#he has a lot of the same traits as redeads in the games
socialc1imb · 2 years
Okay okay so i just had a big ThOnK
In OOT when you play the sun's song, Redeads just kinda. Freeze.
Would Vio freeze if you played the suns song? (〃゚3゚〃). Or would he keep moving like the dopple doll he is?
He would freeze! He is a real redead, just like any other, so he does do many of the same things and is affected by stuff like that
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cartoonlonk · 5 years
“Extremely detailed character sheet ”
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Character Chart
Character’s full name: Link Reason or meaning of name: His parents just really liked that name. According to Astrid, his name “Evokes kindness and strength in the same breath.” Character’s nickname: Small Fry, Kid, Lonk, Linny, Skittles, Peaches, Lil’ Elf, Mr. Swordsman, Mr. Fairy--- so much more Reason for nickname: I think most of these from the game(s) are because Link doesn’t disclose his name unless someone asks. So They end up just tossing out random nicknames at him. Unless you’re Linebeck and refuse to say his name gnklrnkg Birth date: December 13th
Physical appearance
Age: 13 How old does he/she appear: Link looks a lot younger than he appears. He’s very baby faced and short, though no one seems to point that out. They just know he’s still fairly young. He’ll be taking a sip of the youth fountain when older too. Weight: 84 pounds Height: 4′8″ Body build: Link is short and round in some areas. His cheeks and stomach have yet to fight off his milk fat. His arms are very “noodle-like” and his legs are short and stubby. Even if he is a warrior, the only muscle he might claim to have is in his legs. They’re the power house for him. Shape of face: Round Eye color: Black Glasses or contacts: N/A Skin tone: Olive tan Distinguishing marks: None that can be seen unless you look close enough. He has faint scars here and there---some of which across his knuckles--- but the worst one comes to his back. Being sliced from the mid center and across to the left hip. An attack that left him dead. Hair color: Golden blonde Type of hair: Soft, straight Hairstyle: Left messy, poofy. It’s slightly managed. Voice: His voice isn’t high pitched, its in the middle but slightly leaning into higher pitched territory. Overall attractiveness: Just a cute lil elf. Physical disabilities: None Usual fashion of dress: The green hero’s tunic. It was only meant to be worn just on his 11th birthday but its been carried out throughout the years ( and adjusted to his slightly grown height ). Favorite outfit: Doesn’t have a favorite. He feels bad if he ever picks favorites. The tunic is just his go-to since he doesn’t have the brainpower to fight himself on what to wear. Pink is nice though Jewelry or accessories: Wears the gossip stone around his neck. Just in case Tetra calls or Korl ( sadly there’s little to no hope for that ).
Good personality traits: Loyal, Caring, Protective, Heroic, Brave, Determined, Hard-Working, Friendly, Optimistic, curious Bad personality traits: Gullible, impulsive, naive, curious Mood character is most often in: Neutral while alone, upbeat while around others Sense of humor: His humor comes from Popsicle sticks. It’s very childish and often deriving from puns. He gets a kick from other people making jokes though. Character’s greatest joy in life: He takes pride in his family, it’s all he’s had. He loves them to bits. He wouldn’t be himself without them and he’d risk his life for anything if it meant keeping them safe. Character’s greatest fear: He has a number of fears but the biggest one that comes to mind is abandonment. Why? Link is terrified of being alone, he has trouble sleeping alone as it is during his travels. That’s why he cuddles his plushy, Puko or his sister’s telescope. He fears that one day everyone will leave him and he’d have no one to turn to. Link is really dependent on others. For comfort and helping him make right choices. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? When his sister got kidnapped. Character is most at ease when: The smell and taste of his grandmother’s soup, being in the comforting arms of his loved ones, playing his ukulele. Most ill at ease when: Being alone for too long, swimming in deep water, around ghosts or redeads. Enraged when: People insult his friends/family. He’s never really one to get mad from being bullied himself. His anger usually results to him crying afterwards  Priorities: Finding new Hyrule Life philosophy: There’s always a rainbow after every storm. If granted one wish, it would be: Probably have a better memory. Why? I’ve said it many a time that he’s suffered head trauma so his memory isn’t the sharpest. He takes pictures and writes a lot just in case he forgets everything one day. Character’s soft spot: Cute things---he just loves anything cute. Is this soft spot obvious to others? Oh yeah---he cant say no or be mad to anyone adorable, it’s the law. He’s very protective over them too. Greatest strength: His kindness and courage. Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Goodness is he gullible. You can get away with bloody murder if you know how to play the cards right.
Optimist or pessimist? Optimistic  Introvert or extrovert? In the middle Daredevil or cautious? In the middle but he does lean more to daredevil  Logical or emotional? Emotional  Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Acts confident but is unsure of himself Animal lover? Hell yeah !
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Pretty okay about himself! He’s still learning about who he is---sure he was dubbed the hero on two separate occasions but that doesn’t make up who he is. One word the character would use to describe self: “Unique!”  What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? “I guess how nice I am? Sometimes I’m told I’m too nice.” What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? “I put a lotta trust in everyone. So I guess how easily I believe in peoples?”  What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? “My ears? I guess!” What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? “My stubby legs!” How does the character think others perceive him/her: “Um.   .  .weird! I get funny looks all the time.” What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: “Maybies me rememberin’ thin’s bettah.”
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: There’s potential friendship in them all! Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Sometimes, it really depends on how dire the situation is. Otherwise Link is one to wear his heart on his sleeve. Person character most hates: Ganon, Toffee Best friend(s): Aryll and Tetra ( in other verses he has Otto and/or Claus ) Love interest(s): None currently. He just loves giving love to everyone. Person character goes to for advice: His grandma Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Aryll and Ana Person character feels shy or awkward around: N/A Person character openly admires: Orca, Keahi, Akane, Compass, Luigi, Dreambert, Geno--tons of people, actually Person character secretly admires: N/A he’s pretty open when he likes someone. They’d probably be his rival Most important person in character’s life before story starts: His sister and grandma After story starts: Tetra
Stole it from the dash lmao
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