#but i dont want to go into that place (the dms of a dead person) because I Dont Want To
hershelwidget · 1 year
Actually now I think about it. We’re barely scratched the SURFACE that is my Big Brained Thoughts About Radio Star. so to fix that here’s me throwing damn near all the drawings I never showed y’all. go bonkers. also im not going to explain a SINGLE ONE OF THESE you have to find any possible context in the tags im so sorry
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oh thats. l. less than i thought. uhm.
can i offer you then This Thing
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and uhhh uhh uh. scrambles. some select Words from my Note and Document about him respectively
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ok so funny story. half my radio star content is straight up Missing :)
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if CC has one fan, it is me. if CC has 100 fans, im one of them. if CC has no fans, i am dead. im ur #1 fan (NOT CLICKBAIT) ok this first part is going to be hella cheesy but i do have some writing questions after (sorry for long ask, idk how to dm on tumblr) onto my appreciation paragraph that i wrote for you: i hope you have a great day, CC. i really enjoy your work and dedication that you put into your writing. i have no money currently so i can’t support you financially yet (like on kofi or patreon) but just know i always read your work and will always be supporting you! i’ve been a fan of your work since i was 14ish? i’m 16 now and your work has inspired me to get back into writing—you’re truly one of my biggest role models when it comes to interactive fiction (which is no easy task, IDK HOW YOU DO IT) and writing in general! thank you for being such a down to earth author. i don’t know much about you personally but i know that writing can be super hard/overwhelming for a lot of people! when days are rough, i hope you can remember this message <33333 i have a lot of questions about writing, specifically your personal experience/journey with writing that i want to ask you, if that’s okay? you don’t have to answer all—you dont even have to answer them if you don’t feel like answering! i would just really like more perspective from authors in the interactive fiction field before i think of starting an IF of my own (it’s intimidating) i think its safe to call this an interview in your inbox
how did you begin writing fiction that’s interactive? what about interactive fiction appealed to you?
have you ever written non-interactive fiction works before publishing your interactive novels, or did you choose to go straight into interactive? (p.s. if you have any non-interactive works, SEND THEM MY WAY…please)
kind of adding onto Q2: if you haven’t written non-interactive works before, have you ever considered it?
what age did you begin writing?
do you ever get writers block? if you do, what do you do to get the ideas flowing again?
do you set writing goals for yourself? how do you make sure you stay motivated in order to reach them?
how do you plan your works? is there a specific structure or setup you follow?
i’m a newbie writer, but interactive fiction is really intriguing to me. i would like to ask for your opinion: do you think interactive fiction is a good place to start? or would it be better if i dabble in non interactive fiction first to get the hang of writing in general?
how do you handle overwhelming/overbearing/invasive comments from readers? which are pretty common in the IF community
if you’re an adult, have been to college? and if you dont mind me asking, what’s your degree(s) in? and final question that adds onto this, do your degree(s) involve writing or is writing just a hobby/passion you do on the side?
that ended up being longer than i thought, i’m so sorry… anyway, thank you so much for reading my questions (and if you reply, thanks for replying!) i hope you have an amazing year (and life in general.) i’ll never forget the impact your writing has left on me /pos and i’m so sorry if this “interview” is invasive or makes you feel overwhelmed, that wasn’t my intention. i hope you continue releasing books, but just know that it’s okay to take breaks!!!! don’t let the internet hooligans overwhelm you. and if they do, HAVE NO FEAR, J. IS HERE! i will *happily and dutifully* defend you with my life.
Thank you so much. 💕 That is so kind of you. I'll do my best to answer all the questions. 😁
I noticed the age you wrote down and I hope you stayed away from all the mature stuff that I write. 📏🧐
1-answer: Believe it or not TWC was my first experience with IF and while I was reading it, all I could think was how bad I wanted to do something similar, like writing a story that people could interact with and make choices. So I joined the forum, learned choicescript, and started working on my very first game The Burning Sun.
2-answer: No I never wrote any non-interactive stories. Interactive fiction is my first experience with writing for the public. From what I've learned about the publishing industry, non-interactive fiction authors can have a hard time finding publishers, and I don't think I could suffer through that process, it seems intimidating.
3-answer: No I never wrote any non-interactive stories. And I don't think I could write a story where I can't give the readers the option to make their own choices. Interactive Fiction ruined it for me. 😅
4-answer: The same as you, I would say, around 14, 15. But those are stories that stayed in my diaries or notebook and were never shared with anyone else. So Interactive Fiction is my first go at making my stories public, and let me tell you I have so many of them. I hope I'll end up writing them all one day and share them.
5-answer: All the time, why do you think I have so many side stories or other projects. As a writer, you are bound to have writer's block. The thing is when it happens, just don't let it stop you and just find a way to relax, give yourself a break, and do something else that you love doing. I wish I could follow my own advice, but... when I get Writer's block, my brain just defaults to write another story. I had writer's block writing the Midnight Saga, so I went on to write Insert Rich Family because it was a story that was more light-hearted and fun. I had writer's block writing Lemons, so I went on to write The Wedding because I wanted my brain to focus on something else. And the cycle continues.
6-answer: I don't. I'm a very disorganized writer, but... I recently applied to be a writer for Heart of Choice and they asked me for a full outline of a game that I pitched them. BOI did I struggle, because when I write my stories I have no idea what chapter 2 or 3 will look like, I just sit down and write and go with the flow. Having had to make a complete outline for the full game without even knowing what it would look like was tough, but... by the end of it, I loved and enjoyed the process and I think I will apply it in my writing from now on. I think having that bit of organization will help in the long run, especially when I have writer's block.
7-answer: No... I just sit down in my kitchen and write. I have a very active brain, so I'm always thinking and always trying to get stuff done. That's why I can do like 3 months' worth of Patreon content, then take a long break because after such high, I crash, then I get high for writing again, then I crash, lol. ll that to say, it's good to take breaks when you get overwhelmed.
8-answer: It's hard to give you a great answer for this because it will depend on what you like and what you're ready to tackle. I will say that writing IF can be challenging, so if you want to start with IF, start small. Try to code a small story, with just one or two NPCs or ROs beside the MC. See how you manage the branching and the development. Don't start big because coding different branches for different interactions can spiral out. I can't really say much about the non-IF part, but I think all IF stories start as non-IF. They only become IF when you start adding choices and branches. 💕
9-answer: I've been fortunate to stay out of some drama here on Tumblr, although my first one did cause me to get blacklisted and blocked from some authors and IF recs. OG readers will know what I'm talking about, and no I don't want to dig out that drama.
I'm grateful for the followers that I have and for every reblog, like, comment, and recommendation. I feel like I'm slowly getting some recognition and that is why I can spot new readers based on their asks. Some people might think I'm new, but no. I've been here a while, just took me some time to make it to your FYP. So how do I handle overbearing or overwhelming comments or asks? If it's something that I feel uncomfortable answering, I just block and delete it. If not, I answer it the best I can because sometimes people may be asking a genuine question, but in writing it, it might come off as rude. So, it's really a case-by-case judgment.
10-answer: Yes, I'm an adult, a millennial. 😭 so old. I went to college in my home country, Haiti, and my degree is in business administration. Nothing to do with writing. My current job which I will lose soon is in Human resources, so writing is just a hobby. But I would love to be able to do this full-time.
Thank you for all the questions and I hope your 2024 continues to be great. 🥰💕
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swimmingclass1978 · 2 months
About me
- so my name is Ariel 😃
-a hellenic pagan but its new so let me be, no convering christians allowed
-slytherin/ravenclaw but if i like you then im giving kinda griffindor energy? Tho i get tired easily and my social battery is lasting max of an hour
-I'm fine with any pronouns really but mostly he/she, they is also great but she has a special place in my heart even tho i hate it sometimes and he makes me want to scream and giggle
-so im unlabeled and ace but i don't think i would date amab people. Its nothing personal just my preference but it also depends. (Idk why i put it here its kind of personal need for me to say)
-my favourite colour is green, but like deep green or like dead green not neon green and i also love deep red and black
-my natice language is polish but i also speak english tho its not as good as i wish it would be
-im obsessed with collecting little animal figures/plushies and giving them names????
-i love reading and all the crafty things like painting, drawing and diy and id love to learn book binding one day even if my printer doesn't agree with me
-im also a poet and a writer so i suffer from creativity more times then id like to but i unfortunatelly love it all too much 😔 i don't publish my poems bc i fear they are not very good but i wish to be a published book author one day
-if you are a hater or use any of these tags: anti <character/ship name> or pro <character/ship name> or you are a canon fanatic who can't stand people having fun then dni bcz i dont want any of your toxic bs on my blog or in my dms/asks thank you very much
- if you want to share you homo/transphobic bs then get out and never come back
-im a sucker for good no voldy hogwarts jegulus aus tbh, amd anything that contains slytherin skittles or black brothers/sisters, i love them
-greek mythology
- percy jackson
-good omens, i love them but considering things that have been happening then i dont think we will be getting seson 3 anytime soon :(((
-the poppy war thrilogy (started reading age 9 and kinda reggret it but happily it didn't caused me as much of my mental health as i thought) (dont repeat my mistake tho)
- bsd but i cant remember all the names yet I know whats going on so its fine
Kins: Regulus; Pandora; sometimes Barty?
Im happily married to jegulus twilight au with reg as bella that got abandoned in february 2024 and to a demon james/human regulus au that is still ongoing but id let it tear me appart and i would apologise to the author( im talkimg about The Devil Tastes Devine by TheBiButterfly on ao3 (it has me in a chokehold tbh))
Ships: jeggy, wolfstar, dorlene, pandlily, marlily, emmary, rosekiller, bartylus, pancas, marylane, lilylane, any marauder lesbians, nobleflower, quillkiller, teddromeda, poppy x minnie (i forgot their ship name), evanreg, jarty, kinda rosekiller + lily, rosestarkillerchaser(any variant of them really), moonwater, percybeth(is that their ship name?), solangelo, (shin)soukoku, any legal lesbian ship thb, i also liked jily in the past but the toxic shippers ruined it for me :( i still love her tho thats my wifey
My ao3 fanfic:
there is a light, i feel it in me: WIP, black brothers angst, jegulus, wolfstar +more, trauma healing, angst/fluff, everything pandora and barty are doing is great i do not make the rules
Face reveal:
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Im also a proud owner of this justin biber ahh haircut I thought it was a wonderfull idea few months back and i do feel the best in my skin i've ever felt since my dysphoria went almost 2lvl down but no one want to talk to me at school now i think its not very nice of them tbh im a great person sometimes
Thats all lol have a good time or whatever
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planning-with-bok-su · 3 months
Planning with Bok-su. A married in red rp and ask blog.
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(the setting of the blog takes place at the wedding before the murder)
Asks: OPEN!
Bok-su pronouns are she/her!
A little bit about the creator:
Hi! This is the creator, you call me gummi if you need to. I have a elevator hitch ask blog ( @stuck-with-protag ) and a dead plate one ( @dining-with-rody ) also a cold front ( @chilling-with-winnie ) and a eloquent countenance blog! ( @praying-with-angelica ) ( also a rp blog @just-for-rp and @overthinking-with-augustine gotta love self promotion ) so here we are!  I haven't actually seen any married in red ask blogs ( because the game just came out today by the time i post this ) so idk if people made any. If so let me know! But it also seemed fun to do. Rules are down below!
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1. No controversial asks please! ( like no homophobic or racist comments ) This blog is just for fun and personal use, I don't want to see that kind of stuff-
2. Angsty questions are allowed!
3. Asker magic is allowed! Sounds fun :)
4. I wont answer all asks. It depends on what it is but i most likely will! Especially since summer is here!
5. I will try my absolute best to portray Bok-su correctly! This is the only game i haven't played so ill try my best based on what ive see in play throughs. With certain asks i might need to respond with a headcannon if i dont know what she would do/say
6. Flirting and shipping indications are allowed! I dont mind most ships, As long as its sfw, no nsfw content and illegal content- THE OWNER OF THE ACCOUNT IS A MINOR.. ⛏️
7. MY DMS ARE ALWAYS OPEN! Either you have a question you wanna ask about the blog or just wanna rp, its always going to be open unless something happens! Also other ask blogs in the sigverse or from the game can interact!
Extra: i think her voice would be like nicole from class of 09 ( i dont remember the name of that game )
Bok-su - white
Action - red
Ooc ( aka gummi )- pink
I hope i didn't miss anything, thank you if you read this!
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hi yeah i have a little more i want to add on to the Duel Links AI Characters thing. This kinda blurs the line between Headcanon and Theory tho
A really weird thing that is either brilliant subtext or me just reading in to things too hard is the progression of the AI Duelists. Not like, the release of duel worlds and stuff, or powercreep, or anything like that. I mean theres two real, defined types of AIs in Duel Links.
If you look at a lot of the DM characters... theyre fairly flat. Like yeah I know thats also true of Téa/Anzu and Mai and stuff in the show, but it applies to pretty much the entire starting roster. The most odd yet obvious example of this is, oddly enough, Yami Yugi. My mans got Nothing. Hardly shows up in events, any place he would its usually Yugi(DM) instead, and he had very few gate interactions.
Now, think about that from a lore perspective. Yami Yugi is the whole fuckin' point of this. This is the AI Kaiba set out and tried to make, wanted to fill the gay ass void in his heart see again, and he's so... bland. Uninteresting. Why?
Turns out, its because of that very reason. He was the First, of course hes gonna be worse than the others. As time went on, Kaiba got better at making the AIs. And at first, it really was him making the AIs. Let me explain.
Again, looking at the earlier characters again, something becomes obvious. These characters are bland because theyre almost... missing something. If you look at everything they say, everything they do, something clicks. Its all stuff Kaiba either heard about secondhand, or was physically present for. He made the best approximation he could, on his own, but theyre just that: approximations. Easy best example is the first ever event character, Yami Bakura. A fascinating character in Duel Links lore, simply because he's the first Self Aware AI. A big question that comes out of this is Why, and the answer I believe is rlly cool: hes not Yami Bakura. Not even close. Like yeah obviously hes an AI clone, but thats not even what I mean. Kaiba knows so little about Bakura that he couldnt even make a complete personality. He just put a kinda mischevious personality in a Bakura Costume, gave it an interest in occult and Tabletop RPG games, and told it to do its best.
But this is Seto Fucking Kaiba. He doesnt settle for that. So, he got to work on a new, better system. A System that lets him use [insert bullshit explanation here, I like "uses the collective memories of players"] to truly copy people down to their very souls. And the first few times, it goes well. It really is an exact replica... and maybe, maybe thats an issue.
Pegasus J. Crawford has been dead for years at that point, but his impact on the game and large presence make it almost obvious in hindsight. If it were anyone but Seto Kaiba, this might have been the cue to say "hey maybe this is a little fucked up and I need more control over who gets added."
However, Seto 'As the owner of a major corporation I have to do that everyday' Kaiba dont roll like that, so he just leaves the Soul Printer on to do whatever the fuck it wants, and... yeah. After that point, every other AI, along with the duel worlds, is a result of the soul printer. Maybe he should have at least limited the scope to this dimension and the egyptian afterlife tho.
Theres also an argument that its not that the soul printer wasnt ready, its that he needed a playerbase to steal the brain power off of to run said soul printer, so he whipped up the first few to get started.
...sorry i forgot just how much brain rot this game caused me and ur earlier posts got me going again ;-;
OOOHOHOHOHOO THIS IS SUPERRR SUPER GOOD STUFF and I definitely think this is picking at what's really under the hood here. Transcend Game was all about Kaiba using people's (many of which being CHILDREN'S) brainwaves to create images and experiences, so it really would not be out of his ballpark to get the system running and just leave it to do its thing while he goes off and obsesses over shit like Why Isn't The Atem AI Right. It's Not Perfect. Why Isn't It Perfect.
and now you've got the AIs themselves producing 'brainwaves' and feeding memories into the system, and that's popping More AIs into the world in turn (i.e. Yuto's and Yuya's memories being the catalyst for Shay showing up, etc.) and they're...uh. starting to get self aware!!!! SO THAT'S FUN. It's like an ouroboros feedback loop of fake memories creating fake memories creating copies of what was once someone's memories.
All cuz SOMEBODY wanted to be king of a virtual reality even though he has more money than god and better things he could be doing 🙄
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terraliensvent · 5 months
When did this become a thing? There's no rule in the server about it. Nor has there been an announcement about this new rule.
Dont get me wrong, i get it. Its a server with minors in it. Its smart of em. But, there is no rule about it that id seen?? Besides that point... How you going to control someones profile like that??
Its not like its going to stop the minors from seeing it regardless. Cause if the two dm cause commission or whatever, they are still going to see it anyway?! And you reallllly cant tell someone they have to change their pfp OUTSIDE the server. Its their profile afterall.
This is 100% why i believe minors shouldnt be involved in CS spaces too. Because regardless of any rule put in place about nsfw content.. They will still see and be subjected to this content if theres a customer/client chat going on due to commissions. You can control a persons server profile, but outside of that... You cant.
And if the adults all start putting in their ads "Please no minors, as it makes me uncomfortable," or whatever other thing they could write... Will probably get bad backlash in a server full of well...children. Including some of the actual adults too. I can just see this being a huge thing from both sides.
The minors being upset they cant offer their art/comms. The childish adults who just cant handle too... Then a big ol whine fest about it all.
Even though the adults are just trying to keep the minors and themselves safe.
But ye.. Either way... This rule should probably be announced and added in bold somewhere. Cause i didnt, nor have seen, this one in this server. Still a worry, but... Still glad its there too.
I just am seeing both sides of what could happen here though.
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i mean im gonna be fr, i do not see the issue with this. i think its pretty implied that no NSFW whatsoever is allowed seeing as terras has always advertised itself as being minor friendly, so it would just be looped in with the no NSFW images rule.
there is a trade discussion chat, if the person wanted to keep their actual profile NSFW but have talks about comms they can do it in the other chat, it doesnt HAVE to go to dms
also ive really never seen an issue with people saying they only want adults to commission them, and even if someone complained i dont think itd be received well by other members or by staff
i understand your angle of playing devils advocate but i honestly dont think this is an issue, at best its an attempt to minimize any foul play and exposure of NSFW to minors, and at worst its a measure that, while effective in some areas, has some oversights in others
i know terras has been pretty dead but yall gotta have better topics if ur gonna put it in my inbox lol (kidding)
Editing to add: NSFW pfps/profile banners are also against Discord TOS as a whole. checkmate liberal
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avatar0ftheeye · 1 year
helllooo!!!!! Welcome to part 6!! It might be a bit shorter than the rest because this session was mostly story building, but I hope you enjoy anyway!
here’s part 6 of Dungeons and Teenagers!
the teens stand, dumbfounded at what they had just done.
“who was that?” Asked Damien to Maisie
“that was my therapist Darlene. Really sweet country woman, best therapist I’ve ever had :]” Maisie replies. Nobody seems to question how Goose pulled a broken landline phone out of his hat and the fact that it still worked (he’s a sentient goose with a magic Mary Poppins hat, why are they going to question him?)
“Hate to interrupt,” says a voice behind them, “but I have to fight the duck.” The players turn around to see the cloaked figure of Death still standing there.
“why?” Asks damien
Me: fine, Roll persuasion but you need to get really high-
Damien: ANOTHER NAT 20
Death stands there, perplexed. “Because it’s my job? That’s what you summoned me here for.”
“well who’s your boss?” Asked damien, stepping in front of Goose
“I am, technically, my own boss. I mean, I’m death.”
“So who wrote the rules?”
“I did?”
“Do you want to follow the rules?”
death shuffled in place, slightly embarrassed. “Not really. I don’t really like the whole reaping thing anymore.”
damien smiled a small smile. “Then quit. You don’t have to do this.”
Death pondered this. “You’re right! I don’t have to do this, I can do what I want to do!” Death ripped off his cloak. Now, in front of the teens, did not stand a menacing man in a cloak. There stood a floating skull in a 3 piece suit. “I’m gonna be an accountant! Thanks kids!” Death smiled and strutted out of the castle, on his way to fulfill his accountant dream.
the kids, once again, stand dumbfounded staring at Damien who fully thwarted the DM’s BBEG plans by sending one to therapy to get better and the other to accounting.
Damien walked over to a passed out Jim on the floor and kicked him awake. “Hey bitchboy wake up.”
Jim stirred from the kick to the gut. He sat up quickly and gasped. “Did we win? Is he dead?”
“no, but he’s getting help!” Called Maisie. Jim sat up slowly as Damien returned to the group. They circled him, menacingly.
“you were working with the devil the whole time?” Asked Alex, “why?”
Jim smiled, a smile that none of them were used too. He was…happy? “The blood pact is broken, I can finally explain!” He said happily. “Okay, so when I found out your parents were back in the realms, I knew I had to send them back home. I had helped them before when they were here before, about 14 years ago when I was 2. I knew I couldn’t do it alone, so I went to the only person I knew would want them out as well…” he side eyed Maisie, “your mom kinda…reallllyyy liked him when she was here…” Maisie gagged. Jim laughed anxiously. “So I went to him and asked for help. He said that he would, but I would have to make a deal. The blood pact made it so I could send them home when I wanted to but I couldn’t tell you. The thought was that you’d kill me because I couldn’t explain. If I tried to explain, I’d flip inside out. I hoped that you wouldn’t…” he trailed off. Everyone, including Jim, knew that they would have. They would have killed him if this hadn’t happened. The players stopped circling and stood, silent.
“do you know where the rest of the parents are? Specifically my mom?” Thomas asked. Jim nodded slowly.
“I just know where your mom is. Cambria chase? Tall, hijab, anxious all the time?” Jim asked. Thomas smiled wide.
“YEAH! Where is she??” Thomas asked excitedly. Jim begun to answer before Damien interrupted.
“Slow down, how can we trust you? You had a pact with the devil himself, we have no reason to trust anything you say.” Damien said menacingly. Jim solemnly nodded. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. The party members jumped back quickly, but jim didn’t charge at any of them.
instead, he cut off his own thumb.
the players gagged in horror.
Jim walked slowly over to Damien and handed it to him. “A token to prove my loyalty. If I help you, you give it back, if I betray you, you destroy it.”
Damien smirked. “I won’t four-get this.” He teased. Jim’s face fell at this mockery. He sighed and begun walking toward the door.
“Let’s go find Cambria.”
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hello! mun speaking :D
"i am not afraid to use unorthodox means to prove my point"
before we get started, there’s some things that are going to be pointed out here (plz read they are very important):
if you’d like to ask padme or the mun anything, use my ask box! it is open for those specific reasons! just make sure to clarify if you are asking padme or mun
if youd like to rp but dont know if ill say yes, just dm me! they are open for those reasons lol
im pretty much cool with everything as long as it doesnt involve any nsfw stuff (gore & stuff is fine, im referring to smut)
my time schedule is wack so there will be days where i am radio silent. please dont think i am ignoring you, im probs just so busy i dropped dead (id recommend priv msging me to be safe)
my main blog is @flowered-bicycles so if youd like to see how i am like out of rp, go there lol
mun goes by soka but will usually be referred to as “amidala’s (or padme’s) mun. mun also uses she/her
as hard as i will try to be like padme’s canon self, i might end up throwing a bit of myself in the rp as well. if something seems ooc, please let me know but dont be harsh about it
parentheses or // are used when mun is speaking
roleplay is either used in 3rd person or 1st person. if you have a preference you’d like me to use, dont be shy and let me know
extra and disclaimer! - this is strictly an rp blog (yes i may act and speak and react like padme, but i am no way actually her. i am in no way affiliated with star wars! (unless you count being a fan as affiliated) so this is completely fanmade! feel free (much encouraged) to like, reblog, or send/asks and make comments! the ask box has anon on as well, so if you are too shy to use your user, anon is on just for you! if you wish, giving an emoji for me to recognize you by would be greatly appreciated! you can leave comments and ill try to reply to them. i dont think my submissions are open, but if youd like to submit something then ill open them!
you may use “potty mouth” when rping in character, but please keep it pretty strictly to star wars cursing (kriff, kark, etc)
padme is straight and will be canonically shipped with anakin (cuz they are married, duhh) but if you wish to do a “non-canonical”/au where padme is shipped with your character (or is not straight), please dm me and we will work it out
keep this a SFW blog! (which means no smut!! violence / gore are accepted tho so be warned)
keep the asks respectful please
uncomfortable topics will be blatantly ignored
dont godmod.
have fun!
about padme
galactic senator
canonically married to anakin skywalker
unofficially became ahsoka’s aunt
isn't afraid to use aggressive negotiations
will sweet talk you to get what she wants
friends & foes
anakin skywalker - open slot
ahsoka tano - open slot
satine kryze - @arandomnerdsrp358
obi-wan kenobi - open slot
(name of character) - user
PROMPT LIST! (and quotes)
here is a list of prompts that will help structure an rp (if you want to make a structured rp) or help get the rp flowing/started:
extra!: prompts and quotes can be requested together! for ex. : “can i request prompt a. with quote 6?” (or vice versa)
1. “why did you do it? tell me”
2. “you know im always here for you, right?”
3. “let me take care of you”
4. “i thought id never see you again…”
5. “we need to get you to a hospital!”
6. “blood? why are you bleeding!?”
7. “sleep at my place tonight”
8. “you know you are my one and only”
9. “im in love with you, idiot (or di’kut)
10. “sh, stop fussing. let me braid your hair”
11. “if you steal the blankets, im going to put my cold feet on you.”
a. it’s a mission and we got separated from the group. we are on an unknown planet and dont have any signal to comm the rest of the group. we have to try to make our way back to the ship with only each other and the things we have with us.
b. no one knows when it started, but suddenly people have started receiving red ribbons tied to their pinky and the red trails off to their soulmate. not everyone has a soulmate but we are some of the lucky few who have one. follow the roleplay as we go on a journey to follow the trail and meet eachother, and then live life together as soulmates.
c. a diplomatic mission gone wrong when a terrible virus breaks out in the planet. with the ship pulled to pieces and we are stranded on the planet, how will we survive and rebuild the ship to get off world and warn the other planets?
d. it’s a diplomatic mission to bring a planet to the side of the republic, but something goes wrong. dooku has brought his army to stop the planet from joining the republic and we get caught in the crossfire! negotiations are made and dooku has proposed a challenge for us to complete. if successfully completed, the planet may host a republic base. if lost, the planet goes to the separatists.
!! accepting additional quotes / prompts !!
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skybristle · 2 years
Please rant about why you didn't like how chapter 14 characterized Caramel arrow. I may not have gotten to it because I'm still stuck in chapter 11 but I'd love to hear it.
pls rb!! i put a lot of thought and effort into these posts!
was talking to a friend. this is a. Horrid mash of copy/pasted stuff from discord dms paired with me typing in new shit to bridge gaps and add points but. under cut again! probably some talk abt murder and violence [but its against affo mainly so its okay /JOKE] but mainly to save space on dashes since i type a lot also note that i tend to call caramel arrow carrow. it just rolls off my mental tounge better and its easier to speedrun typing in my fanon i've also added magnolia into her story but. for the sake of arguement i'll leave her and any magnolia-related changes out. but yeah they canonically kiss devsis told me /lh ill add more if i think of anything
shes a static character. NOTE. static characters are NOT inherently bad. but she has so much potential for being fucked up and questioning her loyalties and shit. as she stands she is just. There. she does a little bit of girlbossing but ESPECIALLy in chapter 14 she is just there to go its okay dark cacao ur doing the right thing it is alright u are okay :] and she doesnt even get resolution with affo. iirc they dont even rlly get a confrontation he just. Runs away. these r my main problems but ill get into a lot of wasted potential later. ill be so mad forever and ever they didn't let carrow kill affogato. like. she had a straight shot in the end when his sheilds were down and he was just trying to get away. ut she just goes "OHHH NO AFFOGATO IS GETTING AWAYYYYY" like babygirl you are the first watcher. What are you doing. i get that cr doesnt have the balls to violently kill him on screen but like u could have shot him and left him for dead at least. Like. .... idk. red velvet gets a crossbolt bolt to the face in TOSC its not too out there. but even then carrow seems like the type to want to kill someone cleanly and effectively no matter WHAT they did so she doesnt stoop to their level. so as far as my fanon goes she shot him thru the head when he was trying to escape. like again i know canon wouldn't do that but it is dissapointing to see nothing happen with him and carrow's arc yet another injustice to carrow's character. shes just. There honestly. like she doesnt DO ANYTHING. shes kinda just [woman standing discord emoji] you could honestly remove her from the plot without much difference which is. REALLY FUCKING SAD considering that she was so hyped up and is playable. her only real character trait is 'loyal to dark cacao'. which falls flat considering DARK CACAO IS FUCKED UP?? like i know affo is manipulating him or whatever but he had to have been at an incredibly low point in the first place - likely caused by dark choco's betrayel and the stress of losing so much , including many of his watchers, to the war. the main missed potential i see: the missed potential with her and dark choco. it's heavily implied he was very very close with her - and her mentor. she even has a line abt him being the one who taught her how to use a bow. it's p easy to assume he's the person who trained her and could probably be considered her non-blood informal older brother or maybe an idol. [i prefer the former but. Yeah] have her loyalty be split between the king who deeply hurt his people for decades [since even before affo i doubt it was good considering i can only IMAGINE how fucked up the kingdom was afrer the DFW with their watchers presumaby spread incredibly thin after so many losses] and FUCKING EXILED HER regardless of affo's imput and the prince who trained and partially raised her but has done so much fucked up shit and lost his path
NEITHER of them are good people. at least completely. do they deserve her loyalty? is she reeally doing good by following anyone?? is bias by being close to the royals clouding her judgement? she can't answer those questions
but No. dark cacao good everyine else bad :3. so dissapointing this is becoming more of a stretch but this is more a thinly veiled excuse to talk abt my fanon because i make her character so much cooler and sexier but. Ya! also not to say she was probably a trainee or barely out of training when dark choco betrayed everyone when he was probably her older brother figure andddd probably got shoehorned into the position of first watcher too fast since dark cacao was in such deep paranoia after getting betrayed by his own son he couldn't trust anyone short of who was practically his own daughter but. Ya! would have fucked. her cutscene thing says she became the first watcher at an incredibly young age. u can assume in canon that just means that she was so capable she earned it so early on but like. You could ALSO take rlly fucked up implications from that if you wanted to. like. Yeah. also i dont have as thorough thoughts on this but. it's sad that we didnt see much of her relationship with the other watchers. its obvious that they miss her, care about her, and are still loyal to her. i've always thought it was a really interesting thing that despite her exile and presumably being stripped of her title they all still call her first watcher. resisting the urge to talk abt her and magnolia so i wont but like. scenes with the other watchers could have rlly helped this!!! oh also if you ship carrow x affogato get the fuck off this post i actually hate you fuck you fuck yo ufuck yuyou fuck you. Die. thats all i remember for now. Bye girl.
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bobastar · 3 years
Stupid Crush
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Carlos Madrigal X You
a/n: i’ve done only one (besides this one)one for Carlitos but if you want more of him just dm me ideas or comments them pleaseee! they/them for reader. he/him for carlos.
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mischievous, ruthless, and evil. that’s what the villagers of Encanto thought of one of the family members of the Madrigals, Carlos. twin of Camilo, aka one of your tailor clients. you take his measurements, carefully making sure everything fits perfectly…this means having to touch his arms, legs, waist, etc. while this meant normal business to you, it meant something else to Carlos.
he watched in the waiting area, looking closely at you. his red eyes projecting annoyance and jealousy. he wanted to be the one you were focused on, not his lunatic brother. he wanted you…to hold his arm making sure the clothing fit. instead, it was Camilo. he was going to change that. immediately.
a grin appeared on his face, he got up quickly and went over to Camilo. “im heading back, this is boring..” he glanced over at you, still not paying attention to him. Camilo nods, not wanting to move too much.
he nods, and knocks the stool Camilo was on over. this makes you mark your arm with your pen, causing you to quickly look up at him..angrily. cute.
“ay perdóname señorita(o) Y/n.” he said sarcastically, picking up the stool for you. “sígale Carlos..” you glared at him, this made his dull heart grow heavy. he gulped, trying not to turn red. “anything for you mi amor.” he teased and got up, giving you his hand to help you. you smacked it away still annoyed at him. “i don’t need to help.” you mumbled and went back to writing down the measures you were able to get.
“i think that’s enough for today Camilo, you can go to your casita.” you smiled slightly at Camilo. “gracias,nos vemos mañana..!” Camilo hugged you and went out of the shop along with Carlos.
— —
“what was that?!” Camilo pushed his brother slightly. “what?” he continued to walk, not paying attention to the rambling Camilo needed to tell him.
suddenly something caught his attention. “if you keep acting like that towards them, they’re going to lose interest.” Camilo shrugs and walks ahead of him. they were interested in him in the first place-? he grabbed Camilo by the shoulder. “what do you mean?”
“what i mean is…that they really like you. DONT TELL THEM I TOLD YOU! i’ll be a dead man.” Camilo points at him threatening, beginning to walk away again. “wait wait- what do they say?”
“chismoso! they only told me is… that they like you because you have an unpredictable personality, they like your eyes, and something about them wanting to get closer to you…” Camilo smirked as he saw Carlos standing there in shock.
“oh~ Carlos has a crush! crush! crush! what a beautiful day~!” Camilo teased him, going around him chanting ‘crush!’. he stood there, a blush forming on his cheeks. “agh! shut up!” he put a hand over his lower part of his face, walking home at a fast pace. “i don’t have a stupid crush!” he yelled, trying to convince Camilo but also himself he didn’t like you.
— —
you flopped on your bed, smiling at the interaction you had with Carlos today. although he gets on your nerves at time, something about him…you just can’t place it. it’s one of those crushes where you just like them…absolutely no reason behind it.
you put a pillow over your face, kicking your feet in air for liking someone who’s a troublemaker. your guardians already have a bad impression of him, and even told you to never date nor marry someone like that. but you were attracted to him, and only him. Carlos needed someone who didn’t judge him, instead see his true feelings deep down, and you were going to be that someone…once he makes the first move.
— —
another day was going by, people walking in and out. “hola! what can i do for you?” you looked up and saw Carlos. “oh it’s you.”
“the one and only cariño.” he winked and got close to the counter you were behind. “what can i do for you Carlos?” you tried to act uninterested. “i figured you needed help with making your deliveries today…since you’re weak and all.” he tilted his head as if he didn’t just insult you.
“i don’t need help, besides how did you know today was delivery day?“ you looked at him, squinting your eyes. “i know everything, plus i’m just that good.” he smirked.
you wanted to just stomp his face and shove him out of the way but also hug him and give him small kisses-
“so that’s a yes?” he put his hands in his front pockets. “i didn’t say anything.”
“but you’re staring at me..” he smirked and got closer to your face. “i take that as a yes.” his index and pointer finger under your chin now. you didn’t know what to do, you just stood there in a puddle of nervousness.
“ay Carlos! you’re always playing games.” you grabbing his wrist, shoving it onto his chest. “me? i’m such an angel though.” he batted his eyes.
“the fallen angel that is.” you walked past him.
he wrapped his arm around you before you could leave, making you look toward him again. “y/n..” he lifted you up by your waist. he glanced down at your lips, and then back up to your eyes.
you put your hand on his arm, he started to lean towards you. you did the same, closing the gap. once you pulled away, his red eyes seemed to ease.
“WHAT?!” someone shouted while entering the shop.
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CLIFFHANGER MF idk might make a part might not.
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sly-merlin · 4 years
Killing Me - 1 | n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings : mention of weapons, use of weapons, character death and smut is a warning in itself
summary :
“life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”
                             curiosity got the cat hitched
taglist:: (repeating for only first chapter for the notification, otherwise i’ll tag only those who told me specifically. its not polite to tag everyone who hv read the chapters previously. normal tagging would be continued from chapter 10! @kpop-choco​ @moon-yuta​ @kawaiiayasan​ @btm-taeyong​ @lanadreamie​ @theworld-accordingtocasey​ @exfolitae​ @cheersskznct​ @hyuckiesgf​
note :: daily updates from today till chapter 9!
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Who would’ve thought a lifetime opportunity would come knocking at your door  at midnight! Well, not at your door but a trashcan instead. But that was least of your worries right now. Your phone camera captured enough photos to be admissible as an evidence in a court. Feeling content with your accomplishment you sprinted towards the nearest police station, breathing only when you entered the premises of the said building. You thanked the heavens for leaving that place without them finding out. Once your breathing was controlled enough, you made your way towards the desk of the station in charge. He was...snoring. You placed your hand on the desk and banged the hardwood loudly to catch the attention of a sleepy public officer. He jolted awake at the sound and squinted his eyes only to give you a nasty look. After coming to his senses, he motioned you to sit down. You sat on one of the chairs in front of him and without wasting your time, shoved your phone in his face. The shock on his face became evident as soon as his vision focused on the photos. He kept scrolling through the images, zooming in and out and after a few minutes, placed it back on the table.
“From where did you get these miss…
“Y/n. y/n l/n. I was walking home after hanging out with my friends in the club at the 67th street when I heard some gagging noise. They were coming from an alley. I didn’t want to get in trouble so I peeked a little and there were two men, one was short and the other was...um...quite big. The big one was choking the shorter one and then he suddenly threw him at the trashcan or whatever it was. I captured everything that happened after that on my phone. as you saw , that man had a gun and he was trying to kill the shorter man and when the big one pulled up a silencer to put on the gun , I walked out of there as quietly as possible and ran.” you speedily worded everything you witnessed. Earlier you hadn’t realised but now that you just recited everything to the man, you prayed you were not calling trouble on yourself.
The officer looked at you as if he was finding some flaws in your story. He straightened his back and asked “what about that man, who was at the other end of the gun?” he questioned in an interrogatory voice.
“I don’t know, sir. I told you I ran off.” you tried your best to sound confident.
“And why didn’t you try to save him? .” this time you couldn’t hide the fear his voice filled you with. “When a person is dying, you are supposed to save him, aren’t you” his voice turned more hostile with every word he spoke.
You gulped at his question. You were afraid but he doesn’t have to know it right! You composed yourself before deciding that telling him the truth would be the best option for you.
“I could’ve done nothing there. That man had a gun. He was a shooter, there was no one near that place except for some drunken bastards. I was of no help rather I would’ve gotten myself killed as well. That’s why I’m here. You can go and look and maybe save him” you replied timidly.
“Very well miss. We’ll surely look but I can’t say if your photos are of any help. If that man is alive and doesn’t file a complaint, then these are clearly useless”
“But if he is dead, then this is circumstantial evidence. You can arrest the big man for murder.” he looked surprised at your use of words particular to their field. Before he could reply, you continued-
“I’m a law student.” he chose to be unresponsive for a few seconds. Then, he suddenly placed his hands on the table and hurriedly grabbed your phone.
“Let me talk to my superiors then. I’m not the one who decides the rules here so you have to wait.” you nodded as he walked off into a small room.
But he left you with an empty feeling inside. ‘You could’ve saved him’. The question echoed in your head. You eyed the glass of water on the table and gulped it in one go. After a few minutes, your thoughts got cleared of any doubt. You did what you could for that man. There was no way to save him. Earlier you saw it as an opportunity to do something great but now it was altered into your sense of justice. This was the right thing to do.
The officer came back from the room after 15 minutes.
“My superior is coming. Wait for 30 minutes. The search party is gone already. After copying the data, you can have your phone back and there is possibility that you would be an eye witness, if the said man is dead! You won’t have any problem with that right? You won’t be able to back out once you are in.” he queried.
“I know what I’m getting into, sir” you maintained your confident stance and slumped down. Your stomach growled but she could wait. You had other things to worry about right now. Like how to spent 30 minutes without your phone!
Officer’s pov. [In the room ]
“Hello, can I talk to taeyong. We have got a situation here.
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note:: before i left, i answered an ask from a law student. i dont know whether they saw it or not, but if you didnt i apologise and i would love to answer again. if u see this contact me thru anon or dm ! 
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theaviskullguy · 3 years
since yall need to see it
i have a coroika fantasy/dnd au (it has some dnd elements but its not directly a dnd au) so have this
Goggles: Chaotic neutral human rouge
Noble background
he a stealy boi
but he’s got a heart of gold
back when he was a noble he saw that there was a lot of people that needed help that his family didn’t even think about helping
so goggles took to stealing from his family and other’s riches and giving them to the poor.
As a result he was disowned and cast out from his family and earned the name “Blue Bandit” due to his thieving habits and his blue hair
Rider: Neutral good human barbarian
Soldier background
Basically Rider was born into a magic-using family but was known as the family disappointment by his parents and extended family since he had none of his own (his siblings were chill about it)
So he thought that he could make them proud by joining the military and becoming a hero of his village
And he did but his parent’s still hated him simply because he had no magic
So, Rider left his village to find something else to do
Army: True Neutral half-elf warlock
Noble background
Patron: Actually one I came up with named Phyria. She’s a fiend patron but she give extra fire spells
anyways, Army comes from a line of kings, each worshipping Phyria, known as the Blaze Kings.
Army’s father was the first to act as a Tyrant. He wanted to rule the world and groomed Army to do the same.
Basically, Army was manipulated to believe that he was the only one who was “pure”. Everyone else were filthy wrongdoers.
When Army’s dad died, it wasn’t made public, and Army ruled as The Blaze King with people still believing his father was the ruler
He got news of a rebellion (basically the gang having decided to go and stop him) and decided to go down and masquerade as...well, himself kind of.
As he traveled with them he began to question all he was taught to believe. 
So basically the gang lead him through an unintentional redemption arc.
Aloha: Chaotic good human bard
Entertainer background
of course aloha’s a bard
anyways, his parents died when he was 5 and he was taken in by his uncle, who ran a tavern.
As he grew up he learned how to make food, serve drinks, and became pretty well-liked in the town
But what Aloha really liked was the traveling bards that came and went at the tavern. He’d learn their songs by ear and sing along.
It came to the point where he was gifted a lute by one of them and his uncle sent him off to learn how to be a proper bard
And when Aloha came back ten years later his town had been burned down. Literally no one was left, and everything was just in ashes
Other than this one knife that had the tavern’s symbol on it.
So, Aloha took it with him in his travels.
He still has it and he still uses the lute given to him by the bard so long ago.
Mask: Chaotic neutral undead drow necromancer
hermit background
“Dude you made him an accidental lich” -My DM friend when I was explaining my idea to them
Basically Mask always had a close connection to the dead
He’d be mourning people he didn’t even know, he would talk to seemingly the void whenever at a grave, and he was always pretty close to death himself, being a pretty sickly person
So when he became an adult he hid himself in a cave, practicing his craft of necromancy
He brought back a sick cat he named Ash who decided to follow him around
Anyways as for the undead part
One day Mask got a nasty infection and he went to the market to get a cure
and he was scammed, getting a nasty poison instead
so Mask drank it and died, but somehow he came back as an undead himself
he decided “fuck it” and went off adventuring along with Ash
Skull: Lawful good Drow-Wood elf ranger
Urchin background
So basically Skull was born to two moms; a drow huntress and a wood elf archer.
He tends to look more like a drow though
anyways, he learned how to fight, hunt, gather, and shoot a bow and arrow thanks to his moms
he was also raised in a really pretty forest
his parents do be living the cottagecore dream...
anyways one day skull came back home after hunting (he had caught a raven all by himself and wanted to show his moms) when he found-suprise suprise-that his house had burnt down
his moms were alright and sent him to live in the city with his grandparents, while they go on a mission to find out who did this
problem is his grandparents hadn’t seen him before and don’t really like drow
so they kicked him-a 12 year old in elf years btw-on the streets
he taught himself to survive in the city-he didn’t know the way back to the forest-and after a few years of begging on the streets, and occasionally stealing, he finally had enough for a bow, quiver, and arrows. And he knew he could sustain himself by hunting for his own food and selling what he didn’t need
so he did just that
he commissioned a bow, arrows, and quiver and in the process met aviators- a wood elf who really loved crafting of any kind-who took on the job and made him a beautiful bow
as thanks, even though he payed, skull always made sure to give avi and his family extra food he collects.
and as time went on he and avi fell in love because aviskull supremacy
But later avi was relocated to a different city, so Skull and him made a promise to get married when they next saw each other
since then, skull joined the gang, took down a tyrant, and is now just searching for avi along the gang’s adventures
Prince: Lawful good High elf cleric
Acolyte background
basically-this is also emp’s backstory too-prince, emp, and prince’s twin regent are royals of a magic-based kingdom
but you see regent didn’t really like non magics, and thought they should be slaves under his rule
Prince and Emperor didn’t like that, so Emperor challenged Regent to a duel
you see, in the case of multiple heirs to the throne, the strongest one would ascend to become the ruler.
it would be prince, seeing as in addition to being a healer, his patron had given him a spellbook, filled with plenty of dark and powerful spells
but clerics and priests are forbidden to take on positions of political power.
so regent and emperor fought in battle and regent won, becoming king and his first act was exiling prince and emperor on the spot, not even letting them take the things in their rooms.
regent thought that, since prince had left his spellbook in his room, that he could now have access to the power his twin had, but prince was clever
when he had received the book, he placed a curse on it so only he may use it without repercussions. Anyone who even so much touched it would get a nasty curse only Prince or his patron can lift
 anyways so now regent’s paranoid that prince would somehow return, take the spellbook, and kill regent
also prince has a familiar with him; his kitten, kia.
Emperor: Lawful neutral High Elf Sorceror
Noble background
basically same backstory as prince tbh not much to say
Gloves: Chaotic Good halfling Druid
Outlander background
Basically, in the village they lived in, pink eyes are considered bad luck. so when gloves opened their eyes to show pink, their parents left them to die in the woods
jokes on them
Gloves was found and literally raised by wolves until they were 10 in halfling years
Then they got found by two human hunters and was taken in
Gloves just. ran away from them. They hated being constrained and punished for even mentioning that they missed the pack
They never found the pack again, but after years in the woods, they learned how to transform into a wolf themselves.
Nothing too big after that, just the bab joins the group and now the gang has a wolf enby!!!
And i dont have anything for Vintage...suggestions are welcome!!!!
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Star crossed lovers (au) part 4
pairings: poppy x mc (bea)
warnings: throughout this fic there will be mentions of substance abuse, homophobia, sexual abuse, violence, NSFW, mentions of abandonment, depression and death including suicide
in this chapter specifically there are mentions of guns too 
reader discretion is advised
taglist: @somewillwin @save-me-the-last-dance @baexpoppy @cloud9in @stanzoeywade @ognenniyvolk @thepotatobleh @crazzyplays @rxssians @helpconfusedpersonhere @dopeyouth 
(i just wanted to thank you guys for your patience with this fic because i know im not the most consistent with my posting so thank you for reading, also i’ll fix any errors later on) 
word count: 4.9k 
part 1: part 2:  part 3:  
Never bring a knife to a gun fight
Rumours of Poppy’s outburst at volleyball practice began to spread like wildfire, students all around Belvoire gossiped about the intentions behind the strawberry blonde’s confrontation. 
Some of the stories fabricated insinuated that Bea threatened Poppy to counter her friends’ behaviour, while others believed that Poppy was simply doing some charity work by helping Belvoire’s least fortunate. Not one of the rumours came close to the truth, that the girls were just simply in love. 
Saturday rolls over quickly and Poppy’s in her bedroom with Veronica sprawled out on her bed, hugging a pillow to her chest, while Poppy lays on the other side of her. Chloe however,  awkwardly sits on the edge of the bed, ostensibly feeling apprehensive about being in the same room as Poppy as she reels in from her last one on one confrontation with the strawberry blonde. 
The two girls laying down, engage in idle chit chat until they’re pulled out of their conversation when the dumb blonde lets out a small cough capturing their attention. 
“So.. are you sure you can’t ditch your dinner plans and come to the party?” She anxiously places some of her hair behind her ear, as she meets Poppy’s gaze but the blue-eyed girl holds the eye contact, determined to mitigate some of the awkwardness from the room since she’s barely spoken more than 10 words to the strawberry blonde since Thursday. 
Poppy and Veronica share a look, the unspoken words covertly communicating their plan to go to the party in the south, but the two girls remain silent, avoiding the question. Chloe stares at the two girls, oblivious to what the shared look actually means, and when her question remains unanswered she opens her mouth to ask again until Poppy clears her throat slightly and sighs, “I told you Chlo, it’s a work dinner, we don’t have a choice, our parents are forcing us to be there.”
“Yeah but you could I dont know, speak to your dad? I’m sure he would understand”
‘I’m a Min Sinclair, I can’t pick and choose what dinners I can and can’t go to, it doesn’t work like that,” Poppy adds a bit of sterness to her tone hoping the dumb blonde would get the point and leave it alone but Chloe’s infuriating relentlessness compels her to keep cracking down on the strawberry blonde, inclined to make her change her mind. She drags her body from the edge of the bed to the middle, and perches herself on her knees as she faces the two girls, “the party won’t be as fun without you guys there”. 
Poppy lips move to an imperceptible frown as her mind and heart begin to battle over whose party she should go to tonight. While she promised Bea she would go to the party tonight, Chloe was acting suspiciously clingy and things between the two girls were still fragile. Warily watching the strawberry blonde lost in speculation, Veronica intercepts before Poppy can come up with an answer, “have you met her dad Chloe? There’s no way Mr Min Sinclair will let us miss the dinner for a party, don’t be stupid” 
Veronica’s cutthroat tone is enough for the dumb blonde to stop pushing and she purses her lips in retort. Veronica almost feels bad so she adds, “but I agree, the party is gonna be dead without the two of us there” she smiles and slightly nudges Poppy with her shoulder hoping to alleviate some of the awkwardness. However to her dismay, the atmosphere slips back to being awkward and the girls reside in the uncomfortable silence that follows until Poppy’s phone begins to chirp with messages. She apprehensively picks up her phone but can’t help the smile on her face when she sees Bea’s name pop up on her screen.
B 💖
Hey beautiful, can’t wait to see you at the party tonight 
Zoey’s looking forward to seeing Veronica tonight but don’t tell her I told you that otherwise she’ll kill me 
Also can’t wait to see what you’re gonna wear tonight 👀🥵
After reading the series of texts from Bea, Poppy’s practically grinning like a Cheshire cat as she types out her response, her attention shifts solely focusing on the brunette and she mentally reprimands herself for doubting which party she should go to, since the choice is undoubtedly clear. 
Past memories of her going to parties with Bea surges through her mind and she revels in the memory of her first ever southside party. She recollects how nervous Bea was as the 15 year old girls made their way to the drinks table and Bea accidentally spilled her drink on Poppy’s top, after having a couple of beers beforehand, and Poppy teased what a lightweight she was. Bea’s face practically reddened with embarrassment as she offered her girlfriend to wear her hoodie to cover the drink stain, while she walked around the party in her tank top and caught a cold the next day. It was the small moments like that that made Poppy appreciative of Bea’s kindness and thoughtfulness and reminded the strawberry blonde exactly why she loves her. While reminiscing about the past, Poppy’s practically pulled from her thoughts when Chloe taps her leg, frowning. 
‘Who are you uh talking to Poppy?” 
Poppy visibly stiffens and turns off her phone, her mouth begins to feel dry as her brain goes into overdrive trying to come up with an authentic lie. “Just uhh going through my insta dms, the amount of creativity these creeps have is hilarious” 
Chloe gawks at Poppy, not entirely convinced but she nods in response, not wanting to press the matter further. Veronica quickly sits up, a soft gasp leaving her lips as she stares at the time on her phone, “Crap, I gotta go and edit my video so I can upload it tonight”, she gets up to grab her bag and Chloe uses the opportunity to leave with Veronica as she knows that her and Poppy are yet to still be on normal speaking terms. After a few goodbye hugs and a promise from Veronica that she’ll see the strawberry blonde tonight, Poppy walks them down to the front door and watches the girls leave. 
Just as she’s about to head about to her room, a voice booms out from the living room, Poppy freezes mid-step on the stairs and internally sighs, ‘crap’ she thinks to herself, her dad’s home. 
“Poppy, come over here for a second”, Poppy mentally braces herself and holds her head up high, keeps her posture straight and walks into the living room to see her father sitting on his favourite chair and a stack of documents on the table beside him. 
“Hi daddy”, she places a sweet kiss on his cheek and he makes a gesture for her to sit opposite him on the sofa. He places his hand on the frame of his glasses and takes it off and begins rubbing at the glass with the hem of his shirt before placing it back on his face. 
“I feel like I’ve barely seen you this week princess, how was your first week as a senior?” 
Poppy usually gets nervous when speaking with her father about any aspect of her life really, because he isn’t always the most affectionate or warming person. She purses her lips together in thought before answering, “It was good daddy, I’m in a lot of the AP classes so I’ve been making sure I stay on track for what’s expected for the classes”. 
Her father beams at her response and slaps his hand against his knee, “that’s my girl”, but his expression quickly sobers as he fixates his gaze on the blonde, “so, you didn’t run into any problems this week?” His tone is almost intimidating and suggestive as Poppy subtly sinks into the sofa a little, her thoughts beginning to run wild as she struggles to grasp at her father’s implication.
“Uh no, not really dad” 
“Huh, I heard that friend of yours, Chloe? She had a fight with that Hughes girl on the first day back. You wouldn’t be foolish enough to indulge in something so trivial would you now?” 
Poppy clings to the edge of the sofa with a deathly drip, knuckles turning white at the mention of Bea but she lifts her body slightly in an attempt to show her father she isn’t fazed by her name and clears her throat slightly, “no dad, Chloe thought it would be a funny joke but I ended up getting detention for just being in the courtyard.” She begins to shake her head a little, “I would never involve myself in something so ludacris” she exaggeratingly rolls her eyes and fidgets with her perfectly manicured nails, soliciting her lack of interest in the topic. 
Her father gleams at her with a hint of satisfaction, and curtly nods his head at her before swiftly changing the subject. “Rita, tells me you’re planning to go to a party tonight?” 
“Umm, yeah, just a celebration party at Ford’s house, his parents know about it and- ” 
Hayden Min Sinclair raises his hand in the air and the words die out of Poppy’s mouth as she awaits for her dad to speak, “just be safe, and make sure you’re home before 12, just call Carter if you find yourself in need of a ride home”. Of course, Mr Min Sinclair would never offer to pick up his daughter himself, he knows that his daughter should be less dependent on him and should be able to fare for herself. Poppy briskly nods and moves to stand, “Well daddy, I should let you get back to your work”, she gives him a polite smile and moves towards her room, letting out a huge exhale as she closes her bedroom door. She hates hiding things from her father, but he makes it impossible for her to confide in him at all, it’s times like these where she wishes her mother was still here. 
Bea spends her afternoon alone after dropping her sister off at her friend’s house for the weekend and worries about her mom being AWOL and has concerns when she doesn’t pick up her phone. It isn’t until the late afternoon her mom casually strolls through the front door, her makeup has practically vanished, with only a few remnants of it smudged across her face. She moves towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water until Bea’s stomps towards the kitchen with a scowl etched onto her face as she pulls Isabella away from the sink to face her. 
“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been calling and texting non-stop” Bea raises her voice and points accusatively at her mother who in response blanky rolls her eyes at Bea and moves towards the cupboards scrounging for some food. Bea’s blood begins to boil as she balls her hands up into fists, her knuckles turning white, she pushes her mom against the counter and lifts her face up to look into her eyes, “You’re fucking high aren’t you?”. She takes in her mom’s features, seeing her incredibly red eyes and her chapped lips, and her slightly slanted demeanour. 
“Get the fuck off me” Isabella pushes Bea away from her, “last I remembered I’m the fucking parent here” 
“Then act like it!” Bea screams at the top of her lungs, her breaths heavy, her tone enraged as she stares down at her mother, “I have better things to do than to worry about where you are or whether you’re laying dead in a ditch somewhere” 
Isabella just places her hands on her head, trying to dull the noise sprouting from Bea’s mouth, “God, you’re hurting my head” she sniffles and simply grabs a packet of chips from the cupboard and a bottle of vodka from under the sink and retreats to her room without saying another word. 
Bea chest heaves heavily, she has no idea what to do about her mother, sometimes she wishes that she wasn’t there, then maybe she would have less to worry about. She could be a normal teenager with normal problems, instead of constantly babying her mother and being a second mom to her sister, but she remembers that she should be lucky to have a mom, no matter how shitty she might be. Her phone in her pocket buzzes and she grimaces a little when she sees the text from Poppy
hey babe 
V and I decided to go to Ford’s party just for a little bit 
Just to make a few quick introductions but we’ll be in and out of the party 
Can’t wait to see you 🥺
Bea feels a tiny pang in her heart but at least Poppy wasn’t going to completely ditch her for the night. She hoped that tonight would be just about them, that for once Poppy would let go off all expectations and just focus on herself. But Bea knew Poppy carried the world on her shoulders, that being a Min Sinclair meant that she had to sacrifice a lot, but sometimes Bea felt like she was the only thing being sacrificed, that she was the only thing that could easily be cut off. She types out a half-hearted reply to Poppy, something along the lines of ‘can’t wait to see you too’ and with that she grabs her jacket, turns around to catch a quick glance at her mother’s closed bedroom door and leaves for the party. 
Poppy and Veronica are walking towards Ford’s house, the faint thumping of bass music echoes throughout the neighbourhood while the girls are fixated on their hair and outfits as they walk towards the front yard. Both of the girls are wearing smart suits, to make their lie about going to a company dinner more compelling. They leave their real party outfits in the back of Veronica’s car which is parked a couple of blocks away from the house and before they enter the house Poppy grabs Veronica’s hand. 
“I told Bea that we will be in and out of the house, so let’s not waste any time. We just say a few hellos and then we go” she flips her hair throwing it back over her shoulder while Veronica rolls her eyes. 
“Hey you’re the one who decided to stop by Ford’s party, I would rather be in the southside partying it up there.” 
Poppy piercingly shushes Veronica, and in one swift move places her hand over the ombre-haired girl’s mouth, “Are you trying to expose us or something? Don’t mention the” she conspicuously u looks around and whispers, “don’t mention the southside here” 
Veronica pulls Poppy’s hand from her mouth and exaggeratingly shudders while shaking her hands, “Oh no, I forgot the southside is like Voldemort we don’t speak of it” sarcasm dripping off every word she says. 
Before Poppy can answer, a series of screams reverberates from inside the house and a few seconds later, Poppy and Veronica are engulfed in a huge bear hug from Chloe, “Oh my god, you guys made it”, she screams enthusiastically while jumping up and down in her spot clapping her hands together. 
Veronica sticks her fingers in her ears are glares at Chloe, “chill Chloe, you’re gonna burst my eardrums” 
Poppy laughs and playfully slaps Veronica on the arm and turns back to face the dumb blonde, “We’re just passing by, just because we have to go to a stuffy work dinner doesn’t mean we have to show up on time” 
Chloe grabs the two girls by the arms and pulls them into the foyer where they’re greeted by more of their peers. Ford is already half naked with a red solo cup in his hand and he waves the girls over before offering them a drink which the two girls politely decline. 
“Oh come on, one drink won’t kill you” 
“We said we’re good” Veronica’s tone is cutthroat causing Ford to back off and resume his strip pong game. 
“Ayyyyyy there are my two favourite girls” Carter slurs his words slightly and slinks an arm over each girl’s shoulders and migrates the girl’s to the back of the living room where the speakers are playing. “I thought Chloe said you guys aren’t coming? You change your mind Pops?” he flirtatiously raises an eyebrow at Poppy who playfully pushes him back in return. 
“No we still have to go to the dinner” she gestures at her suit, “we just wanted to say hi real quick” 
Chloe ambles towards the girl’s and grabs Veronica’s hand and pulls her to the dance floor without waiting for the ombre-haired girl to refuse, leaving Poppy and Carter alone. 
“So… do you really have to go? I mean you could have a lot more fun if you stayed” he takes a careful step towards the strawberry blonde, closing the distance between the two as he leans in to whisper in her ear, “we could play strip pong”, he leans back a little to stare into Poppy’s eyes. 
Poppy lets out a small awkward laugh, “um, as much fun as that sounds, Veronica and I really should get going. I don’t wanna piss off my dad” she takes a step back from the quarterback and wraps her arms around herself.  
Carter gives Poppy a long unwavering look, one she fully couldn’t dissect and understand, but he breaks the silence, “well, I hope you have fun, Chloe was worried you were ditching us for someone else” 
“Yeah, my dad’s business partners. Because work talk is absolutely riveting and exactly how I wanna spend my saturday nights” her voice brimming with sarcasm as she gives Carter a quick hug goodbye and grabs Veronica and pulls her out of the house after making a few more rounds with the rest of the students of Belvoire. 
“This is a party, loosen up a little” Zoey rolls her eyes and hands Bea a red plastic cup, before taking a small sip from hers, “don’t tell me the princess of Greensburg decided to not show up” 
Bea lighthearted rolls her eyes and takes a huge swig of her cup, “she said she’s coming, okay? She’s just saying a quick hi to her friends” 
“Yeah sure, because she would rather hang out with the people at the bottom of the food chain than preppy rich kids who can probably afford a better sound system and drinks than this” 
“Oh hush, you’re just in a sour mood because Veronica isn’t here yet” Zoey pinches Bea on her arm, “ow ow, okay, it doesn’t make it any less true though. I mean you practically begged me to invite her” 
“Shut up. I don’t care if she’s here or not. But let's just say I’ve been doing a lot of wishful thinking and I’m wearing my best bra tonight” she gives Bea a sly wink who just laughs. “So,, I still can’t believe you let Poppy off that easily after the shit that happened on monday” 
Bea stiffens a little, her expression quickly sobering as she turns to face Zoey, “look, we spoke about it and we’re moving past it. I told her she isn’t exactly out of the dog house but I’m not gonna sit here and wallow about it. What’s done is done” she gives Zoey a fixed look, meaning that she was done talking about it and Zoey raises her hands in defence
“Maybe if you let me beat Chloe’s ass then I would let Poppy off” Bea playfully shoves Zoey with her shoulder, “only if I can join you”, the two girls laugh until Zoey catches Bea staring into the inside of her cup, her eyes barren. “Hey, I’m sorry for bringing it up. It just pisses me off that those entitled bitches think they can do shit like that” 
Bea solemnly shakes her head, “well, it’s Isabella’s fault to be honest. Everywhere I go, it’s like I’m haunted by her past and all the shit she’s done. Like they all expect me to become a deadbeat like her” 
Zoey empathetically rubs Bea’s back, as the brunette clenches her jaw slightly to stop her lips from quivering, and she blinks back the tears forming in her eyes before letting out a sad laugh, “God, you just told me to lighten up and I just made this entire atmosphere depressing” 
“Bitch, who cares? You’re my best friend, you know you can talk to me about anything, anytime” she gives Bea a one armed hug while balancing her drink and when the hug breaks off she drains the rest of her cup. “Do you want another drink?” Bea shakes her head and Zoey flounces off to grab another drink. Bea bops her head along to the music until a pair of hands cover her eyes from behind her, and a soft voice whispers in her ear, “guess who?” 
Bea grins and delicately removes the hands from her eyes and turns around to see Poppy in her skin tight pink dress and moves in to give a long lingering kiss. “You finally made it” she kisses the strawberry blonde again before realising Veronica is standing behind Poppy with her arms crossed waiting as her eyes move to scan the backyard. “Hey Veronica, if you’re looking for Zoey she went inside a few minutes ago to get a drink” Veronica nonchalantly raises an eyebrow and looks towards the house, “well, I’m suddenly feeling parched, I’ll see you girls later” she gives them a wink and struts towards the house. 
Poppy laughs while shaking her head but stops when she sees Bea appraising her, looking at her up and down with lust in her eyes. Poppy gives Bea her signature smirk and does a small twirl for the brunette, “so you like what you see?” 
Bea moves towards the girl, hugging her curves while staring into the blonde’s eyes with undisguised desire, “mmhmm, you look gorgeous”, she nods towards the group of people who are dancing along to the music, “dance with me?” 
Poppy grabs Bea’s hand and manoeuvres her to the middle of the makeshift dance floor and the girls laugh, drink and dance for a couple of songs until Bea whispers into Poppy’s ear, “let’s get out of here” 
She takes the blonde’s hand and moves towards the inside of the house and they stumble towards the bedrooms, and when they open the first door they simultaneously gasp when they see Veronica and Zoey making out on the bed, both girls half naked. 
“Oh my god Bea get out” Zoey throws a pillow towards the door and in response Bea throws her head back laughing, “sorry, sorry, but the bra is kinda cute Zo”. Zoey gives Bea the finger as they leave the room and eventually, they find an empty bedroom and are already locked in a passionate embrace before the door even closes. 
Bea roughly shoves Poppy against the door pressing her lips to Poppy’s, devouring her as her tongue slips into the blonde’s as her moans set the brunette alight. Bea caresses her tongue with Poppy’s and breaks the kiss to start kissing down her neck and then her jawline until she reaches the sensitive spot behind her ear and begins to suck at it. A moan escapes Poppy’s lips as her hands wrapped around the taller girl’s neck as her eyes roll back begging for more. 
Bea pulls back and the two girls begin shredding off their clothes before jumping into the strangers bed, their lips locked once again, reigniting the very same passion. Bea sits up and leads Poppy onto her lap, she grabs the blonde’s hips and presses her down onto her thigh before whispering into her ear, “ride” and without missing a beat, Poppy does. She unrelentlessly presses her sensitive spot down on Bea’s thigh and rocks her hips, as she buries her face into the crook of Bea’s neck, muffling her moans. Bea feels the heat emitting from the blonde’s legs and lets out a groan as her hands grip Poppy’s hips even more and she begins alternating between kissing and sucking at the blonde’s chest. 
“Please Bea” Poppy’s breaths come in hot and heavy as she begs for release, so Bea decides to give into the desire and flips the blonde over, pressing her deeper into the mattress while her fingers play with the waistband of her panties. She slips her hand inside and uses her thumb to encircle her clit, before slipping a finger inside her, and she begins pumping. Poppy’s back arches off the bed, groans echoing in the room as Bea slips another finger in, letting the blonde’s moans guide her as she brings the girl to the edge and lets her ride in the orgasm not stopping until she slumps back into the bed. 
A little while later the girls get dressed and make their way back to the party where they see Zoey and Veronica in the corner whispering sweet nothings to each other and giggling. “They should just date already don’t you think?” Poppy leans on Bea’s shoulder, humming peacefully as she looks at the two girls. 
“They should but they won’t. They’re both terrible with commitment”, Bea places a sweet kiss on Poppy’s forehead, “drink?” 
“Yes please” 
Bea squeezes Poppy’s hand and strolls into the house to grab the drinks. While waiting for Bea, Poppy stands in the front yard staring up at the sky until a unfamiliar hand, cups her ass and whispers into her ear, “what’s a girl like you doing alone here”, Poppy jerks away form the stranger, her nostrils flaring as she gives the guy a deathly stare. 
“Don’t fucking touch me” 
“Wow, I like my girls rowdy” he tries to touch a stray piece of the blonde’s hair that sticks out but she grabs his wrist and pushes him back, her eyes scanning the front yard hoping Bea will be back. 
“Hey! What the hell is going on here?” AJ sidles up to Poppy as he begins to stare down the young man who just demeaningly laughs in AJ’s face. 
“Get outta here kid, can’t you see I’m talking to someone” 
“Well she has a girlfriend so get lost”. The stranger stares at Poppy, an unsettling glint in his eyes before he steps forward and puts two of his fingers under Poppy’s chin lifting her face a little, “so you’re a lesbo? Well we can change that”. Before Poppy can step back AJ shoves the boy back who in retort takes out a knife holding it out against AJ. “fuck off now”. 
After catching up with a few friends, Bea hears about a commotion in the front yard and rushes out to see AJ barricading Poppy with his body while someone holds out a knife to his chest. Poppy’s eyes flash when she realises Bea is here and Bea moves behind the figure and takes out a small pocket knife from her jeans and lightly presses it against the stranger’s neck. Poppy lets out a small gasp, her body trembles slightly as she takes in the fact that Bea is holding a knife. 
“I don’t know who the fuck you are but you better back the fuck off right now unless you want to get your throat slit” her voice is quiet but her tone is challenging. The stranger raises his hands in the air and Bea warily puts the knife down, avoiding any eye contact with Poppy. In a swift move, the stranger throws Bea’s knife out of her hand, puts her in a headlock and presses the knife against her throat, creating a small cut as blood lightly begins to trickle down her neck. 
“No!” Poppy moves forward but AJ steps in front of her and in a flash he grabs an object from the waistband of trousers and holds it up to the stranger. Everyone in the front yard begins to panic and move out of the way as they all segregate themselves from the confrontation.
“AJ stop” Bea pleads with the young boy when she realises he has a gun in his hand as he points it to the stranger. 
“Move away from her now or I’ll shoot” his voice trembles slightly as his hand shakes but he grips the gun tighter as his gaze pierces into the stranger. 
“You won’t do it” he presses his knife into Bea’s throat a little more, who just winces at the pain while Poppy painfully watches the ordeal unfold, her heart hammering into her eardrums. 
AJ places his hand on the trigger, his stance unwavering, “try me”. The stranger grimaces at AJ before removing his knife and pushing Bea forward, “you better watch your back kid” and with that he runs from the party. Poppy moves towards Bea, her hand cups the part of Bea’s neck with the cut and she turns to look at AJ, whose eyes are blank like he’s just seen a ghost. 
“AJ, I-” Bea steps towards AJ who just looks at Bea with grief and embarrassment, “I’m sorry Bea” he puts the gun back in his waistband and runs off without looking back. 
“What the fuck, Bea are you okay?” Poppy begins to examine the wound but Bea’s thoughts are enveloped in everything that just happened, her body trembles slightly as she takes in the fact that AJ now has a gun. In the background of the commotion, the fireworks are set off, colouring the sky in an array of colours but the girls can barely focus on them since they knew they were in deep shit.
read part 5 here
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The Dating Game
@fandom-goddd and @bakablyat
[Chapter One of my Shinsai Salmon Mode fic, Dm me for the Ao3 link. Nothing Explicit BUT some implied V3 spoilers]
"... A dating game?" He echoed the bear's words as he lay on his dorm room's bed. It was already strange to wake up in a locker, introduce himself to fifteen other people, and have a mechanical bear talk about how the 'original program changed' and this was 'a different mode'.
[Something about a killing game... Shuichi would rather not think about that too hard]
It was quite frankly... a mess. He should probably get to talking to people if he expected to find love. At the same time, how was someone supposed to find love in ten days?
[However there was an undeniable feeling and even partial truth that he knew these people. Like when Momota (who instituted on being called Kaito), someone he supposedly never met, called him 'sidekick' and it just felt right. Or how Akumatsu, the girl he woke up in the same classroom as, commented she was proud he took off his hat... it was odd to be with familiar strangers]
A knock at his door brought him to his senses. He opened, cautiously peering out until he saw the enthusiastic Piano Player.
"Hey! Shuichi!" She gave him a motivated greeting, her smile wide.
"Oh, hello Akumatsu," He returned her smile, though his not nearly as big.
"You know you can call me Kaede, but nevermind that. So, come on tell me, who do you have your eyes set on," She gave a teasing poke to his shoulder. He only stepped back, face flushed red.
"E-eyes on?" She hadn't already begun this 'dating game', did she?
"Mhmm," All of sudden her eyes went wide "You have started talking to the others, right?"
"Umm, No But- Hey!" He was grabbed and now being dragged out of his room.
"Nope, come on! Let's find you someone nice to hang out with," Soon he was released and following behind her.
He really was being dragged into this, huh?
"Hmmm, I see Kaito is with Maki. Kiibo is over there talking with Rantaro while Kokichi is spying on them. Himiko is being fought over by Angie and Tenko. Well, at least they look like they're having fun," Kaede talked about his 'potential suitors' (her words not his), her arms crossed as she carefully considered everyone. The detective only looked over at whomever she was talking about and began to feel tension in his chest. "Ooo maybe- wait no Tsumugi is taking a rest in her room last I knew. We were running in the gym, to try something new for the both of us, and I think I wore her out".
"Um, I don't want to be seen as being too pushy but maybe we can hang out?" At least comparatively she seemed very approachable, and he already felt semi-comfortable talking with her.
"I would love to! But... well actually, I'm about to go spend some time with Kirumi. However, Miu wanted something to eat first and I wanted to see how you were doing so it worked out. But, I don't think we'd have enough time to 'hang out' 'hang out', make sense?"
"Yeah, that does..." A little disappointing, but he wasn't going to be upset at her. Really, he should be thankful she's making an effort for him otherwise he'd probably still be contemplating in his room.
"Hey! Anyone not busy!" She called out and Shuichi really wished he had his hat to hide under. "Well that didn't work- wait! Shinguji, are you with anyone right now?" Her energy knew no bounds as she spun on her heels and headed toward her attended 'target' dragging the other teen behind her.
She was speaking to the long haired teen who'd been sitting quietly on the bench; from what the detective could recall his full name was Korekiyo Shinguji, and his title was the Ultimate Anthropologist. He was a bit strange, but he had no obvious qualms with him.
Korekiyo's eyes looked up from the book he held in his hands and glided from Kaede to lock with Shuichi's. His golden eyes piercing, and though he couldn't see due to the black zippered mask on his face he could imagine a smirk to go along with it. As if the detective was something to study-
He blinked his thought away, not sure exactly where they came from. Afterall, he'd hardly had a conversation with him. How could he guess if he was smiling much less what his thoughts were.
[At the same time, the idea in his head remained. And though it wasn't up and fore front it hadn't fully left him]
"With anyone? " He repeated, turning back to her.
[How.. How long were they looking at each other? Was it not really long at all? Was it in his head?]
"Yeah, for the game we're currently in," She replied, hands on her hips.
"Kehehe, no. I'd been reading, and when I wasn't I was just watching all around. This place is truly beautiful isn't it?"
The pianist in reply bit her lip, and Shuichi couldn't help feel the response was slightly... strange. Well, all people were different. Just because someone talks differently then how you expected didn't mean they were bad or anything.
"It is a nice day out, and you know who you can enjoy the day with! Shuichi," She splayed her arms out like the woman showing a prize on a quiz show. And before Shuichi could tell her anything else she raced off.
Well, she gave him no other choice. At least, despite his odd demeanor, he didn't seem cruel or crude [There were many crude people he decided against... dating]. Actually, sitting and reading a book was quite a common thing that he liked to do himself.
[He could hear Kiyo reading aloud. A text he couldn't focus on due to getting lost in his voice. Another odd, sudden, thought that he pushed back with anything else of this nature that appeared in his mind]
" I believe your friend just 'set you up' with me" The anthropologist brought a hand up to his chin, resting his palm against it.
"D-dont phrase it like that! Makes it sound so sinister..."
"Oh, really? Kehehehe..." His laugh trailed off.
Great, they were sitting awkwardly in silence. Not something you'd do just trying to meet someone, and especially not someone you were attempting to speed date.
"So, what book are you reading?" Certainly this was a good starting point.
"The Necronomicon," Or not.
"The... what?"
"Kehehe," He laughed. Oh, he was joking? With how serious he sounded he didn't even realise.
Then he turned the book around, for the title to be showcased. It read "The Necronomicon". His mind blanked, was he supposed to laugh too? Was he to question this book? Would he be offended by his shock?
"Not that I believe this book to be factual..." Oh thank- " While spirits are real, you can not just bring the dead to life. Though, it Is amusing in a way to read."
Shuichi felt like he was getting hit by a pillow only to turn around and to get a swift kick to the gut. It wasn't necessarily painful to talk to him, but he couldn't keep up with these constant surprises that blindsided him.
"Where did you find it?" That can't be too outrageous, nor have him completely confused by the answer.
"My dorm room. Monokuma, which refers to itself as headmaster, told me it was a reward. Though for what he did not specify. Curious don't you think? I've never met before yet he implies he knows me well and that I'm deserving of this for something I've done in the past. If it is a present due to my talent... Well I don't see why since my Ultimate Lab is enough."
Once again they fell into silence, though this one was more thought provoking. An intermission, so to speak, to pull the clues together and to start bouncing theories off each other.
"Maybe, it's not that we've been here before but that they've tracked us? After all, I walked past Kaede's Ultimate Lab and it was completely customized to her. And they took us from various places..." Shuichi said, already feeling ridiculous. This probably wasn't what the guy was aiming for, to make actual theories. They were just here for a simple conversation and now he was making him ponder their odd (and slightly horrifying) situation.
"They did kidnap us all for a purpose, and made sure we are Ultimates... They did mention this was like a reality show? Perhaps us being Ultimates, and teenagers, is supposed to draw in the viewers. Make them believe this is something extraordinarily ordinary. Ridiculous really, romance is romance and human romance has beauty in all forms. Whether it be the start of one, the end, or even the middle it holds a plethora of emotions; romance is celebrated in all cultures in some way, whether it be marriage or otherwise. Did you know about the Celtic wedding tradition that later was adopted into Christian ones? You see, they used to throw rice at the newlyweds. It is still done today, albeit rarely due to it affecting birds. The rice was to symbolize growth, expansion really, of the family. So... beautiful. Food has always been so precious but love triumphs that."
The anthropologist rambled on, and he couldn't help but feel enraptured by each word. It was fascinating, and to hear someone he first thought wasn't talkative at all... well it lifted a weight off his shoulder that he would have to lead the conversation.
"You seem to know a lot about romance. Do you read romance novels?"
"Know a lot... ah, you have misunderstood. This is simply what I've gathered from careful observation and analysis. Not from novels, though, if from any books they'd be nonfiction. Those are my prefered choices after all," he looked at the book he'd brought with "And I'd hardly call this a usual book for me... do you like to read, Saihara?"
"Oh yeah, I read from a lot of different genres. Though, as cheesy as this sounds I prefer detective novels. If it's a good one I like to try and put the clues together before the protagonist can,"
"Very cliche as you put it. But what is expected of a detective, you must constantly be prepared,"
"I'd really hardly call myself a detective, I just enjoy puzzle solving. For example, I couldn't solve a murder case in real life or anything but a book I could... I only solved one missing persons case, it was originally my Uncle's and..." Shuichi could already feel a wave of shame and guilt come over him; he didn't deserve this "Ultimate" he was just a glorified puzzle-solver. He ruined someone's life and now he was living in a dream-like world where his only goal was to find love.
"There is nothing wrong with preferring puzzles, nor nothing wrong with only solving one case. You have a talent, and if that is evident in the academy then it doesn't matter what you've done and rather what you will do,".
Shuichi wasn't sure he wanted to do much of anything more with being a detective but... well he appreciated the kindness in the other's words.
"... Observation," Korekiyo stated, as if it made sense on its own.
"You would make a good anthropologist, or at least it may interest you slightly. It is all about observing, and to solve something you must do some observation," Though his eyes were looking at him, they seemed not to see him. As if looking beyond him "Would you be opposed to being taught about the subject?"
He froze at the question. That was... quite a sudden leap? Although, looking at his fellow classmate, it was as if that is what had been on his mind the whole time. He didn't have anything against learning, knowledge was something he always enjoyed, yet he felt something stop him from immediately saying yes.
Why did his hands suddenly feel so sweaty, and why did his mind buzz with sudden anxiety? He would never deny that social situations were not his strong suit, but something like this hadn't happened before.
Swallowing his fear (and the dryness in his throat), he responded.
[This next choice will affect the rest of your route...]
[Accept ] <-----
[Reject] <------
[Accept] ✅
"Well, you are an expert on the subject! I think learning more on it could be interesting, especially if-"
"Excellent!" Korekiyo blurt out, and for the first time Shuichi saw his emotions shine. It was a sudden burst of energy, one he quickly composed himself to cover up "...this evening, after meal-time, meet me in the library. Preferably around seven and no later than nine. The books will, hopefully, be more informational than the one in my room. I will see you later, Saihara. Be prepared for your eyes to be opened upon seeing the beauty of humanity."
Without another word, or a response, the anthropologist left him.
He certainly got himself into a commitment...
It was lunch, and Kaede proposed they sit together.
"Do you wanna sit with Kirumi? Oh, unless your, uhh, date didn't go well?" Shuichi asked, the bouncy girl shook her head.
“We were fine! But she's serving everyone food, and I wanted to sit with you. Y'know," She gave a wink and a smile "I was wondering how you and Korekiyo hit it off."
"You make it sound so... official," His face reddened and she laughed "I think it went well? We're going to meet in the library at seven," He explained, trying to pull at a hat that wasn't there.
[He couldn't remember ever taking it off... but he also remembers it being in his room...]
"Oh? Really? That's so exciting! See, a date!"
"Well, we all are going on dates... that's the point of this all," He mumbled out.
"But he wants to talk to you more, that's promising! Unless..." her voice trailed off "Do you like him Shuichi? If not then obviously you don't have to-"
"I-its nothing like that!" He cut her off, immediately feeling regret doing so "It's... I'm not sure what to think of him? I've only known him for a few hours. He seems nice, but what if...what if he's just a friend type?"
"Well, I guess you'll have to find out!" She gave her companion a pat on the back. "Don't stress too much, this situation may be strange but it isn't the worst. Keep your head up high, and get to know some people. Even if you are nothing more than platonic, it will be worth meeting him, right?"
"... You're right! Thanks Kaede."
"No problem! Now let's get something to eat!"
"Perfect timing, Saihara," He stepped into the library, the smell of mold already hitting his nose. It was a dirty,dingy place, it couldn't even be argued that it was old in the "cute aesthetic way". His eyes scanned, seeing the piles upon piles of books that were stacked not only on the shelves but the floor.
Korekiyo was sitting in the corner, a small table and a pile of books beside him.
He wondered, silently, if the stuffiness of the area even bothered him slightly.
" How many books is that?" Shuichi sat down across from his, drumming his fingers on the table.
"Hm, just twelve. But they are merely for reference or in case you want to study a topic further. I prefer explaining things myself," His golden irises didn't even seem to dim in the dingy room, as if they were glowing "But where to start?"
He felt more in a college lecture, than on a date. If lectures were between two people, that is. Maybe more of a study group... well it certainly didn't feel romantic. Somehow, that eased his worries. This was to get to know each other, he didn't have to prepare himself for hand holding nor kisses right away.
" Well, I know that anthropology is the study of people, but how about you give me your definition?" This would certainly get him talking.
"Hm, that certainly is a good place to start. Anthropology studies the thoughts behind traditions and customs. It delves into the topic of folklore, and the way differnt tales from all over have similarities. Or even how the same story has differences. It is all based on how people interrupt as well as putting one's own feelings into the tales. It's not just with folklore, though certain anthropologists only study folklore, you would be able to do the same with customs. Anthropology is a truly human study through and through, so your definition isn't wrong just lacking in the specific details, " One would find it hard to read someone's expression when half thier face was covered, But where he lacked his hands flowed in joy. It wasn't overtly distracting, otherwise his point would be null and void, instead in tune with how he spoke. " Anthropology is everywhere, and is constantly changing, which is why my studies will never be fully done. It is why I must observe and research continuously- It may be hard to some but it is merely routine for me."
Hearing him talk about something so passionately piqued his interest. He'd never thought of anthropology as a topic of interest besides mild, but if Kiyo was leading the discussion he sure he wouldn't mind.
The conversation continued to flow; with Kiyo's long rambles and Shuichi asking questions which would either continue the topic in more detail or the conversation to move to a different part of the vast subject.
"Shuichi, have you ever traveled before?"
"Traveled? What do you mean?" That came out of virtually nowhere; though he was discussing field work in different countries, he hadn't suspected being asked himself.
"Taken trips, whether they be on your own or with others. Or, do you tend to stay in one place?" Shuichi was about to explain before a noise cut off his sentence.
"Ding, Dong, Bing, Bong," An almost chilling chime played on the speakers.
[All he could remember was blood splattered on the shelfs, and pooled on the library floor. The victim lay- Wait, what? He wasn't a homicide detective...]
"It is 10 pm, officially nighttime," Monokuma's announcement rang through, the Monkubs chiming in once and a while to add on with little remarks.
"Hm, I suppose we should leave and retire for the night... we shall resume tomorrow, at the same time? "
Tomorrow as well? Well, he could hardly refuse, and he was still curious about the topic.
"That sounds good; well I'll see you then, it was really interesting talking about anthropology with you," He gave a smile, and the other looked pleased.
They went their separate ways, and Shuichi was pleasantly surprised with the outcome of the "date". Whether he'd become friends... or... either way he could see his relationship growing positively.
[End of Day One]
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moonlightchn · 3 years
Hello this is (not) JYPe and today I bring you a new and more annoyed version of dont be an asshole.
this is a not so kind reminder that
1. what happens in and between others chats/relationships and admins is NOT your business unless it affects you directly. STOP complaining about people giving more priority to others and maybe try to look at YOURSELF and figure out if its YOU who isnt giving out enough. you will NOT get priority EVER on an rp if you •don't collaborate on plot. •dont interact. •only pop up when your character needs something. •KEEP DISAPPEARING AND NOT SAYING ANYTHING TO ANYONE!!!
you dont seem to understand how actually important dash is to some people, which is really easy to see actually by just checking interactions with the people you're so jealous about. and no one forces you to be there! no one forces you to be here 24/7 at all, for that matter. but if you want something you gotta give back. you gotta communicate. you gotta SPEAK UP AND BE CLEAR.
2. YOUR PROBLEMS W/SOMEONE ARE YOURS!!! NOT ANYONE ELSES!!!! Stop dragging people into your petty bullshit teenage imaginary dramas (look up a new hobby if this is something you enjoy doing too). grow some ovaries (balls if you happen to be of the few males around) and FUCKING TALK TO THE PERSON!!!! nor I not anyone else AT ALL appreciates it when you go talking shit to others, making up serious as fuck accusations about them, or simply HARASSING people out of misunderstandings. if you have an issue with me talk to me or suck it up. if you go to my friends or absolutely anyone else about it I wont appreciate it and it makes you look bad. this applies for both admin and bot issues.
on this matter, TALK TO ADMINS ABOUT YOUR BOTS. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING FROM A BOT VOICE IT OUT TO THE ADMIN!!! if you feel a certain WAY about a bot VOICE IT OUT TO THE ADMIN!!! Remember we're all just people, no one here reads minds. if you feel you're not as important to someone as someone else is, ask admin what can be changed. don't just sit back and let it explode when the admin REACHES OUT TO YOU.
you can NOT blame people for things when you do NOT bring up the issues.
3. ffs STOP comparing your bots to others ESPECIALLY relationship and development wise. and this comes from a place in which MY bot, especially Chris has been brought up a fucking lot lately uh. I have talks with admins. I work out plots even if they're never actually done in rps. I plan for the future. I give insight. i discuss situations and limits. THATS HOW MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS ARE BUILT AND MADE TO WORK OUT. half of the shit that happens between chan and felix (for example) has never fucking been done on rp. stop going after others because of what you THINK they're doing. my dms have been dead af except for s/o's and SOME people I've TALKED AND SETTLED PLOTS WITH. I havent even had time to reach out to my yns in the last few months so sit the fuck down
in addition,
IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH CHRIS YOU COME TO ME. I am his admin. IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT CHRIS YOU COME TO ME. I am his admin. IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH HIS RELATIONSHIPS, you suck it up, it's not your business anyway. BUT if you're gonna be petty and go after irene,
I ask you to come after me too. very kindly. so we can talk. :)
4. and please please PLEASE stop expecting relationships to grow out of FUCKING thin air. work up to it or sit down. coming at admins DEMANDING things, or COMPLAINING about things, or THREATENING with doing things is petty, uncalled for, and just overall WRONG.
figure out YOUR bot first.
istg some of yall just really feed off others energy, you really suck the life out of others through screens. I hope at least you're using it for something decent in the yknow REAL WORLD.
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mistyeyedpea · 3 years
Me losing sleep over this entire post on fb but i had removed it cause i know it would cause issues-
its really crazy that i have my family on here and literally none of them check in on me (other than my mom and dad occasionally checking in)
My grandparents in pr yell at me for never contacting them, but im the one calling their phones and being sent to voicemail. Im the one checking in on my cousins and aunts and grandma. Phones do work both ways ... The last time i saw my aunts was when i had surgery in 2019. I was happy to sew them, but i knew they were just stopping by. I dont get invited to barbeques. My mom never tells me about any family events, but i am never personally invited to begin with by anyone. When i was younger i had a "better" relationship with my family. (We basically actually did things together) But i dont know what has happened. My cousin gives me a ride one time and tried to charge me 10$ for it. For a funeral mind you. I only rode w him cause i missed him.
Same cousin talks abt being woke but still uses terms like "my fav cousin" and says passive aggressive things like "i know who my real family is" when i am just trying to talk to him and see him. This is the treatment i get.
My other cousin that i used to be close to, acts like i dont exist.
I was never able to establish a relationship with my niece bc of this. She doesnt even know who i am.
My youngest cousin whom i love to pieces, i havent seen him in years.
I am currently feeling extra upset because i dont care about the strangers on here, but mainly my family is on here, and they never show to me that they care. Life is short and i just want to say im tired of being made to feel like i dont matter by the people who are supposed to care i spent too much of my life hoping MY FAMILY could understand me. But instead i am cast as the black sheep as i was in my youth when my cousins got away with bullying me. I was seen as the problem, and i know why.. i just wont say it cause it will get me in trouble (even at 26 i stilk have ptsd from speaking the truth) And me being young, neurodivergent and lacking boundries i fled to any arms that would accept me, since i was so "broken"
I dont think its me thats broken, after all these years i realize that perhaps im better off without them and this weird limbo they always kept me in.
As a person who has physical limitations, mental health issues, chronic pain etc it should not be me going above and beyond just to have a chance at a reply... or hoping maybe ill get invited this year. No.
If you dont care, i dont care. Tired of watering dead plants.
This is why i cannot wait to move away.
I cant help but think the reason i get treated this way is because i am neurodivergent and any issue anyone else had with me immediately blamed on me being "mentally ill" (ive heard this line too many times) as if they didnt directly do something to trigger me... right.
Anyways im done ranting. If you were mentioned, sorry but you suck and i am in a place where im not sure if i want a relationship with anyone anymore, so you can continue to ignore this like you usually do or apologize to me via dms where i will most likely not reply.
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