#Stacy lowkey sucks so bad though
the-hopeless-haze · 2 years
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Ok but Wilson baby girl this isn’t why House told Stacy to leave.
I think it’s interesting how House didn’t tell Wilson that he talked to Mark. That scene is probably the best Mark is in and like the desperation like he’s at the end of his rope and he’s where House was five years ago. House’s face when Mark says “I don’t know how to stop yelling at her” he recognizes that…. I don’t know how to not transfer this pain I’m feeling and I don’t know how to not resent you. That scene where both of the men Stacy fucked over (the original girlboss fr) that scene where both of them are struggling to walk up the stairs and Mark has to lean on House like it’s so good.
But Mark will get better. House knows Stacy is running to him because it’s bad right now but Mark is going to get better. House is not. And… he knows the pain of being left behind by a partner when struggling with a disability.
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thottyimagines · 5 years
ight so let’s say konoha 12 wanted to have a karaoke night. what would they sing and how drunk would they have to be? (including kakashi, guy, jiriya, and tsunade)
lmaoo omg im literally going through my playlist rn figuring it out
Naruto sings fucking “yummy” like that GARBAGE justin bieber song about his wife’s vagine that he’s begging everyone to listen to. He thinks it’s sooo catchy. Literally does not know the context of it. It sounds pretty ok. He’s only buzzed. 
Sakura straight up BELTS “gotta go my own way” from HSM 2. She does Gabriella’s part. Ino does Troy’s. It’s lovely and amazing, even if it sounds kinda off. By herself, perhaps she would do “toxic” as a nice britney tribute. She is nothing more than tipsy. 
Sasuke needs to be obliterated to do any karaoke. And once he is obliterated, it’s emo time. He sings “lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off” by panic even though he’s never been wrongéd by a woman before. It’s soooo fucking funny. He takes it so seriously. His bangs are all sweaty and plastered to his forehead. He’s drunk. 
Shino would realistically never do karaoke. If he did, it’d be a in a group, and he’d whisper it. It’d prob be something Kiba wanted to do for his whole team (and Kiba just ends up belting it by himself). It’s “you’ve got a friend in me” or whatever. 
Hinata ok hear me out...”8″ by billie eilish is the perfect song for her. Like, not that in it’s super applicable, but it’s the song for her to sing. Whispery and pretty!! Everyone feels weird and sad so they clap!! Naruto cries a little in the bathroom because he lowkey knows it’s about him but doesn’t know what to do about it. She would have to be BLASTED, blackout drunk to do it. 
Kiba would soooo sing a Post Malone song. Tell me he isn’t singing “rockstar” or something. He’s WASTED, but he sounds soooo good. 
Shikamaru would not. If he had to, had to, it’d be some sort of rap. Probably something by Chance, honestly. I could see him doing the rap from “forever always” or doing anything from acid rap, really. It kinda sucks. 
Ino, aside from her Troy addition to Sakura’s HSM song, would def sing “how to be a heartbreaker” by  marina and the diamonds. It sounds so good?? Like waaaay better than expected. She’d do it totally sober, so after any drinks, she is somehow better?
Choji sings “beautiful soul” soooo perfectly. Like, someone absolutely develops a crush on him upon hearing those vocals. He’s the cutest. He’s drunk, but not messy drunk. He’s just letting it out, man. 
Neji is fully yelling along to “bulletproof love” bu pierce the veil. He’s sooo into it. He’s soooo drunk. Everyone kinda just leaves him alone to scream his feelings. 
Tenten is deffff singing something like “monopoly” by ariana grande (w victoria monet!). It’s awesome. Everyone is really inspired. So fuckin cool, basically. I think she’d need to be drunk to really do it, but it’d be a good drunk. 
Rock Lee loves and adores Lizzo songs, and that’s what he sings. He’s sober as hell. He’s singing “good as hell.” He’s dancing. It’s awesome.
Kakashi ALSO sings “yummy” just to be a dick. Except for Naruto was really, really feelin himself when he sang it, and Kakashi is fully laughing. And he’s drunk, so he’s red and giggling and can’t get past the “gurl u got that yummmmmy yum” and it’s so fucking funny. 
Guy loves Bazzi. He’d love to sing “mine” or something like that. And I think he’d sooo rock it, but it’d be sooo cheesy. Ugh. Too cute. Also, he’s so sober. 
Jiraiya sings “stacy’s mom,” of course. He sucks, and it’s soooo uncomfy listening to him sing it, but it lowkey sounds kinda good. Everyone has mixed feelings. 
Tsunade totally sings “woman like me” and just gets soooo into it. It’s really clearly an anthem she identifies heavily with. She’s more drunk than she usually is, but it isn’t outrageous. Also, it sounds not bad. 
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spiderneds · 6 years
Far From Home (Peter Parker [TH] x Reader) PART SIX
hey guys i lowkey want to open an etsy shop and sell paintings i do of marvel, star wars, chaos walking, disney, etc characters because i am broke and need money. idk how well that will go though :/// idk,, thoughts??
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How unlucky was Peter’s life? Pretty freaking unlucky, considering his first day of classes landed on his anniversary, and he had woken up with a head cold, and about a dozen texts from Gwen, apologizing for the awkward situation but eager to see him again.
“Maybe this will be a good, you know, distraction,” Ned said encouragingly. 
“Maybe,” Peter said, but his nose was stuffed up and that was all he could focus on. Miserably, he sipped his hot tea. Ned got on his phone. Peter glanced at his screen and saw his friend scroll through a long list of messages to you that were read, but not responded to.
Peter’s heart sank. “I hurt her real bad, Ned.”
Ned looked at him and gave a sad look, because there really wasn’t anything else to say.
The new school was freaky big. Midtown was relatively small, and Peter didn’t know that there were schools that actually made you walk from building to building. It was like he was in a movie. If he were in a castle, he probably would have felt like he was inside of Harry Potter, considering the uniforms they had to wear. 
Ned and Peter had all of their classes together (luckily) but neither of them had a sense of direction to lead them to math class before the bell rang. They were sprinting from class to class, out of breath, sweaty, and beyond stressed out.
But the worst part of the day was when Peter walked by the art room, and Gwen Stacy stepped out.
“Peter,” she said, grinning.
“Oh, Gwen. Uh, hey.”
“Hey,” she said. 
Ned backed up. “I’ll, uh, let you talk.”
“Okay,” he said. 
“How’s your first day?” she asked him, crossing her arms. 
“It’s alright,” he said. “I didn’t know... I didn’t know I was going to see you.”
She ducked her head, locks of perfectly straight blonde hair falling off her shoulders and brushing the front of her uniform. “Yeah, I was hoping I’d see you, actually.”
“Look, Peter,” she said, then she paused. “Can we sit outside?” 
He thought about it for half a second. “Sure.”
It was breezy outside, but sunny. Gwen knew her way around, so she took him to a bench and sat down. He took a seat next to her and squinted against the sun that was too bright.
“Peter, I don’t want you to feel like you have to hang out with me, or date me or whatever,” she said, holding her hands up. She smiled. “I know it’s awkward, because of your ex. I didn’t know that you had broken up with someone so soon. I’m sorry if I made things worse.”
“No, no, you’re fine,” he said. “Trust me, I am the one that screwed everything up. It happens more than you’d think, actually.”
She laughed, and the sound made his lips curl upward. 
“Look, Gwen... I like you. You’re cool, and funny, and really pretty-”
Suddenly she leaned into the space between them and touched her lips to his quickly. He pulled back.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I had a feeling you were about to say goodbye, so I just thought-”
“No - I don’t... I can’t be with you,” he said. He got off the bench. “Look, it’s my anniversary today. And the only reason I left my girlfriend behind is because I was having a really hard time in Queens. And now, since I met you... I probably screwed things up forever. 
“I still care about her. I know now that you can’t just stop caring for someone, because really - she was my everything. But something happened in my life that changed everything. But it didn’t ever change the love I have for her. It changed me. I’m sorry, Gwen. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean for this to get so far.”
He turned and hurried off the yard, calling Ned as he did so.
“You’re going to have to give her time.”
“Huh?” Peter asked. He had just told Ned that he loved still loved you. 
“She needs time,” he said. “I’ve talked to her, Peter, and she is just... tired. She thinks you dumped her to get with someone new on the other side of the world.”
“That isn’t true though.”
“And I told her that,” Ned said, “but Peter, you’ve been acting super weird since you got back from space.”
“Because I died,” he replied.
“Yes, I know. That was traumatizing, I get it.”
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed. “Dude,” he mumbled. 
“Sorry. It probably really sucked. But the point is, you are different now. And you really hurt her while you were trying to figure things out. I think you should wait until we get back. Give her space. I’ll let her know that you’re not with Gwen, and that you’re working things out... but she needs space.”
Peter nodded. “But everything is going to be okay?” he asked. He needed reassurance. 
“Totally, dude!” Ned said. He put his arm around Peter’s shoulders. “I think everything is going to be great now.”
Peter grinned and nodded, then he felt it.
A buzzing in his head.
His blood ran cold, the hair on his arms stood, and he turned around. 
“Hey, Ned? I’m gonna need my guy in the chair,” he said.
Ned gasped, his mouth turning into a large o shape. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” he said. 
Ned punched the air and cheered. “Dude, I told you things were going to get better! Yes! Spider-Man’s sidekick is back!”
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emilyjunk · 7 years
Bemily when Emily gives Beca piggyback rides to cheer her up when she’s in a bad mood?
Beca’s in a mood.
To be fair, she’s always a little bit in a mood, just like, naturally. But today especially, she’s in a mood.
“You’re going to get premature frown lines, Beca,” Chloe tells her at lunch.
“You’re bumming me out, girl,” Stacie frowns at her that afternoon when they meet up for coffee.
“Your whole vibe right now is cramping my style worse than when you were fired,” Amy scoffs at her as they go to meet up with the other Bellas for dinner.
Beca scowls as they walk. “For the last damn time, I wasn’t fired, I quit.”
Amy shoots her a look. “Case in point,” she says. “You’re lower than a snake in Australia.”
“They’re down under? Like as low as you can get.”
Beca rolls her eyes. “You are so weird.”
“At least I’m not a grump.”
Needless to say, this conversation doesn’t really make her any less grumpy.
Monthly Bella dinners are something Beca usually looks forward to. Ever since they all graduated and moved to different places and got busy jobs and lives, they don’t really interact that much.
Beca lives with Amy and Chloe still in New York, but she’s always out of town for work, especially after her own career took off after the USO tour.
Thankfully, most of the Bellas are in New York, too. All of them really, except Cynthia Rose and Aubrey.
So, once a month, they all get together, no excuses, for dinner.
And truly, Beca looks forward to these monthly dinners. Maybe she wouldn’t have said that as a freshman in college, but she’s older now and she realized a long time ago that she doesn’t have to try to fit some definition of cool. She just does what makes her happy and she’s good with that.
It just sucks that it’s tonight because she’s had a hell week, and she’s in a mood, and she really just wants to crawl in her bed and have a good night’s sleep.
It’s Chloe’s turn to pick the restaurant so they go to some new sushi place she’s been wanting to try. There’s the typical hugging and squealing and ohmygod look at you!s outside the restaurant. Beca goes through the motions before sulking outside the crowd of Bellas. She just doesn’t have the emotional strength right now to pretend she’s in a good mood, but she also doesn’t wanna be one of those people who ruins everyone else’s night by being in a bad mood, so.
Sulking off the side. Casually. No big.
They pile into a long table inside the restaurant. Beca’s squeezed in, Jessica on one side and Flo on her other, Emily’s long legs brushing hers accidentally under the table from where she sits across from Beca.
They get a whole variety of dishes, passing the plates around family style. Beca spends the dinner giving lowkey answers to people’s questions and just listening to everyone else’s conversations. She listens as Flo tells Stacie about the new juice she’s experimenting on making, and Amy talk about how they’ve been looking for a new apartment because their lease is almost up and she’s a millionaire now and Beca’s pay is obviously increased thanks to the singles she’s been releasing the past month that have been getting mad radio play.
Beca sinks lower in her seat as everyone starts singing one of her songs at each other.
She’s so grateful to all of them; she wouldn’t have done any of this probably if it weren’t for her years with the Bellas, their support, just everything.
She just like, really isn’t in the mood.
Finally it gets a little late so they finish their food and start paying. They get split checks and Beca is one of the first to pay, so she pushes out into the cool night air while she waits for Chloe and Amy, grateful for some space.
“You alright?” A hand lands on her shoulder and Beca shrugs.
“Yeah, just one of those days,” she says.
Emily nods. “Yeah, I get it.” She rocks back and forth for a second before giving Beca a knowing look. “You know what makes it better?”
Emily sticks her tongue out. “Piggy back rides.”
“No,” Beca shakes her head. “Nope.”
“Mhmm,” Emily grins, turning so her back is facing Beca and leaning over slightly. “Hop on.”
“Dude, no.”
“Let it happen, what do you have to lose?”
Beca scoffs. “Uh my dignity?”
Emily laughs at that. “I’m pretty sure you stopped caring about that like, three years ago.” She points at her back. “I’m not giving up til you get on.”
“If I do it for like, five seconds will you stop?”
Emily just grins and points over her shoulder again.
Becs sighs. “Fine.”
She grumbles to herself, but resigns to awkwardly jumping on Emily’s back. Emily heaves her up further and Beca wraps her legs around Emily’s waist and her arms around her neck.
“Okay, let me down.”
“What? No, we just started.”
Then Emily starts jogging, half bent over from Beca’s weight and have just hopping forward like a dork. She takes a few steps forward and then turns around and comes back until she’s just running in a little circle in front of the restaurant.
“Oh my God,” Beca mutters, bouncing along with every step. “This is so stupid.”
As if to make her feel more stupid, Emily starts making noises like she’s an airplane or a car or something. “Whooooosh, vrrrrrrrrrrrrm, nnnnyyeeeeehhhh!!!” Then she grabs one of Beca’s feet and points it at Stacie who just stepped out of the restaurant. “PEW PEW PEW!”
And Beca can’t help it. She feels so dumb and weird and embarrassed in the best of ways.
She laughs.
She laughs and she laughs and she can’t fucking stop.
Her body shakes with the force of it and she leans her head down onto Emily’s shoulder, stifling the sound into her sweater.
She can’t see it, but she can practically feel Emily grinning as she hobbles from Bella to Bella, all coming out of the restaurant one by one, Emily facing each one of them, another string of “PEW PEW PEW”s coming from her mouth, jabbing Beca’s foot forward with each one.
And Beca’s still laughing - she like, can’t stop, and her abs hurt with it until she can’t hold onto Emily anymore and slides off her back.
All the Bellas just stare at them, but Beca barely notices, bent over with laughter.
When she straightens up, Emily’s beaming at her.
“You guys are so weird,” Amy says, but Beca really doesn’t even mind because Emily’s looking like she won the lotto more and more with every giggle that comes out of Beca’s throat.
And Beca’s not really in a mood anymore.
Well, actually she is. She’s just not in a bad one. She’s in a giddy, giggly one.
“Told you,” Emily says in an over-exaggerated whisper. “Works every time.”
Beca kind of doesn’t think it was the piggyback ride, though. Like, if Amy had given her a piggyback ride, she might’ve just been traumatized.
No, she thinks. It was Emily, and her very specific quirkiness, her laugh, her contagious smile.
They all say bye, but Beca’s still just laughing to herself.
Thank you, she mouths to Emily when she waves goodbye, but Emily just shrugs like it was no big deal.
She makes a note to buy Emily a coffee next week or something.
Furthermore, she makes a note to go to Emily next time she can’t shake one of her moods.
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