#he married a rich german heiress who has n/azi heritage so. i hate him forever
taiyami · 1 month
So if people have been following my last few days/weeks, I've recently (as in: the last two days) moved into my grandparents home that they've owned since the 60s to be its caretaker since my grandparents have since moved to end of life care. My grandparents left a lot of their belongings behind because they had to leave very suddenly due to health issues, and so I've had to go through everything that was left here.
It's bittersweet and lonely and comforting in so many confusing ways. Finding a shirt of my grandpa's that I would wear even if it didn't belong to him, and going through my grandma's sewing projects knowing I have 10 million just like her. My grandparents were artists and craftsmen and so much like me.
I feel a bit stuck and a bit overwhelmed with grief knowing my parents and my uncle don't care about preserving what is left of them, and eventually they will force me to part with a lot of what made me as I am now. I'm afraid of being stuck in the middle of my dad and his brother fighting over the house and all of its belongings when neither of them care about any of it outside of its monetary value and it deeply unsettles me.
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