#he is also alergic to cinnamon
yael-art-den · 1 year
Oc Masterlist: Mikháel
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Name: Mikháel Ross (Current) / Aureos Plade (Former)
Gender: Male (He/him, Cis)
Race: Half-Tiefling (Rakshasa heritage)
Class / Job: Quickdraw Rogue / Bounty Hunter - Legion Agent (Investigator, fantasy CIA)
Physical description: 1,75 m, tan skin, light brown to dark brown hair. Has a birthmark (Visible) on his left cheek, and stripe-like patterns on his body + a mandala-like design on his back. His eyes are bright orange with a yellow, round pupil. His teeth and nails are slighly pointy
Mikh also has a scar on the top-right part of his forehead that he usually keeps hidden under his hair.
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(Character design sheet I made for the campaign)
Personality: Mikhaél is a reckless wet rag of a guy who still acts like he is still 18. It's hard to get him angry, and he even tries to hide when someone has gotten on his nerves; because he can't stand feeling like someone has superiority over him like that.
He doesn't have a healthy relationship with death: His self-esteem and stress tolerance make him act recklessly and not think twice about the danger he can put himself and his peers in.
Although he is charismatic and flirty, it's difficult for him to ask for help in personal matters or stuff he feels that he should deal with "alone".
He also has a huge fear of turning out like his family- especially his dad- and that his bold attitude is just violent tendencies
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Weapon Design
Lore Briefing
Mikh is the son of an arms dealer and a literal demon. As the son of the leader of the group to which he belonged, he was expected to act as his successor, or at the very least, an acceptable second-in-command, and his father was always especially hard on him, using the same intimidation and aggressiveness with his son that he used with the rest of the group.
After running away, stealing his dad's weapons and using them against him, he eventually got "adopted" by a bounty hunter that was going after him, who taught him most of what he now knows and gave him a new job.
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imagine-poke-people · 7 years
Which trainers do you think would be alergic to something?
You didn’t specify which gen, so I hope it’s okay if I just do gen 7 characters ^^;
* Lillie is allergic to certain pokemon’s fur, mainly dog pokemon such as Growlithe and Arcanine. She’ll start getting hives mainly on her arms.
* Gladion has a pretty bad pollen allergy. He’ll start sneezing like crazy if he’s somewhere with a lot of flowers, especially the meadows.
* Mina has a pretty bad seafood allergy that could possibly send her to the hospital so she just avoids seafood altogether.
* Ilima is also allergic to certain pokemon fur, this time with a lot of cat pokemon. Alola Persian is the worst for him since they tend to shed a lot, also ending up with hives.
* Hau has a cinnamon allergy, also breaking out in hives if he eats or even smells it anywhere. Sometimes it’s very tempting to eat a cinnamon covered malasada, saying it’ll “totally be worth it.”
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