#he probably has terrible posture unless things are made to accommodate someone of this height. he is a full time SHRIMP... probably.
depends on the height chart you use, but if you compare rouxls to the heights of other characters and objects (i think normally the average height of a door is what’s used for the comparison, so comparing how he is next to something like the door sprite from school) he’d be somewhere from 7’8”-9 feet tall, that’s the range i’ve seen at least. he’s so fucking tall for no reason.
what. every time i see anyone above 5'5" the fight or fight response kicks in. how am i even supposed to react to THIS new information. WHY is he so tall. does he hit his head on the ceiling often. i hope he does but fjdkgfdgik for real thank you for sharing this, he is the optimal height to hit me in the teeth with his knee which honestly would be fair i'd do the same if i was this tall but like why is he so tall though
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i am legitimately afraid to imagine someone this tall in real life thank goodness hes not real(I HOPE) 🙏🙏🙏
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