#he kinda sucks at it I’ll be real he’s more of a shitty emperor than shitty husband or dad
limelocked · 1 year
Keep thinking about a comment on a manhwa chapter calling the male lead a shitty husband and father
Mans found out he was a dad less than 14 days business days ago, the kid is five, he took contraceptives, after he found it out he’s been doing his got damn best about it
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kuriboo · 4 years
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so here we are, y’all. i’ve finally reached the end of the zexal anime, and, uh, it sure was a ride. a ride from start to finish. i’m gonna write out some final thoughts, if i end up forgetting something i might make another post of this, but, don’t count on it. but, before anything, i do intend to read the zexal manga at some point as well, and when i do, you might see me post some funny or interesting screenshots in this tag too? probably not a lot, i don’t know, i’ve never read the zexal manga either. just be aware that the zexal liveblog might not actually be over.
i know people like to talk in terms of zexal i and zexal ii, but hulu doesn’t split up zexal like that, it’s actually in three seasons? i think i generally know what people are referring to with zexal i and zexal ii(?), but i’m genuinely not sure and the terms feel super weird to me anyway, but just to be safe, i’ll refer to things as the first half and the second half. the first half ends with the duel against dr faker and yuma vs kite, part 2 picks up with...whatever the hell happened after the yuma vs kite duel, which certainly wasn’t a continuation of kite’s character arc, but we won’t worry about that.
with that, uh, let’s go high-five the sky
before starting zexal: i’d pretty much watched all the other yugioh series, and was keeping up with vrains as much as i could as it aired. i saw one episode once, before i started watching the whole thing, that aired on some channel we normally don’t get but got a like free preview weekend of it or something. the episode i saw was the episode where yuma meets the guy who makes the statues, i think. whatever it was, the impression i got from what i saw was: this yugioh protagonist is really bad at card games, whines a lot, and his voice kinda grates on me, and also this protagonist is younger than i was at the time, which tended to lead to more annoying behavior. this kid didn’t want to shut up, man. couldn’t sit through the whole thing
so, this was how i rated zexal against the other yugioh series, keeping in mind that this is a rating of series, and not yugioh protagonists, and noting that the members of the A tier are not in any sort of order and all members have equal ratings: 
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(sevens is unrated because it’s just barely started.)
(there’s not really much of anything that could top gx, tbh, because gx got me through the hardest time, the hardest year, of my life, and i don’t know where i’d be without it. gx helped save 17 year old me from myself)
now, i’ve finished zexal. i’ve watched every single episode of zexal. it’s important to note that i watched the dub of duel monsters, the dubs of gx and 5ds along with the sub of their non-dubbed final seasons, the dub of zexal, the sub of arc v alongside a stretch of dubbed episodes towards the end, and the sub of vrains along with the dub of the first 20 episodes. i’m aware zexal’s sub was better than the dub, but i generally prefer dubs when possible and also i’m largely comparing it against every other yugioh dub. it’s not an unfair comparison. 
so, here is how i now rate zexal against the other yugioh series, keeping in mind the members of the A tier aren’t in any sort of order:
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you may have noticed this is the same as the previous rating. that’s correct. zexal was my least favorite yugioh series before i began watching it, and now that i’ve finished, it’s still my least favorite yugioh series. i know for a lot of people, zexal was their favorite yugioh series, but i simply can’t vibe with that. i’m sorry. i’m also aware the dub of zexal is a lot worse than the original. that doesn’t change the fact that i’m mostly rating dubs against each other here (haven’t seen enough of the arc v dub to account for that, but every other series i’m strongly thinking about the dubs). also, i’ll still give zexal credit for that. i’ll excuse some of its bad points as bad dub writing. some.
this chart, though, doesn’t paint a complete picture of how my opinion of zexal has changed. because it has. i like zexal a lot more now than i did before i started really watching it.
we’ll address good points first, so if anyone wants to bail for the bad points to avoid any sort of hurt feelings or anything like that, they can while still reading good stuff. again, i know a lot of yugioh fans’ favorite yugioh series is zexal, and my opinions are directly opposed to that, and again, i’m sorry. 
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there was some pretty cool new cards in this one, particularly in the numbers side of things. shark drake was cool. i liked all of the arclights’ numbers; honestly, how could i not love dyson sphere or number 69? i’ve forgotten a lot of it by now but there was some cool stuff especially in the first part. 
the two best characters in this series, in terms of both writing and personality, were easily astral and shark. astral’s probably my number one, shark’s probably my number two.
astral was definitely great. his observations he kept making about humanity based on yuma was definitely one of the funnier things in the series, and the last duel of the series ending with astral’s last observation was poetic. he talked smack about yuma a lot, and a lot of the time it was pretty well deserved, and that was very cathartic and very good humor. his whole arc where he learns to trust yuma in part 1 and they truly become partners, then yuma meets vector who convinces yuma to keep pretty big secrets from astral, then astral realizes yuma’s been keeping these big secrets from him which is something astral never thought would happen by that point, and astral almost loses himself in that darkness of feeling betrayed and angry and sad, that was all really really good. yuma and astral not not immediately going back to loyal trusting partners and needing time before astral could truly trust yuma again also felt natural and real and i enjoyed it a lot. i like astral’s hairstyle, i like his dub censored ass, i like his whole ghost-like vibe. i don’t appreciate that astral is a nudist, even among the other residents of astral world who all wear actual clothes. i kind of wish astral would wear clothes but i would still want his ass to be censored because it’s hilarious. there is a lot i like about astral. i also just think he’s neat. my easy favorite. cannot go wrong with snarky glowy alien boy.
shark surprised me. i didn’t like him for a fair amount of part 1. he hurt yuma’s feelings a lot and i hated that. but when he started accepting yuma’s repeated attempts at friendship and turned around, i liked him a lot. he’s got purple hair, he plays a guitar (i think electric guitar? might’ve been electric bass), and his development was super interesting. i figured he had some kind of shitty home life that yuma would help him cope with using the power of friendship, but it was quite a bit more than that. he got disqualified from a tournament he desperately wanted to win because of a trick his opponent pulled, eventually evened out and became a pretty cool chill dude, and then it turned out he was like the head emperor of an alien planet that astral had set out to destroy?? he was the leader of a group of people and then blamed himself for their destruction?? he felt torn between his guilt/duty to his people and the new friendships he’d made with yuma and astral?? and he ended up deciding to go back to his alien emperor ways even though it pitted him against his friends which was hard but he had to make it up for the people he’d lost before?? but then he learned don thousand had been manipulating for a long long time and then faced against don thousand at yuma’s side een though he chose to turn his back on that friendship?? he didn’t let some fanfic choose his life for him??? he had shark drake??? there’s a lot of cool shit about shark and he’s got a lot of interesting shit going for him. i love a character that gets me to analyze what’s going on in their mind as they do certain things or make certain choices. i also love me a character who ends up getting/remembering magical powers. sorry shark astral’s in first but i still think shark’s neat too.
byron arclight!!! byron arclight! he’s not on the same level as astral and shark, but mAN i love byron arclight. he was constantly roasting everyone when he appeared and had some of the funniest dialogue in the entire series. anyone he looked at he’d be like “look aliens made me physically look like a child, my sons are taller and look older than me now, i couldn’t possibly give a shit about whatever your deal is.” he got super strong magic powers and used them to kidnap a small child. he became evil and told his sons to be evil with him because he was mad at dr faker, but they all kinda sucked at being evil and decided to be good guys instead by part 2. it’s honestly a shame the arclights didn’t appear in the series, especially part 2 (and especially byron, i’m p sure he appeared the least of the arclights) because i like them all actually. that episode where trey erased yuma’s like most important memories... dyson sphere... quattro telling off shark for dueling poorly while shark was sufferering the effects of POISON... what absolute legends. also byron had number 69.
yuma’s pretty cool, ended up being a more compelling character than i thought he would be. he’s a sweet kid, he’s annoyed initially by astral’s presence but he still helps astral with his quest to gather all the numbers anyway and he likes astral the more they hang out. that episode where yuma loses his memories because of trey really showed yuma’s pre-series development pretty well. yuma talks a lot and shouts the same few catchphrases a lot and it can get annoying, but there’s a lot more to yuma then that. at his core, he’s actually a pretty scared and lonely kid who doesn’t believe in himself, he looks at his current situation and goes “there’s no way i can win this duel there’s no point i might as well quit”. he’s not inherently upbeat and positive and self-confident like he usually appears. “feel the flow” is his source of strength, it’s what gets him going, gets him to believe in himself and inspires bravery in him. he’s actually one of the strongest people in the show for it, to be honest. his friends are so important to him, he cares about them so much and would do anything for them, even when his friends aren’t acting so friendly to him. even when his friends want conflicting things he tries his best to appease both sides. he becomes a voice of reason a lot in part 2, honestly. he kept voicing my thoughts and things i said throughout the season, which at times was really cathartic honestly. he kept challenging the status quo. why do we HAVE to do this, why can’t we find a compromise for THAT. he’s a good kid. i’m adopting him.
kite in part 1 is a cool Strong Opposition To The Number Hunt guy. he needs a glasses prescription but refuses to do anything about it and dies on the moon for it apparently, which i think is pretty funny of him. since he’s not astral he has to number hunt differently and the way he does it hurts people, but he’s only doing it because if he has all the numbers, then there might be a way to help his little brother who is suffering some big shit. his life literally revolves around his little brother who wants kite to just live his life for himself and be happy and have fun, to which kite replies “i don’t know how to do any of that”. relatable. eventually he realizes his dad is a dick. and beats him up until his dad says okay i’ll be good now. i won’t throw trash at astral world anymore i promise. kite’s hear to kick ass and take names and he runs out of names before he runs out of ass. but he gets new names by the time he runs out of ass so it’s okay. kite does some pretty fun stuff in part 1 and actually gives astral a run for his money which doesn’t happen often in part 1 so that’s pretty fun. also. his name is kite and his brother’s name is heart. dr faker is the worst at names but i’d expect that from someone who’s name is faker. it’s pretty funny, honestly
dumon is great. he’s a nice guy who is always trying to help out his friends. him first meeting shark and them pretty much despising each other and then realizing hmm maybe that other guy isn’t as obnoxious as i thought all before shark even realizes he’s nasch and nasch and dumon are like best friends? top-tier, def funny. after like that first meeting though dumon always came off as a nice guy. i like dumon. also, his dub voice actor voices dub yusaku and i was assigned yusaku by the government so i really appreciate that. he does a good job as yusaku. and honestly a good job at dumon, too. dumon is one of the best voices in the whole show. he’s great. i just think he’s neat
rio!!!! once rio wakes up, she’s great. you can tell like within an episode that she and shark are the kind of siblings that constantly snark at each other but would do literall anything for each other. shark tried to do anything he could to help her before she woke up, and rio stuck by his side no matter what in the barians vs astral conflict. the foreshadowing in that episode where she pretended she was knocked out like the rest of yuma’s friends but she really wasn’t!! within like a week of waking up she reveals shark can’t sleep in the dark and i think that he hates onions. she’s the picture of confidence, and it seems to come more naturally to her than yuma’s forced and learned confidence. she believes in herself for sure, she’s a great duelist and she knows it, she’s got that ice aesthetic that i love, she’s cute... i’m gonna go adopt shark and rio right now. she’s also fiercely protective of her friends. but she’s not afraid to tease them either! and she will do it! she’s unrepentantly herself and i love it. 
vector is funny. vector had some great lines in part 2. “ray shadows” was always predictably not what he seemed at first glance but that’s not a bad thing. just because i knew “ray shadows” was bad didn’t make the reveal of him being vector any less satisfying, honestly. that whole sequence of what happened when vector revealed himself was one of my favorite parts of the second half. vector constantly leading yuma into “the ray way” (usually a poor way), then after reealing himself talking about doing things the ray way, absolutely poetic. that reveal causing a huge shift in yuma and astral’s relationship, beautiful. did you just say the b word??? he also had funny lines. most major villains in zexal (byron and vector) were pretty funny honestly. neither of them were the ultimate antagonist which is fine, but probably the best humor in the series to me came from the major villains. it made them less intimidating, maybe, but it made them a lot more enjoyable to watch.  
number 96 looked like a dark version of astral, which is essentially what he was, but like, he literally looked like astral. but you know what? while astral’s ass was censored, number 96′s wasn’t censored in the slightest.  to this day i don’t understand why but this is so funny to me. 4k media really said astral wasn’t valid but number 96 was. 
there’s a lot of good stuff in zexal. and i enjoyed it! at the end of the day, that’s what i care about the most. doesn’t matter as much if something’s good or bad as much as if i’m enjoying it. and i enjoyed quite a bit of zexal. 
i did say it was my least favorite yugioh anime currently, however. which means there must be parts of this anime i didn’t like. so let’s get into the aspects of zexal i didn’t like. feel free to bail now if you’re not interested in that. i’m not interested in hurting any feelings or tarnishing anyone’s love for zexal. 
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for what it’s worth, i like the first half a lot more than the second half. most of the problems i have with the first half are also present within the second half, but the second half has a lot of unique things i don’t like.
i know i said something doesn’t have to be good to be enjoyable. anyone can enjoy bad things. i enjoy plenty of bad things! look, i watch sword art online!! i’m no stranger to the concept. but a lot of things i didn’t like about zexal were just...too glaring for me to enjoy anway.
let’s start with cards.
i think xyz summoning should’ve been pronounced as x-y-z and not x-eez. i hated it from episode one and i am still holding to that.
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i don’t like tori’s whole fairy cheerleader archetype. i don’t like the way they all look. these things were in arc v, too, and given to a slightly better character but i didn’t like these things in arc v and i don’t like these now. arc v gave me something to look forward to when i needed it most, i don’t say many bad things about it. but i hate these things in both series they were featured in. i think that says a lot. it’s the combo of the hair and the eyes. their hair is way too big. their eyes tend to look bad. it’s just not a great look.
the series started off with a very simple set of rules for number cards: number cards come from astral, and there are 100 of them (and only number cards can only destroy other number cards, which is less important here). the first half of zexal stuck to that prett well. the second half of zexal just laughed at the idea of rules and said i’mma break them. characters are suddenly given number cards that go over the number 100. all these characters are barians. and these cards didn’t come from astral. what the heck! you’re breaking rules left and right! and then don thousand comes out with his stupid imaginary number, and then two duels later yuma comes out with his own new number, future number zero. you’re breaking all the rules. you’re breaking all my trust in everything. you’ve stopped pretending there’s any sense of rules entirely and you’ve started making things up as you go. i don’t like that!! especially imaginary number and future number zero had basically no explanation as to where these things come from, how do these characters have these cards? it’s one thing when yuma comes out with a new gagaga card or something, that’s acceptable and makes plenty of sense, but the new number cards don’t. also, don thousand, yuma doesn’t know enough math to know what an imaginary number even is.
astral’s whole deck angers me. astral is one of the most important characters of the series, and you couldn’t bother to give him any non-xyz monsters. his whole deck is spells and traps. you gave tori, who only duels once and isn’t very good at it, her own whole archetype, but you couldn’t bother to think of a single monster to give astral. and even then, the only xyz monsters astral uses are utopia forms, (not including shark drake and galaxy-eyes, who were only brought out to serve as material for a utopia monster. this is the laziest deck in the whole series, and you gave it to a major protagonist. like, the second most important protagonist in the whole series. i get he only duels without yuma once, but dude. i hate this.
i also really don’t like that the only number yuma and astral use most of the time is utopia. i know utopia was the first one they had together and it’s popular and shit. but there are other numbers! other numbers yuma gains! that i would like to see him use! but instead the show just...keeps giving him new forms for utopia? for some reason? at least on one occasion one of yuma’s new forms has like the same exact ability as another number yuma has at the time. it’s infuriating. to me, at least. plenty of other characters only really use one number most of the time the duel, but most other characters only really have that one number and maybe another form of it or maybe two other forms. yuma doesn’t have that excuse. i’m not saying i never want him to use utopia ever. i just like variety. if you’re introducing the idea of collecting a lot of things, i wanna see those things used.
i hate don thousand’s dueling gimmicks most of all. he gets access to the numeron code and uses it to cheat in his duels, even though kite has it and zexal really gave the impression before this point that you needed to obtain the numeron code to use it, but don thousand’s just like, i fused earth and barian world and somehow i can use the numeron code now. ??????? no fucking sense. on top of that, his cards are super unbalanced. i could not stand watching this duel.
i don’t like the literally no excuse given of other characters besides yuma, the arclights maybe, and the barians maybe, the literally no excuse given for other characters suddenly being able to see astral. being able to see astral required either special powers or special circumstances but then at the end of part 1 going in to part 2 characters were just like “i can see astral now!!!” and that was the end of this and this was the stupidest laziest thing ever. dunno if this was a dub-only thing, maybe the sub explained it, but it really bothered me and still does.
i don’t think chaos was explained very well, at least in the dub, and i looked it up later on and know pretty much what it is now but when you introduce new concepts and ideas, please explain them to me or else i feel like there’s literally no rules to the universe and characters are just making things up as they go.
a lot of the time in the second half, astral is written really weirdly and, not as good. especially post-vector reveal. i’m not talking about any stubbornness on astral’s part because that’s who he is. part 2 starts going in and after a while of it already going, astral just comes in and explains things to yuma that astral definitely didn’t know before. i know astral starts out with almost no memories and regains them all throughout the series but i don’t think any of this like came right after astral regained some memory. the numeron code seems to come out of nowhere, and oh, by the way, this thing can rewrite the entire rules of the universe. it’s a race to see who gets the numeron code first! except, uh, kite ends up winning it i think but that ends up literally not mattering because don thousand and astral both finds ways to use it without even having it. so there wasn’t much of a point of a lot of the duels before the don thousand duel, huh. that’s a lot of time wasted. and apparently astral can use the numeron code after regaining all 100 numbers, but. i don’t remember when astral first introduced that fact and when he got all 100 numbers. but it only is relevant after the duel against nasch and astral only makes any attempt to use the numeron code then. i don’t even know how he got the numeron code after that duel anyway. kite had it and he died on the moon. don thousand could use it without actually having it but then he was defeated. was astral always able to use it without actually having it like don thousand? why didn’t he does this before, then? everything related to the numeron code is vague and explained poorly and every time the numeron code comes up someone makes up some new bullshit thing related to the numeron code and i hate it. i hate the stupid numeron code.
back on track with astral. there’s other stuff besides the numeron code he seemed to know about without any real explanation. i do not remember a lot of them. besides the numeron code. i think i repressed the rest of out of annoyance. i think the worst astral was written was right before his duel with yuma. i get that astral intended to use the duel to help yuma and not hurt him. but he could’ve accomplished this without being an entire jackass. yuma’s mourning the loss of friends that he’s also blaming himself for. and then astral decides to resolve that by telling yuma that astral’s gonna go kill a bunch more people and yuma can’t stop him? that’s uh, not helping anything astral. you had other options to get yuma to duel (while yuma was in a state of not wanting to duel ever again) rather than telling yuma more people are about to die. the point of the whole duel was to remind yuma how to have fun in duels. but uh. when you put a bunch of lives at risk like that after a bunch of people just died, that’s not a great way to introduce fun. yuma promised astral to duel against him before astral left earlier on in the series! you had other options! astral acts like he doesn’t have other options but he literally does! there’s stupid stuff like this astral does earlier in the second half but i have forgotten the details. i get astral’s an alien who’s pretty socially awkward and doesn’t get earth people super well, but b the end of the series he certainly should understand them a little better, or at least, he should understand yuma pretty well, after hanging out with yuma literally all the time. it’s stupid! astral’s better than all this! there’s no way this is the fault of dub writing! unless 4k media made entirely new animation for multiple episodes. like. of the entire episode. 
there were multiple times in the second half i didn’t understand character motivations in certain events at all and had to really come up with my own weird headcanons to make sense of it. this is probably largely a result of dub writing.
i wish the arclights were more relevant in the second half. most of all they did was watch things happen. they’re cool and powerful give them something to do.
kite felt extremely pointless in the second half of zexal. he was given a clear character direction to go after the first half and basically abandoned it the second the second half started. he had this pointless rivalry with mizar that only ever felt relevant when they dueled each other on the moon to get the numeron code. kite realizes he needs glasses. he wins the duel. and then he fucking dies somehow. and everyone else gets access to the numeron code. it’s all really stupid and makes no sense. i wouldn’t care about him not being as narratively important as yuma, shark and astral. kite’s not from astral world, kite’s not from barian world, and he doesn’t have any partnership with anyone from either world. at most, he thinks astral’s neat now. but they keep dragging along this stupid rivalry between mizar and kite that literally amounted to “my galaxy-eyes dragon is better than your galaxy-eyes dragon”, these two idiots dueled about it multiple times, and it was just pointless. it ate up too much time. i could feel myself aging. the second half of zexal had enough filler episodes that made me want to tear my hair out without this stuff.
i hate mizar so much. he’s probably my second least favorite character in the series. all mizar EVER does is duel kite over who has a cooler galaxy-eyes dragon, which isn’t even a question because kite’s is cooler and he had it long before mizar ever showed up which at most makes mizar a copier idiot. the most relevant thing mizar does is duel kite on the moon for the numeron code, but i’ve been over that. you could take mizar out without changing much. he’s by far the least interesting barian emperor. mizar is more annoying than kite ever was, and is more annoying than the other barian emperors ever were. and yet mizar lives longer than pretty much every barian emperor except nasch. he got the honor of being written out of existence by don thousand himself. radical. cool. get him out of my sight. i can’t stand him.
there’s a point where there’s a number shown on baby vector. i really wanted to know what was up with that and how it was relevant. this was never explained at all. i’m gonna assume this was don thousand altering vector’s memories or something and move on and never address it again because this show just did and said so many things without explaining any of it whatsoever. this stuff needs established rules and explanations. otherwise it just feels like everythings made up on the fly, it’s all completely random shit with not much planning behind it, that the writers don’t care...it feels insulting. i had this same issue with the infinity stones in the marvel cinematic universe. this is not something i just don’t like because it happened in zexal. i like knowing things.
so if mizar’s my second least favorite, who’s my least favorite character overall? i’ll tell you who
tori fucking meadows.
tori. geez. has there ever been a worse character? yes, mineta from my hero academia exists. but what exactly is tori’s crime? what has she done to make me dislike her so much. well, nothing. ‘nothing?’ yes. she didn’t do anything. but at the same time, she didn’t do anything. my problem with her is she literally does nothing, she barely has any sort of relevance to anything, and she’s annoying. i’m very serious. there’s only two things she’s ever done: she got possessed by a barian emperor to duel against yuma once, and there was that time she challenged yuma to a fashion contest, which was a little entertaining. those are the only things she’s ever done. and yet, somehow, she finds her way into every single episode. it is rare for an episode to go by without her. well, if she’s in so many episodes, surely she must be doing something of importance? nah. her only purpose is to cheer yuma on when he’s discouraged and to get distressed when yuma looks like he’s in a bad spot. this is not a joke. this is not an exaggeration. there are entire episodes where her only dialogue is “(sad voice) Yuma...! Astral...!” i constantly forget she’s there and then the show reminds me she’s there and i get mad because she doesn’t do anything. it’s either be sad about duel going well for yuma, or tori going “yuma you can do it” and yuma going “YEAH YOU’RE RIGHT THANKS TORI”. yeah, she doesn’t even give good motivational speeches, she just says the laziest most generic thing possible, and yuma just cheers himself up anyway because that’s usually what he does anyway. there’s not point to her being there. oh, and she got to be the damsel of distress once to convince yuma to duel. that’s great. lovely. that’s definitely not shady/shifty as hell. all girls are only good for fueling boys’ pain and suffering, right. 
but lemme ask this. let’s replace tori with a very pretty lamp for the entire series. how much of the show would change? and honestly? it’d mostly be just like, bits and pieces of three episodes. she’s literally just taking up space. she doesn’t need to duel to be relevant and do meaningful things. maybe she could do more to help yuma convince astral that blowing up barian world is a bad idea, maybe she’s able to come up with the right words where yuma isn’t. maybe she catches on that something’s wrong with shark before shark switches sides, she doesn’t have to convince him not to and i’d rather she didn’t but she can be an uninvolved person to listen and tell shark it’s not an easy choice for sure but she supports him whatever he does and she’s sure whatever he chooses will be the right choice for him. maybe she could get astral some fashionable clothes. i don’t know! she could actually do something! i’m not asking much here i just want her to be something besides a generic love interest (gross) or a generic supporter with generic advice (annoying).
a lot of yuma’s friend group have similar similar issues, but at least they have parts to play. bronk’s probably the best written of the bunch in part 1 before he dissolves into randomly in love with rio taking over his entire life (gross). cathy honestly is better than average too. rio is exempt from this paragraph because she doesn’t spend too much time in the friend group before bailing to her past life which is valid. yuma starts out with only bronk and tori for friends but he gains a lot of friends during the number hunt. most of these friends were possessed by numbers and yuma befriended them afterwards because ultimately his goal is to have fun and make friends by dueling. but they all stick around and don’t not hang out with him and don’t do much after yuma helps them. yuma has way too many friends that he drags around with him everywhere, and then some combination of the arclights, shark, kite, vector, and rio is often there as well. It’s way too many people and no wonder most of them never do anything because often all the things that could be done are taken. Most of these kids need to stop following Yuma everywhere. For the most part, they’re all annoying, too. I really only care for Bronk and Cathy.
i get it. the protagonist always has friends that are ride or die and help them out no matter what. i get it. but there was never this many constantly around, often times they’d switch around each other if anything, and they always all were either relevant to the plot or played good important roles in helping the protagonist, and they always had development. i think the most development any of yuma’s friend group (ignoring brinks negative development) had was cathy’s hatred of dogs getting a bit less intense. flip’s literally a shitty dude who cheats and yuma told him “hey maybe be less shitty next time” a couple of times and flip said “sure” each time but then never put any effort into being better and just kept being shitty towards other people. caswell just...reiterates what’s happening half the time ans starts literally every sentence with “in the end”. all they’re good for is filler and zexal has really bad filler. they’re not good for anything. they should’ve showed up less at least after the heartland tournament arc if not sooner. i get that the whole thing is to show that yuma wants to make friends through duels but this is unnecesasary and eats up time that could be better spent on other characters who actually do things and who actually are relevant and develop and stuff. the protagonist’s friend group was never this annoying before zexal and it never was after zexal either. when they all got sent to barian world and stopped showing up for like ten episodes i almost finally new peace if those ten episodes weren’t like some of the worst content zexal had to offer.
there’s a lot of pointless boring uneventful unnecessary hetero shit all over the show, too. obviously, the whole deal with yuma and tori, while yuma really has no interest in romance at all and tori can’t take a fucking hint and then somehow the last episode decides to make them start dating for some reason. bronk falls for rio (understandable) and then in a filler episode asks for shark’s permission to date her (gross), shark misunderstands what bronk’s asking and is like “if you wanna deal with me or rio you gotta beat yuma in a duel first”, bronk gets it in his head that means yuma likes rio and duels yuma over rio (gross) and this is all supposed to be a funny whole series of events but it’s not funny and it’s kinda gross actually. orbital and lillybot!! yikes!! i don’t like orbital anyway. lillybot is amazing and great. the show decides to assign lillybot female (tori just says lillybot’s a girl and we’re supposed to take tori’s word for it i guess) so obviously the assigned male robot and the assigned female robot have to date, right! they MUST like each other because he was a boy robot, she was a girl robot, can i make it any more obvious. it’s annoying and stupid. they have kids!!! they have kids for some reason!!! why do they have kids!!!!! zexal never interact with me about romance again.
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the girls in this show really get the shit end of the stick, huh. i feel really bad for them. obviously we have tori. who was there the whole time but really didn’t do anything except be generically sad or generically positive. cathy’s a little better than that. she has a bit more personality going for her. she likes cats, she makes cat puns, she duels a dog, she did get possessed by a number... she’s got a few things going for her, but she doesn’t do much either. she doesn’t do anything worth noting in the tournament in heartland, she barely does anything of note related to the barian emperors or don thousand. so that’s not much better. rio probably got the best treatment of any of the girls in zexal. she is a major player in the second half of zexal, being one of the barian emperors. she’s got a very strong personality and did plenty of important things. she helped her and her brother deal with the barian emperors before realizing she was one herself, she reclaimed her title of barian emperor and tried to kick vector’s ass. rio and shark brought a lot of life to each other. she revealed her brother’s need to sleep with a nightlight and she was allowed to be good at dueling! but also, she spend the entire first half of the show in a coma. she wasn’t allowed to have any part in the show before astral and the barian emperors did their thing. so in a way, rio also got the worst treatment, too. discounting rio, though, i think the girl who got the worst of it was actually kari.
i know, i know. kari’s an investigator, a journalist! she’s always after a scoop, she’s always looking after yuma, and she deals with old friends/enemies. she’s not just some generic friend like tori, she’s not in a coma like rio! kari’s great! and i love her! but this isn’t just about girls not getting to do things that matter or girls not getting to have personalities. this goes in a bit different direction than that. she wanted to go out and explore with her dad, just like yuma did, but her parents always brushed her aside and made her do more “girly” things because “girls can’t do what yuma and your dad are doing”! she didn’t get a wole lot of agency in her own life. her parents all but told her that yuma was more important than her, that he had this big destiny related to dueling and that all she was good for was watching out for yuma and making sure he was okay because she’s his older sister. and then both her parents disappeared! and she was just left with that! she grew to hate dueling, to push yuma away from it because their parents basically told her yuma would be in danger because of dueling. which is a totally understandable reaction to your parents telling you that out of seemingly nowhere! except the show doesn’t treat it that way. the show puts her in the wrong for not liking dueling! because everyone has to like dueling kari!! how dare you not like card games. how dare you have any interest in anything else. i’m surprised she’s not more bitter towards her parents for this whole fiasco. she just gets slammed into a caretaker role because girls can only be love interests or caretakers! (tori, cathy, and rio were all set up as love interests at least one time or another, while yuma would rather eat another hot dog than deal with that) but honestly, she does her best to do what her parents told her: take care of yuma during his big dangerous dueling destiny. she watches out for him, she tries to steer him clear of the thing that’s supposed to be dangerous for him. and as a journalist she has to be constantly up to date on current events and happenings, so if something happens that might endanger yuma with his big dangerous dueling destiny, kari’ll probably be on of the first people to know about it in all of heartland. that’s not to say that’s not the only reason she took up the profession. she definitely seems passionate about what she does, she takes it seriously, i’m sure she does actually like being a journalist, but it does help with yuma, too. her parents basically forced her life to go exactly one way. and that’s not shown in a bad light against her parents! if anything, the show basically acts like it’s kari’s fault for not being happy about it every second. all this while yuma gets to be whoever he wants to be and do what he wants to do their whole childhood, he gets a lot more freedom than kari for sure. yuma got the childhood kari wanted and she’s not allowed to grieve what she could’ve had. because it’s not just “kari’s parents forced her into a very specific role for her life and gave her no choice in any of it”. that can actually be a really cool thing to explore. i love chazz princeton! kari has plenty in common with chazz! but i don’t like this setup like this. chazz got to be right about being bitter about what his brothers did to him, about breaking away from them and living life the way he wanted to. but making kari’s parents the right ones in this whole situation is just kinda gross and disgusting. if you’re gonna frame it like that don’t bother. cannot stand the “your parents are always right” sort of shit.
speaking of? goddamn i hate kazuma. i hate yuma and kari’s dad. i would say he’s the worst dad in all of yugioh, but he didn’t start an interdimensional war, so we’ll say he’s the second worst dad in all of yugioh. ...if i tie dr kogami with leo, but either way, leo, dr kogami, and kazuma are the top 3.
how can kazuma be in the top 3?? with leo and dr kogami?? leo and dr kogami are evil villains!! kazuma’s not a bad guy! he helped give yuma more self-confidence! he wanted peace between astral world and barian world!
first of all, if you skipped the paragraph related to kari, go back and read it. it’s required reading for the “why kazuma sucks” portion of our program tonight. okay good, you read it. here’s more reasons why kazuma’s a pretty sucky dad.
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this here is a bullshit man.
kazuma had good intentions, i think. he wanted to be a good dad but intentions don’t really mean a damn thing when you look at the results.
pre-zexal, kazuma tsukumo knew about yuma’s destiny and told kari about it. how did he know this? how did he figure this out? that’s a good question. i have no idea why he knows about yuma’s destiny, or how he knows about it. the wiki just says he “showed great intelligence and foresight”, whatever that means. my best guess is that honestly? once kazuma saw what was happening in astral world, he created yuma’s destiny himself. he gave the key to yuma, and then he fucked with astral’s shit so that astral would meet yuma. yeah, kazuma looked at everything going on and was like “i’ll put it on my 12 year old son to save three worlds at the same time! what could go wrong”, and told kari about it beforehand and was like “lol kari can’t do it she’s a girl so i’ll just decide her entire life for her a different way”
uh, clearly yuma was not emotionally capable of dealing with the shit kazuma pulled him into. yuma was ready to never duel again because dueling killed his friends. and then kazuma talks to astral about the whole thing and is weirdly smug about the whole thing related to yuma’s lost friends and lost love for dueling. so like...was that part of your plan or not? do you give a shit about your son’s feelings regarding your whole plan for his life or not? 
after yuma falls into a portal in the hell dimension he ends up being a prisoner on astral world. which was definitely not explained well in the dub. but he and his wife just hang out freely and openly in remote parts of astral world so he sure as shit doesn’t look like a prisoner. and while he’s there he certainly looks like there’s no place he’d rather be. wait, his wife? how did she get in astral world? that’s a good fucking question and i sure would love to know. i guess she’s not allowed to exist outside her relationship with kazuma.
after kazuma is stuck in astral world, everyone thinks he’s dead for a while, but then when everyone finds out he was alive, he’s treated as this all-knowing projection/recorded hologram who is always right about everything. he always has all the answers and if we don’t know what to do about something then kazuma definitely knows! and after he appears to die he can sometimes appear to people somehow, how he can do that is never explained well at least in the dub, and there are arbitrary conditions to it also never explained in the dub. he can appear in the emperor’s key. he only really seems to do this once to have a weird conversation with astral, and then he also...was able to help vetrix make a barrier during yuma and nasch’s duel, somehow? i mean, i get tron’s whole thing, but kazuma, not so much? if he can appear to astral and vetrix why does he never try to connect with yuma? i’m guessing he probably can’t appear to yuma directly but he never tries to leave a message with astral either. he has these arbitrary weird abilities never explained well (in the dub, at least) and it feels like he’s playing calvinball to make himself seem like a hero or something.
honestly, everthing about yuma’s dad being seemingl dead but still alive, creating his son’s destiny and being this vague benevolent being who is always right and is never allowed to be seen in a bad light related to the consequences to his kids for his meddling, it all seems familiar....
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that’s right! it all comes back to sonic!! once again i am literally unable to talk about anything without bringing up sonic, i always bring everything back to sonic!!!
i explained this all a lot better a year ago so i will let myself speak i guess
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obviously kazuma isn’t as bad of a person as locke the echidna, not nearly as bad, but there’s parallels, anyway.
so if you agree that yuma is the old comics knuckles of yugioh, if you look at the bad dads section of this article (in case you think i wrote it for some reason, which i didn’t, thankskenpenders did) you can understand why locke is a horrible dad, and looking at the similarties pointed out between locke and kazuma (again, locke is a much worse father than kazuma) you can understand more why i hate kazuma.
so, yeah. i can go on and on about all the things i don’t like zexal. the writing is sometimes sexist and lazy, there’s way too many characters hanging out with the protagonist and most of them have nothing to offer. sometimes things just don’t get explained, or are barely explained. it’s a big ol’ game of calvinball sometimes. and i am aware and accept that some of this is the fault of the dub writers. but there’s also a lot of good things i like about zexal! astral, shark, and yuma were all written really well! there were some really cool monsters in this show! there were some moments of good jokes! the show had good messages and a lot of characters had complex motivations you can sympathize with even if you don’t agree with what they’re doing. this show was very good at being yugioh. and it’s a pretty good show in my book. i enjoyed watching it! it just doesn’t happen to be my favorite yugioh. or like. anything but my least faorite yugioh. but that’s okay. really, the most important thing with watching a show isn’t how well it’s written, how good the visuals are, or anything like that, the most important thing is whether you enjoyed it. and i enjoyed it!
i enjoyed watching yugioh zexal.
if you followed me through my journey watching the anime, thank you. i appreciate it.
this isn’t the end of my journey through zexal. i intend to read the manga too, so when i do get to that, if i end up wanting to post any screenshots or anthing i’ll be using the same tag. that’s sure to be an interesting journey as well.
but anyway. if you read this entire post, thank you. this is over 8,000 words long, damn. 
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Hero Chat watches FMA
So instead of having a million chapters of the Hero Chat reacting to fma:b, as tempting as that is, I figured I could just write down a list of various reactions. I might still have a chapter or two dedicated to some scenes, or just the characters casually dropping a line about the most recent plot points, but for the most part it’s condensed here.
Also, tbh, while everyone except Chloé and Kagami are transformed when having their Superhero Sleepovers, which is when they watch the show, I’m just going to refer to their civilian names because remembering to switch is a pain.
Chloé, Adrien and Luka are the only ones who have seen Fma:B all the way through.
While they do get sucked in, they also make snarky comments and spout trivia fun facts or theories on shit.
If said theories get too spoiler-y they have a separate chat to talk in.
Chloé and Adrien have increasingly specific nicknames for most of the characters. Partly because my fma fics exist in their universe and they’ve read them.
Their favorite characters are Ed, Al, and Greed respectively.
They also have a betting pool going on who everyone else’s favorite characters will be.
Speaking of, everyone’s favorite characters! Chloé teases some of them about ‘kin drama’ because damn.
Marinette – Her favorite is Mei which is kinda predictable. Tiny, super determined, healer who can also kick your ass into next week and is a bit obsessed with her crush….
Alya – She gets suckered in by Mustang’s initial coolness. Then she sees he’s actually a disaster, but she still loves him. Eventually we get around to the whole ‘he has an entire secret information network and actually has a plan to get shit done’ stuff and she just thinks it’s wild.
Nino – Okay, I want to say Hawkeye due to Alya’s fave being Mustang, but also he does admire Hawkeye’s loyalty and the way she always protects those she cares about (especially Mustang but you know). The whole ‘I’ll follow you into Hell’ thing is just a big mood.
Kim – Armstrong. Just…. It comes out of nowhere but also makes total sense.
Max – His favorite is Winry because hell yeah Automail is some cool robotics shit and he now has a million ideas of how to make it real.
Kagami – Lan Fan. Very predictable.
Alix – Oddly enough…. Alix ends up with a soft spot for Hohenheim. It’s kinda complicated for her to explain, but it has to do with similarities between Time Travelers and Immortals. So, you know. She identifies in a way.
We already saw their reaction to Nina.
Everyone is horrified when finding out Philosopher’s Stones are made of Human Souls. The Spoiler Squad is just like ‘told you that Harry Potter was more fucked up than you thought’.
When they get to Hughes’ death…
Chloé, Adrien, and Luka try to sneak out again. But they get caught and everyone’s like ‘oh god oh god what’s going to happen this episode????’
When they do get to the actual scene, Chloé gets a noise complaint from all the screaming.
Also, Envy’s shapeshifting gives everyone flashbacks to Chameleon. (Side note, I like Envy more than I like Lila.)
Alix calls Greed a ‘Himbo’. The Spoiler Squad all die laughing because she’s right.
Everyone loses their shit at the reveal of Fuhrer Bradley being Wrath. The whole thing turns into them all throwing various government conspiracy theories around about what it all means and the Spoiler Squad is trying to keep a straight face about things.
They end up loving Ling, Disaster Child #5. He’s Alix’s second favorite.
There’s a lot of screaming with the Maria Ross plot. Marinette and Alya are the only ones who are suspicious and correctly guess what happened.
Marinette also catches on to another important detail: Ed, Al, and Hohenheim are the only characters who have gold eyes. She correctly guesses that something is up with that. Everyone else kinda brushes it off with ‘it’s anime. We’re lucky they don’t have bright pink hair or something’.
She gets very smug when it’s revealed that she was right to be suspicious about that.
The Spoiler Squad gives about two minutes as a warning for ‘this is the Vore Episode’. Everyone still kinda thinks they’re joking because, like, sure. They’ve seen that Gluttony eats people. But surely that’s not something they can survive? They are wrong. Very wrong.
Everything after the ‘Vore Episode’ though… I mean, you get the reveal of Father, and then Greedling(Chloé, Adrien, and Luka in unison: “Greedling! You’re a Fusion?!)
When Chloé expresses a love of Olivier Armstrong, Luka just looks over and is like ‘how did you not know you were gay?’. Because every wlw loves Olivier.
Oh god. If you thought their reaction to Wrath was nuts, then the way they react with the reveal of Pride is wild. Because yeah, they were all like ‘Aw! Look at this cute kid! He’s so precious and pure! So unaware that calling Ed short is about to get him yeeted into the sun!’. But no. Pride is a little shit who knows exactly what he’s doing.
Everyone is concerned for Mrs. Bradley. The Spoiler Squad does relent and assure them that she’ll be fine.
They’re all down to fight Kimblee within five seconds of meeting him.
Due to previous unexpected deaths giving them trust issues, the whole squad is worried during that scene where Ed falls down a mineshaft and gets a pole through the stomach.
Another thing everyone loses their shit over: Hohenheim’s backstory and just the overall reveal of what the everloving FUCK happened in Xerxes.
Okay, so I know this is a little late to mention, but they absolutely add people to that ‘parents I want to fight’ list.
First off, they establish that all 100% good parents in this series are dead.
Nina’s dad gets added to the list immediately.
At first they put Hohenheim on the list, and the Spoiler Squad wants so bad to defend him, but they know that doing so will be hella spoiler-y.
Once they get to his backstory, everyone kinda agrees to call him ‘World’s Okay-est Dad’. Because yeah he did that one really big shitty thing, but it’s clear that he really didn’t have much of a choice.
On the other hand, Father gets slam-dunked onto the list. Because even ignoring the fact that he’s the main villain, he’s a shitty dad.
This is Chloé’s first re-watch after realizing how shitty her mom is, so she really does identify with the Sins Crew this time around.
And oh boy. When they hear about the Xingese political hunger games bullshit? They toss the Emperor on the list of terrible parents too.
Everyone cries during the final battle. Everyone. We don’t even get a ‘I’m not crying! I’m too tough to cry!’ bit. They’re all just sobbing. Chloé also gets another noise complaint. 
They also all decide to rewatch the series and see all the stuff they missed! The Spoiler Squad points out a few
Chloé immediately brings up the first OP song. And pauses it on the fact that the first character you see is Flashback!Hohenheim. Because that fucking kills me.
Luka brings up the ‘Ling technically went through the Gate and it’s never acknowledged’ thing. Everyone breaks.
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
A True Nightmare
Again, this is not an Ardyn love story. If that’s what you’re looking for, you might want to go somewhere else.
For the record, there’s NOT going to be anything trigger worthy in this story-just kinda wanted to throw that out there. 
Tagging the Senpais: @roses-and-oceans @bespectacled-girl @cupnoodle-queen @gladiolus-mamacitia @nifwrites @themissimmortal 
A True Nightmare An Ardyn Soulmate AU This is NOT an Ardyn love story
~Chapter 2~ SFW Word Count: 2,191
A cold chill ran through the air just as the four were beginning to board the train, making Mallory shiver intensely and wish grateful she'd brought her winter coat. Though apparently she was the only one who felt the sudden dip in temperature, as no one else seemed all too bothered by the sudden cool air. But there was something else...it was almost as if someone was watching her. Mallory had that sense where someone...or something...was watching her every move and she instinctively looked around to see if there was someone undesirable around. Mallory had been trained to always follow her instincts and they were most, if not always, right. 
"That's her?" Gladiolus, apparently the prince's bodyguard, pointed at Mallory as he spoke to Aranea while final preparations were made. "She's the...you said she was an assassin? She's the one who knows how to get into Gralea?" 
Mallory tried to ignore their comments as she often did with people who were shocked of her true employment-she knew she wasn't what people expected when they pointed at her and said 'assassin', but she was a lot tougher than she looked, which Aranea felt compelled to point out. 
"Don't let the pink fool you," Aranea snickered, referring to Mallory's hot pink tank top. "She's not called the Viper for nothing," 
"I hate that nickname," Mallory called to them, still observing the crowd gathered by the train stop. "It's cliched," 
"I don't pick the names, honey," The snideness in Aranea's voice always made Mallory want to go up and smack her. 
"And the teen is...?" Noctis, the prince, pointed at Ari, still sitting in the grass and playing with some dirt. 
"That's Ari," Spinning around, Mallory marched up to Noctis when Ari was mentioned and sent her withering glare of emerald eyes towards him, who seemed more confused then intimidated. "And you don't talk about her-you don't even look at her, or you answer to me. Got it?" 
When there was nothing but silence, Mallory leaned forward until her nose was practically touching the Prince's own nose. "Got it?" 
"Yes, ma'am?" Noctis was still clearly confused, but Mallory ignored it and went back to observing the crowd. 
Someone was watching-she could feel it. Someone...who? The chancellor of the Empire? Mallory had only heard about him and seen his picture in the paper a few times, she'd never met him-Aranea was more involved with him than anything, Mallory was only called in when someone had a job that needed more stealth-Aranea was more 'in your face'. 
The small blink of a yellow light caught the corner of Mallory's eye-up towards the right of the train station, under some awnings, two or three security cameras were set up and poised to aim around the crowd. They were clearly originally intended to keep an eye on the train station, but now it seemed to be used as a weapon of spying. Mallory wasn't about to put up with it. 
Within a matter of seconds, a switchblade that Mallory kept in the back pocket of her skinny jeans was out and swung at the tangle of cords under the awning, severing the cords right where they needed to be severed and causing the blinking light to go dark. Noises in the crowd proved that people were now starting to grow weary of Mallory, ducking out of her way as she went and retrieved the knife before returning back to Aranea, who stared at the security cameras thoughtfully. 
"Forgot about those damn things..." she mumbled, watching Mallory press the button for the switchblade to go back into its handle and placing the weapon back where it belonged. 
"They probably know we're on our way," Mallory mentioned to the three boys. "So, we're going to have to move fast-Aranea, where are we with the engineers?" 
"Biggs and Wedge-right over there," Aranea pointed to a pair of gentlemen in uniform drinking coffee. 
"Alrighty then..." Mallory took the first look at the three boys she was going to assist in this mission-the prince was everything she had seen in the papers and pictures and the bodyguard seemed like he could handle himself, but the last one... "No offense, but are you sure-" The question about the one who was apparently blind lingered on Mallory's lips. 
"Ignis goes where we go, it seems," The bodyguard, Gladio, mumbled with discontent. He clearly didn't agree that Ignis should join them, but Mallory didn't say anything. She knew what it was like to have people think you were incapable because of a disability. 
Loud laughter in the air distracted everyone-Ari was giggling at an ant hill she had found in the grass as she laid down on her stomach, observing the tiny creatures as they crawled back to their hidey hole. 
"Go ahead and hop on," Mallory told the three as she headed back to say final goodbyes to Ari. "I'll be there in a few minutes," 
Nodding, the three talked to Aranea about where exactly they were going for the crystal as Mallory approached Ari, whose olive toned fingers were now a dark brown to the dirt all over her fingers from trying to pry the ant hill a part. 
"Ari? Are you listening?" Bending down on her haunches, Mallory dropped Ari's pink and grey backpack by Ari's stretched out legs while talking to her younger sister. 
"Hnh," Ari continued to dig her fingers into the dirt, but grunted again to show she was listening, so Mallory continued. 
"Remember what I was talking about in the car? I have to leave for awhile-Aranea's going to take care of you until I get back, okay?" 
"Nn-NNNNNNNNNH," Ari didn't make Mallory's eye contact, but she started to shake her head vehemently, a few of the short strands of copper brown hair falling into her dark brown eyes. 
"I know you don't like Aranea," Mallory said softly. "But you'll be safe-she'll protect you. I'll only be gone for a few days-you can handle that, can't you?"  
There was no response, but Mallory took it as a sign of acceptance-if Ari really wasn't okay with it, she'd be screaming her head off. 
"I told you not to play in the dirt," Mallory noticed the dirt on her hands and grabbed hand sanitizer out of the large black backpack she had brought with her. Seeing the backpack and Ari's own bright pink and grey backpack filled Mallory with relief once again. 
Relief of the memory, how a few hours ago Aranea had called her and informed Mallory that the Empire was attacking Tenebrae and to out of the apartment and get to the train station. Mallory didn't expect that Aranea was the one over the relief effort there, but to each their own-Mallory could only assume that she was pissed at the Empire for this shitty stunt and for killing the Oracle. Aranea was already on thin ice with them after the attack on Insomnia, but this seemed to end all relations with them. 
Which was just as fine, the Empire fucking sucked and Mallory never hesitated to tell Aranea that. 
"HNH. HNH. AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH," Ari's screams began to make everyone at the train station tense as she backed away and started to flail her arms and Mallory knew that people would start to assume that Ari was insane. 
"Hey-HEY. Easy, alright?" Mallory put away the hand sanitizer, knowing it was the cold shock of the clear liquid that had sent Ari over the edge. Mallory cursed herself for forgetting to warm it thoroughly in her hands before putting the liquid on Ari-she was already on edge from the short days, having to evacuate so quickly, and having Mallory leave-Mallory knew that this was just another thing to set Ari over the edge. 
By the train, Noctis and the rest of his group observed in interest as Mallory waited patiently for Ari to settle down and for her screams to subside, though Ari still panted loudly in an extreme panic. They, and everyone else, still observed as Mallory gently put her hands on Ari's shoulders and led her to a park bench and watched as Mallory used a pink and grey backpack and helped Ari lie down. 
"That's...her sister?" Gladio asked Aranea. "What's wrong with her?" 
Knowing it wasn't her condition to tell, Aranea simply said "Ari's different,"
Ardyn tried to control his breathing after the cameras went dark, even though he had no real need to, not anymore. He hadn't needed to breathe in over a thousand years, but it was a force of habit-some small part of his remaining humanity he wanted to hold onto. 
Deep down, Ardyn knew it wasn't Aryelle who glared at the security cameras before tossing her knife to sever the power cords; he never did see her again after their final parting in the throne room, Ardyn was never able to get close enough to see those beautiful green eyes widen in fear at Ardyn's prescence. But Aryelle was mortal-she had died like everyone else he had known back then did. 
Or did she? Ardyn pulled up the footage from the archives and paused the video right as Aryelle-or whoever she was-was pulling the knife from her back pocket, her beautiful green eyes staring daggers into the security cameras. 
No, she couldn't be Aryelle, at least not the one he remembered. Aryelle never glared. 
Ardyn clicked the keyboard, zooming in on the footage to observe the woman's wrists and check his knowledge and see if for certain she was somehow Aryelle. From this angle, he couldn't tell and he cursed himself for having done away with most of his 'allies' (if he could call him that) long ago...
There was only one left...one he'd frankly lacked the energy to deal away with. 
Five minutes after pushing a button, Verstael Besithia walked in through the door. Verstael had no real way of knowing, no real way to know how Ardyn had already done away with everyone, including the Emperor himself. By now, Ardyn only had Besithia see what Ardyn wanted him to see, going back and forth between what duties he had as if in a daze. 
He was now in for a cruel awakening-but not before making himself useful first. 
"Who is she?" Ardyn pointed at the screen containing Aryelle's-no, he shouldn't call her that-face. 
"Friend of yours?" The dazed look on Verstael's never faded as he typed onto the keyboard, plugging the image of the woman's face into an official Niflheim archive. A picture of the same girl showed in a different monitor, though she wasn't wearing a grey beanie and only showed her from the shoulders up along with a scroll of text and Ardyn browsed through the information of the girl. 
Mallory Moon-born and raised in Tenebrae. Parents had been reported missing when she was eighteen, forcing her to raise her mentally disabled sister on her own. Was recruited by the Impirial army as a mercenary before taking her sister and was reported M.I.A. after a failed mission. 
Ignoring the rest, Ardyn controlled his breathing once again at the information of her visual aesthetics. Hair color, black; Eyes, green; Height, 5'7. 
Everything pointed to Aryelle-her name was different, her hair was shorter and cut more modernly, but her physical appearance was the same. She looked so much like her that it might have sent chills down Ardyn's back. 
Might have. 
But just as Ardyn was about to click to turn the monitor off and mull over this information, a little star caught his eye. 
A star-his star. Mirrored, on the left side, only on her shoulder. The memory of Aryelle's mark was burned into Ardyn, he could easily remember and visualize the mark to know it was the exact same as the girl's, just on her shoulder instead of on her wrist. 
She wasn't Aryelle...but perhaps she was somehow reborn? 
"I remember her-she was hired for one of our-" Ardyn had forgotten that Besithia was in the room as the old man rattled on about something Ardyn really didn't care about. 
Sighing, Ardyn's face in the black monitors lacking any emotion, Ardyn knew Besithia was already far gone from weeks of exposure to the Starscourge. All he needed was a little push, and a little bit of daemonic essence attaching itself to the back Besithia's neck was all it took. Ardyn had told them how to fuse the plague into humans, causing them their almost invincible army-
Ardyn never told them there was no way to reverse the process. 
"Well, thank you for your assistance," Ardyn stood up, ignoring the now writhing older man as he panicked and rolled around on the floor with cries of fear filling the room. "But it seems I have an additional guest to prepare for," 
Walking out the door, Ardyn was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't hear Besithia now screaming in pain as his new daemon form began to take shape. Not that it mattered, though. 
Ardyn did have a new guest-and he would finally get his chance, finally fulfill his thousand year old promise. 
He would show them all his redemption. 
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