#he said (jokingly) that he'll take tons of pictures so he has one to send me every day even when we're back at college
smoothoperador · 9 months
i miss the days when no one cared about me it's so annoying having this many guys in your dms
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cocastyle · 4 years
Change - Ch. 2 | T W O
Pairing - Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 5,383
A/N - another chapter because I felt really inspired to write! it’s finally time for the reunion and ahh the feels 🥺 also, please let me know what you all think so far and what your thoughts are about Greyson. I honestly love him and his character throughout this half of the series is just so cute in my opinion. this chapter will have tons of feels with the reunion, but fair warning that the next chapter is going to pull at the heart strings even more and I think you all know why.
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T W O - Jade of the Orient
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Y/N was silent as she stared up at the restaurant before her, her fingers drumming against the wheel of her car nervously as her eyes flickered over the letters that spelled out Jade of the Orient.
She wasn't sure what to expect when she walked inside, but the thought of seeing her friends after all of this time was enough to make her feel clammy. She hadn't been this nervous since Greyson was six years old and broke his arm falling off of a trampoline.
"Mom," Greyson's soft voice spoke out, snapping the woman's attention away from the restaurant and to her son who was still sitting in his seat with a confused look on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," Y/N replied a little too quickly, her voice coming out rushed and making herself wince. "I'm fine. I've never been more fine in my life."
Greyson raised an eyebrow and Y/N sighed before leaning her head against the wheel in defeat. "Okay, so I'm a little nervous," Y/N admitted, her shoulders slouching slightly as she tried to collect her thoughts.
A look of amusement appeared on Greyson's face and he couldn't help but chuckle, the sound making Y/N look to her son before looking away with a groan. "Fuck you. You don't laugh at your mother's nervousness," Y/N jokingly scolded while Greyson sent her one of his smiles that Y/N liked to say could solve all of her problems.
Greyson was always able to do that, make her relax with just a smile. He had been doing it ever since the day he was born and Stan had told her on numerous occasions that he got his smile from her, but Y/N didn't see it. Her son's smile was unlike any other and she adored him for it.
Greyson and Y/N had the strongest mother/son bond than anyone had ever seen. They were comfortable enough around each other to make fun of each other and curse as if they had been best friends for years now. They understood each other better than anyone and were the person they leaned on when times got tough. Although Y/N made sure to keep most of her problems to herself in order to keep Greyson happy, but she knew that he knew more than he let up.
Y/N knew some people might scold her for the relationship that she had with her son, but he was her best friend along with Stan of course. Her and Greyson had been by each other's side for sixteen years now and Greyson didn't seem to have a problem with being close friends with his mother so who was she to stop him?
"You're telling me that we've been sitting in this car for twenty minutes now because you're fucking nervous?" Greyson questioned, a hand going to his mouth as he tried to muffle his laughter.
Y/N sat back up and gave her son a small glare before leaning back with a huff. Greyson's laughter quieted down as he watched his mother before he smiled softly and reached out to place a hand on her arm.
"There's nothing to be nervous about," Greyson assured her. "I mean from what you've told me these people used to be your best friends. That bond can't be easily forgotten."
Y/N wanted to correct him and tell him how she actually had forgotten about them and that alone was enough to make her nervous, but she held that information back. After all, she would have to go into each of the friendships she had with her friends in order to explain to Greyson why she was so nervous and she wasn't quite ready for that yet, especially Bill who she had yet to mention to her son.
"It'll be just like the old days," Greyson smiled as he shook her arm gently. "Besides, you said Uncle Stan should be coming as well, right? I'm sure he'll be here soon and everything will be just fine."
Y/N knew her son was right, but for some reason she still couldn't shake off her nerves. "You're right," she sighed, thinking momentarily about how once Stan got here everything would be okay. "I just need to walk right in there and-"
The woman fell short and before Greyson could even comprehend what was happening Y/N was quickly turning off her car and getting out, throwing open the door as her eyes locked on a man who she would've recognized anywhere. Although the last time she had seen him he was thirteen years old with a cast on his arm and a fanny pack around his waist.
"Holy shit!" Y/N exclaimed, her voice so loud that it made the man who was walking across the parking lot jump in surprise before looking around. It took only a moment for his eyes to lock on her and the biggest grin broke out on his face as he recognized who she was. "Edward Kaspbrak, is that you?"
"Fucking hell," Eddie laughed as he broke out into a small jog over to the car. Y/N slammed her car door shut behind her and was running over to the man in seconds and the moment she fell into the warm embrace of the boy who used to be like a brother to her, all of her nerves were gone. "There's no way you're Y/N Uris. There's no fucking way!"
Y/N chuckled and pulled away momentarily to look at the man that stood before her, a grin on her face that reminded Eddie of the ones she used to send his direction when they were younger. "You best believe it, Eddie. Look at you! You've grown up on me, Eds," Y/N said, her voice going soft as she looked at the boy.
A flicker of sadness flashed through both of their eyes and Eddie gave her a small smile of understanding before he put his hands on her arms and gave them a small squeeze. "Me? Look at yourself. Just as beautiful as ever," Eddie said before he was pulling the girl in for another welcoming hug, this one lasting longer than the first as the two got caught up in the feeling of having one of their best friends back by their side.
Someone clearing their throat was what had the two pulling away, the two friends turning their heads in the direction of the sound to where Greyson was currently leaning against the car with the beginnings of a smile on his face. He couldn't help but let his eyes flicker between his mother and the man, taking notice that his mother had never greeted someone like that in his whole life nor looked so happy.
Eddie inhaled sharply, his eyes wide as a hand reached out to grab Y/N's arm in surprise and he whispered, "Is he-?"
Y/N smiled softly and glanced at Eddie before walking over to wrap an arm around Greyson. "Eddie, this is my son Greyson. Greyson, this is Eddie Kaspbrak," Y/N said as she gently guided her son over to the man who was staring at the teen in disbelief.
"Hi, Mr. Kaspbrak," Greyson greeted, a smile appearing on his face that made Eddie inhale sharply once again for it was like he was seeing a younger version of Y/N smiling up at him.
"Please, call me Eddie," he insisted before putting a hand to his mouth and bringing it down his chin as he continued to stare at Greyson. He finally let out a small laugh of disbelief before looking to Y/N. "Holy shit. He's like a boy version of you. He even has the same smile."
Y/N smiled at that and Eddie watched as Greyson looked to his mother in what had to be adoration and pride before his gaze fell back on Eddie. "You used to be friends with my mother when she was younger, right?" Greyson questioned, his grin widening when Eddie nodded his head. "What's the craziest thing she's ever done? Mom won't tell me shit about her past and I'm guessing it's because there's some deep dark secret she wants to hide."
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully at her son while Eddie chuckled softly and stuffed his hands into his pocket. "Actually, your mother was a total badass. She once chucked a rock at the school bully's face and made him bleed because he was picking on a friend of ours," Eddie instantly said, his eyes widening in surprise slightly at the memory that fell from his lips. He hadn't even thought he remembered that.
"Woah, really?" Greyson asked before looking up at his mother who had a hand to her face in embarrassment. Greyson only smiled and nudged his mother playfully before looking back at Eddie.
"Really," Eddie nodded as he sent a teasing smile in Y/N's direction. "I can tell you more later, but we should probably be heading inside. Will your husband be joining us?”
Y/N stilled at that and Eddie couldn't help but notice Greyson's face hardening almost instantly, anger and hatred obviously written in his demeanor. Y/N seemed to notice as well and gently placed a loving hand on her son's shoulder before giving Eddie a forced smile.
"No. It's just the two of us," she explained and Eddie's smile faltered.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he began to say, but Y/N waved him off.
"It's no big deal. He left the picture years ago. It's just me and Grey," Y/N admitted as she looked down at her son, the boy instantly relaxing under her loving gaze and smiling up at her.
"That's all we need," Greyson nodded his head in agreement before they looked back at Eddie with small smiles on their faces. "Let's head on in, shall we?"
Eddie and Y/N locked eyes for but a second and both were able to read the nervousness that was still hidden in their eyes. Greyson began to walk on ahead to open the door for the two adults and Y/N took that moment to go to Eddie's side, gently grabbing ahold of his arm with both hands as they walked forward and rubbing it soothingly in an attempt to calm both of their nerves.
For a moment the two each had a flashback to when they were younger and how Y/N would always calm Eddie down when he was nervous or panicked. It seemed each other's presence was still able to do that for the two were able to walk into the restaurant without another beat of hesitation as long as they were by each other's side.
Y/N only let go of Eddie's arm once Greyson had returned to her side and Eddie watched as she looked to her son with a smile before brushing some hair from his face. Greyson sent her a small smile in return before the three were then shown to the room that Mike had apparently reserved for them.
It wasn't long before Eddie began listing off to the waitress all of his allergies and concerns and Y/N couldn't help but chuckle softly as she watched the man who was just like the thirteen year old boy she remembered. Greyson raised an eyebrow as he looked to his mother and all Y/N could do was shrug with a smile on her face that was so contagious Greyson ended up smiling as well.
"And I'm allergic to soy and anything that has egg in it. Uh. . .gluten and if I eat a cashew I could. . ." Eddie fell short and Y/N furrowed her eyebrows before following his gaze and noticing that they had reached the room. "-realistically die."
Y/N's mouth fell open in shock and she was sure both her and Eddie had the same expression of surprise on their face as they looked at the two people who stood in the room already.
However nothing could beat the dumbfounded look on Greyson's face once he noticed that his favorite author was standing in front of him.
"Holy shit," Eddie and Y/N both whispered out, their eyes locking with the gazes of Mike Hanlon and Bill Denbrough before all four of them began to smile.
Eddie and Y/N both moved forward to greet the two, but the woman was quickly stopped by someone grabbing onto her wrist. Y/N turned only to find Greyson staring at her with wide eyes as he squeaked out, "That-That's Bill Denbrough. You. . .you know Bill Denbrough?"
"Yes?" Y/N whispered as she gave the boy a nervous smile. "I'm sorry. I know I should've told you, but I didn't know how."
"You're kidding me. I was-" Greyson glanced over at the three adults who were currently hugging each other and laughing before he looked back at his mother. "I was not prepared for this. Fuck! What if I mess up? What if I make a fool of myself? Mom!"
Y/N couldn't help but chuckle softly at her son's nervous state and was quick to place her hands in his arms in an attempt to call him down. "Woah, kiddo. Just breath, okay? Everything's going to be just fine. Just be yourself and you'll be okay," she assured him.
"Just be myself," Greyson muttered softly as he looked back over at the author who had yet to look their way. He nodded his head and looked back at his mother with a much calmer look on his face. "I can do that."
Y/N smiled and squeezed the boy's arms once before gesturing towards the men behind her. "Great. Now let me introduce you to my friends," she said before she turned and began to walk away. Greyson was behind her in almost an instance and walked practically on her heels until they reached the men who had just finished hugging Eddie.
Mike Hanlon was the first one to turn and the smile he gave Y/N was one that made her heart ache with guilt for having not spoken to him in so long. Mike didn't seem to think anything of it and let out a cheerful laugh as he embraced the girl.
"Y/N!" Mike exclaimed happily as he held onto her tight, the girl doing the same. "I knew you'd come. I just knew it."
"Mike," Y/N greeted as the two pulled away to look at each other. "Of course I came. You know I'll always be there when you need me."
A flicker of emotion flashed through Mike's eyes, but his smile didn't falter as he just smiled at her as if he couldn't believe she was standing there in front of him. But then a voice was filling the air and Y/N swore her heart stopped at the sound.
Mike took a small step back and Y/N moved her head to see Bill Denbrough standing there, a look of disbelief on his face as he shamelessly let his eyes flicker over her. Y/N couldn't say anything since she was doing the same to him.
"Bill," Y/N whispered and the name had barely even left her mouth before the two were in each other's arms, neither of them remembering having crossed the room to reach each other but both of them remembering almost instantly what it felt like to be held by the other.
Y/N felt the urge to cry in relief as she held onto Bill, but she held it back as she merely gripped onto his shirt and hugged him so close that her nose was practically resting atop of his shoulder. Bill held onto her just as tight and she could hear him let out a shaky breath as he leaned his head against her own, relishing in the feeling of getting to hold the girl once again while also trying to calm his rapidly beating heart.
The two could've stood there hugging each other forever, but Eddie cleared his throat and gave the two a look that told them they should probably stop hugging before it got too weird. Y/N and Bill both pulled away with a blush, but kept their close distance as they looked at each other.
For a moment Bill felt like he was back in the summer to 1989 when he had first seen Y/N come out of the Uris house. The beating of his heart was the same and his breath was once again knocked from his lungs. And boy when she gave him that Y/N Uris smile that he hadn't seen for years, he knew he was a goner.
He hadn't seen her in years and she still gave him that giddy feeling that not even Audra had been able to make him feel. And for a moment he found himself hoping that was single. He didn't know what he would do if she was married.
"H-H-Hi," Bill finally managed to whisper out and he winced slightly at his stuttering which he knew was merely because of how nervous the girl seemed to be making him. Both of them suddenly got flashbacks to the first time they had met and to when they had reunited that one summer she had spent at Stan's.
"Hi," Y/N replied softly, tilting her head ever so slightly as she looked at the man before her in disbelief and awe. She couldn't believe it was him and her frantically beating heart was only proof of that.
Both of them were shamelessly admiring the other and the fact was enough to make them both blush and look down bashfully as awkward laughs left their lips.
"You look good," Y/N finally said and Bill swore his cheeks grew even more red. He was an adult now and she still somehow made him feel like his thirteen year old self who became a blushing mess whenever Y/N so much as looked in his direction.
"I could say the same for you," Bill smiled, his eyes flickering back up to lock with Y/N's, the girl blushing slightly as neither seemed to remember just where they were or who was in the room.
"Uh, Y/N?" Mike's voice rang out causing the two to look away from each other and over to Mike who was warily staring at Greyson who was standing where his mother had left him like a deer caught in headlights.
It was then that Y/N seemed to remember that she wasn't still a thirteen year old with a crush but a forty year old who had a son and her eyes widened before she quickly made her way across the room and back to Greyson's side. Her arm wrapped around the boy's shoulders almost instantly and she began to walk the nervous boy forward as she smiled to her friends.
"Guys, this is Greyson. He's my son," Y/N smiled proudly. Eddie and Mike were already grinning at her, but she couldn't help but notice Bill's smile falter ever so slightly before he acted as if nothing had happened. "Grey, this is Mike Hanlon and Bill Denbrough."
Greyson stared at the two men for a moment before finally letting his gaze stay on Bill. "Hi," he managed to squeak out, his cheeks growing red out of embarrassment.
Y/N chuckled softly and rubbed her son's arm reassuringly before looking to Bill. "He's a kind of a fan of yours, so he's a tad bit nervous," she explained, her words making Bill soften as he looked to the young teen who was staring at him with a star struck expression.
"He looks just like you," Mike commented as he looked to Y/N with a warm smile. Bill couldn't help but agree with Mike on that one, but his heart still felt as if it were going to shatter right there and he wasn't sure why.
Greyson would've stood there frozen for the rest of the night if it weren't for Y/N nudging the boy forward so that he was now standing in front of Bill with his mother right behind him. Greyson's eyes widened a little more and he gulped before shakily holding out a hand.
"Uh. . .Mr. Denbrough, I-I'm a huge fan, sir. Your work is-is amazing and I just. . .wow, I can't believe I'm standing in the same room as you to be completely honest," Greyson admitted and he couldn't help but let out a small noise of surprise when Bill reached out to shake his hand.
"Please, call me Bill. It's lovely to meet you, Greyson. You look a lot like your mother," Bill said and Greyson couldn't help but smile at that as he glanced back at his mother before looking to Bill once again.
"I've been told," Greyson said with a hint of admiration in his tone. "I think it's because of the smile."
Greyson sure wasn't wrong. He had definitely inherited the Y/N Uris smile. However, his smile in no way had the same effect on Bill as Y/N's did which was definitely a good thing.
Greyson had relaxed by now and Bill smiled softly at the young boy before biting his lip nervously. "Will your-" Bill hesitated and his eyes momentarily flickered to Y/N before he looked back at Greyson, "-father be joining us tonight?"
Bill noticed Eddie wince from beside him and wondered why, but then he noticed Y/N's hurt filled eyes and the way Greyson instantly hardened. "No," she said as she sent the man a small smile. "There's no father in the picture."
"I'm so sorry," Bill muttered despite the relieved expression on his face. After all, he wouldn't lie and say he wasn't absolutely thrilled to hear the news.
"He was a son of a bitch anyways," Greyson admitted and that was enough to have everyone looking to the boy in surprise. However, he was too busy staring between Y/N and Bill with an almost calculating expression to notice.
Greyson's eyes then widened and he sent a look in his mother's direction that made her blush slightly before she quickly looked away from her son. "So where are the others?" Y/N asked, hoping to change the subject before her son could say anything to embarrass her.
The only answer she got was the sound of someone hitting the gong behind them, the noise being enough to startle the whole group who quickly turned to see Richie Tozier standing near the gong with Beverly Marsh and Ben Hanscom behind him.
"This meeting of the Losers' Club has officially begun," Richie announced and Y/N couldn't help but chuckle as she looked at the man all while Greyson watched the newcomers warily.
"Look at these guys," Eddie said before letting out an awkward laugh that was followed by an awkward silence. Richie locked eyes with Y/N and he pointed at Ben from behind before mouthing the boy's name and moving his arms out to pretend like he had a big stomach. Y/N rolled her eyes at the man who gave her a small smile in return before tilting his head as he looked at her, obviously trying to picture how the woman standing on the other side of the room was the same Y/N Uris he knew.
The silence drug on for longer than any of them expected. It was obvious no one quite knew what to say especially since they hadn't seen each other in so long. However, it was no surprise when Y/N broke the silence to move across the room, her arms already out as a big grin dawned her face.
Beverly practically shoved Ben and Richie out of the way to hug the girl, earning glares from the boys which she ignored. "Y/N Uris," Beverly breathed out in disbelief as she hugged the woman tightly.
"Beverly Marsh," Y/N greeted as she pulled away to look at the red head in front of her. "Look at you! You've turned into a real stunner."
"Me? Look at yourself!" Beverly exclaimed before a hand was placed on her shoulder.
The two girls looked to see Ben gently pushing Beverly back as he gave her a small grin. "Okay, Bev, my turn," Ben said before he turned to the woman standing before him. He grinned and Y/N quickly returned it as he swooped her up in his arms to give her a bear hug. "It's been far too long, Y/N."
"It has," Y/N agreed as Ben set her back down. She took a step back to look at the man and shook her head in disbelief before smacking his chest playfully. "Holy shit, Ben. You're like a whole new person."
Ben chuckled at that, his cheeks turning a bit pink while Beverly nudged Ben's arm and said, "If anything, he's the stunner. You're making me feel self conscious, Ben."
Ben's face reddened even more at that and he glanced at Beverly with a small shake of his head. "You look beautiful, Beverly. Don't sell yourself short," he said instantly making the red head's face almost as red as her hair.
Y/N raised an eyebrow at the two and was about to say something when two arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind before picking her up and spinning her around. "Richie!" Y/N yelled out in between laughter, already knowing who had grabbed ahold of her.
There was a loud laugh from behind her before her feet touched the ground and she was quick to turn to the culprit who was giving her a sheepish grin. "Wow," Richie said as he looked at the girl in front of him and slung an arm around her shoulders. "You look amazing, sweetheart. What the fuck happened to me?"
Y/N rolled her eyes at the man's flirtatious attitude and shoved his arm off before playfully pushing him away. "Shut the fuck up, Tozier. You've grown into your looks and you know it," she teased while Richie just laughed.
While Y/N had been reuniting with the other Losers she had failed to notice that Bill, Eddie, and Mike were doing the same. Before long Richie had left her to go hug the others and Y/N couldn't help but watch as Eddie and Richie stared at each other before smiling and pulling the other in for a hug that lasted almost as long as Y/N and Bill's had.
As if realizing this, Richie pulled away from Eddie with a smile and patted his shoulder before turning to the last person in the line he had been going down. However he instantly froze as he looked down at the young face of what looked to be like a male version of Y/N.
Richie scrunched up his nose and let his arms fall back down to his side as he gave the teen a perplexed look, "Who the fuck are you?"
Greyson narrowed his eyes slightly and was quick to stand up straighter as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Who the fuck are you?" Greyson questioned in return making Richie blink in surprise.
Richie and Greyson stared at each other for a moment before a small grin broke out on Richie's face as he pointed at the teen. "I like you," he said before looking back at the Losers. "Which one of you fuckers does this one belong to?"
The group all paused in their conversations to turn and look at Richie who had a hand on Greyson's shoulder and was looking between the adults with his eyebrows raised.
"This one is mine," Y/N laughed as she walked across the room to stand by her son's side. She looked to Richie in amusement before saying, "So guess I'm the fucker you're referring to."
Greyson turned his head to look at Richie who let out a shaky breath as he looked between Greyson and Y/N who had the same expression on their faces. "Well, shit," Richie muttered as he chuckled. "Y/N Uris had a son? What's your name, kid?"
"Greyson," the young boy replied, his eyes flickering over Richie's face hesitantly. "And you are?"
"Grey, this is Richie Tozier," Y/N introduced, the man giving Greyson a short nod in response. She then gestured towards Beverly and Ben who were looking between the boy and Y/N in disbelief much like the others had done. "And this is Beverly Marsh and Ben Hanscom."
Ben gave the boy a small wave while Beverly smiled softly and Y/N couldn't help but notice that Greyson had taken a small step closer to her. She knew this was a sign that he was becoming a bit overwhelmed and a tad nervous, so she gently gave his shoulder a small squeeze to tell him that it was okay and she was there.
Greyson relaxed a little and put a small smile on his face as he waved at the adults. "Uh. . .hi," he greeted softly as he leaned into his mother's touch.
"Oh my gosh, Y/N. He looks so much like you," Beverly whispered, a smile on her face as she looked to the girl who used to be her best friend. For a moment she felt a sense of guilt wash over her. After all, she hadn't even known Y/N had a son and by the looks of it, he had to have been alive for sixteen or so years now.
"It's nice to meet you, Greyson. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Ben asked curiously, a small smile creeping onto his face as he looked at Greyson in fascination. To think that one of his childhood friends is a mother was mind blowing to him. Then again, if anyone were to be the best at parenting it would be Y/N.
"Sixteen," Greyson replied before looking down at his shoes, obviously not used to having this much attention.
Y/N noticed and opened her mouth to say something when Bill spoke up. "Come on, guys. Don't pester the kid. Drinks on me, okay?" Bill said and that was enough to pull the Losers' attention away from Greyson and back to the fact that they were all reuniting.
Greyson instantly relaxed once the eyes were off of him and Y/N momentarily locked eyes with Bill before mouthing, "Thank you." Bill just gave her a small smile in response and then the group began to take their seat.
Greyson surprisingly was quick to go and sit beside Bill, the action making Bill blink in surprise before looking over at Y/N who smiled softly and sat on the other side of her son. Bill felt his heart deflate a little at the fact that he wasn't getting to sit next to the girl, but he couldn't complain because something about her son choosing to sit next to him made his heart swell with joy.
Eddie sat down on the other side of Y/N with a small smile in her direction and before long the whole table was full except for one chair. It was in that moment that Y/N found herself pausing, her gaze flickering over to the empty chair beside Eddie while the soft sound of Greyson's voice echoed in her ear as he rambled to Bill about how he was inspired to be a writer because of him.
She knew who the seat was for and a small frown began to take over her features. Y/N went to reach for her phone in her pocket only to be reminded once again that she had left her phone at home. Sighing, the girl looked away from the chair and began to talk with her friends, but the reunion was still not enough to keep her distracted from the nagging feeling in her stomach that told her something was wrong and the one question that kept circling through her head.
Where was Stan?
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