#he kind of deflected it to himself too when the patient gave up her liver to lie to her husband
the-hopeless-haze · 2 years
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Ok but Wilson baby girl this isn’t why House told Stacy to leave.
I think it’s interesting how House didn’t tell Wilson that he talked to Mark. That scene is probably the best Mark is in and like the desperation like he’s at the end of his rope and he’s where House was five years ago. House’s face when Mark says “I don’t know how to stop yelling at her” he recognizes that…. I don’t know how to not transfer this pain I’m feeling and I don’t know how to not resent you. That scene where both of the men Stacy fucked over (the original girlboss fr) that scene where both of them are struggling to walk up the stairs and Mark has to lean on House like it’s so good.
But Mark will get better. House knows Stacy is running to him because it’s bad right now but Mark is going to get better. House is not. And… he knows the pain of being left behind by a partner when struggling with a disability.
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