#he isn't THAT refined 😔
sitp-recs · 2 years
I just want to pick up a fic where harry isn't needlessly cruel to draco in an attempt to make him worthy of any love because of past canonical events. Especially when draco is painstakingly written to have worked so, so hard to change?I am so tired. And ridiculously triggered because you CAN'T filter these out 😔🙏... How do i refine my reading experience? There are no tags for this. The scenes just lie buried in fics. And i have spent so much TIME getting through long fics only for draco to be treated so poorly. It's such a common occurence! Or harry doing something really fucked up without consequence and draco being so accepting because he feels guilt. Like a casual use of veritaserum and then asking really invasive questions outside of what they agreed to be asking each other in what was supposed to be a safe space for the both of them. Or harry just sometimes casually being violent or angry in a way not necessarily part of the narrative... it's just something he does?
I'm not averse to harry with anger and trauma, this is why Balance, Imperfect, Heal Thyself, and A Sword Laid Aside are such treasured reads to me. It's just that they make sense...
So much of the fandom's fics will have something like this... like a really crude violation of draco's boundaries in popularly "wholesome" fics as a stepping stone for the romance. As them getting to know each other? But it really isn't that though... is it.I'm sorry, it's just NOT my thing. I don't know how to filter such things out. How do i keep a respectful distance away from such fics?
I respect the catharsis people find and seek with such scenes and pieces!! They're perfectly valid. I used to be just fine with such a relationship dynamic because they are undeniably good reads. And again, cathartic to see draco on the other end of the stick. But life just happens and somethings i can't enjoy anymore. I just don't know how I'm supposed to navigate my way around them.
Do you have authors that write these two with a more balanced perspective? Or maybe fics that deal with their hurt and pain and trauma with consideration but doesn't end up feeling like either harry or draco have to hurt the other more?
Also, l think you're one hell of an archivist and librarian when it comes to fics. Do you have any tips on how i can find the stories for me and peacefully navigate the ocean of fiction within the drarry tag?
Hi anon! I think I’ve received a shorter version of this ask a while ago but can’t for the life of me find my response so I’m not sure if I’ve already done a specific rec list for you. I love those long fics you mentioned, they all have excellent character arcs.
I totally understand where you’re coming from because I share the sentiment - and I’m pretty sure I know which fic you’re referring to re: the invasive Veritaserum scene. I’m sorry you’re having a rough time trying to filter those scenes out. As you said, they’re buried deep within the fics and to be honest I don’t think there’s an easy way to tag them, because characterization is very subjective and creators might see this topic differently. I might not come off as someone picky because I read and rec lots of stuff but I’m particularly sensitive when it comes to emotional imbalance in fic - I don’t enjoy characters being mean for the sake of it or taking advantage of another character written as meek/pitiful, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth so I try to avoid those if I can. Now I think about it, this might be one of the reasons why I’ve shifted away from long “redemption arc” fics and have been reading more “friends to lovers” and shorts recently, as I find them more emotionally satisfying. Hmm 🤔
Unfortunately I can’t offer any tips in terms of tag filtering - I think that would be extremely difficult and frustrating, especially if you find it triggering. If I were in your shoes I’d solely rely on rec lists made by people in whom I trust and crated within those parameters. Or just avoid the redemption arc altogether and focus on fics where they’re already in friendly terms? I wish I could help more because even a rec list would eventually end and chances are you’ve already read all the ones I have in mind. Let’s see if my followers have any interesting tips that might be helpful in this situation!
PS: some author suggestions I can think off the top of my head are firethesound, tackytiger, blamebrampton, Writcraft, thestarryknight, bixgirl, astolat, Omi_Ohmy, aibidil, shiftylinguini
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baptst · 2 years
john but it’s that scene from silence of the lambs where hannibal is covered in blood listening to bach 😩👌
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heich0e · 3 years
hello liv😔 dumblr probably didnt send the ask i sent earlier so im here again,, andd i just read your kita and kuroo wips and holy shit dbshshsh losing my mind here im soo fking excited for those and also umm if youre still posting wips then may i beg for some crumbs of that one atsumu fic where the reader works as a bartender? :0 i read the wips soo long back and it still hasn't left my mind 😭 no pressure!! ILY MWAHHH <3
sorry if i have already posted this i can't track down the original snippets :(
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It becomes a routine after that.
Miya comes in on Friday nights, some exorbitantly beautiful woman on his arm, and is always quickly seated at a table the front of house staff had kept waiting for him. A standing reservation.
Moments after that, he rises to approach you at the bar.
He’ll offer you some minute detail about his date (though occasionally it is mercifully pertinent to their drink preferences--like a spirit they enjoy, or a flavour they're partial to) and you're left to come up with a cocktail that will appeal to them.
“So, what’s the story with this one?” he asks one evening, a few months into the little ritual that has settled between you, leaning over the counter as you prepare a drink for his lady of the week (his hints tonight being: daughter of a mogul, refined tastes, wants to get fucked up.)
“Comes from Monaco. They say the queen devised the recipe herself--all the bubble of champagne but twice the punch. Ladies weren’t allowed to drink hard liquor without it being seen as unbecoming, so this was a way they could get away with it and still have a good time.” You strain the slightly green tinted drink into the waiting champagne flutes below the shaker, watching as the frothy liquid pools in the basin of the polished glass.
“Nice.” the man nods approvingly as you top both drinks off with a healthy pour of champagne. The colour of the drink softens even further with the addition of the effervescent wine, and in the dim light of the bar, you can hardly even tell it isn't pure champagne.
You slide the drinks over to his waiting hands. “Two imperials for your prim and proper date.”
“She won’t be proper for long." Atsumu winks at you over the counter and you wrinkle your nose in distaste.
Your interactions with your newest regular customer have also shifted in the weeks since he’d started bothering you with his patronage--far less professional than the tone you’d tried (poorly) to maintain on his first few visits to the bar.
“Revolting,” you mutter.
“Thanks again! I’ll let you know how this one goes.”
“Just leave me a nice tip,” you say dismissively, wiping down the bartop with a clean cloth to prepare for the next drink orders waiting to be filled.
“I always do,” the man chirps, flashing you the same grin he always does--charming, self-assured, and utterly carefree--as he steps away towards his waiting date once more.
But he's right: for all of Atsumu’s shenanigans, he always leaves you a very generous tip at the end of the night. He always makes sure to stop by on his way out--one arm wrapped around the waist of whatever absurdly good looking woman he’s conned into going out with him that week--to tell you that they loved their drinks and to slide a neatly folded stack of bills towards you across the counter.
He's annoying, but he's single-handedly financing your habit of buying the really good ice cream on your weekly grocery trip, so you don't complain much.
You watch as Atsumu crosses the length of the room to return to his table--this week he's seated at one not far from the bar, affording you the perfect view of him sliding into his seat, handing one of the two drinks you’d just carefully prepared to the woman waiting for him.
She takes a sip and smiles, and you watched as Atsumu reaches out to brush a piece of hair behind her ear, his touch lingering just a moment longer than is strictly necessary.
You look away with a roll of your eyes, setting to work on the numerous orders that had come in since you’ve been busy preparing his drinks.
He really is completely shameless.
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jfc-1 · 3 years
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What Am I?
Hello, I am Jamie, What I know about myself is that I am an Educator and Mental Health advocate because I know how it feels to suffer from a Cognitive Impairment and to deal with something that keeps knocking in my brain that persistently forces Itself to my state of consciousness.
I was kind of having a depression and anxiety and you know, It's kind of hard to tell. What I was doing for my personal development is that is that learning new trades from other people and discovering my own as well. It was Self- Actualization. My subject of Interest are in the field of of Political Science, Education, Stenography, and Psychology. I can say that I have been shaped by my personal experiences and struggles that I was going through and also by environmental aspects. I have this perception in mind that If you wanted to achieve something especially the zenith, you must generate a conscious effort in order to constantly maintain and and to reach the level of satisfaction you wanted to be at. Through this, It is definitely achievable. I have also learned in the field of education that even the smartest can be defeated unless he/she is consistent and persistent in completing his/her task. It was evident. Even If I was struggling like I was only using a phone in online classes and going to my 10th grade classmates house just to connect to their internet( there are lots of shortcomings and dilemma happened🥺🙂😭😔). It made me realize how tough life was. Anyways, I can say that the aspect of development that I have been is in the field of Cognitive domain. Genetically, I think I acquired my Father's Intelligence and Behaviourally, It is evident that It was from my Mother. Although It has been proven that Scientifically that we're highly influenced by our parents, I'm not into that concept. Maybe there are certain noticeable factors, It isn't completely something as what others think of it. Like Mother like Daughter? Like Father like Son? Like what? Is this the basis of being me? I was uniquely Identifies by my own skills, I have distinct traits that my siblings doesn't have, even my parents. I am completely different. Environmental factors leads me to change a lot. It was a challenge but a beautiful challenge so that I would be able to determine my strengths and weaknesses and work on it.
You know what guys, It was kind of ridiculous. I feel like I am older as I am even If I was 18. I feel like I was around 28 or 29 (Hahahahahahah, seem to be funny😂😅). Well, I'm the 5th in the family, 2nd youngest son. As I grew older, I feel like I have lots of responsibility to take even If I wasn't ready, It was a total culture shock. I don't wanted to spread negativity and to be so dramatic, so I would end this up.
When It comes to Psychological factors, I was about to develop Cognitive Impairment, Pervasive sense of Inferiority, and Cognitive Distortion. It was kind of awful and detrimental. I feel like I was preoccupied and in the free-floating mode. Socially, I am an Extrovert, good at communicating to people from all walks of life and great in building rapport or communication based upon mutual trust. I think It's one of my competitive advantages🥰🤗😊💖.
- Something to realize is that different people have been Influenced by different factors that might inevitably dictates our perception in the way that we aren't aware of. Certain Psychological factors might be a determining factor in order for us to know our level of perceptions. As I was saying and maybe you're really familiar with, Not everyone reacts the same and there's no universal fix. We undergone to different levels of stresses and depression that we have spoken about. It affects how our receptors reacted to it and the like. I was about to leave you guys something. In order for us to hone or develop our perception more vividly, we must refine our thinking. Don't just think but think about how you are thinking when you think😉.
Thank you😉💖😊🤗🥰
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