#he is a highland terrier chihuahua mix
obikindred · 7 months
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ecofinisher · 4 years
The Queen’s Corgi - PAW Patrol AU
the I’ve got another one, but this time it’s for the PAW Patrol fandom.
The characters:
The Royal family = The Princess of Barkingburg and parents.
The first lady and the president of the USA = First lady and the president (OC)
Margaret the Corgi = Female West Highland Terrier (OC)
Nelson the Corgi = Male West Highland Terrier (OC)
Charlie the Corgi = Sweetie, a West Highland Terrier
Rex the Corgi (Adopted) = Chase, the German shepherd
Mitzy the Corgi = Sylvia, the Belgian Sheepdog
Wanda, a pound dog = Skye, the Cockapoo
Jack, the Jack Russel Terrier = Tracker, the Chihuahua
Chief, Jack’s cell mate = Rocky, the mixed bred
Tyson, a Pitbull = OC
For the newbies, the AU doesn’t follow canon to 100%.
The Princess adores animals, mostly dogs and her family owns a West Highland Terrier couple, which had a daughter a few years ago. On Christmas the Princess receives as a Christmas present a shepherd puppy and names him Chase due to him seen chasing his tail for a matter of time during his pup-hood. During the time Chase grew up on the hands of the Royal family and the amount of love he received he became a little too spoiled. 
The royal family had organized a dinner with the president of Canada and the first lady which had brought their Belgian sheepdog Sylvia on their trip and they showed interest on the Royal Shepherd Chase and asked the Princess if it was okay to set up the two dogs for a “romantic night” and the Princess was okay with it.
While the two families went for dinner they left the two dogs alone in an office, where Sylvia hunts Chase around wanting to mate, while Chase was all against it. Chase managed to escape from the female and accidentally caused chaos as he appeared in the dining room causing the servants to fall with the food on the guests. 
The Princess got angry with Chase and locked Chase on the outside on the dog house making him sad, cause she didn’t forgive his accident.
The West Highland Terrier Sweetie, who also was CHase’s only friend during growing up came to visit Chase and asked him what happened and afterward, she suggested the two should run away together. On the way they stopped on a large bridge that connected two large cities and Sweetie asked Chase to look down at the river and she pushes Chase down off the bridge and he is stuck on an iron bar with his collar and asks Sweetie for help, which tells him she was glad to be the Princess’ favorite dog until Chase showed up and stole her spot. Chase pleaded Sweetie to help him up, but she instead loosened Chase’s collar, so he would fell into the water.
Chase ends up waking up at the veterinary, which was going to check him up and Chase was brought by a man of the animal control to the pet shelter, where he meets Tracker, A Mexican-descendant Chihuahua and a mute gray-colored mutt named Rocky. When the dogs are set to walk in the free space around the pound Chase encounters a beautiful Cockapoo female named Skye, which he tries to impress, but is threatened by a Staffordshire Terrier who claims Skye to be his girlfriend. Tracker warns Chase he should never mess with the Terrier, cause he’s mean with all the inmates of the pound. 
Chase with the time starts to realize the Terrier bullies all the inmates and tries to stand up alone for them getting hurt by him, which saddens Skye, which saw how courageous Chase was and accompanies Chase back to his cell and thanks him for doing that and suggests him to not do it again or he would get killed. 
Tracker tells Chase that Rocky once fought against the Terrier for the sake of the others and got terribly injured by him and since that time he never spoke or tried to stand up. Chase then asks all the other pound dogs for their attention to form a team to deal together with the Terrier and only Tracker agreed along with a young Bulldog and a brown Labrador, which slept in another cell on the other end of the pound. 
A couple of days later the Terrier harms an English bulldog named Rubble and Chase enters in line to protect the dog and the Terrier threats Chase to fight him, then Chase warns him, that the fight was no solution for the two and Skye shows up to warn the Terrier to leave the others alone and the Terrier gets angry at Skye and hits her with the paw hurting her on the face, afterward Chase jumped at the Terrier and demanded him to apologize her for his deed. The Terrier jumped back at Chase to fight him and during their fight Chase is caught on the neck by the Terrier, soon Rocky jumps in bitting the Terrier on the ear to get him off Chase and a few more dogs joined to help Rocky and they managed to scare the Terrier, which ran off and hid inside his cell, leaving the others back laughing at the defeat of the bully. 
On the evening the dogs were all on the outside for the last time to play, before bedtime and Chase hears on the radio, that the palace of his owner was on fire and he needed so bad to get out of there to help. One of the inmates had an idea and pretended to fight another dog so that they could distract the guards of the pound and Chase left through the open door of the exit to the reception along with Skye, Zuma, Rocky, Tracker and Rubble to find the way back to the palace.
At the palace, the group ran into the building to help at the evacuation and Chase encounters Sweetie, which was shocked to realize Chase was alive and the shepherd called her out on the actions. Sweetie soon explained she did that out of jealousy and the room, where they stood was starting to get caught by the fire and Sweetie ran off with Chase, then he met the group, that mentioned to have only found the firefighter accompanying the royals out of the house and Chase hears the Princess cry for help and he says he needs to save her and orders the group to leave the palace. Chase finds the Princess on the other end of the palace and tries to carry her to the exit, but due to the smoke he can’t orientate himself in there and barks loud hoping someone would hear him and Skye barked back to help Chase go back, soon the group did the same as Skye and the firefighters came up at the dogs to get them out, soon they caught Chase pulling the Princess by her back. The firefighters help the Princess out of the building and Chase follows the Princess, which woke up from her swoon and was glad, that Chase came back. 
Weeks later everything went back to normal and the new friends of Chase could stay in the palace with him and Sweetie got grounded by her parents for trying to get rid of Chase. 
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talentandlooks · 5 years
Doggos of Dec 13, 2019
So, I groomed 6 doggos today! It’s a lot of pictures because I take before and afters so it’ll all be after the readmore!
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This is Copper! She’s a 9 year old Wheaten/Poodle mix and she’s a super sweet girl. She is very skittish and we have to take everything slow with her. The dryer terrifies her and she’s not a fan of her feet, BUT she’s missing a toe on her front right foot, so she has a right to be sensitive!
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This is Eleanor. She’s a 2 year old husky and there’s absolutely no reason to give her a haircut but her parent’s insist on trimming up her belly and booty(there’s like 3 hairs). Oh well, If they’re willing to pay for it! LOL
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This is Luna. She is a West Highland Terrier and she HATES her legs being worked on. Her back legs have a lot of tendon and joint issues, so it makes sense, but she’s only 5 and a super sweet girl otherwise.
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Mimi is a 7 year old Cocker Spaniel and Poodle mix. Her mom likes a super fluffy head and muzzle and recently she’s slipped one of her discs so she has a lot tougher time standing. It makes doing leg work pretty hard.
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This is Riley and he is a 5 year old Shih Tzu! This was his first time with us and his Mom told us that other places she’s gone couldn’t do anything with his face! He’s sure not a fan of getting groomed and played the ‘woe is me’ card a lot! But we sure got through it.
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And finally we have Snowy! He’s just a year old and I’ve been grooming him since he was 2 months old. He’s a Pomeranian, however I’m pretty sure there’s a little long haired Chihuahua in there. He’s such a cute little fluff bucket and I love him to bits!
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Welsh Terrier As well as West Highland White Terrier.
Description: The Italian Greyhound possesses remarkable fine bone tissues as well as is slender. To stay away from possessing these concerns along with your family pet having said that, you could help make a risk-free, natural dog tooth paste that will certainly clean your pet dog's teeth and appease your canine's cravings for a beefy delight. Don't nourish your dog over a solitary assisting from uncooked liver a full week - or even greater than pair of assistings from cooked liver in a full week. When and exactly how usually a pet dog needs to be actually brushed, there are various referrals pertaining to. If you have a small dog and also if you stay in a skyscraper or in a place that performs certainly not have an effective backyard, you can make an effort trash pot training. Yet some individuals feel this readies to observe a white pet cat in aspiration that signify ingenuity. The Maltese is actually a gentle, nurturing and loyal kind from canine that cherishes all the affection and attention you can offer. The White Playground livestocks were certainly not merely double objective however multi function over centuries from farming. My canine prefers to enjoy with various other pet dogs and effectively ... thus do I. I asked my mom however she states no. Because I do not prefer one and also she presumes our existing dog is actually making my wellness poor, I inquired why as well as she states. Andrew Johnson additionally lacked an official furry http://superpills-superlook.fr/ companion, though he carried out help make a behavior of nourishing mice he came across in the White Residence, which surely failed to charm him to several White Residence wage earners. Past history: The Collie is a shepherding dog that originated in the British Isles, in Wales and also Scotland.
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The different colors combinations achievable listed below are actually FAWN ALONG WITH WHITE (fawn chihuahua with white markings on skin, chest, and/or legs and also FAWN LOCATED ON WHITE (typically white chihuahua along with fawn dashes on the body and/or face). The dark as well as tan Pomeranian dog possesses lightweight patches above the eyes, on the muzzle, neck, chest, legs, feet as well as under the tail. This canine needs to have really good interacting socially, when young, which will assist considerably for the canine to obtain and also mix on along with other pet dogs. Therefore if the pet dog roars when you rest through him on the couch, many individuals incorrectly think the canine is actually merely being bad-tempered, or even that he was actually too pleasant to become interrupted. The most important attribute in this dog to the Chukchi folks was the dog's tough need to operate. If your moms and dads are currently possessing cash problems due to the economic climate, you do not need to add the expenses as well as costs of a pet dog. The subject matter is making title news on numerous canine websites and is breaking viewpoint with vets and other professionals involved in treatment. Iv been actually pursuing 3 hole years and also still really did not obtain a dog right now do not tell me im exempt because assumption what im you far better provide me real concepts satisfy please simply satisfy pleaseplease please pleaseHelp Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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