself, not the way he would be made to work. While we see mercenaries in the castle when Isaac assaults it, this problem never comes up again, and Hector is delivered as many bodies as he needs.
He doesn't want to be there. The ring binds him to the castle. However, considering Hector's plan apparently involved creating an escape channel that would connect his forge to Carmilla's quarters at the top, which he apparently planned to use to run away ("I had to assume I might be running from the top of the castle one day"), it seems that his own magic would have been strong enough to break the spell.
He doesn't want to work for people who hurt him. Lenore was actually doing a good job at convincing him to work for them with solid reasons, such as the fact that they shared the same plan and Lenore was willing to improve his life conditions and, by the time the idea of mercenaries comes up, she liked him enough that she was his only chance of being kept alive... then she raped him to put the ring on him, and as the beginning of S4 shows, Hector can stall for time as much as he wants. He still doesn't want to work, as we see later he's actually doing things behind everyone's backs, and nothing forces him to obey any orders. Lenore, his own mistress, has to plead to get him to move on!
That's two out of five, by the way, and one point only lead to bad consequences.
Lenore really did the exact same thing Carmilla was chastized for, breaking Hector's trust before securing his cooperation, and the story... is odd from now on. If you lay down the events, it seems that the ring's failure was an intentional plot beat: of course Hector would refuse to work for the woman who betrayed him. It looks like an honest mistake on Lenore's part, much like Carmilla beating him and then expecting him to do her bidding. But Hector actually doesn't display any anger like he did for Carmilla, and the two are on good terms... even though he planned to run away and bring back Dracula... even though he also waited for Isaac to kill him... even though he spares Lenore's life because she doesn't deserve to be hurt... even though he completely destroyed her life by causing Carmilla's death...? I honestly don't understand if it's a writing failure or not... which makes it inherently a writing failure lol. At least Carmilla got thoroughly called out for her idiocy.
The more I think about it, the more this mess seems to be caused by two ideas badly meshed together: it's possible that in the first draft, Hector was meant to betray Lenore and the others (remember the foreshadowing with the fireplace), which would explain his plotting behind the scenes, his little "thanks again for that", and the way he caused Styria's downfall... but then someone in the team decided to ship Hector and Lenore together, so the ring got completely nullified to remove as many reminders of her past cruelty as possible and he displays zero emotions other than vague fondness for her. With this in mind, it becomes effectively impossible to determine if the ring's ineffectualness was planned to facilitate Hector's revenge or was a result of rushed writing to facilitate Lenector.
A very, very simple solution to this entire mess would have been revealing that Lenore... never wanted Hector to work in the first place. She didn't like Carmilla's plan, but she wanted to save his life because she found him cute and wanted a sex slave pet, and she knew that the others were waiting for a good reason to get rid of him. So it was for her sake, and in her mind Hector's, but not for the council, who was planning to do something she didn't approve of and doesn't respect her anyway. That would have been nice, fit Lenore's established moral code (to be fair, she does look a little miffed at the idea of keeping humans in pens, and while she tells Hector that it's their plan, it's obvious she's only trying to manipulate him and has no feelings on the matter), and very selfish personality. Who cares about the livestock? She wants this new puppy! And she'll save it from mean Carmilla, because despite all the gaslighting and sexual coercion and trickery, she is a good person and likes feeling good! And if she can stick it to Striga who underestimated her, even better!
In short: no, the ring wasn't meant to work, only keep Hector docile!
I like this idea of Lenore having her own agenda and being with the council only out of mutual convenience: they don't like her but use her, and same goes for her. As long as they live nicely without causing issues, she cooperates, but Carmilla's plan is idiotic, so she snatches the pet for herself: from there, it's easier to have an arc where she grows to care for Hector as a person, without the pressure of the council who she doesn't care for in the first place, being fully aware of being nothing more than a tool to them (hint hint). And Hector can be as torn as he is supposed to be, but ultimately choosing to make Styria fall and only keep Lenore alive, but in a way that crushes her heart.
And since it's common to whitewash Lenore in S3 and assume she was a better person than what she actually was, no, I don't believe this was the intention:
Lenore wouldn't have pitched her deal to Carmilla, which was "he'll work for us in exchange for the castle". She wouldn't have even set up the expectations, because then no shit Carmilla would get "very cross". She could have kept it for herself and agreed with Striga's suggestion to hire mercenaries.
In fact, the very first perk of the ring she mentions is that now Hector's Night Creatures would obey the council as well, eliminating the danger of him using them to attack them. This is literally the only function of the ring that is shown in S4. Lenore expected Hector to work for them and was happy to reassure the sisters that he was no longer a threat.
In the dick jokes scene, Lenore sounds worried that she can't keep Carmilla at bay, but her solution is pleading pretty please for Hector to work, in a tone that implies that it's what she expects from him as well. The complete lack of apology for any morally questionable action she has taken doesn't help assuage the impression - as I have stated multiple times, the show is not subtle, and if Lenore meant to go behind Carmilla's back and was deliberately being twofaced, she would have admitted it.
Related to what above, Lenore keeps insisting that she's loyal to the sisters, and her whole angst is that she feels out of place among them in a way that implies that it's not just about her pride, but because she genuinely cares. Sure, she still comes off as a selfish brat who ragequits life because she lost all her power, but it's safe to say that we weren't meant to interpret her like that lol.
So yes, Lenore really expected Hector to work for her after breaking his heart, and pulled the mother of all shockedpikachufaces.jpg when he didn't. Although he still fell in love with her. Although he still planned to betray all of them. Although he still cared to save her life letting everyone else die.
It's just amazing to me. The more I try to meet the writing from different angles, the more issues I find. true peak.
I guess I can chalk this up to yet another way I could fix the plotline: have Lenore be a wild card in the council, and have her using everyone around her, to the point that no one can trust her, and she's only a Queen because someone like her is best to have as an ally and not as an enemy. Only after Hector betrays her, she starts to regret her actions: because for the first time in her existence, she had grown to care about someone other than herself, but by then, the damage was irreparable.
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can you recommend some sterek fics that take place while derek is deaged and deaged derek realizes he has feeling for stiles so he tells him but once hes back to his number age he doesn't know how to deal with having told stiles he true feeling or something similar?
Here’s some de-aged Derek! - Anastasia
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Little Promises by crossroadswrite
(1/1 I 2,666 I General)
Derek doesn’t really know what happened. He just knows there was a lady and she was pretty but she was also really mean and she was trying to hurt his friends.
“Holy fuck,” Erica mutters and is harshly shushed by Isaac.
“Don’t swear in front of the kid.”
“It’s not a kid,” Erica counters. “It’s just-“
This Is Your Life, Derek Hale! by PolarisTheYoungWolf
(7/7 I 23,699 I Explicit)
I need more de-aged Derek and pregnant mate Stiles! Can you imagine de-aged teen Derek being told he has a family of his own? Like the baby(babies) are born and he's like that for like...a weekend or maybe even a week or longer. And it's just overwhelming and awesome and funny and teendaddy Derek trying to also be a doting husband/mate and maybe they have to go out...because the babies have chickenpox and they need the pink lotion to help with the itching(Do werewolves get chicken pox? Maybe one of the babies is human and got it in case Were's can't?) and Derek is torn from staying with his pups and getting something that will help their recovery? I dunno...just...de-aged daddy Derek that's mates with Stiles is TOO cute an image!!!!
Just Right Now by FiccinDylan
(5/5 I 31,619 I Explicit)
In the aftermath of the lacrosse field heartbreak, Scott and Stiles spend the day playing video games and trying to get Stiles through his sorrowful valley.
Then, Stiles gets a very interesting visitor...
Stiles gonna get some lovin'!
anything that's dead shall be regrown by blueinkedbones
(24/? I 45,778 I Teen)
“Derek,” the guy with the hands says. He's still got his hands out, kind of reaching, kind of catching, kind of dropping to his sides. His voice is calm, but his eyes are too bright to sell it, and his heartbeat is out of control. “Are you—Do you know who we are?”
Derek swallows, thinks. If this is a treaty thing, another pack thing, why would they care about him? He's not even the alpha-in-training, he's nothing. Mom doesn't even bother explaining most werewolf politics to him. He knows most of it from Laura, Peter, from passing packs who used to think it was cute to tell the youngest beta their complicated histories and have it repeated back to them around still-awkward fangs. Now that's Cora, and not recently, either—She says she's too big to play kid games.
“No,” Derek decides. “Should I?”
I'll be right back (in 24 years) by AnaIsFangirling (Ana_K_Lee)
(35/35 I 48,190 I Teen)
When Derek thought about time travel – and he did, a lot – this was not what he'd had in mind. He'd thought he would see his younger self, tell him to leave Paige alone and NEVER trust Kate Argent. He'd thought he’d get to come back once that was done and everything would be perfect. He never imagined having to relive his entire life.
Age Defining Hale by TyJax_Fanfiction (TyJax_EeOwen)
(21/21 I 55,327 I Teen)
“Well, Deaton’s the one that knows about this kind of stuff, he researched everything when it happened the first time,” Scott answered and looked between everyone in the room, which consisted of Scott, Stiles, Braeden and mini Derek. “But he’s MIA right now. We’ll have to wait until he gets back,”
“Until then... we’ll have to keep an eye on you,” Stiles added to Scott’s sentence. “You might change back at some point and one of us will have to explain,”
“He’ll have to stay with one of us,” the Alpha mentioned and instantly looked at him, like he was the better option.
“No, no way, my dad’ll freak out if he sees Derek walking around the house, especially if he’s young again. Hell, he’d give me the talk again if he saw ‘that’ in the kitchen making coffee in the morning,” when he said ‘that’ he gestured to Derek’s more than gorgeous, slightly younger body. Seriously, puberty was incredible for this guy. “And I don’t have a guest room, so it’s either the couch or my room and I don’t think I’ll be able to live with waking up to that face every morning! I’ll die of hormone inflammation!”
One Stupid Mistake that Changes Everything by Kikileduc
(12/? I 60,060 I Not Rated)
Shortly after the events of season 3b, everyone is recovering. Stiles feels guilty over the loss of Allison and Aiden. Scott can't look at his friend. Lydia isn't talking to him. Isaac, Ethan, Malia, and Kira are all dealing in their own way. Derek took off again.
Fast forward to two months later, things are much the same for Stiles, except his father insisted he get checked out again as the nogitsune had tampered with his son's tests...
The results aren't good.
Stiles returns to school to find the pack hovering around a de-aged and cluesless Derek and suddenly finds himself on the outside of the pack's happenings.
To top it all off his new doctor is a little— weird, to say the least.
Can Stiles figure out what happened to Derek and help reverse it while dealing with his own personal issues? How will the pack feel when they need the spastic teen, only to find him missing? And, what is really going on in Beacon Hills? Can they come together and solve the mystery in time???
"This is what defines you, Stiles. The unexpected." by limesnapdragon
(32/32 I 77,464 I Explicit)
"If someone had told him two weeks ago he would be on illegal drugs and hanging out with Derek Hale, he would probably have punched them. Life was funny sometimes."
Stiles is about to turn seventeen and present, find out whether he's an alpha, a beta or an omega. A lot is riding on it and Stiles is nervous as hell. He hadn't expected Derek Hale, of all people, to be helping him out, but when you're in deep shit and the guy's handing you a paddle, what else are you going to do?
A Wolf In Wolf's Clothing by alexenglish
(8/8 I 81,325 I Explicit)
The pack of Beacon Hills' past transgressions are about to converge on them, and Derek stumbles out of the forest with no recent memories and straight into a pack he doesn't know, with an alpha and an anchor he can't possibly remember.
The New Hellmouth: The Benefactor by iKnightWriter
(25/25 I 109,430 I Teen)
Scott, Stiles, Landon and Kira return to a new semester of school with more human worries than supernatural, while also trying to help their new friend, Micah, integrate back into society. But Kate Argent’s surprising resurrection brings a new threat to Beacon Hills along with the emergence of another mysterious enemy known simply as The Benefactor.
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sanlahey · 4 years
❝   𝐟𝐨𝐫  𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟  𝐨𝐟  𝐦𝐲  𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝  𝐢  𝐰𝐚𝐬  𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝  𝐢𝐧  𝐚  𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐳𝐞𝐫 ,  𝐬𝐨  𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐟𝐮𝐥  𝐢𝐬  𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝  𝐨𝐟  𝐚  𝐧𝐞𝐰  𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐟𝐨𝐫  𝐦𝐞  .   ❞
berker  guven.  cis  male. he / him.  —  welcome  to  blackcreek  teen  wolf’s  ,  isaac  lahey  .  word  on  creek’s  gossip  column  ,  you’re  the  twenty  two  year  old  werewolf  who  just  popped  into  town  three  weeks  ago  and  you’ve  been  described  as  selfless  ,  impulsive  .  people  around  town  however  ,  say  you  remind  them  of  old  scratch  marks  on  the  inside  of  your  fathers  freezer  ,  and  a  scarf  hanging  off  broad  shoulders  even  when  it’s  hot  out  .
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hey  ,  so  my  name  is  tobs  .  i’m  in  the  pst  timezone  and  i  might  be  recycling  this  intro  bc  i  am  lazy ™  .  like  this  post  and  i’ll  message  you  to  plot  ♡
*   s t a t i s t i c s ◞  
name:  isaac  adrian  lahey
age:  twenty  two
height:  5′11″
species:  werewolf
hometown:   beacon  hills , california
sexual orientation:  heterosexual
wardrobe:  scarves .  lots  of  scarves
fandom:  teen  wolf  -  his  wiki
*   b i o g r a p h y ◞
it  should  be  noted  that  due  to  his  age  gap  ,  his  timeline’s  alittle  switched  around  from  teen  wolf’s  canon  !  for  example  ,  derek  hale  doesn’t  turn  him  with  the  werewolf  bite  until  he's  about  twenty  .  so  before  that  ,  isaac  was  forced  to  endure  many  scars  while  living  under  his  fathers  roof  .  i  won’t  go  into  much  detail  ,  but  i’ll  just  say  it  was  far  from  pleasant  and  it’s  why  he  has  a  fear  of  small  spaces  as  well  as  a  messed  up  way  for  dealing  with  emotions  .
fast  forward  to  the  bite  ,  to  being  in  derek’s  misfits  pack  ,  to  his  father  dying  at  the  hands  of  a  kanima  ,  to  him  eventually  becoming  a  homeless  fugitive  until  his  name  gets  cleared  of  his  fathers  murder  .   he  essentially  just  goes  from  family  to  family  .  couch  cruising  when  derek  kicks  him  to  the  curb  ,  finding  sanctuary  with  the  mccalls  and  then  the  argents  .  he  takes  well  to  having  nothing  .  seems  to  live  mostly  out  of  a  duffel  bag  ,  and  it  seems  like  he  tries  to  make  the  best  of  things  ;  using  humor  to  dismiss  any  concerns  about  his  well  being  .
how  he  ends  up  in  black  creek  is  a  conundrum  .  he  was  supposed  to  be  moving  to  france  ,  getting  away  from  the  violence  that  was  beacon  hills  and  it’s  dismal  memories  ,  but  instead  he  drove  somewhere  else  .  crumbled  up  his  plane  ticket  and  headed  towards  a  town  he  had  never  heard  of  in  his  life  .  didn’t  tell  a  single  soul  or  give  one  explanation  .  odd  but  he  still  doesn’t  know  what  pushed  him  to  switch  course  from  france  ,  just  that  he  was  in  black  creek  now  and  picking  up  some  strange  scents  .  at  least  he’s  ran  into  some  familiar  faces  ?
digging  deeper  .  because  isaac  has  always  known  violence  ,  he  reacts  with  violence  ;  even  in  situations  where  it's  not  strictly  necessary  .  he’s  incredibly  impulsive  .  so  rash  and  quick  to  anger  ,  that  it's  not  the  best  combination  to  have  with  problem  solving  .  he’s  definitely  a  ' hit  it  until  it  stops  being  an  issue  '  kind  of  guy  .  when  he's  operating  by  himself  ,   he  often  doesn't  think  things  through  very  well  ,  but  he’s  working  on  it  .  he  isn’t  the  brightest  among  his  friends  ,  but  that  doesn’t  mean  he’s  stupid  either  .  definitely  a  fighter  ,  not  a  thinker  .  you  could  say  isaac’s  moved  by  emotion  rather  than  logic  .
*   e x t r a   p o i n t s ◞ 
he  used  to  work  at  his  father’s  cemetery  before  the  wolf  bite  uprooted  his  life  .  it’s  very  possible  his  life  would  have  ended  early  if  it  wasn’t  for  derek  essentially  saving  him  with  the  bite  .  anyone  can  fight  me  on  this  lol
'  it's  something  my  father  taught  me  .  take  a  step  back  ,  look  at  the  whole  picture  .  ’    for  reasons  deeply  ingrained  into  his  psyche  ,  isaac  can’t  and  seemingly  won’t  bring  himself  to  hate  his  father  .  i  like  to  think  at  one  point  he  had  a  happier  childhood  .
is  currently  bunking  down  in  a  motel  room  .  only  has  a  duffel  bag  to  his  name  ,  but  he’s  looking  for  answers  -  like  why  the  hell  he  was  left  a  cryptic  note  ?
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