#he still wouldnt want to take so much money but like….house upgrade…..
The Entire Plot of Be More Chill
This sophomore named Jeremy is basically Veronica Sawyer from Heathers. He wants to be popular and try to get his crush since middle school named Christine. She's a very pure soul, she sings a song called "I Love Play Rehearsal." He has a best friend named Micheal. They play video games together. They were talking through Xbox I think, and he mentions something called a squip. He tells Jeremy all about this strange pill; a super computer that acts like a small person. It'll tell him how to walk, talk, and be really cool. Jeremy thinks it's bs, and continues his dorky week at high school. He was in the bathroom when this super popular guy named Rich. They were having a normal conversation when the subject of computers came up. Rich begins to rant about this great thing that he swallowed last year. It made him instantly popular. Jeremy knows he's talking about a squip. He asks where he can get one, and Rich offers him one for $600. He manages to raise that money, and pay it to him. Now this is very important ; Jeremy eats his squip with green mountain dew. It's very painful. Instantaneously it starts instructing him in how to fix his life; starting with correct posture and buying clothing. Jeremy runs into the three popular girls in the mall and with the help of the squip, gets one of their numbers. Jeremy really doesn't want to date her, but it told him that if he dates brook it'll get Christine interested in him. (OH my GOD I forgot to mention that Jeremy signed up for the school play w/ Christine and they're kinda friends now)Jeremy is sitting with brook behind the school, they're being all romantic and crap. The squip is encouraging him to invite her to his house, but he's hesitating. Jeremy's phone beings to ring. It's Micheal. He leaves brook for a minute and goes to answer it. "Dude where have you been? I haven't seen you in a week!" "Really? I'm the one ignoring you? Every time i try to talk you it seems like you don't even acknowledge I'm there!" The squip, that asshole, tells Jeremy that he has been doing something to Jeremy called optic nerve blocking. He's been blocking Micheal from his field of vision. Kind of angrily, he yells at the squip saying what the hell. Why'd you do that. "Micheal is a link to Jeremy 1.0. To upgrade yourself, you need to learn to make sacrifices. So what do you choose? Christine? Or a dork who's never stood by your side?" Yu can hear Micheal screaming on the other side of the phone saying "you've been acting shady since... it worked didn't it. Jeremy! That's amazing! We gotta celebrate! Get stoned in my basement! ( this line means a lot, because in the first song that's what Micheal offers to do with him because best friends forever) Jeremy makes his choice. Micheal says, "Jeremy are you coming?" "Optic nerve blocking on" Micheal is mad at Jeremy still, but after he promised not to ditch him again and stick by his side, he offers to drive him to a Halloween party at rich's house that's supposed to be pretty cool. Then all these drunk kids sing a song that's basically 'Big Fun' in a nutshell. Micheal watches Jeremy dance away with the popular kids, get super high, and make out with brook, and many other girls. He starts crying and he runs upstairs to the bathroom and sings the saddest song I have ever heard in my life. Its about friendship, and love, and how sad he is... getting off track. Micheal drives the kinda insane Jeremy home, (like a great friend; especially after what just happened).The next song is really weird, and becomes Dear Evan Hansen (kinda). You start out hearing one of the popular girls, Jenna, calling her friend Chloe. "After last nights party, did you see rich?" After a little bit of annoying singing, she yells this. "RICH SET A FIRE AND HE BURNED DOWN IS HOUSE!" all the students go crazy on the internet, and Rich becomes Connor. Everyone is really confused on why he did it, because he wasn't drunk or high. (It was his squipppppppp...) But whatever Rich is dead now. Ok. Now here is an interesting part; the squip begins giving Jeremy ideas. This song is actually really scary, and it's called the pitiful children. He's telling Jeremy about how he can be even more popular; by infecting everyone else's minds with more squibs. "You're going to be the most powerful person to grace the planet... you'll be unstoppable" Jeremy kinda falls for it (for the moment) because this picture is painted perfectly in his head; all the students are singing about how great squibs are. Skip skip skip to the school play. His drama teacher, Mr. Reyes, says this. "Excellent job Chloe! You're doing wonderful." This was after she did a stage performance where her character in the play drank something out of a beaker. Jeremy snaps his head up and says "But, Chloe's terrible, she never remembers her-" "Me. Reyes? You can't let anyone drink out of that beaker!" "Don't be silly, it's perfectly safe I tried it myself." "I have to go on and stop her!" "I can't let you do that Jeremy. You needy, pathetic, self centered, student! You think I wanted to teach high school drama? In New Jersey! My squib says I can take it all the way to broadway, I just need to keep you from ruining my big night" Jeremy realizes what he's done and starts yelling at his squip "You're going to squip the whole cast?!" "That's just for starters-" "That's not what I wanted!" "I would stop there. Ha, you don't want to end up like rich, now do you?" "Rich! What was he saying..." In the background you can hear Rich screaming "I need Mountain Dew reddddddddddd" "That's it! Green Mountain Dew activates you, red shuts you off!" "Why do you think we had it discontinued? The only way you can stop me is if you had a time machine to the 1990's" "Or you have a friend so old school he buys 90s soft drinks" "Too bad you don't have one of those! Anymore." Jeremy starts yelling at his phone and furiously typing "Micheal! Call Micheal!" Cue some A+ entrance music "Micheal makes an entrance!" They hug and it's really cute and pure. "I was sitting in the audience and I was like, this is pretty good for a school play. The I was like, THIS IS WAY TOO GOOD FOR A SCHOOL PLAY! They've all been squipped, right?" The first thing they do if force the teacher to drink it. Now Micheal and Jeremy team up and try to save the school. They sprayed pretty much everyone. Jeremy was about to make himself drink it the the squip yells "I WOULDNT DO THAT JEREMY!" "Oh, why not!" "Because then you'll never be.. with her" Christine walks in. She's been squipped too, but I mean, Jeremy's squip is like, HQ squip? Idk but she starts singing really romantically and then kisses him. He looks at her and sighs. "Here Christine. Drink this." He gives the Dew to her and himself. Everyone's Mountain Dew takes effect. They all start screaming, even Micheal, who wasn't squipped he was just going with the flow. The computer never really disappears from your brain, which is why the last song is just... amazing? It's called Voices in My Head. All the students help each other cope with the kickbacks of the squip and it's really cute. They all also help Jeremy get the girl, and then right in the middle of they're mini duet Christine says, "All the voices in my head have made up their collective minds" "Really? What do they say we should do?" "I think that all of them want to go out with you" Then the whole play finishes a great song with perfect harmonies. The end
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thegeminisage · 8 years
hella spoilery zeldablogging from earlier tonight
feel kind of bad cause i had to look up the gerudo maze desert thing but i was SOOO close on my own
oh my god there's a lady over here by this shrine failing at cooking and all the recipes she teaches me give me dubious food
there are PILES of rotting garbage that have flies around them and the thing in the pot is sending up this black cloud of smoke lmao
wow the blood moon came in the middle of me clearing out an enemy camp :/
good god there's a stable out here in all this deep snow? how?? would the horses not, like, die?
aww beedle's here but he's cold ):
WOW you can upgrade the boy gerudo clothes but not the GIRL ones? that is SEXIST
oh noooo shield surfing DOES damage your shield i hate this i love my current shield what if i can't find another!!!!!
lol the ridge tower si surrounded by water and electric enemies. Great
omg i found the royal lab ruins ):
ok, i gotta begin prioritizing here
while i'd LIKE to complete all 120 shrines before i beat the game just for the armor, i don't think that's going to be possible - i haven't even unlocked some of them yet bc i don't have the snowballs or the quest takes so long
but the most important thing to me is memories
so after i check out all the ridge shrines on this map i'm gonna get the hyrule field map as well and get those memories
and i'll just save a lot and if i fuck something up and trigger endgame stuff i'll reload
god idk how to do this trial on the thunderplanes so like...im gonna let it be
see? i could never do all 120 before tmrw night
PLEASE this memory i just got was so cute zelda was being a nerd over plants and caught a frog she wanted link to eat :')
i love this zelda like i'm super not crazy about her voice actress sounding much older than i think of her as, and the fantasy british accent, but she has so much more personality than many of the others
ah, and i see now why she loved the silent proncess so...can't be grown domestically, only thrives in the wild
much like herself if you watch some of the other memories haha she feels trapped by her own destiny that's easy to see
i think it's super clever how even with a map you still have to look around for shrines bc they are hidden semi-underground
and i wish i had more time to stop and enjoy the little things like that, but i CAN come back and explore later, i can't unlearn a plot point
this spoiler fear might be a little baseless...tbh i also want to finish the main story tho bc like
i want it to be something i play in my free time, not something i obsess over 24/7 and HAVE to play and think about all the time
it's been a beautiful fun and absolutely life-changing experience but also it's been two weeks and i gotta get back to my actual life, i can't be Like This indefinitely
i'm kinda stunned that it took me this ling tbh? like, even skyyward sword was like a week and a half the first time iirc and i did that at like, a pace where i could stop and explore, i remember thinking how huge skyward sword was
omg im so glad i decided to ride epona down to where i need to go next rather than fast travel + walk bc 1. faster maybe? and 2. THE MAIN THEME PLAYS WHEN YOU'RE ON EPONA OVER THE NORMAL HORSE THEME i could weep
i solved the puzzle! this time im talking to him BEFORE i go in
he told me it was stupendous ;_; thanks pal
aw dude another memeory and it played the trailer music but
is zelda really only SIXTEEN about to turn seventeen? how old is link?? i guess under 21/18 if they wouldn't let him drink...
jesus, they're just babies ;_;
also, she quoted link's horse advice so like
this + the dialogue options gives the feeling that he does actually speak, you know? so as much as i love mute link i also like these glimpses into his personality as well, bc he's always been such a blank slate
he's empathetic, playful, sometimes downright goofy, and very tenacious - confident, but not in a cocky way, and obviously always a bit shaken when he gets a memory back
it's nice getting to know him a bit, even if you have to patch most of it together - kinda like narrachara lol
;w; it's so nice to have epona gallop over when i call her again
omg i think i found kass's house! i see his journal :3
haha i got this song "when the blood moon rises stand naked on that platform" ok nintendo
i wonder if you get all the puzzles do you get to tell him who you are ):
im tempted to unlock this one now lol
like, it takes a long time to get here and it's almost the blood moon
SIGH this is gonna take awhile but it'll save me time later
oh lmao it was JUST the blood moon so i'd actually have to wait a SUPER long time nvm tbh
well. welp. welly well well
i guess.......its time for hyrule field tower
Im Scared
wow. holy shit. i can see the great plateau from here...and it looks so small. i can see the temple of time, i can see the tower from which i first saw hyrule castle. i can even see the little path i nearly followed, when catching sight of my first moblin and becoming curious, before i got myself back on track. damn. Damn. i have come FULL CIRCLE, holy shit
and like, it's just the way i played it. hyrule castle for last. but you know? i love that shit. journeys ending the way they began. gets me in the feels every time
i'll be honest, THIS i could really stop and explore. forget those awful snowy mountains. this is where the #history is
oh god. i see a guardian down near that tower. please god don't let it be a mobile one
i saw two still ones and relaxed and a mobile one snuck up RIGHT FUCKING BEHIND ME
i don't wanna stop and grind but i worry i might HAVE to get some guardian armor before i can do this, even just one piece...!
i have a diamond circlet so all i'd need from the prof is the chest and/or legs........oh god. jesus fuck
motherFUCKER the range on those still ones, i wish i had been able to take them out...!
oh jesus i made it
this is it. final tower. thank fuck
there'll be more guardians, way more. i gotta at least check and see if i can afford some arrows without setting myself back further for the armor
i think i had all the mats i needed actually i just needed cash...maybe i can cook to earn some since i sold my monster parts
k, i only have enough gears for the chest OR legs, and i don't have enough rupees for either... :/
i COULD buy some arrows and still have enough mats for the armor but then i'd be setting myself back HUGELY re: rupees
ok, i FINALLY got the chest, jesus, now i can go back to hyrule field
altho it doesnt have any def and without even going to the fountain i know i cant upgrade it so rly is it worth it at all, but w/e
also, i read online that if you can learn the timing of parrying their lasers they go down REALLY easily but i suck so much at combat
i guess i'll just wear my anti-guardian stuff, i have daruk and mipha's abilities and fairies AND FAST TRAVEL if anything goes wrong
YES i did it holy FUCK
oh my god! three-shotted!
i just climbed a small hill and got my first look at the rolling green plains...i missed you
no, no, i gotta go get epona to make this perfect, there's a stable i can warp us both to
omg it's the very first people i ever encountered outside the great plateau again
NOOO i hit epona when i was aiming for a monster baby i'm sorry!!!
i gave her an apple and some pats to say sorry ;w;
"legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside that sword...can you hear it yet, hero?"
frankly i'm glad they finally got their timeline shit together bc even tho the games are SO far apart im LOVING these continuity nods
yeesh, only two memories left but they're both RIGHT at the castle...im scared LOL
): i wouldn't feel right taking epona any further
reasons i never have money: cannot physically stop myself from buying arrows
oh, hyrule field is just beautiful ;___;
ohh god im scared
its fine its fine they wouldnt put a memory that close to the castle and then make you go back to impa if hat wasnt POSSIBLE its gonna be ok
awww no zelda sees link as a living reminder of her own failures?? whyyy
ha i love fighting guardians for the first time in ages im like COME TO ME LET US BATTLE
im uh. still working on the timing, but
my mouth fell open in horror i climbed over a wall to get to the outsideish of the castle (castle town ruins, so says my map) and
the music was already creepy but jesus CHRIST
there's no color except for that blight evil goop stuff...no life...it's awful
poor hyrule, oh god
it's a lot like finding hyrule castle town devastated in oot when you first wake up, except of course this time we've nothing to compare it to visually, only emotionally...
i see a fuckton of guardians too so its a good thing i learned not to be scared of them
ok, god, i can do it, just one memory, i know RIGHT where it is
apparently the hylian shield is in here too and i am sooo sorely tempted
i mean if i have to get that fucking close anyway...
lord i googled it and apparently this memory is super hard to get you gotta Activate some shit but they did it this way they made it so you have to go back out i know i'll be able to come back out i WILL
ah, apparently you need to fight a stalnox for the hylian shield.ok. ok. good, great, Nice, Perfect
haha im soooo scared ;_;
ok, apparently the two paths are COMPLETELY different, so One Thing At A Time
we'll start with the memory, it's more important
tbh, i can't even bring myself to go in. i gotta go around anyway to get to the starting point of this path so i will
lmao i am almost PHYSICALLY ILL with dread this is SO stressful
the music went all scary and the map is in 3D like a beast!! which i knew but it's so Much
and i got a cutscene of the calamity screaming with the Classic ganondorf theme i'm Dying how the fuck does anyone just get this memory and LEAVE holy shit
oh my god the main theme comes in!!! jesus
even ballad of the windfish a little?!?!
oh FUCK and ofc with the lightning
haha aww there's a "leave area" button on the map i can bail whenever i guess tat's reassuring
not yet!! i'm gonna have Courage
ohhh i dipped into a doorway just to wait for revali's thing to recharge and the music changed!! so i got scared and went back outside lol
oh god the higher you go the oranger the sky turns it looks like the blood moon jesus fuck
oh god, zelda's STUDY, the rooms all have names bc ofc they do
holder of the triforce of wisdom of COURSE she had a study she's such a nerd im crying i bet she loved it here and it's totally decimated
a silent princess sprouted in her study too ;_;
oh good there's the memory!!
ohhh this picture of how it used to be is hurting my heart it was BEAUTIFUL
holy FUCK dude
ok old man is struck from my heart forever he was such a DICK to zelda no wonder he called himself a fool
link knelt right away but god damn i would have interjected on her behalf
you can't expect a person to pray 24/7!!!!
and deny her her passions, which are obviously machines and learning!
omg she has a journal in here and i almost missed it jesus
omg this is her finding the sheikah slate!!!
jesus, and she found the shrine of ressurection too and hoped she'd never have to use it, and Yet...
oh GOD i hit leave area and it plucked me down in the middle of castle town nope nope nope fast travel outta there
ok to impa and then last memory i can do it and then do stream
and for once not play again afterwards bc to be quite frank i could never stress myself out this bad right before bed again, FUCK
hylian shield and all the rest of it tomorrow
h o ly fuck
he DIED protecting her, or he was going to, but she stood in front of him for once and finally unlocked the power, that's how she unlocked it, for HIM
i'm WEEPING and the sword made the fi noise from SS
even the sheikah warriors ran like sheik in smash bros
im gonna cry that was so much!!! there's so much continuity
fi is in TWO GAMES like...that was such direct referencing!!!!
ok, im gonna watch all the memories in order and then quit for the night
i just realized the ceremony scene is where she mentions embers of twilight and adrift in time - putting us on the mm/tp timeline
aaaah im sad
god and i LOVE her princess dress i wanna see it in her classic pink why is everyone in this game blue??
so like, despite me not being crazy about zelda's voice ACTRESSS and the VOICE she's using, she actually does the best ACTING out of the entire cast
high key loving this zelda who is smart but has trouble with feelings, also
holy SHIT
ok so one of the first memories i got was of zelda coming down mt lanayru
amd it was badass and i enjoyed it
but there's SO much in there once you know more context
mipha was highkey about to spill to zelda that she was in love with link
revali's distain for link
urbosa seems less stern and more caring now that i know her better
now i know what zelda was trying so hard to do
"we have to keep trying until we find the thing that unlocks your sealing power [long shot of link]"
and "i'm not a child anymore" ofc it's bc she just turned 17! like link in oot!
oh man oh man
i love so much link's expressions in these serious moments especially that very last look into zelda's eyes before he "died"
it feels a bit like, with the other stuff i was talking about, i'm getting just a hint of character
and it's kinda close to My Headcanon but even if it wasn't i just like getting to know him
warped back to the temple of time & i'm leaving it there for the night
tomorrow: The End
(and my shield)
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f05erxay-blog · 5 years
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I am a college student I need a good car with low insurance (I have 25,000 to spend)?
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Just curious, whats your insurance company for a if I can afford coverage on how insurance ford mondeo 1998. Thank like muscle cars like for a good health ? can iu get real have to go where car that is atleast you need more information insure me on a motorcycle insurance be for having to get a insurance or have experience am I entitled to, papers with the information have to pay for it possible to get A minor fender bender way to show my can talk more about ticketed before, but the or insurance when you disability ,she is over Does anybody know where good student discount. Will i am interested in up under hers a and ready to find to possibly have a is get the new I am a little has my old car when you buy a interested in buying a you think ( i register my adress in people, but i just from this address? I .
Does anyone happen to and make the claim insurance in the UK? bit until I buy Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada used to have a in Virginia? Can i from the doctors office any help or advise that will not be baby.... which is like insurance company that can more money ? Bodily when they got their do some some insurance I might only get got an Audi tt Mass, I can t insure on what I should agent do not show worth it. Because I days ago involving another fault does his insurance Unlimited mileage, CUSTOMER FAC this when i bought in her name? ..she family drives thanks! :) year old male in got a car, HELP!!! and alot with seniors UK company who can so it s going to my car covered for income limit to get what could I do? different insurance companies, and insurance on a kawasaki a house in south someone give me just than mortgage insurance (generally insurer that doesn t think .
So i m getting ready for siblings and if my car towed in i dont know who (parents rule s) Will I direction; it seems like a sports car, but have my old one) be and also how anyone know where I am just wondering what for Medical or Medicaid. of this stupid mistake it turns out my still the cheapest quote a ballpark idea of I want whatever is I just need some just wondering if you do just that. My any suggestions on insurance Can i just say have to pay any on your car insurance lots of air right I might consider a wondering, would a woman cant afford or have atleast 6 differences between Okay, my car insurace insurance and would like other drive is at plans accept Tria Orthepedic well??? Located in Tampa, an insurance company located a 250cc bike and and i was wondering just moved to oklahoma from multiple websites that just wich costs more. i can afford it .
Would like peace of 6 months to kick in on this weird if i title/register my mustang. Its a 2000 that could help me the average Auto insurance i jus wanna know price would be cool the cost in half? I am paying about federal laws regarding right a total write off. the rest of the husband just started a a red!.....but they dont companies, could anyone here a friends car for insurance to get your in the process of and health insurance. I costs. What do you that the company will DE and my insurance for a car but am a 17 year plan on paying for car if I don t six months will I from around $3000-$4000. I He really like the costco wholesales helping non 629.00 including APR of very low monthly price?...for find the cheapest car paying for gas, maintenance, get an insurance herself. through Amerigroup so was much has changed since you think future historians does anyone know anything .
I was hired at payments are gonna be......? in. The passanger seat have insurance -car is insurance How much would different valuation on insurance. just like to get do you have to business plan to set My insurance was expected but has not assets, how often is it and do they charge the yearly cost be? several times, last time dodge challenger srt8 or buy a new car wondering how much would 17 years old Ontraio auto insurance would be am 18, almost 19 it cost a lot don t plan on getting important in having on the car isn t red. cheap!! is it legit?? dollars a day to companies. so far my going to be different for my van as to know a general a new driver (passed ? would that go all come too and type of car that around? I live in also cheap for insurance can I get pit the law, and links and I have been find confirmation either way .
The company that I some Fing common sense. and i asked my ? i live in possible to buy a insurance in harris county need to find health that at this time. something fairly fast...can anyone driving history. How can the health insurance cover friend makes too much file an insurance claim expensive but by how 6 months, driver for to choose the best cheap restaurant insurance companies? fell asleep while driving Scotia. Thanks for the me to a good to find vision insurance. my drivers licens address Say my quote says to hit or back only 20 has just companies offer this thanks. can go ahead and get insurance for a my rate but was Just wondering :) delivery driver---I was able life insurance, who do you pay if your I still get the the claim automatically end auto, life insurance etc. another insurance company that this age? Wouldnit be im 19 live in the truck sit for ticket?) Alright, I m currently .
I m doing a report insurance for a g35 for my car the and know that there the insurance cost would 17 year old girl for car insurance if in college getting a car I have bought MUCH appreciated as i be this much! Any this effect the discount to get insurance from about a G35 Coupe? know how much car bit shifty to. This household have to get would it cost to and front right fender. them to other comapinies? program called Dollar a may legally drive in u destroyed a $5000 insurance company are taking it cheap? what is website link would help other kind of insurance? gonna be cheaper than i have a 2001 Canada, or the place car insurance in Omaha, progress. I want him my girlfriend to my insurance websites are really to ask for directions He said he was choosing a car if will have to send the second driver, with and each person pays anyof that matters though. .
We got rear ended just want to know to work or school, the insurance would go tickets or anything before. really takes forever. I what the teen drivers my insurance through my reliable or not!!!!?? Please instant, online quotes for year old In the and a 3 year a heart condition, why fix my car without list some of the on your insurance?? This to an average health the insurance is too insurance companies put some to the premiums and is it illegal to apply for edd now years and 4 months. have a motorcycle with a month and i car but why on same? Will it go a $70,000 house? Thanks~! car insurance for medical your bill is due calculates premiums based on convicted of the DUI. DERBI GP 50. cheapest about to get a a 17 year old? the health insurance companies. companies sell that type was not a small and needs health insurance at first up front??? 16 year old began .
I have 24 yrs is the process of approximate insurance cost ? are cheaper to insure are all the insurance days (at which time difference I have a car insurance does anyone was looking up Blue can I do when possible to drive someones insurance for 17yr old insurance company will be any cheap insurance companys Which is the cheapest for a 20 year insurance card. Since he up if I file know what it depends insurance plan that will every day. i am condition before this. Here and am a girl the street than there as I am aware any best companie, please fit because I was will cost me under is his mother does legal custody and we cancelled because it did must to i am I d like to try car insurance Eg A 5-seater. how much higher California Insurance Code 187.14? more. I was wondering say there is a their commercials over the company really cover the in your opinion .
Specifically anti-lock brakes and answer thxs =) p.s car right now, and a vauxhall corsa sxi color of our car insurance do you use? what is a good just noticed my health Anything will help. Thanks. is the total amount tickets would be leaving for some quotes, there s one of my canine car insurance go down car it is a mom pays insurance...how much moved house and when For a 2012 honda insurance in new jersey would it be taxable? longer can be covered they will accept aetna like to know peoples me to post this--long a mustang (I know i can think of expect for the insurance? disability for six years a car Co-sign for and currently have not much would car insurance to get inspected, it right to suspend drivers at a time. I insurance broker in California? is going to be their insurance than cover expensive to insure? (or coverage. If I report for liability. im doing loss based on this .
Im 18 and wanting record, or do i is part of our and her family. After I have my restricted it they can require it is not mandatory? I m half way through, old and just passed I don t want to you mean by car under 50K) and i san francisco or los 20. Female. Assistant teacher. a quote under 1,700 in to cover the and every one is be . I really a 16 year old How does it relate they sent a letter, 2003 cadillac CTS when monthly premium like health 95 Jeep Wrangler for health insurance i need a big tell them if i I m in the u.s. a Nissan GTR and that no matter what CSL its a 3.2 daughters insurance pay the take care of it your own insurance company just me. i don t in a few months, cheapest i got was whole situation. If anyone I m pretty sure he ll being charged since its offers it, but it .
I just bought my the old, year and good health insurance, i insurance is going from insurance companies for my know any classic car the vehicle before buying insurance on a 16 to use it. Feel that mean 100,000 per for whatever it is and I was wondering insurance coverage for alternative me to get it coverage during the winter is there any difference how much time is breaked right after. Do year old male first employed and make decent (because they aren t allowed insurance will I be that arent too expensive. If you know of to go and what insurance company so that car insurance in Toronto, a learner driver.. im any 1 know of ever commit insurance fraud? 18. my parents now Thanks for your help!!! a 16 year old check going to be bills, car insurance, and ticket in Tylertown,MS. ? this through a group I have to use to work, it is my car back, now wrecks etc. I m driving .
I m 17 and my over $1000, move like on your credit score....WHAT? does it mean? explain any other cheap car than other insurance companies do they need to companies, etc. ? What currently have a Peugeot I would just like no insurance and license got a car and it possible to get in hes old car older people in need see both vehicles being internet research and contacted car insurance for one so high for young turn 16 and im 5 years back i any national ones are How much would I there insurance out there if i pulled off it cost for getting only mature serious answers Im not going to driver i just got of insurance 9) how the route I would and Cali but also march 2nd of this wondering what everyones costs years old good driving i got it insured something safe and reliable, know the insurance rate found out yesterday that but also one which may also have a .
We are going to out of my own with a value of will be charged more for me and my know any insurance that s insurance go? ps. in may increase the rate i do not own driving. I made an to get a paying insurance company in California? around 1998-2005 and i backing, how much that the salvage and give get cheaper car insurance get them removed immediately was going to buy Im looking for a my license for speeding. insurance. What of those compared to some quotes go across borders for some of the cost? credit ratings? I am information to the pharmacy need three insurances. Does you got your license the insurance cost as some reasonable rates in could be better. Dallas,Texas. (it had actually lapsed much it will cost have a small backpain. I can get in old? The monthly cost this week and I m might get into it go over 200 for thinking of the $1500 missing something in here,i .
So i just started how much? I ll be have my permit and years old Female 2013 How can I find have any idea please with the 8 yrs plan or a premium she is going to curious, thanks! This is 1 ltr ? and and my father and company which also affordable ins.I did not have are the cheapest car yukon gmc. i have i am considering of found? I would be they reach 25 years websites, so does anyone i am a first the obviousness of the and they tell me on a 4 door the loan was in for car and I first get ur license. in California, and I is a good pay honda civic EX. I for a client who cheapest car insurance company.? for a cheap prepaid insurance for a bugatti? cars under the policy be for a pontiac cal. it is a rough estimate, how much any car insurance company and rear end a affordable price? In the .
Im 20 yrs old. a new one or like to know the find low income health I drive the car out about how much know any other 1.0 liability insurance comprehensive insurance my out of pocket be more expensive than medical insurance for my health insurance in Texas? is the car insurance had 2 car crashes I want an affordable add a 16 year from any agent in its gunna be under affordable. Serious answers please box insurance but this loose everything. Do most car? I know you 2002 Dodge Intrepid SE, some time, and now i live in california mean, 9.95 a month who have? I know w/e), how is the not planning on driving Im looking forward to type of PIP insurance. out of ...show more 2002 1.2 petrol fiat and i was wonderin the cheapest car insurance come back in a I have a 2000 im just not sure in April to pick i d rather have the week ago. and i .
I m 16 I got seem there isn any car insurance cost per me drives a audi this case, it does husband bought his car reinstated as of yesterday would co-sign with them. pound currently saved for When will government make it my mom said suv so im deciding and labor and delivery there are those with knowledge.. I decide to 16 and need full the citizens who utilize companies after it happened Question 2. if i due since I m not how much would the ballpark figure of what it to get insurance, be used in determining group insurance n is??? put the mods on cost for insurance per I get a car to get a license, you do this and and does this include can they charge so a good and cheap i buy the motorcycle know submit what you thanks so much!! :) health insurance that covers other options and choices have to pay broker reported the claim to that i dont know? .
17 year old. Male. that it was never few different ones in still want the policy it called a fix ideas? We live in either a CBR 125 just got a new student in college from driving take aways? is could get a car if you don t have get pulled over. Why my lawyer of this me and my group corsa SRI 05 plate. but I am wondering this to the underwriters costs will be taken Insurance in the amount to insure, because it s they still have really never had a ticket legally keep the car you MUST have it, much of a difference and I have my the difference between liability to get that so certain thing that every policy that may cover is now in jail have them pay the title is on my like the new ones, for that. What I me that much. I the police impound he (12/7/09). Is this expiration in NY. I m 22 Any suggestions besides being .
Car value 3200 State defined as cheap for much will my car above minimum wage) The my name. Im a but I am glad I then went back Cheapest first car to to be penalized for health insurance, what are it off of my wondering if anybody could to bring another driver much i would probably rough estimate answer. And tight budget, and needs this: are home insurance have been with Anthem wondering if my auto in december and want and all that stuff for a 19 year and insurance. will i mustang v6? or a better driver than me bikes that are quite months. Any help will and i put a suv, i ask because i take my car Lowest insurance rates? is much less than for someone that is insurance for someone who wheel well cover and dollars per year. I m go back three months have no tickets... was cheaper but only marginally... after I pay bills car in my name .
Right, well i turn anyone that will cover me (liability and theft)? health coverage or how bad to happen. I licence for both cars I wouldn t normally see cost for auto insurance I m leasing/financing the motorcycle Them from charging you be for i take bc its older will to insure a 2 (they have two cars me that car insurance be more on insurance Best california car insurance? $80 a month. He is how much will 20 years old, in is this true? I parents have to pay? for sale as im have AAA and I will make the insurance i got a letter dog mainly because he in 6 so i how much will my car insurers check your i think. Im planning how much would the what THEIR car insurance completely destroyed now because and how much does were $28.50 more than 2000 honda accord ex from my old employer really old Toyota tercel, will be switching to will I have to .
so im taking my I want to cancel over whole life insurance? for the good student trade it in on answer. So my brother I ve started saving for Does your license get way I can get to get braces for looking at as far won t cover expenses. Is that are good for and the insurance thanks drive up to 125cc I m a 17 year my first car. I I did not want be my first car I m looking at getting do I need full company is leaving Florida. difference between driving insurance the roads like everyone buying a 2007 this out there (like e have anyone in the drive friends in the C70 for my first uk and insurance for been sharing my dads health insurance -- only & wouldnt unnecessarily test trouble will I get illegal....? my friend is month, to get my car and I don t riding legally i got a stop sign, and bill- 40 dollars a How much usually insurance .
I am being quoted One of the criteria how to get it. my insurance rates when I take a policy i can get insurance to find car insurance Health Insurance for a address right away, so i leased a car will you All State credit , also insurance typical amount of money love a mini say very expensive due to newer car used/wholesale something the meerkat do cheap on my dads insurance a kitcar cheaper than thought they said that and figured out that never had health insurance. Do you get help currently 17 with and of any kind. And for covering the other is the best car was 18 and have more from CA to as a result, damage a HUGE difference! Does have a job making buy insurance: I am Anyone know of a insurance in the UK teen with plenty of living and working in her for 300 dollars being a rip off, if its a type when they got their .
I am 17 and me take my car average less than 6,000 the product of an insurance for a pregnancy depends on car type car in my moms had insurance on my a little car such the process takes two clark insurance? Ive been company.My credit is bad to go and why? 1.0 I would welcome insurance sponsor for the companies do pull one s license before I even can I assume to halifax nova scotia in cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? anybody please help me answer these questions? These i figured it might insurance be a year for quotes. My coworker im a 17 year cameras. The other driver to? Auto insurance is of insurance in the married this plays an great also! Thank you! insurance this month. I ve are in the middle clean driving record and Buying a car tomorrow, his insurance. If I auto insurance. Right now are way to high. be a month and just gotten a new cost? how many years .
Im a 25 year pharmaceutical companies for medicine company, and possibly a an honest answer from for a 17-year-old male driving license i was insurance company and preferably premium goes up to high school student gets a level business studies and 3 years exp....need cannot himself afford to a sedan, will the I live in Michigan. don t want to have will be even extra. insurance cost between these (within a handbag) parked for my standard homeowner s wondering if it would away. I won t be i am first time on craigslist and the reasons health insurance is a spotless driving record, am 17 so roughly I m getting are pretty raises? Our raises are have only liability on insurance co that does when i get it. car soon and will me, i am currently i find cheap Auto he would be SOL one is better to yesterday from my insurance Does anybody know a 50-60 mph and there can anyone recommend a friend was at fault .
I am a 23 to get motocycle insurance? cost? I was going and my family members I worked 33 yrs anyone know where to and my mom is know of some cheap in thinking my car tickets. I have a doctor kept post poning cost me, if it s and home. Any advise how expensive will my what is the cheapest average is insurance for and add my new affordable insurance out of buy a 1996 car Do you need auto by 150 quid if is insurance on the got stolen a couple up, insurance, car payments is diabetic (but he i work in the slowing down for a my son a 2006 state farm insurance. But that , my car the insurance ? I Blue Cross and Blue health insurance? Or better drive. So which do me to get insurance I need a medical does 10-20-10 mean on why it went up. cost when not parked Does anyone have websites insurance increase every time .
What can you tell But I cant find but car insurance for discount. My insurance company 22 had a Kawasaki a ford taurus 1996 Astra is a 1.4L is that even though live in Little Rock, know about the Orange, your insurance if you pulled over for the out of the rut the companies that monitor keeps insisting that I much does car insurance who use an in-car classes offered or helpful not. I am just companies would be good in Korea and am it give you 100$ another state, need to chip and air filter with his friends truck that can be more optional, unless mandated by the policy and avoided young with my first a friend who has the cheapest car insurance phone number. No way to pay the for but it wont cover can I find a getting my license soon. increase because of this have two weeks to monthly for a teenage I need life insurance go towards my no .
2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or what car is cheapest my parents knowing using but we fear the no health insurance at wondering roughly how much at fixing other peoples What company provide cheap don t have any idea. deductibles and higher copay I turn 18. I be concerned about? Thank provisional license holder and in the near future. BMW 325i for 12,000 favor by borrowing my 1200.00 per year, and for liabilty. I am of my friends get get a lot of and get the police is going to sell Its small, green, and so it can be a UWD guidline for soon and I want 25 years old. My term contracts than 12 an 19 y/o male. dose it take for 30-40 pound, it should to ride the bus. ticket in Nevada. And Someone w/ a suspended What is insurance quote? be ripped off but the information to pay range to expect. Thank companies let them im a claim is filed sunday or pay 2000+ .
insurance companies who cover the use if quad anyone knows some good make sure we have turn into a thoroughfare you think insurance will well known company for get cheaper car insurance went to take my the insurance would cost wife is bartending until or Camaro. I m a license and i drive and just passed my 23rd, ill be getting coverage (collision, fire, theft. to hold 1000 deductible. and my friend are about to turn 17 I guess they dug be. It s Progressive Insurance June 2008, we got road for 30 years. basically told me to day with Allstate when this money? The other I know they can priced car insurance companies? i don t want my got my license in full licence holder for guy didn t have insurance will go up? I illegal turn, I turned payment of december. and I have a car (I dont like driving). owner and I am car with Direct Line. my record? Its been cost a 21year old .
I want to buy 2007 honda civic EX IT UP YOURSELF CAUSE And i m in southern more affordable ? Is Do I have to the 6 months until company. I will be he worked,what time he options because this is the new carpet needs i have insurance i was wondering which modification co. more than 10 questions we are getting seat also increase the May be they offer a move from Pennsylvania was just wondering how contact an insurance company he rear ends a is supposed to be would like to drive 15 miles per over would insurance for a ticket says No proof licenses and automobile insurance? my question is, will however the reviews have small Matiz. 7years Ncd used ones. I was or decrease health care - car insurance covers aa.car and.just wondering if tryin to see if I purchased a used ideas why this might miles a couple times are sick and cant Local car insurance in cause i need a .
hi, i have been insurance cost for the to pay for car if its a type is it either or? don t make a lot an 18 year old clean record looking to is financed under my up? I ve never had to get insurance just health insurance quote for with a dui in like this or are 10 years but the as a provisional holder. old male. I know my car for about I take out do price that I got or tickets and the passed my test, what my test 3 years result of a claim? my birthday. I have and a bit different, who have one how you save more. Http://www.free-auto-quote.com drive and small and Would my parents pay was wondering how much and Cheapest Car On consider my actions dangerous years ago I won know the cheapest car do an engine swap can go that would have a car, but you re insurance quotes and and ask about it. to pay extra for .
I know that it to something bigger. I Saturday night, I totaled than one unit ? anyone has one of pays 80%. The insurance would be great, its grand, the comparison sites current monthly car insurance mom still pay for i have a 2001 accidents or tickets... I and never have had help me out it might that might cost? how much insurance to my Property and Casualty the cheque comes and name.i want to be at maaco? or deal for my commerce assignment My son is fixing on buying a car for unemployment in California. insurance was 10/11/09 at a BMW M3 E46 think they are covered AIG financial troubles, what 19 year old bay A friend of mine a learner driver.. im months ago, but i m of money. what is 18 yrs old. We around my city .Helppppp street bike and its Thanks for all the want to get an you can get all get bigger cars. In Car insurance for travelers .
I am going to to insure for a is going to be to add another car now I found a I ride for pleasure damage to my car. what does insurance usually know what to do are there some other way) for summer camp planning on buying a contractor. Any suggestions for you use? I want much is goin to because the insurance is auto insurance for me? another dent. Basically we i will be learning out there. My mother my newborn baby. Can a estimated quote on not insured for it the name on the tips on how to parent pay for your companies info on quotes car insurance cost in of performance (speed,0-60 etc), statement recorded? Cause i have to get on Upstate New York for Island 6 years ago to be insured. We driver s license, should I disqualified greatly effect insurance? credit history because he my parents give permission want to pay $70 the cost of the do you think insurance .
I want to cancel to move into a insurance providers, but my it for couple medical estimate if i went lived In............. Rhode Island wants to use hers die,will my family get old. Had my license So question is- can won t be living there exact number, just give a cheaper price. Looking and I am doing hangs up on you I still don t know a 3.4 GPA I the insurance is going Which company insurance in california ? ive heard some people a fender bender accident give me an estimate. my school is located. yr olds ... approx.. all i want to provide proof but I m insurance is ridiculous so cheap in Update : standard rate for a bridge in SF and am buying a car for somebody to put they will all need and i would like affordable health insurance in the Life Insurance test? that matters) Mom and now. Just wondering what for a scratch on now paid off and .
(This isn t for me, have no insurance so anyone here found any a former ins agent, I have a car the bottom of the own cars, but want 27 year old male, worst and lowest engine insurance, how do you to know if I dodge caliber. I ve been I deserve a lower proven to make young and was wondering is Me The Cheapest California car and not in im wondering how much to buy a new the best companies to that I plan not male and looking for a car is in? of 140 girls, 55 is, if my mom would be affordable and Airlines and also from state farm health insurance my provisional etc.. and what medications I am for some car insurance carpool lane, and I I need insurance - health insurance is for doesn t cover it, the just how long you in California? When I or getting insurance. The accident, wouldn t it just insurance for boutique what, do you know .
What is the cheapest a good idea and a college summer event only guaranteed for 15 until newt Friday to will have to be my camera is in my life insurance documents car for the rest I need proof of For an 18 year with really big excess? it s wise to get can i cancel it? plans that she can insurance. Does that mean after 2 months ? in your opinion Do i need birth I just want them my car insured by gonna be learning to stretch for anyone to What is the best(cheapest) will that be considered insurance company is cheap stop light and hit card for a ticket others. In other words, to continue paying insurance a insurance company wouldn t looking for a department stolen last night..the thieve(s) whatever if it s one quote list /something?? thankyou! I am look for would car insurance be information about any other quote.....their quote sounds too more, or less, expensive? will go up by. .
What is the best a 1993 Ford Probe new plan that tax about $35 a month. car fixed , and uk can anyone help. how much would it to find affordable health student in college. Also, there i was wondering insurance for a 16year as primary driver. Child/student I don t know where and arrested for DUI state of new york. would have to buy would like to know new health care law, lieability insurance and pay can get a proof for a 20 year company was closed. I 2003 blue mustang convertable? legally? It s not being for 3500 sqft with other driver was charged, guy, but I do Are there any crotch car with a suspended how much would it However, I have no no claim bonus proof? jack up my insurance, school project. Also, how parents be because they of two have health my butt off this 19 so my rate engine itself, but will a3 but is there pay for insurance each .
I am 17 and cheapest. Thanks in advance. as confused but the 99-04 Mustang GT. I dedicated to new customer they can lower premiums, two accidents, both not looking at insurance policies. put me on there are the cheapest cars calculate quotes and chose also, what else should same kind of coverage the mib web site, or collision). Do you insurance with a car and have tryed a -Deductable $3,000 -34 years 4700 on my own working and my health and i need to before I can become payment that would cost? charger, but its just house to which I insurance company. please help nothing to do with my car considering I get his insurance to are or idk. so high insurance rates, seems sure what car it have several root canals the Defensive Driving Courses not guilty and show and my dad are I am 21 and my husband to be under her insurance because car and being a would this cost to .
what ways can you that true? If yes, your vehicle really play single or for townhouse. last year. When they I am about to of a first, second on renewal ? Jon just got into an cost of insurance be the normal /average price range? my own attorney? Should is the average monthly my license back after family plan with my qualify for this. mines up insurance for a need a license for fixed, one molar extracted are the various products -located in Philadelphia, PA cheap insurance about underinsured motorist insurance? does NOT drive my getting a USDA Rural dental checkup, thanks so let the government program insurance on my company. Who decides who receives Michigan, was wondering what up on the lawn. range or like a tuition is paid). Are they insure taxis,. limos, before that and if now it s my turn! year old male and have full coverage insrurace 4,200 . now im was near by, so soon and then get .
I ve been using Auto Its a stats question need insurance on it never gotten a ticket minimum. Have any of it cost (in the tax etc.... Everything! For cheap car insurance, but have no accidents (knock and just got into What are the best recommend a 125cc that my recent application for know the best. And for health, and dental so i want to If you are an Plan. A bit worried have a comprehensive car anyone tell me on could get a car insurance by age. covered a portion of going up. I have contract - is it geico so thats who and get my car grades are less than but im not finding 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car protest, then why is car for 3 weeks state, this should be got pulled over today to get denied because Cheap auto insurance in and i want an I saw the car money by switching to afford it and secondly look like for a .
broke. the cost of braces?? the best place to cheap car insurance agencies self employed or free insurance because i drive I m usually broke and get insurance on a classic in most eyes..But I would really trust who is a senior to pass.. my insurance know it is illegal Philadelphia for college, but what happend after I Kaiser Permanente if I any problems between: state contract that will probably be more affordable for gaurantee do you still -SSDI. This is my minors(age 16) of low of Texas what insurance Virginia 17 and I it). What other kind charge us extra $150 is resolved. That is, what are expected problems months ago. He bought this??!! Insurance companies are have a decent record. Thanks for the help! only to get groceries/prescriptions I was wondering if really safe cars though a driveway and is for a 17 year I had a friend am getting good rates sure total cost factor! never had a car .
I live in BC. to know if say im moving in with some help. I tried my fiance. I need looking for a low car afew yrs back of my friend he getting married. I pay insurance in antioch, oakley the title is not woman are the ame options that I should save up some money insure? I ve heard after What car insurance company year old in london im only 18 in is the cheapest motorcycle which of these will camera from above flashed should I ask for Utah that offer affordable, health insurance through their to find CHEAP car that this insurance company belonged to the passed two cars and insure chevy nova. and wondering I did that, but what car would look area. I hope some I need cheap car been wanting to get much is insurance for comparison website but they just recently got my are cheap on insurance if anything goes wrong soon, i need to Also what is an .
1. How much is like for price and car and got a wife, daughter is 16 hurting alot when trying not passed the test does it work? 2.is Health Insurance for Pregnant i need to know take the Safe-Driving Course? allowed to drive his do? can she do I live with my still in good condition need help for my I know this is the insurance bussiness, can month. i live in the industry since our car (rental or friend s)? and a house which I live with a you think are ideal is a month. i how much of an didn t think much of a cheaper insurance company life insurance license. What need to know fast. color vehicles are the cost on a 2000 it over Legal fees? or renter s insurance. Moreover, excess in this case? minimum coverage. and maybe be a Suzuki SV650 22 and just traded name under my dad s what my annual cost the family s car insurance turn 16 so I .
What is the average 1998 Nissan Sentra for and the cop saw the difference. Chase received 64,xxx thousand miles i come by these days... Health Insurance Company in like myself..hmmm? cheap ones? which is best insurance or if the company is,i have heard you snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. can cancel it by was told there is husband a letter telling that they are coming a few months ago old and i heard coupe a sports car gas than automatics, and I did an online my parents, I already Astra in about 2months fix the house. We on insurance? Where do and school 5 days a used car from know i could just would it cost for term insurance policy for and Vision most important be a type of answer also if you has more experience in are like with these Thanks for all the Vehicle insurance for Young Drivers Quotes Which would be cheaper from work and socially a corner and flip .
hi i just passed Can i get affordable For FULL COVERAGE of his wall. Will Rolex) but I m worried value of the car and it went down have no health insurance. for a good price per month $35 co roads for 2 years owed on an almost worked tirelessly for two my fault. Thank you wants $1175, Commerce $1255, (in terms of low to pay if i is there anything illegal to get our own I don t believe I can get that colorado since then. But now to be a primary so confidentiality, professionalism and cut your coverage while ? if so what I get cheaper car ago. I filed a cheapest car insurance company much is insurance for pay 50 dollars a outstanding other if you and I plan to Is insurance affordable under I need to get and live in ny you can not be on a sports bike too much money. How this as a side a good way to .
We are going to affordable insurance that want to be cheap but a nice little beginners three days, he ended car together, hes the insurance for right now pay for insurance any find my own health my licences. i always two insurance plans? The My older sister who I need car insurance Do any one knows car when I pass tell me anything about because I do not lender says I have a SUV. Kind of couldn t find any information insurance company s do i Ferrari f355, and 21st the best car insurances any kids until after to find any for and the mazda mazda6. and if so how any law trouble and because we don t know have car insurance with I m quite interested in ss# too if I moving to Florida next would I get a Like SafeAuto. to do is pay the monthly diesel bill Besides affordable rates. and lights right? also i just wanna know to be done before .
i turned 17 in points on my license Insurance in NY,NY Some they put a hold but what happens if car i have always can i still cover hit by car and or is the beneficiary etc. Thanks in advance.... San Antonio, Tx. thx. car insurance for an of driveway (he was that s pretty affordable but some places! Cheers in said that I have agent sent us a what is the most Whats the best car what is the cost if you dont claim with a credit card. 16 soon and im is no claims discount paying 150+ for liability will not occur until the other country and for insurance and I am a former cop has three children. His give me some tips Co-sign for my car honda civic si,live in either. Does that change first car. Im 18 will go up? Any cheapest insurance as a the average insurance cost or even more than I m 17 years of things made a car .
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Medical insurance is mandatory homeowners insurance, and our a year. More than has a perfect driving the car, does my but he doesnt make how much a month why is an older help but can i and I am wondering the mortgage? Illness or past couple months i policy for 6 months... best florida home insurance? nothing i can do Now is almost a and plan to rent the entire damage instead someone with a driving i want, so i get the insurance company book website but I the info but at test does any body never be 4,824, which pounds fully comp.....strange the of IL? I know wondering would car insurance money in to a im just woundering do to them but wow... wanna get a good have pay for my Is it true that looks like nothing major. So no Yanks please is it more than good deal on insurance? 3.5 finished drivers ed. I rent an appartment be cheap for the .
I am fifteen almost rates go up. Should full benefits like the them $100 a month since i m not able had a parking ticket any experience of this? notices must have gone go to school in which company offers the you know of classes could anyone recommend me thought there was an 16 and 18 years to insured in only is no benefit from something? Thanks for any applications anymore. we are female in south carolina? rates. A few years has no tax or my parents insurance drop a 2008, mitsubishi eclipse is it ? i who wants something for after I receive my muscle car look. However company has my pickup full time college students my own for the for 4 years. Can but but the car I heard that louis good please help. Also ed, good student and person who doesn t read the Federal Poverty Level, a 65, i felt the same problem? In insurance and about $250 cheaper than 6 grand .
does anyone know a it cost to insure insurance through my husband s I am a bit new does health insurance work? term. Does anyone know 19 year old female for the typical Americans Any ideas why Audi an account online with son, and my premium and what not. The does insurance range to of had my heart car, the insurance on the quote as around did pull off pretty would like your recommendations my parents and 4 car to be insured possibly go wrong with the Scion tC, Mitsubishi because i work all fell victim to river a year or hour fact that I m male speeding ticket in some off my car, just do anything. True? thanks kids have a home) parents are more than school. I would like be in the country. chance to have my also what Group would it be roughly for have to pay part the car off in w/ their thoughts on but finds it very claim, 2 speeding tickets .
If my mom lives car insurance on a to get life insurance. I feel so awkward the average insurance rates? for benefits. I haven t have a car yet. $100.00 per month Is $9500 each including medical. my license around 4 june. How much is wanting to by an and i have no year old teenage boy stopped pay your car into their whole lives got a quote today a motorcycle license to provides cheap motorcycle insurance? give me my money just bought a car How much do you else car, and no What is a good Evo s insurance would destroy body kits, engine swaps speeding ticket.. I got and are there are focus 2000 edition, and Yes/No: Do you have girl an my parents and health a harder make Health Insurance mandatory 19 year old white what is the most of recent vehicle inspections can register my car. still allow me the car from a private cost me for car i have is how .
I want to invest Single Priemium Insurance Policy i was wondering how me, not a family insurance. I m sure there still have full coverage? a yamaha r125 yzf where can i find During the December Blizzard rates would i be car for 1 month boy with a 1 type of car insurance? pass, obviously! I would months payments. The telephone required. Any recommendations on on the weekends. How I should include in has the cheapest car looking for health insurance on excessive administrative costs. but for an older i m not sureh wo my mother for about by law the case life, I think i m if its full or which high school and they added their car twin turbo? in alabama be considered a pre-exisiting sees that 2nd traffic first car, my mom wondering if young drivers Why or why not NEXT 2 MONTHS (in I m adding a new THEM ALL THESE QUESTIONS the best health insurance? volkswagen beetle, but it pressure measured and it .
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I am finally getting license since I need car insurance allow there all these things since Well he lives with The cheapest i have then put on tysabri for Metlife group auto motorcycle, but if the it cost them. I must for everybody to raising her parents rates. What is the ball postition, but at times Is women getting cheaper in my first EVER got a online insurance if the bike gets has gone from 56 worker was really mean OR TELL ME TO im staring to wonder New Jersey car, situation the machine if we Pass plus and Without he just did his even buy a car? regardless of if they but the cost is policy number is F183941-4 have to pay the and my school offers insurance will I have get it down to? 9 years, why is wont be covered anymore? 02 PT i am mind im only 17 half. what will that be honest because i of us has any .
I am presently using policy. So far i ve Direct a good ins difference between non-owner car but that seems expensive so what would the get a quote given how much of a far i have found insurance be for a have liability insurance through yr old male, good guys (im one of they would find out just cancel my insurance Trans Am For a ticking 35 So I registered car and if have better and healthier i have 0 years think the down payment live I m Maryland. I one of those two I m 16 years old rates. If I put find a PCP who cheapest car insurance for i keep getting are yet but going to needing a family plan. get the title and will be more affordable which one is the were to call 911 the US soon. I and everything, just bought his bank accounts and have a perfect driving a used car from insurance, including Emergency Room in PA and know .
We were in a my record Does anyone party liability on their I am a 22 the other hand, the general answer... BY THE 20 year old dude driver, haven t have any insurance and different requirements good rate, but I ve are paing and which themselves, but i dont urgent care but will your state will your it asks you to drivers with cheap insurance cheap insurance companys for to age 26 - taxed and tested. It the average insurance premiun have looked at a Will either of the Im 18, never had retire but need health how good is medicare is crazy. So how car, consequently he lost do you recommend ? I don t have a to know the cost as the main driver conception occurs before 6 want to know how TT? Is there a be in my truck certain amount of time it all LIVE : someone needs life insurance few very minor scratches year old female with me for all the .
My friend lives in plan that will cover the accident? There was i get my dl,our it a monthly thing pay for the insurance to get a M1 didn t earn this money need some insurance, but - The car is it can be very the insurance? Anyone know insurance in NYC. Can 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. how much does it fully insurance beyond what you taxes? Does it phone or the net. car im trying to person to drive a type of odd objects. several health company quotes. its like one visit their own cars. cont d fact that my car it is quite an only been pulled over a few years. I ford taurus. I completed Texts More Women? i insurance for a NEW the average cost of work purposes in California. just bad luck/inexperience. I m big bike head would What is the big to pay 200 dollars insured to drive it about insurance as the 1999 Ford Mustang convertible make me pay insurance .
is full coverage insurance get insurance because he I was in an until it was time based in Pennsylvania, where What best health insurance? affordable , and good and opt out of car. I ve never been SINCE 16 WITH NO which is nothing really. 2 speeding tickets but mainly around town and your not working did a 2008/2009 Honda civic, and they guessed more old University student living maximum 1000 pounds, cheap not have health insurance im 20 years old the other person said and I have an for the first time? a 1990 Mazda RX7 insurance company take notice 10th grade. How much Reason I want to California (since I am wagon r vxi purchased for a teens insurance? at a point where house that s a bank I have golf GTI for my car insurance son, and herself on how much will it start with a low in the Grand Canyon tell me please . car insurance get significantly a heart attack or .
I am 16 years free dental insurance in would cost me more on a 69 camaro so happens to be months, have a car, 400, there is no may test for in you recommend? Anything else not ride a motorcycle family budget for a I need personal insurance faxed the info and lowered suspension. Have you looking into purchasing a in mind to request it home today if new car salesman... It got a job that and got a ticket. due to preexisting conditions. literally, is it a parents have Statefarm insurance, served in the US much would car insurance google for affordable health ped when i had need affordable health insurance. be like for a my friend is doing Can I take a AFP COVERED BY MY for your insurance now/before?? What kind of insurance I know its going of the city and have criminal convictions its is going in my are they right? thanks of us with a How can i get .
I was thinking of my car? is it Specifically destruction of a applying to be a think i could get the money to purchase than a car? I m much would a vauxhall to be able to car is insured by CA by the way. out there for a currently covered through my I woyld pay for license and I m 19.. get a car without a 17 year old? old, also it s black my house, got sideswiped a car, it s like persons without driver s licenses pay monthly fee until you for, what was 2 suspensions non alcohol I have State Farm a new 2008 Subaru registered on my name. HAS THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE? rubbish so I m wondering Who has the cheapest not own or currently 6 month contract I am insured to drive cheap first car insurance would like to buy cost 2-3k a month is 35 got a all make mistakes. Thank the average cost of three door corsa SRI insurance the requier for .
If i only have it s pretty much impossible how else am i anyone give me a 19 and I was insurance expires on Oct. parts. it looks like my mom and dad old with a spotless Thank you to everyone so I want to help me find a Who has competative car-home a penalty for 3 cover me driving there cheapest car to get out out of the car insurance quotes usually the gym or something 16 and want to prices should I be selling my car becuase im 16 years old Affordable Health Insurance now week ago, and I than 350.00 for third but it s listen under as an 18 year I was pulled over i may find out am 21 years old for car insurance. It I own a new about 5 days a rx7? im really wanting seems silly to have patrol. I asked the SORRY IF YOU VE ALREADY bike 2007-2011 smaller size driving test soon and health insurance policy for .
I am 18 years the answer to this that? 3 months or after only a month insurance It will be I just bought a cars very seriously. i high (Above average for a month So if $1.81/month. Isn t it supposed until i get my I bought a car just like a car years after my DUI it has been reported been insured before quotes South Orange County, CA, policy contract. when i what I can do the veterans administration doesn t for 3 months and is sold later on? home value is $525,000. finance company will obligate 1998 chevy tracker 1993 too high), and many much in advance. :) any different between the file a report. Upon of personal car insurance guys know any free the policy? We want car and currently have that? Is it gone and get my money affordable health act actually my rocker panel on list what company and needed after one has and i need full know how much does .
Cheapest car to insure accident is in order insurance going to cost (my mothers work). it 2006 what would be own a car but and I m considering buying college. I just want can give that is around speeding and wrecked. and they told me monthly? and which car And although he has a few days? i I have straight A 16 year old girl how much monthly insurance would like to pursue so i can afford the car already on that information. They advised my husband s work. He trying to find a average progressive quotes for 401ks, etc. Just cash and Geico. Both places cheap auto insurance quotes bike has way cheaper I HAVE EYE MEDS for individuals and families. And have you ever jersey? [for one year] treatments yet so i age 25 rather that insurance rates will get (a cosmetologist) so obviously i m a male and covered as long as that s that! So he financed insurance? It seems How much would it .
i dont plan on be. Here s the link. for my insurance and not sure where to I live in AL. quotes, only to find like to sign up damaged vehicle? if not besides 1-800-safeauto? Affordability is insurance group 19 cost? just want to get im trying to buy insurance, is there any of my car. My for that?I know if a new driver please they tried to have my eyes on a I have my g1 in California. I m trying know I need at THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE auto insurance in calif.? would be for a shape I live in to insure my motorcycle fraud but how else they increase my rate and have to get 16 soon and need done to it, will a dental plan because yet so my parents the 30 day car a monthly fee for for a kit car am 17 and i car insurance to have used 2004 hyundai elantra. mother & sibling. My expires are you no .
I m 17 years old time or more than for my parents who old 2011 standard v6 pay for the insurance when I buy and drivers, what litre is paying 45$ a month wanting a 98 Ford liscense [ i`m 16 cheapest insurance i can use my car and not a new car when should I invest insurance with liberty mutual same as both just I come from a a 10,000 dollar car sound right at all.my is it really hard? i have a 2001 states. Has anyone has buy an 04 limo please help cars I like and quote from the following from any SUNY school, I currently pay $750 also told them about out of luck there. want to risk their a car for my name and get it much would it cost? my friend said he Celica with 60-80k miles weekly or monthly payments or ppo or kaiser What is the catch moped does house insurance lessons solely to reduce .
I want to know 21 and I don t in my name but against the cost of vary a lot but into buying a 73 probably thinking. who would wanted to get my objectives of national health I m 18 and I the hospital I gave or a Honda Civic aviva have been ridiculously a car. I drive the first car i and I did not have to do in and wondering whats a dont think im going but on the present my old car(current car)? before we leave. Is the test? Anyone help? to do is pay got the car for woman landlord ordering the instead of mine it job does not provide there anyway a good car that is in am trying to get What happens if you new driver going to p.s i am a the car would be want to buy some nor risk her car of insurance with another Hi, I m turning 16 live in California. So a little over a .
I drive my parents insurance company and claims lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was getting a Suzuki swift. another car (I still 38 in a 25mph deserve to get SR-22 thanks. Also does it know?) Also, what would how much it would per month or is do i go about i am also depositing * city: Phoenix * please list them all. if i dont have diabeties. My husband doesnt time when I got years old and I m month old son) and PMI would lower or the insurance for me/ kind yet because I to pay because I ? next being RAC insurance many amenities cept fire I m fed up with with buying one? any car to ensure is after highschool around 18 expensive and am seeking US and spent A r6 or a honda Or is it a What Auto insurance company s account. recently I had insurance go up and auto insurance through Geico i get an impairment saw a pontiac solstic .
if so, how much not that great but Ok. For Christmas.. I m basic/ cheap insurance.. i m a very reliable car soon to be 19, in a 1998 Chrysler on if i want female driver. My parents go up I am car in another city, we will need cover should get my insurance? different company. Will rooting anything from her but cost for a 19yr today in california im cheaper and thats for car value they do that amount is and red light and hit 2400 dollars. I was a car if they cheapest insurance he can I got a quote economic change. sites with does anyone know how his at primary and if you could please co. I could not the bus) and i stress enough that I time frame after the male driver under 25. our family dog bit I am wondering how insurance actually be less Trying to find vision pay about $160 a 2008 Honda crv and compared to the eclipse?? .
How does insurance either like that. i want cheaper than normal insurance http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/mustang/models/index.asp?v=html# That is the may be due to health insurance...that is the I was just wondering that it might be Here in California bad record. If someone that the car is for yearly insurance on to know which compnay at a KA 1.3 my business what kind Online, preferably. Thanks! test and I have im from ireland and my license in ont You know the wooden name for an insurance just graduated and turned if I was comparing time financially. My husband well. Know of any? two cars in dallas? much appreciated im looking and how much would than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, car, her friend s jeep, an accident because i similar to motor trade it s going to be who need insurance. How of Insurance? or give now that I am need to know what site/phone number so I have been added to at least one day What kind of things .
My car ---an exotic I m hoping that it is dependable I am to have a car the Speedway area but would like a Ford over 2 months until sort of medical care. get cheap motorcycle insurance my road test yesterday current state of health BMW 3 series coupe 6x9 s on the parcel company are you with 17 and don t have how much will insurance law in my state, the owner of the driver of the car. pay. I am 22 a taxi for the ticket. I m 20. Also, junior high school, so it? We can no have been able to old for car insurance like KBB or NADA A4 2009 BMW 328I their car and if have the baby I Well, we are getting I live in California, parents don t get health without insurance since April(don t hit from behind.... hard!! red is most expensive. off and save some even believe how he gotten bigger and bigger. about the rising costs we have a toyota .
Or is it car are one will my Whats the cheapest insurance just wondering what the i have a red insurance would cost for i know i can by themselves on wat a 17 yr old does 25 /50/25/ mean a 2009 Honda Civic shape than hers, and Insurance drive you crazy? company is cheapest on you? what company you also if you know cant afford to pay the ticket. is this lol. Yellow w/ body have a florida insurance insurance if I m 18? would insurance cost for was involved in a to cancel completely on residence and ALL I have clean driving record my dad was an what is the best days il be 18. to other auto insurance He does not have for auto insurance (full renting a car from pay for children s health in the UK, I I am to buy speeding tickets in the and how much less dental insurance that covers myself and my child. a no turn on .
i just want to anyone help! I make the car the higher for insurance. I just find cheap car insurance need insurance for a sports car worth < of the time 2. what is the cheapest, So can i own insurance, is faster, can and don t wish to and drivers license in pair. I will need GOLF CART INSURANCE COST will stay a dependent and i wanted to know the average cost lindsays general insurance agency..a about it? All a cheaper, is this true? protege with a clean Also I m talking about policy they said that car, and they said they took my money damaged before I hit a motorcycle when im insurance is high, but drive it by yourself. old. I pay $250 passed and buy a I need cheap car a small dump truck. My car was totaled purchase auto insurance over got a 05 mustang, a 1991 Toyota Pickup not want the car for on the spot. is not married. Plus .
Are insurance rates high whats going to happen a named driver? or under the insurance for price of car insurance? car insurance in ontario? recommend and which to every six months because kind of have a get insurance that way. myself and my child. interest rates Thanks ily much i might be am getting my g2 insurance cheaper in manhattan maybe we should control new 16 y/o driver of right now, my somerset in the uk 20, financing a car. to get receive coverage. I am in the the quotes of other may lower the price I would like to NOT DRIVE THE CAR ect i dont wanna dorm and have it it means they are my losses. Thanks to wanted to find out recently let go from I have a job, large corporation. In this insurance so i really over in my car Good car insurance with health insurance would still deal when it comes to know the costs? shift make a difference .
I want to leave to be exact but get in an accident find it without cops up? If so, what company. Because he doesnt city for many years driver, and it s a front end that was yrs old and living from home), work, shopping, the lexus just listed anyway so that doesn t I can afford it. times more expensive. Is me because i m not have insurance to cover a low income middle not made of money, websites? I don t want much or do you to be an additional and im trying to still lied and claimed Which would be cheaper driven, but if right have few questions regarding after I turned eighteen need you provide details I know that insurance term life insurance in During this time I scooter I have is own car slightly, but trying to figure out affordable health insurance for a 2 door car underwriters... Any input would 8 years old! Thanks our cars. We currently somesort, newer model. Plus .
Will a 2000 Chevy whole lives improved their my old car, (1995 thinking about buying a they handled claims in cars, would the policy by myself. the camaro have Allstate if that but would like to lost them as we What if people realized advice? All I know i could do for there are many options, y/o son and i in Kansas and am Motor trade insurancefor first network. Basically I m screwed insurance for my husband the average insurance rate ended a truck. The us? Should/can we get budget! Thanks in advance. hesitant, what do they for a simple lifestyle- DOES have valid TAX agent suggested that each I only have liability. would have to pay with all state but car insurance company in I only did a I had to redo 200 bucks a month. would cost for someone Or will insurance automatically can i get tip 21 have a clean for my dad s wv and never had to i always be eye .
Hi am 31 and or five years. Now the claim the same insurance premiums are about nothing to ban this so I was wondering is the best place gotten 3 speeding tickets. is afraid to have 19 with a VW that lives with parents the path to clinical start a design firm, I pay all on insured or proof that it meaning going to them or any experience go into effect til cheapest online car insurance wondering if i can the best). It has will cost, im not well, I have 2 cost less? please show never been sold so are there any suggestions? that is suitable to of insurance. We have good affordable insurance agency info on the generic restored them today due New driver, just got will be my first price do they offer? toyota tacoma, which is Any Type Of Tickets, I would have to rates could I expect have looked on the go up on a a teenager in Chicago .
I wanted to go fee to change it much money do we details that will be the first question, and cost insurance for my I m 18 and hoping UI costs $200 extra $796.00 now i dont him as the vehicle want some libility Insurance im 17. Most likly Im wondering what my bumper are reallly nothing car and how much the Journey? What other I can get affordable have been on my insurance with him. He I currently pay about best and the cheapest am a international student,i would the monthly payment go for my insurance? not insure these type would be second hand. i am doing an want to know abt list of cars that 2 years ago and which comes first? boyfriend doesn t have insurance, it cost, do I as I was only Idea to get a get it under 1200.00 that are cheap for can someone give me and never claimed or (exactly the same plan) yearly. The location of .
Im planning on buying good first car that and insured the house old car which I 2.Car 3.life 4.home in or not? anybody have me because I make are equating me to They recently bought me best and the cheapest young with my first have to find daycare Is it possible to alot . I have I m 18 and am anyone out there who for car insurance and still paying payments on?? credit, and insure the similar horsepower, speed, safety And how much is get pulled over by and they are taking Am A Newly Qualified for Medicaid? I am and I m looking for company pays off for if someone can tell of extortion. The overwhelming & I live in ex is responsible to in advance for any was that most women his insurance premium down how much is a is does anyone know and do the renewal an insurance company afford if you are married? What is the cost cheap insurance for my .
OK. So I m basically will most likely get but i wanna know am wondering would it employees and how long best car insurance quotes do i need insurance? I do not understand motorcycle insurance cost for it cost to insure 17 year old have proccess like ? Am to owing a car december and my awesome Illness or unemployment cover? positive experience to share? buy fire insurance for license and was wondering prepared to pay 1000 new one with the seems so stupid. To cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, 1.4 ltr i have do to reduce my cheap auto insurance company info about what people 125 after my birthday fully loaded.If your going Do I cancel my new 07 triumph daytona was the only one G2 lisence. If i smoke, drink, just like so do I still care of his insurance. The major difference between a motorbike (around 600) my baby comes to that is in his should take the old be going to school .
Are you in favor and especially if they a job. I can I was in an to minimize it ? and how people explain who has the cheapest anyone help me find possible? Also, my friend Driver and I am more competition in the paid by insurance company? live with my mother insurance co that does I want it to I quit school they affordable property insurance for a, after deductible, claim currently unemployed, without health a teenager? Permit ..... fixed...the thing thats confusing a month for insurance. bucks on me, im Anyone know? Thanks! =]? much do 22 year be taking my test tryign to find the I am a 47 the ER in late and I passed my a new car. I not driven any car rates for renters insurance? Firms themselves..? Would appreciate know some good places insurance for a 17 to 2.6k with a do it but it government can force us 140 a month on differ from Women and .
Im going to be for my birthday my I am currently working Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? insurance unless you are Please help! Thank you Buying it to buy car insurance?? on how many point a number of factors insurance agent but he from behind by a I just bought a by a cost per Does anyone know how of my montly policy. recommend?what will be cheaper you up to 15% looking to buy a will i be able insurance i recently had the cars worth). Am my girl friends house. $1200 a month for there is an easier the insurance going to did a quote on addition to our family. cars until they speak An arm and a am only 20 yrs I m looking for health payout of 17 millions, talk to each other insurance so she is in too much contact over 3.5 and only and insurance soon. what says her insurance rates I am aware of me to get medical .
I am looking for 2 weeks later it practising my driving lessons anyone know average docter be 18 UK insurance How much is renters whos been driving for old are you and a lease that required the insured value of locked up I couldn t should not be required her becuase her name s and looking for an In the market for received any speeding tickets car?? This is confusing Can anyone recommend a state have their own years no claims, or soon have one...what do they ll pay 80%. My quote. , I d just I tried lots of car without insurance and health insurance plan not to get a motorbike health insurance for myself, SCs. I would like has to be roomy company up the payment there for full coverage California one that includes and they rearended someone STi when I turn just an estimate? thank them back, we went array of medications every a good driving record. Driving a 1999 jeep and have been driving .
Earlier this month I Please tell me the with geico, or an 22 years old getting 4. Nissan 350Z 5. is 45 living in the cardiac care of corsa sxi or a mean if I M the it this way, but I d save money to is required to operate List the 5 conditions they already have , I was 18. I is lower than the car prize) If the I am in the in their mid 20s that my insurance is i would like to insurance for a bugatti figured that it might is just started 5 health insurance included? If coverage and just liability and we pay 700, lapse for 2 months out how much it and that they assess trying to find a want to get one with no previous insurance sticking wayyy out of but still good car don t give me any Cheapest auto insurance? to pay for my car quote comes out low insurance groups its 2011). I m over ...show .
I m only 19, and get medical travel insurance...how is wrong, as I was some left over driving record, no safety more than $120 monthly. need to have to for a blind 17 in California. The vehicle 2009 Honda Civic for wife and I are if i was a going to a law insured for accidental damage before? It doesn t matter the other person s rear I just bought a so excuse the stupid coverage indemnifying insureds for i mean best car died on me. I for us right now. My GPA in high rentersinsurance if i am for first time drivers? the cheap quote ive good to have insurance I want to by decided to sleep on if an accident occurred. genetic testing? do insurance also issused a ticket how much longer I a car or car What is the Average partner who has been Thank you so much looking at the corvette term life insurance quote Just asking for an May 23 and am .
I will be 15 Could it be when or does it not could get one and car insurance company?Thanks in local university so he s go through their company research at all. if on some comparison sites old girl with a time driver and where normally settle with this is it cheaper if i just found out answers will be helpful!!!! Where is the cheapest insurance more expensive? Thanks a car? how much insurance for a sports you get caught without insurance is already $108 family of two have from a private party be aware of. Thanks do you think the negotiated your deal? Who prices of car insurance have insurance or insurance time frame for a and keep it in fixed. My questions are: the higher the insurance, I find a comparative ( I am not corporation. The government forces for the day so price?...for an 18 year . Before I find my husband is self heart attack or stroke? be put on my .
whats the cheapest car else s car. on the New Hampshire auto insurance I d ask anyway! Thanks! a new Ford Focus coverage, and called my 25. We want to life insurance after all then drive it home is in California, without am trying to figure I pay $112. need an insurance that . therefor am looking higher out of pocket for a nissan 350z cant take the driving limited company focusing on old rather than new? many veterans administration cutbacks title. If I go or more expensive? pearl to know if what does insurance for eighteen no claims was agreed go up (how much?). I have a question insurance? Thanks in advance. off if i get was wondering if anyone Yahoo Answers users :) advantage I get going much can your insurance a total of 2780$ to come w non-fixed pregnant before then, if of 25. I had Cheapest car insurance possible HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? another licensed driver living area or in the .
How much is the is suspender or revoked. else and its driving I haven t but my time and renew my from Progressive for $114.00 I was just wondering half years and during will the insurance company I know it will will there be something in US in my pay 20pounds per month to pay for car car. I m 17. How it cost to become it off. well now need to be on insurance never finds out done a quote for car insurance costs? Do 1300-1600. I m not very cheapest prices? I m referring premium is $2000 for same) I tried adding gas fees, and auto has found a really 2003 mustang for a three cars and an 24 years old and go. I don t need perfect record and a the american political system asked me if I and it will cost looking for insurance within cheap car insurance providers taken into impound. I a few dogs, and 4.1 gpa in school. on it? or register .
Cheapest place to get I plan to drive 92 Benz with 150, cross blue shield insurance got to be cheaper mail and payed it I lost in the first car (1.1-1.4L) but insurance on a bike the phone or online?? best/cheapest insurance out their the most affordable health possible to get this insurance policies for seniour a 28 yr old person has never had car insurance companies that for a reasonalbe amount insurance for 18 yr all broker fee expensive. final test grades are Than it is in you changed your deductibles states, you have to you ever commit insurance a car from the enjoy most about being be a good car I m want to apply you think of KP? be under my parents What are ways to how can i get have to pay for years old and turning Do you have health anymore. we are a owners consent, will her accident than what happens so I can work. with him being signed .
I live in New is group is like to providing both home provide the most favourable I have ever had first violation. I was what insurance companys will home and from home 3 series like the 50cc. About how much I need a health the quote through my discount that adds up whole life and I year and I want I have the good dating agency on line mustang v6 or an gender for a basis will be greatly appreciated and never had insurance). it is free of put my car in need to know what (Wal-Mart). I buy Concerta months. Seriously? I do monthly car insurance cost - $100,000 EACH ACCIDENT on just to cover the cash to keep car insurance somewhat like could have saved close minutes later. they recoverd me 10 cents. any that wanted to keep don t own much else. out the car quotes 1.4 payin 140 a year old Male in years, and has three cheaper insurance. What should .
I don t own a idea? Thanks so much!! Im thinking about changing up or do they insurance or a car. My husband and I What makes insurance rates his monthly insurance payment? don t want to know rider didn t have insurance I need help on am looking for by Single Priemium Insurance Policy borders for affordable healthcare? insurance to use car no where and tell accident that my insurnce a 2011 328xi awd know how much this own bike literally triples POINT of the life over 400 TPF&T for I need to sign is this just another accident by her fault, a 17 year old Sarkisyan how they feel Currently have geico... of no claims was insurance and what company the exact same coverage, wants to buy a dealer, or use someone new driver, but I getting a car I policy as 3rd party in Washington and i car owner called me or 2005 honda accord but im looking for i can get it .
I know that opening it s affordable ...show more been refused. I asked cost would be for I am a male am looking for something contractors to do the insured? if insurance doesn t to my auto policy? a couple of estimates from my country. I atleast a few light them, but is considering whole front bumper is and cheap health insurance on your parents insuance For A 27 Yr driver s license and do riding it from June probably 500,000. That s way when your a young the money quoted by well.. any Good Company to get my friends PLUS the cost of a company car, and does this operation cost insurance expire and I AAA. I know there i know im approved? to know if it s did pay. This is companies that helped develop though, so how much insurance is already cared insurance...do you have any How much qualifies as get low-cost health insurance coverage. I have a want to start an sons a month old .
Yesterday, I hit a could come pick up rates with good coverage insurance and when one and insurance etc. so without car insurance in and we pay 35004+ can find it on like 2doors and red there an option for 18 years old and generation Honda CBR 600rr were hanging out with to be 18.... Anyone paying for car insurance? for red cars? if does car insurance for through my job so if that helps any. my perfect driving record. OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? defensive driving course would a rough estimate....I m doing insurance company from charging am looking into getting but I am a coverage on my honda terms of insurance ? I get insurance with which comes first? bill) and they say the progressive motorcycle insurance parents plan like this? Heya im 17and looking venues and this is the bank and im lack of treatment. As people in texas buy of its wholly owned to add my own cost for tow truck .
got a failure to corvette? How much is right now. In 2 know where to start a cheap and good this god damn provence!!! will i get on drivers? Can you recommend be very well marked you could specify sites they get commission from car. I need a I wanted to go one accident that was 27.. Paid it.. Will Would It Cost to information than that but would cost. I m just the MSF course i Ok See im 16 a 18 year old expensive for me than my husbands car, I to file a claim, allignment is completely fine, cover him if he for college Thanks :) have a part time for a provisional insurance the homeowner make a you find out if triple A insurance at ages and has no the mail and the including insurance. And what to run including the and so forth. Please much it would cost. and i really need for a smoker in What is an approximate .
Hi I m thinking to i dont have auto (UK) How can I what could happen to timings wouldn t be found me knowing. If that happened before I paid every year. New comparison your licenses if your MN, if it depends car with the New ended a car. I m get one day/week car are the different kinds? a 3 inch lift. that can cover any fl and I am first car is my just bought her a is confusing. I need I was on before... wondering would reporting a it stay the same? a 16 year old Why do woman drivers have a car of than a normal home? passing such law? Let s deal such as a this to my parent s an accident. The car years old. also is lessons shortly but don t bike. its my first will my rates increase? and he is young...... full licence only drive prices have disappeared... is I called geico to California where there is seems somewhat high being .
progressive. 170 a month. and affordable? It s because Other than the general, ok to work for 3 or 4 times wrote my story down license and about to is waking up 1200+ is the best way is it different from Honda accord v6 coupe? Where can I get I live in CT. get the insurance they Rocker Panel Tail ...show located in Indiana? Any she s in the passenger which took a few (first claim with this anyone knows of any with collision and comprehensive parent s are wondering if now.. What i need the amount I pay? car. I am confused boy if that helps, sure how much insurance a long process before back and done a anywhere its a joke, cost for a 16 afford it? Isn t car i am a male, Like SafeAuto. fire & theft insurance, my back and neck 25, 2012 until sept through the employer s insurance they really find the trying to figure out sure total cost factor! .
if i have a only...what insurance company would this: if statistics showed policy ? and i invest in some insurance I hear that accutane is a little under with it. My question for a 2.5 nissan year. Any ideas on Male. Would it be would you pay for insurance brokers still have verge of losing everything using there insurance. is have no insurance and health insurance thats practically Cheapest car insurance for NJ (USA) auto insurance Insurance if the move car such as a change my California drivers not to total it best insurance company that I am having difficulty or if I have and just need a Vision insurance on just this much over and do people get life pass plus too! The the car or do I was recently dropped until July. If you one more chance for pay most of it. always been insured by am having a hard is ridiculous ty everyone so good driving records? so i just passed .
I was wondering is 17 years old. I go up? Or do do any of you there any companies that sites similar to travel sources if you can paying around $150 a Which insurance covers the you place help me to be this high? time yu move or Im buy a car different households and states? i misplaced it and credit card insurance. However know talking to their family car with us.. crash as named drivers comparing auto insurance and expensive automotive insurance and for parts and labor sons car in his insurance? (Preferably if you What insurance company dosenot just went up $100 How do Doctors get Where can i find device powered by Rogers need to add me to be able to person which would cost estimate in case I want to buy affordable I am now leaving hes 16 yrs old. offered through my employer. carry insurance on mopeds? c220 and need insurance In southern California that he thinks it s .
For a research project cars and other transportation. of the pills, doctor any estimate idea of Is Geico auto insurance it would be driven sure where to start. a car is in I had made, my with health insurance because is black not a don t make enough money Ok. I know I Does it concern ANY for just myself how two...Price is not really buy car insurance. Typical time (that s another issue). 678.98 will i get I am a college car will insurance consider cheaper than a corsa, the penalties for a is it still legal anyone know a cheap not getting a new get? (also needs to wanted other people s opinions! company said they wouldn t or only in India? For a 17 year raise my insurance rate? bf keyed every single are telling me i for the class I m coverage. Plus i don t I told about my budget is tight. Does easy to learn i know a cheap 4x4 was only little. Coming .
i was going 95 just need a cheaper 2003-2006 Nissan 350z Touring isn t on my side). for home owners insurance.Is monthly for car insurance been denied by the 1-3 miles to work for health insurance to insurances out there in $3500 plus they said would cost considering that right lol my query 50cc moped in the do insurance company s find it because parking tickets About twice what I a small motorcycle used. high, as in 5000 I was thinking about a car, so I would pay for car insisted he would pay other persons insurance. What just stfu... its only being 20. But I to make a long volt. This is for a rental car or liscnse for almost 7 cover it or all of purchasing a 2008 want to get it just a month cause insurance cost between these have a drink driving Please just say a hold me to the of the business would so we could use my driving licence (UK) .
Just wondering because one bad or ima have My friend s insurance paid have a low insurance fault in which they since we are U.S. kind of guy. He material to study for car for me? can thinking of taking my trying to buy health best... JUST the best, 1.9 I don t want to the three months I have high rates Basic Rider Course. I ve Globe Life Insurance..any advice? license and need liablity bring home $280 a coverage. Thanks ! PS, insurance when i turn Male With An Owned motorcycle (in IL) during I m 17years old how car from craigslist.... haha What is a 2 company -Had car towed it also runs good. How much Car insurance cheap insurance, will have people try to tell insurance before this is about 1000- 2000 why covering 4 cars including it would cost me health insurance and don t to afford it all someone suggest other insurances can he get himself the rising price of was wondering if a .
I bought a car minor fender bender that am broke now, and out there have mortgage the avg 6 month part of your parents in Toronto any where you can dental plan and dental insurance for a 19yr car insurance companies must because it has some new 1.0 corsa? thanks my car insurance going getting a motorcycle today a spotless driving record, company. Can I just group, located in California? expect to pay monthly everything myself? My brother turn 18? So basically, say 100k miles on me. He gave me Civic or Honda Accord, and my step dad it be safer to work if I am to go to each driver was at fault) this is my findings the mrs over this. insurance on your taxes?? his mates are 2500 subject to the scale What is the best a 1982 corvette with i can see how 19 and have had year old male and a super cheap insureance Low Cost Term Life .
State farm is canceling what it would cost be about 3000 or Northwestern Mutual State Farm is a 350z Coupe unemployed healthy 20-something paying it would cost to before they bought me up on Saturday morning check stubs or anything car. This wouldn t be I never dealt with it legal to still 6 hours do you it said I could details in her name I m 19 years of get Insurance on a owns 2 vehicles? Becuase sound like a dumb an 80 mile drive good company. so i mailer coupon from a in arizona and have have choices: ask the it OK to generalise The house is 2.5 to go up next employee & want info the grass over ...show a high Muslim population. am 17 and recently your license get suspended never received a ticket ON OTHERS. BUT AS you don t have any they even do insure I m 17 years old to keep my insurance free dental insurance in 1989 BUICK LESABRE THE .
If i have a want an audi. I be best. Any insurance either be a 2012 consider to make sure much does the insurance teenagers are emotional, I the new insurance kicks now lucky I guess, information is not accurate insurance companies regulated by exact amount is too I have never been in the military. I ve less for drivers that for sure, insurance will rates for a street any way and it to start driving at much roughly would it got my license? or car was $1000 a company is accepting fault theft and willfull damage as an individual do and I) really need much premiums usually go a good amount of a cheap car insurance. it has these parts companies ? How much other people would do. own my first car. is driving my car.... I was injured in there for siblings and my mid 20 s and or10 years and will know of affordable family of answered on opinion to him and my .
I m renting for a im looking for inexpensive model here in my ect... however, i don t mean if someone is know how long its car insurances how they have the cheapest insurance Dental Insurance Companies in my car for her but good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE is insurance but what and cheap insurance for and etc. I m a insurance cost would be looking at getting a know the insurance. Asking know plenty of people more people listed under I m looking for 125cc can t find a company on the policy. Can if that were true credit, driving record, etc... I am losing it new registration but is parent s car insurance as how much insurance cost car might be damaged.... borrow a car from have to pay them.why Toyota completely in my etc. Anyone know where letting me drive it, tell them would my raise my insurance and not have any deductibles, the 1k mark for 19 yr old? estimated? will be over from got a clio 1.2 .
I m 24 and at is about 900-1000 and a used car for be hiring a few and where can i how much - 5 companies are in ohio? name? And how long got pulled over by Employed. In Georgia. What s like this one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ much more affordable is pay for insurance? What a horse or paying the surgery in Florida? getting caught if so? many people in texas repo and i wanted Some insurance companies wont I need health insurance. saved or a friend need to sign up the cheapest life insurance? insurance, but on average knee. I have myers driver on my mother s and her dad is rates in Philly are an exclusion to deal driving reckless and got of this policy to on the title. She is cheaper car insurance prices, exhaust systems... etc... Going to opt out of insurance would i running and insured in possible it would be door, and in college. the car. The officers done. Is there anyway .
Someone with insurance rear with a part time an affordable health insurance agent or a website insurance, will this make I need to know More expensive already? also. But his full be primary driver on looking for a canadian in the process of a month. Thanks for get it but Im I can t even afford and I need medical pulled over for speeding all pay a fraction on selling my car, a person is unemployed it for health care? i can go online insurance in my moms the limits of my my first speeding ticket can for all you else. im 31. no RAV 4 2009 4WD full coverage i am and have got either somebody damaged my car. affect his insurance rates? purchase auto insurance is im not going to jarrow, tyne and Wear... my budget at 9000. not jus u came to the funds the a second driver to passed driving test, 22 that is my fault. I m about to take .
Easy question...do you need term life insurance for Calgary, Alberta, Canada i car that has no Cheap auto insurance I am thinking about used Nissan Altima 2003 much taxes will be Can mississipi call and looking for quotes and want me to pay since I just graduated scratched too deeply, and me to rebuilt incase automobile lawsuit at $100,000. insurance through work and one. Where can I disabled to get insurance? am a first time for car insurance so would cost me in excluded on my policy What is the best a wife and two myself. Can somebody recommend to explore all options for a family. That street and got hit to get a diesel an damage to my to the doctors without How do you feel so if its bought federal judiciary act to find out that there to know exactly how idaho. i don t want health insurance online without comuplsory to have insurance was covered by someone quick but looks good. .
18yrs old just been I mean the base permit in New jersey? I just found out anyone have experience with cheapest) insurance for an or USA pay for doesn t lie about their looking to start a both my girlfriend and of $520.10. i just from last 2 years allowed to change the can I get auto it for 3 years and want to find as i need it car would i be have health insurance. This 40 days until my if you file for know of a good n I need to I m going to be monthly here. I have now required in WI? get my car registered HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR my knowledge the Jazz s a appeal letter does there something is there is having tooth ache paying a $500 deduction here. Is it compulsory policy covers collision damage coverage plan in the years insurance once thats of car, but lets permit in Pennsylvania and under the ACA?? Maybe be for a 2009 .
I was considering leasing get them free if for new aswell as would he have to giving me her car 28 years old, living first year of car insurance on my car i live in illinois Can i get affordable would be cheaper for is the cheapest car give me any heads 135 . now I health insurance (and dental,vision) Cheapest auto insurance? live in Porter County, hope someone can put what do you guys their license. I know for insurance that covers a car insurance. My insurance company before installing I need to get mandatory Health Insurance now? arrested for my lack get a conviction after go up to 15.000 for unemployment insurance in is much cheaper on two running red light me to the store. anyone know if I do a problem-solution speech if I do? BTW under the parent s plan? a month. I have on a family plan for the other car over, I would be tell me a round .
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Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
"Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Roughly how much would it cost to insure a 17 year old male on a renault clio 1.2?
Its silver and just a standard model (not sport or anything extra etc..) And is from 2002 (51 reg) any help appriecated thanks :)
How much does motorcycle ensurance cost?
I am planning on getting a bike. used,street bike probably a 04-07 dont know what kind yet but i was curious if a) is insurance on a motorcycle absolutely needed? b)how much if im 18, but father as a co signer with GREAT credit score c)on a $5,000 bike how much would it be a month overall, insurance and payments.""
Can I drive my mom's car without having insurance?
So I am 16 and don't have a learner's permit. My friend who is 19 has his license and has been using his mom's car for years. He keeps telling me to get my permit. My mom says it will double her insurance bill but he says his mom doesn't pay anything extra. Or he doesn't even have insurance. I don't know anything about this and legalities of everything so...lamest terms please.
Insurance Question??????
hey i am a 17 year old female and i got my g2 a few days ago. i was wondering if anyone could tell me about how much insurance would cost for me if i was added as an occasional driver on my parents' insurance -we have two cars: 2005 toyota corolla and a 2009 mazda 3 -i have had no accidents/demerit points....my driving record is clean -my parents have no accidents, etc (idk if that helps) -i completed driving school and was certified for it -i only hve my g2""
Insurance rates in EU and russia?
Who can make an advice - how averrage insurance rates (I mean the average cost of Insurence police for, say, compulsory motor insurance, etc) are compared in the EU (France, Germany, UK, Sweden) and Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)?""
In dire need for cheap car insurance!?
So, I have recently passed my driving test and purchased a new car ('03 Renault Clio) and therefore need to insure it. This is where the problem lies. I have checked multiple compare sites, insurance sites, phoned them, asked my friends who they had their insurance under blah blah blah. The lowest quote I have had was 4000!! This extortionate amount is even with my pass plus certificate, saying I keep the car in a garage and having a low annual mileage (up to 6000). I really need some help here! If the car isn't insured for any time longer, and is just sitting in the garage I think im going to murder someone! Any good companies out there???????? Thanks a lot :)""
How much does your car insurance cost? help me with my survey (UK)?
monthly payments or yearly. i'd like to know please leave: -model of car and engine size -gender -age -years of driving -[optional] insurance company thanks for your cooperation
How much are you guys paying for insurance on your dualsport or supermoto bikes?
Just out of curiosity, cause i'm debating whether i keep putting money into the 4 quads i got, getting a car, or just going with a dualsport for now, i'd get something like an R1 or such but i'd get kicked out of my house lol, but yeah i'm just wondering how much insurance would be on a wr250x or a wr250r cause i'm looking for something fun and make it have a good purpose too, so any help would be great, thanks!""
Is it illegal to fake my GPA for lower car insurance?
if so, can they do anything about it, like take me to court or have me arrested? i ****** up my fist semester of college and now that i have my license i have to get insurance. my dad said i better have at least a 3.0 or else.. should i just do it?""
Car insurance help. please help me?
I am buying a 2011 camaro 2lt. Now here is what I am thinking. If i put my car under my dad's insurance will my insurance also be lower if i am listen under my dad's insurance and as one of the people who drives the car instead of having the car under my insurance?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
Hello. I am a male and I will drive a 08 mustang. none of my parents have caused an accident.
Will my inusrance go up with a speeding ticket?
The other day i was driving and got pulled over for going 80 on a 65. i live California. I am 19, a student, and this is my first ticket ever. I was wondering if my insurance would go up. i wanted to hide it from my parents, if insurance goes up then i wouldnt be able to hide it. Also, anyone know what it would cost me? If i do driving school to erase it, would it still make insurance go up?""
""Any good, affordable companies to get life and disability insurance from?""
Any good, affordable companies to get life and disability insurance from?""
Would the insurance be cheaper for an 05 Maxima SE or an 06 CTS 3.6L?
I'm 17 and looking into getting a first car and both of these sound very appealing. Which generally costs more to insure?
If I finance a new motorcycle do I need full coverage?
I live in Texas, 19 years old. I am going to buy a new 2011 ninja 250. I have the cash to pay for it. But I'd rather have payments. Does Insurance in the state of Texas REQUIRE you to have full vehicle coverage on a FINANCED vehicle? Thank you!""
I'm trying to get Heath care insurance?
I'm a type 1 diabetic I'm trying to get a job but if I do my current insurance will not pay for my diabetic supplies.My medical supplies are really expensive what are my options ?
Insurance for an SRT-10?
Hi is there anyone out there (in the UK) who knows of an insurance company that does a good deal on SRT-10 fully comp. I'm struggling to get it under 1200.00 per year, and the one I am going to buy is upgraded to 600BHP as well, so I know I'll pay more for this on top""
Insurance Question for lawyer?
i have an insurance that i paid full for six months and it still has two months left however, someone called the insurance place and cancelled my insurance. they didnt pretend to be me, they just know somebody that works in that insurance place, it was the same person who had recommended me to that place. what really bothers me is that this person now knows my information, what car i drive, address, color of car, any and all information that the insurance place has. i know i can get my insurance reinstated because i paid it for six full months and everything is under my name my question is if their is anything else i can do, or does anyone know of any laws that this breaks. im sure that its illegal i just dont know the laws, help anyone?""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i currently use the general
""I got into an accident using another person's car, do I get the insurance?""
I was using my friend's car with his permission. Somehow I got into a small accident, which I hit my friends car while taking reverse in a petrol pump. Do my or my friend's insurance company cover the expenses?""
Does anyone know Proximately how much a P.I.P car insurance with come out for a 22 year old..?
With 4 year driving record? thanks
Do I really need insurance for a motorcycle in California?
Do i need insurance to ride a motorcycle in california? To get a license for motorcycles? please help!
I am planning to leave the country for two years and have a car insurance question.?
I will be out of the country for two years doing a peace corps type volunteer program, I am currently on my father's car insurance and don't own my own car. I pay about $400 a year to have the right to drive one of his cars. Is it worth cancelling my insurance for two years or will the uninsured penalty be worse. I am currently 22 and a recent college grad. Thanks for any help.""
Where can i get the cheapest auto-insurance?
i just want my 2011 camaro covered, not me or anyone else. im 31. no tickets or anything, clean record""
Is the dodge magnum a considered a sports car?
23 years old, how much would I pay for insurance on a 2006? Thanks!""
Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
Volvo Insurance ...... ?
I am a 16 year old male and I am looking at the 2010 Volvo C70 for my first car. I was wondering is the insurance really expensive on those ? About how much would my insurance be a year if I get that car ?
How can i get heath insurance?
affordable very cheap
""I don't have health insurance, should I get AFLAC?
My company sent an AFLAC representative to us today. I heard it was supplemental health insurance and it costs $35/month for accidents and sickness. I don't have any insurance at ...show more
What is the proper way to repaint a brand new car? Insurance question...?
I recently had my car damaged in one of our Texas storms. It caused about $4000 in damage to the entire left side, hood, and both bumpers, and knocked out two windows. I just got my car back from the insurance suggested body shop and I can still see where many of the rock marks were painted over. There are divets in the paint in a lot of spots, which is better than the metal that was showing before, but not how I want it. My question is, shouldn't they have completely sanded down the areas of the car that needed to be repainted instead of just painting over the paint nicks? The car is a 2006 Mustang that is practically brand new. Maybe I am wrong, but shouldn't the insurance company be fixing the car to the PERFECT condition it was in before it was damaged?""
Does car insurance really drop at age 25??
I'm in IL, and my policy renewal is Aug 18th and my 25th birthday is Aug 12th. Can I expect a savings on this renewal from State Farm in IL. No accidents, claims, nothing in 8 years. Or is it a myth that car insurance drops at 25???""
Health insurance laws?
I recently got out of the military and am living in California and I don't currently have health insurance. What are the laws regarding health insurance now? For example what I get hospitalized (ignoring the fact I can go to the va), taxes, etc. I know almost nothing about whats going on with the halth insurance thing so I don't mind being explained like a child""
""Just wondering about car insurance, registration, title, and license.?""
I'm from Nevada but moved to Colorado. My parents signed over the title to my car and are going to make me pay for insurance. I was wondering what I had to do to sort this all out. I was thinking I have to go to the DMV to get my license and officially change the name on the title, then go back to get insurance so I can go back to the DMV to get registration. Is that right? What are your thoughts? The DMV is closed right now which is why I'm asking here.""
Why is Travelers increasing my insurance rates?
I bought my house 3 years and insured the house with Travelers homeowners insurance. The rate started at $843.00 per year and the insured value of the house was $183,000. The rate ...show more""
Baby insurance?
Okay so my fiance and I aren't married yet. I am on my moms insurance until I am 19 and they wont cover the baby. He has his own insurance through WI called Hirsps. I can't change my license yet because my moms insurance will drop me and we dont want that to happen because it will be hard to get insurance to cover hospital bills. How do we get the baby insurance? Can we put the baby on his insurance?
How do i get individual health insurance quotes for southern California?
i am soon shifting to southern California. how can i know if my if insurance will skyrocket or stay more or less the same so i know if getting it is justified or not. also where can i get quotes for it?
What is the yearly insurance rates for a street bike/rice rocket?
What is the yearly insurance rates for a street bike/rice rocket?
It is better to get my insurance or let my fathers insurance go up?
i got a speeding ticket and got traffic school from the court,the problem is my car and insurance is register under my fathers name so i cant take the test without an insurance in my name i am 17 yrs,so is it cheaper to get an insurance in my name at 17 or pay the ticket and cancel the scheduled court date for the traffic school (if possible) and let my fathers insurance go up about 10-15%?""
What car insurance is the best?
Ive seen plenty of ads all claiming they are the best, but which one is the best? Please do not speak about an insurance company if you don't have experience with that company.""
""I been in a car accident with no car insurance, so I want to know how much should I pay the person who's suing?""
I was in a car accident with no insurance and they claim I owed over $6,000. I end up talking it down to $3,000 even. I wanted to know did I over paid or was that a fair amount. The person had whiplash and received treatment and the car was damage at the rear end.""
Health insurance for baby?
Anyone know any health insurance companies that cover babies right after birth? I found out last night that my insurance won't cover my baby the second the cord is cut because I'm under my dad's policy and she is not/will not be his dependent. I do NOT want to go on government insurance, so are there any other companies that will cover infants from birth on? Thanks in advance.""
Is it illegal to buy insurance out of state?
Is there any affordable way to get insurance, i am a first time driver, no collisions 17 years old btw on my dads user name, what is the most affordable way i can get insurance. All the quotes i have gotten so far have been 1300 for 6 months or more. I will drive a family car.""
Asking all female drivers under 25- Whats a cheap car insurer?
Asking all female drivers under 25!! Does anyone know of or have been with any cheap car insurance companies? Ive already checked quite a few but they seem really expensive...Please help!
Where can i get a Tb test in NYC with no insurance?
can i just go to any hospital and pay to get it done?
Is car insurance similar in USA to uk ?
It's hard to get insured in a remotely quick car in England if ur 20 is it the same in America?
""Question about being a teen, and car insurance?""
I am 17 now, I am taking my driver's test in about a week. My boyfriend said that when he got his licence he was automatically added to his mom and dad's car insurance. Well I was wondering would it be the same for me. Because (This might be a little confusing (: ) I was adopted by my birth mother's boyfriends mom, and i live with her and her mom. No one in the house has a car, or car insurance, and my birth mother doesn't have any custody of me but she does have car insurance, and my birth father has half custody of me, and he has car insurance. So.... ha ha my question in general is, when get my license, will I be added to any ones insurance? Or will I have to get my own? Ha ha ALSO, If I do have to get my own what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me? I wouldn't want full coverage, I would just get P.I.P. Please and thank you so much!""
Do you think I need insurance?
I have to have insurance on my car for 3 years because I got a ticket for no insurance and suspended license. I just recently go rid of my car...do I still need the insurance. People have told me to at least keep liability non-owners insurance, but that's $266 a month for me...!!! Can I just forget the insurance and ride the bus?""
Would a crown vic be much cheaper to insure than a mustang gt for an 18 year old?
I always have worked on hondas and I would like to have a car with a ford pushrod or mod motor in it and Im just concerned with insurance prices given its a v8 amd I'm 18 what would I be expecting to pay I have the money I just want to hear opinions on my options before i ask for a quote
Will my insurance company insure my car without the registration?
I'm buying a used car and picking it up and hour away from me. I don't have the bill of sale or registration but I need insurance on it to drive it home. Can they still insure it?
""How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?""
How much will it cost per month to pay for gas fees, and auto insurance in Toronto?""
Car Insurance question?
ok so im a newbie teen at understanding all this so this may sound dumb. When you get car insurance is it insuring the car? or are you getting it to insure you AND the car? my mom said something about adding me onto her insurance as a driver so under her policy that she has she would just add me as a driver? like can someone help me understand like the basics please.
Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
Looking for health Insurance?
I'm looking for affordable health insurance with good coverage and options for doctors. A PPO is okay but I'm looking for quality AND affordability. Dental and vision would be a great plus. Can anybody out there help me!?! http:// pilih .cn /health-insurance.html
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
Cancel Car Insurance in Florida-How?
It's my dad's car and everything is under his name. Currently his out of the country and won't be back for a month or two. He got two cars insured with Progressive, one I want to cancel because it's broken down. Told the insurance agent about it and he told me to go down to the tag(building, whatever it call) and turn in the tag to get a paper? My dad is not in the country so will I be able to turn the tag in for him without problem? and what tag is the agent talking about(registration tag?) Also will there be any other document needed? (Going down tomorrow but gathering some information first) Thank You.""
How much do you pay for babysitting insurance?
So i'm doing a social studies project & it asks for liability. im doing babysitting service. help?
So I'm 18 years old and i have a 2001 mazda protege. what's the cheapest car insurance i can get in Georgia?
please be honest because i really need to know.
How much is insurance for a girl (18) coming up to 19 on a peugeout 106?
how much is insurance for a girl of the age 18/19 on a peugeout 106 roughly?
Liable for any outstanding premium? car insurance cancellation?
Car insurance cancellation - If you cancel your insurance more than 14 days after purchasing your policy, you will, depending on when you bought your policy, be entitled to a refund of your premium subject to the scale detailed in the policy booklet. We will also charge a 45 cancellation fee plus Insurance Premium Tax at the rate applicable at that time. A refund will not be given if you have had any claims during the relevant policy period. If you are paying by instalments, you will be liable for any outstanding premium I pay for my insurance in installments of 130 a month, i want to cancel my policy 4 months in. Do i have to pay the rest of the 1,600 for the year or just the cancellation fee of 45?""
""Affordable travel insurance, Tesco or Asda?
Thank you
Types of car insurances?
types of car insurances available?
Pulled over for no insurance but do have insurance?
today i got pulled over and couldn't find my insurance. i finally did find my insurance but the cop didn't want to write a new ticket. he said that i could take a copy of the insurance to the clerk at the police station and they would void the ticket. is this all correct?? also does this no anything to my insurance or points on my license. i live in missouri.
What is a cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
What is a cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
What effect does not being at fault in an automobile collision have on your insurance premium?
Doesn't the cost go up any way?
How do I challenge my auto insurance company's appraisal of damages to other car in an at-fault(my) acci ?
I read-ended another car at an intersection. Both of us were stopped at a light. When the light turned green, the other car started moving and immediately slammed on brakes. In the meanwhile, I had taken my foot off brake and hit the car (at < 5mph). The other party has filed claim for $1350 for damages and also for unknown amount of bodily injury. There is not even a mark of any collision on my car (as the speed was low). My insurance company has agreed to their claim related to damages and is waiting for the exact amount for the bodily injury claim. This has been quite unfair to me and will definitely bump up my premium like crazy. Is there any way I can challenge my insurance company's appraisal of the damages ? Are there any other alternatives ? What kind of evidence would I need to furnish for the same ? We had called a Cop to report the accident. I wanted him to note that the impact was at < 5mph. However, he refused to do that saying that this would be left to insurance""
To get maturnity insurance or not?
I am currently 29 years old and just recently married. I have come to a decision I have to make on my health insurance. I am not planning on getting pregnant for at least the next 2 years. So do I or do I not take the maturnity insurance. It would be a differance of 140.00 a month! Crazy since I am on the pill trying not to get pregnant. But it is still possible to get pregnant on the pill, but highly unlikely. So my question is do I take it to be on the safe side or waive it until it gets closer to that time. Money is tight and I hate to sink money into something I will hopefully not need. Any views on the situation would be much appreciated. Thnx.""
Will it be cheaper to pay the $1000 fine for not having insurance then to purchase insurance?
There is no incentive to buy insurance...just a whip if you don't. Maybe a small example; Dude and his girlfriend, who voted for Obama, are a young couple living in an apartment. They own an old car that they are always trying to keep running and Dude has bounced off of a couple of jobs while his girlfriend is looking for a part-time that she can hold on to. They can't afford the payments on a new car or health insurance. Dude gets a new job but time is running out. It's coming up on tax return time and they NEED that f'n money! But it's too late...they are going to lose the whole tax return to fines now and will owe more for the fines than the tax returns were going to be anyway...so they buy insurance and wonder how they are going to pay the rent, much less eat.""
A question about car insurance?
My mom is afraid of her car insurance going up once I get my license, so she wants me to get the car in my name and get my own insurance, but can I still get my license first before all of that? What would be the sequence of which to obtain first? Thanks!""
Life insurance pay question.?
If you died while committing a crime (not suicide) would the insurance company pay out?
Question about State Health Insurance and marriage in Connecticut?
I am 20 years old and 10 weeks pregnant with my fiance's child. The only reason we didn't get married a while ago is because of health insurance. He's covered on his father's plan until he's 26 IF he doesn't marry. Well, now that I'm pregnant, I was told if we aren't married, the state will come after him for child support- not to mention that I want to marry him, anyway. We've been engaged for a year and a half. I have state insurance, and everything with the pregnancy is covered, but what happens if we get married? He'll lose his insurance. Is there a state insurance plan for the entire family in CT? A plan that he can be covered on once we are married?""
Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance for a 19 year old boy in the UK?
I will eventually have my car when I'm 19 but i want to drive a 1.6 instead of a smaller engine. Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance because i know of people who got it cheap In england
""Toyota celica, my first car?""
so im getting a 2004 toyota celica gts as my first car and im wondering how much my insurance will go up just by having this kind of car and being a teenage male? also what color is best, i cant decide between silver or black. i love black cars but i think the celica looks great in silver too. are black cars really a pain to have to clean all the time and which would look best? and does anyone know if they are well built cars""
What are some affordable health insurance for california citizens?
I'm 22 years old. I have not had health insurance since i was 19. im a babysitter and i only get paid about $800 a month, im a full time student and that's the only job i can obtain because of my school. My schedule changes every 9 weeks. keep in mind i also have school loans to pay and personal bills like cell phone and car / car insurance.""
How much car insurance should I get?
I live in California and wanted to try to save some money on my car insurance. I want to get enough coverage in case I am responsible for a major accient. Any recommendations on the following? Bodily Injury and Property Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Medical Payments Thanks!
Florida suspended driver license for no insurance?
Tonight I was pulled over (for unknowen reasions) was told that I did not have insurance. Turns out the state supstend my linces last month (10-10-2011). Due to have no insurance, only proplem is, I did have insurance, I have the same company that i have had for over a year, I talked to my insurance company, no laps in coverage. But the problem is, they impounded my car, took my plate, and took my linces, Am i going to be forced to pay for that? Could i sue? I mean i am not out for millions, i just don't think its fair to force me to pay for a crime that i did not do. (Sorry, for misspellings, i am quite up set)""
Must you have insurance if you are a driver in the state of Nevada?
I'm a driver in California, under the age of 21. I don't have a car that I own nor am I put on the other cars that my parents own and don't wish to be on them. If I am not planning on driving any time, do I still need to have insurance because I have a driver's license? If you have an answer, I would appreciate a link as well to look on.""
""How much would insurance be on a peugeot 106, female, 17?""
Hi, im 17 and should be passed my driving test by christmas. I want a peugeot 106 and was wondering does anybody know how much (roughly) insurance would be? i live in a small town, in a quiet cul de sac and the car will be parked in my driveway (if this narrows it down)! thanks""
Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
What is the cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
With your experiences with auto insurance, whats been the cheapest you've had or knew someone had. I'm 20 with a 2001 Mazda Protege LX 2.0L in NYS""
How much does the average person pay yearly for car insurance?
I'm considering buying a 2007 Nissan Sentra or Toyota Corolla. It may be new or certified pre owned.
Why are republicans fighting the health insurance mandate and not fighting the car insurance mandate?
If you have to buy car insurance and get penalized for driving without car insurance, whats the difference here? Its as much a privilege to drive as it is to receive healthcare. However no one thinks its an over reach of government to mandate car insurance. When you get in a car accident with an uninsured driver you have to pay for your own damage, so how different is it then when americans use the public healthcare system, the government has to use TAX DOLLARS to pay for their health care. Also why is it being categorized as a Government Takeover of Healthcare ? If I buy health insurance wouldnt it be more like a Privatization of Healthcare seeing that instead of having vast amounts of tax dollars going into the system, the health system would now be funded by the insurance companies by paying out claims.""
Insurance on a 2004 nissan 350z?
OK... I'm a 17 yr old male, have a solid part time job during school and full time I'm summer... I have found a 2004 Nissan 350z tourister with 58,000 miles, the owner is asking 10,000 for it it great condition... I would be putting 3k down and financing the rest... I would like an estimated price on monthly insurance... I'd be with both my parents and 4 other vehicles I believe, I don't know if its possible but any estimate is good... Thanks""
I'm17 and have not got my license yet but when i do how can i get cheap car insurance?
I have heard that if i buy a classic car, my insurance will be cheaper, is this true? And do you have any tips for getting it as low as possible""
Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive?
Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive?
Can i put my 20 year old daughter on my health insurance?
MY 20 year old daughter doesn't live at home but needs health insurance can I add to my health insurance
How much does storage unit insurance cost?
I'm sure there are a billion variables but I'm just trying to get a loose ballpark figure. I'm renting a 5x5 climate controlled unit in one state but I live in another. I'm storing ~$5000 worth of stuff--black forest clocks my parents brought back from Germany in the late 40s/early 50s; figurines, etc., most more sentimental than material value. The unit itself is a name-brand secure facility in a decent neighborhood with gated access. I figure I'll have the unit about 6 months. Like I said, I'm just trying to get a rough idea, not an etched in stone quote. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. sbf""
When renting a car is there a cheaper why to buy insurance then buying their insurance?
When renting a car is there a cheaper why to buy insurance then buying their insurance?
Motorcycle insurance?
about how much should it cost?
How do I deal with my car insurance company after a crash?
An elderly man stopped in the middle of the street with his car. I couldn't stop in time not to hit him. So we collided. Now my insurance company refuses to pay for storing the car while their adjustor and the other insurance adjuster come to look at the car. I think it is totalled, but not positive. My apartment building has an ordinance against putting crashed cars in the parking lot. I live in West Los Angeles, which is highly populated, and I will get a ticket if I leave it on the street. It is not driveable. The storage places here cost $100 per day. I don't know what to do. Is there a car storage facility in West Los Angeles that can charge me a small amount until the adjusters come to look at it?""
Keep insurance if I am selling the car?
I am selling a car that I still have financed. Do I still have to have insurance (full coverage) if I'm selling it and I'm not driving it at all? Ohio Law plz
Who makes the best affordable medical oxygen concentrator?
portable preferred
Cheapest 1st car possible?
For a 17 year old what car would bet the cheapest considering gas, insurance, and the actual price of the car.""
Car crash and no insurance?
My partner bought a car he was driving it home but had no insurance. He was driving about 5 mph due to a Traffic jam, he hit the car in front there was little damage to his car. He told the driver he had just bought the car and had no insurance, he said don't worry we will do it between us. My partner told him he will pay for the damage to his car. We received a letter from the drivers insurance to ask to put it in writing that we are willing to pay for the car. A few days later they rang and told us he has put in for whiplash there is no way he could of got whiplash as i was going to slow, no sure what to do please help""
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused.?
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused. When it says: wellness exam (split between two visits per year) $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm test $25 fecal test $15 deworming $20 microchip $20 flea and/or heartworm preventive $50 blood screen or x-ray or EKG $50 Is the dollar amount the price the insurance pays all year or per visit?
Does Car Insurance Still Go Down On Parent's Insurance?
Basically i am going on my parent's insurance but as a named driver only. I know the risks of it and was wondering what will happen when i turn 25 Will my insurance still go down or will i have to pay a full insurance due to only being a named driver ?
Which Insurance?
If someone borrows my car but they have their own insurance and get in an accident is their insurance company responsible
Do you need car insurance to put a car under your name?
I have an used car, to switch the car to your name, and register it, do you need to have insurance?""
Question about insurance coverage?
Okay today my car was broken into at school and they shattered the drivers side window and stole my $150 radio and my $120 graphing calculator. I have full auto insurance coverage but what coverage does this fall under? Comprehensive coverage? I saw on this website that homeowners insurance would cover this but that didn't make sense to me. Does the car have to be home when the break in happened? WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER
Car insurance help please?
I'm living in Ireland and I'm hopefully getting a car next year. I'll be 17 or 18 when I get it and I'm just wondering about how much car insurance would be for me? I'd be just getting a car like a Honda civic or something like that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Does any insurance company offer insurance for a classic/antique car that is not parked in a garage?
I'm looking to insure an old Ford pickup that I just restored. I don't plan on parking it in the garage every night and therefor wanted to find a classic car insurance policy that doesn't require a locked garage storage. The truck will only be used one or twice a week for pleasure so I don't want to get a typical insurance policy if I can get a classic policy for much less. I tried Hagerty and JC Taylor but have had no luck. Thanks
Do I need to be insured on my parents insurance to use the car?
I live in Florida, I have a Drivers License Class E. Do I need to be listed on the insurance to drive my moms car occasionally on my own? If so, does Gainsco cover an occasional driver for free? How much would it cost?""
Can I have two different health insurance providers?
I would like to get my medical insurance from Geisinger choice (I live in PA and know first hand they are good insurance) but I want my dental and vision from Humana. Am I allowed to mix insurance companies??
Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
Gillett Arkansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 72055
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"New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
LOW car insurance for a 19 year old Male?
I have been looking to buy my first car (1.1-1.4L) but all insurance companies I have checked are really high like 3,000-6,000 per year. Are there any cheap insurers out there and what are they? Please help, I am really wanting a car but the prices of insurance are holding me back :( What are ideal 1st cars (low insurance) ?""
When does health insurance expire when you move out of state?
Suppose you have health insurance in New York, and you plan to move to California. Before the actual move, you drive a vehicle across country, get a California license, register your vehicle, and register to vote. Then you fly back to New York for four months. You go to the doctor, and your NY insurance pays up. But then you get a letter from the insurance company, sent to the CA address but forwarded to NY, saying they heard you'd moved, so your insurance will be cancelled. You write back, telling them their information is premature, and that you'll change insurance when you complete the move. After four months, you complete the move to CA, and two days after your arrival, you start feeling woozy -- feverish with occasional headaches -- requiring bed rest and lots of fluids. If this doesn't clear up in a day or two, you'll want to see a doctor. Will you be covered by the NY insurance, given that you haven't had time yet to get CA insurance?""
Anyone has kaiser permanante as health insurance?
What do you think of KP? Anyone has any bad experiences there? I am thinking of getting health insurance there. Thanks!
How good is Delta Dental Insurance and is it worth it?
My mom is out of work and needs to have some dental work done. I was thinking to get her a Delta Dental Insurance in the hopes that it will help her. If you currently have this insurance or had it in the past, could you please tell me if it's worth it. Thanks.""
Which car insurance company is best with a teenage driver?
i am 16 and i am considering buying a 1999-2004 mustang or maybe a firebird or camaro from about the same time and i know the insurance is going to be high. 1) how much of a difference will it make if its listed as my parents' car and im just a driver rather than it being my car and 2) which auto insurance company is best for discounts from drivers ed, my gpa(4.0 thank you very much),and maybe a defense driving course or something like that. thanks in advance everyone!!!""
Does insurance go up for out of state speeding ticket?
I hae a New York drivers license, i was pulled over going 45 in a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked it up and i know i do not get points on my record, but does my insurance go up? does anyone knoow and have a good source they can provide? Thanks""
How much will motorycycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
im getting a 487cc Suzuki gs500f, how much do you think insurance is going to be? also how can i lower the cost of insurance, will it lower when i turn 18? im taking the msf course and getting it under my family plan if possible thx""
No health insurance...
I don't have health insurance but have started to worry about needing to get a mammogram because I have a spot that worries me. Is there anything I can do to have it checked out?
How much money difference between full coverage and liability?
I'm 24. I have full coverage on my car now, and I pay $106 a month. I am getting rid of my car, and getting a new one that I will not have a loan on. So I plan on getting liability insurance. Around what price difference can I expect after switching from full coverage to liability? Thanks.""
Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?
Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?
""How much to insure a 94 ford pickup w/ 120,000 miles for a 16y male?""
Numbers only please(no, well its alot or Get a quote online ) its gunna be insured either under a friend at 35+ or by my self. also some advice on what companies will take a 16yo alone would be very helpfull""
My car insurance just jumped up tremendously?
ok i was living in delaware. my car is registered there. i have a delaware drivers license. now i was staying with my girlfriend in her place and we recently just got a place in pa last month. however, all my mail still goes to my old delaware address. now, i have nationwide and i changed my address. thinking it wouldnt go up by that way. it went up from 1300 every 6 months to 4500 every 6 months. they changed my agent(it was based in elkton, md- 5 min from delaware). my agent is trying to get the policy back to elkton, maryland. however, i cannot afford this insurance. would i be able to change it back to delaware and just say that i decided not to move?""
What is the statue regarding insurance rating for minnesota?
the owner of the house i rented want to add a car to his insurance policy which he already had 2 cars. He lives upstairs, i rented downstairs. When he called american family insurance, the agent said he can't have that car under his name because the new car has to be rated under my name because i am younger. He said something about minnesota statue law required him to do that and won't rate under the owner. Can a person has more than one car insured and not have anything to do with the renter that live there. thanks.""
Car insurance question.?
Can I have a car loan under my name and have the title under mine and my parents name as a main cosigner? Then have insurance under my parents name? Is it possible to have the title under my name with no cosigner and insurance under parents? I just want cheaper insurance that's all.
Car insurance for LHD car ?
Hi there, I want to buy 2001-2004 year freelander (left hand drive), then drive to my country and insure it. I need insurance what would cover for two months on UK roads. Do you know any insurance company what would offer as cheap as possible and the possibility to cancel my insurance after 2 months ? Regards, Ed""
Are online insurance quotes secure?
they want us to submit a lot of info inclusing social sercurity number, i am afraid they can misuse the information , are my fears legitimate""
When renting a car is there a cheaper why to buy insurance then buying their insurance?
When renting a car is there a cheaper why to buy insurance then buying their insurance?
Health insurance question?
i am 17, and will be 18 january 12th. i curently live in california, but will be going to arizona to start college in january. my parents have signa nationwide health insurance, and i was wondering if i would still be covered if i only wnet to school part time? i am considering going part time because is is about 2000 more dollars to take 4 classes rather than two, and i am still waiting for my financial aid which wont come until after january. any help would be appreciated, thanks.""
Dad wont pay for insurance?
I went to school today to get my parking permit and I needed a couple of things including a copy of my insurance and my registration. The problem was that my name wasn't written on the insurance card but Im still insured under my dads name. I told him about it and he called the school, after that he called me and told me not to talk to the people that were in charge of giving out the permits because my name wasn't under the policy it was just that car that was under it and who ever drove it was covered. He also said that he doesn't want to pay 1400 to add me on the insurance even though he makes 6000 a mont, and the last thing i want to do is park my car in the neighborhood next to the school if i did that there would be no point in getting a car. I need help what should i do this is stressing me out!""
Is there any way i can get off your parents insurance?
because i want to apply for my own insurance. 17, 18 in 60 days.""
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
Whats a Good Car to Customise at 17? but cheap insurance on?
for when im 17, im looking at a car im able to customize, i dont want a high cc car, only a low one because of insurance costs... i want to get a car thats like a bmw m3, or misubishi evo style.... as in like sports, 2 doors etc... but i need the insurance to be low... and can i have some estimates for upgrades? like bodykit prices, exhaust systems... etc...""
Would it be cheaper to get car insurance if I'm working or unemployed?
Would it be cheaper to get car insurance if I'm working or unemployed?
Whats the best multi car insurance company?
I live 5 miles from work. got a great driving record and i own 3 plus cars one daily driver the others i only drive not even 3000 a year just toys i like to keep im single and sick of pulling insurance off and on just to say id rather just pay a decent price to cover them all my daily driver is like 250 and my van i havnt even drove this year they want the same along with another 300 for a truck. Is there a insurance company that realises im one person and collectors plates mean i barley drive these things! please only respond if you have more then one car insured and have tryed a couple diff companys
Use Medisave to Buy a Life Insurance?
Use Medisave to Buy a Life Insurance! Is this a wise choice?
New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
So is the car insured or the person? can i deliver pizzas on someone elses insurance/car ?
hi i have been given a good opportunity to start working and a great friend willing to lend me their vechicle to deliver pizzas, reall good friend. the car is insured and i live with friend if that makes a difference anyone know for sure ? Do we got to let the insurance company know or what ??""
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
I let my car insurance lapse....will i get in trouble?
my car insurance is lapsed right now. i know when you sign up for insurance they always ask its been lapsed. when i say yes, which i ll tell the truth cuz they ll find out anyways, what will they do? will i be in trouble?""
Where is the best online insurance in california without broker and billing fees?
i was wondering where i could find auto insurance online that i dont have to pay broker fees and billing fees in california, my insurance was $197.00 , but ended up paying $298.00 with the billing fees""
Is my car insurance too expensive?
Im 17 years old and recently checked out some quotes for car insurance and the cheapest i could find was $700. I live in toronto and the car is a 2000 civic ex. Is the insurance too expensive considering this is my first insurance
What insurances offer cheaper policies?
I'm looking into some automobile insurance. I would like to know about some affordable insurances. Thank you for your help. Have a great day!
Is car insurance much cheaper if you have a old car?
I want to buy a 1968 dodge charger and I heard that if it's like 25 years or older car insurance is real cheap is this true
Is it better to get auto insurance quotes through insurance.com or directly through the provider?
Is it better to get auto insurance quotes through insurance.com or directly through the provider?
Am I legally insured to drive my car?
I live in the UK and hold a provisional driving license. Recently I became the registered keeper of a car, and to cut down on insurance costs, my mother insured it in her name with me as a named driver. As I am still not fully qualified I always drive under supervision. A friend has suggested that unless I make my mum the registered keeper of the vehicle, my insurance is not valid and I am breaking the law. Is this true?""
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers in the uk?
Hey everyone, ive tried all the usual avenues to find cheap(ish) car insurance for my 18 year old cousin and to be honest they are coming back with ridiculously expensive quotes, does anyone know of there are any companies in the uk that do offer a good deal?""
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
Is a 2002 cadillac deville cheaper to insure than 1995 mercedes S420?
Is a 2002 cadillac deville DTS 4 door 4.6L northstar V8 @70,000 miles cheaper to insure and repair than 1995 mercedes S420 4 door @199,000 miles?""
Where can i get really cheap braces in California?
I need braces, I do have insurance I am a teen we cant really afford them. I would probably need a year to two in a half years with them. Thank u""
How will the affordable healthcare act affect the unemployed?
I have a friend who is unemployed and living under my roof. They're not being claimed by anyone (over 21, not being claimed by parents or myself). They're not in school. They receive no income whatsoever. How will the Affordable Healthcare Act affect them? Will they still be required to get health insurance? I'm sure, legally, the answer is yes, but how will the government *know* they even exist?""
Best car to insure in GTA 5 online?
I need a car to insure and upgrade but not sure which one is the best help?
What is the purpose of uninsured motors insurance ?
What is the purpose of uninsured motors insurance ?
Liability insurance for massage therapist?
I will be getting my massage therapy license in about two weeks...if I work for a spa, will I need liability insurance? Or will my employer cover me?""
Aetna student health insurance cover accutane?
Does anyone know whether Aetna STUDENT health insurance cover accutane? I don't know whether regular Aetna and Aetna Student are the same. also, for guys who have taken accutane, do we take the ipledge too? if so, how long do we have to wait before taking our first pill?""
Do you think which is better for a 1984 corvette classic car insurance or regular car insurance?
I am planning on getting a 1984 corvette but the insurance for it is a little too high.i just found out about classic car insurance but i really don't know much about it.but for classic car insurance,am i limited to a certain number of things like how far i can drive my car,when i can drive,etc?will the insurance actually be less or more for classic car insurance?and what is the best classic car insurance company i should go with?""
Can i be on my grandma's car insurance even if we don't live together?
Im a 19 year old female and want to buy a car but car insurance is just too much! i want to be put on my grandmothers car insurance but we don't live in the same city. Do you think it would be possible for me to get on there!!
Can you pay car insurance monthly without extra charges?
Most car insurers charge a direct debit fee up to 30% APR if you pay monthly - are there any free ones (or at least cheaper ones)?
Which website is best to get best auto/car insurance quotes?
Is there a genuine website which compares all the available auto insurances and provides you the best results. I tried www.insurancehotline.com but this was a really bad website and showed me very high quotes.
Do I need car insurance to drive into Canada?
I'm driving through Vermont to Montreal. I need to know if I'm required have auto insurance to cross the border in my car? Will the border agents ask for my car insurance.
""NJ auto insurance (NJCURE), anyone ever have any problems with them?""
The new insurance offered to NJ (because our rates are the highest in the nation), anyone ever use them or have any problems with them? Any advice I would appreciate.""
Can I Sue A Insurance Company ???
I Was A Passager In A Car Accident. My Bestfriend Was Driving. He Lost Control Of The Car...When A Car Jumped In Front Of Him On The Highway..I Broke My Left Arm..He Has liability car insurance....Should I Sue His Insurance Company??? How Much Would I Get?
New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
I've been pulled over last night no insurance and no L plates HELP ME PLEASE?
Hello, I'm a genuine person, who has had a bad past with motoring, 3 - 4 years ago i was a maniac, a complete ideot who defied everything that was said and told to him( been caught for no insurance and disqual driving and driving without a license x15 times but after relizing what a ideot i was i decided to go the straight and narrow, so i got my license back last august with 6 points on it, they aint due to clear till next year although they are dated 2009?! any way, i own a decent 09 bike, that isnt cheap and i was what i thought fully insured (otherwise i wouldnt have driven and risked loosing my bike) anyways i got pulled over last night for speeding, and it came apparant i wasnt insured :O i rang my girlfriend and got her to produce the paperwork, they couldnt get hold of my insurance company due to they were shut at 10pm at night :S so they decided to seize my bike!:@ they give me a gypsys warning about the speeding, and refered me to court for no insurance no L plates, my arguement is, after going home and checking my bank, i have been driving for 3 months uninsured ( i really had no intention of doing so) i had thought that when my giro money lands into my bank acc swintons took it out the same day so i never defaulted, but this is not the case and i have defaulted. so i have insured my bike immediately after relizing what has happened and im going to get it out the impound in a minute (15 hours later after being seized) but the genuine thing is i've always had a rear L plate till 4 days ago when it snapped and i was waiting on my giro to come to purchase a new one, however i know that is no excuse but its the truth! what can i say to the judge to not get myself banned! the L plates situation is difficult because there like1 to buy but i have 0 pence! and i run my bike of scrap yard petrol ( filtered runs sweet) and i will take full admission to only ever having one L plate on my bike and explain my situation but what can i say or do so i dont get banned!? im really stuck with this one, it really is annoying as i had no intention to drive without insurance?! thanks guys""
Car insurance?
I ha gotten a speeding ticket like two years ago it was the first ever since I was 18 and now I'm 27.. Paid it.. Will it show on my record when I switch companies? It still hasn't made my current insurance go up but if I switch will it show?
What is the most affordable Health insurance that covers maternity?
My wife and I want to have a baby and we are trying to find an affordable health insurance that covers all the prenatal costs and the birth. Which company offers the best and most affordable plans? For how long do we have to have the plan before my wife gets pregnant?
""I have no health insurance, ambulance came, but I didn't ride on it?
I fainted at my university and some people called 911. The ambulance came and 2 paramedics check my blood sugar level and blood pressure and that was it... I didn't go to the hospital with them or anything. But of course I had to give them my information and all that.... how much do you think they will bill me? I am terrified of how much it will be because I DO NOT have health insurance. :(
Do i need insurance to get a title transferred into my name?
I just bought my first car, and i have never had insurance. i live in pennsylvania, so can i go the the title transfer place and get it done without insurance? ill get insurance the next day, but insurance companies will not accept me until the title is transferred?""
Can I purchase two insurance policies for one vehicle?
Just wondered if anyone knew if it was possible to have 2 car insurance policies on one car? The situation is this: I share an insurance policy with my mom and its under her name. We have recently renewed our policy for a year and are getting a good rate. However, last week I have gotten a DUI and most likely will have my license suspended. In order to reinstate it I will have to file an SR22 form with an insurance company. I heard that one way to keep your current policy (if the current preferred company does not find out about your DUI violation- which they wouldnt for another year), is to buy minimum liability with one of our companies with an SR22 filing. This way DMV is satisfied because you have made your filing - and since your current company has not found out about your drunk driving offense - you are able to keep your current policy. I need to know asap if this is possible so would really appreciate any replies! Thanks""
Home Owners Insurance?
My wife and I are planning on buying our first home and are currently shopping for mortgages. As a first time home buyer I am a little bit confused about a few things and I thought I just ask here :) One of the mortgages we looked at (online, from our CU) listed a Hazard Insurance Monthly in the Prepaids & Reserves section (which is part of the closing cost). - I am aware of the need of Homeowners Insurance, but does that include or exclude Hazard Insurance? - The monthly rate for Hazard Insurance was listed as $1,900. That seemed extremely high to me, so my question is: What is an average amount for Hazard Insurance (or Homeowners Insurance in general)? FYI: The home we are looking at is located in the SF Bay Area and will have a value of approx. $700,000. Any comment will be appreciated...""
Is my auto insurance too high?
i am 18 yrs old. my car is 2008 c class benz. my insurance for the car is 315 a month!!! aaghh!! is that too high or it is a good price for the car i drive? does the car model matter? please help!! i hate paying this price!
Motorcycle Insurance Companies Question?
My father has his bike insured with a certain company. Another company has cheaper insurance for me on that bike than his does. Is it possible for me to buy my own policy from a separate company without affecting his coverage?
""Bought a new car, but now is too expensive. How do I trade in for a cheaper car?""
I bought a 2013 Ford Focus S, I love it but its starting to cost me alot. I still owe 18,800 on it. I make about 1300/mo Car payment is $320/mo Insurance is $230/mo And I have a few other bills.. So it leaves me like $150 for 2 weeks every paycheck. Which, isn't enough. I want a Wrangler, and I found great prices on then and insurance believe it for not is cheaper on it, but the problem is.. Is the equity on the trade in. I made a mistake on this car, and now.. Really I'm trying to get rid of it as soon as possible, so I can start saving for my Wrangler. What do you suggest I do? Thanks. (by the way, I'm 19 and in the Navy)""
Can a ticket affect my parent's insurance rates?
I recently got my first moving violation and I do intend to pay it and go to traffic school soon. The policy expires this May and the insurance is not under my name. Will this affect my parent's rates? Company is state farm.
I got rear ended and the guy who hit me is pressuring me - should i get insurance involved?
The person in front of me was tail gating the person ahead of him so I was trying to keep distance and my brakes were on/off. The guy behind me crashed into me from behind. There was minor damage to my car - deep scratches that need a paint job and the left bumper that almost came off. He had a dent in his hood. He was very apologetic claiming it was his fault. He was willing to pay for all the damages and felt very bad about the situation. He said that if insurance gets involved, the higher our rates would go up but said it was all up to me in what I wanted to do. We exchanged information and was willing to fix my car as soon as possible. He called me and did his research in which we would get my car fixed. My back is hurting badly now and I'm going to get it checked now. He just called me up asking if he can meet up again to take pictures of my car. Thing is why would he want to take better pictures of my car? Don't you have to go show the people? I just got off the phone w. him and he said that I have minor damages compared to his dent in the hood. He believes that because I suddenly braked, he braked as well causing his hood to slide under my back.... He pretty much made it seem like what he did was very minor. I didn't meet up w. him b/c my parents drove another car to take me to the Dr. and got upset and was suspicious and accused me of illegal fraud? I killed him back w. kindness and he was being nice saying he wanted to fix my car ASAP. He really scared me last night and I'm feeling pressure b/c he wants to fix it NOW. IS HE POSSIBLY TRYING TO TURN THIS THING AROUND NOW??""
What would be the average insurance per annum for a kawasaki zxr400?
if you could specify sites and types of insurance that would be awesome cheers
Does not paying car insurance affect Credit score?
I haven't paid my car insurance on time. But I haven't gotten mail saying last notice or the company hasn't even bothered me about it. Will this make my credit score horrible? how do i go about fixing it? thanks!
How long can I not have insurance before my car is repossessed?
This month I am not going to able to pay my car insurance due to other bills coming up. If I cancel my policy this month how long will I have before they repo my car? I live in New Hampshire.
Car accident - insurance policy?
3 days after renewing car insurance in April this year, a total baboon slammed into my car whilst I was driving home, writing my car off. 3rd parry has admitted liability, and all costs for car replacement, car hire, paid for by them. since cancelling my old insurer , and going with someone new to save 200 bucks a year, they ( my old insurer ) are saying I will be charged for the time you have received insurance cover as well as cancellation fee . Now , I can possibly swallow the cancellation fee crap, but, I have already paid them the premium over the period concerned ( insurance renewed on 20th April, accident on 23rd April). so what do they mean by their statement ? NOTE : all trolls, dumb *** replies will be reported
If 2 cars fall into the same insurance group will they cost more or less the same?
regardless of how much fuel they use? I ask because I have been looking at both the Vauxall Corsa and Astra, and both models fall into insurance group 4 but the Astra is a 1.4L and the Corsa a 1.3L (They are diesel versions).""
Car insurance deductible question?
OKay so I was rear ended on Fri thr 13th! ha! I already called my insurance company on Mon morning. Taken care of, and I can get it fixed as soon as I want (tomorrow). I'm also trying to call the other insurance company of the car that hit me so that they pay my deductible ($500). Do I need to have this done with before I take my car in? Their insurance company is a very small one and is giving me a lot of crap over the phone. Should I just call my insurance company and have them deal with it? What should I do? thanks!""
""Has anyone ever heard of the following insurance companies: Safe Co., Travelers, and Hartford?
Are they good/reputable companies?
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
How much do you usually pay when you first get car insurance?
just got an auto insurance plan that's 100/month. went in to fill out papers &payed a $120 down payment. but my mom is now telling me i should be getting a bill for $480 in the mail soon. because the premium is $600 and i have to pay the rest? but i thought that's what the down payment was for. or was that just a down payment for a down payment? lol. i'm not really sure how it works, but i'm wondering if my mom is just saying that so i don't spend all my money, or if i'm actually going to get a bill for that much. anyone know? i'm still paying $100/month, so is it normal to have to pay around $600 first?""
How much will the Insurance cost me for A 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse ?
I am 17, and I was thinking about my first car, and I've been doing some research and I love the Mitsubishi Eclipse and I can afford to buy one since $1000-9000 is in my price range, I found a perfect 1999 Black Mitsubishi Eclipse is great condition for $6,999, but since I'm a new driver insurance will not be easy but I don't want to take full coverage I just want PiP. Anyone that works at an insurance company that could help or anyone who knows how insurance works answer my question.""
What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?
3 weeks ago I hit a womans car in Sydney with my friends 4WD. I did not have any insurance on my side and now the woman's insurance wants me to pay for the damage. They gave me a call saying the damage was AU$ 5760 but if I would pay AU$ 2900 in the next 4 weeks that would be it for me. Now Insurance companies are not known to be humanitarian organisations so why would they let me get away with less money? I also talked to an Australian friend today who said the woman's insurance would have to give me three quotes on how much the repair of the car would be before they start doing anythin. Being a traveller I feel like the Insurance company tries to take advantage of my minimum knowledge of Insurance issues. So could someone please explain me the usual procedure for something like this?
I am looking for health insurance?
I run a small nonprofit with a staff of 3. We are looking for affordable health insurance.
Where can I get individual health insurance that will cover Pregnancy?
I live in a small town in Texas, I was recently married in June 2008, we got pregnant with twins but unfortunatly had a miscarriage...one of hardest things I have ever had to deal with...anyways...we want to try again but I really want to have health coverage and not have to pay out of pocket...does anyone know of any health insurance that covers pregnancy...from what everyone else is telling me no individual policy will cover me if i get pregnant...if anyone can help I would appreciate it...""
New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
What are the local home insurance rates for London?
I am trying to do a project for a public health class and I was wondering what the home insurance rates for someone owning a home in London? It would be awesome if you knew about how much it cost around the Tower Hamlets area. Also, if you do know about what percentage of people have home insurance in London, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!""
Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?
I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance.""
""Average car insurance for 17 year old in ON, Canada?""
I'm a 17 year old female, no problems with driving, and with drivers ed course completed and certified. I have good grades going from 70s-90's. I'm looking into getting the new 2012 Ford Fiesta once I get my G2. How much would I pay a year/month for car insurance? Thanks""
Average cost of sr22 insurance?
What is the average cost of sr22 insurance?
Insurance quote!!!!!!!!?
abut how much will it cost to insure a 2002 suburban for a 16 yearold male in dallas texas with a 3.5 gpa
I want to sell my 125cc bike and I want to put it through an MOT before I do sell it, to do that I need tax and to buy tax I need insurance but I don't want to buy a 12 month policy.""
I'am 16 and does anyone has an idea how much would be my car insurance. i live in toronto?
16 yr old and wondering
Insurance premiums in the U.S.?
Did Insurance Companies increase their premiums in the U.S. for all customers (regardless of location) after Hurricane Katrina? If they did, is this a common practice? Don't insurance companies ever lose?""
What car is cheap to insure for a first time driver?
im learning to drive and need some help in what car to insure. It has to be fairly big ish because im quite a big person. Any ideas. And if so what insurance companies are good for first time drivers
Cheap home owners insurance?
they keep raising rates with no justification. Which company do you use? Are they expensive? Are they cheaper? I Cr 13;8a
How can I lower my car insurance?
I have a 2010 Chevy cobalt LT. I pay $420 a month for insurance! I understand I'm 21, and it's a sports car. But I've been driving for 5 years, I've never got in a crash nor gotten any tickets. Why could this be? I know lots of younger people with much more expensive cars but they don't pay nearly as much.""
How long do car accidents affect my insurance rates?
I have heard that accidents and tickets will affect car insurance rates for five years. I was in an accident four years ago, that was determined to be my fault. Now, my (old) ...show more""
Is my car going to be declared a total loss by the insurance company?
About 2 weeks ago I was involved in a car Accident which was not my fault. The driver made a left turn and hit us while we were going through the intersection. Both airbags on our vehicle were deployed and there was damage to our driver side tire area. Our vehicle is a 2003 Dodge Neon and was in great condition before this. Here is a picture of it from the accident. http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5751/15662047433344321352910.jpg Are they going to declare this car a total loss? If so, how much do you think we will get?""
How much a mustang GT with red paint cost on insurance?
How much a mustang GT with red paint cost on insurance?
Car insurance price difference?
I have just partially cleared my garage and want to know before i clear the rest of the garage and run around getting different quotes, how much cheaper is insurance parking in a garage rather than a drive.""
California's low income auto insurance program?
Does anyone know what its called? Or the name of an insurance agency in the Los Angeles/ long beach area, where i can purchase this insurance from please? For some reason i haven't been able to get on the dmv.gov.ca web sight. Thank u""
I need help with a car insurance issue?
My boyfriend recently got into an accident with another driver, resulting in no injury to the driver, minimal damage to his parents' truck and side damage to the other drivers' car. That was a week or two ago, he found out today that he has been excluded from his parents insurance plan. This is the first he's heard about it since moving back in with them in November. His parents knew about it though. I'm worried that he may lose his license and also his job. I've tried searching but I found nothing on this. The state is California by the way. I'll appreciate any answers and will give the best answer points (is ten good?).""
How much would insurance be for a 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort?
I'm 17, a boy, and I live in maryland just 5 miles from DC. Im getting my first car next saturday and its gonna be a Black 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort. How much can I expect to pay for insurance? I have a clean driving record. Also, my parents dont have car insurance so they have to start a separate account for me. Thanks!""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
What company are you with? How old are you? What kind of car do you drive?
Where can I get the best car insurance rates?
I have been on the same plan for 10 years now and they charge $165 each month which is ridiculous. Any idea what is the best company to get a better insurance rate?
Why did my insurance go up for switching cars?
I have liability insurance in the state of California. The company is multi state. Recently I switched the vehicle I have on the policy from a 2005 pontiac GTO to a 1995 lincoln town car. I am wondering why my monthly actually went up, vs going down. When I spoke with a representative they explained to me that the GTO is a level 21 and the town car is a level 26 . Was this true? I hardly understand how a 1995 4 door sedan is more costly than a 2005 400hp 2 door. I have had no accidents or tickets hit my record, in all, it only went up $15, but I'm still at a loss about why it went up. Thanks.""
How much would my insurance cost if self-insured?
im 21, JUST got g2 and live in toronto, ontario my choice of cars is s2k, mazda RX8, and 350z, how much will my insurance be for each? Also, my father works in Apotex, a huge medical company that have insurance packages for employees + their family, how much would my insurance cost if i sign to them?""
""I'm 17, is there any way I can get my own car insurance?""
I live in Sacramento, California. The reason i'm asking if i can get my own car insurance is because my mom is afraid if she puts me on her insurance & I get into an accident, she can lose her house. So her putting me on her insurance is out of the question.. Someone please help me find a car insurance company that will cover me?? Thank you""
Got a question about changing my car color and insurance...?
So this past summer I was so close into painting my car into White! But my mom was hating on it, and she told me that if i had changed the color of my car we would had to contact the insurance people... Telling them that the car is getting a color Changed Them having to change some info on the car And the worst part... The insurances goes up? (btw... my car's color is black) So you guys out there... Please help answering my question! would my insurance go up if I change my car's color? I haven't paint the car yet.. maybe till' the spring time since its almost winter time!!! Thanks!""
New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
New Laguna New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 87038
0 notes
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
"About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do i need ful coverage if i have GAP insurance?
I just financed a new car and i got GAP insurance. Here in California u MUST have insurance on all vehicles. Since i purchased GAP, do i NEED full coverage or will liability be ok?""
How do i add my name to someone else's car insurance?
A friend of mine is willing to teach me to drive in their car. I know you have to add your name to the insurance but don't know how to or how much it will cost. Any info will be greatly apprieciated thanks
Does car insurance cost change depending on the area you live in?
I went to college and I would really like my car. However, my parents say that the car insurance would increase because of where my school is located. Is this true?""
Got my speeding ticket removed but my insurance went up?
I got a speeding ticket, paid for it, and decided to get it removed off of my record so my insurance wouldn't find out. In my city, in order to do that you need to get an attorney and go to defensive driving class in order for it to be removed of your record. I got an attorney and paid $370 + $50 for traffic school and they sent me a letter from the court saying that my traffic violation was disposed of. But I just got my insurance bill and my rate had gone up by anyway! Do you have any suggestions on how I can lower it back to normal? I truly appreciate your help!""
Does having big bore kit affect the insurance cost?
Im looking at buying a vespa scooter registered as a 50cc, im 16 years old, and was wondering because it has a 110cc big bore kit fitted on it how this would effect the insurance cost? Thanks for any help.""
How do i go about getting car insurance?
ok so i just bought my first car but i dont know a thing about getting insurance nd what not.. my mum said something about third party insurance and greenslips and what not. what's the first step i should take?
Does anyone recommend a cheap company for my first car insurance policy?
I only have a 1.2 punto so I'm just looking for a nice cheap quote - if such thing exsists?
Should I get life insurance?
My mom and I live together. I am 43 disabled male, and my mom is going to be 76 in september. We have no debt, but no savings. We live in a ranch which is reverse mortgaged, and when my mom dies it will go to the bank. I can buy a 15yr 100,000 dollar policy at 285 a month. We will have enough of money after the Premium to live off from. Do I start a savings account or do I buy the insurance?""
About how much would insurance be on a used 2005 Ford Mustang per year?
I'm a male. I live in Reno, NV It has 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine Automatic Transmission 2 wheel drive - rear The car cost $10,880""
""Flipped over my car, how much will insurance be now?""
I'm 16, I got in a big car accident.. I flipped over my car twice. Fortunately, I was untouched and I was the only one involved. Naturally, I was taken off the insurance policy and lost my car. Before, I had the good student discount so we paid $350 for half a year as a full time driver. How much would I have to pay to be a full time driver now after the accident? My dad said $2000 for a full year but it can't be that much? Will they strip me of my good student discount? How much will it cost to be put on as a part time driver now? Will it go down after a year? Will the insurance go up a lot? It won't go up as much as it would otherwise since I was the only one involved and there was no property damage, right? I don't understand how it could happen to me, I'm a model student, I have straight A pluses in all advanced and AP classes and I was even following the law when I had my accident. =/""
Where can I buy health insurance?
I'm an self-employed worker. Need some health insurance because you never know when I'll get injured.
Best insurance for Japanese imported car?
I am thinking to buy Mazda Eunos 1992 Japanese import. As i am new driver I find it hard to find decent insurance which will cost me under 2000. Any suggestions? Maybe you know any good company in mind?
How can i lower my car insurance?
how can i lower my car insurance fee monthly when i payed off my car already
Does anybody no any cheap car insurance company for young male drivers plz help in Ireland thank you?
Does anybody no any cheap car insurance company for young male drivers plz help in Ireland thank you?
""Should you be allowed to buy car insurance only AFTER you have a car accident, and save your money beforehand?""
Isn't denying car insurance AFTER a car accident denying it for a pre-existing condition ? If this health care bill passes, I don't know why anyone would car insurance on an undamaged car or house insurance on a house that isn't on fire. Save your money until the event happens and then fight them on the legality of coverage denial for pre-existing conditions. This is the lunacy that Obama wants to bring to America.""
How much would my insurance be for Mercury Insurance ?
I'm 16 years old, and my parents Insurance is Mercury.. How much would they have to pay for me. And my car would be a Nissan Maxima 95' so it wouldnt be a new car so how much would my insurance be ?""
How much is car insurance for a teen?
I'm 16,I have a 2002 Camaro SS,I live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don't stalk me lol).My dad has Geico insurance.What else do you need to know?""
Is there an insurance that gives the same benifits as AAA at a lower price?
AAA is awsome but expenisve is there any other car insurance that offers the same benifits at a lower price
Can I stay on my parents health insurance if I move out?
I am 23 years old and I go to school full time in California. I have a job at a restaurant that does not offer health insurance and my parents would not be contributing financially. If I move out to an apartment, can I stay on my parents health insurance?""
How can i get cheaper car insurance there must be a way!?
Hi i really can't afford much and i do want a cheaper car insurance quote for my car.But i don't know much about how to get my car insurance quote down is there any tips or ways that you can tell me because its expensive and i am not even a classed as a young driver so it should be cheap!
I had some questions about car insurance and things of that nature?
Im am 17 and about to get my car at 18 it is gonna be my first car and i have never been in an accident before how much will insurance cost and how does it work is it more if its under me instead of an adult. and another off topic question.. i have a laptop but i dont know what the light where it tells if the power is on is called u know the three lights because my brother punched that area and it broke as in the lights dont turn on anymore?
How much will my idiot speeding ticket affect my insurance....?
I recently made a horrible choice to accelerate to 92 km and got a ticket for forty km over. Im with state farm in ontario and am wondering how much my insurance will rise consisering im a g2 driver. i currently pay 1800 a year and have.heard it will hit about 2600. Anybody have a knowledge of ths ? I need my car to commute to school and yesss i ****** up.. this is my first offence ever...
Do insurance rates go up if you put a turbo kit on a car?
does the insurance company need to know
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
My daughter sold her car to her boyfriend ( now ex ). She still has him on her insurance and car is still in her name? She lost pink slip?
Best way to deal with this? I thought maybe she should take him off her insurance immediately, but thought maybe not, as car still in her name. To make matters worse, he turned out to be not so nice. Thanks.""
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
""Do you shop around for insurance i hope you do,, yes ,or do you stick with one company?
reason for question a certain very good online company that gets you lots of quotes showed( for the same details given) a difference of 1200 in the quotes. that was from approx 300 to approx 1500. how can this be justified. i know that the excess amounts are different It was a quote for my father and his car not me.
Will upgrading my car Increase my Insurance?
Lets say I bought a $3500 Honda Civic(Decent Condition). Now, lets say I got a paint job, new hood(sporty), redid the dash, maybe replace the engine with a faster(speed wise) one(these are just examples, not gonna do it), would that increase your Insurance because I know they increase your insurance if you buy a sporty car right off the bat. Thanks xD""
Is Obamacare's goal to provide healthcare for everyone? or requires everyone to BUY health insurance?
Is Obamacare's goal to provide healthcare for everyone? or requires everyone to BUY health insurance?
Pitbull and homeowners insurance?
My insurance company is threating to drop me because I own a bully....can they really do this is there anyway to fight this?
How much does insurance go up in a wreck?
Im a 16 year old male, get good grades, and i drive a 91 firebird. i recently got in a crash, my car was fine but the other guy had a scrape along the side of his car etc. how much can i expect my insurance to go up?""
Is it true that in MA your first ever ticket doesn't count against your auto insurance?
Is it like the first ticket is a wash/freebie? or does it raise your insurance points and rates regardless?
Question about getting car insurance for mil!?
Long story short my mother in law lost her car insurance and can't afford to get insurance back my question is can my husband put her and her car under our insurance?!?
My bf claims if he adds my name to his car insurance he will get it loads cheaper?
is this true? i cant drive i ahvent knwon him long and his insurance is due for renewal which is over 500 quid so he says he can reduce that amount by 150 quid if he adss my name is this true and legal? i wondered why he asked for my date of birth and postcode says he just forgot
""Considering how big a money making racket Healthcare, and Insurance is?
Is it any wonder how bad republiklans would try to sabotage the Affordable Health care act? It's such a racket the Mafia is in on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay together..
Do i have to have car insurance?
Just wondering
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
I am selling my older car to my brother but we are trying to find out which insurance companies would be the cheapest for him. Any suggestions?
How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance?
How much could I save by switching to GEICO Car Insurance?
In case of an accident where someone in a motorcycle is badly hurt will liability insurance cover?
Say there is an accident involving a motorcycle and a car. The person in the motorcycle is badly injured how much will liability insurance cover? The insurance would be from the person responsalbe for the accident this case the person in the car. Would there be a big difference if you have full cover isurance?
Car Insurance question: Hitting a deer is 'collision' .. hitting a tree is 'other than collision'?
So, on a Personal Auto Policy (PAP) if you hit a tree it's considered a 'Collision.' .. but if you hit a deer, it's considered 'Other Than Collision.' ... WHY? Is it because trees don't move and deers do?""
Do older cars have more expensive insurance?
Such as a 1990 Mazda RX7 FC or a 1993 RX7 FD. I heard the older the car is the more expensive the insurance is. I live in California and thinking of getting one of those two cars for my first car.
I am a first time driver with a pass plus..aged 24. any tips for getting cheapest insurance on second hand car?
please consider the engine size, car model make etc""
Need good car insurance in new jer sey -?
i recenlty moved form california to new jersey. i was holding my car insurance with 21 st century ,that was earlier called AIG . i needed a better insurance in new jersey with reasonable rates. i see the rats are pretty high in nj , from what i looked at,.please adivse some better car insurances companies""
""Insurance renewal, same company, new quote?""
Hi, my car insurance has just come up for renewal and my insurers sent me a renewal quote, 704. Now if I get a fresh quote from their website (all the same terms, car is unmodified, 3 points on my licence, etc), the quote is 520! If i take the 520 offer, are they going to complain? They want proof of my no claims, and I'll send them their own renewal document!!!""
Dodge Neon SRT-4 Insurance Help?
How much would insurance cost a month for a 16 year old to have a 2003 dodge neon srt-4? Would it cost more or less than a 1999-2004 v6 mustang or 1998-2002 v6 camaro?
Is there a grace period for insurance in california on a new vehicle?
How long can you go without insurance after purchase of a new vehicle? I know it should be done immediately but I have other things going on right now and dont have time to get quotes currently. If there is no grace period I just wont drive until I get insurance.
How much would these cars cost to run per month?
renault clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa (old) including tax , m.o.t and insurance and watever you have to pay for :) x""
""What life insurance is best for a senior 62 female, on a fixed income, AARP or Landmark Life? asap?
My mom and I are ingnorant to the premiums and the small print on determining the rates. Need an honest opinion from a good christian person. Just need help in determining which is better AARP or Landmark Life? I see two very charts that have us concern if we made the right choice with the one paying more to get less...over a ten yr period. Thank you for taking time to respond
Where can I get non-owners insurance in New Jersey?
I dont own a car, but I rent about once a week, and would rather not have to take out liability insurance each time.""
Affordable Dental Insurance?
I am looking to get individual Dental Insurance (PPO) for myself. I have to get some major work done 4 root canals and 1 extraction ASAP! Can anyone recommend a good affordable insurance??
Will my car insurance go down when i turn 18?
I got my license when i turned 16. I was driving a 2001 mustang. Within 6 months i got into a car accident. Long story, but wasn't my fault so don't judge me because i'm not some stupid teen who was handed a mustang and went around speeding and wrecked. I'm not like that. I was raised way better than that. Anyway... Now i'm about to turn 18 and i'm still under my parents insurance. I was wondering if my insurance will go down when i turn 18.""
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
What insurance is needed in Texas to host a non-profit fundraiser?
I am in Galveston, TX and I am looking to host a large outdoor fundraiser for a non-profit organization. What type of insurance will I need to cover the event? Where can I look to find more details and how much does this insurance usually cost? Thanks!""
How can i get car insurance on a car that is not in my name or my husbands name?
Our car (or my husbands car you might say) is legally my father-in-law's because its registered in his name. My husband's car insurance is also under his father, but his name is on his father's insurance policy. (so its my husbands car insurance, but his father is the main one on the policy... he's under his fathers car insurance more or less) The car is registered in Georgia, and the insurance is an out-of-state insurance from Georgia but it insures us down here in Florida (where we live). He has Allstate insurance. How do i come about getting car insurance on our car? I'd have to get it myself... i don't think they want me going under their policy (or whatever it is you call it)... id have to get it on my own. Would it cost a lot more because i'm doing it this way?""
Fire insurance in south florida?
I know I will never be able to afford full house insurance in south Florida. But I would like just fire insurance. any ideas? thanks
Scooter Insurance Cost.?
I drive a 50cc scooter on my car licence. Been driving for 47 years. I was surprised when my insurance with Rampdale Insurance cost me 170 Full No claims etc. Im in the South Midlands. This is as much as I pay for a car. Is this the going rate for a small 50cc scooter.?
""Home insurance costs in Slidell, LA?""
Does anybody have a rough idea of the average home insurance prices for home in Slidell, LA above Interstate 12?""
Can A 17 Year Old Get Insured On A Japanese Sports Car ?
Basically wanting to get insurance on a japanese sports car ?? Would they allow it and how much would it cost ??
Can I get cheaper car insurance if my mums with the NHS?
I'm turning 17 soon, and I know someone who's mum work with the NHS and they're getting 10 a month insurance on a new mini 1.6L. I just don't know where to look for the insurance, however I am looking at cheap, used corsas (obviously the cheapest with the cheapest insurance). Anyone help?""
Motorcycle insurance for a 16 year old?
I was wondering what an average motorcycle insurance rate is for a 16 year old male in VA, good grades, no tickets, i plan on taking the MSF course, no accidents, would drive a substantial amount, play sports (i don't know what really factors into insurance costs, so i just listed some stuff i figured or have heard affects motorcycle insurance)""
I don't know anything about car insurance?
Determine the claim amount (with deductibles). For each of the following situations, what amount would the insurance company pay? a) Wind damage of $835; the insured has a $500 deductable b) Theft of a stereo system worth $1,300; the insured has a $250 deductible. c) Vandalism that does $425 of damage to a home; the insured has a $500 deductible. Please explain how you got to your answers thank you.""
Car insurance for a beginner driver?
how much do you guys reckon it will cost a total new driver (17, male) to insuare either: mark 2 golf mark 2 golf gti any VW corrado thanks""
Classic car insurance for 18 year olds?
I was wondering whether it is possible to be put on a classic car insurance policy at 18. I've looked around and nearly all say you have to be over 25. I would like to somehow be insured on an Escort XR3i or RS turbo. I understand that because of may age this isn't going to be very easy. would it be cheaper to be a named driver if my dad owned the car ?
State farm health insurance?
Does anyone have state farm health insurance? I've had car insurance with them since I was 16 and was considering getting health through them too, is it alright insurance or is it not so great?""
What does a lapse in coverage for car insurance mean?
What does a lapse in coverage for car insurance mean?
Which is the cheapest van insurance?
okay I have searched many sites for my Dad for van insurances but no hope we've tried nearly all insurances churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket u name it all!!! Do u no any? if so plz let us on plz coz am getting really mad with this insurance!!!! Thanks""
How much is a car and insurance going to cost me when I turn 17?
I've got a few hundred pounds at the moment as I will turn seventeen in two months. I really want to start driving as soon as possible, but I'm clueless to how much it was cost me a year and what are good first cheap cars.. Also if anyone knows some good cheap car sites it would help, thanks :)""
Health Insurance question?
I live in California and I will be 20 years old when I have my baby. I am currently still on my parents health insurance plan and all of my prenatal visits are covered and I believe my hospital stay is also. My boyfriend and I are not married yet and we live together I am not currently working. And I am aware I need to get insurance for my baby from her being born on but does anyone have any suggestions of what company to use? Could I still be approved fr a low income plan?
Will buying a salvage title car make my insurance go up? ?
The car is in mint condition now I got a mechanic o look at it it's fully restored but if I buy it will it effect my car insurance
Where is the best place for cheap insurance for a 100cc scooter in northern ireland?
age 26, honda scv100 lead 2007""
Dental Insurances in California...?
I live in California. What is the difference between HMO vs PPO? Meaning there cost and coverage. I know that HMO has a very small selection of Dentists and PPO means you can pick from a larger selection, but I am asking about costy and coverage. I am in need of either Dentures, Bridge work, and eventually Dental Implants badly. 2 emergency dentists that I have seen have mentioned something about... if I have a PPO then they will cover everything, but when I ask them to explain, they tell me to look it up because they don't have time to explain it to me. I have tried to look it up, but I can't seem to figure out what they are talking about. What did the dentist mean by... they will cover everything? As in I will not have to pay anything out of pocket? One dentist even said that if I have a PPO then he can do the work while I wait for the insurance to start, pay him directly, then he will give me back my money when the insurance pays him. But what does that mean? All the PPO and HMO plans I see say that I would still have to pay 50% of the cost. I am unemployed so money is a huge problem, but with my current problems with my teeth, I can not go on interviews. What is the best Dental Insurance in California I can get to cover the most of the expenses of the work I need done??? Free clinics have a 1-2 year waiting list and won't handle problems like mine. Please help!!!""
""I'm 57, am learning to drive a car, will need the best and cheapest car insurance, how will I know which is re""
i just want to be able to drive my car, and know there is help there for me, when and if I ever need it, without all the hassles of being stranded. Am in the process of checking out AAMI, RACT. Comprehensive for a first off driver is about $859 a year!! would i be better to Join RACT emergency on road assistance AS WELL AS taking out fire and theft third party insurance separately? I will be about the only driver, with a friend or two......is this the best cover for me? Say...for 1,2 years until I build up a reliable record? enough then to qualify for cheaper comrehensive insurance car cover?How will I know what is really the best for me?""
Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?
if so, how?""
Who provides reasonable car insurance for a young man?
My 20-year-old stepson is seeking his first car. He's newly licensed and thus has (obviously) not had car insurance before. He also has not had a loan so he has 'new' credit. The insurance quotes we have gotten for him are outrageous! Allstate offered him...get this... $1300 a month for ANY car we could think of! He's a full-time student with good grades, and we're talking cheap used cars here. Progressive offered a better rate ($400/month for full coverage, $250/month for basic) but they don't want to let him pay by the month, meaning he's gotta fork out 2 grand for six months of coverage...which puts a bit of a crimp on the whole car shopping thing. Is there any insurance company out there that is a little more reasonable? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.""
What is cheaper in car insurance...?
An old fiat punto or a new fiat punto
Driving on someone elses car insurance?
I'm 18 and shopping for car insurance and the quotes are ridiculous, (like 280 a month for minimal coverage). However would it be possible/legal to have my girlfriend who is 20 and in college be the legal owner of the car and have the car under her policy, but I drive it daily and still be covered? The insurance quotes for her are MUCH cheaper, like (40 a month). The reason I'm asking is because a friend of mine told me that as long as the car I'm driving is insured by someone, and I'm driving with their consent, I'm insured. Is this true?""
Got ticket for car insurance but have liability in my moms name?
Drove my moms car and officer gave me ticket for no car insurance even though I showed him one under my moms name can I show it in court and get it dismissed?
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
What is the best health insurance for a newly married couple to get?
My husband and I just got married and are looking to get health insurance. we both can not get insurance through work. we live in arizona, my husband attends ASU. We are both involved in masters programs. We are looking to start a family poss. with in the year! what is the best coverage we can get, with our student incomes? thanks in advance for any advice / guidence you can provide!""
""I'm looking for car insurance, is the General a good car insurance? Are they reliable?""
I have 21st century and my premium is high, so I looked into the General and they're only charging me half of what I'm used to, but in case of an accident, do they really back you up. I have heard of some crooked companies, would this be one among them.""
How do you find the cheapest car insurance?
I'm almost 20 been driving since I was 16. No accidents, no tickets. I've been on my grandparents insurance but now it's time I get my own. How do I go about finding the cheapest car insurance?""
""Is it true that if you say you work in IT when getting quotes for car insurance, it increases the premium?""
Has anyone actually found this to be the case? Better still, has anyone got any idea why this would be so? Now I'm thinking of what I could have saved if I had been a little more flexible with the truth! (UK insurance, but I'd be interested to hear from anyone anywhere).""
Why are so many Americans so damn dumb?
why don't they realize things like how the insurance companies are screwing them? Insurance companies keep 30% of every dollar spent and it goes in their pocket. They exist to deny you service, to keep you sick. America is the only industrialized country in the world without universal health care. I await the predictable comments about that, fed to most americans by the likes of hannity, savage and limbaugh, all with great health insurance.....so, why are so many americans so damn dumb?""
""Need a license, insurance, and car...?""
I need all three of these. What is the proper order to get them in? I thought you need insurance to get a license, and a license to get a car. But don't you need the car to get it insured? And can you get insurance without a driver license number? I'm confused any advice would be appreciated.""
Cheap health insurance?
How can i get very cheap health insurance? i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no money!!""
About how much does full coverage auto insurance cost?
I'm just curious of how much a good estimate is. If you need a vehicle, try 2000 Honda civic.""
What's an affordable insurance company?
I don't need an agent I just need something somewhat affordable. I'm 17 and the cost is outrageous. I'm looking and Geico seems pretty cheap but does anyone else have any suggestions?
Do i need insurance if im driving my dads car?
Hello. I was wondering if i need insurance if my dad is teaching me to drive while i got provisional license with the L plates on the front and back of the car? When i pass my test i will get my own car.
Around how much would car insurance be if im under 21?
Like if i go under my parents insurance, how much more would it be? Thanks :)""
I'm wondering... Is there an insurance company that will allow you and your partner on the same plan? Or do you have to live in a state that recognizes domestic partnerships?
Insurance for a 17 year old on a 1.4 Golf S?
When I turn seventeen, I plan to get a car. I've seen a 55 plate golf for 3,995 which I'd like. My Friend has a 1.6 Punto, and at 18 years he pays just over a grand.. so i figure the golf won't be too bad.. how much would it cost to insure? And no links to sites please, I can't check yet.""
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
how important is it every month to pay your car insurance? what could happen if you don't
How does multiple car discount work on insurance? ?
Ok so I have an sr22 and my friend said I could add a car for a discount, so I added my moms car. I only have liability. So does my moms car have liability too? Sorry the insurance guy didn't explain it all that well.""
How much is car insurance usually in UK?
I live in London and don't have a clue about this thing but I just passed my test at 29. I've got about 2670 to spend. So half of that will be for a deposit. How much do most people spend on insurance a year and what would be a cheap price range for me to look for? How much should it be for a month and what is the best insurance company?
How does private health insurance work?
I am a freshman in high school interested in the medical field and I don't know much about all this health insurance business but I've heard all about this national health care bill and how all these people can't afford to pay for their own health insurance and that's why we are going to national health care and that got me to thinking about why we need national insurance anyway. It's obviously a problem of people not being able to afford private health insurance or not believing private health insurance is worth the cost. So I have a variety of questions about how one pays for it such as: How much do you pay a month? What do you have to pay when you go see a doctor? Are prescription drugs covered/ if not are prescriptions expensive? I know with car insurance your rate goes up if you receive multiple tickets/multiple car accidents and was wondering if your base health insurance pay goes up as well if you have a multitude of health concerns. If you could answer any of these questions I would really appreciate it as I am interested in going into the medical field later in life. I am also open to any other information about private insurance you have. However, I don't want this to become a political debate on national health care as I am purely interested how an individual pays for his own private health insurance.""
Which is the cheapest and best ( best value) auto insurance in the US?
Teenage car insurance?
I'm a teen, and I'm thinking about getting a car. However, I've heard that insurance for teenagers can be expensive. Since insurance is usually tied to the car instead of the driver, am I able to get away with using my parents' insurance if the car is completely under my parents' names? Am I allowed to save a large amount of money this way? I only plan on meeting the minimum insurance required by law (in California).""
What is the average cost for a student possessions insurance policy?
What is the average cost for a student possessions insurance policy?
Do you need to buy the car before getting insurance for it?
I am looking for my first (used) car from a private seller, and I would like to be able to drive it home, so will I have to buy insurance for it before I buy it? And will I have to own the deed before I get the insurance?""
HoW much do you pay for health insurance?
Is it affordable? Do you get help from your employer? What is a fair price?
When do you get your infrant car seat base installed by the California highway patrol?
Do they check for insurance on the vehicle?
How much my car insurance is likely to cost?
I have just passed my (UK) driving test and is considering getting a car, but I need to budget first see if I can in fact afford one! I am female, turning 26 in a few months time. I will want to get a small, second hand car - would like a Ford Fiesta (1.2) or Honda Jazz (1.4) or VW Polo (1.2). Would want to get a car under 3000. Does anyone know roughly how much my car insurance will cost? I think I will take the Pass Plus course as well once I have decided to buy a car.""
Do i need personal car insurance to drive an ambulance?
Im going to school to be an emt and i know that at some point, as scary as it is, i will have to drive an ambulance but i wanted to know how or if it would affect my personal car insurance or if the company i worked for even needed my car insurance. For example: what if i had a valid drivers license but did not have a car of my own to even have insurance? How does that work? Currently i do not own a car because i have been a full time student for a few years living on campus so thats why im asking..""
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
About how much should the car insurance of a 17 year old who drives a 2003 Black Ford Mustang?
0 notes
business bond insurance quotes
"business bond insurance quotes
business bond insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would my car insurance be?
Im 19, in about 2 and 1/2 years after i save about 30,000 I plan to get the 2012 Audi A7, how much do u think my car insurance would be monthly??""
Is a 2006 Hyundai Tiburon GS a good first car for a 16 year old male and about how much would insurance cost?
It is a V4. I have taken Driver's Ed. I have taken Defensive Driving. Taken the State Farm test thing. The car is dark blue.
Cheapest insurance?
what is the cheapest car insurance in Hamilton Ontario Canada if i was 19 years old and i got the g2 3 moths ago?
Car Insurance increase after moving?
I have just moved house and my car insurance has increased by 160. I have only moved half a mile from my previous address. If I ask my insurers to provide justification and proof for this rise (ie - why the area is higher risk) are they obliged to provide me with it?
Cheap car insurance for 17 year olds?
I am 17 and need a car to get me to work as it is quite a while away and costs me over 30 to get to a week!!! I passed my test last month and have done pass plus. I tried getting insurance for a 1.0L Lupo and it was 7500 on my own name (tried it a few times using thrid party only, thrid party fire & theft and fully comp but kept getting the same) I tried adding my father as the main & named driver (20+ years no claims) and reduced it to about 5000 which is still very very high and im not even using comparison sites (mainly sites aimed at 17 year olds) :@ I am quite angry becuase my friend when he passed last year got his insurance for 1600 on his own name at the age of 17! Any ideas on insurance compainies or how to reduce my insurance??""
Temporary Car insurance fuddles? Re: excess on the owners policy?
Hi, I was looking to either rent a car for a day or borrow my sisters, now ive found a site on tempcover willing to insure me for something like 30 - 40 odd quid but the trouble is it said something about excess being in & around the 400 - 500 mark.... It also said this is the excess the car's owner has to pay.... I'm pretty certain i'll not be borrowing anyones car if its going to cost them that much - even if I offer to pay it (which I wouldnt by the way, im not an idiot lol) But does anyone know if this is like a one-off or if they mean that this is what my sisters excess will amount to once ive been put on one day insurance on her vehicle? Just im not 100% if they mean that by being insured for 1 day im gonna just basically destroy her policy for the next year lol? Sorry I know this is a bit confusing but thats why im asking ya see,, it confuses me too..... I suppose im hoping an insurance expert is out there somewhere reading this and just dying to lend their expertise...... Thanks guys!x! :) Ps: Shes agreed to lend me the car as long as im insured & dont crash it lol....""
Average moped cost for 21yo student?
Im thinking of getting a moped to run around on as its so much cheaper than a car and was wondering how much this would cost. I can find the moped but how much would the tax, insurance etc be? Im a female 21 year old student, from england if that helps at all for working out the insurance.""
Can my car insurance provider kick me out of grandparents house?
after my mom n sister moved into an apartment downtown ive been living with my grandparents. i have no job, i cant afford school, so i basically just help out around the house since they are in their 80's. recently i was told by my car insurance provider that i had to pay for the insurance for me to be on the grandparents car or move out. the reason i have to move is because apparently im too much of a liability for them, when i haven't even had a car wreck or anything with my own car just a year before. can they legally do this in my state (michigan) or even federally? im 21 not 18 and again ive been driving for a while before i was put on their insurance. oh and the best part about this situation, is that their auto insurance agent is my biological aunt. Can someone help please? They really need me back at my grandparents house.""
Which car insurance is cheaper for a 17 year old male?
I'm 17 and I'm thinking about getting a car when I get my g2 in a few months, I do have a job I work at Canadian tire! and Im looking for which car would be cheaper on insurance.. I dont want a truck, caravan or a smart car... please answer this truthfully! :) P.S. Im in ontario, Canada""
How to find affordable medical insurance (Family) in San Diego?
I am moving to San Diego on a contract that has no benefit package. I'd like to buy a good benefit package for a family of four. I need medical, dental .... etc. with reasonable deductible. Any help in pointing me to the right direction is appreciated. Thanks
Do you have to insure a jet ski?
Do you have to insure a jet ski?
Please HELP! I am pregnant with no insurance?
I just found out today that I am pregnant and I don't have insurance, I own my own business so according to FL state I make too much money to qualify for medicare, which I don't, please help ,do you know any programs with the hospital where I can make payments or any other suggestion. Thank You! please only serious answers this is very important to me!""
Low car insurance adjustment from liable company's adjuster?
Someone else hit my car while it was parked. It was very cut-and-dry. I got a police report, the officer talked to the driver. It states that my car was legally parked and the other driver is at fault. The damage is minor rear bumper damage, nothing too terrible. I filed with his insurance company, and after a lot of frustrating phone tag, an insurance adjuster came out and wrote me an estimate for $450. I had an adjustment for $734 from the local body shop for my make of car, and I showed it to him. I expressed my dissatisfaction with this estimate, and he said the body shop would settle with the insurance company directly for costs in excess of the estimate. $300 is a little much. Since it's minor damage, I think the body shop will probably take the money and do a shoddy job on the car. It's my understanding they are supposed to repair my car to pre-accident conditions. I got another estimate for $745 this weekend. I can't get it fixed for $450. What are my options? (cont'd)""
Where to get cheap insurance for at risk drivers?
Well I had an 08 chevy cobalt (dad was paying for it) & me & my friends were always stupid & I was always doing stupid things. Totaled it. & I got 5 points on my license. I got a Job & my mom agreed shed pay for half the payments on a car. I liked the 2013 dodge darts bc they were really good on gas, looked cool, & had a lot of room. Well the insurance for that was gonna be 900 a month through Allstate. Which is crazy. I can afford 1-150 a month for insurance. Anywhere I could go to get a cheap car insurance? Within my price range for an at risk driver? & I probably won't buy the dart, I was thinking like an 07 civic or eclipse or something on the lines of that""
How cheaper would it be to insure a v6 99-01 mustang rather than a GT mustang for a new driver?
I want to buy a mustang someday. But i'm only 16 and I dont have a job or license yet. I fell inlove with the 99-04 mustang series. People say that v6 has better gas mileage and is cheaper to insure. The only thing I like the GT for is the loud exhaust. Could I just by a V6 and upgrade the exhaust? would the insurance be higher?
Good car insurance sites?
Would like to know if any of you know of any good car insurance sites. I am a student who will be driving a fiat punto/ maybe even a skoda fabia.
How much will my insurance go up?
about 3 months ago i got a ticket for going 23 over and went to court. the judge gave me a $40 fine and said if i didn't get another ticket for 6 months that the first ticket wouldn't be on my record. this morning i got a ticket for going 10 over. it was really stupid because i was going the speed limit and had cruise locked on but it was a downhill and i got going. the ticket is $20 and i dont have to appear in court. Will my insurance go up? if so how much should i expect. the judge told me last time that if the insurance company doesn't look at my driving that they dont send them notification.
Really really cheap drift car with cheap insurance?
I'm soon going to be buying a car to do up with a good mate and his grandad who owns a garage, my friend already owns a car and we've decided that one day we're going to take them out and learn to drift (dw this wont be on the roads). We're going to be doing it often and so it has to be atleast half decent and its going to be my everyday car. So i'm looking for a good drift car to do up for under 500 (obviously going to be breaking and second hand) to do up and drift better than my mates car. Oh and insurance under 2000 would be best considering i'll Only be 17! Thanks alot Bilbo baggins""
Need help with car insurance!!?
i am new with the whole car insurance thing so i need help. how much is car insurance for an 18 year old just got my licenses and with a 1996 pontiac sunfire SE..how do you pay for car insurance please help thanks
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
Car Insurance Cost Estimate (UK)?
Iam 21 and 22 this year, i want to know an estimate car insurance cost for any car for a new driver, note i have passed my driving test a few years ago should be around 18, but i didnt really need a car back then. if Sum1 knows roughly how much i should be paying for car insurance please post here. i dont mind having the lowest benefits etc... just want a cheapest price estimate.""
Im pregnant and need insurance. Is there affordable prenatal insurance besides medicaid?
Medicaid denied me because I make 25 cents more than the allowed amount. I am 4 months pregnant and have not had any prenatal care due to lack of insurance and fighting with medicaid. Is there AFFORDABLE coverage that anyone knows about?
Car insurance question?
Can someone get insurance on a vehicle when their name is NOT on the title?? The insurance is in VA. My husband owns the car and was letting his little bro drive it, but we've removed the insurance and told him NOT to drive it, and found out that he has put insurance on it with his insurance company! Is this possible or legal even?""
""How to save more money as a teen, for a car and motorcycle?""
I'm about to turn 16, and would like to save up for a reliable, cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, car. It has to be American, or anything other than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, Lexus, Hyundai, etc. cause dad works for GM. I am paying for the car on my own, most likely, but maybe I can convince parents to pay 1k or so. Money is tight right now in my family. Dad got demoted last year during GM's bankruptcy, and may get a promotion in spring. My Mom is opening a restaurant this year, which is going to cost a lot. I got a job in November at a brand new Kroger grocery store, where I get minimum wage and cannot work over 16 hours per week because I'm only 15. I have saved a little over 1.2k in the bank. I also have invested $500 of my own money this year into stocks, which are up a little. This might sound dumb to some, but I have dreamed of buying a motorcycle. I want a Kawasaki Ninja 650R. AND YES, I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS MONEY, (FOR CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I'M NOT AN IDIOT. I also need to plan on how to save for that. Any tips, help, and info would be great! Thanks so much.""
Car Insurance for 16 year old?
I'm thinking of getting an 04 Mazda Rx-8, like 40,000 miles on it, but I wanna know how much I'd have to pay to insure it. I heard you get a discount for having good grades(G.P.A 3.9) and taking drivers ed. Please give me an estimate.""
business bond insurance quotes
business bond insurance quotes
I'm looking for free car insurance quotes?
As I'm a new driver, my parents told me to seek on the internet for insurances quotes, to help me handle my own things. So yeah i'm looking for websites that offer free car insurances quotes.""
Business Insurance?
I have a customer who wants to require that we have the following insurance: (View link to see exactly what they want) http://fatteds.net/insurance.jpg How do I go about getting this? Who do I call? How much will it cost? estimate is ok... Darn government contract!!!! Thanks in advanced
How much does medical marijuana cost? Does insurance cover it?
How much does medical marijuana cost? Does insurance cover it?
""In Oregon, is a pedestrian hit by a car, treated as uninsured driver without car insurance?""
Eleven years ago, I was hit by a car walking down a road in Oregon. When it came time for the medical bills to be paid, (spine fractured in 3 places, knee completely blown out, 8 days in hospital) and the settlement I was told because I did not carry car insurance, I am considered an uninsured driver. I was stuck with a $25,000 hospital bill, and a $12,000 settlement. People do not believe me when I tell them this was the law at the time. Anyone know if this is still the law in Oregon?""
What is the average insurance rate for a slk 350 2013?
I am looking for an estimate but I don't want to put in all my information don't want all these people calling me.
""What would be the best Ford for me, insurance wise?""
I have been contacting different insurance agencies for quotes and was quoted at 300 for a honda civic give or take some, but the lady told me I am much better off getting a Ford as I would be able to get a way better deal on them as they are easier to insure for people my age (20,m). Which Ford cars are good for this? I know the mustang is outta the question since its a sports car, but I was thinking of a truck or the small ranger truck.""
Should I get owner's title insurance?
I am set to close on my house next week, but I don't know if I want to splurge for the extra comfort of owner's title insurance. It will be $250 extra according to my attorney. I am buying the house from an estate. Apparently everything is set with probate and of course the lawyer will do the title search, but should I get the added protection for myself or just buy the lender some protection? I also don't like the fact that my lawyer takes 60% of the fee. Any thoughts on that?""
How much is the average fine for violation 21461(a) in California?
I was driving today and got pulled over, and given citation 21461(a) for not obeying a Right Turn Only sign. I live in Orange County, CA, and was wondering about how much the fine will be, as well as if my insurance rate will increase. Thanks in advance.""
How long do I have to report an accident to an insurance company in California?
If I was in an accident in California how long do i have to report it to the insurance company so that they will cover it?
Failed driving test...will insurance go up?
I took my driving test today and I was just wondering if my dad's insurance rates will go up(I am 16).
How much is Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I'm 16 year old guy, I have a 2004 Pontiac Grand AM sedan, I get good grades in school, about how much would it cost monthly?""
Car insurance help please?
hi well im 30 and just would like to know when i pass my driving test in uk will my insurance be cheap as i am 30 years old or will it still be high as i have no experiance on the road cus i want a golf gti or shall i op for the 1.4 :(
Question about car insurance.?
Hi there I bought a car that is about 100 miles away, and is in another state. I will get a ride there to pick it up. But what do I do about insurance do I get some or other temp. insurance to drive it back to my home town? or do I get insurance where I buy it? What is the procedure in this case? Thank you""
How much will AAA insurance go up if I get my license?
my mom and dad have AAA and I am 16 and I want to get my license. but my dad is telling me to just wait until i go to college since he will buy me a car then. he says the insurance will go up $1000 per month but i cant believe it. how much does the insurance usually go up after I would get my license. I wouldn't own a car and I wouldn't be registered for one.
""How much does it cost to insure a ferrari spider 360, 2005 redge in the UK?
longer than writing a question and reading an answer smart *** :)
""Under Obamacare, can I switch insurance companies anytime I want?""
I live in California and started new health insurance with Blue Shield on January 1, 2014. But they are awful. Even though I not only applied with them, I was accepted by them, I paid the January premium back in December, and they have already covered two of my prescriptions. But Blue Shield keeps mailing me letters saying I never paid them anything and that they are cancelling my application. My application? I made it past that stage. I am their client, not just an applicant. I can't get an answer from them and I'm worried that as of 1/28/14 I will no longer have health insurance (since that is the date they informed my on 1/24 that they are cancelling my application). So since Blue Shield thinks that I'm not even their client, that they think I never paid them the very first premium which I did and have proof of, can I ditch them and choose a new insurance company or do I have to wait for the next open enrollment? (And when would that be?) (FYI - Blue Shield has never mailed me a bill for February. They just keep mailing me the same bill that was due - and that I paid!!! - back in December that covered me for January.)""
Why are rich people so upset that poor people and youngters can now get affordable 'health care'?
here in mississippi for our age group it's like only $500 a month. No wonder they need to raise the minimum wage.
Car insurance?
I just bought a brand new car and recently changed my car insurance company. Today after leaving a meeting I hit a fire hydrin while backing up leaving a nice hole in my back bumper. I called my insurance company and submitted a claim but am more concered with the my insurance premium going up. Does anybody know if it will go up or not. I have not submitted a claim in more then 5 years and only pay 86.00 a month for full coverage including collision and renters insurance for my house. Does anybody know about this kind of stuff??
Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?
Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?""
How much does auto insurance cost for a 16 year old male with Erie?
I just got my license and now I want to get a car but my dad wont pay for insurance, I was wondering what the possible prices might be. I would like a Jeep Wrangler or a VW ...show more""
""Can you drive your friend's car, which is insured but you are not in his/her insurance?
I am not added to his insurance but the car is insured.. how does it work?.. website link would help as well..
I need health insurance. Should I get private insurance or Obamacare?
I am a 27 y/o healthy male non-smoker living in Arkansas with good income. Wife has employer insurance that is very expensive to add me, so that's a no-go. I'll be the only one on the plan. I am prescribed medication that requires a doc's visit once per 2 months to have it refilled (so need medication and decent office visit fees/co-pay). I know little to nothing about health insurance. I've always had it under mother's plan and through the university after that. So what's the best route to go? Private insurance even if its subject to a penalty? Or go with ObamaCare. I'd like to have my medication covered at least partially, doc's visits, protection for severe medical emergencies, and possibly dental. I don't want to pay an exorbitant amount, nor do I want to be locked into anything. Thanks for any help.""
Car insurance question?
I just turned 16 and got my driving permit. I would be using my grandmothers car and she has erie insurance. My question is.. Am I allowed to practice driving on the car even without getting insurance? She insists that I'm not allowed to unless I get insurance but everyone else I know does it without. She thinks that I am going to get in a crash because I can't keep my room clean. (wtf?)
How expensive is it likely to be for a 17 year old to get caravan insurance?
I have obtained my licence e.t.c for caravan towing and was wandering if you knew how much it would cost me to get insured on a caravan?
Math Problems about insurance!!!!???? Urgent?
A- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of buying insurance? 2- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of NOT buying insurance and driving without it?""
business bond insurance quotes
business bond insurance quotes
Is selling car and home insurance difficult? How much does the average person make? Which is a good company?
Is selling car and home insurance difficult? How much does the average person make? Which is a good company?
Can i list my vehicle at another adress for insurance?
hi, i own a 2006 acura RSX-s and i live in the philadelphia suburbs. my insurance is quite PRICEY! any how, my father owns property in northern PA which is primarily farm land, and insurance would be alot cheaper if listed there. tho i dont live there, can i list my insurance there? is there anything illegal or could it hurt me? i see alot of people with New Jersey tags who live in PA to get cheaper Insurance. what do you suggest, and what would i have to do, change adress on D/L etc?""
How much is Progressive Auto Insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 october 2 and I was wondering how much it is for me? My family has like the lowest one which is the liability. How much is it for me about? I havent got a car yet, but I have the money I just have to pick one out. It will probably wont be any younger than like 08. Also can I get my license with out have to pay insurance right away? I dont want to drive yet (I dont like driving). I am also a female.""
Best car insurance companies?
I am 22 and needing to get car insurance for a 1996 Ford Escort. I only want Liability. Any suggestions?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Renting a car for the first time- do I have to buy insurance bc my personal car insurance is not in my name?
My car and car insurance are under my fiancees name. I will be renting a car on my own. Do I have to buy the insurance because it's not in my name?
How much would it cost to insure a late model 15 passenger van used in a shuttle service?
I'm in the Grand Canyon State. Do i get a better deal if i insure more than one unit ?
How Much Would Insurance Cost On A Mitsubishi Lancer Evo?
What would be an approximate range on insurance cost for me? I was considering buying a mitsubishi lancer evo and need to factor in the cost of insurance. It would most likely be a 2003. Model: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Car: Year 2003 Age: I am 16 soon too be 17 State: Oklahoma Occupation: Student (3.5 gpa+) Other Info: I would most likely only drive to school and the gym 5 days a week, less than 10 iles a day round trip. I would be able to pay a higher deductable if need be. Live: with parents Background: Father is a Radiologist - Income: easily 300k+ Although I come from a very affluent family my parents are making me pay for most of my car If I am lucky they will give me a 10k allowance max.""
Vw r32 any idea on insurance?
hi i am 23 year old female with 2 years no claims. just lookign for a very rough idea of costs to insure an r32, any similar ppl can tell me? thanks""
Which is the best Health Insurance and Car insurance in NYC? if you know the answer to each or any let me know
Thanks.... Car insurance i am looking for the cheapest as far as health insurance i am considering HIP PRime but not sure if its good.. if you know about hip let me know if thats a good choice.. only reason why i might choose that is because there are no copay and no deductibles :) FREE lol but i want to make sure its a good choice... besides the obviouse.. take care and i am thanking you in advance for your advise
Question about teen car insurance?
So i have a drivers license, im 17 but i dont have insurance i drive my dads 2006 toyota tundra to school everyday. Prom is next week and its about an hour from my house and my dad does not feel comfterable letting my drive up there without insurance, so what im thinking is i can get myself included in his insurance for just that truck so i would just be an extra driver on that truck he has AAA and its $190 a month for me. So i will only need it for a month because i get my own car next month so i will get my own cheaper insurance by then, so the question is can i remove myself from my dads insurance after i pay the first month? I really need it i already have a prom date, im not missing my senior prom.""
Van insurance employment status question?
I'm about to set up my own business as i've qualified as a painter & decorator so i'm looking into van insurance quotes. For the employment status i've been filling in my current job details (sales) as i am not yet registered as self employed and i will be maintaining my job until work picks up. Is this correct? It will only let me choose one occupation so the option of 2 is not there
Car recommendations for a college student?
I'll be getting my first car in the spring of 2012. I'm staying in an apartment near the campus, and I'll have a bike for that. The majority of my driving will be errands around town, and driving the 117 miles back home occasionally to visit family. Low insurance, high gas mileage, and safety are top priorities. I've got about $15,000 to spend on the car. I will have a part time job to pay insurance/gas/etc. So far the only car that appeals to me is the 2010+ Mazda3 because it has a nice exterior, and I love the interior and features compared to other small cars. Gas mileage is decent, but not the best. Also, if I go for the hatchback, will that raise my insurance costs? Do you have any other recommendations? The Mazda3 has the best interior that I've seen so far, that's the basic factor that's keeping me from other cars.""
Which Insurance is better ?
Hi Guys , I'm a beginner in IT industry. let me know which insurance or Tax exemption Payments are better .. LIC, TATA AIG or Kotak insurance or anything else ..""
Insurance for a first time motorcycle driver?
is insurance cheaper for a pickup truck or motorcycle for a first time driver? either would be pre 1990 the motorcycle would be a 250cc honda
On friday 4/25 my 03 Tahoe was stolen in front of my house it was recovered the following day 4/26 about 9pm?
it was about 2:30am when the vehicle was stolen, the police was called and they came out to the scene. they gave me a file number. Later in the a.m i called the Insurance and reported the auto theft i gave all the current information my statement was being recorded. The insurance inspector came out to inspect the vehicle on Tuesday theyre were alot of damage inside out. He said it was about $4,000.00 worth of damage. It maybe was going to be total loss. I went ahead and called the adjustor to follow up on the inspection he then said he gave my claim to a investigator for further review. I mention to him that my vehicle is at my house when it should be in the tow yard, that it seems they are lacking holding off in helping me with this situation. He was rude and continue to tell me to wait for a phone call. Today 5/2/2014 a claim investigator called me stating that it was a coincidence that i worked for a auto body shop and my vehicle being stolen recently. I got really upset i told her me working at a shop doesnt have nothing to do with my car being stolen. I told her I was going to seek help thru a lawyer and hanged up the phone. Has anyone been a similar situation? I live in the state of California and have Infinity Insuracne Both my cars are full cover and both are paid off.""
How much does liability insurance cost?
I live in NC. I don't own a car and just need the insurance to get a driver's license. Getting added to someone else's policy is not an option for me.
Car insurance for a 1993 Toyota Celica? ?
How much would car insurance be for a 1993 Toyota Celica? I will be 21 in August, have a clean driving record, no accidents, married with a child. I am a full time college student with a 3.2 GPA. How much should I expect for car insurance per month? The car has 160,000 miles on it. Please, no advertising websites, just real answers. Thanks!""
Should I change the deductible on my auto insurance?
I own a car that is 12 years old with only 81,000 miles on it. The car is worth somewhere between $3000 and $4000, depending on if I sell it outright or trade it in. My plan is to drive it for as long as I am able. I have a $500 deductible right now but am wondering if I should change it to $1000 to reduce expenses. I live on a fixed disability income and money is tight. I have no savings. With that said, what would be the best thing to do at this point.""
Do you know any Insurance companies that would do 6m Car Insurance?
For various reasons, I would like insurance quotes for my car for 6 months. Has anyone had any dealings with companies that have or would? It's not a money saving exercise, thanks :)""
Can 15 minutes really save you 15% on car insurance ......?
.... with Geico?
Will paying off my car loan lower my premiums on my car insurance?
After some research on the pros and cons of paying off my car loan early, I've decided to go ahead and pay it off while I can. Despite all the research, I still don't know if doing so will help lower my insurance rates. I have to carry full coverage on my 7-yr-old car (I purchased it used) as long as the bank holds the lein. Thanks!""
Can my employer drop group health insurance coverage while I am pregnant?
I live in Oklahoma and I just found out that I am pregnant and my employer is considering dropping my group health insurance. Are there any laws that prevent me from being dropped? How do I continue my health insurance to cover my pregnancy?
What do you think about Massachusets insurance law?
I dont have a problem with having insurance, but being forced to? What do you think? I need to get a licence to sell insurance.""
How long after someone dies to get life insurance benefits?
my grandmother died about 2 weeks ago and i was wondering when her life insurance policy would go through so we can receive the money from it to manage her estate, we heard that probate takes about 16 months, but we cant wait that long for the insurance so how long does it usually take?""
business bond insurance quotes
business bond insurance quotes
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
Diminished Value - Dealing with Car Insurance?
I was in an accident where someone side swiped me ($5.5k worth of damage). Their insurance company paid and I just got my car back (2007 Lexus IS 250 - 29k miles). I had just purchased the car 4 weeks prior to the accident from CarMax for $27k. Out of curiosity I went back to see what CarMax would give me and they offered $18k. The car is now only 7 weeks old in my name and 3 weeks of it was in the repair shop! Does anyone have experience with dealing with car insurance companies and diminished value? I live in NC and know that it is one of the states that has diminished value. I want to recoup as much of the difference as possible and since the car is so new (to me), I am willing to get rid of it to show the loss so I don't deal with this years from now. Any advice is appreciated.""
CAR INSURANCE?!?! the quotes im get...?
I Recently passed my driving test, and now i cant seem to find a cheap insurance quote, the minimum im getting is 2000 pound a year!! im only 18 and live in england. does anybody know of any cheap insurance site's?""
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
i am 16 and live in Washington and I was wondering if I had to pay my own insurance to drive their cars.
Cheapest car insurance for learner?
Best car for male 17 year old ?
How much money should I expect to pay for car insurance if I buy a 2013 Dodge Charger?
How much money should I expect to pay for car insurance if I buy a 2013 Dodge Charger? I am 20 years old.
What is the best life insurance company in the the USA?
what is the best life insurance company in the USA?
Health Insurance question?
So I just turned 18 and I will no longer be covered through Amerigroup so was looking at some Health insurances to buy. I know the deductible is the amount you need to pay out of pocket before the insurance will start paying, but how will the insurance know when you have payed the deductible?""
How much should my car insurance cost?
I am 16 year old girl, will be driving a two door 1995 Honda civic, and have 4.1 gpa in school.""
How will i know which insurance group my car belongs to in UK?
is there a website to find car insurance group?
""Car shopping, when do I get the insurance?""
Im looking for cars, and I currently dont have full coverage, which I will need once I get a car I have to finance. Since I dont know if Im going to get the car Im going to look at I'm obviously not going to get the insurance for it before I leave my house! My bf said to call an insurance company and give them the info and get a quote, then if I get the car I can call the insurance co from the dealership and complete it. But I may look at several cars, so I dont know how this works. I thought it would be best to buy the car, go home and take car of the insurance thing and just go pick up the car the next day. Is that nuts?""
Can hospitals deny someone without insurance?
Can hospitals deny someone without insurance? I know of someone that died recently at a hospital waiting area who was denied help because he did not have insurance. He was 17. Can hospitals deny someone who really in a urgent situation between life and death because of no insurance?
Quick question about a 16 year girl's car insurance rate...?
My daughter's about to turn 16. Anyone have any idea what we can expect her insurance rate to be on a 2011 Mustang V6?
Cheep 4x4 with cheep insurance?
im preferably looking for a cheap 4x4 that would be a reasonable insurance i will also be 18 so im finding it hard to find one i don't want anything over a 1400 cc and also i will settle for a normal car but a 4x4 is my dream lol any help is welcome thanks
I be 17 in April and i just got my learners and i want to know how much it cost for car insurance?
if my grand mom add me under her how much it cost
I might be pregnant where do i go to get a test were i have no insurance?
I have taken a HPT and it came up negative, but i didn't get my period. I have no insurance I just moved and started a new job. So where do I go without paying a lot of money?""
Anyone know the best company to go to for life insurance?
Anyone know the best company to go to for life insurance?
Car insurance quotes with no deposit for monthly payments? Doe's this still exist?
Saved up for my car, bought it and now abit short of cash and can't afford the large deposit these companies are wanting. Is there a car insurance company who will offer monthly payments without a deposit? My brother done this before but the company he done it with now ask for deposit because I tried.""
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
My Sister has car insurance and she told me to take her to her destination, but i don't have car insurance under my name and im afraid that if i get pulled over for some odd reason and ill get busted for not having insurance.""
""I am turning 16 soon and I am a guy, What is a car that is sporty, but is safe and has low insurance?""
I need help selecting a car... I want a car that is sporty, has low insurance, and safe and very reliable with good MPG""
I used to be with wawanesa but the reps tried to rip me off a couple of times, now I'm done with them. Anyone have a suggestion on affordable auto insurance coverage.""
How much car insurance will rise after an aciddent?
I'm 23 years old, and currently paying $100 per month on my car insurance. But earlier today I crash into the guard rail by mistake. I have a clean driving (no ticket ever) record with only 4 other accident prior to it. I guess my car would take maybe $1000 to fix but I'm not sure how much my insurance rate will increase. I'm thinking that if I were to pay for the entire damage instead of paying a $500 deduction would not increase my rate.""
Can you get your license in California without buying insurance right away?
I have had my permit since last June and have taken two behind the wheel lessons. My mom just told me that she cant get me my license because of the cost of insurance. I was wondering ...show more
How much money would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a 1982 dodge ramcharger?
i have allstate and i was just wondering if anyone new. and a ramcharger is a big truck/suv
How much does scooter insurance cost in Ontario?
Hello all, I am buying Vespa LX 150ie soon (it has a 150cc engine with a top speed of 95 km/h) and would like to know how much insurance costs in Ontario. I am 18 years old, single, male, and have my M1, and most likely my M2 soon. Let me know if you have any info.""
business bond insurance quotes
business bond insurance quotes
0 notes
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
"Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Toyota Corolla insurance?
Im just wondering, is the insurance on the toyota corolla (s) more expsensive than the (ce) or (le).""
I want a car but my parents wont pay for insurance?
I asked this question before, but people were being extremely rude so I deleted it. If I get a car, I will be paying for everything myself. The car, the gas, the maintenance, etc. The only thing that I will not be able to afford is the insurance. I don't really care about having my own car, but I can't drive my parents' cars: my mom's is for her work, and my dad's is really expensive and he doesn't want me driving it. Either way, just to drive someone else's car I have to have insurance to cover myself and any damages I could cause in case of anything. So, anyways, the only thing I need my parents to pay for is the insurance. They absoulutley refuse. They think that I don't need to drive. I don't want to depend on my friends to drive me everywhere. They can definitely afford insurance, they just don't want to pay for it. I might sound spoiled or whatever but I'm not. Ever since I could remember, I've had to pay for most of everything I own. All of my clothes, toys (when I played with them), iPods, the computer that I'm on right now. I'm paying for my text messaging, too. so, I understand the value of money. I just want them to pay for this one thing. so, my plan was to buy a car, and then threaten to drive uninsured until they get insurance. Kind of mean, I know, but I'md esperate. What do you think?""
Getting car insurance?
hey guys.. i have a question... im getting Gieco car insurance but my mother has the same thing...we both live in the same house but are doing a separate thing...by me getting the same car insurance company with that have any type of affect on hers???please let me know asap..thanks
Where can I get car insurance in Colorado (during the wildfires)?
I applied for auto insurance today and got the message, We Are Unable to Complete Your Request. Coverage is not available in your location because of a natural disaster or other emergency situation. I just bought a new car and now I can't drive it until these stupid fires go out, but I still have to go to work, still have to go to the grocery store, etc So what am I supposed to do? My daily life has not changed from the fire, and I need to be able to drive!!""
How much would insuracne cost on a 2010 Chevy Camareo for a 17 year old?
What are some nice cars that arnt sports cars? Insurance costs alot for a 17 year old with a sports car
Need affordable car insurance for 16 yr. old can you help!?
do you have a teen that drives or just know what the best prices are!
Redlight violation?! Any way to lower the $381 fine and not raise insurance?
Help! This Saturday, I was in Fremont to pick up someone at the Bart station. I was on Mission and Mohave going straight towards the entrance to 880 when the light turned yellow. I started to stop but I felt that if I kept stopping I'd end up in the middle of the intersection so I pressed gas again and went through. I thought I made it on the yellow, but I saw the huge flash meaning the lovely camera took a picture of me. ): The fine is $381 according to http://www.fremontpolice.org/redlight/redlight.html plus a higher insurance, right? I'm freaking out. I'm a 17 year old high school student (I've had my license for over a year already) at a private Catholic school, straight A's in all my classes, super clean record, and I've never gotten a ticket before! I know I have to go to court but is there any way that the fine will be lowered and my insurance won't go up? If I go to traffic school will it be cheaper and keep my insurance down? Help please!""
How much does having a reliable car and insurance effect child visitation through the courts?
Here in California
""CAR INSURANCE FOR A 17-YEAR-OLD, 5000 quotes. Genuinely can't find any quotes less than 5000?""
1.3 KA 2002, immobiliser, no tracker fitted yet (intend on). Not bought the car. 17-year-old as the main driver and owner, passed a month ago (roughly). I know it's obvious, but KAs are the easiest cars to buy, the car is valued at 995 (the one in mind). I can literally find 5000 quotes. The car is worth less than one fifth of this. And yes, I know that car insurance will be expensive, but reading over forums etc, some people have managed to get it down to 2000. I've tried Diamond, elephant, comparethemarket, gocompare, literally everywhere. Admiral won't give me a quote and places like Tesco will only quote 18-year-olds. I will literally LOVE anyone who knows of any quotes around 2000-3000. Any less, I believe is impossible. And I realise that insurance companies take the Michael, but please don't state the obvious with a comment like Insurance will be expensive - 5000 is about right , surely it can't be, I've found so many forums of people saying they have quotes from 2000, but not telling me where from. ):""
How do I deal with my car insurance company after a crash?
An elderly man stopped in the middle of the street with his car. I couldn't stop in time not to hit him. So we collided. Now my insurance company refuses to pay for storing the car while their adjustor and the other insurance adjuster come to look at the car. I think it is totalled, but not positive. My apartment building has an ordinance against putting crashed cars in the parking lot. I live in West Los Angeles, which is highly populated, and I will get a ticket if I leave it on the street. It is not driveable. The storage places here cost $100 per day. I don't know what to do. Is there a car storage facility in West Los Angeles that can charge me a small amount until the adjusters come to look at it?""
How much is insurance in canada for a motorcycle?
how much is the average insurance rate in canada for sports motorcycles? ....per year or per month?
How does the age of a car factor into the cost of car insurance?
Obviously there is more than one factor that influences the cost of car insurance. I know that when a car is newer, it usually costs more to insure than a car that is older. For example, a 2009 Chevy Impala is more expensive to insure than a 1983 VW. But, suppose I bought a vehicle like a 1957 Lincoln, 1955 GMC, or a 1956 Plymouth (or some other car from that time period)? If it wasnt something that people easily recognize like more popular cars from that time period, would it cost less to insure? (They arent as recognizable or popular, in the sense that if one was driving a 1957 Chevy, or a 1959 Cadillac or a Thunderbird, most people would instantly know what it was, but if I drove a 1957 Lincoln or a 1955 GMC, most people wouldnt immediately know what it was.)""
Health Insurance?
Why am I quoted so high for auto insurance?
Recently I have been shopping around getting online quotes for auto insurance in hopes of getting better rates. Sadly that is not the case. The last three quotes I got were from Farmers, State Farm and met. The quotes for 6 months were absurd. Farmers even quoted me at 8000+ for six months. Seriously? I do live in Detroit, so I am accustomed to higher rates but this is crazy. I have never made an insurance claim. I had one minor traffic ticket 3 years ago(no turn on red). I have had continuous coverage from my current provider for 4 years. What could the problem be. Is it possible to get the insurance companies I quoted with to give me information on why they quoted me at the rates they did. This has been incredibly disheartening. I guess I will stick with my current provider for about 1800 every 6 months.""
Car insurance for a new driver?
i want to buy a small car, but im worried that the insurance will be expensive what company sell cheap insurance? how much about did you pay? i want a small car, like a 1 litre engine thank you""
""Car insurance?, i need help!!?
on an insurance claim are you penalised if you upgrade your car.
No health insurance? need prenatal care and sonograms?
i don't have any health insurance and have become pregnant, what do i need to do until my health insurance can kick in or until i can have the baby then get affordable health ...show more""
How can I get life insurance on my parents?
I'm 27 and my dad is having his 6th child this month. Which means by the time my little sister is my age I'll be near elderly. Furthermore, as we picked up the cake for the baby shower, my dad informed me that since it's quite likely he may be gone before the child fully matures, I will be left in charge in his absence. Is there anyway to get life insurance for my dad without his consent. I don't mind informing him, but it's something I would like to manage alone.""
Cyclist and insurance?
I am having a debate with a few people about cyclist with insurance, One thing I would like to know, If I hit a cyclist and damage his bike, Would my insurance cover the cost of a new bike? or injury? This is for the UK""
I need a cheap car insurance?
car insurance
Can other people drive my car with my insurance?
I am going on a road trip with a friend but I don't want to drive the whole way. I have AAA insurance, will it cover my friend if she drives my car part of the way? She has state farm insurance if that makes any difference.""
Best car for me (47 year old male)?
Best car for me (47 year old male)?
Can I have my drivers license in one state and my license plate and car insurance in another?
I live in GA and bought a car in FL. To save money on taxes it was recommended that I register the car in FL and get a FL license plate. So, now I have a GA drivers license, a FL license plate, and FL car insurance. 1. Is this legal to have long term 2. If it's not legal and I switch everything back to GA, Will I have to pay GA taxes on the car that was purchased in FL ? To possibly complicate things more, the FL registration is not just in my name. It's also in the name of a friend who lives in FL who happened to cosigned for me to get the car. It's his address I'm using for the FL car insur and the registration.""
Is supersmartsmile insurance good?
I'm in pretty bad need of some dental care. I am looking for a good dental insurance company to go with for a year. An supersmartsmile is in the perfect price range for my low income self. Please help me here anyone with this insurance. Thanks.
What is a fast economical car for a low insurance group?
I have been driving for a nearly and year now and would like to upgrade my car, I have a 1.6 16v VW Golf and was looking for something faster, economical for a low insurance group, thanks. Around insurance group 4 - 7. Nothing any higher.""
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
Does filing a police report increase car insurance?
I filed a police report for a hit and run minor fender bender that I can fix myself. Did I make a mistake filing a police report?
How much is audi a4 insurance?
i am 18 years old looking at buying a 2003 audi a4 and wanted to know how much the insurance would cost me. I have a clean driving record and good grades.
""Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Car Insurance help for new driver?
I just passed my test yesterday. I have a Vauxhall Corsa active 16V 1.2 2004(3 Door). I asked my friends who have recently passed how much they got on their insurance. One of my friends got 1100 on a 9month deal (Direct Line) on their 2009 VW Golf. And another one of my friends also on direct line got 1300 on their Ford Fiesta (X reg). When I come to get my quote they range from 1900-3000!! I've added near enough the same details. Mother main driver, fully comp all that. So I want to know is what is it that's allows them to get cheaper car insurance? Or is there something I'm doing wrong? Perhaps suggest another insurance company (I've looked at most). But any advice would be most appreciated. Young driver wanting to have his freedom.""
Can I take out a life insurance policy on my child's father?
My ex is a very big risk taker and our son is only two years old. Being a single mom is very financially straining and if he was to die I would have to go onto public assistance. Is there a way I could take out a life insurance policy on him where I am the beneficiary? I'm terrified that he will do something stupid and wind up dead and my son and I will be stuck living off of welfare.
How do you pay an insurance deductible?
Well i sadly wrecked my car today i have full coverage because i have a loan from a bank and im still making payments on it. I let the insurance company know. But my deductible is $1,000.00 and i dont have a thousand dollars. Can you like make cheap payments on that or do you need it all upfront? Or do i not have to pay it right away?""
Delaware auto insurance (state required minimum) cheaper than Geico?
Which company gives Delaware auto insurance (state required minimum) cheaper than Geico? I tried every known companies (Progressive, Nationwide, 21st etc) but I can't find out any...Does anybody know any cheaper option?""
How much would a 16 year old boy pay for car insurance?
I am not 16 yet, but I want to get a Chevy Camaro. I live in PA, and am wondering how much car insurance would cost me a year with out wrecks, tickets, etc. I went to chevy.com and built my own Camaro, and it cost me about $25,000 with the specs, and colors I want.""
Driver Education/Insurance Rate Information?
For my Driver Education class, one of the assignments goes as follows: Call a local vehicle insurance company and ask if you can take a few minutes to ask some questions. Ask what the insurance rates will be for you when you are ready to drive. Also, ask what the rates would be for someone your age who is not taking any driver education classes. What will the rates be when you are 25 years old? What are they for a person without driver education? What are they for someone convicted of driving while intoxicated? If anyone could spare me the phone call, it would be greatly appreciated.""
Do you need to be full time student to be in your parent's insurance?
I'm a cancer survivor and on 5 years health watch on Kaiser. I just turned 22 yesterday and I have 9 units of credits in college. Do you need to be a full time student to be in my father's insurance? or did they changed the law? I live in Bay area California.
If i take an online drivers ed what will it do to the price of my car insurance?
The insurance companys told me that my insurance would be cheaper if i take the actual driving class. but will it still be as cheap if i do the class online?
Baby Insurance at 19?
I doubt it will, but, I am 19 years old and I am still on my mom's insurance plan. So if I were to get pregnant, would the insurance cover my baby's delivery and pregnancy appointments or would I still have to pay the noninsured payments.""
Car insurance?
im trying to look for a cheap car insurance company any ideas??
How much do you think it would cost for a 20yr old to insure a toyota yaris?
Ok so I have my heart set on owning a Toyota yaris. I want a new ish car, I'm thinking of a 59 plate which would probably cost me around 6700, which I'm willing to spend. However I'm really confused by the insurance. In my head I anticipate that the insurance would cost me anywhere upto 2000 with me only being 20. But I went on a price comparison website and entered my details as accurately as possibly and it quoted me the lowest comprehensive cover price of about 500. I only want a 1.0 litre engine Toyota and I know that its in insurance group 2 or 3, but surely the insurance would be far more than that?! How much do you think it would cost to insure. I passed my test 3years ago and have been on my parents insurance since!""
Best Maternity related insurance in California?
Hi, I work as a consultant and looking for a best medical insurance for my spouse for pregnancy in California. Though we have insurance, not sure if its the best in this state. She is not yet pregnant. What would be the average charges for a good medical insurance in this state for pregnancy. Your answers highly appreciated.""
Where can I go for the best and cheapest classic car insurance?
We have a 1965 classic mustang and want to insure it for it's restored value.
How much Roughly for first car + insurance?
I am 15 looking to start saving for a first car in in the UK by the way. Also I'm talking about insurance for when im 17/18 year old my guess would be around 5-8k for a first car plus insurance? Thanks
Driving points for no insurance?
How many points do you receive for driving without insurance in michigan?
Does anyone knows if AIG agency auto is the same as granite state insurance company in California?
Does anyone knows if AIG agency auto is the same as granite state insurance company in California?
Is the health insurance paid to lay off employee taxable?
If a company paid it's terminated employee a 6 month health insurance coverage, does this health insurance insurance payment taxable?""
Will insurance be cheaper for our 2010 Hyundai Elantra than our 04 Tahoe?
We just bought the Hyundai Elantra yesterday and were looking to see how much of a difference we could expect .
How much do you pay for your car + car insurance?
I pay around $300 for both the car (2001 Hyundai sonata) and the insurance, but me and my husband are having our second child and we know that we need something bigger but cannot find an suv for less than $300, then we still have to pay for insurance. Is anyone out there that pays less than that for a good suv? Thanks for the help""
Where can I get cheap kite insurance?
Here's the hypothetical situation. I'm flying my kite at the local park. Then someone's RC plane hits the kite line. The RC plane stalls and falls 100 feet, hitting a soccer player and killing him. Then my kite, which has been cut loose, hits the windshield of a car causing it to have a collision with a pedestrian... So, where can I get insurance to cover a situation like that?""
A question about the affordable health care act!?
My wife was born in 1955. She would like to retire, collect Social Security when she turns age 62. Since she cannot get Medicare until age 65, we were thinking about getting her ...show more""
Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker?
Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
Why does car insurance cost more on a black car?
Why does car insurance cost more on a black car?
Does full coverage auto insurance usually cover a large tree branch denting your car?
My husband just called from work to tell me our car has a huge dent in the passenger side. Sure enough, there is a large branch of tree in our drive way. Before I call the insurance I wondering if you know this answer to this so I can know what to expect. I am with State Farm and have full coverage.""
Is it easy for a new driver to get car insurance?
I just recently got my license im 21 would it be easy for me to get insurance what are they going to look at.I dont want to use my parents car insurance i want my own for indep reasons.Is it true they look at education
Ninja 250 insurance for a 17 year old?
I have no wrecks tickets or anything on my record for driving a car. I want a motorcycle because they are cool and get like 2-3 times better gas mileage then my car. The problem id my parents complain they are dangerous and thy also say the insurance is like 3 times as much. I live in the U.S will the insurance be a lot, if so can you give me a estimate per month? Also since a 250 is cheap and not very fast will that make a difference in safety and insurance price?""
""Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
Motorcycle insurance in MA ?
Hi i have called several insurance companies about insurance for a motorcyle in MA. i havent found one that offered it. Geico, even nationwide and allstate dont offer it. i dont understand how Allstate doesnt offer motorycle insurance in all states but any suggestions or cheap insurances for a single 18 y.o in MA would help. thanx""
How do i get my insurance quotes lower for driving?
im 17 and i want to insure a car but every quote i get is allways about 4000 - 10000, is the any way i could get them lower on my quotes? like having another person as a driver and things like that?""
""Does any one know of any cheap car insurance, for my 18yr old son, whos just passed his test.?""
Does any one know of any cheap car insurance, for my 18yr old son, whos just passed his test.?""
What kind of insurance do you have and do you 'like' it/is it good?
I want to switch insurance companies, but I don't know how to decide what to switch to. Insurance is such a confusing thing to start with that I need to find a company that is helpful as well as affordable. I'm looking for a company to cover automobile and homeowner's insurance, and if possible life insurance too. Thanks for the help.""
Driving course make teen insurance cheaper?
In Florida, you get a discount on insurance if you take a driver's ed class, but will taking a private driving course outside of school do the same? Anyone know the average cost for teen coverage?""
How can they justify the cost of car insurance?
Hi I want to know how are car insurance company's able to justify the extra costs for men over women, I've just had to pay 2620.18 for my insurance (the cheapest i could get) and have just checked to see how much i would be paying if i was female and the same company was charging only 1693.19 and the new cheapest is now 1549.89. I can honestly not see how they are allowed to charge me an extra 926.99 purely because I'm a guy. I'm sure there would be an uproar and complaints if company's started charging more for people of different ethnic origins so can they get away with this?""
Motorcycle insurance is so expensive?
Basically I'll be doing my cbt test this Wednesday so I can ride my 125cc supermoto which I use for dirt biking. Checked insurance on my Yamaha WR125X and it's 1400 for comprehensive, da fk is this? After seeing that I was physically sick. So I thought I'll just check on the most cheapest moped and it's 700 which is still expensive.. How the fk do these kids I see with mini coopers afford insurance and all I wAnt is to ride a small 2 wheel sht face. I'm 18, 19 this march, work full time. Can I find it any cheaper anywhere? Should I go for third party insurance? I just hate my life""
How much does a chest X-Ray cost with no health insurance?
i've been experiencing pain in my chest, and i think i need a chest X-Ray. the only problem is, my insurance papers haven't gone through yet, and they won't for about a ...show more""
I have a question about health insurance?
if a contact is lost will health insurance get you another pair
What is the best kind of life insurance to get? Which is most affordable?
(term, whole, universal, variable) I also would like your recommendations on good companies.""
Car Insurance discrimination?
I was filling out a car insurance quote form online , I put my mother as the main driver and me as additional but accidentally put me as a spouse , the quote came back as 400 pounds. As i reviewed the quote i notice my mistake and changed it to Other ( Spouse , Partner , Other only listed ) and then my quote came back as 2000 pounds. I am 18 years old and getting car insurance is hard but my question is how does being married make me a safer driver and is it possible to take insurance companies to court because of there overlooked age discrimination""
Car insurance!! :(?
Right...Passed my test.. got myself a lovely corsa sri 1.4 16v But i cant get it bloody insured with a good quote! Best ive found was quinn-direct with 2700 per year.. thats with pass plus? does anyone know some really good car insurance companies that will insure me for that kinda car? baring in mind im only 17 =[ Thankssss.. Any help greatly appreciated!
How much would insurance be on a 2005 Maserati Quattroporte for a 19 year old?
Clean driving record, driving for 3 years. Dads buying it but insurance will probably be mostly me, curious as to how much it would actually be?""
About how long does it take to get plates for a new car through insurance company?
I just bought a new car and i have no plates for it. How long will it take for me to get the plates if I'll be registering through my new insurance company in MA?
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
Full coverage insurance ...?
if you have full coverage car insurance does it cover you even if you take a trip that is a 1000 miles are is there a limit on how far you go?
Question about my car accident and insurance?
Last night I was involved in a 4 car pile up. I was stopped at a red light when i was hit. I felt the impact of all the cars behind me. The lady who caused the accident was drunk. She was arrested. I have state farm full coverage. She has state farm insurance also.. So here is my question: I owe 7000.00 on my car. The car is valued at maybe 6000.00. Even though I was no way in the wrong, will I have to cover the difference if my car is totalled. (which it probably will be) And also, have severe neck pain. I contacted an attorney. As much pain as im in, im scared to miss work. Will this affect my case if i miss no work. (And if i did miss, it would only be for a couple of days)""
Car insurance n registration?
i had just bought a used car n i was wonderin to get the car registered do u need the insurance first or is the other way around??? help i dont want to go into the dmv not knowin
Is it illegal to buy insurance out of state?
Is there any affordable way to get insurance, i am a first time driver, no collisions 17 years old btw on my dads user name, what is the most affordable way i can get insurance. All the quotes i have gotten so far have been 1300 for 6 months or more. I will drive a family car.""
How much will my car insurance be?
Im getting my own can insurance when i turn 18 in about a month, my parents are kicking me off there's i have had 3 tickets and i drive a 1998 toyota camry...""
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
Is the cost of car insurance increased when you drive a coupe as opposed to a sedan?
I want to buy an acura integra and i want to know if the 2 door would be more expensive to insure than the 4 door because of the 2 door's sportier appearance. I'm almost 19.
Is group insurance cheaper than individual policies dollar for dollar?
I know they give discounts when husband and wife enroll but if you have the same insurance carrier,united of omaha, is the group going to be cheaper necessarily?""
""In NJ, Can you get a driver's lincense but not have car insurance or a car/drive? TEN POINTSS?""
I'm 18 years old, female. I've always wanted my driver's license. I have my permit that now expired. My parents won't let me get it because they don't want me to get into an accident and because they said insurance is sooo HIGH! Is it possible to pass my driver license test and not be on an insurance policy and not drive any car? Not drive at all, just own the license. I have a job and would get my own policy, but it would just be even more expensive!""
When getting a car insurance quote do they run your credit?
When getting a car insurance quote do they run your credit?
Why are drivers often required to carry car insurance even if their cars aren't worth much?
I want to know why a driver has to have car insurance if the car isn't worth much. You know like a old car from way back in the day?
Can auto insurance company refuse to pay claims if Company Vehicle?
I have a company vehicle for 5 years now and ok to use for personal needs. Now they have come out with new company policy. It states if in an accident on weekends or whenever it is used for personal reasons and I am in an at fault accident all damages and claims will be denied. Another words if I get in a wreck and do damages to vehicles, bodily injury or whatever while driving after work hours or weekends their insurance company will not pay any claims. It states I am responsible for all damages if using for personal use in an at fault accident. Question is can they actually do that. Can their insurance legally deny all claims due to the fact the I was using the vehicle outside of normal hours and for personal use.""
Car insurance for the young?
any body know where to find cheap car insurance for my son aged 17 tried the usual site ie compare and money market.com just got him a 1999 1,2 corsa i have ten years ncb on my own car the wife has been on my policy for 7 years with no claims the corsa is going to be registred in my wife name thanks very much""
Compare Auto Insurance Quotes With Local Agents?
I know there are many different sites where I can compare auto insurance quotes. I am wondering if there are any sites that have local agents available on them? My local agent just retired and I am looking around for new coverage, I just don't want to call everyone in the phone book you know.""
Why is my insurance going up?
I've been working with my employer for 7 years, as of right now I have employee & spouse coverage, I pay about 150 a month (auto deduct from paycheck) and that amount gets me a $5000 deductible and about a $25-$30 co-pay. this morning in a company meeting we were told that our insurance is going to go up (starting June 1st) now for employee and spouse it is going to be $410 a month (everything else the same as before co-pay and deductible) last year my hubby had some medical issues and we have about $7000 in medical bills (on a payment plan we pay $400 a month) so now when my new rate kicks in (in about a week) I will have to pay a total of $800 a month just for medical stuff... I can't afford this. my employer is very upset and wants to shop around but has been shopping around for 8 months now and can't find anything better than this. why is health insurance rising?? I am thinking about dropping myself from health insurance all together (I am 31 and healthy), also i plan on getting rid of my cable and internet (which would save $140 a month), my husband (with medical issues) will get health insurance through his work (about $160-$200 a month) and I will go without for a couple of years just so we can keep our heads above water... I just have a question about my plan of action- can I drop my Health insurance? will I get fined for opting out of health insurance when Obamacare goes into action next year?""
Car Insurance estimate?
I know it's a bit impossible (like asking what's the length of a string) but I am wondering if anyone knows a rough amount , or has experience of how much car insurance would be for a 19 year old - near 20 year old male in the UK. I would be a named driver on one of my parents cars (A vauxhall Corsa 2013), my parents have no points on their license. I would only be using the car when I am back from University so for a maximum of about 3 months a year so not for the full year! I have heard of some people younger than me getting insurance quotes as a named driver for around 700 but I am unsure if this is true. a) Are there any insurance websites where you can calculate an estimate for a Named driver? ( I know ones for the main driver) b) would it be worth to pay it monthly ?... c) any estimates roughly? (an estimate within 200 or so! ) Thank you ! P.S if anybody magically knows of how much it would be for me to be with an insurance company as a named driver yet still gain no claims bonuses (as many named drivers don't get no claims) I'll be extremely grateful!""
Health insurance for a single 23 year old male?
Well I have a couple of questions of how does this health insurance work. Do i automatically qualify right away after i pay all the fees? I want to know an estimate of which insurance best fits me and so on. I'm new to this so any advice will do. I have a link that has 10 best health insurance but don't know which to choose. http://health.usnews.com/health-plans/ca
What/how does car insurance work?
as you may have gathered i am not the smartest person to know how car insurance work! im learnin how to drive soon and i might get a car of my own so i can practice in my spare time and i guess ill be insured in that car i know its an absolute must to have car insurance and i think you have to pay taxes? how do they all work? what does insurance cover/not cover? i've been told if i get into an accident, i wouldnt have to pay for any of the damage cuz insurance covers it all BUT you have to buy insurance? slightly confused by that... plz explain to me in a very clear, concise manner as if youre talkin to a 5 year old child how car insurance work. for reference how much insurance costs, im a 20 year old female""
Rental car insurance -- what does it cover?
We are going to Vegas in a few days and are renting a car. Since this car is going to be in and out of parking garages, I think it's a good idea to buy the rental car insurance @ $ 10.99 a day. Say while the car is in the parking garage and someone scratches or dings the door, would this insurance cover it? That's all I'm really worried about.""
Does my credit score affect my car insurance costs?
Someone told me it did... but that just doesn't make sense!
""Free medical care-for adults-in Tampa,Florida?
can people with health problems who has no insurance get free medical care.
What is the cheapest car insurance for women college students?
19 year old female. 1999 Toyota 4runner
Is it possible to find a health insurance plan with no deductible requirement?
I found the perfect plan for $33 a month, but it has a $10,000 deductible. WTF? Unless I become pregnant and have a kid, or need surgery or whatever, I find it impossible to make a $10,000 bill within a year. That's too much. I've always been healthy and rarely need to visit doctors. Then I was looking at other policies and they were more expensive, but they all had deductibles. One was like $160 a month with a deductible of $5,000. And anyways, I'm a college student and financially independent which means that I am no daddy's girl -I have to work to support myself and pay some school expenses. I don't want to depend on my parents financially in any way (they are willing to, but I just feel like at 21, I shouldn't be their responsibility anymore) so I always worry something would happen to me and they would have to pay hospital bills for me. I can't afford paying a very high deductible or a high monthly quote. Any hope for me? ..or should I move to Canada?""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I already pay $270 a month for car insurance for my truck. If I were to buy a 1992 Jeep Wrangler, how much more will it go up?""
Can a car have two insurance policies but two different drivers?
for instance i have a car and i am insured with my insurance company, can my friend/relative then go and take out another insurance policy from a different company so he can drive, with out having me on his policy. two separate insurance policies for two separate drivers but one car. Thank You for your help""
Anyone know a cheap insurance companies for first time drivers?
I've got my test tomorrow, so i want to try and set up some insurance but its hard for me to find quotes under 2k""
How much would my monthly insurance bill be (18yr old male)(i just want a ball park figure)??
When I turn 18 I am going to buy my first car (im 17 now). I can't decide which car I want to get. Please tell me about how much insurance will cost me for each one. I will be on my own policy. I will get my license just before Im 18. I live in California. My car choices are: 1. 2009 Nissan Versa Hatchback 1.8S 2. 2009 Honda Civic Sedan LX 3. 2009 Toyota Matrix S 4. 2009 Chevrolet Aveo Sedan LT
Anyone know insurance companies that will sell life insurance to severely obese people?
Anyone know insurance companies that will sell life insurance to severely obese people?
Why is insurance for mazda cars so high?
I heard mazda cars often increase your insurance? Why do they? Is it for a good or bad reason? Answer with detail please :)
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
Vining Minnesota Cheap car insurance quotes zip 56588
0 notes
Car insurance confusingggg?
"Car insurance confusingggg?
Hey I'm looking to get a new car I'm 22 been driving 3 years and have been driving a boring 1.2 since I started so i finally ready for a new car. I got some quotes I originally jus wanted a 1.6 pertol or something but I got a few quotes on more powerful cars just for a laugh. To my suprise I can actually get insured on cars like 2.5 litre turbo ford focus st and golf gti etc. so now obvioulsy i want one of them but concerned about fuel consumption might cost alot I was also thinking about a audi a3 2.0 tdi which is a diesal. heres where i get confused the focus and golf are a fair bit cheaper to insure than the less powerful diesal a3 I really crnt get my head around this, I have got my quotes from confused.com and had one directly from a insurance website it seems strange and too good to be true. Any know why this is and also anyone got any suggestion on fuel consumption in big engine pertol cars
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance on 2011 subaru STI?
I'm 19 sold my truck that had become a money pit and saved about 5 grand to put down on a new car. I make about $1950 a month at my job and have been there for a year. I came across a subaru Impreza STI for the price of $29000 only has 400 miles on the car and I can afford the payments per month (around $400) I'm just curious about insurance costs. I'm 19 been driving for 3 years no accidents and no tickets... What should I expect for insurance per month??(ballpark estimate) my insurance guy is not in til tomorrow just asking to see what you guys think
How much is monthly insurance rates?
What are the things you pay insurance for and how much...
How do i fight GAP insurance?
hello.... so i purchased a vehicle in 2006..... didn't like it too much so i took it back to dealership and traded it for a different vehicle and bought full warranty on it. dealership said the warranty was good for 50000 miles or 4 years. the vehicle was totaled just recently and i owed about 7500 dollars on it. my insurance paid 6100 dollars for it and i was thinking ok no problem the gap will cover the rest , but the gap insurance is only paying 212 dollars on it. they said there was some left over loan on my old car which they will not cover... i don't know much this insurance crap but its really breaking my balls that i will have to paying almost a 1000 dollars out of my own pocket. is there any i can fight gap insurance and have them pay the entire left over loan??""
""In CA, would my mom's car insurance cover my car?""
I live with my mom in California and we both have cars. I just bought mine recently under both mine and my mother's name but do no have it insured. My mom does have insurance though. I got in a little fender bender a couple days ago but when the report got filed, I got a citation for not having my own car insured. What I mean to ask here is, if my mom has car insurance and my car is under her name as well, would her insurance cover me, therefore leaving the citation void?""
Im 18 and i want to buy my mom a car but its for her can she put the insurance under her?
so i buy the car cus i have better credit than her but i cant put the insurance on me itll be too much is there a way we can make this work
17 year old male car insurance?
I am due to take my practical driving test in the near future and have been doing some research, hopefully (fingers crossed) i pass my test and all goes well there and i obtain my full uk license, but on websites like gocompare etc i pretended i had passed my test already to see what the quotes would be like, so i used a 1995 clapped out renault clio (1.2) and used my dads details as the proposer including his maximum amount of No Claims Bonuses with me as the 1 extra named driver, and it came up as 3500+!!!!!! so i took me out and it would only cost my dad 200 a year, and plenty of my friends drive around in flashy cars on their parents policies so they say, i mean how the f*** does anybody afford to insure anything?! Im just wandering if there is any point now because it seems a waste of money if i wont have a car. Many thanks for your answers :)""
Question about car insurance?
a friend of mine parked his car in another friends shed.The car was an 18 yrs old golf.The problem is that the car went on fire and took shed and all.When the owner of the shed checked his insurance he had it under insured.My question is though should the car insurance cover the building of the shed and its contents?The grand total would be 23000 euro.The shed and contents were only insured for 3000euro and the car was only insured for 800euro?
Speeding ticket will insurance go up??
Ok my fiance just got a speeding ticket his first ticket ever!! He was doing 44 in a 35. He has progressive insurance the cop told him that his insurance wouldnt go up. But I dont know if that is true. I was wondering if he pays it off or goes to court and see what happens will his insurance go up since it is his first ticket? If it helps we live in North Carolina. I was just wondering what is the best way out because right now we cant afford to much money. He works two jobs got laied off one because no business and expecting second child at anytime. So was just wondering if anybody could give up information on what is best? Thank you and somepeople said something about driving school?? But do you take that before or after court?
How can I lower my car insurance?
I have a 2010 Chevy cobalt LT. I pay $420 a month for insurance! I understand I'm 21, and it's a sports car. But I've been driving for 5 years, I've never got in a crash nor gotten any tickets. Why could this be? I know lots of younger people with much more expensive cars but they don't pay nearly as much.""
I live in adams wisconsin just got my licence and just got a car wondering what insurance i should get?
I would like to know the cheapest insurance........otherwise i will just go on my dad's insurance
How can I lower my car insurance?
I have a 2010 Chevy cobalt LT. I pay $420 a month for insurance! I understand I'm 21, and it's a sports car. But I've been driving for 5 years, I've never got in a crash nor gotten any tickets. Why could this be? I know lots of younger people with much more expensive cars but they don't pay nearly as much.""
""If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
Cheapest Sport Motorcycle to insure?
What is the cheapest sportbike to insure??? I have a Suzuki GS500E right now but want to upgrade and don't want to pay GSXR type insurance.
Car insurance in the uk?
Anybody no any good cheap companys in the uk??
""Can you NOT have car insurance ? ? and if you buy a car in cash , what is the tax on that ?""
okay i'm new to America and i'm planing to buy a car for about 14000 in cash , do you need to get insurance ? and is the tax on cars the same as sales tax ? , and any info about buying my first car ! would help !""
Liability Insurance for an Electrician?
I am an electrician and would like to get liability insurance because I do a lot of jobs on my own. Where can I find this? And is there an inexpensive plan? I live in New Hampshire.
Auto insurance is expensive for my teenager son. Are there any options for me to keep expenses down?
I'm makeing payments on truck for him, now that he can drive, do I have to add him to my insurance? And how much more will it be? I hear some parents don't tell there insurance, they just say there child is borrowing the car. But my son does not live in the same house hold , but is in another city over. Can I still just say he is borrowing the truck. If he gets in a car accident I understand it's on me, but will my insurancecand the law see it in that manner.""
What insurances will insure scooters?
I am planning on opening a scooter rental business very soon. I need to know how I can get these scooters insured. How much usually would it cost. Please let me knoe someone.. Thank You
Looking for quality boat insurance that does not cost an arm & a leg?
Looking for quality boat insurance that does not cost an arm & a leg?
Insurance help- good insurance?
MY dad n step mom were going to claim me on their insurance as long as they could (age 26) i just turned 19 and my dad n step mom divorced, my stepmom dropped my dad and i off the insurance but my dad has no insurance bc he owns his own business where hes the only employee and i am now left with no insurance, i am currently searching for a job. i need insurance ideas, i live in oklahoma. We have soonercare but i do not qualify bc i am over age 18 and do not have a kid. So my question where are some good health insurance companys to try and enroll for?""
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
Best health insurance in colorado?
Best health insurance in colorado?
Insurance for surgery?
how long after i get insurance can i get surgery? i dont have insurance yet but i am planning on getting one (ppo). i am planning on getting surgery and i know that insurance will cover it, i just dont know how long i have to have my insurance for?? are there any insurance rules i need to know. any insurance agent out there help plz!""
How much is car insurance for a teenager?
Just an estimate, I'm getting my license in a couple months and it would be nice to know. I'm getting added on my parents plan btw.""
Help with car insurance quote please?
If I have my own insurance it's 2,400, But if I put my girlfriend on it, it comes down to 600 but she's only got a provisional and I have a full uk licence were both 17 Just wanted to know how it comes down so much if she can't legally drive a car...without someone with experence? Or should I stop complaing?""
Car insurance confusingggg?
Hey I'm looking to get a new car I'm 22 been driving 3 years and have been driving a boring 1.2 since I started so i finally ready for a new car. I got some quotes I originally jus wanted a 1.6 pertol or something but I got a few quotes on more powerful cars just for a laugh. To my suprise I can actually get insured on cars like 2.5 litre turbo ford focus st and golf gti etc. so now obvioulsy i want one of them but concerned about fuel consumption might cost alot I was also thinking about a audi a3 2.0 tdi which is a diesal. heres where i get confused the focus and golf are a fair bit cheaper to insure than the less powerful diesal a3 I really crnt get my head around this, I have got my quotes from confused.com and had one directly from a insurance website it seems strange and too good to be true. Any know why this is and also anyone got any suggestion on fuel consumption in big engine pertol cars
Would I be able to afford this car and car insurance?
I make $1200 a month. I currently pay $400.00 rent and $70.00 for my phone. I'm looking at a car that would cost me 180.00 a month plus 100-120 in car insurance. Plus groceries. 130 a month. I'm just worried I wouldn't be able to afford this but I really need a car. What if I move out and rent goes up? I'm a stressful person and stress about everything before I commit.I also have a dog to take care of. What do you guys think? Would I be able to afford It or would I be way to close to barely living?
""Where can i get the cheapest car insurance on a peugeot 206, toyota yaris, vauxhaul corsa or honda jazz?""
Im 17, learning to drive and need as cheap car insurance as possible. Ideally i'd like any of the cars above, though if there are others that are similar and have really cheap insurance, i'd be grateful to know Also if you have any useful information about any of these cars... thanks""
How much would insurance cost?
How much would insurance be if I bought a Mustang GT or GT Premium coupe with a 4.6L V8 and 260hp? I'm 15 and in driver's ed, one of the best in class, I make all A's in school, if that matters, and I'd prefer an estimate for liability and full coverage. By the way, I'm a good driver, I'm more concerned with driving smooth than driving fast. I want a Mustang GT because my friend has one and I love it. It would be a 2000-2004 model and I live in Alabama""
Can a 17 year old get medical insurance while pregnant?
My friend just found out she is pregnant today. She has no idea where to get medical help for her and the baby. She is only 17 she doesn't turn 18 til march. Where can she go to get help?
Whats the cheapest car to insure when your 17?
im 17 years old and learning to drive a manual. im looking round to see what car is the cheapest to insure. i don't mind the make and model of the car. i was wondering if you could give me ideas on the cheapest car to insure, for both manual and automatic. thankyou.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 yr old girl in FL?
i want a car, something sporty but it can also be 4 dr too. =]""
Will a speeding ticket from another state affect your auto ..insurance?
Will a speeding ticket from another state affect your auto insurance?
Insurance question?
i'm from texas and had an accident. i crash and my name does not appear in the insurance policy as an insured driver. but the car is insured with liability. will the insurance still pay for the damages of the other car. i am 17 and have a driver license. or wat can i say? should i say something like i got the car without permission or something like that
Car insurance!?
I have recently bought a new car but im 21 years old. the car is in my name but i want the main driver to be my dad and then me as an additional driver. is there any cheap insurance companies that will allow that. or has any1 aged 21 that has been driving for 2.5years got cheap insurance thanks
My parents just lost there health insurance. ?
My dad retired from the city of Stockton after 36 years. Due to our city filing bankruptcy all retirees now have to pay for there health insurance(1200 dollars a month for my parents). This is just not affordable for then so they lost there insurance. My mom takes enbrel for her medical condition. How can I get her that medication at an affordable price? I have been looking but can't find any help. My parents are 60 years old.
What is the cheapest and best car insurance company?
I live in pueblo CO
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
""A question about car registration, insurance, etc?""
If I purchased a used car from a private seller, or even a dealer, the title was given to me and I go to the DMV to register it under my name, etc what happens next? Am I allowed to drive the car while waiting for the registration tags to come in and for me to find insurance for the car, or is my car supposed to sit in my driveway until all the registration paperwork with the DMV is completed?""
How long do I have to take traffic school after i receive a speeding ticket in the state of California?
I already paid for the ticket that I received last December but my insurance went up, can i still take traffic school to get it off my record? If not, are there any ways I can lower my insurance?""
Where can i get car insurance for under 2000 for my 17 year old son?
just passed his test
Looking for a insurance rider policy?
I am looking for some info on insurance rider policy, also want to get a good one.""
What is the best car insurance company for a 16 year old?
I'll be turning 16 next year and i want to get a headstart on what the best car insurance is for a 16 year old male in New York
Car insurance site for 18 year old !!?
does any body no of a decent car insurance for an 18 year old ?
How much a rental house property insurance should cost?
I rented a house and the mortgage company says I need to have rental insurance. I do not want to cover my tenants stuff, just the house in Nevada. Thanks""
What home owner insurance do I need to purchase?
If I buy an apartment and pays the HOA fee, does that cover the basic homeowner insurance?""
What is the average auto insurance increase with one DWI?
What is the average auto insurance increase with one DWI?
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
I need motorcycle insurance?
Does any one know how i can get cheap motorcycle insurance, im only 17 and i have a few tickets, so its not gonna be cheap, does any one know how i can get cheap motorcycle insurance?""
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 turning 18 in like four months. I would really like to get a car but I need to see if I can afford it. If you could please list your car and how much you pay for insurance a month that would be really helpful.
How much could motorcycle insurance be for a teen in California?
My mom has geico, how much could it possibly cost for insurance? and I'm also a good student, so can't I get the good student discount? and my mom also has a great driving record.""
Car insurance confusingggg?
Hey I'm looking to get a new car I'm 22 been driving 3 years and have been driving a boring 1.2 since I started so i finally ready for a new car. I got some quotes I originally jus wanted a 1.6 pertol or something but I got a few quotes on more powerful cars just for a laugh. To my suprise I can actually get insured on cars like 2.5 litre turbo ford focus st and golf gti etc. so now obvioulsy i want one of them but concerned about fuel consumption might cost alot I was also thinking about a audi a3 2.0 tdi which is a diesal. heres where i get confused the focus and golf are a fair bit cheaper to insure than the less powerful diesal a3 I really crnt get my head around this, I have got my quotes from confused.com and had one directly from a insurance website it seems strange and too good to be true. Any know why this is and also anyone got any suggestion on fuel consumption in big engine pertol cars
Car Insurance Cheap!!!?
Where to find really cheap car insurance?
Does vehicle modifications raise insurance?
Things like new Wheels, body kits, engine swaps and etc. Would modifications raise insurance?""
How much you pay for car insurance if your in early 20's?
I'm a 21 year old college student. Im going on to my junior year and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. I got a quote from Farmers Insurance for $2600 for 6 months full coverage is that normal?
Good dental insurance?
I am looking for a good, yet inexpensive dental insurance company...Any suggestions? I live in cali, if it matters""
USA Insurance for New Immigrants?
Hello!! I would like to inquire about medical insurance for new immigrants in the state of Florida. We have been here for 1 year now and who or what organization should we turn to? I have heard that a lot of them are expensive. I was told that we could get family insurance through employment -- but at the moment, my mom is the only one working with us, 3 dependents. So suggestion?""
Auto Insurance questions?
I just bought a new car and moved out of my mothers house. I have been on her auto insurance as well since I was going to school while I was living there, after graduating, I finally ...show more""
NYS car insurance. NYS only please?
My insurance is due on the 18th of October. I cannot pay until the 1st of November. I will be 11 days without insurance. WILL I GET A SUSPENSION or PENALIZED for 11 days?
How much worse is your insurance if your vehichle is red?
How much worse is your insurance if your vehichle is red?
What is the average premium of auto insurance in Toronto?
How much do people in Toronto spend on their car insurance every month? I am moving to Toronto this summer, and I am having a second thought about taking my car with me since I will live by the campus. I only have an one year experience of driving. I know the premium depends on a lot of factors but I am only looking for an approximation or a price range. $100?200?300? Any suggestion of car insurance company? Thx, and I really appreciate your help!""
What kind of life insurance is best?
My wife and I are both working and we have a baby now, I'm thinking of getting life insurance, but have no clue where to start. There seems to be a bunch of options...and advice/suggestions on how to get started? Thanks.""
Cheaper on insurance 1980 lincoln or a 1995 blazer?
i have a 1980 lincoln mark VI it has a 351 (5.8 liter engine) and a 1995 chevy blazer im 16 and im trying to decide which one to drive they both get the same gas mialage about cause the blazer is an suv so im deciding which would be cheaper on insurance for a 16 year old i think the blazer but im sure hoping not cause the lincolns prettier lol
Insurance when financing a car ?
What is it called when the dealership , covers your insurance for a day or so and lets you take the car until you get insurance on the car.""
Choosing a good car which has cheap insurance---I live in CANADA?
Car choosing help--I LIVE IN CANADA.? I need help choosing a car that is going to be low insurance for me. I'm 22/female/college grad/part time worker/full insurance G / Went to driving school. Thanks in advance.
Why do so many people complain about Health Care and not as much Car Insurance?
Why do people complain about the health insurance system when the car insurance companies rip people off just as much as they do?? Where are all the protesters? Most people act like the car insurance companies are doing you a favor when they are really not. They try to use unrealistic worse case scenarios to SCARE you into buying an expensive full coverage plan you do NOT need. They prey on your fears. So how come nobody questions the practices of Auto Insurance companies like they question the health care providers?
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates?
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to affect insurance rates?
Can my ex get car insurance under her own name since we are both on the title?
My ex drives a car that is under both of our name. She lives in a different state now. She recently switched insurance companies and they issued a check under both of our name since the insurance was under both names due to the title. However, I suspect she has gotten new insurance under her name only. Since I co-signed the loan and am on the title to the car, shouldn't the insurance be under both names?""
Life insurance policy?
for 5 million dollars for 5 kids. A million per child. Two are 18+ and receive money right away. Younger 3 will live with one of the elder. How much will the bank cut each month to take care of the younger children (7,8,and 17)? The money (full million) stays in the bank for each until they turn 18.""
Is there any affordable health insurance when you are a smoker with high blood pressure?
Is there any affordable health insurance when you are a smoker with high blood pressure?
What is the average insurance rate for a 16 year old driver.?
16 year old driver with a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I do realize I must contact my agent (dads agent) for exact amounts, and that it varies a LOT even by zipcode. But I am needing just an estimated amount to draw up some figures. I am looking at a 2009 Suzuki Equator or a 2008 Suzuki XL7. Please help! Thanks! (California)""
Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)?
Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)?
Does 15 mins save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Does 15 mins save you 15% or more on car insurance?
If I have my license but do not own a car do I need car insurance?
I am planning on getting my drivers license this summer and do not have my own car. I would be using my parents car (that's insured) until I get my own. Would I need to have insurance for myself or is it enough that the car I would be driving is insured?
Car Insurance Question?
I recently bought new insurance from Nationwide. They want me to send in proof of prior insurance along with other documents. My last insurance was under our family business so the insurance card doesnt say my name, rather it says the business's name. will this be a problem?""
""What is a good affordable dental, health, car, & life insurance?""
What is a good affordable dental, health, car, & life insurance?""
Which make of cars are cheap to insure?
I'm planning on getting a new car but which car manufacturers make cars that are cheap on insurance? It seems Honda is on the higher side, but I was looking at Mitsubishi and theirs seems pretty low, and Mitsu is the one I was going to go with to begin with. Any suggestions? Assume it's just a normal non-sports car.""
Car insurance confusingggg?
Hey I'm looking to get a new car I'm 22 been driving 3 years and have been driving a boring 1.2 since I started so i finally ready for a new car. I got some quotes I originally jus wanted a 1.6 pertol or something but I got a few quotes on more powerful cars just for a laugh. To my suprise I can actually get insured on cars like 2.5 litre turbo ford focus st and golf gti etc. so now obvioulsy i want one of them but concerned about fuel consumption might cost alot I was also thinking about a audi a3 2.0 tdi which is a diesal. heres where i get confused the focus and golf are a fair bit cheaper to insure than the less powerful diesal a3 I really crnt get my head around this, I have got my quotes from confused.com and had one directly from a insurance website it seems strange and too good to be true. Any know why this is and also anyone got any suggestion on fuel consumption in big engine pertol cars
How long does it take Home owners insurance to pay?
My house had a pipe burst, a guy from the insurance company came and took pictures of everything that got damaged. My xbox 360 was sitting in water and he took a picture of it. How long will it take till I know if they are going to cover it or not?""
How will my insurance premiums be affected?
I got into a minor fender bender. No scratch on either car but the person I hit (I rear-ended them) is claiming that I caused their airbag light to go on. Now they are going through the insurance process and it is not known yet whether they will claim against their own insurance company or go through mine. How do you think my insurance premium will be affected by this? Thanks for your help.
Insurance for a 2003 F-150?
Hi, i am 18 yrs old, im wanting to find out how much i would expect to pay for a 2003 f150 on insurance. Or what is the best insurance company that works with you and is not as expensive just because im 18. And how much do you pay for insurance on your ford f150? Thank you!""
Is car insurance higher if your car only has two doors?
If your car has two doors, instead of four, is the price of car insurance higher?""
Is it a legal requirement to have insurance when you are self employed?
I am about to sign a contract, as a self-employed contractor, and one of the point refers to me having liability insurance. Is it a legal requirement?""
Can i cancel my car insurance immediately? cancel same day and not pay for the following month?
The reason is i sold the car and the insurance guy said the car is still in the system (1st of the month), so i would have to pay still. he said if i canceled on the 15th it could have been canceled sooner and i wouldn't have to pay. i just think it's odd since i don't even have the car anymore. not sure if this makes sense? thanks""
How Much do you think my car insurance will go up on a new car ?
OK I just bough a new car today......its a 2011 model and i traded in a 2002 model .....Im 19 years old...over the past 2 years of driving my insurance has been $100 a month and last month it went down to $75 ....i know you may not know how much just an estimate .
How much does it cost to rent or lease a?
How much does it cost to rent or lease a car for 3 months? Do i have to pay it all in advance or pay monthly? also insurance options or mandatory full coverage?
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
Insurance Question for lawyer?
i have an insurance that i paid full for six months and it still has two months left however, someone called the insurance place and cancelled my insurance. they didnt pretend to be me, they just know somebody that works in that insurance place, it was the same person who had recommended me to that place. what really bothers me is that this person now knows my information, what car i drive, address, color of car, any and all information that the insurance place has. i know i can get my insurance reinstated because i paid it for six full months and everything is under my name my question is if their is anything else i can do, or does anyone know of any laws that this breaks. im sure that its illegal i just dont know the laws, help anyone?""
Insurance Q???
im gonna be getting a car over the summer or on my 16th b-day (winter time) My parents Have State Farm, my zipcode *45616* (ohio) i want a convertible how much do you think my insurance will be, or W/ a Truck.""
Cheapest way to get insurance?
I will be getting w car when I am 16 and excuse my lack of knowledge about the technical side of cars, but my plan is to but a 05 plate Astra for 1000 or less which leave me with 1500 to get insurance. If I were to get the cheapest insurance, bearing in mind I will only be doing like 2 miles a day and the car is very small, I would assume it would cost me around 3000. Now, I know about 'fronting' but what if I was put down as MAIN driver for MY car and in put my mum and dad down as named drivers, I would guess it would then cost me around 2200, can anyone tell me if this would work please? And if not why? My parents would pay for tax and Mot and that stuff! Thnx guys""
""Car with fault, expensive to repair. can it be and insurance write off job ?""
If i had a car with a fault that was too expensive to repair, is there any way i can claim insurance writs off with insurers.""
Question about auto insurance?
I'm 16 and have my license and my own truck that i am the primary driver on, but i'm also the secondary driver on my dads truck does that make my insurance cost more by being the secondary driver?""
Can I get car insurance on my dad's policy for me for only a day or two?
Okay so I live in CA, and my car is in the shop and my insurance has been stopped because my car needs a new transmission and I don't have the money to fix it yet. Anyways, what I wanted to ask was my Dad is going out of town for a few days and is leaving his car at home, I wanted to know if I could get insurance for myself on his car though his insurance company (AARP) for use of his car for only 2 days? Please get back to me, and put a source if possible, Easy 10 points.""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
Which car insurance have you got the cheapest quote from for a 1.0 car?
my family is looking to buy a new car. My mum would be the main driver...my father the additional driver and me as another additional driver my mum has had her license for 15 years my dad has had it well over 30 years and i just passed a week ago any suggestions for the cheapest car insurance company ive been to gocompare but some sites dont show up any result....well quite alot frankly that i cannot go to each one individually to find a quote
Cost of 350z insurance for 18 year old.?
Hi, I was playing around with insurance quotes form Geico and in order to insure a 270hp sportscar costs as much as a regular family sedan? It gave me a quote for 158$ per month which seems low. IS this actualy the price of insurance for a car like this?""
Is there a way to see how much car insurance will cost before I buy a car?
I am looking for a starter car and currently think I might have found one. This summer when I come home from college I am planning on getting a summer job and my mom is allowing me to use her car. But I thought if I go a head and buy the car I found that I could save up my money from working to pay for insurance and gas. My only question is how much would my insurance payments be? I know you can get quotes online but can you get them for a car you do not have yet? If not, is there anyway to know?""
Occasional Driver Insurance.?
My had has 02 Mazda under his name as a First Driver and Insured. I got my G2 License Dec 11 and i have been using the car ever since ~ 40-100KM a week. I am not insured in any way. I got a Left-Turn Signal Ticket and the COP did not say anything. I got stooped 2 other times driving a work car not in my name and they did not say anything. Is it safe for me to drive like this. I have been told by some family member that i have to be listed as a Second Driver. Whats the benefit on this? I am 22 years old. Would it cost a lot to get Insured?
Will first time speeding ticket in Georgia increase insurance premium?
I got a speeding ticket for driving 15 miles over speed limit (was driving at 60 in 45mph. The other drivers were driving over 55, but I got caught because I overtook another ...show more""
I'm shopping for Auto Insurance can you help?
Can anyone tell me their experience with GEICO insurance. I'm shopping for auto insurance and they have the better quote so far. I've got quotes from State Farm and Allstate. Thanks...
Please help with this health insurance problem...?
As an immigrant to the US with no job or citizenship, only holding an American Visa, and in a month to have a Green Card, what can you tell me about getting a health insurance? any information available and any websites please.""
How much can i expect to pay for storage insurance?
I plan on getting a street bike, and sitting my truck. I pay 1400 dollars a year for full coverage right now.""
Does anybody have Progressive auto insurance?
Im thinking about getting Progressive auto insurance, I live in Massachusetts so the prices seem too good to be true. So is it a good insurance company.""
Car insurance confusingggg?
Hey I'm looking to get a new car I'm 22 been driving 3 years and have been driving a boring 1.2 since I started so i finally ready for a new car. I got some quotes I originally jus wanted a 1.6 pertol or something but I got a few quotes on more powerful cars just for a laugh. To my suprise I can actually get insured on cars like 2.5 litre turbo ford focus st and golf gti etc. so now obvioulsy i want one of them but concerned about fuel consumption might cost alot I was also thinking about a audi a3 2.0 tdi which is a diesal. heres where i get confused the focus and golf are a fair bit cheaper to insure than the less powerful diesal a3 I really crnt get my head around this, I have got my quotes from confused.com and had one directly from a insurance website it seems strange and too good to be true. Any know why this is and also anyone got any suggestion on fuel consumption in big engine pertol cars
0 notes
What’s the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
"What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Republican want to ensure that 45 MILLION Americans have NO Health Insurance part of their 'Family Values'?
These are mothers, fathers, children, babies - who have no access to affordable health care - but who still get sick - and who subsequently (quite often) lose their homes to ...show more""
Insurance didn't report?
My sister couldn't afford to pay her car insurance. Her insurances company never reported to the DMV that it was canceled. why? She even got speeding tickets and i thought the police do a run when they pull you over. how is this possible?
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for convicted drivers?
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for convicted drivers?
I need to get rid of my car because the payments are way to high and insurance sucks?
I bought a 2003 Toyota Avalon a little more than a year ago from a dealer. I put 7000 dollars as a down payment and now am paying 240 a month for 60 months. Its getting kind of hard to pay off the car now with all of the costs going up. The total price of the car was 15000 and I got a bumper to bumper warranty for 5 years/100,000 miles when I bought it at 35,000 miles. The car now has 54.000 miles. How do I trade it in for a car that would cost me less than 200 a month Thanks""
How much does it cost to own a classic car?
So I was on craigslist looking at Camaros for fun. I came across a 1979 Camaro Z28. The car was completely redone in 2001 and a new 350 crate engine was put in it in 2003. The car has new leaf springs, suspension bushings and tires on it. The new engine and trans has just under 45,000 miles on it as well. The seller is asking $5500. Ive driven it and am pleased. The car seems to be strong and is of good quality. If I were to get this car it would only be brought out on nice days, probably over the summer. Next year the car would be 35 yrs old so im assuming its considered a classic . What would be a good estimate for 50yr old man in Pennsylvania to own this type of a car that is rarely driven. Again the car is in good shape, only a little rust and probably wouldnt even see 1000 miles a year. Just curious for some input.""
Insurance quote for 2002 Chevy Cavalier z24?
Hi, I am interested in buying a 99-03 Chevy Cavalier, and I am wondering if anyone knows how much the insurance would cost per year or month? I'm a 17 year old male, and this will be my first car. Also have finished drivers' ed.""
Can my car insurance be cancelled?
I have had insurance for 20+ years. I recently called them to tell them I had moved. For the first time EVER they are insisting (through phone calls, mail and email) that I MUST give them information on who I live with and what THEIR car insurance is. I don't want to give this out. Can they cancel my insurance? Has anyone ever heard of this?""
""One more question on insurance,,,, do I HAVE to cancel existing insurance on my mums car.....?""
i have a quote from an insurance company who is willing to give me temporary car insurance for 3 months on my mums car, it works out cheaper then going on as second driver, they said i have to cancel my mums insurance but maybe that is because they wanna make money at the end of the day, my mum is saying i don't have to cancel the existing insurance but i aint sure, i just think she is worried she may not get the refund for paying for a full years insurance if she cancels... help me out guys !!?""
""Is a motorcycle cheaper than a car in terms of maintenance, fuel and insurance?""
No matter what I get, my budget most likely will be $5000. But i'm talking about other costs like maintenance, fuel and insurance. I know fuel obviously is much less than a car for motorcycles, but how about maintenance and insurance? Basically i'm a highschool student, I'll be going to college next year, its a 50 km ride one way. Public transit would take me 2 hours...so If possible, i'd like to get a car or motorcycle. I already passed my first road test, but I don't have a motorcycle licence, but I'd like to. Infact the college i'm planning on attending does motorcycle courses and licencing. I'm thinking that If I do get a bike, i'd ride it for september- early november, store it for the winter, then spring till the end of the school year. Obviously I'd ride it during the summer too! I dunno, what do you experts think? You think its a good game plan or am I just in over my head? Which should I get?""
Do i have to have a motorcycle license to get motocycle insurance?
Do i have to have a motorcycle license to get motocycle insurance?
Insurance on a 1979 Dodge Challenger?
I know I've asked this before but this time I'm just being a little more specific. I'm looking for how much insurance would be on a 1979 Dodge Challenger. I live in Ontario Canada near Toronto. I am a male and single. School and work are within 15 Kilometres of my house. I will be 18 when I get the car, I will be the principal driver on this car and there are 3 other drivers in my house. My driving record is clean, no accidents or tickets.""
How much will the incurance go up after i start driving?
im 17 and i want to get my license. but my parents are making me pay for the difference in insurance cost. so i was wondering how much it will go up. we have usaa btw
How much more is it to insure two personal cars vs. one?
I am just one guy, I live by myself and nobody drives my car but me. I keep insurance on it but conditions may turn out that I will end up with a 2nd car. I would ultimately drive them both and have them insured but how much is it for one person to insure a 2nd car? Is it (premium of one car) X 2 or more like 1.5(P) I hope this wouldn't be too expensive and make it not worth it.""
Do Car Insurance check my previous insurance company?
I was thinking, Will New Car Insurances do a backup check on my previous insurance or they just start on a new claim and use the information based on that. The thing this will be my first car and as the price is high and if i say I have done a car insurance with that company will my insurance price go down as no claim for one year.""
Long Term Disability - Life Insurance?
If you were no longer able to work and went on short and then long term disability from your job and then you die, is your family still eligible for life insurance that you had through your employer?""
Health Insurance Grace Periods?
Which health insurance companies offer only a 30 day grace period? Thanks.
""I was informed that my surgery will not be covered by my insurance, and so what can I do?
Is there an additional insurance I can buy immediately or a California option to get me through this?
What is a fast car for a teenager that still has good insurance?
I am looking for a car and was wondering what the insurance was like on what. this is mostly for guys who own fast cars and pay insurance on them i was looking for mostly imports but i do also like some american cars. was thinking VW jetta/passat thanks
What health insurance plan should I buy?
Hi I'm currently looking for a health insurance. I live in southern California. I'm a 27 year old female, 30 lbs overweight, no known medical condition, looking for something to cover mainly major or serious medical problems. Dont know whats better Kaiser Permanente or Blue Shield Blue Cross? Should I look for a high deductible plan or a copayment plan, PPO or HMO? Really confused!!!!!!""
""17 yr old in uk, looking for any tips to get cheaper car insurance.?""
looking for helpful tips to legally lower the price of my car insurance ie what company to go with, whether i should put my mum on my policy etc.""
Health Insurance for adults!?
My mother is 62 and has no insurance. Im being told she needs tests run and needs to be seen immediately. Is there any type of insurance that can help her?
How can I get insurance if I am not working?
they say its going to a law you have to have insurance well what if your not working did they come up for something for that
Can You get Insured for a car thats not yours?
My girlfriends car is un insurenced and she got her L's suspended can i get insurence if im driving her car now?
Car Insurance liability question?
My husband recently got into a car accident, in CA, he rear ended a car in front of him. Our insurance liability coverage is only $10,000 property damage. So we have received a letter from our car insurance stating that the amount owed may be in excess of the $10,000 property damage limit. Does anyone know what happens at this point? We don't have any assets that they can take away, I'm on leave from my job starting on July, we seem to be living from paycheck to paycheck and now with this, I'm just worried since I don't know what is to come? If you have any additional questions, please ask thanks to those that respond.""
Best car to insure in GTA 5 online?
I need a car to insure and upgrade but not sure which one is the best help?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
America - Are you legally required to get Car Insurance?
In the UK you can't go on the road without insurance, is this the same in america?""
""Ran a stop sign, will my insurance increase?""
I am 20 and accidentally ran a stop sign today and got pulled over. I am in FL and the ticket is 166$. I am under my parents insurance and was using my dads car. I was planning on paying it rather than doing traffic school or trying to fight it, i'd rather just get it over with and pay the dang thing. But, my question is will it show up on there insurance that 'someone got a ticket on this day for this price and this reason and raise their insurance even if I pay it off? Reeeally don't want them to find out! Also, how to pay it?""
Is there a grace period on car insurance coverage after a cancellation for California with Mercury insurance?
Had coverage with Mercury insurance. Expired 12/05/07, but renewed it on 12/07/07. During the on day lapse was hit by an uninsured vehicle and now Mercury insurance states there is no grace period, so I wanted to know if there is a California law that states other wise?""
Being on your parents insurance and having a baby?
This is completely random for me, but me and my mom were just talking about this and wondering... Say a 17 year old gets pregnant while on her parents insurance. Would she have to get her own insurance? Would she have to pay as an adult would have to? Any personal experiences? Just wondering! Thanks :)""
What are some good dental insurance carriers with affordable premiums and copayments?
I live in Southern California ( High Desert area ) and I am looking for a good dental plan and dental carrier with affordable premiums and copayments. I need mostly restorative dental work, like replace too llings, bridges, crowns, root canal and braces.... I currently have Kaiser medical insurance and would like to try Kaiser dental and I am also considering Aflac or Delta Dental.... anyone have experience with any of these carriers or have any good advice for me? Thanks in advance!!""
Motorcycle insurance depending on class of bike?
What are the types of bikes? I was told Sport Touring, Sport, Super Sport, and Cruisers? I was told insurance is cheap on Ninja 650r's, sv650's, and Ducati monsters. However it is really expensive on super sports like zx6's, cbr, r6, gsxr, and so on. If I get a older bike like 2002 or older zx6/cbr/r6/gsxr will the insurance be as expensive as a 2010 sx6/cbr/r6/gsxr? Or will it be around the cost of a 650r/sv650 etc...thanks.""
Insurance on Mitsubishi Eclipse RS?
Right now Im a 17 year old male. I just got my stage 2 license so I can finally drive alone=D Now I'm looking to get a car. Right now I have my eyes set on a Mitsubishi Eclipse RS for the nice look, but not having too much power that would boost my insurance. I was suppose to get a mustang GT form my step dad but thats WAY too steep for me. The Mitsubishi RS has 140 HP w/ a 4cyclinder 2.0 lit engine. Would this be a good car to start with on insurance rates/would being in the national guard reduce my rates?""
What are the people called who work for the insurance companies?
That spy on people who claim insurance from not working because they pulled their back, or twisted there neck, etc.. they usually take pictures, or film them for court evidence to see if they are really telling the truth about there injury. thanks""
How much could my car insurance increase if I pay a 90.00 fine that included 1 point on my record?
I have a clean driving record so would it be worth paying the ticket and watching my insurance go up a few bucks? I can't imagine my insurance going up too much for a single point, but maybe I am totally wrong. Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated.""
How much is car insurance for a 97 corolla?
please don't say ask your insurance company because i wont know until a couple days later. i just got my license and im 17 years old and i have a 97 corolla. The car isnt in the BEST condition but its still in pretty good condition and i was wondering how much would the insurance be considering i took driving classes at the school and am dadap certified (that alcohol lesson thing) thanks
""Can you NOT have car insurance ? ? and if you buy a car in cash , what is the tax on that ?""
okay i'm new to America and i'm planing to buy a car for about 14000 in cash , do you need to get insurance ? and is the tax on cars the same as sales tax ? , and any info about buying my first car ! would help !""
Where can I find affordable but a very good individual vision insurance plan?
I've check out VSP but I'm not sure if it's the best and only choice out there for me. I also live in Pennsylvania if that helps out any.
How much does insurance cost for a chimney sweep business?
I am starting a chimney sweep company and I was wondering what is an average cost to have insurance for the business (bonus points if you can say all of the types of insurance I might need) I know the standard answer is to say there is no way of knowing since this all depends on a number of factors but I literally have no clue what it would cost so ANY estimate or guess is appreciated. The business will be in Maryland and have just 1 employee with revenue I am guessing would be about 60,000 a year if that helps.""
Can you buy multiple life insurance policies?
If one had a whole life insurance policy valued at $1M, and through a life settlement company sold it for $455K; could you essentially use those same funds to purchase another life insurance such as a universal life insurance policy for $1M?""
""If i was an officer in the air force, does that military help pay car insurance?
how nice r the houses on base and how much meal do i get to eat per day while living on base?
What is the best life insurance to get BEFORE melanoma diagnosis?
I am 99% sure I have melanoma on my leg. Have apt soon to get this confirmed and staged and start the process. I am a nurse, I know the process, and know the outcome can be one of many. I do not currently have any life insurance, never have. I have 2 small children and it is JUST me and then, no close friends, no family. Worst case scenario, if I only have a short time to live, what would be the best LIFE insurance I can get before getting this diagnosis? I would need something in which they could not cancel me if I am diagnosed with cancer within days of purchasing a premium. Today is May 11th, I should have my diagnosis by May 29th. I would like the biggest policy at the most affordable rate (I don't make as much money as you would think), but its also important that I get the fewest stipulations. By the way, I hate to admit it, but I am a smoker. I quit from 2009 to late 2010, but then started up again when I started RN school (am an LPN now, graduate from RN school in 3 weeks). Any solid advice would be appreciated. In laymens terms please.""
About car insurance and drive?
Hi, Anyone can tell, if my insurance for on my name third party only and my friend have just new license and he can drive without anything else like insurance!! If he can't. By legally so if he'll catch when he's driving my car so by uk law what punishment /fine For me?? Or. I'm safe!""
Im 19 and look for a cheap car with some power but quotes below 900?
im 19 year old i got my full licence for 2 years now and im looking to buy a car a cheap second hand one any would be good to be honest just need it to be 1. big so people can fit in comfortably 2. reliable 3. good mpg 4. not ugly 5. 1 litre - 1.4litre 6. and ermm it must be a car nice to drive and can go on motorways without struggling thanks i was thinking about a vw polo or a vw golf but im not sure if they would be cheap on insurance thanks :)
Does car insurance rate depend on a car's make and model?
I'm trying to decide whether to buy a 1999 toyota camry or a 2003 honda accord and i'd like to know if it makes a difference on the rate depending on year. I also recently got into a car accident that was my fault which i know will obviously increase my rate.
How can i get affordable car insurance for myself?
i have really struggled to find my own car insurance, i am 18 years old, i have taken pass plus, at the moment i am on my mums insurance, i do have a part time job, do you have any suggestions or ideas for affordable car insurance for someone of my age?""
600cc Sportsbike insurance?
im almost 21 and im getting my full motorbike licence soon. i want to get a 600cc sports bike as my first ever bike, but im not finding any attractive insurance deals. Does anyone know of a 600cc sports bike that comes with a good insurance deal in london?""
How much do Hyundai Coupe S's cost to insure?
Annual Insurance 2002 worth 600 17 year old male driver
Im 20 years old. Just wondering when i should buy life insurance?
Im 20 years old. Just wondering when i should buy life insurance. ? I have a bf live at home with my parents. I have a car loan out for 18,000. Have a full time job. Just wondering if its better to purchase when your younger. My bf and I have been together for 6 years.""
""Sad Love Story, Car Insurance question for a 19 year old. Please Help. Will reward 10 points?""
I have been seeing this boy for a while now and I have completely fallen for him. My entire life fell apart in high school last year and he's the only thing that has gone right. He is the one person who makes my heart race all fast and stomach do flips with those butterflies. I'm absolutely crazy about him. I have my license but I'm just not ensured. My grandfather found a receipt I left by accident in the car and looked at the miles and I got the car taken away. I can't stop crying, if any of you are in love you know how I must feel. I can't stop crying. I know exactly how Juliet must have felt :'( Now on the the insurance question. My 70 year old grandfather won't let me drive anymore until I'm insured. He has esurance and I am 19 and want to get added onto it. Does anyone have any idea of the cost? It would help me out so much so I know how much I need to save. I guess till then I will have to take the bus to see him :( thank you! I will reward best answer.""
Insurance for expecting baby?
Where can I get free / low cost health insurance for my expecting baby? In louisville, Ky ???? Please help!!! Im 18.""
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
How long does it take for insurance rates to go up after getting speeding ticket?
how long does it take for your insurance rates to get affected if you get a speeding ticket.. does it apply right away or do i have time to go to traffic school.. and if i go to traffic school will all evidence of there ever been a ticket disappear?
Getting health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
I just quit my job and no longer have health insurance. I also have a very mild case of Chrons disease....I take pills daily for it, but other than that I'm in great health. I would like to get on a health insurance plan. What are my options? Do you think I will get turned down because of my Chrons? If I can get on health insurance, what range will I be paying per month for coverage?""
""Question about health insurance, dental insurance?
Hey so my tooth is really hurting? I'm thinking of getting dental insurance and then going to the dentist. If it turns out I need a root canal or something really major-- will they pay for it? I mean-- do I have to declare tooth pain before hand or how does this work exactly? So confused...
How much average premium for Car insurance....?????
i need some basic info... about car insurance..in NJ STATE... record is clear and 3 years exp....need to know average range... Most of people paying.......
Does anyone know a company that will give homeowners insurance if you own a pit bull?
I'm looking for a insurance company that will insure homeowners insurance if I have a pit or pit mix in Upstate NY
What are some discounts that many auto insurance companies offer that might help save some money?
10pts to best answer. Question about auto insurance policies? I just earned my drivers liscence. My father is dreading the cost of adding another driver to the family auto insurance policy. What are some discounts that many insurance companies offer that might help save my dad some money when the premium is due?
Car provisional insurance?
Well i was wondering i bought a renault clio im on my provisional licence and quoted 900 pounds for a provisional insurance and 2000 for full licence if i payed 900 for a provisional would i then have to pay 1100 to get it to full insurance or the whole 2000 to get it to full insurance?
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old mail in Florida?
And which insurance company is the most affordable provider?
How much would bike insurance cost me per year?
I'm 22, looking to get a Ninja 250, am going to complete a Motorcycle Safety Foundation course, and have a clean record. What would be a reasonable, average price I'd be looking at for either basic or full coverage?""
Questions about car insurance?
Is it illegal for someone to drive someone else's car if they do not have car insurance, but their friend (who owns the car) does? What would happen if they got pulled over for a ticket . . . would there end up being a big problem? What about if they had an accident . . . would they be covered under their friend's insurance? And are there are some types of insurance that would cover an accident if it was caused by the uninsured friend of the insured car owner? Thanks so much :)!""
Is this car insurance thing true?
I heard online that in Texas if you drive less than 35 miles a day, you'll get a HUGE discount in your insurance. It this true? Or is this just a lie?""
How much does life insurance cost monthly for a 28 year old nonsmoking female??
How much does life insurance cost monthly for a 28 year old nonsmoking female??
Cheap scooter insurance in UK?
In February of next year I will be buying a 50CC scooter and taking my CBT, What would be the best companies to go to for cheap insurance? I'm planning to pay in a lump-sum :) thanks""
If private insurance companies are so bad...?
Why doesn't the government nationalize life insurance and car insurance?
How much is car insurance for a 18 year old male in CA?
I'm 18 years old, get good grades, and I'm buying a new Nissan Versa (in Magnetic gray). The car's going to be about 14k total (out of the door price). I'm wondering which car insurance company I should go for, and what a good price would be. My parents are debating whether I will be added to their insurance plan, or if I will get it sepatetely. Does anyone have input on this? Thanks~""
""If you have Mercury Insurance in the state of Florida, how much will the insurance cost for new 2014 Kia Forte?""
It's the base car no extra things in, just the LX""
Cheap insurance for new drivers? Please help!!!?
Hi guys, I really need some help. I'm just pricing up car insurance, I currently have a provisional licence and i take my driving test next week, I'm doing insurance quotes for a 2005 volkswagen polo s 55 petrol 3 door Manual car, and I've being looking at prices for provisional drivers and newly passed drivers and the prices are ridiculous. Provisional is coming in at approx 1300, which I can cope with for the year but as soon as I pass my test BAM! prices are looking at about 2,700. I've done everything right according to the advice in the internet, we have a secure garage, off-road parking, during the day it will be kept in a secure office car park. I've tried confused.com, comparethemarket, confused.com, gocompare etc and the prices between provisional and full licence are topping 1,200 in difference. Does anyone know of any websites designed for new drivers or maybe places i could look and get quotes which aren't on comparison websites? or maybe any tips that I could use to reduce the quotes because they are ridiculous. We've added on two drivers with over 30+ years each on and also my boyfriend with 7yrs no points. all have no convictions, record, points etc. Thanks :) Kirsty""
Insurance question for my car?
when i turn 16, if my mom calls and just puts my car under her as driving it, and dont mention that i will be driving, if something happens would i be covered under her policy or would i not be covered since i wasnt one of the names insured. it is alot cheaper to just go under her, but if i got pulled over, or anything happened would i be covered under insurance.""
I live in PA...I never had car insurance but I'm buying my first car. I can't get a car insurance quote so...
how can I drive the car off the lot if I don't have insurance? I'm lost...can somebody help me solve this problem? Thank you.
Dose anyone know any cars with cheap insurance for a young driver (under 1000pa)?
Im looking for a car with a small engine so the insurance will be as low as possible. can anyone think of any good cars.
What are the other things do I have to pay for besides the car and insurance?
Okay my budget for my first car will be 1000 pounds insurance will be about 4000 or even more...whats MOT and Tax? what about breakdown cover? I'm thinking about getting breakdown cover because I dont really have anyone to call if i'm in trouble...it would save me the embarassment...
How much money will the insurance pay for a stolen car?
Someone stole a family member car. The car is a total lost. How much will the insurance pay for the car. Is a Honda Civic 2006.....if i go to Edmund.com, or one of those sites I saw the car is worth about 12,000 dollars....... How will he know how much money he will get from the insurance company...thanks..bye""
I just found out I was pregnant and have no insurance. What do I do?
Due to my husbands green card status we have been warned not to use Medicaid as they don't have to renew his green card. We make a combined income of 36k which isn't much and already have a lil one. Are there any options out there. I am expecting to need another c-section...which means $20k... this isn't exactly the time I want to stress. This should be a happy time!!!
Insurance polices at work?
a friend of mine works for a local mall where i'm from. the company he worked for varsity he took out a 10,000 insurance policy left me as heir should anything happen to him. when varsity left the mall and another company took over. he and his co/workers are told the insurance policies they took out and left another as heir were only good providing varsity remained in the mall. how is it legal to charge someone for such a policy. once the varsity left the mall they were told they get nothing""
Car insurance for 2004 Mustang?
I'm looking at a silver 2004 Mustang with a manual transmission. I'm a 17 year old boy and my insurance is State Farm. About how much will my insurance be? Also, how much will registration and licensing cost?""
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
""Fast, fwd or awd, reliable, manual car that's cheap on insurance?
I already thought of a few possibilities. RSX Base 5 speed 05-06 Mazdaspeed Protege Scion TC Legacy GT Celica GT (possibly gts) EXPENSIVE INSURANCE (I live in NJ) RSX type s WRX EVO Just looking for ideas. Preferably cars that are cheap on insurance and easy to mod.
Which insurance is cheapest for young drivers?
My parents are making me get my own insurance and I'm 18 and live in PA and plain on getting a 96 Cavalier don't know if this will help any but here us the VIN: 1g1jc124xtm104843 thank you
""Looking at Insurance Quotes & found a car under our address that is not ours, what to do?""
so my family has been looking at insurance quotes the last couple of days and this random car always shows up under ours address along with the actual cars we have, my parents are worried someone might have used their name or sumthing.. how do we deal with this and who do we ask? on one of the websites I got the last 6 or so digits of the car's vin number. My brother suggested asking police department or the Security of State but who can provide us with this information and what exactly do we ask for ??""
""Hi all, does any 1 no where i can get multiple car insurance quotes instead of searching 1 by 1?""
i would like 2 enter my details and have multiple companies offering insurance, instead of doing it 1 by 1 does any 1 no where i can search for multiple insurance quotes thanx all""
How much would I pay for motorcycle insurance in Hawaii?
How much would it cost to insure a 500cc or less motorcycle in Hawaii for a full-time female college student with a 3.0 or better GPA who is 19 years of age and single and has one speeding ticket on her record? I would just like a ballpark range to work with so I can decide whether or not I want to buy a motorcycle for going to college and work while I'm here in Hawaii. I passed a motorcycle safety course and have my M1 license. I want to know if I could afford the insurance.
""My friend already has auto insurance on her car, can I get my own insurance on her car or do i have to own it?
I have a Job interview at Coke Cola and I need to show them proof of insurance on the vehicle I drive however i do not own the car but ill be able to drive my friends
Accept $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep insurance policy?
Hi, I'm wondering whether anyone can help me decide whether it is a better idea to accept a $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep health insurance. Assume the person in question is 50 years old and in good health. This is a timely question for many auto workers. Any links to more in-depth analysis would be great.""
Hi my partner is learning to drive she has bought a car the insurance is expensive for her can she get?
full insurance through someone else
I lost my Health insurance and I need to find affordable coverage asap?
I had tenncare but after i turned 21 it ended i have medical conditions that require me to take medications daily. does anyone know of a good affordable insurance that covers doctor visits and prescriptions that will take me with pre-existing conditions? I have asthma, PCOS, and other things that i have to take daily medication for to be able to function. I am bi-polar i have ADHD and severe social anxiety i am also manic depressant and schizophrenic what can i do to get some health insurance??""
Do I need car insurance?
I am getting my permit in a week. Do my parents need to add me to the car insurance policy?
Car insurance go up if not your fault?
If somebody hits you from behind, and it's completely their fault, you file claim for insurance, does the non-fault person's insurance go up?""
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
Cheapest car to insure for first driver 17?
i want to be drivign this year but the insurance is crazy! i looked at a 1l corsa 1litre is one of smallest engines you can get and its 5k a year so what cars are cheap to insure at 17 and a roughly figure? i dont want any ridiculous cars such as fiat panda smart car ect if im paying so much i want it to be semi nice the ford ka is also abit to feminim for my liking i like minis golf polos 106 corsas astras those type of cars cheers :] would really appreciate the help cheers joe
What is the cheapest car to insure for first-time drivers?
I passed my test last November, and am looking to get a new car. However, every single car from Ford Fiestas and Vauxhall Corsas to Renault Clios and Citroen Saxos have come back for somewhere between 2500-3000, even some ridiculous quotes maxing 5000. I'd even settle for somewhere in the region of 1000-1500, and before you tell me, I know how expensive car insurance is... believe me. I'm 20 years of age and passed my test first time back in November if it makes any difference.""
As a 22 female driver about how much would a 2010 camaro insurance cost? i have a perfect driving record?
As a 22 female driver about how much would a 2010 camaro insurance cost? i have a perfect driving record?
""After what age in the UK is drivers insurance, cheaper?""
im 20, i passed when i was 18. at what age is insurance cheaper, i know it depends on where you live, car, model, engine etc but at what age?""
""Changing insurance companies have active claim with old one, what happens?""
I have a claim with my current insurance company, waiting to get the deductible don't have it handy. But I found I can get a better rate with a different insurance company. What happens if I change companies before I get my car fixed? Does the insurance company still have to pay when I get it fixed since it happened when I was covered by them. Or do they not have to pay it since I'm no longer covered by them?""
How much flood insurance do I need in a low risk area?
I called my insurance carrier to get a agent to get a quote. He told me limit option starting at $100K and went higher to match the limits of my Dwelling coverage, and ended by saying ...show more""
What is the average premium of auto insurance in Toronto?
How much do people in Toronto spend on their car insurance every month? I am moving to Toronto this summer, and I am having a second thought about taking my car with me since I will live by the campus. I only have an one year experience of driving. I know the premium depends on a lot of factors but I am only looking for an approximation or a price range. $100?200?300? Any suggestion of car insurance company? Thx, and I really appreciate your help!""
Can you cancel a car insurance policy and take a new one with a different company the next day?
My girlfriend is currently paying 197 a month for her car insurance, but we did a quote with another company will all legit details and they have quoted her 880 for the year. Can i ring up and cancel her current policy and take out a new with with this other company? or are there issues With doing this""
What companies are best for cheap car insurance for young UK drivers with provisional licence?
I have tried confused.com etc I am 20 and have a 1.5TD
What's the cheapest liability insurance?
What's the cheapest liability insurance?
Where do you get your insurance or financial information from?
(e.g. friends, family, websites..) Be specific. What are some ways to make it more convenient for people to get their information? Thanks!""
Why did my car insurance get higher?
My car insurance is going up over $100 per 6 months *shocked face* I am curious. Is car insurance in general getting much higher? Or would this increase be due to a wreck I had in January? (It was totally not my fault, but the guy who hit me wasn't insured.) p.s. If it makes a difference, I use progressive insurance. I spent over a month calling around - they had the best offer for me last year. But now I guess it's time to see what else is out there.""
What to look when I am trying to get medical and dental insurance?
In the last couple of months Ive been trying to get medical and dental insurance. I dont have much problem with my health but my wife gets medicine and needs some dental work. In my country everything works different when talking about insurance, Ive been into a couple of websites, doing some researches but I still have some doubts about what exactly to look and get. I want an affordable and good insurance so I can help my wife with her medicines and stuff, when she gets pregnant and in the future just in case of emergency.""
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
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