floridaboiler · 11 hours
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ewa-jednak-chce-spac · 8 months
Congratulations to Laceaga x Vayden shippers
Your ship won with Ellis x mc in my second true ultimate shipping tournament and advanced to the second round!
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Ellis/mc fans, don’t weep, because your ship remains awesome!
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synthesizedremains · 6 months
tlap mapeger
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jellypawss · 1 year
can y’all do me a big favor. My brother has been making music for 5 or so years and he worked really really hard on his new album.
He called me yesterday about how he wishes that more people discovered him so he had more resources for music videos and eventually small tours.
I’m such a huge fan of his music and he’s so talented and I just wanna see him do great things. I love his songs “Times up” and “Eternity” and honestly he absolutely deserves to blow up. He works so hard and is so generous and kind.
It would mean the world to me and him if you could presave his album on Spotify and also maybe reblog this post 🫶 I know it’s a lot to ask but I just wanna surprise him. Thank you guys!!!
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saltminerising · 8 months
I support moving Love Is In The Air to white day, not because I think that Valentine's is too Christian to be a holiday on FR (I don't want to open that can of worms), but because then there's almost exactly 6 months between LINTA and the Talk Like A Pirate event instead of 5 months from TLAP to LINTA then 7 months from LINTA to TLAP
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muxas-world · 4 months
Im am really angry and sorry. I had handled everything perfectly and to crash on the las tlap, when there are nine corners to go, it hurts. -pecco (lest just eneded all idk )
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decibat · 6 months
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I might've had complicated feelings about the ending of ViTS but I do like the little sprinklings of lead ups to what are probably going to be this years adventures.
My predictions below (AoR Spoilers)
- TLAP day is coming up, and I'll eat my hat if it isn't about finding out what happened to Captain Rhubarb, probably will contain foreshadowing for the Rumbling Of Cold Thunder so I'd highly suggest playing through it since Talk Like A Pirate releases are seasonal and you can be locked out of playing them.
- I predict two arcs about curing Drakath and Gravelyn respectively. If they are rude they will make us wait until next years month of evil to help Gravelyn but I highly doubt it.
- HERE ME OUT They do an insane throw back and the Frostvale 2023 release is plot necessary. Abel making everybody play through the holiday events to keep up with the story is tradition at this point.
- a Confronting Victoria adventure, this is the one that I'm sure we will get this year. I highly doubt that the story would just let this slide down the calendar AND people on twitter and reddit (the online forums AE pay attention to lol) have been asking for more Good faction stuff for almost 7 months now.
- this one is copium but I was promised an elemental champions story and didn't get one please let there be an arc with the champions all together please please please.
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tbdteacher · 1 year
Brain Break Game: "10 Second Objects"
"Ten Second Objects" is a quick brain break game that takes zero preparation. Students get to move and talk, and most importantly, have fun. #brainbreak #tlap #publicspeaking #education #teaching #game
“Are you sure?” I asked my principal. “It’s about to get loud.” He had planned a meeting in the library, which is right outside my classroom door, for the principals in our district. He told me to not worry about it and to do what I always do. “Okayyyyyyy,” I replied as I walked away, happily knowing that my principal “gets it.” Now, let’s hope the other principals and the director of our feeder…
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incoure-art · 1 year
read TLAP, cried, loved it :)
aww!!! you’re so sweet thank you <3 i’m so glad i could share my story with you and that you connected with it! it’s really lovely to hear ::)
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ewa-jednak-chce-spac · 9 months
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totallovestrucksimp · 3 years
I don’t know why, but everyone woke up and chose violence towards To Love And Protect today and I am LOVING IT
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jmojellybae · 5 years
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Same Mc, same...
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cometxmc · 5 years
Do you have the wedding dress sprite for tlap mc?
Against my better judgement, yes I do.
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jokingluna · 5 years
We don’t normally link other blogs, mainly because this isn’t an askblog or rpblog like all those other wonderful blogs out there, but because it is Talk Like a Pirate Day, and the author of this one helped us along with some good advice early on, we are making an exception, and an annoyingly long run-on sentence! In any case, check it out!
(I have it on good authority that there might be a pun or two over there)
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ice-wife · 5 years
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I had a quest to read 5 episodes of Felix and while I literally fast forwarded thru the whole thing I also paused for a second bc wow Felix’s sisters(?) are gorgeous
Which makes no sense bc he’s so bland looking
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