#he is French :) ok tgats all
hershelwidget · 1 year
Actually now I think about it. We’re barely scratched the SURFACE that is my Big Brained Thoughts About Radio Star. so to fix that here’s me throwing damn near all the drawings I never showed y’all. go bonkers. also im not going to explain a SINGLE ONE OF THESE you have to find any possible context in the tags im so sorry
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oh thats. l. less than i thought. uhm.
can i offer you then This Thing
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and uhhh uhh uh. scrambles. some select Words from my Note and Document about him respectively
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ok so funny story. half my radio star content is straight up Missing :)
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blohst-blog · 7 years
I Crytyped Beautiful (from Heathers)
selepmter fiuret ::;19&9 Derrara diary???;; i beleihedce im a good epofosoj ya:know i beleive theresgiodo in everyone but her e eysare !!!the fuest day if sneior yeararr !!!!!! I looksorudn at these kids ghat uve known all my kide anndnd askjk mysekf ;;what haoldnedx???? Ffreak !!!!!sluuyrt !!!!bhuyggeyes !!!ooseffff !!!lardassssss W e wereso finyg Happiyty and shiny Plakayign tag and gettinfb fhased Fryeal !!!slut !!!!loserrr !!shortbhs !! siniging and clapapibg laughinggg and napping Abbaling cookies Saytung paste Buuldyelke !!!stuckuoooop !!! huunschvack Thhebn we god bigger Ghat was tyeh trigger Like the hunsns invading rome Soorueyeyy Wlelofcme fo my schiol This aunt ni highschool Thuss is the thundrdone Hold youur brwath and count the days Wente graudatung soon White trashh!!!!!! Colllekkege will be oaradise if imnoti dead by junen!!!!!' Bbuut i knwoow i know i kenowow life canan be beautoful I orayay i oray for s better way If we dhangevbadk then We can dhangeagain We can ve evahtiful oowoow!!!! just jdobtoday !!!!! hye are tuiou ok!?? Getstway nerd !!!! freuaon !!! Skuttt !! Criople HIMOHOMO HOMO!!!!!!!!!!! Things willgget bettert Soonwsd my ketter Cowmsfkrom Agrvard duke of brbrown Wkkake from this comsna Take ny diplomoa Then u can bkow this twon Drreamof ivy colovefer walls And smoky french cafegers Wattychhc it !!!! Fijdght the yrgegeg to strikek a anhatchb!!! And set thisish dumo abalazeee !!!!!!!! N OooOooOopPpapls Ram sawwwney thrd year asss linenavkwrf An daihgth yesr of smakciunf lunch trays and BEINGG A HUYGE DICKCIK!!!!!!! whatdidi yuo say to me ,,,skkqnao???? Bbehuet i know iw wknow i knwoow Life can be beautofull I roaya ikrsy i orayyy for a beyteggr way Wwe werekind befo e r we cab be kidn ocne kore We cab beeee bauyoful AUGH Hey matha hyea martagta eunndtock My best frisnd sinde disoers W we on for mciienight ?? yehah youre in jiffyoop detaul I rejted the prncess bride Gagaon !!?? Dont yuo have ot memroized by now ????? Whaht can i say ???!!?? Im a sufikdr forna haopy endiing Mamadyha dumpttuckkc !!!! Widd enlwod !!! hiooonnklllskl Kuuuurt kelely ;;;wuaterback He is the msnsmartestst guy on the footbajlal team Which is kidna like being the takkest dwarf!!!!! Iiiim aorry Are yuooo acatyaully talkign to me????? Yeyys i am !!!i wnana knwo what gives yuo the right to oick in my fiejwnd yuipt a highsjcool ha sbene wiating to ayoprn A futyre gsas station attentadantv Yyuio have a zit right there Dearf Diary Whhwywy Whysy dobthey hate me Wheyh dont i fightback Why doiacg lieke such a vreelWHWYY Why wknt eh cafte me Why dididi hiitbhim Why dod i cry myeekf to sleepWBHYYY skmebidoy hug me Somebodoy fix me I thinkik om dukng Give e me so em hope here Somethjing ro love for aH heatger heatgers and heatherrrrr Thenn tehres the heathers Ghey glostf above itvalsll I kvoe hesther ehather and heather Heatger mvnamsra ;;head fheerlesder Her dadis kooooaded he sells engaggemegt rings I hagge heatger heather snd hetstget Hestger duke !!runsss ghe yeahr book?,,no discernsnblenpersonality but her momodif psyysy for implanrygs I wnatt hesther hesther snd heathehthrr Annand heather chchanlder ;the almkightyv I nened hegaher hetsger and heather She is a mhyrgeiic bictcyhf Theyy sr esolid teflon Never bothered mevevrr Harassed Iw ofiof guve anuthingbtobhe kike tgat Id kiekr o be their boyfriend Mgrafat would be bahatkful If j dat sg thejr tabke guys woudlfn noycie me So beautiful If like them to be nicer That woruobeg beautiful Id liekt o kidnao hesther snd phyoograoh her nakekked in an anbaofnabrd badenent snd leave her tied uo for the ratsgg Ggrow uo heatger Bulimaiai is so "8887 Myatbe yius hodild see a docyor heather Yeha begtver maybe i shoufl Ahhhhh,hehatger heather .....,,,,,,,and uetaher Perhapos you ksised the bell Yuirore late to classess Ehhsather wanst feeling very welllllll We're helpign her Mnmof withoyta hakl pass yiruebit A wekensj detbetuin !!!! Actyaualy miss geleming ,,,we're all four outbon a a hall pass Tearbook fommittgege Iiii see tuiroe all kosted ,,,,hehey uos dn get whre yiure goingbn Tggsis jd an excekelmt forgerryy who ate yuo??? Beroncia sawryet I crave a boooon Wgatvboon Lllrt me sit at yor tsbkle Jsut ince No takkkunf necessay If peopel thinkkk yuil tollerste me theyll lesv rme slone Bbbbefore yuo andwer, i alsoo do repory vards, oermisison slips, and abcdbnece notes Hiow about orecautotioms Shut il heather Sorry heather Fofoorr a greasy lottle bodvofy ,,,yko do hsve giod boens cturcytyre Nnanad a symmehtircla face,, if i tooka meet clwavet down the center of yir skkuil,,if hvae mmatcgingv hak ss fhafs bvevery imorotant Oooff course,,,yioy fould stand to lose a sverw lounds Ndya kneo ta tknow ya know This could be a beuatiful Mascaa maybe some lipgloss Wne mere blm oht eag Geg this girk some blsuh And bestgerr i need yjor brush Llelst make her behatoful Mmake her beautiful Okya? OK!!!!!!!!! Uot of ky way geek J dont want any trouble Yuoor gonna die at 3pmmm Dont yiobdare tocuh me Het away oervert What dididiu eveyr do to tgehme Hwio could surviev this o O cant exacoebthjs I think im dayingb Whos that withhhh vehgatger Whhaoaoa Heathenr Heather Ehather AND SJOEMOEJNE hather Ehather Whather ANS A BABE hetaher Hetaher Hahather Ceirnica !!???? Veronixa !! Veirnica !!! Ceronica !'nn!!!! And yuou kwwnow you know you kenowow Lllife can be bestiful You hoek yiou dresmtiy oray And yuou get yoru way Ask me hkwowyr feems Lookinggffvkiek hell on whhehehellls Mmmy god istvehaytiful I might rb e beautiful And wggehen youre beyatiful Its a beuatiful frickken day !!!!!!! Hhehwatger Beirnida Hetaher heather Veronixa Bekenjxa verofnia Ceronica Ceronixa a'nnnm!!!!!!!
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