#he got back together w his super long term girlfriend afterwards lol.
bright-and-burning · 6 months
thinking abt bad decisions i’ve made (in this case sleeping w the other intern in my tiny group at an internship where we also lived together and had all the same friends) and making them into fic…
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bitchiha · 4 years
Hello, may I request a matchup and be matched with a male from Naruto,Marvel and Harry Potter, please and thank you. LINK -  The first part is infoship2 (.) tumblr (.) (com) (without the parentheses). You can take as much time as you need to, I don’t mind being patient & waitiing.
A/N: Hey!! Thank you for the request, you’re honestly such a supportive person on my blog and I love you so much <3 w/ that being said, I present your ships under the cut below!
I ship you with..
Shino Auberame!
Tbh I think Shino is so underrated. Like we seen him putting fate and effort into Hinata to help her improve her skills throughout Shonen Jump and Shippuden. With that being said, I think it’s safe to say he can help you cope with and over come the challenges that come with depression and OCD. Like he is a really caring and supportive boyfriend.
He’s smart and observant, so he will be able to tell when you are okay and when you are lying. It doesn’t matter if you’re hiding it the best you can. Being that he’s smart, he won’t pry at you to tell him what’s wrong either (bc you can’t force things out of people), unless he thinks it would be damaging not too.
Working with Hinata and Kiba has improved his patience incredibly. So if you are in a crappy mood or you’re arguing, you can’t piss him off or get under his skin easily. The level headed way he goes about himself would be really helpful for yourself and the relationship as well.
You can’t expect Shino to open up right away. If you start off as friends though (which is what you both prefer anyway), once you become boyfriend and girlfriend he’s much more open. Infact he’ll probably seek you out over anyone else when in need of advice. I think he’d be also really thoughtful and helpful in terms of giving you advice as well. Hes like your personal advisor lol
You also mentioned you have this kind of melancholy temperament and I thought that was so suiting for Shino LMFAOAOAO. Anyway, what I mean by that is like if you’re in one of those moods it won’t annoy him or frustrate him at all. He’ll probably join in, he’s usually like that anyway. You two can be melancholy together. Unless he feels like the mood is unhealthy, then he’ll try and cheer you up.
He has a passion for insects, you have one for animals. You’ll have to put up with him showing you all the cool new insects he’s found and listen to him blab about ‘em to you. In return he’ll go out animal watching with you. He will get very passionate on these expeditions with you, not to mention he’s smarts really come in handy. He’ll know what type of bird likes what type of trees, how to track down a certain animal, how to follow their prints in the dirt, etc.
Loves when you get passionate tbh. You’re both pretty quiet, but when a subject comes up that you’re interested in, you can talk for hours. You two will literally blab together for hours once you’re on a subject you both like. Kiba and Hinata will be like :0 wtf bitch never talks to me that much.
You sometimes think that what you say isn’t going to be Important so you hold back and that instantly made me think of Shino. Not that he holds back what he has to say, but the fact that when he often says something, he’s talked over or cut off. So he would 10/10 understand how you feel and would make a valiant effort to make sure that your voice is heard. Like sure, Kiba can talk over him, but if he tries to talk over you Shino will box his ass. Okay, not really box him, but you get the point. He’ll probably be like “Kiba wait, she wasnt finished talking.” Or “You cut her off, she was saying something important.” Or if those are too forward he’ll probably turn to you and say something encouraging like “Dont worry, I’m listening” or “continue what you were saying” but please, for the love of god, do the same for him.
Youve talked about how you have trust issues with loyalty and relationships, but tbh with Shino you won’t have to worry at all. Like once he’s hooked on you and you’re dating, he’s sold. There’s no one else he’s gonna go to or think about. If anything, he probably has similar views to you in terms of love.
He’d play board games with you and listen to music with you a lot as well. His taste is kind of all over the place in terms of music, but he’s open to any suggestions you have. Will also lowkey be a big anime fan. Probably likes the classic kinds of animes like Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Pokemon.
Bucky Barnes!
Bucky is attracted to quieter people, they’re just easier to be around. However, he does like talking too. Like he adores having thoughtful conversations with someone he trusts and cares about.
Honestly I think you two are similar in a lot of ways, but not too similar in the sense that things will never be progressive in the relationship, if you know what I mean. Like he has things he needs to work on and you have things you need to work on. Some of his strong suits happens to be your weaker ones, so you two help eachother out a little bit.
Like Shino, he can be standoffish and a little closed off at first but once you start to date, he’s like an open book. It takes a lot of trust to get into a romantic relationship with him, he doesn’t through the boyfriend girlfriend title around like it’s nothing. He takes it seriously.
That being said, your views on love are also very similar. He’s honestly so scared of being cheated on, but he’s also not the type to be over protective or over bearing because of it. If you’re in a relationship with him, he trusts you. He would never think to cheat, in fact, he probably doesn’t give any incoming flirters the time of day.
Honestly, you said you’re described by some as a house cat and I think that vibe is perfect for Bucky. Like he just wants that kind of life. He doesn’t want a crazy and eccentric lifestyle (he’s had his fair share of that), if you wanna laze around on the couch for a day and watch movies, he’s down.
He’ll like Anime too, once you introduce him to it. Probably lives and breathes for Naruto Shippuden. I think he’ll also like sporty anime’s like Stars Align and Haikyuu you cannot change my mind. He’ll be the emotional type when watching anime, which is weird because he’s usually more reserved in terms of emotions. Will love to talk to you about it afterwards.
You can be his shoulder to lean on and a good listener, but so is he. Since you’re both pretty observant people, I think fights can get resolved pretty quickly. Like you’ll be able to think through what happened and come to a conclusion together. Also, he’ll be able to tell when somethings off with you. It may take him a few months of the relationship, but once he’s in the swing of things, he’ll know you like the back of his hand.
He’ll definitely be able to help you stop with being a people pleaser. Like whenever you start down that path he’ll stop you and kinda get you to check yourself real quick. “You don’t have to do that for them,” or instead of you doing it he’ll do it instead, just to get you to stop pleasing that person. He knows you don’t like it yourself and can’t help it sometimes, so he tries his best to help.
He’s athletic asf and he also likes spending time with you, so he will do yoga with you. He’ll probably be so fucking awkward at it at first, like he will not know what he’s doing. Just give him a minuet, he’ll end up really liking it and will probably want to try all those crazy couples yoga poses.
Will like to have deep and thoughtful conversations with you as well. Probably about things you both like. He’s not super talkative unless it’s about something he can get into.
George Weasley!
He’s a nice break from the two more ‘emo mysterious’ types I just suggested. He’ll be a good change from the dreary moments you’ll have. If you’re in a melancholy mood I would think he’d crack some jokes and make you laugh. But sometimes he’ll let you be bc he feels you need your melancholy moments or else you’ll malfunction.
He’ll watch anime with you. To be honest I think all the weasleys would watch it. He wouldn’t mind any kind of anime as long as there is action in it. Whenever you visit him on the holidays or he visits you, you best believe there will be anime marathons. He loves Naruto. I don’t think he’s got the patience to watch the whole entire thing, but he’ll make it a good ways into shippuden before moving on.
George is smart. He is. Like maybe he doesn’t apply himself all that much into school because it doesn’t entertain him, but you entertain him. Like he really likes you. So he’s gonna put effort into you. All that being said, I think he’d be very helpful when it comes to any struggles you have in regards to your depression and OCD.
He’ll know when you’re lying about If you’re okay or not, but he handles it differently than the other two. I think he’ll take it as a sign to cheer you up. Whether it be muttering something sweet to you when you pass each other in the halls, or pulling a giant prank on the school if you are in a particularly sad mood.
He’d be interested in all your interests that’s for sure. He’s not the insecure type, so He’s willing to put himself out there. Sure he’s never done yoga before, but he will do it if you ask him too. Same thing with all your other interests.
Since he does most of the talking in the relationship, he’ll always try and bring up topics you like. That way you can be the one talking more for a change. He’s also so encouraging in wanting you to talk more. He’ll know when to leave you be though. Like if he sees your close to blowing a fuse, he’ll either try and defuse your mood, or leave you alone for some time to think.
Honestly he’s just encouraging in general so if you ever want advice he’s there for you.
Also in terms of your ideas on love, I think he’ll be somewhat in the same boat as you. Like I definitely believe he’s not the type to cheat. He’s invested in you, not the other girls. I think he has a brighter idea to love than yours though. Not that yours is dark or anything, but his is just more ambitious??
Really I think his attitude can be super complimentary to yours. I don’t think they’ll clashing tbh, I think it’s actually very beneficial.
He’s a bit of a tease, so once he first hears someone call you a house cat or describe you as one I definitely think he will call you that. He’ll be like “where’s my darling house cat?”
10/10 think he’d be a good bf to you
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pokeallthelawyers · 7 years
Outlines for the olwy spinoffs
Lydia and Sarah present: What Could Have Been
[or: our more or less verbatim notes on the stories for olwyverse we were planning, listed more or less in the order we were going to write them]
Our doubts are traitors - Peter’s tumblr
Chapter 5: 9 - 14
Balth and peter ignoring ea/o, repairing relationship, all those cute moments where peter is freaking out internally but just Really Really cares about balth
Co Drunk AMA with Jaquie
Missing moment = Jaquie and Peter getting drunk together
Post movie night -- talk about how ridiculous flatmates are--Talk about magic?
“Denying something isn’t going to magically make the problem go away” - “stfu i don’t want to talk about this” - change of subject but elephant in room, setting up for faustus character development
Chapter 6: Faustus
Talking about play, hyping up play
Missing moment = after party with Jaquie and Costa
Chapter 7: Faustus - 15 (clusterfuck around magic thing)
Missing moment = conversation with Rosa
Trying to get him to understand balth’s situation
Coming to terms with the whole magic thing
Chapter 8: 15 - end of the fic
Peter missing balth
Missing moment = when Balthazar gets back from Auckland, conversation, fluff
Can’t be sure it’s going to work out but it’s worth trying anyway
Talking about rosa leaving: “i’m sorry you had to leave her but i’m glad you could stay”, dealing with the grief of losing his entire people
Talk about the whole elf thing, peter’s opinions about magic (has a lot of work to do, needs to come to terms with accidentally hurting balth/dealing with that)
Relationship, if they want to try a long term relationship, not sure if it’s the best/smartest thing but they want to try anyway (addressing insecurities?)
Not with the eyes but with the mind - Chelsaige
Both povs
When they met + the beginnings of their relationship
Lock eyes across the crowd at one of the gatherings
C: “can i buy you a drink?” P: “i don’t drink” C: “great, me neither!”
Chelsey shows paige her tree, first time paige shows chelsey her music
Melancholy convo about lifespans, “i want a future with you, no matter how long that’s going to be”
Talking about having their own place and starting a garden together one day
Flower imagery
Sweet are the uses of adversity - Manderking
Text fic! + six irl scenes where they meet (Jaquie POV)
Jaquie slips number into freddie’s purse at faustus, freddie almost doesn’t text her but then decides to on a whim (like how often is she spontaneous and just does things because they fall into her lap?? Like why the fuck not, let’s do something for HER for a change)
Neither of them really expect it to go anywhere except when it does start jaquie is charmed by how easily flustered Freddie gets [honestly how can she not, it’s kind of adorable] and Freddie thinks jaquie is… one of the funniest people she’s ever talked to?
Plus their differing views on magic result in some interesting debates. Mostly it ends up in jaquie gently pushing her toward her side though because jaquie is very persuasive when she wants to be
Both of them find this new acquaintanceship… refreshing
They start texting hardcore, as in, like, every single day
Jaquie flirts bc jaquie has no chill; Freddie tries to be chill that cute girl is flirting with her but very clearly isn’t
1st IRL scene - Jaquie hangs with peter at the flat, freddie runs into them by accident
Freddie lowkey pretends she hasn’t been texting her nonstop for a week but jaquie ruins that by making eyes at her
Afterward Peter is like “doth mine eyes deceive me?? Does Jaquie have a crush on one of my flatmates????”
“Oh my fucking god shut up”
Pete is just delighted that he finally has ammunition against Jaquie for teasing him about Balth
2nd IRL scene - study date
Set up - j texting about being bored, f is studying, jaquie’s like “ooh that’s better than nothing i can totally help you study” and fred’s like “I really doubt you’d be of much help” but she also tells her she’s at the library so jaquie just takes it as confirmation that she can come
Freddie’s freaking out over an exam or essay or something and jaquie actually does help her calm down
Maybe there’s some very platonic and soothing hand holding i dunno. At some point jaquie says, quietly, “you’ve got this,” and Freddie nods and steels herself and crushes this thing she has to work on
Jaquie is absolutely not a proud girlfriend. She is a proud platonic friend at best
3rd IRL scene - Jaquie complains about work, freddie decides to surprise visit her at the bar to cheer her up
“How do you know where I work???” “Um you work with Peter right? I just asked him”
Jaquie is, like, knocked on her ass
Cute girl asked about her workplace and came all this way just to cheer her up? Fuuuuuuuck
The moment where Jaquie is like “holy shit i like her”
4th IRL scene - watching/shit-talking shitty movies together
Basically their first hang out that is planned and not spontaneous
Their one scene in the show is watching a movie; freddie’s thing is shitty movies; jaquie’s thing is shit-talking; could we make it more obvious
It’s in Freddie’s room and it’s TOTALLY NOT A DATE
But it’s dark and jaquie is sitting really close to Freddie and at some point she puts her arm around Freddie and Freddie doesn’t push it off and then they’re kind of cuddling and jaquie is slowly dying a little
Probably at some point the movie ends and they lock eyes and just kind of stare at each other for a while in the dark silence and they can kind of tell that there’s something there but neither of them are brave enough to make that next step so jaquie’s like “... i should go home” and Freddie just says “okay” and… that’s that
Freddie fucks up [chapter 15], doesn’t text jaquie for like a day after which really worries Jaquie because they’ve been texting constantly every day for the last like month
Finally Freddie texts her like “I fucked up”
5th IRL scene - jaquie comes over and comforts her
Afterward, texting w increasing romantic tension that both of them can feel but neither of them really call out [especially since neither of them are really talking about the Clusterfuck] so they’re both just like Hardcore Suffering
Finally freddie is about leave for her parents house, doesn’t know if she’ll return to Wellington, texts jaquie her good byes but jaquie doesn’t reply bc she is hauling ass to freddie’s house
Fred is all busy being sad that jaquie won’t answer and then she opens the door and is totally rendered speechless because cute girl on doorstep?
Breathlessly, jaquie says “i think we should date!”
Freddie: “?!?!?!?!?!?!” Still incapable of human speech
Jaquie says in a rush something to the effect of “listen like i know i’m sort of an asshole sometimes and i know you get easily freaked out but you’re really sweet and funny and beautiful and we work really well together and i wasn’t going to say anything because i want to respect your boundaries but you’re going and i don’t know when the next time i’ll get to see you is and i don’t want you to leave without knowing that I - “
Freddie still can’t speak lol she just repeats kind of dumbly “knowing that you what?” Her heart is beating so fucking fast
Jaquie’s like “can i - can i kiss you?”
Commence literally the gayest kiss the world has ever seen
And jaquie whispers, “Will you be my girlfriend?” And Freddie just smiles and says, “I thought you’d never ask” or something equally sappy and terrible and it’s super gay and then they ride off into a gay sunset
What fools these mortals be - Kit (aka the loss highlights reel)
Significant years in his life
Bad experience with a family--warded against fae w/o knowing he was one
Confirmation of being aroace
Exploration of beginnings and being banished from the fae
Background to kit’s motivation in ch15
“Oh brother” background
Background to convo with balth in ch14
“In my vast experience,” Kit adds, “it doesn’t always matter when you leave. Sometimes, it feels like seeing them die kills you, too. Sometimes every last moment you have with them is worth all the ones you don’t. Sometimes it takes a year to smile again. Sometimes it takes three hundred. But if you leave now, or if you stay watch them fade over the course of the century, it doesn’t matter. It hurts, you cry, you mend, you smile. That’s just the way it is, man.”
All of our secrets are out now oops. If there’s anything about this verse that you’re curious about, feel free to send us an ask. -L+S
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