#probably mostly the fucking. my chest and arms have been covered in bruises since I met him I’m honestly scared of my mom seeing it
baekhvuns · 2 years
Hello, yes I’m fine. Rotating Tylenol and ibuprofen for the pain. I pretty much got bruised everywhere. Doctor said pain would be the worst tomorrow. Thankfully my head stopped hurting. I think my head got hit by an airbag. My legs and arms are bruised from airbag and chest is bruised from seatbelt (low key glad cause it proves I was wearing a seatbelt)
I was mostly worried about head injury because I had a SUPER bad concussion two years ago and I still deal with a lot of symptoms 😭 but I don’t think it got hit too bad. (The police and firemen showed up and were really concerned about my health, rightfully so, but I was proud of myself 😁for being able to discern that I was not that hurt and I’d be fine. Cause I’ve been called hypochondriac before when dealing with concussion. Like this is not nearly as bad.)
Well I was concerned about my job because I need some more money for Korea 😭 like I got 2/3 covered. And this is……my life. Like it’s my way out of living with my parents. It’s what I’ve been working towards since middle school, GETTING THE F OUT. And my potential future is what kept me going when I was having suicidal thoughts last year. So yea, priorities are probably jacked up, especially because I know I’m fine. But that’s why.
Also, another observation, is that I was really surprised by how nice all the emergency responders were. Because the ER nurse from two years ago basically laid into me for getting a concussion. (Like I guess it was my fault, but still.) And idk, I’m just always surprised when people are nice to me.
And bro those seconds leading up to the crash and those few seconds after we’re fucking scary. Like it’s weird that there’s nothing you can really do to prepare for that. But it took me a few seconds to realize that I was indeed going to crash, airbags deployed, and then had to realize what had happened. And apparently airbags are as loud as gunshots, so I couldn’t hear for a few seconds and there was ringing for a few more seconds. But like I was like “Oh I can’t hear. Oh there’s ringing. What happened? Airbags. Okay, I need to call my dad/police.”
I don’t know if I’m gonna have ptsd from this and won’t be able to drive anymore. We’ll see.
I am AMAZED by these first responders who stay calm in high stress. Like HOWWWWWW????? TELL MEEE
Oh and thank you 🪐 anon. YES I AM STILL 🤗🤗🤗 JOLLY AS EVER!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Hello, yes I’m fine. Rotating Tylenol and ibuprofen for the pain. I pretty much got bruised everywhere.  Doctor said pain would be the worst tomorrow. Thankfully my head stopped hurting. I think my head got hit by an airbag. My legs and arms are bruised from airbag and chest is bruised from seatbelt (low key glad cause it proves I was wearing a seatbelt)
omg bestie so glad nothing extreme happened bc wHAT THE FUCK ONE MINUTE UR SENDING SEONGHWA THE OTHER MINUTE ITS THIS 😭😭😭 this was so unpredictable but hope ur recovery is good and fast and easy !!!!!! 💞💖💘🌸💫💫🌸💘💘💗🌷✨💝💗💞✨🌸 was it like a collision with a another car or like swerving into something???
I was mostly worried about head injury because I had a SUPER bad concussion two years ago and I still deal with a lot of symptoms 😭 but I don’t think it got hit too bad. (The police and firemen showed up and were really concerned about my health, rightfully so, but I was proud of myself 😁for being able to discern that I was not that hurt and I’d be fine. Cause I’ve been called hypochondriac before when dealing with concussion. Like this is not nearly as bad.)
Well I was concerned about my job because I need some more money for Korea 😭 like I got 2/3 covered. And this is……my life. Like it’s my way out of living with my parents. It’s what I’ve been working towards since middle school, GETTING THE F OUT. And my potential future is what kept me going when I was having suicidal thoughts last year. So yea, priorities are probably jacked up, especially because I know I’m fine. But that’s why.
you’ll gather all the money u will need !!!! ups and downs come ur way,, even the straightest paths to success have small stones here and there,, bestie u can absolutely do it !!!!! u seem (def are) shaken up but have a little peace and it’ll be all good!!!
Also, another observation, is that I was really surprised by how nice all the emergency responders were. Because the ER nurse from two years ago basically laid into me for getting a concussion. (Like I guess it was my fault, but still.) And idk, I’m just always surprised when people are nice to me.
ER NURSES ARE NOW FINALLY THE GENZ CATEGORY 😭😭 no but thank god they was nice about it all and helped u <3 sometimes it’s the shittiest ones and 🔫🔫 but then again u also live in america fjwnfhek
And bro those seconds leading up to the crash and those few seconds after we’re fucking scary. Like it’s weird that there’s nothing you can really do to prepare for that. But it took me a few seconds to realize that I was indeed going to crash, airbags deployed, and then had to realize what had happened. And apparently airbags are as loud as gunshots, so I couldn’t hear for a few seconds and there was ringing for a few more seconds. But like I was like “Oh I can’t hear. Oh there’s ringing. What happened? Airbags. Okay, I need to call my dad/police.”
oh man i just envisioned that,,, it just happens in a second but it feels like it’s the longest second and u blink and boom u realize what happened,, bESTIE so glad ur good ayo 😭🤚🏼
I don’t know if I’m gonna have ptsd from this and won’t be able to drive anymore. We’ll see. I am AMAZED by these first responders who stay calm in high stress. Like HOWWWWWW????? TELL MEEE
no i think u def SHOULD NOT DRIVE FOR A WHILE PLS 😭😭😭 omg i know someone who works as one and they say when THEY get a call they’re all calm but inside they are like “we nEDD TO HURRY WE NEED SOMEONE TO GO THERE QUICK WE NEED TO HURRY” but they can only say “we’ll send someone ur way mama/sir” TAKE ME WITH LETS GO FIND BUT I DRIVE
Oh and thank you 🪐 anon. YES I AM STILL 🤗🤗🤗 JOLLY AS EVER!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH
i just know ur responding to this like VFMWDBWKBFB
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0 notes
clareguilty · 3 years
Arthur Morgan/reader, desperate sex
Here is my second fic for kinktober! The next should be up on Wdnesday <3
Arthur Morgan/fem!reader | desperate sex, dominant Arthur Mentions of death and injury, mild angst. I made the cowboy cry. Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~2000
“Who goes there?” a gruff voice demanded as you rode up the trail to camp.
“It’s just me, Bill,” you called back, tipping your tattered hat.
“What the hell?!” He blinked and rubbed his eyes like he couldn’t believe you were right in front of him. “You’re alive?”
You grinned, opening your arms wide. “You can’t get rid of me that easy.”
He watched dumbfounded as you rode the rest of the way up to Horseshoe Overlook. You had been gone more than a few days, and your worst fear was that the gang would have packed up and left. The job had gone terribly -- so terribly you had been stranded and lost with no way back -- which was a good reason for the gang to move on to somewhere where the law didn’t know their faces.
But everything was exactly the same. People milled about, scrubbing or packing or chopping. Dutch’s gramophone played on, louder than a dynamite blast and seemingly never ending.
“What in god’s name?” Hosea took one look at you, bruised and battered and covered in every inch of wilderness you had hiked through trying to get back to camp.
“Glad to see y’all are still here.” You groaned in pain as you slid out of the saddle, smacking your ‘borrowed’ horse on the rump and pointing her back to the road. “Go on, girl. Find your way back home.”
The horse slowly headed back the way it came. Hosea was staring at you.
“I know,” you frowned. “I look terrible.”
“No,” Hosea waved his hand, shaking his head. “It’s not that -- though you do look like shit. We thought you were dead. We mourned you.”
It was your turn to look taken aback. “Dead? You gave up on me that quick?”
“Sweetheart.” He gripped your arm as if he was still trying to convince himself you were real. “You fell off a bridge. Those rapids… the rocks…” he trailed off.
You grimaced. “It certainly wasn’t my best performance.”
“There wasn’t any time to go back and look for you, but we weren’t even sure we would have found a body.” He looked ashamed. “We failed you.”
“No,” you took his hands in yours, squeezing. “You did what you had to do. I couldn’t bear it if you had lost someone trying to come back for me.”
Sean was walking by, bottle in hand. He did a double take when he saw you standing there, glanced at his bottle, and then back at you. “You mean Dutch gave that long fancy speech for nothing? You had better not die again.”
You laughed and shot him a wink. “I don’t plan on it.”
Sean seemed satisfied with that response. “Your man’s been a right mess since we lost you. Hopefully he quits moping around all the time now.”
“Arthur?” you glanced around. “Is he alright? Where is he?”
Sean shrugged. “Probably the same place he’s been for a week now.”
You turned to Hosea, desperate. “Where?”
“He’s been at his wagon mostly. I didn’t want him going out in the state he’s been in.”
His words only made you more worried. You had finally made it back to camp. All you had been able to think about -- the only thing on your mind as you clawed your way out that ravine and stumbled through the woods -- was that you had to get back to him. You couldn’t leave him. “Is he hurt? Did something happen?”
Hosea didn’t get the chance to answer. Whispers of your arrival back at camp must have spread fast, because Mary-Beth was dragging Arthur by the arm to where you and Hosea were standing.
“Arthur.” You were running -- as fast as you could move with all your injuries and exhaustion. He finally saw you, freezing in place and staring in disbelief.
You slammed into his chest, flinging your arms around him.
He hesitated before returning your embrace, leaning in to bury his face in the crook of your neck. The two of you stood there for a long while as you sniffled into his chest. Arthur held you tightly, as if you would disappear if he let go.
“Isn’t this sweet,” a familiar booming voice rang out. “Glad to see you alive and well, dear.” You didn’t even turn to look at Dutch. Not when Arthur was clinging to you.
The ground disappeared beneath your feet and you found yourself hoisted over Arthur’s shoulder. The crowd that had gathered around the two of you dispersed as he stalked across camp. The world flipped right side up again as Arthur sat you on his horse, swinging into the saddle behind you and taking off at a full gallop.
You made it to Valentine in record time. The ride was harsh and agitated your injuries, but you didn’t mind with Arthur at your back. He helped you down to the ground and practically carried you inside the hotel, slamming the door open. “A room for me and my wife, please,” he demanded.
The hotel clerk handed over the key. You clung to Arthur the whole way up the stairs, nuzzling against him and just glad to be near him again.
The lock clicked behind you and Arthur… changed. His embrace became more insistent. His eyes darkened. The edge of the bed hit the backs of your knees and Arthur laid you down. It was gentle, but he pressed you into the bed, climbing over you. “Where are you hurt?” he asked.
“It’s not too bad-” you tried to play it off.
He cut you off. “Where. Are. You. Hurt.”
It was terrifying, but thrilling. You shivered under his intense gaze. “My hip,” you grabbed one of his hands and gently lay his palm over your hip. “Makes walking and riding hard.”
He nodded. Clearly waiting for you to continue. “My back is pretty messed up, and my shoulder.”
He noticed the rips and tears in your shirt. All the places you had scraped or torn. His hands went to the buttons, lifting you carefully so he could get you out of the sleeves.
Your trousers were next, slowly pulled down over your hips. When you winced in pain, Arthur stopped to kiss you, cradling your face in his hands.
He stripped you down. His expression was pained as he took in the full extent of your injuries. You had fallen off of the rail bridge and gotten swept into the freezing rapids. The current slammed you into the rocks and swept you down the ravine before you washed up on the bank of the river. From there, it had been a grueling process of making your way out of the ravine and through the woods.
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” you reassured him. Glancing down, you got a good look at just what he saw. “It does look pretty bad, though,” you frowned.
Arthur’s expression was hard to read. You wondered if he was disgusted by you. It would take a long time to heal, and you knew he might not want to look at you while you were so beat up and battered.
He nearly collapsed on top of you. Luckily, he knew to brace his weight. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, breaths ragged.
“I thought I’d lost you,” he gasped. “I didn’t know what I was going to do.”
You reached up to run your fingers through his hair. “I’m still here,” you promised. “Busted and bruised to hell, but I’m not gone yet, honey.”
He kissed his way along his jaw until he found your lips. It was perfect. You had missed him so much, so worried you would never make it back to him. But now you were here in his arms and kissing him. 
“I love you,” you said as soon as you caught your breath.
“I love you so much, darling.” He hovered his hands just above your skin, too scared to touch you.
You placed your hands over his and guided it to where you weren’t scraped or bruised. “Touch  me,” you begged.
He sighed as soon as he felt your skin against his palms, as if he just needed to know you were really there.
“I need you,” you tried to pull him against you, attempting to slot your hips together. “Please, Arthur.”
He hesitated. You could see the desire in his eyes, how badly he needed you, needed to feel you. But he didn’t want to hurt me. You would have to convince him.
“Arthur,” you grabbed the waistband of his pants. “I fell off a bridge and climbed out of a ravine and walked across half the damn state. I want you to fuck me, and I don’t care if it hurts.”
He seemed dazed, but lust clearly won out as you tried to slide your hand under his shirt. He was undressed in seconds, kissing his way over your neck and unable to keep his hands off you.
The pain was bearable, and you were too distracted with the warmth of Arthur’s skin under your hands. You couldn’t get enough of him, so glad to be near to him after all of those cold nights in the wild. 
He was impatient, desperate. He wanted all of you at once, and he didn’t know where to start. Now that you had given permission, he wasn’t afraid to take what he needed. And take he did. He sucked a mark into your collarbone before kissing down to your chest. You gasped as his lips found your breasts, teeth scraping along the skin.
“Please,” you rocked your hips.
He got the message, gently pressing your thighs apart so he could stroke your clit. It felt so good. The stretch when he slipped two fingers inside made you cry out. You sighed and pulled him closer, winding your fingers in his hair as he pulled moans and gasps from your lips.
“That’s it,” he said. “Good girl. I wanna hear you.” He doubled his efforts, determined to make you come around his fingers.
You pulled him up for a searing kiss, biting his lip as you came. “Fuck me,” you breathed.
He was just as needy, cock hard and aching against your hips. He grabbed your less injured leg and hooked it around his hip, dragging his cock against your slit. The teasing was going to drive you mad, but luckily he was just as impatient. He sank into you with one slow motion.
He hissed a curse against your skin, lost in the feeling of you around his cock. “God, darling. Need you so bad.”
He didn’t even try to start slow, setting a quick, frantic pace as soon as he began to move. His fingers dug into the bruises on your skin, but you didn’t mind the pain. It only reminded you that Arthur was there, that you had made it home to him.
You were so close, clinging to each other so desperately. You couldn’t imagine what Arthur had been through the past several days. He had truly believed you were gone, he had been in mourning. While you were focused on not getting eaten by wildlife, he was grieving your death.
It made sense why he couldn’t keep his hands off of you, why he sighed so deeply every time his hips met yours. The way he drank the taste of your lips as if he could never get his fill. You gave him everything you could.
The two of you went three rounds that night, fighting through your exhaustion in a desire to be close to one another. You fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms, curled together on the rickety hotel bed.
“I can’t stop seeing it,” he whispered, unable to take his eyes off you. “The sight of you falling off that bridge, the way you just disappeared. It’s kept me awake every night.”
You can see it. The dark circles under his eyes, how haggard and underfed he looks. You can only imagine how broken up he must have been.
“Not tonight,” you leaned in to kiss his cheek. “You have me here, safe and sound.”
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blushled · 3 years
Love | Dallas Winston
other Tumblr: sunkissedspidey
taglist is open!
requests are open!
pairing: Dallas Winston x female!reader
summary: Your relationship with Dally was always weird, you weren’t dating and you definitely weren't just friends. But after he almost loses you, he realizes just how much he needs you.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex (please wrap it before you tap it), language, angst, fluff, etc.
word count: 3.7k+
a/n: Please forgive me for how gross and choppy this is! This is the first thing I’ve written in months!! Sorry for any spelling and/or grammar errors!
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Your relationship with Dally had always been a little weird. Not by much, but definitely compared to the other guys.
You were the only chick in the group, and everyone in it had a phase at some point where they were completely enamored with you, all expect for Darry, mostly because he saw you as a little sister. But it was always special with Dally.
You had met Dally, and the rest of the guys, when you were 15, right after he had gotten back to Oklahoma from New York. You two were always close, and you were the only person he had ever opened up to, so it's no wonder that you two had lost your virginities to each other, and still have casual sex to this day. The both of you had an unspoken agreement to not tell anyone, but Soda had walked in on the two of you one time, so now it was only you three that knew the secret.
Anyways, regardless of the hours upon hours of sex that was shared between you at least once a day, your relationship was closer than anyone else in the group, even stronger than yours and Soda's, despite the fact that the two of you had been best friends since second grade.
You never really cared about the fact that Dally was sleeping with other people. I mean, it's not like you weren't doing the same thing. You'd had sex with Dally, then Soda one night after you had both gotten absolutely hammered beyond belief, and even Peter Torlini from school a few times. But it always was better with Dally. Not just because he was amazing in bed, but because you were positive that you were head over heels in love with him. And, goddamn, if he didn't feel the same way, he was amazing at faking it. Like, you don't always have that sort of connection with someone when you have sex. Your bodies became one, and you knew exactly what the other needed at that exact moment. Who knows... maybe he was just good in bed and knew what you needed because you had been having sex for so long, or maybe... just maybe; he felt the same way for you that you did for him.
"Fuck, Dally! Oh, my god!" You moaned out, his cock so deep inside of you that it had your head spinning.
"Goddamn," He breathed out, his face close to yours, same with the rest of his body, as he pumped into you at a fast, steady pace, a slight sheen of sweat covering both of your trembling, naked bodies. "You're so fucking good and tight for me. 'M not gonna last much longer, Y/N." He groaned out, his breathing heavy, along with yours, as he thrusted even deeper. He wrapped his arms underneath your head, tugging on your hair as you scratched down his back.
"God, please cum for me, Dallas." You moaned, his pace quickening even more so, leaving you screaming as your eyes squeezed shut tightly, your orgasm crashing over you, your walls clenching so tightly around his cock that he couldn't help but cum, quickly pulling out and helplessly spilling his seed all over your stomach as he let out load, drawn out moans, before his muscles gave out and he collapsed back on top of you.
Your hands ran into his hair as he gave you another hot, passionate kiss before rolling over next to you on your bed, reaching over onto the night stand to grab two smokes and a lighter, passing one to you before lighting both of them up, as you both smoked, and exhaled, simultaneously, your brains started to feel foggy with euphoria as the nicotine began to enter your bloodstreams at the same time.
A few weeks later, you and the rest of the guys were sitting around, just talking about nothing in particular, only until Two-Bit brought up a fun topic.
"I got it!" He said, a large smirk on his face. "Best lay... Aaand... Steve, go!" Pointing at the brunette with both hands shaped as guns.
"Uhm... Probably Gracie. Big tits." He laughed out, a smoke in between his teeth.
Everyone erupted with laughter, Ponyboy and Johnny rolling their eyes and turning their attention to the cartoons on the small television.
"Y/N! Your turn!" Two-Bit said, laughing as he took a sip of his third beer.
"Not telling." You laughed as you sat on the countertop. You rolled your eyes heavily and let out an annoyed sigh as everyone booed at you. "Ugh, fine," You said, closing your eyes. "Uhm, I'm not saying the name, but he was tall with brown eyes, massive dick, and goddamn, he knew how to use it well, dark hair, and also the best kisser I've ever met before."
    Dally automatically knew that you were talking about it, a smirk spreading across his face as you enthused about just how good the "mystery man" was in bed.
*** You and Dally sat in your old, run down car, eating Dairy Queen and talking about nothing in particular.
"You wanna know something funny?" He asked before licking the melting ice cream off of his waffle cone.
"Always." You smirked, turning the music playing on the radio down a bit so you could hear him more clearly.
"You're the best I've ever had, too." He said, smirking as your cheeks lit up a bright pink shade at his words.
"And why's that, Mister Winston?" You laughed, your eyes meeting his again as he leaned in closer to you, using his free hand to circle around your clit over your underwear, your skirt covering Dally's hand from the wrist down, your eyes slowly rolling back as you moaned quietly into his mouth.
"That's just one of the reasons. You're so goddamn sensitive and I fucking love it." He laughed when you whined after his touched left you, a small huff of anger leaving your lips at the loss of contact.
After a few seconds, you grabbed his ice cream and shoved it in an empty cup, his eyes meeting your with confusion before you moved over the center console to straddle him, your lips immediately going to his as you grinder your hips together, small groans leaving both of your mouths. You tugged at his leather belt, unbuttoning his jeans after, sliding his boxers down, your mouth watering at the sight of his hard cock.
    He reached around your waist and lifted your tight shirt off of you quickly, his soft lips moving to kiss all over your breasts and he left the occasional hickey, his cool, slender fingers i clipping your bra, before he started kissing up and down your neck until you were begging for more.
    "Dally, please." You whimpered, your body trembling from want.
    He moved your underwear over to the side, right before his cock slammed into you as he pulled your hips flush against his, both of you letting out moans because of how fucking amazing it felt.
"Fuck, Dally! Shit, you feel so fucking good!" You screamed out, glad that it was night and that no one was around the two of you.
"Goddamn, you're so fucking tight-" He said before a groan cut him off, his hands gripping your waist even tighter, bruises sure to be left there (not that you were complaining in the slightest).
    One of his hands moved down to your clit, rubbing it in harsh, fast circles as his eyes rolled back, your head dipping down to suck dark purple bruises onto the soft, pale skin of his neck, his hips thrusting up to meet yours in sync, his cock hitting inside of you deeper and deeper with each thrust, the other of you chasing yourself highs as best as you could.
    Your eyes clenched shut tightly as you bit down on muscles of his shoulder, your orgasm crashing over you so strongly that you could barley breathe. Dally's arms wrapped around you, scratching up and down your back and you tugged harshly at his hair, knowing that he was coming close.
    "Cum for me." You whispered into his ear, biting down slightly on his earlobe, and then that was it. He came with a cry of your name and a load groan, his cum coating your walls as you clenched around him tighter, his teeth sinking into your breasts as he continued to thrust up into you until his muscles gave out. Your collective breathing was heavy as you both came down from your highs, his hair sweaty as you ran your fingers through it, the smell of sex and cigarettes lingering in the small, cramped car.
    "Goddamn," He said, laughing as you sat back, moving your hair out of your eyes. "That was fucking amazing."
    "Isn't it always?" You smiled cockily, grinding your hips once more, causing another load moan to come from Dally's throat, partially because it felt amazing and partially because he was so fucking sensitive.
    "What'd I turn you into?" He smirked, biting down on the skin of your neck softly, his perfect teeth skimming your jaw as he made eye contact with you again.
    "A sex addict." You said simply, a smile breaking across your face as Dally started laughing at your blatant tone, his head tipping up to kiss you softly and slowly.
    The two of you had made an agreement not to do anything with anyone else after a while, figuring that it would save the both of you from getting jealous because, even though you weren't official, the both of you were super mad every time you walked in on the other with a different person.
*** "Oh my god, fuck off!" You yelled, laughing as Soda had beaten you in poker for the fifth time that night, the rest of the guys whooping and cheering as you flipped them all of, taking your shirt off, a black bra the only thing covering your chest. Strip poker was a weird game to play with a big group of your closest friends, but it had been a favorite of everyone's for years. Dally stood in the corner, a cigarette in between his teeth as he stared you down, his eyes dark with oust and squinted with anger.
"Alright," You said, standing up and putting your shirt back on, boos coming from the guys. "I think that's enough for me tonight."
You made your way to the bathroom of the Curtis' house, putting your hair up in a ponytail before you washed the dark eyeliner surrounding your eyes off, using a rag to dry your face before changing into an extra t-shirt and pajama shorts that you always kept there, since everyone usually spent the night there.
You walked out into the dark hallway, making your way to the living room before Dally pushed you up against one of the walls, his lips meeting yours harshly as one of his hands made its way into your loose shorts, his long, slender figures toying with your clit as you tried your best to control the volume of your moans.
"Never, fucking never, pull that shit again. You got that? You know how fucking hot you are, and you know how those dudes think about you." He said, his voice low and commanding, but a tone of sweetness underlying in it.
You knew that he wasn't mad, he was just worried, even though there's no way in hell that he would ever admit that to anyone. He was your best friend, and you were his.
*** "Oh, come on, Dally. It's not even that bad. It's just a movie." You whined, gripping onto his denim jacket.
"It's a stupid movie." He laughed as your head sunk even lower, your lower lip stick out as you widened your eyes, your face jokingly pleading.
    "Dallyyy, pleaseee?" You dragged out, kissing his neck softly.
    "Fine. But if I hate it, it's on you." He laughed as you squealed, leaning over and kissing his cheek. And after a second you both looked at each other and then moved away, realizing that you were acting more like a couple than like fuck buddies.
    "I'm- uh- I'm gonna go home. Gotta get ready, ya know?" You said, standing up from the couch at Dally and Buck's place, grabbing your purse and jacket, and waving goodbye to the brunette that had your heart.
    As you made you way back over to Dally's, you checked how you looked in the reflection of a storefront window. Your tight white t-shirt clung to your body perfectly, your black ripped jeans hugged your frame, and you had on your favorite jacket. A thick, worn, black leather one that all of the guys had gotten you for your birthday after they had pooled their money together, a switchblade, a pack of smokes, and a lighter in one of the pockets. Your black eyeshadow and eyeliner was done perfectly, and was an amazing contrast to your bright red lipstick.
    "Dally!" You smiled, wrapping him in a small, short hug when we opened his door, throwing a shirt on and leading you down the street towards the drive in.
    "I'm gonna go get some popcorn." You said to Dally, smiling as you stood up from one of the cheap, grey folding chairs.
    "Be careful." He said, handing you some money before turning his attention to the movie that he claimed was stupid.
    "Medium popcorn and a large Coke with two straws, please." You said to the worker at the concessions stand, handing him the money in exchange for your food and drink.
    You walked out of the concessions stand, making your way back until some shuffling on the side of the building caught your attention. You turned your head, and the second you did, you instantly regretted it. You saw Dally making out with Polly Winchester, her hands running through his hair as he pinned her against a wall. His eyes met with your for a second and he instantly pulled away, his lips smeared with her red lipstick and his breathing hard.
    "Oh shit." He said quietly, walking over to you, trying to take your hands in his, put you instantly pulled away.
    "You fucking asshole." You said calmly, turning away towards the exit before he grabbed your arm, and then you snapped. "Don't fucking touch me!" You screamed, the people sitting near you turning to look at the two of you.
    "Y/N, I'm sorry." He said, trying his best to reach out for you agin until you took the top off of your drink and threw it in his face.
    "Fuck. You." You said clearly, finally being able to turn and walk away, tears filling your eyes as you walked back to your house.
    A few days later, practically in the middle of the night, you were sitting on your bed, a cigarette in one of your hands as you used the other to flip through your favorite book, music softly playing on your record player in the background as you tried your best to ignore the ache in your heart at the fact that Dally was practically fucking a chick against a wall right in front of you.
    A knock on your front door shook you out of your daze, ashing your cigarette before making your way down the hall to your front door. The second you opened it, your heart sank, your stomach dropping as you saw Dallas standing there, a pleading look on his face.
    "C-can I come in?" He asked quietly, his hands stuffed into his pocket.
    You didn't say anything, you just opened your door more and stepped to the side, allowing him to walk into your small house.
    "What do you want? Another pack of smokes? I have some on the counter and a Coke in the fridge and then you can go back to the drive in so that you don't have to pay." You said blankly, sitting down on your couch as flipping through a book that was on your coffee table.
    "No, I don't need any of that. I just wanna talk." He said, standing next to the couch awkwardly.
    "About what? About how you basically fucked Polly during a movie that we were supposed to be watching together? About how you ditched me to go stick your dick in some whore on the side of a goddamn building?!" You said, not being able to control your volume as you stood up looking at him, absolutely fuming.
    "Yeah, pretty much." He answered, not knowing what else to say.
    "You promised me, Dally. You fucking promised." You said, your eyes boring into his.
    "I know, but listen-" He tried to say before you cut him off.
    "No, Dally. You listen to me. You are such a lying fucking asshole! I can't believe I ever thought that we could be something other than friends with benefits." You said, your eyes becoming puffy. "Fuck you, Dallas Winston. I never want to see you again." You said calmly through your teeth, silently seething. You turned towards the hallway to go into your room, before Dally grabbed your arm, your eyes meeting his again, both of your eyes red as silent tear streamed down your faces simultaneously.
    "Please, Y/N." He said, his voice not much louder than a whisper. "Please don't leave me."
    "You've never listened to me when I've asked you not to leave... Why should I listen to you?" You asked quietly.
    "Because I love you, Y/N. More than I've ever loved anything in my entire life. More than smokes and parties and beer. More than sleep and sex and rumbles. So please, Y/N... Please don't leave. And I'm so fucking sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
    "I love you too, Dally. So much more than you'll ever be able to know."
    At this point, his hands were tangled in yours, your faces close together as you both finally admitted your true feeling for one another after all of this time.
    "You do?" He asked, shock evident in his voice. "You love me?"
    "Of course I love you, Dally. I've loved you ever since we were kids." You whispered, your lips only inches apart.
    "Can I kiss you?" He asks softly, his hands going slowly and tenderly up to your neck.
    And with that, you lips met in the most perfect kiss you could ever think of, like your lips were pieces of a puzzle and were made to fit perfectly together. After a few minutes it grew more passionate, more lust filled.
    His hands went down to the back of your thighs, gripping them tightly as you jumped up to wrap your legs around his waist. The two of you continued kissing as he walked the both of you to your room. He placed you softly on your bed, kissing down your body as he lifted an oversized white t-shirt, that just so happened to be his, over your head. He kissed all over your chest and your neck, only stopping for a few seconds to shed off his leather jacket and black shirt, before immediately going back to your lips to kiss you as you moaned into each others mouths while your hips grinned against each other's.
    "Dally, please." You moaned, your hands smoothing over his back.
    "Please what?" He asked, looking at your with swollen red lips, a beautiful contrast to his pale skin.
    "Make love to me." You whispered, your lips close to each others until he closed the distance between your mouths.
    He kissed down your neck, chest, and stomach again as he pulled your shorts off of you, moving to kiss your inner thighs as you whined from the feeling that you missed.
    He stood up again to unbuckle his belt, taking his pants off not shortly after. You pulled him back on top of you, reveling in the feeling of his bare skin against yours. He took his length in is hands, lining it up with your entrance before stopping for a few seconds to stare deeply into his big brown eyes.
    "I love you." He whispered.
    "I love you too." You replied before you met your lips with his again.
    The second he thrusted slowly inside of you, you both let out moans at the amazing feeling. he started with a slow, tender pace as you breathed heavily into each others mouths, your eyes still staring into the others.
    "Oh my god." You moaned out, eyes finally shutting tightly as he continued to pump into you, his pace quickening as his groans started to grow louder and loader, along with your moans.
    "Fuck, I love you so-" He said, getting cut off as he groaned loudly. "I love you so much."
    "I love you too, Dally- Fuck!" You screamed, the feeling of him being inside of you so goddamn intense that you could barely speak coherently.
    And then it made sense. Every feeling that you had ever had for him made so much sense. Every time that he would look at you and smile at the completely ordinary thing you were doing, every time that he told you to call him when you got home, every time that his figures brushed against yours while watching a movie made sense. He had loved you even longer that you had loved him. From the second your eyes met his when you met, he was absolutely head over heels in love with you. He had never realized how much he needed to tell you until he almost lost you, until he realized how much he needs you.
    "Dally, I'm not gonna last much longer." You moaned, lips moving to kiss the sides of his clan shaven face and his smooth forehead.
    "N-neither am I. Fuck, please cum for me, Y/N. Please. God, I love you." He moaned before his head dipped down to meet your lips with his.
    And with a few more thrusts, you were completely spiraling underneath him, your whole body trembling as you came at this same time, his final few thrusts harder and deeper than before until he finally collapsed on top of you, his lips going to kiss your red cheeks as you both breathed heavily.
    "I love you so much. Please be mine, Y/N. Please." He said, his lips skimming yours.
    "I love you more, Dally. And I'll be yours, forever and ever and ever." And with that, you both fell asleep, all sweaty and gross. But you were sweaty and gross and happier than you had ever been before.
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angeli-marco-writes · 3 years
Tom Hiddleston - Stripped Sunday
A/N & WC - I came up with this concept ages ago and only just got around to writing it, though it’s slightly short. I do not know Tom, nor do I claim to. 2k.
Warnings - Swearing (that's now just a given), definitely suggestive and nsfw but nowhere near explicit, just mentions of sex, nudity too. And unknowing exhibitionism I guess? 16+
Summary - Sunday's are always the best, especially when you and Tom walk around the house nude, but it's been a while. Too long a while. So, obliviously, you take matters into your own hands...
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THOMAS WILLIAM HIDDLESTON IS A SIMPLE MAN, believe it or not. He likes meals he can cook in fifteen minutes, he likes his tea with only a splash of milk, he likes the simple pleasures of nature. He likes morning runs and evening walks, re-watching movies he’s seen a dozen times, cuddles on a cold night. But most of all, he likes it when you walk around nude.
It might just be the one singular thing in the great mystery of life that is inexplicable to him, the one thing he enjoys so bloody much he daren’t speak of it, lest he risk losing it. Just the sight of your beautiful body keeps him up night after night after night when he’s working away, plotting and planning ways to ensure he never forgets it for the second he returns home. He can’t even begin to explain the things it does to him.
So, he set up a Stripped Sunday, with the basic premise that you both have to walk around in your birthday suits all day. It’s essentially his unique, perverse, inventive way of seeing you naked all day once a week. Not every Sunday, naturally, but just on occasion, when he’s not working, he’ll jot it down on the calendar. Nothing too glaring, in case someone catches a glimpse of his calendar, but just scribbling down a winky face in a Sunday space, and you know what you’re in for.
In all honesty, you love it just as much as he does. It’s hard not to. Seeing him walking around the house with not a scrap of clothing on all day does things to you you’ve never been able to put your finger on—or his. If you were to get pregnant, Stripped Sundays would be the culprit with the amount that the two of you shag in a single day. And he always seems to have another round in the bank to wake you the morning after, hungover on dripping lust.
However, it’s been far too long without one of these days, you think to yourself. And you know that there are no plans for the day, seeing as there’s nothing in the diary or the calendar, where—upon Tom’s own decree—all arrangements have to be written down. Seeing as you and Tom have a somewhat secret relationship, one certainly sheltered from the press, and no one knows you’re together, let alone live together, keeping all plans written down is imperative. His work meetings are always good reasons for you to get out of the house for a few hours.
Today, however, Tom seems to have made a mistake. Today’s meeting utterly slipped his mind, and he completely forgot to tell you, let alone jot it down, that he was having a casual meeting with a few co-stars to discuss future production of some sort—of what, he was entirely unsure, since this was texted about weeks ago, now. Nothing too major, though.
Logically, Tom thought that, with how late you were currently sleeping, and how much you enjoy your lie-ins, he’d be wrapped before you woke up, and even if that wasn’t to be the case and you wake up, that you’d have the sense to dress, or even call for him at the very least, before going downstairs.
You aren’t so lucky.
Waking up to an empty bed is never much fun. Usually if Tom wakes up before you, he’ll only slip out to put the kettle on, or fetch a new book to read from the library while he waits for you to stir naturally… that is if he isn’t waking you up in other, more pleasurable ways. At most, if he does have plans and doesn’t want to wake you after a late night, he’ll leave you a lovely note, a voicemail, and a thermal mug of tea.
Today, however, you can smell the coffee machine on—no wonder after the late, and rather energetic night you had—and hear the machine whirring, signalling that Tom likely hasn’t long been awake. That’s when the gears begin to turn and your plan begins to formulate, a completely devious idea that creeps into your mind and quirks your lips into a smirk. No matter how enticing the idea to nuzzle back into the pillows is, your need for Tom is overpowering your clawing need for sleep, especially with your primal instincts telling you he’s within grabbing distance, his aftershave still on the sheets you’re wrapped in. So, you strip his shirt, now perpetually appropriated by you, off and get out of bed, stretching as you go, beginning to make your way downstairs.
“What’s that?” Tom hears someone ask.
Not hearing your footsteps on the squeaky stairs over the whirring of the coffee machine and the layered discussions, including his own laughter, he simply replies, “Probably the dog.”
You, however, aren’t lucky enough to hear this brief conversation before your bare feet land on the cold hardwood floor, sending chills throughout you that don’t seem to even mildly combat the overwhelming heat building all throughout you. With just a few more steps, keeping your footing light and avoiding Bobby’s various chewies and toys littered all over the floor, you’re entering the kitchen in nought but your birthday suit. Utterly, completely in the buff.
“Morning baby,” you call out, yawning, your eyes fluttering shut, your jaw wide.
Except, instead of the warm embrace and slatherings of kisses that you expect to receive, or even a simple “Good morning, Princess,” you’re welcomed with a deadly silence, a stillness you can’t quite comprehend.
Your eyes fly open in shock, opening to see three people, mildly familiar faces, with mouths agape and eyes wide, sitting around the breakfast bar with mugs between their hands. Tom looks as stunned as you’ve ever seen him, over by the coffee machine, his hands trembling. With a fixed gaze of his baby blue eyes, so piercingly alarmed, he looks you up and down, his eyes blazing over your nude form, his kissable mouth practically watering at the mere sight of you.
That’s before it clicks with him, the dire situation, and alarm bells begin to blare inside his head, causing him to jump into action. Almost instantly, he’s pulling his shirt off his strong arms and muscular torso with lithe fingers, and is tugging it over your head, covering your naked torso.
You can already feel the blush on your cheeks, your skin burning from the bruised base of your throat to the pierced tips of your ears, the blood in your veins rushing around so violently that it drowns out any other comments or noise within the room, within the situation, but you’re brought back to reality when Tom’s strong, callused hands fall to your arms, clasping the flesh before he’s all but lifting you off the tiled floor and steering you back out of the room. It snicks shut behind you, but all you can focus on is the kiss he gives you, slanting his thin lips over yours so intoxicatingly that you’re able to forget your humongous disaster, if only for a second. There’s an emptiness the second he stops kissing you, and you’re able to hear the previously shut out gossip from inside.
“Sweetheart, what the hell was that?” he commands, his tone soft.
Despite the austere authority he so naturally demands in a room, he doesn’t sound angry whatsoever. If anything he’s just a little exposed, his private home life revealed to people when he wasn’t in the least bit prepared for once in his lifetime, with a definite undertone of irritation, mostly that he can’t have his way with you instantly. His blood is roaring, his stomach an explosion of swarms of butterflies, his core pulsating. He can’t tear his eyes away from you, even now you’re covered, your hardened nipples poking through the fabric.
“I— I saw the calendar was empty, I wanted to impress you, have a nice Sunday because it’s been so long,” you confess, shuffling your feet on the floor, unable to meet his blue gaze boring into you, “I’ve felt… distant from you recently, you’ve been working so much. I don’t know,” you shift anxiously, tugging on his shirt wrapped around you, “I love you, I didn’t wanna lose you. I thought you’d like it.”
“Baby,” he says, “I love you and this so so much. Of course I like it!”
You let out a feeble cry against his chest, his arms knotting around you and tugging you into his chest in one swift movement. His hugs, the way he holds you and cradles you, always make you feel better, no matter what your troubles may be.
You sniffle a little, “Really?”
Any trace of hardness in his face just dissipates and is replaced with sympathy, empathy, love.
“I truly wish I could take you right now, Darling, and if they weren’t here, I’d be fucking you on that breakfast bar and you know it.” He sighs deeply. “But, I didn’t put down a special Sunday for a reason, love.” Leaning down, he kisses away your wry tears, and then the tip of your nose. “You are so thoughtful. It’s all my fault though, I must’ve just forgotten to write this down.”
How can you be mad at him when he’s being so thoughtful and heartfelt, confessing his mistake even when it was your rash thinking that’s gotten you into this mess?
Once you calm your breathing down, though, you realise that you’re actually not particularly phased by this at all. You don’t mind this; it was the sheer shock that passed over Tom’s face, the flash of terror he must’ve felt with his work colleagues in the room with him that scared you so. You know well enough that it’ll be a huge knock—monumental, even—for him, if this gets out. Your worry for your treasured boyfriend takes power over any of your own misgivings.
“I’m really sorry, Tom.”
“Don’t be,” he says hastily, “can you please pop up and get dressed, though, darling? Just some shorts, I don’t want you to feel exposed.”
You let out a soft chuckle, nodding, stepping away from him to make your way upstairs. Before you’ve taken so much as a step, though, he tugs you back by the bottom of his shirt, and ravels you into a searing kiss, everything he wants to say passes from his lips to yours.
You return a couple of minutes later, dressed simply, comfortably, his shirt in your hands, you find him waiting for you, standing outside the door with his hands clasped at his front. He greets you with open arms, prompting you to take his hands as he leads you back into the kitchen, your eyes connecting in a secret agreement before stepping inside.
The air is rife with anxiety, three panicked faces staring back at you, but thankfully, you’re able to recognise these people as ones he’s worked with for a while, people he knows really well; confidantes and friends more than co-stars or colleagues. However, by the inquisitive glint in their eyes and their parted mouths, you imagine they’ll still have a lot of questions, and this’ll still be a hit for Tom.
He wraps his spare arm around you, his head bowed as he meets the dead faces staring at him. That’s when you begin to wonder if something else has happened.
“Baby, everything okay?” you ask, cupping his jaw, caressing your thumb over the scruff of a beard shadowing his bone structure.
That’s seemingly when it hits him, his face paling, blanching, his grip around you loosening.
“It’s a good job you never got over the threshold, darling,” he says breathlessly, “or I’d be in much more trouble.”
You look to him, eyes searching his face imploringly as he viciously gulps. “We were live on Instagram.”
Well, it looks like Tom’s girlfriend is public knowledge. You can’t mind, though not as he dips his head and kisses you hotly, heartily. With this passion, the second these people leave, Stripped Sunday might just happen after all.
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takamikeiigos · 3 years
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• though keigo tends to be loud, seemingly carefree, and outgoing, he's convinced himself that hero work is his #1 priority and he has zero time to be getting all up in a tizzy about feelings
• this man probably doesn't even know what a long, meaningful hug feels like. but what does it matter because he's a hero, he doesn't have time to be mulling over that kinda stuff
• now don't get me wrong, keigo has all of the basic human wants and needs for love, affection, companionship, etc. but has managed to tuck those thoughts away deep in the back of his mind
• so he spends his free time alone watching movies by himself while eating takeout, or finding somewhere high on the skyline to perch upon while the breeze caresses him and gives him comfort while he's deep in his thoughts
• when it comes to his avian characteristics and needs, he knows many people don't understand so he tends to them himself
• long tiresome processes of preening his own wings, often getting aggravated when he can't reach a spot or can't get certain feathers to lay flat
• or when it's that time of the season and he continuously chooses to go through his ruts alone because he hasn't allowed himself time to slow down and properly take care of it, because he grew up too fast and exploring his own wants and needs was never an option
• let's talk about keigo nesting during a rut bc of pure instinct but suddenly coming to the harsh reality that he has no one to share it with
• ouch
• imagine the first time he meets you
• you think he's probably the most loud and obnoxious motherfucker you've ever met but he grows on you over time
• its only after spending a bit of time by his side that you realize little things about him that kinda break your heart
• he smiles and jokes around a lot, but when you catch him deep in thought or slipping you notice the vacant stares that make him seem far, far away
• or the fact that he doesn't touch people unless they prompt first, whether it's a high five or a pat on the shoulder, but his hands mostly remain in his pockets or by his sides otherwise
• so it breaks your heart even more when you go to give him a quick hug before checking out for the day and he completely tenses up, clearly not sure how to react
• it occupies most of your thoughts that night, before it finally dawns on you that keigo didn't reciprocate because he didn't know how to (not literally, of course)
• from then on you touch him more often - like gently putting your hand on his shoulder when you're reaching over him, or placing your hand on the small of his back when moving around him
• over-all you're in his space more, always standing a few inches closer so your shoulders touch or your hands brush
• but let's talk about that one time you both go on a mission together and keigo gets knocked around a lil bit
• you're finally able to catch up to him and the idiot is standing there covered in bruises, feathers missing and his hero outfit almost torn to shreds, and he has the audacity to smile at you like he didn't just get knocked into next week
• he tenses again when you run up to him and pull him into a frantic hug, worry ebbing from your entire being but grateful that he's still standing and alive
• but the exhaustion finally catches up to him and its then that his wall comes crashing down, his arms wrapping around you like he's clinging to you for dear life, and his head is resting on your shoulder, coming free of all those heavy thoughts he's been carrying with him
• things slowly change after that
• months later you two end up together, like two pieces of a puzzle that were lost but finally found, a relief of a perfect fit
• he texts you constantly - whether it's of things that remind him of you, or a picture of a cat he saw while on patrols, or even just to let you know you mean the world to him
• when you’re both together he almost always ends up being the one to initiate physical contact now, staying close in your space and his hand always rest against you
• on nights after a long day of patrolling, he'll come over and you'll put a movie on, cuddling close together on the couch while eating the most unhealthy junk food you could find to take the edge off
• you catch him smiling to himself one of those times, and when you look at him curiously, he shakes his head and laughs quietly
• "'s nothing baby bird, just nice to finally have someone to do this with"
• on another tiresome evening of patrolling, he flies through your bedroom window (you always leave it unlocked and open for him) and perches on your windowsill
• you can instantly tell something is bothering him by the way he's holding himself, his wings twitching and his body tense
• so you beckon him to come sit on your bed with you, thinking maybe a back rub will ease the tension. but when he finally sits down in front of you, the disarray of tangled feathers is the answer to your unasked questions
• you tell him to relax and he does, but when you hesitantly run your fingers against his feathers he nearly jumps out of his skin
• you pull your hand away as if it was burned and when you ask if you accidentally hurt him, he flushes and avoids eye contact
• "no! no, you didn't hurt me. they're just.. sensitive. 'm just not used to people touching them like that. but it.. it feels good"
• so you continue running your fingers through his feathers gently, making sure they're all in place and pulling the loose ones from his wings
• he’s all breathy sighs underneath your hands and you swear you hear him cooing every once in a while and your heart melts at the amount of intimacy and trust
• it turns into a ritual after rough days, and neither of you mind it
《《 NSFW 》》
• so look, i’m not saying keigo is a virgin but we're gonna keep going with this little needy & touch starved trend we got going. to each their own
• keigo loves being touched, but he also loves touching you
• i’m talking always pressing up against you when you’re both alone, face nuzzled in your neck while biting and licking, hands on your hips and squeezing
• clinging to you when you’re about to get out of bed, or sneaking into the shower with you bc he misses your warmth and is craving some skin on skin contact, his head nuzzled into your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you from behind
• tbh he’s probably still half asleep as he does this, too. you basically have him completely limp in your arms when you turn to start scrubbing his hair
• i’m getting a little off topic, huh?
• he’s always trying to get your attention, especially when he knows you’re busy
• he’s almost always breathless when things get hot and heavy, nearly falling apart over a make-out session
• but when you finally get him out of his clothes and on the bed where you want him, the experience is one you want to relive forever
• he’s got this wonton facial expression, chest flushed and wings puffed out, lips parted with unspoken pleas as you touch him
• the first time you even touch his dick he nearly loses it, head tossed back and fingers gripping the sheets
• "fuck.. fuck that feels so good dove, please don't stop"
• he’s so sensitive, his skin feels like it might burst into flames because of how worked-up he's getting
• the sight of him falling apart from a simple hand job is a sight to see, something you weren't expecting to get you going but it is
• you stroke him slow, your grip just loose enough where he ends up having to work for it, all the while you're gauging his expressions
• keigo is a talker, loud and completely unashamed of the filth pouring from his lips as he fucks up into your fist, his jaw slack and his brown pinched in pleasure and concentration
• "please baby, right there. god, you feel so fucking good, please don't stop. fuuuuck"
• when you decide to touch his wings out of sheer curiosity, you weren't expecting to his reaction to turn you on as much as it did
• keigo arching off the bed with a broken "f-fuck!", yanking you forward into a harsh kiss as he moans broken please and appraisals into your mouth, whining
• he finally comes in thick spurts over your hand, his hips stuttering as he thrusts upward to milk the final drops of his come, chest heaving and breathy pants falling against your lips, his hands tangled in your hair
• touch starved, needy, and sensitive
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don't get me started on my man's going into a rut. whoo, good stuff.
sorry this is so long!! i got very carried away once i got into it.
if anyone wants to request anything, please do?? i would love that, especially since I'm trying to learn more about this beautiful bird-boy. nonetheless i hope y'all enjoyed!!
♡ ky
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master-sass-blast · 3 years
Not Normal.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Not gonna lie, this whole fic is me projecting just how bad I want a massage.
Summary: “I’m not having you break my back if yours is already busted.”
The corner of her mouth curls up in a smirk, but only for a moment. “I’m not some fragile, old lady. I know my limits.”
You lift your chin and stare her down. “I’m not consenting.”
Lin scowls and lets out an irritated huff. “Then what the hell are you doing here?”
It stings, just a bit, but you shrug it off and turn to leave. “I’ll let you rest.” You make it halfway to the door, then stop when an idea occurs to you. “Actually...”
Lin looks up when you walk back into the sitting room. “What, change your mind?”
You roll your eyes. “No --but there might be something else I can do for you.”
AKA you get Lin to agree to some self-care, for once in her life.
Pairing(s): Lin Beifong x Reader.
Rating: T on account of my love of swear words.
Word count: 4.5k.
There’s a certain element of “razzle dazzle” that comes with “seeing” --or, perhaps more accurately, being fucked by--Lin Beifong.
You know that the Beifongs are an old money family; hell, everyone in the world practically knows it. The flying boar crest pops up in nearly every major Earth Kingdom enterprise, from mining, to textiles, to political halls.
Lin, despite her staunch pragmatism, is no exception. Her apartment is in the nicest complex in the city --one of the nicest in the world, even--where rent goes for several tens of thousands of yuan a month. She drives the latest model Satomobile (and even with her personal acquaintanceship with Asami Sato, it’s no small financial investment). The fixtures in her apartment --what of them there are, given Lin’s leanings toward minimalism--are all high end, from her furniture, to her bed sheets, to the toiletries that neatly line the built-in shelf in her shower.
And, if she has an occasion to stay somewhere other than her apartment, her tastes don’t waver in the slightest.
According to Lin --who’d given you a short, gruff answer when you’d asked the first time about why she’d invited you to the Four Elements and not her apartment--it’s because of the Spirit Vine entanglement that’s taken over a good chunk of the city. Whenever she has to work in the outer reaches of Republic City, she stays in a hotel suite until everything’s resolved since the drive back to her apartment has practically tripled.
(Personally, you’re not complaining. It’s not every day you get to sweat up the sheets in a bed of a five star hotel room.)
You stride up the steps to the entrance of the hotel, a spring in your step. Your mind’s already awhirl with countless options for the evening; all of them end with your ability to walk being severely impaired.
(It’s the small things in life.)
The front desk staff already knows you (a credit to how often Lin wrecks your back). A crisply dressed concierge member hands you a heavy metal key when you detour to the desk, then gives you a polite “Have a pleasant stay” as you head over to the elevator banks.
It’s a long, tortuous two minutes to the penthouse.
The penthouse comes with its own butler --something you know rankles Lin, but it’s hotel policy. They greet you when you step off the elevator and usher you into the sitting room.
Lin’s there, stretched out on a velvet upholstered sofa with a pillow propped under her head. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and her mouth is set into a tight scowl.
You can already feel the bruises on your thighs; a shudder runs down your spine. “Rough day?”
Lin grunts, then tries to sit up --only to gasp in pain and stop halfway.
You frown, alarmed. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Lin spits through gritted teeth. She winces as she forces herself to finish sitting up and settles against the couch gingerly. “It’s just my hip.”
You cross your arms over your chest and arch one eyebrow at her. “Somehow, I doubt that.”
“I said I’m fine,” she snaps.
“I’m not having you break my back if yours is already busted.”
The corner of her mouth curls up in a smirk, but only for a moment. “I’m not some fragile, old lady. I know my limits.”
You lift your chin and stare her down. “I’m not consenting.”
Lin scowls and lets out an irritated huff. “Then what the hell are you doing here?”
It stings, just a bit, but you shrug it off and turn to leave. “I’ll let you rest.” You make it halfway to the door, then stop when an idea occurs to you. “Actually...”
Lin looks up when you walk back into the sitting room. “What, change your mind?”
You roll your eyes. “No --but there might be something else I can do for you.”
“Like what?”
“I do have a job aside from letting you fuck my brains out,” you quip, which gets a terse chuckle from the older woman. “I’m a healer. Massage therapy and chiropractic adjustment, with a specialty in dealing with injury and scar tissue rehabilitation.”
Lin stares blankly at you. “Oh.”
You do an internal victory dance; it’s not everyday you manage to surprise Lin Beifong. “I might be able to get you some pain relief.” You purse your lips when her expression sours and put your hands on her hips. “Pride isn’t worth pain, Lin.”
She opens her mouth to argue --then winces again and sighs. “Fine.”
You nod --after a moment to process your shock. “Okay. I’ll need to pick up a couple things from the office I work in.”
She waves one hand and tips her head back against the couch. “Fine.”
You stare at her for a beat, then turn on your heel and head to the door before she can change her mind.
It’s times like this that you’re grateful for the invention of the phone.
Thanks to the Spirit Vine blockages and rush hour traffic, it takes an hour to get to your office. You call Lin from there to let her know that’ll likely take you a while to get back --which she accepts with little more than a grunt--then pack up what you need.
Thank Spirits for the invention of the portable massage table, too.
By the time you get back to the Four Elements, the sun is setting (although, for late winter, that’s not surprising). Your foot taps against the floor of the elevator car as it whirs past the countless floors to the penthouse. As soon as the doors open, you exit --the butler lets you into the penthouse proper--and head straight for the sitting room.
Lin’s still there. She’s laying on the couch in the dark with one arm over her eyes.
“I need to turn the light on so I can set up.”
She grunts in response.
You turn on a table lamp, then start setting up your massage table. You keep glancing over at Lin, try to suss out what’s ailing her.
She’s tense --but, then, Lin’s almost always some sort of tense. Her jaw is clenched tight, and her hands are curled into fists. Her whole body looks keyed up, almost like relaxing hurts.
You realize she hasn’t taken her arm away from her eyes. “Light sensitive headache?”
Another grunt.
“Does talking hurt?” When she grunts again, you tut softly in sympathy. You secure the last leg of the massage table, then pick up your fur skein you use to hold water (it’s easier than toting around a bowl) and amble over to the couch. You crouch next to her, study her face and where she’s holding tension for a moment, then quietly ask, “Is it your scars?”
Lin tenses --likely on reflex, you’ve seen it in several trauma patients--but grits out, “Partially.”
“Alright.” You bend some water out of your skein. “I’m going to try to get you some relief so you can open your eyes and talk, okay?” When she nods, you continue. “I’ll need to work on your face, head, and neck. Is it alright if I touch you?”
Lin purses her lips, then takes her arm away from her eyes and nods.
You gently place your hands against her cheeks and use the water to feel along the tissue and muscle there. You can feel the scars --the angry, inflamed, knotted stripes of tissue that streak across her right cheek--and, sure enough, when you start massaging them gently, you can feel the pull of tension shooting into the surrounding muscles, up her forehead and scalp, and down into her neck.
“Yeah, that’s a gnarly one,” you murmur, mostly to yourself, as you try to find the root knot. You move one hand to Lin’s neck and start pressing your fingers against it. “Did you take a hit to the right side of your face recently?”
Lin’s lips curl into a tight smirk. “Got slugged in the face by a perp.”
“Ouch.” You suck a breath through your teeth. “Yeah, that would probably do it.”
“Should see the other guy.”
“Oh, I already knew they’re worse off.” You smile when she chuckles, then focus on feeling out the tension in her shoulders and neck. “Okay, I think I’ve got at least part of the root here. I’ll be able to get the rest of it once we get you over to the table.” You take a deep breath, then place your water-covered hands on her shoulders. “I’m gonna start down and work my way up so that the bigger muscles help the smaller ones release. You’re probably going to feel really warm from all the blood flow moving through the tissues again. If you need me to stop, tell me.”
Lin takes a deep breath to brace herself, then nods. “Just do what you need to do.”
You nod back --out of habit, her eyes are still closed--and start using the water to massage the muscles how you’ve been trained. You knead her shoulders with your waterbending, using the water in her muscle tissue to massage out the adhesions. “Come on,” you mutter as you work at a particularly stubborn knot. “I know you’re not happy; please let go for me…” You smile when you feel the muscle --finally--relax. “Thank you.”
From there, it’s like chasing after an unraveling rope. The release in the shoulder muscles triggers relaxation in Lin’s neck and face; all you have to do is follow along and catch any stragglers.
Lin lets out a gasp, then relaxes against the couch.
“That’s it,” you murmur with a smile as her body goes limp. You focus on the crown of her head, make sure the headache finishes dissipating properly, then bend the remaining water back into your jug once you’re done. “How’s that?”
Lin opens her eyes and blinks. “Feels like I got a full night’s sleep for once.” She pauses, then grimaces. “And like I’ve been out in the sun.”
You laugh quietly and nod. “That’s the blood saturating your muscles and soft tissue. It’ll settle in a bit --slowly!” you hiss, placing your hand against her back to help her sit up. “Don’t fucking undo all my hard work.”
“I’m so sorry,” Lin says, smirking. She lets you help her stand --though she glares at you a little for it--then winces as she straightens.
“Yeah, I figured there’d be more,” you mumble as you look her up and down. “Sit on the center of the table, arms down. Do you mind if I turn on another light so I can see better?”
“That’s fine.”
You turn on another lamp, then skirt around the table so you can better examine the set of Lin’s shoulders and her back. You press your fingers down the length of her spine, checking for resistance. “It’s your left hip that bothers you, right?”
“That tracks with what I’m seeing,” you mutter as you check her ribs. “Can you turn your head to the left for me? And to the right?” You place your hands on her neck so you can feel the motion of the joints and muscles, then tap the left side of her neck. “You’ve got a lot of resistance here, likely caused by your body trying to correct your favoring your right side. I’m going to do some massage work first; the bones move easier if the muscles are already relaxed.” You step back and dig through the bag you’d brought with you. “Are you sensitive to scents?”
Lin grunts, displeased. “No fucking lavendar.”
You chuckle, then opt for the unscented massage oil, just to be safe. “Shirt and bra off, please, then lay flat on your stomach.”
Even though it’s nothing you haven’t seen before, the sight of Lin Beifong topless is always enough to leave you breathless. The musculature in her back, shoulders, chest, abdomen, arms, even her hands, to say nothing of her tits…
You force yourself to close your mouth before you start drooling.
Lin lies down on her stomach, lets you reposition her arms and adjust the angle of her neck…
You sigh when you realize her hands have curled into fists. “Lin.”
“I need you to relax.”
“I am.”
You arch one eyebrow at the back of her head. “For a cop, you’re not a very good liar.”
“Not supposed to be. That’s the attorneys’ job.”
You snort, then shake your head with a sigh. “Lin. Please. It’ll be harder for me if you don’t relax.”
She sighs --and then slowly, reluctantly, she lets her body go limp against the massage table.
You murmur your thanks --and tuck away the interesting fact that she conceded to make things easier for you--then pour some massage oil onto your hand and rub it between your palms. Once your hands are warm, you place them on Lin’s upper back and start working.
There’s a lot to work on. Between Lin’s sheer muscle mass and the stress-slash-physical wear and tear of her job, there’s knots and adhesions all over her back.
Lin grunts when something near her left scapula goes crunch. “What was that?”
“Gristle,” you reply with a smile. When she scoffs, you laugh. “I’m serious. The muscles around the shoulder blades get used a lot. The knots that form give the muscle tissue about the same consistency as gristle.” You dig your thumb into another line of knotted muscle and press it through. “Crunch, crunch, crunch. Do you do any yoga or regular stretching?”
“I do some stretching as part of my workout routine.”
“Good, good. I’d recommend adding some upper body stretches to your regimen; it’d help with all the tension you carry up here.”
Lin snorts, low and soft. “Whatever you say, kid.”
It’s slow work. There’s a lot of trauma and scarring on and in Lin’s body --no surprise there, given her line of work.
You switch back to waterbending-based healing when you get to her left hip. You grimace when you feel how inflamed the joint is, then start working on calming the irritated and overworked tendons. “You need to take it easier on the job.”
“I need to do my job properly,” Lin fires back, sucking in a breath when you adjust her hip further.
You switch to pain relief techniques. “You won’t be doing your job at all if you destroy the joint.”
Lin grumbles under her breath, but doesn’t argue further.
Once you’re done with the massage work, you let her get dressed before having her lie down on her back. “Have you had a chiropractic adjustment before?”
“Alright, good. I’m going to work on your back first.” You put a padded board underneath her back, then have her cross her arms over her chest --one atop the other, hands on her shoulders so her arms make a ‘V’ shape. “Alright, curl your chin up.” You put one arm around her, supporting her back, then help her up so you can put your fist between Lin’s back and the board. “Okay, deep breath in… and let it out.”
Lin grunts when you roll her down over your hand and something in her back pops. “Shit.”
You freeze. “Are you okay?”
“Fine. Keep going.”
You keep working up her back, then take the board out from under her back once you’re done. “How does that feel?”
Lin shifts experimentally. “Better.”
“Good, good.” You move to stand at the head of the massage table and start palpating her shoulders and neck. “Alright, let me take the weight of your head in my hands.” You gently turn her head to the left, feeling for any resistance. “Just let your body relax… okay…” You get her neck in position, feeling out where the tension rests. “Tilt your chin up for me, please.” You adjust your grip on her head. “Alright, deep breath in, then out…” You wait for her to exhale, then jerk her head to the left.
Lin groans when her neck cracks. “That felt good.”
“I bet.” You repeat the process for the right side, then have Lin roll on her sides so you can adjust her lower back. “Lay back down, I want to check your knees and ankles.”
Lin arches one eyebrow at you. “Is that… normal?”
“They can be safely adjusted, if that’s what you mean.” You flash her a teasing grin as you walk down the side of the massage table. “Besides, call it a hunch.”
“What ‘hunch?’”
By way of response, you start feeling around her knees and ankles. You nod, then laugh. “Yep. Definitely an earthbender.”
Lin smirks up at the ceiling. “Your first hint was?”
“You lot are rough on your ankles and knees. All that stomping around. I can tell just by how jammed up everything is in here.” You adjust her knees, then move to her ankles --and frown. “What the hell kind of shoes are you wearing, day to day?”
“My uniform boots.”
You squint at her from the base of the massage table. “The metal ones? With the retractable soles so you can use your seismic sense when needed?”
“...Yes.” Lin lifts her head, then chuckles when she sees the stink eye you’re giving her. “They’re practical.”
“They have no support for your joints,” you fire back. You smack her shin --albeit not harshly--when she lets out a huff of laughter, then set about adjusting her ankles. “Stubborn old fart.”
Lin snorts. “Pigheaded kid.”
You smile and shake your head.
By the time you finish, it’s nearly ten. The sky is dark, save for the few visible stars --thanks, light pollution--and the sounds of the city have wound down to a gentle roar.
Lin stands, stretches, then lets out a sigh of relief when there’s no pain or resistance. “Thanks.”
You wave your hand as you go about packing up your supplies. “No problem. I wasn’t about to let you suffer.”
Lin nods after a moment, then pads over to a nearby desk. “How much do you charge for your services?”
You gape. “I-- Lin, no--”
“I can always pick a number at random.”
Your mouth snaps shut. You sigh, but acquiesce (mostly because you’re certain she’ll pick an absurdly high amount just to get a rise out of you). You rattle off a price --an expensive price, maybe worth two or three day’s work in total--then accept the check Lin hands you moments later. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
You huff a little --it still feels weird, taking a friend-but-not-friend’s money--as you tuck the check in your bag --and then your stomach decides to imitate a dying whale.
“I’m guessing you didn’t have dinner,” Lin surmises.
You shrug. “Kind of hard to give a massage and eat at the same time.”
The corner of Lin’s mouth quirks up. She nods to a nearby phone. “Kang’s is still open, if you want to put in an order.”
This entire night is a break in your usual routine. Massage and chiropractic work aside, normally you’re either headed home or in the middle of being fucked into the nearest solid surface by now. There’s no casual hanging out --and, sure, Lin’s ordered take out for the two of you on occasion, when you were both hungry, but all this still feels… different.
(You’re not sure what’s scarier, the change or the fact that part of you likes it.)
You put in the order --fortunately, Lin’s ordered from Kang’s before, so you know what she likes--then put down the phone just as the clock strikes ten. “Oh! Murder Mystery Theater is on!”
Lin looks over at you. “What?”
“It’s a crime-drama radio show. They run a new show every week.” You gesture to the radio. “Do you mind?” You take Lin’s hand wave as the permission it is, and turn on the radio before tuning it to the right station.
The sound of slightly muffled string instruments floats out the speaker.
“This week! On Murder Mystery Theater…”
You make yourself comfortable in an armchair that matches the velvet upholstered sofa. The new shows air at nine, so this one’s a rerun, but you recognize it as one of your favorites --a dramatic game of cat and mouse between the intrepid detectives and a serial killer hiding in plain sight.
Five minutes in, and you realize that Lin’s listening along, even as she reads from a newspaper. You catch her looking over at the radio or staring off into space while she processes the story unfolding before her.
Eventually, she flips to the next page of the paper and says, “The doctor did it. He gets off on killing his patients.”
You raise your eyebrows as you look over at her. You already know she’s wrong --it’s the mortician’s assistant, who so happens to be the doctor’s son. A smile stretches across your lips as an idea forms in your brain. “Wanna bet?”
Lin looks up from the paper and smirks at you. “What’s your wager?”
You mull it over, then grin wickedly. “If you’re wrong, I get to use the cuffs on you at some point.”
Lin scoffs and sets the paper down on the coffee table in front of the sofa with a thwap. “And what could you possibly offer to make that a balanced wager?”
“If you’re right… I’ll behave for a night. Whatever you want, no complaining, no fighting.”
Lin’s eyes light up. She smirks, then extends a hand out to you.
You grin and shake her hand.
Dinner arrives halfway through the show. You and Lin eat in the sitting room, listening to the show while eating (spicy possum chicken with steamed vegetables and rice for her, braised hippo beef with spring rolls for you).
“--but Jang said she was with her husband at an evening show until eleven.”
“...Which means he can’t have been playing cards with his friends at ten.”
“Not unless he’s a Spirit. Come on, I’ll drive. Let’s go see if Lee remembers this ‘show’ he went to with the missus.”
“This isn’t half bad,” Lin comments around half a mouthful of possum chicken.
“I thought you liked Kang’s,” you fire back, even though you caught her meaning the first time.
She rolls her eyes, swallows, then continues. “I meant the show. Its description of police procedure is actually on point.”
“The creator shadowed police departments in the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation for over a year before writing the first episode,” you explain before biting into a spring roll. You chew, swallow, then add, “He used to work as a PR rep for law enforcement when they had to work difficult cases.”
Lin nods, impressed. “It’s definitely better than all the crime family and love triangle shit that gets put out there.”
“Well… that stuff happens, doesn’t it?”
“Not the way the media likes to write it.”
You concede with a shrug --then perk up when you realize the script is heading towards the twist reveal. You shove the rest of your spring roll into your mouth to keep from tipping off Lin to your “insider information.”
“Lee Jang is a servant to this city. He’s been my coworker for three years! I think I’d know if he was a psychopath murderer.”
Lin’s brows knit together. She sets down her container of chicken and glares at the radio. “The mortician’s assistant?”
You shrug and take another bite of your entree to keep from grinning like an idiot. “Eh, there’s still time for things to shake out different. Each show always has a twist.”
Except it doesn’t “shake out different.” The mortician’s assistant is arrested, there’s a few brief trial scenes, and then it ends with an allocution when it’s apparent that the case isn’t going in the defendant’s favor.
Lin tosses her chopsticks against the coffee table and slumps back against the couch with a disgusted scowl. “Fucking dammit.”
“I guess that makes me the winner.” You tidy up your take out trash, pretending to pay Lin no mind as she glares holes into the side of your skull.
There’s no hiding your smug sense of victory --especially from a seasoned detective such as Lin Beifong.
She narrows her eyes. “You knew how the story would end.”
You lift your gaze to meet hers and smile, smug and unrepentant. “New shows air at nine. Reruns air at ten.”
Lin rolls her eyes. “So you cheated.”
“The odds are always in the house’s favor.” Your smile slips when you take in her obvious discomfort and displeasure. “We don’t have to hold the deal if you’re that upset about it.”
Her gaze cuts over to you. She studies you for a minute, then relaxes minutely and shakes her head. “It’s fine. A deal’s a deal.”
You’d argue, but something in her eyes --a familiar glint you’re accustomed to seeing before starts undressing you, or spanking you, or bending you over the nearest flat surface--makes you stop. Your cunt throbs, and you push through it by crossing your legs. “Alright, then. I’ll let you know when I want to collect.”
Lin rolls her eyes --but she’s smiling, just a hint. “Brat.”
“Funny, I thought that was why you liked me.”
Lin merely rolls her eyes again (but you swear you see her smile get bigger, just a bit).
You stand, stretch, then turn off the radio when it switches to a commercial. You eye the clock, then groan when you realize it’s almost eleven. “Dammit. I didn’t realize it was so late.”
It’s too late for a cab --again--or the hotel’s car service. Lin could drive you, but it’d be forever to get to your apartment building from here (thank you Spirit Vines and bureaucracy for impeding the city infrastructure).
Lin glances at the clock, then stands and starts clearing her share of the take out trash. “Stay here. Use the second bedroom.”
You nod, grateful (it’s not the first time you’ve stayed over with her at the hotel, given that the Spirit Vine roadblocks aren’t exactly new). “Thanks.”
Lin nods--
And then the two of you just stare at each other.
(Because, while this isn’t the first time you spent the night in her hotel suite, normally she fucks you in your bed, then heads to her own bedroom once you’re sated and on the verge of passing out.
But, if it wasn’t clear, this isn’t exactly “normal procedure.”)
Lin moves first. She nods again --awkward and jerky--then carries her trash over the bin in the kitchen before striding off to the room she usually uses. “I’m going to bed. Good night.”
“Good night,” you reply, soft enough that you’re not sure she hears you. You blink when the door to her bedroom thumps shut, then sigh and force yourself to clean up and head for bed as well.
(Despite the luxurious mattress and bedding, sleep is a long time coming.)
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godwrecks · 4 years
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𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝘂𝗻𝗮
𝗣𝘁. 𝟮 - 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝘁
word count: 4.1k
tags; college au. angst. confession. fwb. drugs. fluff if you squint.
The first thing you registered was the light buzzing - no, vibrating of Suna’s phone. Much too dazed by your sleep, you didn’t wonder who was blowing up his messages this late at night. Raising up the sheets to shield your naked body from the cold, you tried to get some sleep, but Suna’s incessant tossing kept you from doing so.
You finally turned to him, eyes squinting at his illuminated face. “Why the fuck is your screen so bright?” You groaned and nuzzled into his chest, wrapping an arm around his bare torso. He merely chuckled, quickly putting away the phone.
“Why so cranky, you just woke up,” despite speaking in hushed sentences, his voice still dripped with mocking. Suna placed his hand on your hip, and though it remained in its station for a few seconds, he soon started trailing his fingers along your waistline.
��Can you even call it waking up? I didn’t sleep at all,” he cocked his head at that, bringing you in closer to him. “I guess I’m at fault for that.”
You smiled quietly, clearing your head as much as possible to get a wink of sleep, though you knew he’d be up and going soon. It had been a few weeks since the...incident, if that’s what you could call it. Nothing changed, really, for better or for worse. Sometimes he was more careful around you, but your relationship was only good for sex. That’s what you had to remind yourself, right? But everything remaining the same was what bugged you. You knew better than to demand more because this was never meant to go past fuck buddies. And while he started coming to you slightly less high, sometimes even seemingly sober, you knew better than to get your hopes up.
With your head like this on his chest, you could hear his heartbeat. Steady. Steady, while yours seemed to always mess up and skip around him. And yet with the slow rhythm of his heart, of his breathing, you surrendered to sleep.
When you woke up again, the sunlight was already rudely peeping past your curtains, and the other side of the bed was empty. Still adjusting to the light, you looked around the room slowly, filled with a strange relief when you found Suna dressing up.
“Practice?” You rubbed your eyes carefully, putting on a hoodie and wobbling when you stood up to reach him. He smiled arrogantly as he ran a hand through his hair, proud of the mess he made of you.
“Yeah. I gotta stop to get something on the way, so I’m heading out now.” His voice was still raspy from sleeping, some of his locks awkwardly falling over his eyes.
Though you wanted to smile at the sight, you knew he was talking about his plug and picking up shit from him. It wasn’t that you judged him for smoking - if that had been your preference, you would’ve known better than to get involved. You and Suna started out as friends, and you had been good friends for a long time at that. Some of the boys on the team always smoked together, and you almost always happened to be there with a few other girls, sometimes even taking a hit you’d be offered. Some of those girls were flings you’d never see again, others were girlfriends. But you were just a friend at the time, not thinking much of the tall and laid-back middle blocker.
“Will you be there tonight? For the party, I mean,” he spoke casually, sitting down on sheets that now smelled like him. “I’m not too sure. I have an assignment due, and I have to be up early tomorrow,” he nodded from his place, tying his boots. You hadn’t been going to many parties lately. The semester nearly ending meant your workload was accumulating, which also meant seeing Suna less. It was at parties and gatherings that you really got to see him, anyway - he was always busy with volleyball and zooted out of his mind most nights he was free. Your thoughts were abruptly cut when you felt his lips press against your forehead, finding an apologetic smile when you looked up.
“You’re starting to bore me,” he joked, but it still made your smile falter. You wanted to give yourself a good slap; since when had you become such a crybaby?
“I’m gonna go now, don’t miss me too much,” Suna stood in the door, offering a charming wink.
“Bye, loser,” you smiled back before shutting the door right in his face.
You had tuned into your laptop to absorb every piece of information from the lecture, or at least try to, as you sat in the library. A quick glance at the clock told you it was nearly midnight. Surprisingly, the library was open all night for students to study - go figure, maybe they guessed most procrastinate until the night thereof. You were taking a few sips from your drink when your phone lit up for an incoming call.
“Rin?” You spoke quietly, not bothering to decipher what the background noise was on his end.
“Baby! You picked up,” his voice was lighter than usual, a mixture of sweetness and relaxation. Suna was the type to become touchy when he was intoxicated, whether by alcohol or drugs. His hands wandered everywhere and he became extremely affectionate, even cuddly, though it was mostly him grabbing your ass. You had only ever seen it for yourself; it was what he did when you were around, and you didn’t have the heart to ask what he did, or who he did it with, when you were absent.
“What’s up?” You let out a sigh as you leaned back in your chair, fingers toying with the straw of your cup.
“I wanna see you,” he spoke and you guessed he had walked out of whatever room he was in.
“I’m studying right now. I told you, remember?”
“Mm, yeah, yeah, you did,” Suna grumbled before a sharp noise echoed through the line, followed by a curse.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just knocked some shit over. Anyways, come on, just take a break.” You took in a sharp breath, wanting to knock your head against the wall. You knew when to say no, but when it came to him that never meant it was easy.
“I really can’t, Rin. If you just want a girl all over you, call someone else,” you flinched at your own tone, stupefied by the coldness of it.
Whilst you were pondering the source of your sudden anger, Suna was chuckling, probably shaking his head. “Hey, hey, where’s that coming from?”
“Well, I’m just giving you a disclaimer. I’d love to be there, but my grade for this class is desperately crying for help,” you laughed, hoping to cover up whatever that had been.
“So what? I just call someone else?”
“If that’s what you want right now,” you frowned, a detestable panic rushing through you. It was so stupid to even suggest so in the first place, what were you hoping to accomplish? Maybe you just wanted to check for yourself what happened when you weren’t there to satisfy him.
“Unfair, much?” He sighed, and you wished you were facing him right now, if only to catch a glimpse of what goes through his mind.
“How?” You ventured with a gulp, heart pounding against its cage.
“You’re the only girl who doesn’t sober me up,” your stomach twisted onto itself at the smirk on his voice. You felt sick yet couldn’t point down the reason why - there were several. You being foolish enough to even think of this fact as a confession, him only calling you because he just wanted his high to last. Was he using you? The thought raced through your mind, along with a few scenes of you laying next to him.
“Hey,” he blurted out seriously. Between you only remained the loudest silence you had heard.
“Hey,” you were utterly breathless, struggling for air as your lungs closed up and rebelled against your will. You wondered if this was truly so shocking. While you were in the back of his hair, this fear was always forced to the back of your mind. You had knowingly mistaken every moment for more than it was.
“Are you o-”
“I need to go, actually. I’m still at the library, so I should head home. Have fun, yeah?”
Before he could even reply, you ended the call, gripping your phone so tightly that your knuckles went white.
The ride to your apartment was loathsome, to say the least. Not even the loud music could keep you away from your thoughts long enough. You turned the engine off and made your way to the elevator. In the process of searching through your backpack, your phone almost slipped from your hands when you jumped in surprise, startled at the arm sticking through the closing doors.
Your heart dropped when they opened up to reveal a panting Suna staring right through you.
“Rin, what are you doing here?” You stammered when he pressed the button to your floor, nearing your figure.
“I came here to see you,” he was still slightly out of breath, eyes scanning you as if they were searching for something. Had he run for so long?
You took a look at your handwatch and cringed. It was late, but not late enough for him to come knock at your door.
“Thought you’d be busy until later,” you replied dryly, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Yeah, well, change of plans.” His sleazy eyes never left you, and you regretted not taking the stairs.
“I’m sorry I made you come all the way here, but you should go-” You stared at the hand wrapped around your wrist that pulled you closer until you stumbled forward.
“Don’t do that.”
You chuckled viciously, a sound that bruised him. “Sorry I’m not really in the mood to have sex right now.”
“You know that’s not what I’m here for.” Suna started to be visibly frustrated, or at least you thought so by the strength with which he was gripping the pole behind you.
“Then why are you here? That’s all we’ve ever done, Suna,” the name rolled off your tongue awkwardly, and as distasteful as it was for you, his flinch made it clear that he disliked it even more. The elevator doors opened and you walked out, straight to your apartment with the hopes that he’d stay behind.
“Oh, so now we’re back to the last-name basis?” You felt him right behind you, his heavy breathing audible.
“I’m sorry, okay?” You half-assed the apology as you struggled with your keys, the slight shake in your hands slowing you down.
After stepping inside, you turned just in time to see his shake head.
“Why are you being like this all of a sudden?”
Your eyes rolled back at his indifference. How could he be so dense? Was he feigning innocence like this was a game to the both of you? It may have been for him, but not for you.
“I don’t know!” A step towards him and you were already too close. You felt claustrophobic from the way he hovered above you. “Maybe because I feel fucking stupid? I know there’s nothing between us, I’m well aware,” the laugh that formed in your throat was bitter, yet it didn’t compare to the tightening of your chest. “But this just isn’t what I want anymore.”
Suna looked at you as if you had gone insane, unaware of the slight craze in his amber eyes. “What do you want?” He grabbed onto the door, stepping forward until he had cleared his way inside.
“Not this, not whatever you want out of me.”
The grin on his face, unlike his usual striking ones, branded an emotion he had never worn before. “Which is?”
“Making you cum while you’re high, apparently,” you sneered back, tearing his hand away from the door.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding,” Suna gritted through his teeth, slamming the door shut. You groaned, debating how hard you would have to smack his head with your backpack to give him a concussion.
“Oh, am I? You said so yourself.”
“You’re twisting my words,” he pointed his finger at you accusingly, fuming with every breath.
“How so?” This time you didn’t back off. Instead, you hit his chest, resisting the urge to claw at it so he’d at least keep a distance. “If you care to explain, go right ahead!”
“I never said that’s all I want,” his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose in an effort to keep calm, which was turning out difficult for the both of you.
“Right, because only seeing you after you've smoked wasn’t enough of a message. I don’t even see you throughout the day!”
“How is that only my fault? You never told me you wanted something else, and you were as happy to fuck as I was whenever I knocked on your door.” You could only scoff at his words, amazed he could even dare to try and blame you.
“You know damn well this isn’t on me. I'm not the unavailable one, I'm not the one that's always gone until it's convenient. I'm not the one who barges in and acts like they own me, or did you forget about that already?” You had begun to scream out without realizing, but the rage you felt burning through the cracks of your heart was urging to be released.
Suna stood there quietly, staring at you with distant eyes, like he was too busy making sense of his own thoughts to even mind yours. When the clock ticked away and he had still not spoken a word, you inhaled, bracing yourself.
“Listen, this was nice. And I’d like to stay as a friend, so let’s just leave it at this. If you had plainly admitted that all you ever wanted was sex, I would’be been slightly better now.” The words were calculated and detached as you held onto the sleeves of your cardigan.
“You’re not fucking getting it, it’s not just the sex that I want,” Suna finally mumbled, but your hand was already placed on the knob.
“Well it's all you ever cared to ask for.” You opened the door and stepped away, unable to look anywhere but at the floor.
“When I said I didn't wanna leave you, I didn't mean- I meant…” each word was a separate struggle, and you lacked the strength to bear it any longer.
“What did you mean, Rintaro?” You only offered a tired smile as he stood there once again like a fish out of water. A silent challenge he never took on.
It only took you a few seconds to decide to push him from behind towards the door. You were angry, and heartbroken, and definitely not okay, but something like this was not worth losing him over. Despite everything, he had been a great friend before.
“Have a good night,” and with that, you spelled away the image of the tall brunette you came to adore.
You were still dripping from your long shower, the robe you wore doing little to collect the water before it hit the floor. It was early afternoon, not even 24 hours after the fight, yet it felt like an eternity had passed. You hadn’t heard from Suna at all, and a part of you wondered if you would soon or if he would disappear for a while. Shaking the thoughts away, you walked over to the kitchen to grab a drink when the doorbell rang. You frowned, scrambling your brain for anything your friends had said about coming over, but you were sure none had the plans to visit. The moment you opened the door, the scent of musk and ginger washed over you.
“Please don’t shut the door on me, you seem to have taken a liking to it,” he blabbered out as soon as your eyes met. You hesitated, shifting your weight on your feet.
“What are you doing here?”
“Give me a chance?” You frowned, scanning his face for ulterior motives but all you found was honesty. Despite it, your stomach sank at the sight. Though you didn’t know if you had wanted to see him or not, you wouldn’t have imagined it would be this hard.
“Rin, really, what are you-” You couldn’t finish your sentence, too bewildered to properly speak. Another glance at his face told you he was sober - he even looked more put together than he usually did, though it looked like his volleyball uniform was under his outerwear.
“For someone who was so upset, you should at least give me the opportunity,” he joked tediously, ignoring the dense air that had formed between you two.
His smile was rueful, and genuine from what you could see. “Just...let me do this properly. Dress up and let’s go to my game,” he announced, hints of timidity teetering his voice.
You simply gazed at him, lips forming a thin line. “What are you doing? Just- what are you planning?”
“Nothing!” He swallowed down, raising up the hand that was holding two bags. You raised an eyebrow at it, unamused. “Here, I got you something.”
Receiving it from his cold hands, you looked carefully into it before digging through it. “You’re joking,” you hissed, dangling the pink lingerie in front of his face.
He was smug, toying with you for his pleasure as always. You would have too if you had not been in this situation.
“It was a joke. That’s not...really what,” he quickly delved into the other bag, holding out a small, black box. You surveyed it before cocking your head, taking it from him and opening it. The necklace inside was pretty - beautiful, actually. But you didn’t want his money, you wanted him, which was likely a harder request. “It’s not gifts that I want, Rin,” you sighed, now painfully aware that he would never be something you could predict.
“I know that, angel. But I never treated you, or did something nice for you, and most guys do with, you know,” he trailed off, eyes darting away from your face.
“My problem is you only calling me when you’re high. That issue won’t be solved with gifts,” you massaged your temple, slowly becoming a mess as you tried to put the pieces together and figure out what he was doing.
“I’m not a damn addict, princess. It’s not all I fucking care about,” Suna swore as he leaned against the door frame.
“I know that! I never said you were, but you can’t just go from only giving me that to acting as if you actually want us to be something more. So tell me, how am I supposed to feel?” Though your voice nearly broke, you held onto the door - determined to at least stand your ground. You had been clear with him. You had specified you couldn’t do this anymore, so the least he could do is respect that.
His eyes narrowed for a moment, glimmering ever so briefly that you wondered if the change had been a figment of your imagination. “Listen— I've never,” his chest trembled with a breath before he continued. “I've never been in love with someone, alright? I don’t know how it fucking feels, and that was the last thing I planned on doing. And don’t get me wrong, I was hooked on you from the very beginning. But then suddenly you're the only person I’m attracted to,” Suna’s voice was uncharacteristically weak, threatening to crack at any moment. “And believe me it wasn’t for lack of trying, because while my dick was inside someone else, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to see you. And I didn’t- I don’t know how to process that, all that you fucking make me feel. I don’t even know if I want to process it at all, if I’m being sincere.” His lips lifted into a pained smile that didn’t reach his tormented eyes. “But when you ended that call, you sounded so hurt I panicked. And I don't have a plan, and I'm rambling, and this is probably the most I’ve ever said at once, but if I know something, it’s that I can't let it end here,” his throat bobbed but his steps to you were resolute. You almost turned away when his hands cupped your cheek, spanning the skin delicately.
You couldn’t find your voice for all it was worth. It was hard to tell whether your brain was working faster than your heart.
“You say that, but,” you jerked when you felt a tear trickling down your cheek. Suna’s fingers stuttered undecidedly, but his thumb wiped away the salty trail. “Assuming you truly felt that way, you never acted on it. Actually, you acted very differently,” you hiccuped, biting the inside of your cheek in shame.
“You want me to be honest with you? I feel like such a mess around you, like I might explode. It’s easier to deal with that in certain situations. Hence me restricting our time with each other to me being high,” Suna murmured, shrugging a shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to deal with it. I was scared all the good I’d ever do for you is a nice fuck. What if that’s all I get until I mess up? You’ve got it so together and I’m here, not even able to talk about my stupid feelings.”
You gaped at his pale face: the beautiful carving of his features, the slight quavering of his bottom lip, the long eyelashes framing half-mast eyes.
“You mean that?”
He laughed at your simple question, likely expecting more after everything he had let out. You wanted to give him more, but you were unable to, still trapped in your fear that it would all be fake.
“I do. And I’m sure it can’t just be me who feels like this.” With a look at you, he pinched your cheek gently, looking for an answer.
“It’s not just you. Obviously,” you grumbled disapprovingly. It was pretty obvious to you, but he still smiled sweetly, the frenzy in his face slowly fading.
“I’ll probably miserably fail, but I at least wanna try. I wanna do this — with you. So please let me. And if it’s not enough for you even after that, then I won’t waste your time anymore. But give me the chance.” His hands lowered to your jaw and neck while he spoke the words, forcing you into a retreat.
“Rin, do you even know how relationships work?” You scoffed, quirking your eyebrows at the boy.
“Yes. No. In theory?” You couldn’t help but laugh at his response. He really was awfully cute sometimes.
You eyed his waist, reluctantly deciding to wrap your arms around it with a heavy sigh. “I’ll probably regret this and get my heart broken.”
“Hopefully it’s not your heart that gets broken,” Rin quickly added, looking down at your body with a sneaky grin. You glared at him, hiding away the smile on your lips.
“You know we have to like- go on dates. During the day and all?”
He nodded like this was a work interview and he was expecting the question.
“Okay, so get ready. Let’s go to my game,” he signaled over to your room given your bathrobe, but you could only stare at him cautiously.
“I mean it. Come cheer for me,” Rin leaned down to you with the whisper, reaching your eye level. You nodded, rushing to get dressed once he planted a kiss on your cheek.
“You know,” he started off casually, grabbing your hand. “I might’ve cried if you hadn’t come back with me.”
“Oh, really?” You smirked at him, curiosity filling you.
Swiftly noticing your mood shift, he explained. “Well I talked to some friends...for advice, or whatever. So if I had showed back alone, those two jerks would’ve never let me hear the end of it.”
He squeezed your hand as laughter soared through you, your free hand traveling to your abdomen when it began hurting. “Seriously?” You added when you managed to control the laughter, gaining a glare from Suna.
When your eyes had returned to the road ahead of you, he lifted your intertwined hands to his mouth, kissing the back of your palm.
“I’ll do this, so just don’t complain anymore okay?”
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This was so long??? If you actually read all of it, THANK YOU LMAO. also sorry for the weird spaces sometimes, i like writing in docs so i don’t lose anything aha so it b weird sometimes idky. okay yeah thank you !!
art credit: damnzucoyy on tiktok
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mystic-sky · 4 years
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part 1 here.
You stirred awake as the sun crept onto the bare back of the man you clung to. His arm was draped over you, chest heaving softly. You looked up at him. Even while he slept he was gorgeous. You could only imagine what you looked like right now. Your brain flashed back to everything that happened the night before.
He fucked you. Spectacularly well. 
You did your best to slip from underneath his grasp without waking him. Slowly but surely, you released yourself from his grip. You didn’t think he’d be a heavy sleeper.
Your feet lightly touched the carpet and you crept towards bathroom. Immediately, pristine and cool tiles laid beneath you as you fathomed over his personal bathing space. You looked around before finding your reflection over the bathroom sink.
“Look what he did to me.” You panic, hickeys panted your neck and chest. You ran your fingertips over the bruised skin.
“I was so into it, I didn’t even think to ask him not to leave any marks.” You whisper quietly as you facepalm yourself.
You used the bathroom and washed your hands promptly before peaking out the door at the beast in his bed. He was still fast asleep, snoring just barely. 
What a fucking princess, you thought. He remained beautiful even in slumber. His hair was disheveled a bit, but he was still gorgeous.
You crept back into bed, wanting to slide beneath his arms again without waking him.
You pouted, laying on your side of the bed neutrally and watching him rest. You couldn’t even attempt to go back to sleep- you couldn’t stop looking at him. You liked this quieter version of him so much. It was almost hard for you to come to terms with the fact of what he was capable of in bed. The things he had already done to you made your face hot.
And then you remembered your declaration of how good the sex was, telling him you’d come back soon. You felt out of your mind. You covered your face from utter embarrassment. Of course you wanted to see him again, but it ticked you off a bit that he predicted that it’d be this way.
Pulling your hands down halfway across your face, your eyes laid on his sleeping frame. You still couldn’t fathom why he liked you. You’d be sure to ask him why later. You could only imagine what dating him would be like. Would he pick you up from work? Did he have siblings for you to meet? What were his favorite foods- and did you even know how to make them?
What was the actual deal with his eyes? Your glance pivoted towards his long white eyelashes. Would he eventually tell you everything? Would he be willing to? 
When you instinctively found yourself bringing a hand to touch his face his eyes shot open. 
You jumped, nearly falling backwards off the bed as a loud shriek fell from you lips. 
“What is wrong with you?” You clutched your chest as he let out a deep laugh. 
“You stare a lot. I could feel your eyes burning a hole through my body.” He finally said after his good laugh, sitting up.
“I can’t help it.” You said, sucking both your lips into a line. You bit down shyly as you gripped the ends of the t-shirt you wore.
“I never said I minded.” He slid closer to you.
“Wow, you’re even cute with bed hair.” He added. 
“How long have you been awake?” You blush, changing the subject.
“Since you left me all alone to go potty.” He pouted. Your eye twitched. 
“You creep!” You say, clutching a pillow and swinging it at him. 
“I was hoping you were going to cuddle with me again, but then you just laid there ogling at me. Again, I don’t blame you.” He said, bringing a thumb to your chin. You could’ve rolled your eyes, but he was so close all you could think about was him kissing you again. You hoped he would, you were antsy and yearning for a repeat of the prior night’s events.
“What?” You finally said, anxiously breaking the silence.
He blinked softly at you before speaking, “How sweet do you like your coffee?”
You blinked a few times, earning a grin from him. 
“I- Sweet enough?” You blurted. Your mind had wandered off just from him getting close to you like that. “Two sugars I guess, and whatever creamer you’ve got works.”
“I tend to go a bit overboard. So I’ll let you add the stuff you like.” He chuckled, slipping out of the bed. 
“Let me get you some stuff.” He walked towards the linen closet. You could see him in the hallway from the bedroom. He came back with a tooth brush and towel. 
“Everything else is in the bathroom.” He said, handing you the toiletries. 
“Thanks a lot.” You say, getting up on your feet. You hugged the towel to your chest. 
“Holler if you need me. Unless you wanna shower together-
“No.” You say, skidding past him. You walked down the hall, feeling a little shy to shower in his master bathroom. 
“Aww, you’re breaking my heart (Name)-chan.”  He called out.
“You’ll survive.” You say, you could feel his eyes on you as you nervously stepped into the other bathroom.
“I can help you figure out how to turn on the water~”
“I can manage~” You sing back, shutting the door.
He’s got all his stuff in the other bathroom, you thought. You placed the towel and toothbrush on the sink counter. 
“I’ll give him a little space.” You needed a little bit too, you felt frantic at the idea of bathing with him. You had no idea why that felt too intimate and steamy for you. The idea of him bathing you, sudsing your slippery wet body- you knew you were going to fold and let him fuck you if he tried. That or you’d initiate it yourself. 
But it was probably the inevitable sweetness that would follow afterwards that scared you mostly. How playful you knew he would be as he bathed you after you both would cum. He’d probably give you kisses and make fun of you and your inability to stop looking so cute and embarrassed all the time.
Were you ready for intimacy like that? To make you fall in love with him? Heck, you briefly remember him telling you that you might fall for him when he was sexing you hours ago.
You patted your face with your palms repeatedly.
“You’re thinking too much.” You said to yourself before, looking into the large bathroom mirror. 
“I be he’s not overthinking at all. He’s probably nonchalant as fuck right now.” You whispered, finding the toothpaste. You brushed your teeth promptly before removing your shirt. You slid the shower door open and stepped inside, fiddling with the knobs for the right temperature. There were soaps you were and weren’t familiar with. 
Does he really live alone? You found it hard to believe that he was this attractive and single.
Maybe some women can’t take his vain personality, you thought.
After what felt like a long shower from contemplating your decisions from the night prior, you exited the bathroom. You clutched the towel around your damp body as you walked back into his bedroom. You could hear him in the shower, but you saw he had laid out clothes on the bed. 
“Those are for you.” He called out, making you jump. You didn’t realize he heard you walk into the bedroom. 
You stared at the matching hoodie and sweatpants on the bed. He was perfectly content with lending you his clothes and that made your chest warm. 
You found your bra and put it on. You wished you had fresh underwear, but at the same time you’d probably throw up in your mouth a bit if he had that to give to you too.
You slid on the gray sweat pants, tying the jaw string as tight as you could around your waist so they’d fit. Followed by the hoodie, you pulled your hair out the hem of it and looked in the mirror attempting to primp yourself up the best you could. Why does wearing this make it feel like I’m his girlfriend, you thought.
He had good taste in clothes, you hoped this wasn’t his favorite.
“The slides are for you, too.” You heard him say in the doorway. His hair was still dripping wet but out of his of his face and pushed back.  He gripped the towel around his torso before walking up to one of his drawers.
“What slides- oh.” You peer down at the black sandals beside the bed.
“I’ve got socks for you, too. You’re about to look like a little me~” He cooed. He seemed happy to dress you up and you stood there awkwardly, cheeks red.
“Thanks. I was fine with going home in my dress though.”
“I was too. You looked so good in it.” He said, walking over and handing you a pair of socks. “But I also want you to be comfortable.”
“I’ll be sure to give them back.” You said nervously, bawling your fists under the long lengths of your sleeves. 
“The sooner I get to see you again, the better.” He says smugly, closing the space between you both. 
“What is it that you like about me exactly?” You look up at him. 
“You’re even more direct in the day time.” He said, nearly brushing his nose against yours. 
“I’m serious.” You say through crimson cheeks.
“I just gave you one reason.” He laughs, throwing his head back. “I like how forward you are, too. It’s tasteful, so it doesn’t feel like I’m talking to a brick.”
“Mhmm,” you crossed your arms, coaxing him to go on. 
“You’re super adorable. Seriously, you haven’t stopped blushing at me. I could make fun of you forever. And you take the teasing so well so far. It’s kind of hard for people to deal with my overbearing personality sometimes.”
“The list can and will be endless... if you let me take you to dinner this weekend.”
“I- wow..” you stutter. He really seemed to genuinely like you. You didn’t find his personality overbearing in the slightest. In fact, to you it made him more attractive. And the fact that he was able to turn it off at the right moments to convey that he is thinking of you made your heart swell.
“Did you not expect me to ask you right away?” 
“I did not.”
He let out another laugh. 
“Unless you have plans, or work. Let me know. I can work around it.”
“I think I can fit you into my schedule.” You shoot back one of his signature smug smiles.
“You’re for real becoming a mini me.” He said, wrapping his arms around you. 
“You’re gonna get me all wet.” You say as some of his damp strands press against your forehead. 
“Honey, I do that already.” His voice low, pressing his lips against yours. You had wanted him to kiss you so bad, you were so happy he initiated it. You brought a hand into his wet tresses, pressing him into the kiss. He moaned against your mouth as he brought one of his large hands to grab your ass, squeezing firmly. 
You did a little yelp into his mouth before pulling away, “Your dick is stabbing me in the stomach.”
“Oops,” He said, before pressing a quick kiss against your lips. He let go of you, before pulling his towel off his lower half, drying his hair a bit more throughly. 
“Let me get dressed, and then I’ll make you breakfast. Or we could go out. Your pick.” He said.
“You aren’t the least bit shy, are you?” You say as your gaze drops to his member. 
“Maybe I was in grade school. There are some things you grow out of.” He said, turning his body and walking towards his closet.
“For most people, this is not one of them.” You turn away, walking out the door and giving him the privacy he didn’t even ask for. 
“(Name)-chan, maybe I wanted to put on a show for you.” He called out. 
“Get dressed.” You found your way to his living room, plopping your body on the suede couch. Everything was too nice, and you did your best not to touch anything while your eyes ogled around the place. You could see some antiques plastered with his last name on the shelves. 
So he really is a big shot, you thought. You’d heard briefly of the Gojo family’s financial successes but nothing more. It sort of explains his personality, but there were plenty of things still left unanswered.
He had pictures of himself all around going places with family and friends. You looked at some of the women in the photos, wondering if he had dated any of them or if they were relatives. This one photo in particular caught your eye. He was wearing a blindfold, smiling the biggest smile beside three awkward looking teenagers in private school uniforms. This looks recent, you think.
Right beneath it were three people in another photo- him being on the left wearing dark sunglasses and a small brunette girl in the middle. The third person to the right was male and almost as tall as him, with dark hair and black piercings. He has to be in high school here, you thought.
He didn’t change much, he still looked like a cocky bastard. You smiled a soft smile. He’s still a likable person if you can adapt well to his personality.
“I’m like 17 in that one.” His voice rang from behind you. You spun your head around. He had on an outfit similar to yours, with a black hoodie instead. 
“How old are you now?” You ask, realizing you had no idea how old he was.
“28.” He said, walking through the open space towards the kitchen. Your mouth could’ve dropped, panning back towards the photo and towards him again.
“You look the same. Maybe a little taller? But the exact same.” You turn your body, draping your elbow over the couch to watch him as he fiddled through his cabinets. 
“I’ve got good genes. The kids will be gorgeous.” He says slyly, placing two mugs on the counter. You roll your eyes, bringing yourself to your feet. You stride towards the kitchen, watching him pour the coffee into both mugs.
“That smells so good.” You say, swooning at the scent. He slid your mug towards you as you watched him toss several sugar cubes into his coffee.
Your eye twitches, “Is that really necessary?”
“You’ve been drinking coffee wrong your entire life I see.” He says casually, dumping more cubes into his cup. He finally mixes in the creamer before taking a sip. 
“Fuck yes.” He breathes out.
“Major crackhead energy.” You laugh, putting normal amounts of cubes into your own cup.
“Don’t knock it til you try it.” He says, bringing his mug towards your lips. Your take hold of thing, but he’s not letting go. You think he’s enjoying your fingers touching his while you press your lips onto the edge of his cup. You take a sip before stepping back immediately wincing. He laughs deeply at you before putting the cup back to his own lips and taking a sip.
“You’re an actual crackhead-“ You scrunch your lips, “-what kind of manic sweet tooth, what the fuck?!”
He laughing heavier now, leaning on the counter. 
“8.9/10.” You scoff, pertaining to his review you gave him earlier. He laughs harder.
“You’re too funny.” He raised his head, wiping a  tear. 
“I’ll gain the points back.” He flirted back through his chuckles.
You couldn’t help but smile at him. What a kiddish trait, it’s cute, you thought.
“Now, another question.” He managed to say, laughter finally subsiding. “How do you like your eggs?”
“Surprise me.” You say, sliding around to sit on the stool behind the island. 
And with that he cooked you breakfast. The entire experience felt like a dream. You didn’t want to go back home. But you were sure your friends were wondering how your night was. You had your own life, but you were aching for him to be apart of it. You wondered what his world was like. Surely this was just a minuscule part of his week but what did he do for fun, what were his hobbies or favorite TV shows, does he stay up late or not? You wondered if he likes to sleep with the cool air on all the time. What were his turn ons and turn offs, and so much more.
You were starting to romanticize him a bit too much, and you’d be petrified if he could tell what you were thinking. 
“That was delicious.” You say, eyes on his back as he placed the last dish in the dish rack.
“I’m a man who loves to please his guests.” He leant back on the sink, drying his hands. Just as he was about to speak his phone rang. He scooped it out of his pocket, picking it up. 
“Good morning~” He sung. You pouted a bit, wondering if he was that cheery with everyone. He walked off, mouthing at you that he’d be right back. 
You swung your legs on the stool, slouching a bit. Before you could continue feeling jealous of who was on the phone, he came back out, shoving his phone in his pocket.
“Well, that was work.” He let out a heavy sigh. 
“Is everything okay?” You ask, turning your bum in the seat towards him.
“Not exactly. There’s a little emergency. So I’ve gotta bring you home now.” He says nonchalantly.
“Oh, okay. It’s alright.” You bawl your fists, feeling a bit disappointed. You were going home anyway but you wanted the moment to last as long as it could.
“I’m sorry.” He says, walking up to you in your chair, bringing a thumb to your chin. He tilted your head before speaking again. 
“So I’m a teacher and I have to go check on one of my students. He’s not looking so good.” He sounded a little more happy than upset saying this. You cocked your eyebrow, happy he was finally laying some truth on you but slightly weirded out by his tone.
“He’s a bit of weird kid. He’s got a knack for getting himself in some odd situations. But he’s got potential. I believe in him.” He says, making you relax a little. You hoped the situation wasn’t dire- he wasn’t acting like it was anyways.
You nodded, realizing maybe it was one of the kids you saw in the photos. 
“That’s really sweet.” You smile, rubbing your hands between your thighs. 
“Let’s get your things. You need another bag for your clothes?” You nod. He was incredibly thoughtful. 
Quickly after with your belongings in hand you follow him towards his front door. You watched him put on the darkest shade of sunglasses before grinning at you. Your heart was swelling, he looked so good you desperately wanted him to be yours. Your eyes dropped to your feet, trying to hide the high color on the apples of your cheeks. 
“The cutest.” He said, pulling your chin up and pressing his lips against yours. “Don’t look so down. We’ll have more time together soon.”
You puffed up your cheeks before letting out a sarcastic sigh, rolling your eyes. All you wanted was to throw your arms around him, get naked and back in the bed. You briefly remembered that you had things to do today as well. Adulting is annoying, you thought. 
“I want another kiss.” You were so whipped.
He obliged, pressing another sweet and delicate kiss to your lips.
“I’d give you some tongue but then I’d get worked up again.” You could see the sweet stare in his eyes when he a bent down over his shades.
“Mhmmm, and you don’t want to be late.” You say, using your hands to feel up on his chest.
“I’m now noticing you’re quite the tease, (Name).” 
“Hmmm,” You say, flipping your hair. “That’s rich coming from you.”
You brazenly moved past him and opened the door. He passed his tongue over his lips.
He could get used to this.
You were back to your regular schedule. Everything felt somewhat mundane without him. You had only spent a few hours with him, but it was magical. Your head was empty aside from him constantly echoing in it whenever you spaced out. Your friends could tell he had done it to you. Completely and utterly entranced by him, you were at work doodling things when you should’ve been working, texting him when you shouldn’t have been texting, even fawning over him when you should’ve been sleeping.
It had been a few days since you last saw him. You didn’t dare call him. Instead, a lot of texting throughout the day. You were falling asleep with your phone in your hands at 3AM- yeah you had it bad. Of course he was busy, and your brain had been doing whirl winds thinking he simply didn’t want to talk to you at some moments, only to be bombarded with more texts of him explaining his whereabouts hours later.
On his end of things, he couldn’t stop thinking about you these past few days. Your voice played endlessly in his head. Things you would say and your sweet moans- all of them on repeat. His students could tell he was more chipper than usual (if that’s even possible) but somehow quieter and more deep in thought during some instances. 
He couldn’t rid the thought of you from his brain. Your lips, the way you said his name. You were so delicate. He was anxious to call you but he was often tired after his long work day and dealing with his students. He sent you as many texts as he could. As soon as he was finally able to get back to you you were already fast asleep. He wanted you to call him so badly. He was confused as to why you didn’t.
You had just gotten home from work, fresh out the shower. You were doing your usual routine when you heard your phone go off. You nearly leapt towards your bed, towel nearly falling off your body. 
You unlocked your phone to find a text from Satoru. You couldn’t stop grinning at the screen.
‘Hey sweets 😌❤️’
You anxiously tapped your fingers away, attempting to say hi and ask him what he was doing before your phone rang. You squealed, dropping the device onto to the bed.
“He’s calling me. He’s fucking calling me.”
You panicked, sliding up the bed away from your phone like it was some sort of cursed scroll. It may not have seemed like a big deal to some considering you slept with the man less than 72 hours prior. But he had never called you before, things felt so backwards. You really were crushing on him.
Realizing the phone had been ringing for too long, you crawled over to pick it up. 
“Hello?” You said, holding the phone up to your ear.
“Heyy~” He sung. You could feel yourself getting weak in the knees.
“Hey.” You say casually, succeeding at hiding your nervousness. 
“You’re off work right? What are you up to right now?” He asked. The background sounded quiet, you couldn’t guess where he was.
“Yeah. I got off a while ago. I just got out the shower.” You say, gripping your towel. You laid back on your bed, holding the phone to your ear.
“Nice, me too. I was wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat. I’m starving right now.” He chirped.
Right now? He wanted to see you? Your were eager to say yes, scream yes, into the phone.
“You can’t wait til the weekend, star boy?” You tease. 
“I like that name. We’re doing nicknames now?”
“You’ve been calling me sweetie, cutie, honey- I’m just getting started.” 
“You can call me all the names you want tonight if you come get dinner with me.” He says. 
“Definitely.” You say, excitedly swinging your legs above your body.
“Great, I’m outside.”
“Parked out front.”
“What the...” you pull the phone from your ear, and walk towards the window angled towards the front of your house. There his car was, double parked in the street. 
“What the hell?!” You exclaimed.
“You’re mad.” You say, letting out the loudest laugh. “What were you gonna do if I said no?”
“I knew you’d say yes. You miss me bad don’t you?”
You couldn’t deny it. You let out a flirty and sarcastic sigh and when silence filled the phone line soon after, he quickly followed up with,
“Cause I miss you real bad right now.”
You held your head with your free hand, a complete and utter blushing mess. 
“I’ll be down in 10 minutes.”
“That’s what I like to hear. And it’s casual wear, so don’t stress.” He says smugly into the phone. How could you not stress?
You give him an ‘okay’ before hanging up and grabbing the nearest pillow, screaming into it. You swung your head back, letting out a loud, nervous breath.
He’s so crazy, you thought, smiling and holding your towel to your chest.
You quickly got dressed, finding your best booty hugging jeans and long sleeved v-neck ribbed shirt. You lightly did your makeup, and fixed your hair. You spritz yourself with your favorite scents and looked in the mirror.
“He’s so inconsiderate.” You say this but you can’t stop grinning. You throw a light jacket over your arm before sprinting to your front door, checking yourself in the mirror once more. You lock your door before attempting to casually walk to his car like you weren’t just in panic. 
You open the door, sliding into the passenger seat. 
“Hey,” you say, placing your jacket and purse on your lap. 
“Damn, you look good.” He turned towards you, lip between his teeth whilst he grinned. 
“Thank you.” You say, getting a good look at him. He had on blue, lightly distressed jeans and a sherpa lined jean jacket. He had a cool grey shirt underneath and another dark pair of shades encased in silver templates that helped push his hair back.
He had absolutely no right to look that good. 
“You look good too,” You say, sliding some hair behind your ears. 
“Thanks, sweetie.” He said, leaning over. He was centimeters from your face, breath panting over your lips. His eyes fixated on yours. You almost closed your eyelids in anticipation waiting for a kiss.
His arm reached past you, pulling your seatbelt over your body and fastening it.
“Safety first.” He said cheekily. This motherfucker.
“You thought I was gonna kiss you?” He smirked, leaning back in his seat.
“Shut up. Where are we eating?” You huff.  He got you good.
“I was thinking BBQ.” He chuckled back. 
“Unless you have a taste for somewhere else, I’m down for whatever if they have desserts.”
“BBQ works.” You say as he starts the car.
“Then I know just the place. It’s nice and low key, not too far from here. And they’re known for having the best ginger beer. The sweetest I’ve ever tasted.”
“Sounds good.” You smile, watching him turn on the radio. 
“And more importantly, how was your day?” He  panned his cerulean eyes towards you for just moment asking this, then back at the road.
“It was good. Nothing stressful, it was normal. How about you?”
“I’m glad.” He says. “My day was mediocre. I sent my students off early. They’ve been working their butts off. I figured they deserved it.” 
“I get the feeling you wanted to slack off a little too, hence you finding the time to be here with me right now.” You teased. 
“You could say that. I told you I missed you.” He reaches over, placing his large hand over yours. You tense up, not expecting him to display such a romantic gesture.
“Too much?” He asks.
“Not at all...” Your voice barely audible and fading under the music, but he heard it.
“Good.” He entwined his fingers over yours, massaging your knuckles with his thumb. The very sensation sends chills up your arms before your body relaxes. Not him making you melt from a simple hand hold.
Your heart was boucing against your rib cage.  You prayed your palms wouldn’t start sweating underneath his warm hand. You bit back a smile as you both rode in comfortable silence.
“I hope you know dinner is still on this weekend.” He speaks up.
“It better be.” You say. “You still have time to improve your rating, especially after the atrocious coffee from the other day.”
He laughs lightly, “was it that bad?”
“Bad is too generous.” 
“I bet you eat saltines when you’re craving.” He rolled his eyes.
“Just because your coffee is too sweet does not mean I’m one of those people who like saltines.”
“It actually does.” 
“It does not.”
“I bet you eat the regular corn flakes with the green rooster on it too, don’t you?”
“I do no-
“You do. That’s the only possible explanation for your bland tongue.”
“I bet you’re one of those kids who used to eat sugar straight out of the packets at restaurants when you went out with your parents.”
“Spot on.” He cackled. His laugh was so contagious, you found yourself throwing your head back as well.
Not long after, he pulled into an empty space. When he let go of your hand to park, you pouted.
“We’re here?” You ask. He hummed in response. 
“That was fast.” You say.
“That’s what happens when you spend time with someone like me.” The smile he shoots you makes you feel sick- in a good way. 
He gets out and walks around the car to open the door for you. He takes hold of your hand as you get up and shut the door. 
He intertwines his fingers with yours as you walk towards the restaurant. You weren’t this nervous the first time you both were this close. You could feel your chest swelling and hands getting a bit clammy as you looked up at him.
“You’re gonna love this place. My top 5 places to eat in Tokyo. Did I mention the music is great too?” He said, pulling down his shades, much to your disappointment. 
“Nope. Looks trendy.” You say, peering through the glass as you both walked inside. He squeezes your hand playfully, grabbing your attention.
“This is just one of many places I’ll take you.” He caught himself lost in your eyes for a second before grunting a bit.
“If you want that, that is.” 
“I do.” You say, quickly making it evident you truly did like him back. You’re twinkling to him in that moment, gracing him with the most precious smile he’s ever received.
And for the first time in a long time, Gojo Satoru’s heart skipped a beat.
“Are you okay?” You quiz. He had been staring at you for a little too long.
“Yeah, I’m good.” He said. “You’re just really cute.”
“Falling for me?” You said it thinking it was something he would say but his reaction was a little different then you expected.
“I might be.” He says quietly, but somehow still confidently.
You raise a brow at him, was he blushing? You almost missed it, considering he threw a cocky grin right back on.
“Table for 2 please!” He called out to the host. 
Dinner was more amazing than you expected it to be. He was good laugh, followed along by good food and some good desserts- just like he promised. You hadn’t had this much fun with anyone in long time. You didn’t want the night to end, and you’d give anything to spend more time with him. 
“Are you busy tomorrow?” You were on his arm, walking back towards his parked car.
“Not particularly. Just essential things, grocery shopping, some laundry. I wanna wash the clothes you gave me.” You say, pondering what other chores and plans you had. 
“Want to spend the night with me again?” He asks bluntly. He read your mind, and that freaked you out a bit. You can’t read his eyes through the thick shades, and he’s not grinning his usual grin.
“Do you have some sort of special ability I don’t know about?” You questioned. He smiled again, which made you relax.
“I have a few.” He laughs. Something told you he wasn’t lying, but you didn’t ask. “So is that a yes?”
“Obviously.” You say. “Let me go home get some clothes.”
“That’s takes up so much time.” He whined. You were happy he felt vulnerable enough to act this way around you.
“It’ll only be a few minutes. I won’t take long.” You say, squeezing his hand back. “Besides, if you’re patient you might get a surprise later.”
With that, he shoved you in his car, seemingly teleporting to the drivers seat. You couldn’t help but throw your head back in laughter as you fastened yourself seatbelt.
“Any surprise from you is sure to be a blessing,” he says proudly, starting the car.
You both rode back to your house. You were eager not to keep him waiting, only filling your bag with the toiletries and clothes you thought you’d need. You were really going back to his house. He literally invited you back to his space. You felt crazy in that moment, but you were still going through with all of it, zipping your bags up a little too giddily. Was he this spontaneous all the time? No matter, you loved what was happening. 
Even if things between the both of you didn’t work out, (because you absolutely never know) you were still going to imbue the experience into your head. You were having a lot of fun, and that was all thanks to him.
“Finally,” he said as you finally entered the vehicle again.
“You’re impatient this evening.” 
“I enjoy being in your space.” 
“That so?” You say, putting on your seatbelt. His hand find yours as it rests on your lap again, and you hold back a swoon. It was so attractive watching him drive with one hand like that.
“Who wouldn’t? You’re the most refreshing person I’ve met in a while.”
“Are you trying to boost your score again?”
“You know, I should start rating you, too. Just because.” He jokes. Your mind starts ringing a range of dirty thoughts.
“I’ll get a perfect score.” You say confidently. 
“Ohh-hoh? You got some tricks up your sleeve I don’t know about?” 
“You think I’m just some sort of whiny sub with occasional comebacks here and there?”
He was quiet, attempting to suppress a grin.
“You’re right.“ You say in just a barely sarcastic tone. He looked at you for a second and back at the road again. 
“I’m just a bratty sub. It’s imbued in my personality.” You say, cupping your cheek.
“You’re too funny.” He smirked. “You’ve got all night to prove yourself to me, cutie.” 
“I’d like to go to bed before midnight if that’s alright with you.” You say sarcastically.
“You know that’s not happening right?” 
“Because you start your day with a crackhead cup of coffee? I figured as much.” You say, leaning your elbow on the car door. He let out a toothy laugh, glasses slipping down his nose a bit. 
“This is why I like you.” 
Less than 20 minutes later, you both were in his apartment. You took off your shoes and hung your jacket besides his on the coat rack. After washing your hands together like some parent and child over the sink, you flopped on the familiar suede coach, letting out a sigh. 
“Ughhh, I’m so tired.” You say, staring at the ceiling. You had pictured yourself being at home catching up on one of your shows or reading a good book. Instead here you were in his living room making sheep eyes at him as he grabbed his remote. 
“Wanna watch a movie?” He said, flipping through his streaming services. When he heard that you didn’t answer, he turned his gaze towards you. 
“You and I both know you don’t want to watch a movie.”
He smirks before sitting on the coach beside you. 
“No, I don’t.” He chuckles honestly. He wanted to ravish you, but he figured you might want to save the sex for later. He slipped off his glasses and put them on the coffee table.
“But knowing someone’s favorite movies gives you a lot of insight on who they are.” He adds.
“You’re a lot deeper than you like to let on.” You say, shifting your body closer towards his and pressing your breasts against his arm.
“(Favorite movie).” You say, earning a raised brow from him.
“8/10.” He says.
“It’s a 10/10 movie.” You retort. 
“Your review is sitting at 8/10, until further notice.” 
“There are plentiful ways to improve said review.” He says, pretending to look at his finger nails. You bury a laugh into his shoulder, before speaking.
“I missed you a lot.” You say quietly after your laughter subsides, nuzzling your head against him. He hums deeply.
“Then why don’t you show me how much you missed me?”
You look up at him, lips curling into a smile. You give him an ‘okay’ before throwing one of your legs over his lap, straddling him on the couch. He let out a grunt, not expecting you to eagerly pounce on top of him. He instinctively places his hands on your waist. You take hold of his jaw in your hands before kissing him. You could feel his throat growl against your hand, sending the vibrations throughout your body. You used your free hand to cradle the back of head, deepening the kiss. His strong arms wrapped around your body as he let out a barely audible moan.
You pulled his lip into your mouth, sucking for a second and letting go, shooting him a seductive smile.
“Did that do the trick?” You ask, wiping a bit of the wetness from your mouth with a single finger.
“I think I need a little more.” His azure eyes were begging for your mouth but he somehow still felt like the dominant one underneath you.
You comply, dipping your head back down, pressing your wet lips to his. You connect tongues and he eagerly welcomed it. You couldn’t help but hum against his mouth. He was giving you that feeling in your core again. You instinctively grinded your hips against his crotch. You wanted more friction, regretting wearing jeans in that moment. His large hot hands travel under your shirt, caressing your bare back skin. You felt him teasing at your bra while your tongue was at work in his mouth.
“Stop fiddling with it and take it off if you want to.” You say, anxiously. 
“I have to undress you? This may affect your score.” He puts a finger to his chin, smiling smugly.
“Fine,” you roll your eyes before taking off your shirt right in front of him, giving him a show. 
“That’s what I like to see.”
You dive towards his lips again, pressing your breasts against him. It didn’t take long for you to start caressing the back of his head as you kissed him. You missed the smooth feeling of his undercut against your finger tips. You took hold of one of his hands and placed it on one of your padded breasts, urging him to massage you. As he squeezed your mounds you could feel his length begin to protrude and stab at your crotch. 
“That didn’t take long.” You pull away, watching a stream of saliva fall from both your lips.
“I’ve been hard since before dinner.” He says nonchalantly. You raise an eyebrow in response. You get up from on top of him, and strip yourself of your jeans. He leans back on the sofa, spreading his arms across the top length and eyeing your body from head to toe.
“I’m going to spoil you this time.” You say, bringing yourself to your knees between his legs. 
“I’ve been wanting to see you on your knees like this for a while now.” He has his lips between his teeth as he watches you.
“So you’re admitting to fantasizing about me?” You trace your fingers up his legs and along his thighs.
“You don’t wanna know the thoughts I’ve been having about you.” 
There he goes again, saying things to burn your cheeks in the heat of the moment. 
“And if I do?”
“Oh, I’ll do it all eventually. You’ll experience everything I have in mind for you in due time.”
You could feel your underwear getting soaked from his words. No matter, you went for his belt and he was glad to watch you unbuckle it. You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his hot length out. You gripped the base with your hands, before gulping. You really had forgotten how big he was. He looked down at you so cockily, you felt a wave of irritancy come over you as he spoke.
“I know,” was all he said.
“Shut up.” You said, wrapping the tip of his length with your hot mouth. You used your tongue to swirl around it, adding some delicate suction. You tucked some hair behind your ears before taking it deeper. Your mouth felt so full. You hoped you were able to satisfy him despite his longer member. When you felt him shift his legs, you panned your gaze to his eyes. 
Oh, you got him good. You spat more onto his length, stroking it while you paid extra attention to the top with your tongue. 
“Oooo...” He moaned through his teeth, lips vibrating with pleasure. 
“You look so pretty with your mouth around my dick like that.” He moaned. He was getting anxious, and heat began to crowd his body. He removed his shirt and tossed it to the side. He brought a hand to caress your head lightly while you sucked. His body really was gorgeous- perfect actually. In every way. 
You held his blue gaze with yours. You could feel his legs shaking a bit. He was throbbing and twitching in your mouth. Little did he know, you weren’t going to allow him the sweet release he was approaching. You were aching to sit on it like last time. You could feel yourself nearly leaking out of your panties. His cursing and sweet low moans were fueling your cunt in an entirely different way than you were used to.
You release him from your mouth, making a popping noise. You stand before him, glinting seductively. He could’ve yanked you down and fucked you right there.
“You’re not going to cum just yet.” You say, slipping off your underwear and straddling him. 
“Oh really?” He rested his arms back, watching you hover above his length. 
“You wanna sit on it so bad, don’t you? Well go ahead, I’m not stopping you.”
His words made your knees weak, but you were still a bit bugged by him. You were intent on fucking him this time and making him call out your name. Out of spite, (and possibly overwhelming lust) you slid your raw, wet sex onto his length. His eyes widened, letting out a soft groan.
“You sure about that?” He asked through gritted teeth. “Because I might not pull out.” 
“I’m on the pill. I’m not that reckless.” You explain. You tried your best to be still for a moment, still getting used to his size. You used this opportunity to unhook your bra and toss it across the couch. He had been fantasizing about feeling your slippery pussy on his length without any rubber in the way. He didn’t think you’d be so gracious so soon.
“You really are spoiling me.” He said, biting down on his lip as he stared at your breasts.
You smile at him before raising your ass up, and slamming it down on his length. You were enjoying him looking like this.
“Oh God,” he mouthed, gripping your waist. You found yourself in a smooth rhythm, rocking back and fourth. You pressed your lips against his while you bounced and grinded on it, pouring your tongue in his mouth. Your hands were in his hair, rubbing his chest. His and your sweet moans filled the living space. The way his shaft curved and repeatedly hit your deepest spot was incredible. He truly felt the best. 
As your mouths departed, you watched a stream of saliva continue to connect your lips before completely dribbling down his chin. You raked your hands towards the hair on the back of his head, pulling his head backwards and exposing his neck to your lips. You sucked on the soft skin on his neck and underneath his ears while you bounced expeditiously onto him.
“Shit...” He said through gritted teeth. “Fuck... how are you this wet?”
You only hum into his ears with satisfaction before riding harder onto him.
“Ah..hah...” He breathed out, digging his fingers into your hips.
Suddenly, without warning, he wraps his strong arms around you, holding you in place. He starts thrusting into you from underneath, making you panic.
“You’re... deliberately... sabotaging.. m-my score.” You stutter and squeak, unable to do much but take it.
“Oh no, you gave me a good show sweetie, but now it’s my turn.” 
The glint in his eyes was menacing as he battered you from beneath. Your moans were incoherent, and you felt yourself falling apart as you leant forward over his shoulder. 
“Whose my pretty, sweet girl?” You found yourself submitting yet again. Your knees were getting weak anyway, you weren’t going to be able to ride it for much longer if he hadn’t done this.
“I... I-I am.” You say into the crook of his neck. So much for dominating him.
“I feel you squeezing around me. You love my dick that much?” You nodded weakly against him. Your insides were turning into jello. 
“What was that? Speak up or I’ll stop. I wanna hear you tell me how much you love it.”
He really knew how to get you going, igniting another fire within you. You finally find the strength to use your body again and start grinding against it while he thrusts, finding his rhythm. You throw your head back, completely immersing yourself into his sex.
“I-I love it so much, Satoru, I love it.” You were surprised the words fell from your lips. Normally you were shy to say such things when asked to. He had your head clouded and submerged with pleasure, there wasn’t any time to think about how embarrassing it might feel. You could only focus on the feeling he gave you.
You were pretty much splashing onto his lap. You had never been this wet before- subject to the first time he sexed you.
“Such a perfect view.”  He watched your breasts bounce for a brief moment before pulling one of your nipples into his mouth and sucking generously. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, working away at your core.
“Now don’t be shy, cum for me just like the last time.”
He knew you couldn’t hold it any longer, feeling you clench yourself around him. You called out his name, feeling nothing but ecstasy as you came onto him. You nearly fell limp above his body, panting loudly. He leans forward, picking himself and you off the sofa. He placed you down, before hovering over you.
“I’m sorry but I’m not done yet, darling.” Your eyes are glazing back at him, feeling overwhelmed with pleasure. You knew he wasn’t done with you either.
“Can you handle anymore?” He asks, pushing his hair back as he looked down at you.
“Mhmm.” You hum. 
“Let me warm you up again. Can you get on your knees for me, baby?” He said, patting the couch. You couldn’t help but do it simply because it was him asking you to. You sat up, weakly positioning yourself onto your knees, resting your upper body against the head of the couch.
“Like this?” You ask.
“Mhmm, just like that.” He knelt down behind you. “Spread your legs a bit.”
You felt a bit self conscious. You attempted to look back at him before feeling his hot tongue connect with your clit. 
“Oh...” you moan, sort of surprised. He laughs against your sex a bit before putting his entire mouth over your clit. He takes both of your ass cheeks with his hands and spreads them wider, eating you deeper. You feel his tongue poke your entrance repeatedly, licking up what was left of your orgasm. You grip the railing of the couch, letting out the softest moan.
You felt him pull away and hover above your body. He put two fingers in his mouth before pulling them out, followed by another popping noise. He dipped those fingers into you, making your back arch. Your hips followed his fingers as he curled them inside you. You shamelessly rocked against his hands, earning a small laugh from him.
He tore his fingers from your cunt as you turned around and watched him suck and pass his tongue over them.
“You ready for it again?” He asks, sliding with raw member against your soaking cunt. You hum, pushing yourself against him, anxiously trying to get him to penetrate you.
“I love it when you start begging like that.” He says, sliding into you. “It makes it so hard for me to deny you.”
You grip the cushions, bracing yourself for the impact of him thrusting into you. He grips your hips firmly with his large hands as he fucks you senseless. All you could hear was the sound of your wet sex in the living room as you moaned brokenly. Him fucking you over the couch like this definitely hit different.
“F-fuck.... more...hard..der...” you panted while he jolted himself into your body repeatedly. 
“Hmmm?” Almost agitated, you look back at him.
“Harder,” you say firmly, demanding to be fucked.
“Ooo~” He grinned. “So assertive.”
He took hold of both your forearms, pinning them against your lower back with a single hand. His other arm pulled your body up, pressing your back against his bare chest. His large free hand cradled your neck and jaw as you leant your head back on his shoulders,
“Now ask me again- nicely.” You barely had to support your own body with the way he was dominating you like this.
“P-please fuck me harder.” You ask, your throat humming against his hand.
He let out a breathy chuckle, before fucking you harder just like you wanted. Being this close against his heated skin was it’s own kind of pleasure.
“Now was that so hard?” 
You were so wet, your juices began spilling down the insides of your thighs as he fucked you. You were nearing your end, limbs feeling gummy. One of his fingers had been resting above your lips because of how he held you. You opened your mouth while you moaned against it, slicking it with your tongue.
“You’re gonna make me cum, doing hot shit like that.” He said muttered against your ear, it was enough to send your throbbing center over the edge. You could feel him thrusting quicker- sloppier, as you spilled yourself onto his length. He let go of your body, instead now holding you by the bends of your arms. He pounded harder into you, stimulating you well past your orgasm and approaching his own.
He groaned loudly, and you were so dazed you barely heard him say your name while he did it. He let go of your arms, allowing you to finally collapse over the head of the couch. He removed his twitching member from your slimey cunt, shooting his fluids onto your ass. He came so much you could feel it running down your legs and onto the cushions.
“Fuck,” he stumbled back a bit. “Don’t move. Let me go get you something.”
You could’ve laughed at the slight panic in his voice when he said that.
He disappeared for a few moments before returning with a t-shirt and a hot towel for you, wiping you clean himself. 
“I was caught up in the moment and wanted to be extra cautious.” 
“You could’ve came inside me. I said I didn’t mind.” You say, laying back on the couch.
“You’re pretty ballsy.” He chuckled.
“I tend to get lost in the moment,” you say, putting on the shirt he gave you. “And I have my own clothes this time.”
“I know, but there’s just something about watching you move about in mine.” He says, laying down and motioning you to come towards him. You crawl up between his legs before laying on top of him. He wraps his arms around you tightly, snuggling you between his legs.
“I take this means my score was decent?” You say, looking up at him.
“Oh that. Let’s see...” he pondered. “A 10/10 for the oral. 10/10 for endurance. As you can see, I’m not as high maintenance as you.”
“I’m not high maintenance, you said you were the best so I-
���And aren’t I?” 
“That’s besides the point. It was to be proven and I needed to humble you.”
“No, because now, I wanna hear you say it.” 
“Say what?” You ask.
“That I’m the best.”
“And gluttonize your ego? I think not.” You say, pressing your lips to his. “Besides, you already know much I like it.”
“Yeah but hearing you say it adds the extra spice.”
You let out sigh, before looking into his eyes.
“Gojo Satoru is, in fact, the best I’ve ever had.”
“Mhmmm, like candy- but for the ears.” 
“Shut up.” You laugh, pressing another soft kiss to his lips.
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
[9:00 PM] Kamo Noritoshi
CHARACTERS: Kamo Noritoshi X You | JJK Characters (mentions)
GENRE: slight angst | fluff | implied race
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of violence | injuries | profanity
SPOILERS: n/a | a little bit of that blond Zenin guy *whispers* Naoya
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📸 photo/fanart credit to @fushigummy
You sat, assuming proper seiza*, on the tatami floor of Noritoshi’s private study at the Kamo Clan estate. Your hands balled into fists while you tried hard not to make a sound or show any kind of expression to give away just how much pain you were in. In an embarrassing concatenation, you ended up there, the left-arm side of your prescribed, dark blue kimono – a sort of uniform as one of the guards to the clan's heir – folded neatly under your arm, while your other hand held onto your hanjuban* to keep your chest modestly out of view.
Your current state of partial undress revealed severe bruising on your left shoulder, the irregular purple and red patches covering that quadrant of your back, extending downwards. It was a result of your reckless decision to go against the arrogant heir apparent to the Zenin clan who came for a visit, only to insult Noritoshi. The young man you served said nothing even as that blond, young master of the other clan said all those disrespectful things, mostly questioning Noritoshi’s legitimacy to hold the same position as he does for the Kamo clan. He had nerve mouthing off when there was talk about him not being fit for the role either.
You ended up losing, and if it weren't for the interference of both present clan heads, you would probably be dead. The malicious intent in that person's eyes as he regarded you as if you were a piece of insignificant trash was etched in your mind, making your blood boil with anger. It wasn't your place to go against the Zenin boy. It was imprudent because your course of action was not under a command but merely based on your whims. Still, your priority will always be to protect Noritoshi regardless of the circumstances, even at the cost of your life as, first and foremost, a servant to him and the clan, and secondly, as his friend.
"What have I told you about your temper?" Noritoshi said rather sternly.
You watched from the mirror on the wall as he knelt behind you, having insisted that he would tend to your injuries himself despite your protests. You hated it when he uses that tone of voice when speaking to you in private when he also insisted you act casually around each other when no one else is around.
"To not let it bring out the worst in me," you answered promptly albeit grudgingly. You didn't really want to speak while he fiddled with your injured back since it was harder to conceal your pain. Your voice came out wobbly at best as you spoke through gritted teeth, breaking into cold sweat. Even harder when you were trying to sound calm.
He sighed. "Are you angry?"
"Am I..." You let out a snagged breath as you chuckled without mirth, the sound coming out from your throat in a stifled gasp. Even that action made your whole body hurt.
You've had enough seeing how everyone seemed to be tormenting him just because his mother was a mistress. You've had enough of witnessing how lonely his existence was, crying for his mother when they sent her away when you were kids, the haughty bastards that they are. You had to see all those tears but you've also watched how hard he worked to become stronger. And you've most definitely had enough of seeing everyone act as if the sins of his father defined him when he was so much more than that. Hell, you were treated better then him until he was named heir to the clan, all because he inherited the clan's curse technique.
Finally snapping, you swatted at his hand, preparing to stand up, acting out of turn again. But he placed a hand on your injured shoulder, the pressure hardly there but you fell back on your knees, your upper extremities seizing. You glared at him from over your shoulder, eyes becoming hazy with tears but you blinked them back.
"Am I supposed to just watch while that person steps all over you?" you hissed. "All this time I've known you, all I could do was watch and wait for you to order me to actually do that. That's my job, but you're not letting me do it. Instead, you're protecting me. To answer your question, no. I'm not angry. I am fucking furious!"
"Y/N, language," he admonished. Damn it, he would be paying attention to propriety while you were lashing out like that. Only Kamo Noritoshi.
"Don't tell me to watch my language! Right now, I don't care if you're the heir to the clan leadership. I speak as your friend, and I'm telling you I won't just stand by idly. No more."
You didn't even realize you were already a crying mess until you felt his warm hands cup your face, kneeling before you, his thumbs wiping away your tears. Just then, he opened his eyes and broke into that rare smile. "So you have this side to you?" His tone was gentle and he regarded you the same way.
You winced, clutching at your shoulder and finding that it had already been wrapped up properly. You sniffled, calming down. "Thanks. You're not even supposed to be doing this for me." You sighed, quelling your fury. "I should be taking care of you."
"Stop saying that," he told you, fingers caressing your cheek as he drew nearer. "You've protected me enough, more than I can tell you. Don't undermine what you do for me because I don't know what I would have done without you by my side all these years."
Your eyes widened at his words, surprised that he thought that way. You never really thought you were doing much for him, but as if he read through you he said, "You've protected me all this time, now it's my turn to do it. I don't keep you by my side because I need you to watch my back." He reached for your hair, letting its silky length run across his palm.
"Then why?" you asked.
"Because you're mine..."
You didn't know if you heard right, but your heart stopped just the same when his words registered. "Huh?"
He smirked at you then and closed the distance between your faces, his hand gently pressing at the small of your back as he pulled you closer, his lips claiming yours in a sweet kiss that knocked the breath out of you.
When he pulled back, he touched his forehead to yours, breaking into a smirk as he said, "And I always want to keep an eye on what is mine."
*seiza (正座) – the proper/polite/formal sitting position in traditional Japan
*hanjuban (半襦袢) – traditional undergarment worn under the kimono, particularly for the upper extremities; it’s like a traditional undershirt which goes with another piece called susuyoke (裾除け) for the lower half of the body and together, the ensemble is called hadajuban (肌襦袢)
ハッピーバースデー @fushigummy!! This one's STILL for you.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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ladyfogg · 3 years
Black Sea
Black Sea
Fic Summary: James has been tense for days, trying to wrangle the hotel’s undead residents while preparing for the upcoming historical landmark accreditation. Thankfully for your husband, you know exactly what he needs to make him relax. Bruises & Bitemarks Masterpost. The Evans Masterpost.
Fic Rating: 18+ 
Fic Song: Black Sea by Natasha Blume
Pairing: James Patrick March/Serial Killer Female Reader
Warnings: Seriously guys, 18+ for real. Explicit Smut, Pegging, Rimming, Dom/Sub, Oral Sex, Face-sitting, language, Praise kink, and probably more.
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Married life suits you quite well.
After the decades of wanting James Patrick March, he’s finally in your grasp and your bed and you couldn’t be happier. Shortly after the wedding, the Countess asks to meet with you where she showers you with gifts and assures you there are no hard feelings. While you do have a few choice words for her over her treatment of James, it’s all water under the bridge. Your husband is thoroughly yours and his ex-wife no longer poses any sort of threat.
Your marital suite is now yours and James’s inner sanctum. No matter what is going on at the hotel, your space is untouchable. The moment the two of you enter the room, everything else gets left behind.
At least, that’s how it usually is.
Lately, James is having a difficult time letting go. The threat of the Cortez being torn down in the future was always minimal. However, as time progresses and wealthy philanthropists try to buy the building, the need to achieve historical status becomes a necessity. Of course, that means no more killings or disappearances. For someone like James, it’s a hard habit to break but he’s willing to make the change if it means keeping his home.
Most of his frustrations come out in the bedroom, which you thoroughly enjoy. The trunk of sex toys you have has gotten quite a bit of use during your marriage. Mostly on you. But when James arrives late one evening, fuming with anger, you have a feeling he’ll need a little something extra to take his mind off his troubles.
“Idiots, the lot of them,” he grumbles in a huff as he walks through the wall. “I do not know how they expect to keep themselves anchored to this mortal plane with no hotel. You would think the threat of absolute extinction would be enough to sate their blood lust.”
“Rough day, darling?” you ask, sliding off the bed where you had been lounging as you waited.
 “Is it that obvious?” he sneers.
You pout and slink over to him, letting the sash of your silk black robe fall open so he can see your naked body, still covered in bruises and bite marks from the previous evening’s festivities. “Don’t snap at me because the others can’t follow the rules. I haven’t murdered anyone in years.”
He sighs heavily as you wrap your arms around his waist. “You’re right, my dear. Apologies.”
You lay a trail of hot kisses up his neck. “I know exactly what you need to take your mind off it.”
James grabs your upper arms and pushes you back, not too rough but rough enough for you to stop. “I’m afraid I’m not in the mood for our little games tonight. I’d be more than happy to watch you take care of yourself should you feel so inclined.”
“Darling, I think you are the one who needs to be taken care of.”
James quirks an eyebrow but does not argue. As he studies your gaze, he recognizes the same mischievous cunning he’s come to associate with pleasurable experiences. “Why do I have the sense that you have some tricks up your sleeves?”
“Because you know me so well.” You kiss him roughly, teeth biting down on his lower lip.
James grunts when you do, his arms snaking around your waist so he can pull you flush against his chest. “What are your plans with me, Mrs. March?”
“Get on the bed.”
Your tone is low and stern, leaving no room for argument. As you slip out of his grasp, James excitedly slips his suit jacket off, watching you cross the room. Against the far wall, your trunk of treasures sits on an antique chest of drawers, flanked by two red candles. The moment you light them, you hear the bed springs as James takes a seat.
“So what is it tonight, darling?” he asks in an almost bored tone. “Whips? Chains? Handcuffs? Gags?”
“No, no, none of that,” you say, casting a look over your shoulder. “Well, unless you’re a bad boy.”
James has slipped off his shoes and is in the process of unbuttoning his shirt sleeves. While he certainly looks interested, there’s also a sardonic smirk on his face, as if he’s doubting your ability to take his mind off his troubles.
Which is incredibly laughable since you have proven yourself to be a delightful distraction over the years.
“This is something new,” you say, opening the trunk. Inside, all manner of provocative and sinful toys sit posed and ready for use. A fair number of them have been used already. But tonight, you have a special item that you’ve been eyeing for some time. One you know James will love. “Take your clothes off.”
“You’re being so mysterious. You have me intrigued.”
“That’s the point.”
You glance over, watching as he meticulously removes his clothes until he’s down to nothing. The sight of his naked body always thrills you and you take time to admire it. James notices, raising his eyebrow.
“You look like you wish to devour me,” he says.
“I do. Now, close your eyes.”
James humors you and does as he’s told. Once you’re sure he’s not looking, you get yourself ready. You can see him tilting his head in your direction, listening to the sounds as if he’s trying to figure out what you’re doing. Ready, you secure your robe once more before slinking over to stand in front of him. You study his handsome face, reaching out to stroke his cheek before you gently tilt his chin up and lean down for a kiss.
James responds instantly, his hand coming up to seize the back of your head and grip it tight. In retaliation, you slip your hand around his throat and squeeze. He gasps in delight, eyes rolling back in his head when you forcibly break the kiss.
“We’re going to do a little role reversal tonight, my love,” you say, thumb pressing into his windpipe. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll make you come so hard you’ll blackout. If you’re bad, well…” You lick the shell of his ear, feeling him shudder. “That can be fun too.”
You ease up on his throat and James growls at you with a smirk. “Color me intrigued. What did you grab from our little treasure chest?”
You don’t answer his question. With a firm hand on his chest, you push him onto his back, leaving his legs dangling over the edge of the bed. A wink and a coy smile are all you offer before leaving a trail of precious kisses and bitemarks down his chest, towards his cock, which is already swelling in anticipation. James hums with approval, tucking one hand behind his head as a cushion while he watches your movements.  
Your hand wraps around his cock, leisurely stroking his length while your lips continue to kiss his pale skin. You’ve lost track of the number of times you’ve marked and claimed him, leaving red irritated skin in your wake. That primal urge wants to come out, but you hold it at bay. Not now. Not yet.
Gently, you lavish the head of cock with attention as your hand drops from his shaft to stroke his thigh. You hear his breathing hitch, see the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows his saliva. His eyes close for a moment as he simply enjoys your attention, the tension and stress starting to melt away. You squeeze both thighs hard as you take him further into your mouth. Not all the way, which you know he wants. Just enough to tease him with what he likes.
When his eyes flutter back open, they’re hooded with desire. “I must say, I truly enjoy you at this angle,” he says, peering down the front of your robe which has started to slip open. “It’s a particularly erotic visual—what the fuck are you doing?”
Without warning, you seize the backs of his thighs and push his legs up so that his knees touch his chest, leaving him far more exposed than he’s ever been in your presence. You let his cock slide out of your mouth as you straighten your stance, the thin sash of your robe falling away so James can see the flesh-colored dildo hanging between your legs, firmly secured to your hips by a leather harness.
“Helping you relax, darling,” you say in a falsely innocent tone, your hand stroking his thigh. “You’ve had me in this position. It’s only fair that I have you.”
He opens his mouth to answer, but whatever retort he prepared never reaches your ears because a split second later, you kneel by the edge of the bed, running your tongue across his tight ring of muscles. What you do manage to hear is something between a gasp and a moan, and you can’t help but smile to yourself.
James loves to be dominant. Always has. And while most of the time that suits you just fine, there are others when you’ve taken the reins. During those particular times, you’ve noticed James’s excitement seems to grow. The idea of being overpowered by the woman he loves thrills him. You can tell by the look in his eyes, the delight and surprise at the turn of events, and the way his body molds to your whims.
Even now his hips arch upward, seeking more friction than what you’re currently providing. You wrap your hand around the base of his cock and giving it a rough squeeze.
James thrashes against the bed. “Your mouth is truly a godsend.”
“Obviously not if you’re still stringing words together.” You jerk him off roughly, wrapping your lips around his pucker and sucking.
James throws his head back with a loud gasp, fists twisting the sheets. Empowered by his response, can’t help but keep your eyes on his face, the way his eyebrows knit together and his teeth dig into his bottom lip…if either of you showed up on camera you’d be recording him. His movements push him further up on the bed and you eagerly follow, kneeling between his legs on the soft mattress.
As you continue to loosen him with your tongue, you take your hand off his cock so you can reach for the bottle of lube in the pocket of your robe.
“You’re being an exceptionally good boy, my dear husband,” you coo, laying a bite on the round cheek in front of you.
Taking your hand off him, you uncap the bottle and let the cool liquid drip onto his overheated skin. James hisses only to moan when you start to spread the lube around his waiting hole.
“Darling, please.”
You pause, glancing up at him. “Is that begging I hear? Already?”
His cheeks are flush red which has traveled down to his chest. A chest that’s moving rapidly with each heavy breath. It’s a gorgeous visual that you’ll never get out of your head.
He is shameless in his need, reaching down to fist his cock. “You wouldn’t hear begging if you’d get on with it.”
Quick as a flash, straddle his body so you can grab the bindings attached to the headboard. “I told you to be good,” you scold, seizing his wrists and binding them. “That means, listening to me and not touching yourself. Also, don’t be an ass. I’m doing you a favor you know.”
“Is that so?” Once his hands are secured, he bucks up against you, again seeking the friction you deny.
“I’m supposed to be taking care of you, James. If you’re going to be rude about it, I’d much rather gag you. Is that what you want? To be gagged? Because that’s not all it’ll be. I’ll gag you and then go fuck off for a few hours, leaving you here, naked, and begging for me. Is that what you want?”
To your delight, James purses his lips and doesn’t speak. With a grin, you wrap your hands around his throat and give it a loving squeeze as you bend down to steal a kiss. It’s quick, just enough for him to want more before you shimmy down his body, back to the space between his legs. Shoving his knees up again, you swirl the lube around the loosening muscles with your thumb, watching with delight at the way James closes his eyes and throws his head back.
The sounds coming from your husband are positively sinful and you can’t get enough. His voice even climbs several octaves when you push a lubed-up butt plug in past his prepped muscles. His body shifts and clamps down around the toy, keeping it inside him.
“W-What did you do?” he asks, fingers digging into the bindings around his wrists.
“Just used something to help get you ready for me,” you purr, stroking his thighs again. “In the meantime…”
You slide his cock back into your mouth, causing James to exhale a string of obscenities. God you love the way he fills your mouth, not to mention the way he moans every time you suck him off. To have such a powerful man like James at your mercy sends a rush of pride through you. This man, this titan of industry and murder, is reduced to a sweating, shaking mass of limbs just by your mouth and hands. It’s empowering and addicting.
You pull your mouth off him, lewdly sticking out your tongue to lick the underside of him. “Such a beautiful sight,” you say, hand still wrapped tightly around him. “I look forward to seeing you on all fours.”
“Keep begging, darling. It turns me on.”
You lose yourself in the taste of your husband, sucking on his cock with practiced skill and precision. His body constantly moves under you, thrashing and flexing, trying to set the pace even when you have his hips pinned to the bed by your upper body. He really can’t help trying to take control even when he’s completely at your mercy.
You can feel he’s close but it’s not time yet. There’s no way you’re going to let him come without fucking him first.
Letting him slip from your mouth, you pull back, heart slamming against your ribcage as you see tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
“I was so damn close!” he whines.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get there.”
Grabbing his hips, you flip him onto his stomach, forcing the bindings to twist. You maneuver him onto his knees, admiring the visual for a second: muscled and scarred back with taut muscles, perfectly round ass with a plug begging for you to replace with something bigger. You hook your finger through the ring and pull it out, listening to the shaky breath James exhales.  
He’s so ready for you.
You let the robe slip from your frame as you kneel behind him.
“Gorgeous. Just gorgeous. You look so ready for me,” you tease, lubing up the dildo with one hand as you run the other hand down his backside.
“Yes. Yes, please.”
“Please what, James?”
He doesn’t respond right away. You can feel him clinging to that last bit of control, which definitely won’t do. Fisting his dark hair, you yank his head back.
“Please what, James?” you repeat. “If I have to ask again, I’ll just leave you here. Hard and open, waiting…”
“Please have your wicked way with me.”
With a smirk, you push into him. Between the toy and your prep, it’s almost a smooth thrust. Keyword: almost. Instinctively, his body tenses, forcing him to clamp down around the head of your toy.
You drape yourself along his back, licking and sucking on his shoulder. “Relax, baby boy. Just relax. I’ve got you.”
You feel his shaking body exhale and the toy slides further in, more and more until you bottom out, your thighs snuggly tucked against his.
“There,” you say, stroking his hip. “That’s a good boy.”
You pull out and thrust back in. James throws his head back and lets out the most guttural moan you’ve ever heard. You do it again, thrilled by his visceral reaction. You take him roughly, thrusting in and out at a steady pace, loving the way his body moves under yours. You get why he loves to fuck you this way.
Holding this power over someone is addicting and you know you and your husband will be playing this little game for centuries to come.
Your mouth keeps busy, sucking and biting at James’s throat, marking the pale flesh. His noises are to die for. Moans and grunts, occasionally broken by swears and your name.
“Fuck, darling. Fucking hell, yes!”
“Do you like it, husband?” you coo in his ear. “Do you like your wife taking you from behind?”
“Such a good boy taking my cock like this,” you groan, reveling in the sounds of his pleas and your hips slapping against his. “Such a good boy, letting me take care of you.”
“My dear, please. Please!”
“Please what?”
You see his hands flex in his bindings as he clenches them. “I’m close, dear. I need to come.”
“If you insist.”
When you pull out of him, he all but howls in disappointment. But he doesn’t need to worry. As quick as you did before, you flip him onto his back, shoving his legs up before pushing back into him. Now you can see the expression on his face, watch his mouth fall open as his head falls back against the pillows.
His rock-hard cock bounces against his stomach, leaving trails of precum in its path. When you wrap your hand around his length, it’s hot to the touch.
All you need to do is stroke him once and then he’s coming with a shout, jets of white painting his flexing stomach as he chants your name.
Your own neglected arousal is nearly painful at this point. Ignoring it for much longer is not possible. Without removing the toy from your shuddering husband, you release yourself from the harness and crawl up his body.
He opens his eyes just in time for you to sit on his face, forcing him to taste you. If his moan is any indication, he doesn’t mind in the slightest. Now you’re groaning, clutching fistfuls of his hair as you grind yourself along with his tongue.
“Yes, James, yes. Such a good boy.”
Your praise is punctuated with groans, his eyes closed as he sucks on your swollen folds. You’re too wound up yourself to hold back or prologue your pleasure. When you come, your body locks in place, nails digging into his scalp until the last waves of pleasure recede and you collapse next to him.
Both of you pant harshly. James tugs on his bindings. “Untie me,” he orders.
You do as he says, only to find yourself pinned beneath him, his mouth attacking yours in a biting onslaught of kisses. It makes you smile.
“Relaxed now, darling?” you tease when he finally draws back.
James yanks the toy out of himself with a wince, tossing it to the side. “You certainly know how to help a man take his mind off his troubles.”
“I live to serve, darling,” you say with a smirk. “As do you apparently. You did a marvelous job.”
James grunts before kissing you again, his seed now spread across your chest as he holds you flush against him.
“As did you, my love. Tell me, what other toys have you been dying to try?” he asks.
All you do is offer him a coy smirk. “A lady never reveals her secrets. All in good time, dear husband. All in good time.”
Fic Taglist:
@lejardinfleur @kitwalker64 @tatestripedsweater @milly-louise @kitwalker02 @xmaximoffic
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writingsfromhome · 3 years
Bad Timing I
A/N: This is you and your ex, (Detective) Harry, winding up in each other’s lives again after a traumatic event in your life. I’ve had this idea in my notes app for like a year, and I just decided to go for it this week! It’s a little all over the place as I set it up but I think the next part will go a lot better if you can stick with it (and I appreciate you if you can <3).
Warnings: Violence (guns), PTSD?
Part 1 / (.5) / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
I had booked Thursday and Friday off in advance. I made sure my e-mails were forwarded, my clients were told I wouldn't be in, and any internal matters were allocated to my assistant. It was going to be a relaxing long weekend where I could have a homemade meal for once and watch Netflix all day. I was my branch’s youngest director and even though it was a fulfilling job, I hadn't had a day off since I got the position four months ago.
This was probably why, at 9am, I get a call from my assistant. One of our bigger clients was refusing to discuss his loan terms with anyone and wanted to speak to me directly.
"Tell him I'm not in Adam, you shouldn't even be calling me-I have the bloody day off."
"Yess but he said he's coming in at 10 and if you're not here he's switching banks for his personal and business accounts." Adam stuttered. “If you lose this client H-”
"Jesus," I look at my outfit and the time-I barely had any time to make it to the bank; it took me 40 minutes just to get to work. "I'll be there-distract him if I'm late. Oh! Ask about his daughter's new private school!"
I rush to my room and apply minimal makeup, pull back my y/h/c hair and throw on my black cigarette pants and a blazer. I'm halfway down the lift when I realise I was still in my t-shirt. "Shite," I mutter. I button the blazer and put my scarf around my neck so it's covered. That was decent enough for my day off.
I arrive breathless and sweaty 5 minutes early to the bank despite the cool weather. Might have seemed like a win if that wasn’t when everything went downhill. Just as I walk up to the side door, waving at Adam who was walking out to greet me, a crash from the entrance startles me.
"Hands up!” A loud voice booms from behind me. “Don't touch a fucking thing!" I turn, seeing Adam’s shocked expression, just in time to be shoved to the floor by four people dressed all in black, and wearing celebrity masks. In all my time working here, I’d never been part of a bank heist and some part of me is frozen, mind blank. I wasn’t even supposed to be here!
"I said to put your hands up!" The one with a Brad Pitt face points the gun around the room as people scramble for cover. I inch backwards to the counter as I watch them manhandle the customers and pull our bankers to the floor. I release a breath, trying to snap out of the shock I seemed to be in. The base of a column digs into my back and I focus on that to ground myself, scanning each robber, and where my employees were. Adam has his hands on his head, the closest one to me. I try to catch his eye to reassure him but he’s squeezing them tight. I didn’t blame him, Brad Pitt stands over him menacingly. I look to the customers, they weren’t trying to be smart--that was good. I’d watched enough TV to know that was never a smart move.
Just as I think that, from the corner of my eye, I catch Cole, one of our guards reach for his gun. A loud shot echoes through the small space and I swivel my head trying to see what's happened while making sure everyone was okay. The thief wearing a Kanye West mask, manning the front entrance of the bank, had shot Cole in the arm and he was bleeding all over the floor. My first instinct is to help him but I'm yanked back down before I make it a step.
"We’re not missing the next person who moves a muscle. I want you all to drop your phones in the middle! No. Fucking. Funny business." The thief who shot Cole points his gun to all of us and it takes all of me to not hyperventilate. I hear a few people crying but I don't dare look. Instead, I watch on as David Beckham drags Cole to the side and ties his hands behind him. I can see by the wincing that they didn’t care whether they twisted his arms too hard. This wasn’t a petty robbery, they were hardcore.
"Who has the passcode to the vault?" Brad Pitt asks as one of his friends goes around zip tying everybody's hands behind them. When nobody answers he shoves the gun in Adam’s face and I let out a sob. What did we do to deserve this?
"Me," I choke out. “Don’t hurt him, I have the passcode. I know it.”
"You?" The man asks. "You better not be lying bitch or you'll be joining your friend there."
I nod as he pulls me up by the arm and uses my scarf to tie my hands. I try to stay calm, the only way I could get through this before the police arrived was to keep my calm. Everything in me is screaming to do something--fight, scream, swear, cry, but I keep my mouth shut and follow Brad Pitt and the joker to the back. I'm led at gunpoint to the vault and they untie me so I can put in the code and my thumbprint. The one in a Joker mask presses her gun into my back and I know the least of my worries was a bruise but that was the only thing I could focus on.
She shoves me forward when I pause, hovering my finger over the finger pad, in the distance I hear sirens. Please let us all be okay, I pray.
"Don’t be a fucking hero, let’s go!" The female behind me yells in my ear and I rush to press my thumb.
As soon as I finish the procedure, I feel an explosion like fireworks against the side of my head and everything goes dark.
I walked into the station around 10, just having come back from a nearby escalated domestic call. It wasn’t the craziest thing I’ve ever been involved in at 10am on a Thursday morning.
"Harry, there seems to be some sort of commotion near Holborn, the director wants you in his office." Serena, the receptionist tells me gravely. I don’t even consider the street, assuming it would be another criminal to go after. But when I go into the office, we get the rundown: there was a robbery happening at the HSBC. That’s when I understand the gravity of the situation.
"We’ve sent a few men right now, they seemed to be armed so proceed with caution." He warns. I had been on the force for over four years; I moved rank fast and knew how to handle myself so the warning was mostly for the junior constables. But my heart thuds violently in my chest when I think about the possibility...no. I had to focus. But I can’t help but try her cell on our way to the scene. When it continues to ring, my thoughts go to the worse place possible. I know I hadn’t spoken to her in nearly a year, like she wanted, but if anything happened to her, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.
When we arrive at the scene, the thieves are still inside. I make sure nobody makes any moves, following protocol, and trying to gauge the exact situation inside. But before I could give orders, a man holding up his zip-tied hands shuffles out of the building. I notice the terror on his face and the fact that he's not armed.
"Down!" I say. The restless energy building up inside of me makes every move feel frantic.
"They left out the back! They left!" The man's shaky voice reaches our ears. I gesture a few of the officers to head around back and radio in the update.
"Get his statement, be sensitive,” I snap at the closest officer before I take a few of my officers indoors. The scene inside only reminds me why I do what I do, there's glass on the floor, phones in a pile and bullets littering the floor. Everyone looks shocked, people are crying, and a man in the corner is bleeding profusely.I scan all their faces but I don’t see her. I pray that she might have taken the day off today or something, even though I knew she rarely every did. Where was she?
"Medical," I order. I face the crowd, "You're all alright, If everyone can slowly get up and follow Officer McGregor out, we'll see that your belongings are returned to you and collect statements later. You’re all alright now."
"Sir," a bloke off to the side steps forward from the group getting up. "Our manager was taken to the back...we're not sure how she is, she hasn't come out...”
I reassure the crowd she should be fine. I didn't want them to see me panic, not to mention if we had any casualty the press outside were going to bombard this crowd with insensitive questions and I really wanted to keep this on the low. I was considered young for a DCI and any screw up meant I took it twice as hard. And I didn’t know if I could behave normally if I didn’t find her in any way except breathing. I put on my brave face.
I get an officer to stand by and venture cautiously into the back, spotting an open vault. I hurry into the area when I spot her, laying motionless on the floor.
“Y/N,” I rush forward, skidding on my knees to check on her. “Pleasepleaseplease.” I put my fingers to her pulse and nearly shout in relief. She was alive! I send a thanks out into the universe, to whoever was watching over her. “Y/N! Y/N, can you hear me?”
Her eyes flutter under her lids. I turn her gently onto her back, she was wearing a Green Day t-shirt under a smart jacket and trousers--that was unlike her. She always dressed very smart. I gently remove her short strands off her face to reveal a nasty bruise on the side of her head. I try to stifle my heartbeat; it scared me seeing her like this. I’m about to call my officer but her long lashes flutter and suddenly she's looking at me, dazed.
"Y/N! Are you alright?" I inquire. She blinks, and then again, her eyebrows drawn together as she stares at me. I try again, “Y/N, answer me please! Are you alright?”
"I...do I...bloody look alright? Where did they go?" She snaps out of her daze and tries to sit up but her hand goes to her head which must be throbbing. I place a hand on her back so she doesn't fall back down.
"Oh thank god,” I sigh in relief, she could talk. She was alright. “Th-they’'ve managed to escape. We'll deal with that. You were knocked unconscious so we should get you checked-”
"Those bastards," she snarls. I bite back a chuckle as I help her up. She pushes me away as soon as she's on her feet. "I wasn't even supposed to bloody be here today you know that? It was my day off and....Jesus.” She clutches her forehead. “How's everyone else? Chris? Adam?"
"Everyone is fine, your guard’s being taken to hospital. Everyone else is untouched, we need to have you checked out though." I am mesmerized, as always, by her ability to talk about ten things at once.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“It’s my case, I guess,” I tell her, expecting the question. She scowls. “I’ll have to ask you some questions later, but Y/N we need to have your head checked.”
“I’m sure you’d like that,” she mumbles.
“You’re proving by the second that you’re quite alright but we’ve got to get you to a medic anyway,” I gesture forward so she can walk ahead of me. I didn’t want her falling or anything. The constable at the door watches her walk out and eyes me warily.
"She need her statement taken chief?"
"I'll take her down to the station myself--she's hurt." I dismiss the officer and follow Y/N out. I wanted to keep an eye on her right now. “Can I help you walk?”
“My legs are working fine,” she snarls whilst clutching her forehead.
Your POV:
I could not believe today's turn of events. I was supposed to have a relaxing day off but instead, I’m rushed to work so I could be held up by thieves, forced to help them rob my branch, only to be mildly concussed. And the person on the case is none other than my ex-husband Harry Styles.
The only thing going for me is that I don't cry easily (or i would be a sniffling mess right now). And Harry was the last person I wanted to cry in front of although he’s seen me at much worse. I push aside those memories, ignoring his lingering eyes and try to walk ahead of him.
I cover up my shaking hands by stuffing them under the blanket I'm wrapped in when Harry leads me to the ambulance. He stays to the side while the medic goes through a questionnaire and informs me on what I need to know about being mildly concussed. All I could think about is the feeling of a gun pressed to the small of back, the chill of it through fabric. 
"Miss?" The medic asks.
"Sorry, I got it. Yes. Thank you."
"I asked how you got here?" The medic begins to look concerned. Shit. I did not want more attention.
"I...meant I got what you were saying. Sorry, I rode the tube in."
"Great. You can ride with me to the station," Harry says from the side. I avoid his gaze but I have to agree. There was no way I was taking the tube during a time like this. I had a concussion.
So I'm sat in the back whilst Harry drives with his partner. I catch Harry glancing in the rear-view more often than he should and when we make eye contact, he gives me a reassuring smile. But sitting in the back of the car, I feel like the metal tip of a gun still keeps my spine straight. My lungs feel like they're not expanding large enough for air and I clutch the seatbelt strapping me in. I try to name all the countries I could remember--a coping technique I’d used since I was a kid to try and distract myself.
"You alright miss?" The other officer sounds concerned.
"Yeah," I choke out. "Just a little stuffy back here."
"Oh ‘m sorry," Harry opens the back window and I greedily gulp the fresh air coming in. My panic subsides and I settle back into the seat.
"And that's all you remember?" Harry sits on the desk chair next to me even though his own seat remains empty behind the desk.
"Exactly as I've told you, like, 20 times Harry."
It was now two hours later; I'd sat waiting for an hour before receiving my phone only to find multiple calls from the bank’s higher-ups. After dealing with them, I had to wait another half hour before finally being interviewed. I proceeded to drink two cups of bad coffee while giving every detail of what I remember, their masks, and so on. Every time I said something that could help, Harry would backtrack and I would explain it three different ways. It was frustrating and the repetition kicked my anxiety up so that I was on the edge of a breakdown. I grip the arms of the chair and respond to Harry. "Listen, alright, why would I not be telling you the full story? Of course that's all I bloody remember! It's not like I had an out-of-body experience and I saw them leave through the back door.”
"I'm sorry Y/N, it's just routine." Harry keeps a straight face on.  "We have a few suspicions we're trying to corroborate by interviewing everyone involved. I promise I’m just being thorough-"
"Yeah yeah alright, you sound like you're reading from a bloody manual," I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh into the silence. When Harry doesn't say anything, I look up to see him watching me with an amused expression.
"What?" I ask, annoyed.
"It’s been a while...I forgot how charming you can be.”
“What can I say, you bring it out in me.”
"Very interesting outfit by the way," he takes my snark in stride, gesturing to my outfit with his pen instead. I cross my arms in front of me. He's still got the stupid expression on his face, it looks unchanged from the one he used to give me once upon a time. When he found something I did funny but in a loveable way; the feelings that surface are almost unbearable.
"Don’t judge my outfit, I had to rush to work for our client meet-oh shit." I pull out my phone and check my email but there's nothing from the client. Probably avoiding the shit show. I notice the time, with all the time I’d wasted today I may as well not have taken the day off at all.
"So you weren't meant to be at work today except for this client? Bad timing isn’t it." Harry reads to himself from his notes. I stare at him, wishing I could burn a hole into his skull to see if he really had a brain in there.
"I've told you this five times before, Harry. You're literally reading from your notes. If you're just going to ask the same questions over and over I’m sure you can find the answers in there and I can go home."
"Right but something doesn't add up, I just want to make sure I have all the details."
"Do I have to be here to watch you do your mental maths?" I wasn't very nice when anxiety and frustration became my base emotions. But Harry knew that.
He looks at me, eyebrows raised at my snark. "I'm sure that you want to get to the bottom of this just as much as I do-"
"But that's not my job," I remind him. "That's yours. I've done mine, and I'd really just like to go home." My voice cracks, and I feel a rush of embarrassment.
"How about I drop you off home? I can walk through the day with you once more during the drive?”
He looks at me expectantly, “I’d rather stab myself in the eye.”
"Best not to with the concussion,” Harry pushes my buttons, and I’m kind of surprised. The last time we saw each other he’d been accommodating to my anger but he was pushing back today. Like he used to when we were together when he riled me up simply because he found it amusing.
When I scowl though, he gets serious. “Y/N, just let me give you a ride home and we can talk more.”
I didn’t want to stand around arguing, I was tired, so I just agree. He smiles, his dimples making a pretty appearance. Damn him.
I’m surprised she agrees to ride home with me. I knew Y/N had a stubborn streak and giving in to my offer was new. She’d made it clear last time we saw each other that she wanted nothing to do with me. I was also curious to know where she lived, I’d only been to her office once since we’d split. And that was usually to drop off papers.
She actually answers my questions on the drive, albeit they’re one word answers, but she gives me space to talk out some theories I had. But she also disagrees with most of them, pointing out their flaws. The comfortable back-and-forth between us is bittersweet. This was why we were married once upon a time. We worked well together; after all, we’d been friends for years before dating the other. It was the friendship I missed the most when I thought about us.
When we drive up to her address, it’s a townhome in a decent part of the city. Her promotion clearly had its perks.
I leap out of the car to open her door before she could but she beats me to it, scowling at me as she realises what I was trying to do.
“So you live here?” I try to ease into a conversation, get her to open up, ask her how she was doing. But she looks at me like I’d asked a stupid question, waving her keys.
“You’re kind of dense for a detective,” she says when I raise an eyebrow. “Don’t look so shocked.”
“Forget I asked,” getting personal was useless.
“Done.” She always manages to get the last word. She climbs her steps but I follow her up. She eyes me as she finds the correct one on her key ring. “What?”
“I just-have you got anyone living with you?”
“What’s that got to do with the case?” She asks, her defenses going up.
“You’re concussed, it’s best you have someone with you for the next 24 hours like the med-”
“I’ll be fine Harry,” her sharp edges soften but still, she only opens her door wide enough to step through. I can barely see anything behind her except for a hall.
“You shouldn’t be alone,” I try again.
“Nice of you to care,” the way she says it implies a deeper meaning, one that borders on a dangerous topic.
“I’m serious Y/N, this--a concussion’s no joke. And it was traumatic what you went through you really shouldn’t-”
“I’ve been on my own for a while now, I’ll be okay.” There she goes having the last word again. I raise my hands and back off.
“If you say so. I’ll...head back to the station but if you need anything, well, you know how to reach me.”
She nods, closing the door softly behind her. I sigh, it was a whirlwind last few hours but I was just grateful Y/N was going to be okay. I know she hated me, but I still cared about her. It was hard not to. We’d known each other for over a decade, and even though I hurt her in our past, and she might not agree with me, I cared. Caring about her didn’t have an on/off switch. I only wanted her to be okay. Maybe even happy.
I go through the motions for the rest of the afternoon, mostly I sit zoned out in front of the window while the morning plays like a loop in my head. Something about having your life hang in the balance of a stranger’s pointer finger made it feel so fragile. It unraveled me, and I can’t focus on anything. I just keep feeling the gun on my back, and smashing against the side of my head.
I keep my head iced, and avoid screens except to send out a couple emails and to call my sister after 8 voice messages that progresses from panic after hearing the news to annoyance as I don’t respond. When she finds out Harry’s on the case she swears.
“That bastard,” I can see her face in my mind, the one where she pursues her lips like mum used to. “You should report him, conflict of interest right? It’s traumatic enough what you’ve been through, you poor thing. I was just talking to Lewis and he said I should come down to stay with you this weekend-”
“That’s really alright,” I nip the idea in the bud. I loved my sister dearly but she was an overly anxious person and I don’t think that would be helpful for me right now. “It’s just a mild concussion, the medic said I should be cleared after 24 hours so it would only be a hassle for you to come down here.”
“Alright,” she says grudgingly. “But you say the word and I’m on the first train out. And I’ll give that ex of yours an earful if he’s anywhere near you again.”
I smile at my sister’s overprotective nature, “I appreciate the offer, but I think I can manage that fine on my own.”
“That you can,” she laughs.
But when I put down the phone, the silence creeps in again. And normally I loved the quiet but like a broken record player, the voices and sounds from this morning continue to play in a loop in the silence.
I give up after 7 and start preparing for bed. But a call interrupts my nightly routine.
“Y/N,” it’s Harry. “It’s me, Harry.”
“I do have call display,” I say dryly.
“Right, I...wasn’t expecting you to pick up.”
“Is this about the case?” I was hoping he was calling to say the bastards were caught.
“Oh...not exactly. I was wondering if you’ve fed yourself. I’m in your area for work, it’s my last call. I thought I could bring you some takeout or...?”
“I was about to get ready for bed.” I reply.
“Oh. That’s early? Have you had dinner?”
I think about the pathetic cheese toast I’d managed to make. My stomach growls thinking about food, I didn’t seem to have an appetite until he’s said something. “Fine, only if you’re in my area.”
Surely, not even 10 minutes go by and by doorbell rings. Harry stands outside with a takeout bag, his pressed shirt from this morning is more rumpled with a few buttons undone.
“I parked on the street--is that alright?”
“I guess? You’re just here to drop this off.” I shrug.
“Actually I uh, I thought I’d keep you some company.”
“I...” I don’t know if I should be offended. “I don’t need company. I only agreed to the takeout.”
“I’m part of the package,” he hides the bag behind him, a smug smile on his face. I roll my eyes, it was too late to do this with him.
So I leave the door open and head inside, tightening my robe around me. Harry was part of my past and having him here, in the place I’d built myself back again, feels wrong. This was where I’d shed the identity of being a divorcee before 30, and here he was. When I turn to see why he was so quiet, I find him scanning my gallery wall and smiling at the pictures.
“Hey, I’m on here,” he points to a small group picture.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” I walk back to him to get the food. “I just looked good there.”
It was a shot from my sister’s wedding, Harry and I with the newlyweds. It was taken a few weeks before we’d made us official actually--moving from friends to lovers was maybe one of the bigger mistake I’d made in life. Another was agreeing to marry him.
“I look pretty good too,” he leans in closer. I ignore him and take the cartons of Chinese out and grab cutlery. He joins me, I hand him a beer and take a sparkling water for myself. “How’ve you been feeling?”
“Okay,” I shrug. “Just sorting through it all. Trying to avoid screens, all that.”
“That’s good,” he steals a chicken from the container I’m dumping into my plate. I eye him but he just grins, chewed food between his cheeks. I let it slide. “So you’re not supposed to sleep with a concussion or something?”
I sigh, “That’s not true, I only have a mild concussion!”
“Well I’m not a bloody doctor!”
“Thank god for that.”
“You’ll never stop doing that will you?” He rubs his chopsticks together and attempts to eat with him. “Always so snarky.”
“I can’t help it,” I continue to watch him fail with his chopsticks and pick up a fork. “It sustains me.”
“You should try being nice for once.”
“Tried it once, didn’t work out well for me. So...here I am.”
I was being passive, I knew that. He knew that with the way he eyes me over his food. He keeps quiet though, knowing there was nothing he could say in this moment to make a difference. We eat in silence until he receives a call and he leaves to take it. I clean up so by the time he gets back I’ve just loaded the dishwasher.
“I know the sleep thing’s not true for you,” Harry says as he approaches. “But I think I should stay here overnight. Just to make sure you’re-”
“No,” I cross my arms. “There’s no reason for you to stay the night Harry. I don’t need you here.”
“It’s for your peace of mind-”
“It’s for your peace of mind Harry. And frankly, I don’t care about your peace of mind. I don’t want you sleeping over, I’m not comfortable with that.”
“Y/N, c’mon! It’s not a big deal. It’s not like we didn’t sleep in the same bed for years--I’ll be sleeping on the couch! You’re not in your best shape and it’s just for a night, it’ll be like I’m not even here.”
“Don’t you have a girlfriend or something to go home to?” I ask. He shifts his gaze and shakes his head.
“Nope, my bachelor pad just me. I’ll be out of your hair in the morning.”
I dry my hands and watch him, he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I knew him well enough to recognise the wide stance, shoulders back, and jut of his chin. He wasn’t backing down.
“I don’t want to hear you, Not even a peep. I’ll make up the couch but this is the one and only time you’re wearing me down, you’re lucky I’m not in the mood to argue-”
“Promise,” he holds his hand up to his chest, a grin on his face knowing he won.
I leave him with a comfortable setup and head up to my own room. There was a spare upstairs but I don’t think I could handle him sleeping next door to me. It was weird how in just one day I’d seen more of him than I had in the last couple years and now he was sleeping in my living room like we were okay. Not like he wasn’t the man who’d broken my trust, and my heart.
As I lay awake in bed, unable to sleep as the day replays in my head, another set of memories infiltrates my mind and keeps me from sleeping. The story of Harry and I, the naive beginning, eventful middle, and heartbreaking end. My mind repeats its history and I don’t fall asleep for hours. When sleep finally comes, my dreams are haunted by the same memories.
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jangofctts · 3 years
omg I just read so much of your writing and I’m 🥺🥰🥲🥵 the absolute royalty shit that we see here today. i’ve recently discovered I am very into ~thigh riding~ so do u have any thots on how our boys (especially our clone babes) feel about it? much obliged
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boba: yEs--boba absolutely adORES when you crawl into his lap and straddle his thigh. he’ll either pat his lap and invite you up or it’s one of those times when he’s intentionally ignoring you and you have force your way onto his lap so he has to pay attention. imo the first time you ride his thigh you weren't intending to, you wanted to fuck him but with boba, if you want something from him he’s gonna do it his way or twist it into something to tease you. so he’ll say something like “if you’re so desperate, ride my thigh” or maybe “ride my thigh and then we’ll see if you deserve my cock.” he’ll sit back and enjoy the show with a smug grin, one hand gripping your hip. he’s not controlling your pace, it’s mostly just there as an anchor bc you’re gonna be doing all the work. you’re lucky if you get to ride his bare thigh, but most of the time he’s got pants on so they always end up soaked after you cum and boba always teases you for it, “ruined another pair of pants, little one” but really he isn't even one to talk, he’ll be rock hard and leaking through his pants too. he’ll also nine times out of ten put his fingers or thumb into your mouth to suck on while he flexes and pushes the hard muscle of his thigh up to your cunt. he likes that satisfaction of knowing that even his thigh can make you shudder and whine his name--a bit of a power trip esp if he’s sitting on the throne. he’ll fuck you nice and hard afterwards if you’re a good little princess for him          
din: din wants you to ride the beskar thigh plating. he doesn't realize it’s a thing he finds arousing until you sit over his thigh and he sees the heat from your thighs fog up the metal while your arousal smears over the shiny beskar. literally it’s like something just CRACKS in him and he goes feral for it. a dark thrill that comes from seeing your cunt drip over his precious armor, something so sacrilegious that shouldn't be arousing but it’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen. sure, it’s a bit cold at first but the more you get into it the quicker it heats up--it’s slippery too, not a lot of friction unless you drag your clit over the seams of the armor, but with din’s hands holding onto your hips and dragging you over his thigh, it’s not long before you cum. din is gonna be encouraging you the whole time, just a constant flow of praise and little moans of his own. he might bury a hand in your hair or slip off his glove and touch your clit when your hips roll up into his hand. he’d loose his mind if you lended a hand and palmed him through his pants. he doesn't even care if he ruins his trousers, he’s just so...fixated on the hypnotic motions of your hips rolling over his thigh, your wetness dripping off the plating and onto the floor. he might focus on your mouth, parted with gasping moans or how they roll the syllable of his name. he likes to watch you come undone like this, shuddering and whiney as you cum and eventually roll off his thigh. he probably busts a nut right then and there if you start to roll your tongue over the beskar, happily cleaning up the mess you made. but....sometimes...lick it off himself just to get a taste of you       
paz: big boy blue ALSO likes when you ride his beskar, but he likes it better when the armor is off and he gets to feel your wetness for himself. he has big ol’ beefy thighs and likes when you straddle one and start to ride him like that. imo he likes it when youre pressed up right near his cock so when you roll forward your own thigh brushes against his cock. it’s also just easier for him to grab your hips, set a pace and watch you squirm and whine. ngl he’s more interested in fucking you, so he’ll get cheeky and start jerking his thigh or holding you in place while he circles his thumb over your clit. p much will sabotage your wild ride and convince you to slide onto his cock instead. though,....if you were to tie him up, tease him bye riding his thigh, he might like that :)  
rex: oH rexY BOY--listen, rex has heard ALL about thigh riding, or rather what the clones like to call it, “paint job”. he doesn't understand the big deal, thinks that it’d be a complete hassle to clean and what not. in my oPiNiOn he’ll be sitting with you in an empty break room or on a couch, you both have feelings for each other but nothing's been said yet. somehow the topic of paint jobs come up and he tells you what he thinks and how it “couldn't possibly feel good, blah blah blah”. you just roll your eyes and you ask if he’s even tried it. he definitely blushes and mumbles out a no and with a leap of faith you ask him if he wants you to ride his thigh. baby boy rex gets very shy and embarrassed about it but he’s not gonna say no. so you’ll flash him a little grin and peel off your pants and your over shirt, make rex relax against the back of the couch/chair and sit over his plastoid covered thigh. even though when you start to grind on his thigh you still have your underwear on, rex with pick a corner of the room to just stare at. it’s not because he doesn't like you, he’s just incredibly shy and afraid he’ll cum in his pants if he looks at you. you gotta cup his jaw and force him to look at you. when that happens his eye will immediately drop to between your legs and just moan at the sight. he gets it now. seeing your arousal that’s already leaking through the thin fabric and staining the blue and white plastoid--he has to grip the fucking sidearm to anchor himself. his armor is one of the only things that he owns and is proud of, so seeing you riding his thigh, moaning and whimpering his name he goes wild for that shit. unfortunately he does end up cumming in his pants but eh fuck it. it was worth it   
cody: he likes when you ride his thigh in semi public places like the 79′s, debrief room, gunships, you name it. imma explain the 79′s scenario bc im a whore but anyway, cody likes to bring you on dates there, one because the drinks are free for him, two it’s dark and so unless someone is really looking at the two of you, it’s pretty secluded. he always chooses a back corner table and after a couple drinks you start to get handsy--nuzzling his neck and wiggling your fingers between the gaps separating his thigh and codpiece. it alWAYS starts like that. cody will chuckle, push his nose into your neck and nibble a line up to your ear, then bite down onto the cartilage. in that dark, rumbly voice he might sigh “such a depraved little creature. we’re in public”. but you can feel his smile and how is pulse quickens under your fingertips. cody will sigh and shake his head as he pulls you onto his lap, bUT--he’s gonna have you with your back to his chest plate, your dress/skirt/pants rolled up or down just barely in the view of anyone who glances over or looks a little closer. it’d be no secret what you both were up to but cody likes that. dude doesn't have any shame and so he’ll wrap an arm over your hip, push you panties to the side and slide his fingers through your folds. once they're coated in your arousal he might pop them into his mouth or yours, clean them off then flex his thigh onto your pussy. when he asks you to grind on his thigh you readily agree. while you ride his thigh he’ll nibble at your throat and suck bruises onto your skin, either watching your wet pussy slide over the plastoid armor or on the look out in case one of his brothers comes near. one time, just as you started to cum, a couple fresh shiny’s got an entire eyeful of you arching and burying your nose into cody’s neck as he rolled his fingers over your clit. safe to say they were a bit spooked--but of course, cody thought it was the funniest thing and couldn't stop laughing even if you were close to tears with embarrassment. now....he doesn't invite anyone to watch, but he wouldn't say no to a few prying eyes          
wolffe: I feel like with wolffe, it’s gonna be right after a mission--one of you might've almost died or gotten real hurt so he’s not thinking about fucking you properly--he just want his mouth on yours, hands buried in your hair as he pins you against the wall. I dont think he initially meant for you to ride his thigh, but when he wedges it between your legs and you moan into his mouth the second he increases the pressure, he freezes. he’ll do it again and when it receives the same reaction from you he smirks and tugs on your hair and might say smthn like “you like that? if you wanted to ride my thigh you could've asked sooner”. he’s either focused on your face or on your pussy, just soaking up all your little reactions or twitches when you roll your cunt over the plastoid. he'll have both hands on your hips, helping you grin up on him, while you either cup his face or grip his arm. either way youre in for a wild fucking ride--wolffe tbh wants to see his armor dripping by the time he’s done with you. sO do nOT be surprised if he just, doesn't let you stop, pushes you to keep going until he’s satisfied. imo I think he’ll make you lick it up after, or just in general would really Like It if you run your tongue over any part of his armor. he likes to be Appreciated :)
wrecker (im sorry I just nEEDed to include him kejkejh): honestly since baby boy wrecker is uh, so big, thigh riding is some of the first things you try with him. you’ll both be butt ass naked bc it’s just easier to explore like this, and while wrecker is eager he knows he has to think about his strength in order not to overwhelm or hurt you unintentionally. he’s a bit of a goof ball so when you straddle his thigh and bring his thicC fingers to your cunt he’ll smile and say some shit like “wow, you’re wet” or like “is it always this wet/soft?” he doesn't mean for it to be teasing, it's more like he’s just stating a fact bc he’s curious about you. you just nod and say it’s all for you, baby/only for you. the second you put your cunt over his thigh he’ll curse and clamp his hands around your hips or ribcage, and just to make the experience all that better for him, you’ll jerk him off while you ride him. wrecker is very vocal/loud and so you’ll know exactly what you’re doing that he likes--he’ll probably tell you how pretty you look, or how good you smell etc., that bOY IS SO FULL OF LOVE and just wants to tell you! it doesn't take long for him to spill into your hand, he shakes and no doubt wakes up half the barrack/ship but who the fuck cares. you just smile and continue to ride his thigh, chasing your own thigh. once he recovers a bit, you can grab his fingers and show him how you like to be touched. he’s a surprisingly quick learner with this and so it doesn't take long for you to cum. afterwards he’ll run his fingers over his thigh, collect the mess you left and taste you and maybe say “you should ride my face. can we do that?”     
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peterprkrsbtch · 3 years
sapphire - part 1
Peter Parker x reader
A/N: This is some type of wish fulfillment writing for me because I like to imagine becoming a hot and badass superhero when I fall asleep and I thought other people may be entertained as well :) If you enjoy it, like or reblog to share!
REMINDER: in this story, the reader gains superpowers and I do describe the appearance of her body. i hope you know every body is a superhero body and weight does not impact your beauty at all-i just needed to show how drastic the changes were!
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Warnings: Swearing, fighting, attempted kidnapping, guns/violence
The sun that came beaming through your window brightly as you opened the blinds in your room immediately brought a small smile to your face. Summer had always been your favorite season. As smart as you were, a three month break from Midtown has never sounded better. Junior year had not been easy for you.
Small goosebumps appear on your arms as you shiver when the memory of that night crosses your mind.
You’d been walking home after your first day of school, distracted as images of the day flicker through your mind. The first day was always exciting, new classes and people. Probably why you were too distracted to notice the man creeping up behind you until he wrapped his hands around your backpack and yanked it off of your back, making you let out a yelp of surprise.
Or, he’d tried to. Unfortunately, this dumb ass criminal didn’t know how backpack straps work and when he tugged, the straps caught around your arms and yanked you off your feet, slamming your body into your attacker with a groan.
Panic immediately clouded your mind. You’d never been mugged before. You try desperately to remember anything from the self defense class you’d taken in seventh grade. The attacker seemed surprised that your bag hadn’t slid off your body and this gave you the opportunity to scream. “Help!” You shrieked. “Somebody!” It was the middle of the day in New York and yet, the street you were walking was dead empty.
“Shut the fuck up.” The man growled in your ear and you suddenly became aware of his death grip on your arm. Before you could contemplate punching him in the face or kneeing his dick, a sharp poke on your arm made you whip your head, just in time to see a needle full of glowing blue liquid being injected into your arm by the man. He hadn’t wanted your backpack at all.
The shock you felt as you watched the unfamiliar substance enter your body was amplified at the burning sensation quickly spreading from the injection site to your whole upper arm. The man lets out a harsh laugh, and you finally turn to see his face. He did not look like a homeless man. Or a thief. The sight of his groomed beard and expensive jacket made you feel like you’d been plunged in ice. What the hell was happening?
“What did you do to me?” The sound of your voice is much stronger than you expect it to be, and it helps to ease a couple of the butterflies going mental inside your stomach. At least you didn’t sound terrified. He just lets out a low laugh and begins to drag you by your backpack towards a car parked on the opposite side of the road you hadn’t noticed until now.
“You’re coming with me.”
The burning had spread to your entire left arm and was now taking over your left shoulder. If you didn’t have adrenaline coursing through your veins due to your current situation, you would’ve been doubled over with pain. You struggle against the man’s hold on your backpack as he drags you closer to the large black SUV.
Hell no. I am not getting kidnapped today. You force yourself to calm enough to quickly think of a plan. Any plan. When the man reaches the car despite your struggling, a disgusting sneer on his face, he lets go of his grip on your arm to reach for the handle, and you take your chance to head-butt him as hard as you possibly can-letting your arms slide out of the backpack as you do.
“Ow! Get back here you little bitch!” But it’s too late. In the two seconds when the man doubles over to clutch at his head, you’d snatched your backpack from the ground where he’d let it fall and sprinted down the street. You try to tell yourself that the unbearable burning sensation now settling into your chest is from running, not from whatever the fuck he’d injected you with.
A loud beep, beep from the clock on your bedside table snaps you out of reminiscing on your near death experience and a large smile grows on your face. Finally it was 5 p.m, the time when your mom usually went over to her boyfriend’s apartment across town. Every night, like clockwork, since you were 13.
It used to bother you, but now the silence gives you the opportunity to do what you needed to do alone. You get up and move towards your closet as you let your mind slip into your memories again as you reminisce on the events after the attack.
You’d run home like hell and had never been so grateful to find that your mom had left early. Within ten minutes, the burning had spread and you were left to writhe around in pain on your bed for hours. There was no let up, no break. You knew you were going to die.
Whatever the man had injected in you was breaking apart every muscle, every atom in your body so slowly that you could feel it. Eventually, your pained screams became quieter as exhaustion began to take over. This is it. I’m really going to die. My mom is going to come home and find me like this-
Before you could finish your thought, a harsh gasp involuntarily left your mouth and you launch forward to sit up. Okay, maybe I’m not going to die. You thought as the pain suddenly ceases. You slowly bring your hands up to stare at them, scared that the pain will return. Just as you’re about to let out a breath of relief, it hits you again.
And it’s so much worse. The burning sensation shoots through your body, and every broken muscle and molecule felt as though it was being bound together again. The minutes bleed together as exhaustion and pain take over your body.
Looking back, you still have no idea what was in the injection. All you know is what happened because of it.
Beep, beep.
Beep, beep.
The incessant beeping of your stupid alarm wakes you from quite possibly the weirdest dream you’ve ever had. You’ve never had pain in a dream feel so vivid before, and the memory alone draws your body inwards, hugging your arms in for comfort.
Your arms. Hold on.
They didn’t feel like this last night. You glance down at your skin, the shadow of your blanket making it hard to see. You rip the covers off and storm over to your full length mirror-and all you can do is let out a gasp. I’m going crazy.
With shaking hands, you grab your phone and unlock it, scrolling until you find a mirror selfie you had taken at the pool over summer, just two weeks ago. You glance at the photo, then back up at the mirror. Then at the photo, then the mirror. Photo, mirror, photo.
A shocked laugh rips through your lips as you stare at the photo of yourself. Smooth skin and curves. A couple extra pounds of baby fat you had yet to lose, a spot or three of acne on your forehead. You weren’t an extraordinarily insecure person, but you were a teenage girl and a couple of those things had bugged you but-
Your eyes flicker up to the mirror. You run your hands along your arms. You used to describe them as flabby, but you can feel and see the toned, tight skin. You move your eyes to your boobs. Were they bigger? They definitely looked bigger.
Any “baby fat” you carried had seemingly disappeared overnight. You slowly lift your shirt and let your jaw drop, running your hands over your small waist, not missing the muscle you can feel under your skin. Your skin was perfectly clear and your hair and lashes both seemed longer and healthier.
When you were younger and more naive, you’d hoped puberty would involve waking up one morning looking like a Victoria’s Secret model. But that was stupid. Things like that don’t happen, right?
Slowly, the events of yesterday began to register in your mind. The attack, the injection, the pain. A million questions flooded your mind. The most prominent being what the actual fuck??
“Y/n? You almost ready to leave for school?” Your mom’s voice rings out into your silent room as she knocks on your bedroom door.
“Yeah, Mom! Just a couple minutes.” You call out nervously, waiting until you hear her footsteps walk away from your door. You let out a curse as you race into the bathroom, the harsh lighting illuminating even more changes to your face.
Your lips were bigger, your eyes more open, and your cheekbones and jaw more defined. Fuck. If you weren’t so worried about anyone noticing your overnight transformation, you would’ve taken more time to think about the positives of this situation.
You were always shy and quiet at school, choosing a small group of people to hang around and mostly focusing on your classes. But every teenage girl dreams of being beautiful, and now you finally were. You pull your hair up to brush your teeth and wash your face faster than you ever have before, electing to ignore the fact that you should have a nasty bruise from your head-butt yesterday.
You choose to skip makeup completely, knowing it would draw more attention to your new face. You took one last look at your body in the mirror before pulling on the baggiest sweats you owned and a loose hoodie, hoping they would mask your new curves.
You had no idea how you were supposed to hide this all year.
You smiled as you remember how silly you’d acted the next day. You were overly paranoid, covering your face with your hoodie as much as you could and choosing to sit alone in the library rather than at your usual table. No one questioned you, not once.
You had felt a pang of loneliness at first, knowing that no one at your school even cared enough to notice the obvious change had hurt just a bit, but it made dealing with the powers easier.
You’d first noticed it on the walk to school. It was barely September and the summer sun was still coming down on the city. This paired with your heavy layers of clothing and the long walk to school would normally leave you slightly breathless. As you arrived at the school feeling more energized and alive than ever, you noticed you’d gotten there in a fourth of your normal time without even trying.
You next noticed it in gym, when the daily pushups the teachers forced you all to do every year were suddenly easy. Effortless. As soon as the final bell rang, you ran home within minutes without feeling winded at all and winced as you threw your door open, nearly ripping it off it’s hinges.
Something else was definitely going on. Your appearance was not the only thing that seemed to go through an upgrade. You said a quick hello to your mom before running up to your room.
For the first time since you woke up that morning, you relaxed once your door was closed and locked. Your shoulders release as you sink to your bed, dropping your head into your hands. You try to recall anything you’ve read about people being totally changed after some sort of injection.
Your heart sinks. Captain America jumps to mind. The Winter Soldier, Wanda Maximoff and her dead brother. They’d all been injected.
You bite your lip and glance at a book sitting on your bedside table. You straighten up and thrust your hands towards the book, trying to make it move. Unsurprisingly, nothing happens. You close your eyes and breath out a small breath of relief. Ok so I’m beautiful now and have great endurance, at least I’m not a superhero. You let yourself relax slightly, your eyes still closed. Now you feel dumb for throwing your hands around like some kind of knock off Scarlet Witch.
When you open your eyes, your blood runs cold. The book is floating in front of you, a blue glow surrounding it. Slowly, you raise your, now shaking, hands again towards the book until they flash with the same blue and it launches towards you, the force of it making you rock back as you catch it in your hands.
Well. Fuck.
After that, you were thankful that no one had noticed anything out of the ordinary. You bite down a smile as you remember the first few months after, thinking about how much you’d changed since then.
You spent nearly every night for weeks studying every superhero fight video you could find on youtube and practicing the moves alone in your empty house, over and over.
It didn’t take much for you to perfect them as your new body seemed to be built for this kind of shit. Black Widow was your favorite to watch, and you made sure to spend extra time working through her signature moves, letting the flips, kicks, and punches become muscle memory.
You spent time practicing your real powers as well, though those seemed to come to you naturally. After that first delay with the book, it had almost felt like second nature to lift up the heaviest objects in your house with just a wave of the hand, but still, you practiced. Over and over and over. You quickly learned you could move people as well, namely yourself. Flying over New York in the middle of the night was something that would always leave you breathless.
Once winter settled over New York, you decided you were finally ready to try and use your abilities for good. You had near perfect control over your “magic” and you were pretty sure you’d spent more hours in the past month punching the air than sleeping.
You spent all day Sunday bent over the dusty sewing machine you dug out of a shelf in your kitchen closet. The trip to Joann’s reminded you of your mother teaching a younger you how to sew, though you two never bought yards of spandex to make a skin tight suit.
It had taken a couple minutes for you to remember how to use the machine, but you were extremely proud of the final product. You’d made a simple skin tight black suit with a zipper up the front and a mask to cover most of your face, but you figured no one could recognize you by just your mouth.
Once you finished the last hem on your face mask, you took the suit and the mask and hid them in your closet next to a pair of black combat boots. You put the dusty machine away and finally made your way into your bathroom, glancing nervously at the box on the counter.
Although you had exactly zero friends at Midtown, you had grown up with some of these kids and you couldn’t risk one of them recognizing your hair color if they saw you in your superhero suit and the box advertising temporary spray on hair color seemed to be the perfect solution.
You take the small can out of the box and spray blonde-ish highlights into your hair and brush it through until your long hair is shades lighter than your natural color and you’re happy with the results.
Your hands shook as you pulled on your suit, then your mask, and finally, the black boots. You move to your mirror and nervously give yourself a glance, only to be pleasantly surprised. You really do look like a superhero, even more so when you will your hands to glow blue with your powers.
That night, you learned that you had severely underestimated yourself. You thought memories of your own attack would flash before your eyes every time you knocked down a criminal, but it didn’t.
Every time you would wrap your thighs around someone’s neck to drag them to the ground you felt strong and every time the person you just saved would begin to thank you aggressively, you knew you made the right decision to help people.
You kept your guard, and your hood, up during the school days but your months of training and now your late night rescues, had caused a spike in your confidence. After a particularly hard 18 vs. 1 fight in which your zipper had gotten yanked down a bit, you just left it. It looked better like that anyway.
You wished you had someone to show the new you. You used to be so unsure of yourself, and now because of a seemingly random attack, you had the ability to help people. It definitely felt good to be doing something good.
Unfortunately, your endeavors started to become sensationalized. New York was obsessed with superheroes, you knew this. But you never thought people would start paying attention to you.
You should’ve known better. A girl with enhanced curves in a skin tight suit, flying around the city with glowing blue hands and fighting crime with her front zipper pulled down, and you thought you could remain invisible in the media too?
Luckily for you, the spotlight was cast upon another new superhero around the same time-a Spiderman. Once he entered the superhero scene just weeks after yourself, you noticed the articles you’d previously seen sexualizing you and your costume turned into articles about the two of you instead. If only those reporters knew you were 17.
You were thankful for him even though you’d never met him, and your two names “Spiderman and Sapphire” were often used in the same headlines to discuss you two newcomers.
At first you hated the nickname the media gave you simply because of the increased attention, but you learned to love it. It was nice to see people appreciating what you were doing, even though every camera that was ever pointed your way made you anxious to protect your identity.
Ever since your first winter night spent fighting crime, you’d quickly fallen into a pattern. School with your eyes glued to your desk the whole time, sweats and hoodies concealing your body, then homework until your mom leaves, then go out and help your city.
Your fighting has improved to the point that you almost prefer hand to hand combat rather than using your powers. On especially slow nights, you’ve let yourself drag out a fight with some bank robbers or kidnappers just to entertain yourself.
It was your escape. In your suit, with your face covered and your hair thick with the lightening spray, was the only time you felt like yourself. Really yourself.
But you had a plan to change that. As easy as it had been to lay low throughout the last year at school, you’d had enough. You wanted more. So you had a plan. A new body and face overnight is impossible, but over three months? Totally plausible.
You were excited for three months with nothing to do but go out as Sapphire, and you knew these few months were going to be the calm before the storm if you really decided to go back to Midtown as the new you.
God, enough with the reminiscing. You told yourself, but you do allow yourself to feel pride at how much you’d matured from your first day of school this year to your last as you tug on your familiar suit and mask.
You glance down at the buildings beneath you, eyes silently scanning every dark alley and corner for trouble. Your hands glow blue as you fly yourself gracefully through the sky. Suddenly, loud sirens and screams sound from beneath you and you look down to see 8 large men climbing into a bank as they smashed the windows.
You quickly fly yourself down and through the hole behind the men as they point guns towards the only two people in the bank, a janitor and a man you assume is the manager. “Give us the fucking money.” One of the men growls and the others laugh menacingly at their friend’s threat.
The manager notices you standing behind the men and his eyes widen, causing the men to start to turn towards you. You grab the gun out of one of their hands using your powers and smirk at the oh, shit look on their faces. Before you can make a move to knock the man nearest you off his feet, a web snaps through the broken window and snatches the gun from his hands before you can blink.
Spiderman comes swinging through the opening, landing gracefully. “What’s going on here, fellas?” He asks, and you can’t help but smirk at the sound of his voice. The two of you seemed to live similar lives, and yet this was your first time meeting him.
The white eyes of his mask flicker from the men, frozen with fear, towards you, and his eyes grow with recognition and maybe shock? Hard to tell with the mask. He opens his mouth to say something else, but one of the men still holding guns raises it and fires towards Spiderman without a second of hesitation.
You raise your hand quickly, stopping the bullet in mid-air and everyone around you stares at the bullet suspended in mid-air, your glowing blue hand outstretched, almost as if you were catching it. Spiderman’s eyes widen even more. “Holy shit.”
You smile to yourself and clench your hand into a fist, letting the bullet crumble to the ground in dust. “Nice try.” You say to the man. “But you’re getting on my nerves.” You turn towards the 8 men in front of you, 5 still holding guns. You move your hand to face the men, and with a sweeping motion, the 5 guns are yanked from their hands to suspend far above their heads, where they couldn’t reach.
You can’t help a small laugh as one of the men tries to jump up and grab it. You turn towards Spiderman who’s standing there with his mouth wide open. “Sorry if I stole your moment.” You say genuinely. You had no doubt that he could’ve taken care of this himself, but you had gotten here first.
“Are you kidding?” He nearly squeaked. “That was amazing, oh my god! I can’t believe we haven’t met until now.” Your cheeks blaze slightly under your mask from his praise, you’ve never had a superhero compliment you before. You adjust your focus back to the men quickly, who seem to be thinking of a way to run.
Your eyes meet Spidey’s again. “You wanna web ‘em up?” He nods excitedly, his eyes finally breaking from yours as he jumps into action. As impressed as he was by you, you couldn’t help but watch in awe as he swings around the room and with a thwick, he webs all of the men together in a cocoon, hanging upside down from the chandelier of the bank ceiling.
He swings himself one last time to land next to you again. “Cool.” You say before you can even realize your mouth is open. “I mean, you’re not too bad yourself.” He bows his head a bit, seeming shy even though it was a half-compliment to cover up your embarrassment.
“Sorry to bust in on your fight,” He says, glancing around the room towards the two terrified employees staring at the two of you in shock. “Not a lot happening tonight, and I didn’t know you were here.”
“Ugh, I know.” You agree. “Not to complain about less crime, but our jobs have been a little bit too easy this past week.” His mask crinkles as he smiles.
“We could...work together sometime if you wanted too, of course.” He says nervously, nearly stuttering on his words. “It’s just, you’re really good and you seem really cool and I-”
You interrupt his word vomit. “Of course I want to! I’ve been wondering when we would meet.” His eyes move from staring at the eye holes in your mask down to your lips when you smile. “How’s tomorrow?”
“How’s right now?” You don’t think your smile can get wider. “One sec.” He holds up a finger before quickly running over to the two bank workers, who thank you both over and over and then they both hugged him. You were wrong, your smile grows and remains goofy and big as he runs back over to you. “Let’s go.”
That night you found out that your view of the city is 100 times better when you can also see a red and blue suit swinging from building to building out of the corner of your eye.
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qitwrites · 3 years
|| 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 
Midoriya is the one that begins the entire ‘nervous system compression’ ritual.
Back at the training camp, when he was banged and bruised and tattered to all hell, bumping into Shoji had been the best-case scenario. Being wrapped up in his many, many arms had cocooned Midoriya’s body from further damage, provided him with great mobility, and Shoji’s grounding personality had been a major reassurance during a frankly abysmal situation.
After they’d finally recovered Bakugou, and after that tragically big reveal of All Might’s biggest kept secret, something in Midoriya had broken.
He was still doing his best to train his quirk, he was still doing his best to exist and thrive alongside his classmates, to study and work hard and eat well and sleep on time. For the most part, he was himself, and he was doing ok.
But then there were the nightmares. Nightmares in which Bakugou misses Kirishima’s hand, or All Might dies at the hand of All for One, or Midoriya somehow fucks up and gives the League of Villains One for All. There’s visions of his friends laying dead at his feet, of the world burning to the ground, and the utter helplessness of letting his friends down, letting his teacher and his idol down, letting them burn.
Sometimes, the world exerts a pressure on Midoriya that would put Atlas to damn shame.
2 weeks after the Kamino incident, when Midoriya is sitting at his desk, his dumbbell moving up and down as he pores over his notes, a wave of anxiety, sudden and heavy, rolls over him and he can’t breathe. There’s not enough air in the room, in the entire world probably, and his vision tunnels, darkening around the edges. He drops the dumbbell and clutches his head, trying to get his breathing under control, but it isn’t working, and he can’t seem to hear or see or breathe.
Distantly, he remembers the training camp. His memories of that time are tainted by the agony he felt when Dabi had vanished with Bakugou in his grip. He doesn’t remember the more fun parts, the training and the cooking and the overall learning experience. He just remembers pain.
And then, a small part of him, so small he almost misses it, remembers warmth.
He remembers how warm Shoji was. He remembers feeling, amidst all the panic and chaos, a sense of safeness in Shoji’s arms. He remembers burrowing in that space against his back, and he knows, even though they failed, that he was only able to find a way to help Tokoyami because Shoji gave him his support, took care of him, supported his weight and his burden, if only for those few minutes.
He remembers how warm Shoji was. And he realizes, even as he’s choking for air, that he wants to feel it again.
The walk from his dorm to Shoji’s feels endless. He stumbles along and drags his feet, and he’s not really seeing at this point, moving mostly from muscle memory. He usually visits Todoroki and Uraraka in their rooms, but he’d memorized the entire layout within the first three days of moving in. Shoji lives two floors above him, right next to Kirishima.
When he finally gets there, he’s hollow and empty and there’s still not enough air. A flash of worry pierces through him because he doesn’t want to bother Shoji right now. He doesn’t even know if its ok, what he’s about to ask for. He doesn’t know if it’ll help, if it’s what he needs. He worries, the way he always does, and the air around him is disappearing faster, and he just wants to breathe.
Somehow, before he can talk himself out of it, he reaches up and knocks, pulling his hand away quickly.
10 seconds. He’ll give himself 10 seconds to wait and see if anyone answers, and then he’ll leave and never bother Shoji again.
Shoji comes to the door in 4.
He opens up, clad in pajama pants and nothing else, his iconic mask covering the lower half of his face even in his own room. He looks at Midoriya patiently.
‘I-‘ Midoriya chokes out, voice rough and scratchy. ‘I am having a panic attack.’
Shoji’s eyes widen marginally. ‘Whoa, ok. How can I help?’
If his vision hadn’t started to tunnel again as he hears Shoji say that Midoriya might’ve noted how easily Shoji had understood the situation, and how quickly he was asking Midoriya what he wanted, rather than doing whatever he thought was appropriate. He knew what he was doing. Clearly, he’d done this before.
Midoriya tries to breathe in, and it gets stuck somewhere in his chest and everything hurts but he starts to ramble, ‘I read in a scientific journal somewhere that our nervous system controls our emotions and that when we are anxious, there’s a dissonance in how we function and there’s a quick fix for it, well maybe not a fix, but more like a way to help, if only a little. It’s like a nervous system compression.’
Shoji listens to him with a furrowed brow before carefully asking, ‘Are you saying you want a hug? Will it help you if I hug you?’
To put it simply, yes. Midoriya wants a hug. Midoriya needs a hug. His body physically needs to be grounded because there’s not enough air and he’s going to pass out if his breath keeps getting stuck in his throat and his fingers are numb and the back of his neck is cold and it hurts.
Midoriya nods because the words are getting stuck in his throat.
Shoji opens his arms slowly, and Midoriya looks up. Shoji holds his gaze and carefully moves forward, keeping himself completely in Midoriya’s line of sight.
‘I’m going to hug you now,’ Shoji says, ‘and I’m going to hold you tight. If you want me to ease up, or get off, just tap me anywhere once. If you want me to tighten up, tap twice.’
Midoriya feels himself starting to hyperventilate and then -
Shoji is so warm. He exudes heat, his skin soft and warm and alive. He wraps himself around Midoriya, and he blankets him from everything, driving away the light, the distant sounds of Ashido yelling at Kaminari, the cries of the cicadas, everything. He holds Midoriya against his chest, and he holds him tight. Shoji is strong, ridiculously so, and he knows Midoriya is strong too. He holds him with the kind of pressure that actually lets Midoriya breathe.
And so he does. His shoulders start to slump as he takes one deep inhale followed by another, measured and timed. He follows the rhythm of Shoji’s breathing, follows the rise and fall of his chest, and his fingers loosen up, warming slowly. Hesitantly, he brings his hands up and puts them around Shoji’s middle and receives an encouraging squeeze.
From there, the tension seeps out of him, slow and heavy, draining out of every jagged edge and every crack in his body. When he feels another wave of anxiousness, he taps Shoji’s back twice, and Shoji squeezes, hard enough that Midoriya’s breath stutters, but also hard enough that the anxiety slips away, almost tangible in its intensity. Belatedly he realizes that he’s been crying, but he can’t apologize when his face is smooshed against his friend’s chest.
After what seems like forever, Midoriya is breathing again. He feels somewhat normal. He feels as close to normal as possible, at least. He has feeling everywhere in his body. Nothing feels stuck in his throat, and his mouth isn’t dry. His tears have stopped, and his hands aren’t shaking. His heart is beating, fast and strong and slow. He takes in one more steadying breath before tapping Shoji’s spine once.
The arms around him loosen slowly, opening him back to the world. The overhead lights are bright, almost too much, but Midoriya looks straight ahead, right at Shoji’s chest as he pulls his arms off and steps back slowly. Shoji keeps his arms on Midoriya’s shoulders, and he waits. Patiently, he waits for Midoriya to speak, he waits for him to make the next move.
‘I’m ok,’ Midoriya says, rubbing at his eyes. He sees Shoji nod and pull away his arms, always in Midoriya’s line of sight.
‘That’s good. Can you see and hear properly?’ Midoriya nods. ‘Awesome! And your breathing is ok?’ Midoriya nods again.
‘That’s great Midoriya, well done.’
Midoriya barks out a watery chuckle, and then he remembers his tears.
‘Oh,’ he says, reaching into his pocket to pull out a handkerchief, ‘I haven’t used this yet. Please wipe off my tears and possible snot.’ He turns beet red with embarrassment.
Shoji doesn’t laugh though, or even look disturbed. He takes the offered cloth and wipes his chest gently.
‘No problem at all. I will give this back after washing it.’
Midoriya shakes his head, ‘It’s my snot, it’s fine! I can just…’
‘It’s ok, Midoriya. I’ve got it. Really not a problem.’
They stand by the door for a while longer, not speaking but not really needing to either. Shoji is just endlessly patient, and Midoriya is breathing again, and the world feels ok.
When he feels brave enough, Midoriya looks up and catches Shoji’s eyes.
‘Thank you.’ It’s quiet, but his voice doesn’t waver.
Shoji gives him a nod. His eyes are softer, just a little bit. ‘It was not a problem at all.’
Midoriya worries his bottom lip with his teeth before breathing out with a huff. ‘I, um, I was hoping I could, maybe, if this happened again, I could come back to you for a, you know, a nervous system compression? If you’re ok with it?’
Shoji’s eyes go softer still, and he holds Midoriya’s gaze the entire time as he says, ‘Absolutely. I’m here when you need me. Don’t forget that, ok?’
Midoriya gives him a smile, small and tentative but true, and Shoji squeezes his arm. They say their goodbyes in hushed tones and Midoriya walks back to his dorm slowly, feeling more aware of himself than he has in days.
That night, he doesn’t dream. It’s the best sleep he’s had since Kamino.
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
The Night Shift Part 9 (F!Reader x Frankie Morales)
Summary: Your first night at Frankies, yearning mostly . . . no hanky panky! (yet 👀)
Warnings: Talk of abuse, talk of death of loved ones
W/C: 2.2k
Part 1 Part 10
Frankie was buzzing with adrenaline as he drove you and Manny back to the restaurant. His hand hurt slightly, but he couldn’t stop think about how damn goodit felt to punch Kurt in the face, how when he heard the fear in your voice, everything turned red. How it took everything not to crush the vermin under his boot. But, he would unpack those feelings later, preferably over a case of beer with the boys. They, of all people, would understand.
You got out of the truck to say goodbye to Manny, and Frankie didn’t miss how you rubbed your lower back, how even from where he sat, he could see the ring of a bruise blossoming around your wrist.
“Sorry that took so long,” you said, climbing back into the truck. Frankie glanced at the clock on the dash – barely five minutes had passed. “Are you completely sure it’s okay I stay with you?”
“I want you to stay,” Frankie said. “Please, don’t get it in your head that you’re an inconvenience. I know you well enough by now to see that’s exactly where you’re heading.”
You laughed weakly. “I hate that you’re right,” you said, “I’m just not used to having extra help.” Frankie nodded, and waited for you to continue. “For a second in there, before you and Manny came in . . .I was terrified. I forgot I wasn’t alone and I – thank you, for what you did in there. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t come in when you did.”
You slumped back in your seat and closed your eyes.
“I think this whole thing got rid of my hangover, though,” you joked.
“You’re young enough that you can bounce back quickly from hangovers,” Frankie said, taking the obvious hint for a change in the subject.
“Please, you’re barely older than me,” you said. “You’re like, what? Thirty?”
“Thirty-two,” Frankie corrected.
“Oh my apologies, you’re ancient,” you said with a roll of your eyes. Frankie grinned and shook his head. It amazed him how easily you could still make a joke, despite everything you had been through today alone.
It was almost sunset when he pulled up to his home. Golden light splayed across your features, making you glow. Stunning. The thought was in Frankie’s mind before he could stop it. You turned to smile at him.
“Nice gnomes,” you said gesturing to the dozens of gnomes of varying sizes that were scattered around Frankie’s front garden. He rubbed the back of his neck and grimaced.
“Thanks. My Abuelo used to give me one every Christmas, right up until he died last year.”
“I’m sorry,” you said your voice sincere, “I know how hard that is.”
Frankie shrugged, not wanting to talk about how after his Abuelo died, he made himself sick with grief. Instead, he chose to share something happier. “He used to hide things in them, since they’re all hollow. Sometimes it would be candy, or money. Once he hid my first iPod in one.”
“Sounds like he was a cool dude,” you said and Frankie nodded.
“He was the coolest,” Frankie agreed.
You were quiet for a few moments, holding your arms across your chest. The toll of the day was written plainly on your face, weariness lending itself to the dark circles under your eyes, to the way your shoulders curled inwards. Without thinking about it, Frankie wrapped his arms around you. You leant into the hug, burying your face into his neck. He rubbed your back gently, careful to avoid the spot he knew you were still hurting. You stood like that for a while, warmth leeching into him, and when you finally pulled away, you were almost quick enough to hide your damp eyes.
“Wanna go in?” Frankie asked, already feeling colder without you. He wanted to tug you back, hold you to him and not let go. You nodded, still not looking directly at him.
Inside, the house was cool and dark. Frankie tugged his cap off and placed it on a hook by the door, running a hand through his curls to fluff them up. He was suddenly more self-conscious than he had ever been before. He very rarely brought women back here, and when he did, he never liked them as much as he liked you.
He tried to imagine what you were thinking – were you grossed out at his unwashed breakfast plate sitting in the sink? Was the number of photos of family and friends that hung up on the walls and sat framed on every surface excessive? He didn’t remember seeing any photos like that at your apartment. But then, he also hadn’t been looking.
“It’s uh, not much,” he said rubbing the back of his neck.
“It suits you,” you said. Was it a compliment? Frankie wasn’t sure, until you continued. “Like, at first, it seems a little understated, but the more I look the more I see how you it all is.” You wandered over to a shelf stuffed with books and records, most of them coming from his old room at his parents when they had cleaned out their home a few years back.
“Tell me to fuck off if I’m being nosy,” you said, tilting your head to read the spines. Most of the books were well loved classics – stuff that Frankie had read over and over until the covers became loose and pages began to fall out.
“Just don’t search the drawers in my bedroom, that’s where I keep all my vintage Playboys and a spare bag of mushrooms.”
You snorted with laughter and turned to face him properly. Your eyes were still puffy and red, but no longer teary. Frankie counted that as a victory. “You always struck me as more of an acid guy. Just like you’re striking me as a fan of Thai food?”
“Big fan, actually.”
“Excellent, I know this great place that delivers, I’ll pay.” When Frankie opens his mouth to protest, you hold a hand up silencing him. “Please, let me pay. I owe you big time for doing this, all of this, for me.”
Frankie eventually conceded, sensing that you were infinitely more stubborn than him. Thai food was ordered and delivered, the scent of the panang curry made Frankie’s mouth water. You sat across from him at the table, eyeing him. It took a few moment for Frankie to realise you had put one of his albums on – Erykah Badu, he quickly identified.
“Can I ask you something?” you said after swallowing a mouthful of pad Thai.
“Anything,” he said. Just don’t ask me how long I’ve wanted to fuck you.
“What’d you mean today, when you said it’s not my fault?”
Frankie wasn’t expecting that. “Well, all that stuff Kurt did – like trying to kill himself, that’s not your fault.” You shrugged, clearly unconvinced, so Frankie ploughed on. “It’s just a form of emotional manipulation. Do you remember Benny, the guy your friend went home with last night? His sister, Eve, kind of went through something similar. Her partner would threaten to hurt himself and her if she tried to leave. It wasn’t until she ended up in hospital that she told Benny and Will what was happening.”
You looked horrified. “Is she okay?”
Frankie made a wavering motion in the air with his hand. “Some – most days are better than others. She moved to Portland, met a really nice lady, they’re getting married in the summer.”
“Good for her,” you murmured.
“But like I said, it’s not your fault. None of it is. He’s the one to blame, if he tries anything. He’s in control of his actions, you aren’t.” Frankie’s voice was firm, and he refused to look away from you as he spoke. He needed, more than anything, for you to understand that.
The next few hours passed quietly, sitting next to each other on his worn couch, Netflix half forgotten while you drifted in and out of sleep. Eventually, when the sky turned from black to grey to pink, Frankie showed you the spare room and gave you some privacy, knowing you probably needed some time to yourself after the gruelling day. He knew that sometimes all a person needed was some time alone to process. He sat on the couch and pulled a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket.
Andi, the waitress, had given him her number, followed by three x’s and a winky face. Once, Frankie would have opened his messenger app and texted her, asking her out. But now. . . he found he wasn’t at all interested. He crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash.
How long is too long to spend in someone else’s shower? Five minutes? Ten? Until the hot water runs out? Vanilla and honey body wash? Oh, shit that smells delicious.
You kept your thoughts light, avoiding the darkness that brewed in the forefront of your mind. You felt like you were going through a billion crisis’s, so instead of focusing on any, you decided to focus on none.
You thought back to Frankie’s intense gaze as he spoke to you at dinner, how incredibly sexy it had been. You were shocked you could think something like that after the day you’d had, but the thoughts had entered unwelcome into your mind. You tucked them away for later, when you weren’t so close to him and wouldn’t feel burning shame if you looked at him.
Stepping out of the shower, you took a deep breath and decided to truly inspect the . . . damage that was done today. Your wrist was already bruising and ached slightly when you thought too much about it. You faced your back to the mirror and twisted, grimacing at the sight of the damage Kurt had caused. Your lower back, like your wrist, was bruised black and purple. You quickly wrapped a towel around yourself, hiding the damage.
Deep breath, Spud, you’re stronger than you think.
Your grandfathers voice echoed in your ears. It was what he would say to you whenever you were hurt – just fallen out of a tree and fractured your ankle, sliced your finger open cutting onions, sobbing because the boy you had convinced yourself was your soulmate at fifteen just dumped you the day after you lost your virginity to him, it was always your grandfathers voice saying those words. Your heart ached with missing him.
The room Frankie had showed you was more of a home gym with a bed shoved into the corner than anything else. There was still a scattering of things that were undeniably Frankie in the room: a pile of old boots with holes in the canvas, a greasy looking toolbox, a poster for the Brooklyn Nets with players that looked like they had wandered out of the 90s. You didn’t know much about basketball but decided to at least keep an eye on when the Nets lost so you could rag on Frankie about it.
You grabbed your bags, assessing what Manny had grabbed. God, he’s good, you thought, realising he had packed you everything you needed. You dressed and grabbed your phone, breathing a sigh of relief when it was free of messages from Kurt. You typed out a quick message to Manny.
You are truly the most amazing friend anyone can ask for <3 thanks for packing my stuff.
Then, after a few moments, you sent one to Sara.
I broke up with Kurt, should I be sadder about it?
It was 7 in the morning, but within a minute your phone was buzzing with a call from her.
“Tell me you’re not lying to me,” her voice was hushed. You could hear her moving, a door clicking shut.
“I’m not lying. It’s done.” You laid back on the bed and closed your eyes. “It was a fucking nightmare to do though.”
“Spill, what happened? Are you okay?” Sara’s voice was louder now. You gave her the rundown of everything that had happened, from the lunchtime confession to the actual breakup to how you were now sleeping in Frankie’s spare room.
“Wait – Frankie? Benny’s friend?”
“Are you still with Benny?” This was different: Sara had a policy of one night only – anything more and she claimed they’d fall in love with her.
“Of course, he has a massive dick. But back to you missy, you’re staying with Frankie?”
You sighed. “Yeah, just until I get the keys to my new place.”
“Are you gonna fuck him?” Sara sounded hopeful.
“Oh, my god! No!”
“Aw, c’mon, rebound sex is good for the soul.”
“Maybe with strangers in seedy bars who have half a chance of giving me the clap. Not with someone I-”
“-Have a huge thing for. Please, I saw it the moment you spotted him at fight night. You’re so hung up on this guy and Benny says-”
“This conversation is over, it’s my bedtime. I love you and you’re wrong.” You hung up quickly, cheeks burning with the lie. Did you want to have sex with Frankie? Desperately. At the most inappropriate of times, like when you heard the rumble of his voice through the window at work, like when you caught a glimpse of his beautiful, unique side profile, like when you were alone and allowed your thoughts to wander to what could be under his jeans.
You sighed, frustrated with yourself and rolled onto your side. If you were braver, more sure that his attraction matched yours, you would have gone to his room, crawled into bed beside him, let whatever was meant to be, be. But right now, you weren’t brave. You felt like you had used up all your courage quota for the year in a single day, which was a ridiculous sentiment.
So instead of going to Frankie’s room, like the pulsing in your underwear desperately wanted you to, you closed your eyes and tried to sleep.
Taglist: @hnt-escape @sharkbait77 @1800-fight-me @annathewitch @darnitdraco @frankiecatfish @punkerthanpascal @nakhudanyx @gracie7209 @quica-quica-quica @pintsizemama @phoenix-of-loki
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pretty-face-breaker · 3 years
WIJ Prompt: Sleep
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CW. creepy whumper, pet names, implied murder, blood stains, forced to get rid of evidence for a killer, past consensual torture, coercive relationship
Timeline: A few months before Hayko escapes
— At its corner, the desk clock read 2:00 am. 
The light of the lamp fell on his hand as he wrote, eyes skipping the document before he turned the page to give the pen a healthy shake. Then, it was from the top again with the court file number, judicial centre, applicant. Down until his hand hung off of the desk. He seemed to only breathe once a page.
He had been dealing with paperwork for the past few hours but for Hayko, filling in blanks was like second nature as riding a bike might be for someone. Just as they would know when to lift their hips for an oncoming bump, he knew where to push the nib hard enough that the ink wouldn’t swipe and smear the space. By muscle memory, he crossed every t and dotted each i but ensured, as each page filled up, to go back and check. 
Two empty fruit bar wrappers sat near him beside an empty mug - all he had eaten since the single boiled egg and tea in the morning - which wasn’t his proudest meal plan but there was work to be done for next week. Crisis had struck. One of the cartel’s major benefactors was on trial for embezzlement. 
He wanted to laugh.  
Hayko sighed, letting the fountain pen click down before stretching up to the ceiling and then back. The exercise was useful when he needed a reminder that he had bones that weren’t made for crouching over a desk for hours at a time.  
“Good morning.” 
The seat almost toppled back as Hayko flinched and darted his eyes to the doorway of the other man’s room. “Jesus, you scared me, Nick.” He stood up quickly, fingers leaning on the desk for support when his head suddenly began to spin and his vision blacked out for a moment. 
Looking at his figure in the doorway, they suddenly felt colder.
“Working late again, busy bee? You should be asleep.” Nick wasn’t moving from the doorway, just leaning on one shoulder and just out of the perimeter that the light would allow him to be seen. It was all too dark to tell, but Hayko felt like he was smiling.
He smiled nervously in response, dragging his hands closer to him. “Always.” They held a long look under the benevolent layer of darkness before Nick ripped it away by stepping forward, then again until the yellow light of the desk lamp crawled up to his face. When Hayko saw his face, he was silently surprised at having guessed correctly that he was smiling.
Then, he saw his shirt. 
Nick must have noticed the immobile terror in his face because he chuckled. It rumbled in his ear, signalling a little involuntary shiver up the man’s back. “Don’t worry, doll. It’s not mine.” 
His fingertips were chilled against the desk now as Hayko kept his eyes locked on the bloodstains, of which there were plenty, clotting near the buttons at the waist, splattered across his sleeves, and painting a grimly neat stripe up to his collar. The glaring light of the bulb brought out their faint redness but mostly, it looked like Nick had painted the shirt black. 
“Th-... then whose?” He’d been meaning to ask. Hayko breaths mellowed as Nick began sliding off his watch and walking over. When it was off, he dropped it behind him with a thunk that made him blink. Right on the court order, too, he thought.
He should have been asleep by now. He should have gone to bed before he got home because then, he wouldn’t have to be dealing with him in the late hours. Nick was different at night, less human, and not in his humanity but his general appearance.  
Nick’s hands travelled to his waistband and plucked the dress shirt from his pants, not hesitating to start immediately unbuttoning. For courtesy, he turned at an angle to the bed next to the desk, facing the headboard as he took off the stained shirt. His chest was splattered with fainter spots of blood. Those would be easier missed and Hayko was glad they were. 
He finally found enough courage to bring his hands fully to his sides but not enough to look at him as he undressed, not out of disgust of the bloodstains but out of awkwardness. Never really figuring out where to look any time Nick undressed in front of him - although he probably would prefer it to be at him - Hayko let his eyes wander to the floor. 
“Is that all you ate today?” Nick was looking at the empty wrappers and mug, skipping the pile of paperwork entirely in a way that made Hayko redden a little for the mess.
He anxiously scraped the tiny crack in the floorboard made by his chair. “Yeah, um... ‘didn’t have much time for much else.” While technically not true, he thought, it wasn’t that he had the appetite for anything more either. With the recent heat-wave that had overwhelmed the city, he could hardly remember to eat without Nick being the one to remind him. Like they were god damn married.
The man pulled his tie loose then swooped both off, tsking in disapproval as he hung them over his arm and faced Hayko. “You need to seriously take care of yourself, love,” he chided with a hint of warmth. “You have work, sure, but not eating?” 
He found it harder to stare at the floor with Nick looking directly at him now. “Wasn’t hungry,” he mumbled, frustrated with the nagging while he stood there covered in a litre of fucking blood. 
It seemed strange to him, even this far into this veil of a romantic relationship, that Nick insisted on playing concerned spouse and talking down to him in that voice thick with adoration. He hated it. But mostly, he hated how it tricked him every time, for a few moments, to believing that the concern was genuine. 
That if Nick wanted to, he wouldn’t just break him in two for a quick, sadistic fix. 
“What if I hire a chef, hm?” Hayko’s eyes travelled uneasily up to his, avoiding the body not out of embarrassment or modesty but the light bruising, the little scratches at his shoulders that indicated there had been a struggle. 
He swallowed down the image of his victim clawing from below so he wouldn’t accidentally imagine his own face to fill in the blank.
“A nice one, family friend even, so you don’t starve yourself cooped up in my bedroom all day with your papers.” 
“Your papers,” Hayko reminded him carefully. It was annoying when he couldn’t at least pretend to remember that he was his employer. But Nick just chuckled before handing him the shirt, tie draped over. His fingernails were black with blood. 
“Do me a favour?” 
The dried, metallic smell overwhelmed him and he swallowed as the scent lingered, reminding him of the uncharacteristically pleasant evening a few nights ago, how the stench had replaced the man’s sage cologne as he had looked over Hayko’s bare back. Looked over the cuts there and decided to open a few up again as he shivered and bit back whimpers. 
He closed his eyes a moment, reliving the painful buzz his mind had been in, too clouded by chanting of more, more, more to say anything coherent until Nick had finished and planted a kiss on his neck and woken him up. Memories like those and how close they happened to each other sometimes made Hayko forget the nature of how he even got here but if he was honest in the moment, that one evening had...almost made it count. 
Hayko gasped back to reality, snatching the shirt before Nick could snap at him. “Sure, yeah, I-I’ll throw it away.” 
“Don’t throw it away, silly,” Nick interrupted as he turned to his bathroom. “Clean it. I like that shirt a lot, you know, you’ve seen me wear it to lots of those end-of-the-month parties Don Miguel likes to organize for us.” 
Hayko seemed at a loss for just what to do with the bloodstained clothing in his hand when he noticed that it wasn’t just stained but bathed in life. The combination seemed heavier in his hand than any of his shirt’s ever had. He thought, with a stirring and morbid curiosity, just which of his fucked up methods Nick had used to squeeze the breath out of the-
“Did you hear me?” 
He should have been asleep, and then he wouldn’t have to deal with this tonight.
“Nick-... I don’t think-” He stammered and motioned to the red cluster. “There’s too much… I don’t think I can, um, actually clean it with the amount of blood.” Waiting in silence for a response, Hayko unfolded the shirt by the shoulders, as if he hadn’t already seen the wreck. “Plus, a lot of it is dried. How long ago did you?...”
Sighing, Nick stopped and tilted his head. “You know I’ve got a couple of those enzyme detergents in the left cabinet of the other washroom. Multiple, actually, so fill up the sink and leave it.” 
And with that, Nick nodded at him which was cue that it was time to stop asking questions.
When he stumbled through the living room, he noticed it was pitch black where Nick hadn’t even spared the bar lights to make his way to the bedroom. Only further proof that the man was a born predator, Hayko thought grimly. 
He searched blindly for the light and squinted upon flicking it on. Nick may not have convinced him with the criticism of his diet but Hayko was starting to pay attention to the poor lighting he usually worked under. 
The left cabinet revealed the detergents. Hayko took them out, one by one, and stacked them on the sink before opening the faucet. He took note to plug it before it filled up and shut the warm dial. The colder the better Nick had mentioned off-hand once on a night similar to this one, where Hayko had watched him scrubbing a shirt in the sink from the hallway, pretending the water wasn’t turning pink between his fingers.
He breathed once, the sharp smell of chemical piercing his nose, and sprinkled it in. The shirt went in next and then the tie and all he could do was stare at it, infatuated. He had watched a man come home from killing someone, taken his clothes, and stuck the evidence in heavy-duty detergent.
He was a fucking lawyer. 
He didn’t sign up for this. 
Where had the time gone for it to have gone this far, to be involved like this with a psychopath? Going from tied up in his god damn basement to playing boyfriend? 
Sure, it had been a stupid mistake on his part but it was a mistake, all he had wanted was to live, and one verbal contract later, now watched blood merge with water.
The blood stained dress shirt stared back up at him disapprovingly. It probably thought he deserved it, Hayko thought faintly and the sudden rush of nausea almost made him double over and wretch into the sink.
The clock ate the time with ticks, and all Hayko did was stare at the shirt in the sink. Until he heard a rustle from behind. The man had probably finished washing up and just in time, too. “You should’ve been asleep.” 
Nick was right, always right. 
Tagging: @doveotions @heathenville @thewhumpstuff @thatsthewhump @adamantem-rose @lonesome–hunter @whumpsorbet @whumpasaurus101 @lektricfergus @downrivergirl914 @burtlederp
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