#he is soooo cute and wholesome and amazing and ughh. ugh. he. he’s jus perfect
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white girl wasted
#tess talks#screaming and crying#i am so in love with him#I know we only started dating a little over a month ago but we are so so so in love#like we moved rlly fast but that’s ok I love it ugh#we talked abt it and he is moving in with me instead of me moving in with him.#he’s half moved in already. I got him a copy of keys n everything#he is soooo cute and wholesome and amazing and ughh. ugh. he. he’s jus perfect#I let him come in to my apartment for the first time last week#I was so embarrassed abt having him over bc my place was a mess#like I hadn’t been home in weeks so like it was rlly gross#there was shit rotting in my fridge there was trash everywhere I hadn’t cleaned in month s bc I’d been so depressed before I met him#I thought for sure he’d take like two steps into my apartment and run like I was expecting that to be it LMAO#but he was like. ok yeah it’s pretty bad but I was expecting worse from how u were describing it#and then he proceeded to clean my whole living room.#like he organized the fuck out of my apartment .#he just enjoys cleaning and organizing bc of his ocd so he was like#we spent a solid 2-3 hours cleaning and organizing.#we took out all the trash and sweeped and vacuumed and did the dishes#my apartment hasn’t been this clean since I moved in on god lol#he didn’t complain or belittle me for how bad it was . he just helped me clean and started making the place his own and I was like damn ok#then he made us dinner afterwards. somehow. idk how. I had like nothing to eat in my apartment idk how he did that .#he is a magical man. he is a wizard. he made that shit from scratch I swear to god he had to have done some sort of satanic ritual in there#anyway. I’ve been so sore the past couple days like my back is fucking killing me#idk if it’s from the ungodly amount of fucking we’ve been doing or if it’s from falling asleep on the couch with him or what#probably mostly the fucking. my chest and arms have been covered in bruises since I met him I’m honestly scared of my mom seeing it#she’s going to think he beats me or something. or she’s going to know it’s from the sex which is worse bc she’ll make me do confession#it’s like clockwork for him though like he can’t keep his hands off me#I’ve been trying to keep track and I swear the longest we’ve gone without having sex while we’re together is 3 hours 💀💀💀#maybe we do need to tone it down. for the sake of my poor back.
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