#he is SO SAD like irs so funny but mostly its so fucking sad. its making me regress bro
acidbathpuppy · 1 month
Booted up disco Elysium for the first time yesterday and didn't get off it till 5am, tell me why I'm cryingggggg sobbing shitting etc over this cop rn
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msawesomegeek · 4 years
My top 10 sub-genred movies
Inspired by cinefix, I wanted to try and challenge myself, to see if I could too discribe my top ten super specific genre movies that I love. 
If you like this thing that I am doing, and you wanna see more, check out here, when I get really personal and tell you 30 movies that has been the building blocks in my 21 years of life (though from 2018). You can read that here. Fair warning, this turned out super long, but I had fun with the format so I hope you will too. Also since I am talking about movies freely, note that there may be spoilers about any of the movies listed her, this was your formal warning! 
1. Favorite classic danish movies - Sømand I knibe Starting off with some old stuff from my childhood, my first pick, comes from an era of film where they had just added colour, but it was still rolling on actual film. This is an era of films produced from the 40s to the mid 50s. Danish cinema from this time is its own brand of fantastic. All movies consists of heartwarming comedies that value family and the simple life on a farm. The good guys always win. Looking back, these movies has some fantastic music and makes the weather in my country look like spring time every day. However the thing I love most about these movies are its quirky humor, that has most certainly influenced me throughout my life. With a lot of movies starring Dirch Passer who is always a delight, and I almost considered picking a movie called Sønnerne fra Vingaarden solely because it features the funniest movie song known to man (A man singing about how drunk a horse called Nuller is.) I also considered giving this slot to one of the Olsen Banden films, it is a hilarious serious and asks the question: What if criminals were lovable goofy and combined with the perfect straighten and hilarious plots? The answer a set of cinematic masterpieces (at least if it was being measured in delight.) my pick for this slot did however end up going to Sømand I knibe. This movie has everything Dirch Passer being hilarious, Otto Brandenburg singing beautifully and looking good doing it. And everyone else acting their asses off in a heartwarming story that you just can not help but love. It is a perfect example of this sub-genre of movies, and one of my go to movies to watch when I am having a bad day. 
2. Films that I was forced to watch in school, but somehow ended up falling in love with - Trainspotting & Dead poets society
We all remember that gleeful feeling of seeing a TV rolling into the classroom. Watching films in school was amazing school wise, but could also spoil a good film, when you were forced to watch it sitting next to your annoying classmate. More than one movie has been ruined by being showed to me at school at too young an age, I still have nightmares about button eyes from Coraline, and I have still not dared to re-watch Lord of the flies after seeing both of those movies at the age of 11. Mostly my school years have traumatised me when it came to movies, or introduced me to lovely period pieces that I do love to this day like A Royal affair and All Quiet on the western front. However, my pick in this category has to go to my english teachers in high school. I had two wonderfully insane english teachers in high school that I am glad was allowed to show us the movies they did. Therefore this slot is a tie between two films I watched in english class, Dead poets society and Trainspotting. Two wildly different movies but also kind of similar in topic - adolensence (fitting). I hated reading Dead Poets Society when we did so my first year of high school english, the movie seemed boring at first as well, however as soon as Robin Williams utters the words carpe diem as Mr. Keating I was sold. This movie is beautiful, fun, magical and heartbreak all wrapped into a rollercoaster of a movie that is as inspiring as it is heartbreaking. A movie that will make me forgive same teacher for showing us the terrible Romeo + Juliet later that same year. My second slot Trainspotting was in my last year of high school with a much different teacher, he was kind of Mr. Keating, let us do wild creative things, he let us do a rap battle in class, while listening to some killer punk or hip hop music, he has sleeve tattoos but is one of the nicest guys I ever knew. However what I love him for most now, is introducing me to the masterpiece of a film that is Trainspotting. Trainspotting is Scottish, high and low, beautiful, whimsical and fun, while being horrible and terrifying at the same time. It is a movie about drug addiction, friendship, family and stabbing your friends in the back. It is till this day still one of my favourite films and I have my old (kick ass) english teacher to thank for that. 
3. Weird and whimsical comedy movies - Monty Python Life of Brian
Moving on from school, I wanna talk about the movies that brighten your day. These are the movie you put on a rainy day or when you're feeling depressed to remind yourself, that maybe, just maybe the world is not as bad as it all seems. I am talking, Ferris Bueller's day off, Singing in the rain, The grand Budapest Hotel, Lemony Snickets a series of unfortunate events and Wayne’s World. However, to me, nothing cheers me up like watching Monty Pythons Life Of Brian. One of my all time favourite movies, and hell this movie even has my favourite song in it. This is a movie from my childhood, it reminds me of a simpler time watching movies with my dad, and it looks damn good doing it. This movie to me has no faults. It is hilarious, and while I do adore the “I fart in your general direction” “I’m being repressed” and “Its merely a flesh wound” tomfoolery of the holy grail, Life of Brian is sacred to me. The holy grail is funny to the bone, but Life of Brian is funny and tells a compelling story while making you laugh your ass off. And for that reason my slot goes to Monty Pythons Life of Brian, making me say, Holy Grail Ite Domum! 
4. Action movies where you know they had fun while making it - Kingsmen the secret service
Transitioning smoothly from goofy comedies, we go to my other weirdly specific sub genre of movies, the movie that is fun to watch, where you can feel that someone had a lot of fun while making all of this. It is the kind of action movies where you know, someone said fuck it, this could be awesome, lets do it, and then went out and did just that. It is Action movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, Pirates of the Caribien Curse of the black perle, Zombieland, Goodfellas, Fast Five, The Gentlemen and my pick, Kingsmen The secret service. Forgetting the sequel ever existed, I love this movie! From the moment I first saw this movie in theaters I have been in love. It takes everything from the spy genre that had become too serious with Daniel Craig’s Bond and made it great again. Coming from an era of action movies where everything was serious and gritty and dark (almost noir action), this movie came bursting out in all its glory. It has fantastically choreographed fight scenes in a world that was dominated by shaky cams. It was hilarious while still taking itself seriously, it had heart while being witty and charming. It knew what it was and it used it to an perfect extent! If you wanna know exactly how to make the perfect long take or fight scene? Look no further than the bar fight and Church fight scene from this movie. This movie is entertaining through and through and it looks damn good doing it! To me this movie has no faults. It is a movie that gives zero fucks, and in no other movie has it been more clear how much fun everyone involved had making it. 
5. Movies that turn me into a blubbering crying mess - Lilo & Stitch.
Moving on from the fantastic, witty, whimsical and fun is the other end of the spectrum. These are the kinds of movies that has you crying your own eyes out while it breaks your heart into a million pieces. It is films like Titanic, Harry Potter and the half blood prince, Schindlers List, The Hunger Games and my pick, Lilo and Stitch. Disney and Pixar will always have a special place in all of our hearts, nothing makes me bawl like a baby like watching Dumbo being sung his lullaby with his mother in a cage, or seeing Remmy beaten down in Ratatuille. Hell the ending alone from Toy Story 3 is enough to make any strong adult curl into a ball of sadness. And while I most definitely cried at those movies, and also spent a while even some times afterwards crying of the movies I listed above, nothing will till this day beat Lilo & Stitch. The tale of a girl who was bullied and weird like me, finding her alien friend and a new family is a beautiful and fantastic story. As I have grown older and lost a parent of my own I cry even more through out the movie, and till this day I tear up just writing, thinking or saying: Ohana means family, family means, nobody gets left behind, or forgotten.
(Give me a moment to gather my tears before we move on here).
6. Films that changed my mind - Inception
Moving on from movies that made me laugh, made me cry to movies that made me think. Thee movies that blew my mind were the kind of movies that when you're done makes you think back and reevaluate your life. It is the movies that makes you answer the question: what if that was real? Holy shit! It is movies like The Matrix, The Truman show, The Hunger Games/Battle Royal, Birdman and my pick; Inception. While maybe a little cliche, this movie truly does blow your mind. It alters the way you look at your own world while also being a fantastic action movie. Is this a dream? Is the movie all a dream, or is it reality? It is like swallowing the blue in the Matrix but still not being entirely sure what is the goo and what is reality. This movie has some truly stunning visuals, and while we all love the dark knight, Inception is truly as good a contender to being crowned Nolans masterpiece. This movie till this day blows my mind while I am simultaneously being entertained, and for that it gets a spot on this list. 
7. Movies that pulled the rug from under me in a spectacular way - The handmaiden.
Moving seamlessly along to this category is the movies that blows your mind within its own movie. It is the movies that reveal that it was all a dream and are damn good at it. It is movies like the Sixth sense and Fight club, would both be natural picks for this category, as would Old boy, Birdman and even the Wizard of Oz. However my pick is a lot more recent and a movie that has truly blown my mind not only once, not just twice but three times, is the spectacular South Korean 2016 film The Handmaiden. The Handmaiden is the movie if Fight club had a baby with Old boy and the story structure of Inglorious Basterds. The movie split into 4 parts reveals something incredibly smart, that was right in front of your nose the whole time but you never noticed, replaying events to show you how you were a fool all along and back to the present where the consequences of all of this is then unfolded until the next chapter begins and reveals something entirely different. It is a masterpiece in plot twists and a movie I have loved since seeing it the first time. So while the reveal of Tyler may be great, it does not have the same impact like being fooled not only once, but three times, while being entertained to the fullest, never being able to look away from the screen for a second! 
8. Movies that has your eyes glued to the screen - Inglorious Basterds/ Joker
Moving perfectly along into my next category is the movies that are so intense you can’t look away from the screen. The world could be ending outside and there is nothing that can make you look away from that god damn screen. The movie equivalent of just one more episode! It is for me mostly thrillers, movies like; Good Fellas, The Handmaiden, The Gentlemen, Battle Royal, The Platform, Reservior Dogs, The Hateful Eight and The Dark Knight. However I could not pick between my two top choices therefore this spot is also split between an old time favourite; Iglorious Basterds and new comer Joker. Inglorious Basterds is tied with a few others from this list to being my favourite movie. It is a 3 hour long Tarantino movie that feels like time is flying by when you're having that much of a good time! It has humor, heart and scalping Nazi’s which is something we all need in our life! However the reason this movie is so fantastic is those elements of violent delights and funny scenes combined with the intensity of the other half of the movie. Making a glass of Milk and a strudel with whipped cream on it seem intimidating and holding a scene so intense you're holding your breath. While other times it is both intense to the extreme while being funny and mocking their italian accents. This movie is a god damn masterpiece and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise!  The other movie is weird but has certainly earned its spot on this list. Joker, is one of the most intense and insane movies I have watched in a long time. While it lacks the good time of Inglorious Basterds and The Gentlemen, it makes up for it in pure intensity. The blur between reality and surrealism blended perfectly with the slow burning melt down of a man getting more and more broken as the run time goes on, is painful and intriguing to watch. This movie had me literally sitting at the edge of my seat painfully yet gleefully waiting to see what Jauquin Pheonix’s Joker could do next. It is though controversial, still an amazing film that I barely dared to blink while watching, scared to miss even a minute!
9. Fantastic films that no one else has heard of - Gentleman Broncos.
Second to last comes a sub-genre I rarely seek out but usually stumble upon accidentally. It is a category that actually makes me sad that it is like so. Between being happy that it can be my little secret great movie, and being sad that no one else gets the experience the wonders this movie has to offer! It is the movies that I sometimes have to convince my friends are not just made up, they are the niche of the niche and I wonder if anyone besides me not even the people that made it has even seen it? It is the movies I wish more people would see if they could just look past all of the blockbuster crap that we wasted our time on instead (you know who you are, Suicide Squad) They are the kind of movies so unknown they barely even have a cult following/status. It is movies like: The Gentlemen, A stupid and futile gesture, The Handmaiden, Circ Du Freak, my close second; The Voices but my pick; Gentleman Broncos. While I truly love all of the movies above, no movie has I been so alone in loving as with Gentleman Broncos. Stumbling upon it at the library it is a movie I have mentioned to many and has yet to meet anyone who has seen it before. The movie is weird to say the least, a coming of age sci fi comedy that looks exactly as weird as it sounds. It has the deadpannest of humor, but is hilarious up to par with a monty python movie. It has great actors, and half of it consists of what can only be described as doctor Who has an acid trip. It is to me a cinematic masterpiece because it is so fantastically surreal and dares to be nothing short of weird. Sadly, no one is willing to watch it with me!
10. Movies for the cinephile - Scream
Lastly, we come to the movies that honor movies. If this list or the rest of my tumblr is to be quickly summarised it would be with the world: Film-nerd.  I have since I have been a kid loved watching movies, and still make a habit of going to the movies alone to truly enjoy them to the fullest. I love movies, I am in no way shy about that. And like any other pretentious film nerd, I enjoy a good reference to other movies. Therefore my last category is dedicated to movies celebrating the media we all love! Movies like; Inglorious Basterds or Once Upon a time in Hollywood (basically anything Tarantino touches has a loveletter to the film media), The Truman Show, Adaptation, Big Fish (being an homage to great storytelling in my opinion) and my pick, though not directly about movie it is the movie dubbed; The scary movie for people who watch scary movies, and the only horror movie on my list, Scream.  Scream is the horror movie that has a special place in my heart. It is like a parody but instead of making fun of it, it takes everything that is fantastic about the horror genre and turns it into a masterpiece while pointing out the rules of the genre it is currently acting within and either having characters outright break them or letting the genre be the inspiration for their heinous crimes. It is the horror movie about the cinephile, while being funny, entertaining, just the right amount of scary and fantastically creative and gory when it comes to committing murders. It is an interesting story and it is in my opinion the perfect horror movie, therefore also the perfect movie about and for the cinephile. 
If you made it this far, then wow, incredible, I hope you liked what you read, and tell me if there is any movies you think I missed or have any ideas what I should watch, rank or review next? 
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idolizerp · 6 years
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at first, he’s the bad boy with the heart of gold.
it’s an easy enough image to portray, because it’s the one closest to the truth. hyuk has the right type of face, the right type of snarl, the right way of working the camera. a well placed smirk, a scoff. years of growing rich with an asshole in the place of a father taught him enough of how to properly look like a jackass in a convincing way. but he also knows how to smile warmly, how to make whoever is looking at him at that very moment feel special, unique. the image works because the dichotomy is him, the way he feels inside. the disparity between his anger and his kindness, between his cynicism and his honest heart.
until the illusion is broken and the articles about him being a “delinquent” at school come out. his heart of gold breaks, and he’s just the bad boy. an asshole. that’s it. no nuance, nothing worth of being saved, or being fantasized about.
and it’s a punch to his gut because that’s exactly how hyuk feels. like a lie, like everything good about him it’s nothing but a façade. so he’s thrown to the curb, forgotten, just like his own group is.and it’s easy to forget him because hyuk almost forgets about himself too. now he’s just one more of the rotten members of poizn, a burden, an issue.
his father would agree.
and it stays like this until years later. his management allows him to act after years of an empty solo schedule, landing him a role that is exactly the same one he was given when he debuted. and it works. hyuk doesn’t even know how, but it does. the bad boy with a sad heart, the fallen angel. his appearance save him and he’s suddenly on the news again, not so much for his acting skills but mostly because of how he looks. there are articles about his honey-dripping eyes, about the way he looked in certain scenes. and suddenly people are calling him again, requesting him. and 99 entertainment is quick to capitalize on that.
they instruct him to be pleasant in variety shows, to be fun. they instruct him to flirt with the female guests but never go too far, respectfully. they want to cast him in more romantic dramas, to bring to poizn the kind of money and power only a strong fandom of girls can bring. and hyuk does it. does it because he’s desperate. does it because he’s good at it.
does it because he doesn’t have another choice.
chapter one, beginnings
he tries.
hyuk tries, hard. he tries hard to be the best son he can to a father who doesn’t deserve it. few father do, he learns later on. because most of them are too busy being fucking assholes than actual parents. but hyuk tries, anyway. his mother has died and his father raises him alone. that must count for something, right? it must.
so he tries. even if he goes home every day after school to eat dinner by himself, even when his father barely speaks to him. holidays are spent alone until he is old enough to go to his friends house, their parents kind and nice. hyuk wonders what’s it’s like. he wonders what he did wrong.
chapter two, origins
hyuk gets used to it.
he gets used to never seeing his father. he gets used to their huge house being always empty, he gets used to always having dinner all by himself. he gets used to his ways of coping - to the destructive rage that builds inside him like wildfire, to bloody knuckles that he hides so he won’t see them. hyuk gets used to living teenage years that will never amount to anything: girlfriends that come and go, friends that come and go. he gets used to spending idle time after school, getting into shit just because he doesn’t want to go home. hyuk gets used to everything.
he even gets used to the fact of knowing for a fact that he will never amount to anything. and it hurts at first, and then it doesn’t anymore. he laughs it off. what a cliché he has become. the sad rich boy. the motherless boy who turns to music to survive, who turns to violence to be able to feel anything at all. it’d be funny if this wasn’t his life.
chapter three, yearnings
hyuk craves for validation the way only a rejected kid does.
at the beginning of his high school life he ends up around the wrong sort of crowd. and it’s not that hyuk agrees with the shit his friends do, he simply goes along with it because he needs somewhere to belong. if he’s honest, he doesn’t like it. it’s not like him, not like his overall outside image that he so carefully builds. hyuk is a good boy, bright, beautiful. the golden boy with a golden voice, shining in school festivals, boosting with popularity. but he needs to be accepted. craves it.  he already has an empty house, he doesn’t need another place to be ignored. so he goes along with it. he goes along when they bully the other kids, the weaker ones when they smoke behind the school building, when they smuggle drinks to their parties. he goes along when they find a target, press on, bully him for money, food. he goes along when they corner him in an alley street, easy laughter and jestering. he never does anything, he just watches.
until one day. until this one day when the boy spits back, swears at him. all of his friends look at him, waiting for hyuk to do something. he’s not supposed to take shit like this. he feels his throat going dry with fear, he feels his hands turning into fists with rage.
won’t you do anything, his friend says. so he does.
red is all he sees. red on the boy’s face, red on his knuckles. his friends run and then his face is red with shame as he faces his father, red when the parents of the kid come after them. red on his eyes as he cries, red, red as he apologize.
and his father pays them off as he ways does. his father had bought his love for years and now he buys the kid’s silence. they won’t take him to the police, he leaves the situation unscarred. or something like that.
his father also buys the tickets for seoul. but he doesn’t take him to the airport.
chapter four, a monster under his bed
he arrives at his grandmother’s home with a lowered head and a mouth filled with apologies. his father thought it’d be best, to send him somewhere else, far away. his grandmother’s house in was the best option, of course it was. his grandmother is a strict woman, pious, made him go to church every sunday morning.
one must pray, she’d say. for your sins. and hyuk has many.
hyuk wonders though what good can praying do. if it can make the dreams go away. he dreams of the boy, every night. in some nights he kills him, some nights he’s the one who kills hyuk. some nights it’s the very same thing as it were in real life, a morbid repetition. and it follows him for years to come, night after night, week after week. the years pass him by and even when the dreams start to fade they never truly leave. he’s always there like a ghost, a haunting of the monster he was. is. because the ire never leave him, never. he feels it and it aches, burns. like acid it gnaws his insides. but he keeps it, locks it. pretends he’s someone else in his new school, goes to church. he goes to fucking church.
he even starts singing again. he sings the hymns sunday after sunday, loses himself in the one thing he knows he does well. this one thing, his voice.
he wonders if he can be saved.
chapter five, absolution
he tries again.
at first, when the 99 entertainment scout approached him after a mass he doesn’t know what to say.
hyuk had never thought of what he’d do in the future. guilt is an all time consuming job and the future seemed like this blighted thing, hopeless. something he doesn’t deserve to aspire for. so at first he decides not to go to the audition, even throws the number of the woman who approached him in the trash. it’s his grandmother who tells him he should go.
if god gives you a gift you should use it.
so he does. and he passes the audition, hears that this is about his voice and his face. joins this company and starts from scratch on this thing everyone seems to do so well. hyuk’s dancing is barely passable, his singing and his face the only thing that keep the company interested. so hyuk dives in, tries his hardest. he doesn’t have any interest for school anymore, he goes only because he has to. he works so hard he doesn’t even have time to do anything else, arrives home only to throw himself on his bed, passes out from exhaustion. at least that works in keeping the dreams away.
chapter six, father
when he makes it, nine months after he started training, hyuk sends a message to his father. he just tells him good luck.
they barely speak after that.
chapter seven, ambers
debuting in poizn is crazy at first,, busy. their music style is not usually what he’d go for but he fits the image so well it almost feels like he chose it himself. and hyuk finds out he’s good at it. the way he looks gather attention, give him a spotlight he wasn’t expecting at first. so 99 pushes him. they shove him into variety shows, shove him in drama cameos, singing competitions. and of course hyuk starts to enjoy it, to like the stardom, the spotlight. he likes it because he’s good at it, likes it because he has forgotten what it’s like to not feel ashamed. to have people looking up to him and not down. he almost forgets he can be good at something.
he almost forgot he could be good.
chapter eight, ashes
when articles start spreading from old school mates about how he was a bully at school his company is quick at hiding everything, quick at pointing out the lack of proof. quick at bringing up old friends, old posts about how he was a nice kid. all lies and that’s the worst part. hyuk knows the truth. he knows and that is the worst part.
but even so the article takes its toll on his popularity. people are angry, many completely ignore his company’s words. he’s pulled from shows, pulled from the drama he was about to start shooting. and people notice it, the way even though 99 entertainment denied it they still pulled him out of things and it just made everything worse.
and that’s when the dreams come back.
chapter nine, burning.
there’s something wrong about him, everything he touches burns.
what is the opposite of the midas’ touch? whatever it is he feels like he’s been cursed with it. in the golden years of his debut he had almost felt like the complete reverse, like if he tried hard enough he could turn things to gold. illusions, hyuk now knows. he does.
and all the things he thought were over come back. the rage. destructive, all encompassing. he feels angry all the time. angry at his boredom, angry at the world. angry at being in a group that spends more time in the training room than actually performing. angry at his company, at his choices. angry at his father who only talks to him to remember him of who he used to be.
hyuk never believed in second chances anyway. why would he have one? him of all people? him and all his sins? he had his chance and he blew it, ruined it.
it’s done.
chapter ten, alive
when they allow him to act again hyuk almost doesn’t believe it. it’s been years since his scandal and they decide he should try again. his image is not as bad as it used to be, even though every time any article about him come out there are still people throwing the iljin word. he’s still called trash, rotten. still asked why he’s still in poizn. but that’s not surprising. it’s been years, but the public is not that forgiving.
but he accepts the offer, puts himself in public eye again. and it works. he almost doesn’t know but it does.
it feels almost weird. being cast again, receiving calls. a song that finally, finally reaches the number one spot. hyuk never believed in second chances, but it almost feels like he’s finally getting his.
the thing is: he doesn’t feel like he deserve it.
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thelimpingalpaca · 5 years
Thor Infinity Stone: None Villains: Laufey, The Frost Giants, Loki Loki kills Laufey and a good number of Frost Giants, the Frost Giants are dealt yet another terrible blow, Loki is presumed dead by us and the Asgardians, it is revealed in the post credits scene that he is alive.
 Puente Antiguo, New Mexico ”The last 17 occurrences have been predictable to the second.” Aurora catalog- New Mexico The Bifrost is not what she’s looking for. She’s looking for a subtle aurora. IR- Read Positive “Do me a favor and don’t be dead.” Does it take Thor 17days to get to Earth? Tonsberg, Norway 965 A.D. “Once mankind accepted a simple truth. That they were not alone in this universe.”
The frost giants invade. Using the space stone? Cause how else did they get to Earth? Yeah, for sure using the Tesseract. Odin takes it from them. “With the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds, and returned home, to the realm eternal Asgard.” So its been mostly peace in the nine realms for a millennia Odin has turned into an isolationist in regards to Earth and possibly in regards to most of the nine realms. “A wise king never seeks out war, but he must always be ready for it.” Way to be subtle Odin “But both of you were born to be kings.” I friggen love Frigga. “Thor Odinson, my heir, my first-born. So long entrusted with the mighty hammer, Mjolnir. Forged in the heart of a dying star. It's power has no equal as a weapon to destroy, or as a tool to build. It is a fit companion for a King.” LIAR Sif is giving Loki the hairy eyeball God, Tom is so young in this movie. Oh no, that thing isn’t the Tesseract It’s some other glowing blue cube Odin calls it a Casket Thor’s hair is really bad in this movie Judge a little harder Loki Thor is a hot head and a punch first ask questions never kind of guy. Loki is a if I stab you here will it hurt or just make you dance. “This isn’t like a journey to Earth, where you summon a little lightning and thunder, and the mortals worship you as a god.” Had they not decided that the Asgardian’s are Gods yet? Thor’s a sweet talker Anger to blatant manipulation in 30 seconds flat Hey Heimdall “You’re not dressed warmly enough.” “Do you think that you can deceive me?” “Never has an enemy slipped my watch until this day. I wish to know how that happened.” So Loki can deceive him, somehow. Does no one in the city notice the Bifrost? Heimdall has a kinda weird voice in this. Very stiff. Haunted ice city “We shouldn’t be here.” Trust him. Hogun’s right. “You’ve come a long way to die Asgardian’s.” “The house of Odin is full of traitors” “Your father is a murderer and a thief. And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it! You're nothing but a boy, trying to prove himself a man. “ Laufey, the only bitch in this movie who knows what’s really up. Laufey actually looks sad when he says “You know not what your actions will unleash. I do.” “Run back home little prince’s.” “Damn.” Is that the moment we all decided to love Loki forever no matter what? I like how he fights with Mjolnir And I especially like that Sif has a battle ponytail Or is it the look of panic on his face when his skin turns blue? I’ll never be over shots of Mjolnir  plowing through lines of people Good doggo Loki and Sif and the Warriors Three run while Thor shoots rocks and finally summons lightning And Fandral laughs while Volstagg carries his injured ass I fucking love Fandral Thor the God of not getting alien monster goo on him Odin sure knows how to make an entrance Was Thor only going to be acting King so Odin could sleep? “We are beyond diplomacy now, Allfather. Hell get what he came for war and death.” Heimdall looks cowed ”That’s pride and vanity talking.” “You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy.” “And you are an old man and a fool!” “Thor Odinson... You have betrayed the express command of your King. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful Realms, and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war! You are... unworthy of these Realms! unworthy of your title! You're unworthy... of the loved ones, you have betrayed. I now take from you, your power! In the name of my father! And his father before! I, Odin Allfather, cast you out! Whosoever holds of this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” Was the idea that the lightning powers came from his circles on his armor? Loki schools his features so well The bleach job on his beard and eyebrows is not good Jane being more concerned about the fractals than the man she hit with her car. I just love that tiny science nerd County Hospital So vague “I grazed him, but she tasered him.” “Yes I did.” Is the idea that Odin made him magically human? Oh the hammer crater Puente Antiguo City Limit Pop 2,175 Elev 6,056 Its maybe six square blocks Darcy is a polisci major and the only applicant Erik hasn’t been around long enough to know that Jane is just so smart and has no doubts and I love her. Yeah, Thor’s for sure human. He cant break the restraints But he can weasel out of them She only cares about finding him so she can ask him about being inside the Bifrost This is the most realistically American thing to happen in these movies A bunch of people getting drunk and bar-b-queuing by an alien artifact Donald Blake M.D. is her ex Darcy trying to get Erik to give her a nod about Thor’s abs Loki tells the group that he told the guard to tell Odin in hopes of stopping them from getting to Jotunheim “I love Thor more dearly than any of you, but you know what he is. Hes arrogant, he’s reckless, he’s dangerous!” “He may speak of the good of Asgard but he’s always been jealous of Thor.” Hogun is the only smart one. He knows that Loki as a master of magic could have smuggle the Jotuns in Loki holds the casket and is revealed to be a Jotun “Am I cursed.” “No.” “What am I?” “You’re my son.” “What more than that?” He found Loki in the temple on Jotunheim after the battle He was abandoned for being small “No! You took me for a purpose. What was it? TELL ME!” This is the moment we decided to love him for ever And Loki immediately jumps to the wrong conclusions, but he still calls for the guards “Another!” “I meant no disrespect.” “Alright. Well, no more smashing, deal?” “You have my word.” The rednecks think the hammer is a satellite 50 miles west of here “Myuh myuh? What’s myuh myuh?” Erik is reasonably concerned about Thor’s sanity and doesn’t want Jane to be alone with him And he kisses her hand goodbye and she cannot deal And the feds are taking her research Erik again tries to stop her “We need to appropriate your records, and all your atmospheric data.” “I'm sorry, Ms. Foster. But were the good guys.” You’re only half right about that Coulson Erik tells her about his scientist friend, a pioneer in gamma radiation who disappeared after SHIELD showed up. But he also offers to e-mail a colleague who has had some dealings with SHIELD. So was he friends with Bruce or Dr. Stern? Someone else? Loki leaning on that thrown like a gangster Cause he’s the acting king of Asgard “My friends.” Loki is totally that kid who is best friends with his brother and doesn’t actually have any friends of his own. Sif wants to fuck him up “I need a horse!” Jane decides to do something reckless. Thor is so fucking in awe of her “You think me strange.” “More like a rainbow bridge.” Frigga is so very worried about Odin She’s afraid that this sleep is different since they weren’t prepared “So why did he lie?” “He kept the truth from you, so that you would never feel different. You are our son, Loki. And we your family. We mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us. And your brother.” “What hope is there for Thor?” “There's always a purpose to everything your father does.” A storm is brewing over the crash site And Thor gives her his coat in preparation for it “No. I’m going to fly out.” My theory is Mjolnir and Thor nearing each other caused the storm Thor’s smart enough to knock a guard out and steal his poncho to sneak around. And Jane’s smart enough to call Erik and tell him she did what she did “We need eyes up high with a gun.” And Clint disobeys orders Sitwell and Coulson Hey Clint “You want me to slow him down sir. Or are you sending in more guys for him to beat up?” “I’ll let you know.” “You better call it, Coulson. Cause I’m starting to root for this guy. Last chance sir.” This is the scene where I dedicated myself to this particular Clint Barton and as it turns out this movie is about equal with his screen time in the next three movies he’s in. This scene goes from fun and funny to heartbreaking I never noticed the tri symbol fading out again as he stared at it Heimdall watches his friend suffer and we see only his eye and yet he looks so sad. Cause Idris Elba is a master “A primitive culture like the vikings might have worshiped them as deities.” “That’s hurtful.” Coulson, please! God, his eyebrows. So bad. Why is Loki’s illusion wearing Earth clothes? “Father is dead.” “What?” “Your banishment. The threat of a new war. It was too much for him to bear. You mustn't blame yourself. I know that you loved him. I tried to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen. So cruel to put the hammer within your reach, knowing that you could never lift it. The burden of the throne has fallen to me now.” “Can I come home?” broken boy is broken And then he apologizes. Because he’s still a sweet boy under it all Oh. Loki’s really on Earth. He tries to pick up the hammer. That’s why the Earth clothes. Erik tells all the lies. “Steroids! he’s a bit of a fitness nut.” Jane and Darcy did not do a good job of faking that id. Cause SHIELD figures it out in seconds. And yet lets them take him anyway. And Thor steals Jane’s notebook cause he’s smart “Dr. Selvig, just keep him away from the bars.” “I will.” “Where are we going.” “To get a drink.” It’s a good gag Erik and Jane’s father taught at university together So he gives Thor the shovel talk and tells him to leave town And then orders two boilermakers And not to be outdone they both end up sculling them Loki returns to Jotunheim And his father is far too willing to kill him. Does Laufey know? Loki just wanted to ruin Thor’s coronation and keep him from being king for a little longer But he wants the Frost Giants to kill Odin for him Heimdall couldn’t see nor hear Loki on Jotunheim “You have great power, Heimdall. Did Odin ever fear you?” “No.” “And why is that?” “Because he is my King. And I'm sworn to obey him.” “He was your King. And you are sworn to obey me now. Yes?” “Yes.” “We drank, we fought, he made his ancestors proud.” “I still don’t think you’re the god of thunder, but you ought to be.” Jane’s panicking and sticking a dirty cereal bowl in a cabinet “I’ve been far less grateful than you deserve.” He’s learning humility And he apologizes for not getting all of her promised data back And she’s more worried about her research never seeing the light of day He’s so proud to be able to share the World’s Tree And him mispronouncing Hubble is what clenched our love for him And probably her’s to They do that thing where you talk all night and fall in love with someone “The hell with treason it’s suicide!” Listen to Fandral. “You would defy the commands of Loki, our King, Break every oath you have taken as warriors, and commit treason to bring Thor back?” “Yes.” “Good!” “So you'll help us?” “I am bound by honor to our King. I cannot open the bridge to you.” I fucking love him He will commit treason in a second for the good of Asgard Him and Nakia would get along 15 miles due northwest That’s where the four land Thor and Jane cooking breakfast is the fucking best! He’s so soft And SHIELD is spying on Jane in the gas station “Be sure my brother does not return. Destroy everything.” The whole town and even the SHIELD agents being weirded out by the four of them It’s a good gag “You think the Bifrost is the only way in and out of this realm? There are secret paths between the worlds, to which even you with all your gifts are blind. But I have need of them no longer, now that I am king. And I say, for your act of treason, you are relieved of your duties as Gatekeeper. And no longer citizen of Asgard.” “Then I need no longer obey you.” And Heimdal is willing to assassinate his king right there. No hesitation. The Bifrost looks like a tornado funnel from a distance Thor wants Jane to evacuate. She refuses. If he’s staying to evacuate people so is she. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three are not so good at the fighting He’s willing to die a human death to get his friends and the humans out “You must return to Asgard. You have to stop Loki.” “What about you?” “Do not worry my friends. I have a plan.” It’s a shitty plan Thor! “Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am truly sorry. But these people are innocent. Taking their lives will gain you nothing. So take mine... and end this.” Good speech, bro And Thor gets smacked across town. So of course his lady love runs to him. And he dies in her arms. And like beauty and the beast her tears and Odin’s revive him Cause Odin is still aware from the Odin sleep The hammer can break the sound barrier And Erik is the only one smart enough to drag her away before the hammer gets there The Asgardian’s look so fucking pleased Erik can’t even And look at that storm “So is this how you normally look.” “More or less.” “It’s a good look.” “S’cuse me. Donald, I don’t think you’ve been completely honest with me.” “Know this, son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward you can count me as your ally, if, you return the items you have taken from Jane.” “Stolen!” “Borrowed. Of course you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research.” I had completely forgotten about the frost giant invasion Also Heimdall cracking the ice through sheer force of will is fantastic “But I give you my word I will return for you. Deal?” And he kisses her had And she kisses his face Cause screw being a gentleman right now Frigga is not afraid to throw down with some frost giants Laufey holds Odin’s eye open “It's said, you can still hear and see what transpires around you. I hope it's true. So that you may know, your death came at the hand of Laufey.” And Loki kills Laufey in a double cross to secure his station and allow for an invasion of the other realms. Cause the realms in chaos secures his thrown “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to destroy Jotunheim.” And he shoots Thor so hard he flies through the wall and out of the building Loki wants no proof of his heritage left. He’ll commit genocide to prove he isn’t a monster. To prove to his father that he is a worthy son. “I never wanted the throne I only ever wanted to be your equal.” “Is it madness. Is it? Is it!” Oh man he’s gone full Hamlet while Thor was going full Romeo This is a good looking fight Loki’s first use of an illusion to trick Thor into getting stabbed If Thor dies closing the Bifrost Loki is never getting up Don’t goad the God Loki “Hear me brother there’s noting you can do!” So he summons the hammer and destroys the bridge “It is the only way.” Odin opens his eyes “If you destroy the bridge you’ll never see her again!” “Forgive me Jane.” “I could have done it father. I could have done it. For you. For all of us.” “No Loki!” And he lets go of the staff and falls off Asgard and into a black hole or a portal or maybe just what was left of the Bifrost On Earth Jane accepts that Thor’s gone Frigga has so few moments in this movie and I feel robbed “My Queen, I’m sorry for your loss.” “How is he?” “He mourns for his brother. And he misses her. The mortal.” “You’ll be a wise king.” “There will never be a wiser king than you. Or a better father. I have much to learn. I know that now. But some day, perhaps, I shall make you proud.” Odin looks sad Cause he knows that’s a fucking lie Is that the first time he’s told Thor he proud? Heimdall just hanging out on the end of that broken bridge Like a sad asshole “So, earth is lost to us?” “No. There is always hope.” “Can you see her?” “Yes.” “How is she?” “She searches for you.” Here endeth the movie This song is a weird fucking choice. Is this the Goo Goo Dolls? Nope it’s the Foo Fighters. Thor Will Return in The Avengers Erik is wandering a basement at Shield. And Fury’s there. “Doctor Selvig?” “So, you're the man behind all this? It's quite a labyrinth. I was thinking, they're taking me down here to kill me.” “I've been hearing about the New Mexico situation. Your work has impressed a lot of people who are much smarter than I am.” “I have a lot to work with. The Forster theory, a gate to another dimension. It's unprecedented. Isn't it?” And Fury shows him the Tesseract “Legend tells us one thing, history another. But every now and then, we find something that belongs to both.” “What is it?” “Power, doctor. If we can figure out how to tap it, maybe unlimited power.” And we see in a reflection Loki standing next to Erik “Well I guess that’s worth a look.” “Well I guess that’s worth a look.”
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