#he kept CQL in his bio for FIVE FUCKING YEARS
If you think CQL is the only reason Wang YiBo’s star is on the rise, please check yourself. He’s been grinding since day one to get where he is. There are roles he landed that people think he only got because of CQL, but they’re wrong.
People have been underestimating Wang YiBo for his entire career, because he’s pretty, because he’s young, and because he entered the industry on the idol track. And as evidenced by the fact that so many are upset that he removed CQL from his bio — saying he’s ungrateful, that he would be nothing without it — even these fans underestimate him.
Sure, CQL helped his trajectory to move faster, but he was grinding every day there too, on set. Because he gives 110% to everything he does. Every time. Without fail. In spite of fatigue, illness, injury, harassment, fabricated scandals or anything else. He’s not a success because of CQL. He’s a success because he’s Wang YiBo.
This video collects some of the work Wang YiBo has done, along with quotes from directors and other industry colleagues, and does a great job showing that Wang YiBo’s success is due to his insane work ethic, his passion, and his unflagging vision for the career he’s building for himself. And all of this before the age of 26.
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