#he is a boy who likes girly things and Shiloh is the reverse
fxllensouls · 2 years
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like? Shiloh!
OC questions!
Mmm, not good! She is the kind of parent who views their kid as like, a dress up doll and not a person with their own feelings and wants. The kind who wants to live vicariously through their kid and have them do all the things they never got to do. And she isn’t happy when Shiloh doesn’t like living up to her expectations. They aren’t the way she wants them to be, so in response she just gets more controlling. All the while not really caring about their happiness, and every time they reject something she treats it like an attack on herself, instead of them just simply…not liking whatever it is she’s trying to force on them. The type of person to say shit like “you know you hurt me when you do X. Don’t you care about me?” “I do so much for you, you should be thankful” “I’m actually helping you” etc etc when the other person stands up for themselves. All in all she is just, not a good person lmao
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