#he thinks I'm smart or something because we've mostly talked online
bailies-me · 1 year
c'mon world why do I have to be such a fuckin coward. i hate the fact that even tho it's on me that I'm this way, i can only feel pity for myself. like if i was any more self absorbed i would drowned in a pool
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lola-andheruniverse · 2 years
A rant about TWD S11 and the amount of screen time for different characters
This is a BIG rant, so I'm putting a break here to not annoy anyone who don't want to read it. If you want to read it, there's lots of love for TWD characters and hate for AMC right bellow.
Okay, so I'm seeing a lot of hate to the amount of screen time Eugene/Josh McDermitt had this season. And I would like to point out how this makes me both sad and angry - and how it begins with Eugene but it's not about him.
So, Eugene deserves to be developed as any other character on the show. He's part of TF/main cast. McDermitt's on the show since S5! That's seven years of commitment! And McDermitt always gave us an incredible performance - so much that he had to quit SM on 2018 because he suffered so much online abuse from the fandom who disliked Eugene's arc with the Saviors. He could have left the show altogether but he stayed because he has love for his character and TWD.
But, as said, this is not just about Eugene - it's much deeper than that, I think. It involves all the main characters arcs on S11.
Other talented and marvelous actor who decided to stay with us until the end, dedicated years of his life to TWD and also got his share of online abuse? Seth Gilliam/Father Gabriel. Gabriel's arc was pretty chopped on S11. Remember all of his struggles with his faith on 11 A? It got mostly resolved off screen. And don't even get me started with his relationship with Rosita.
What about Christian Serratos/Rosita and Ross Marquand/Aaron? Fan favorites since their first appearances on S4 and S5. Legitimate TF members and two others main characters left to dry on S11! We've barely saw them!
Aaron's arc begun with him struggling to keep ASZ running, then they got him randomly involved with another weird cult-like group that ended up being Negan's new group because oh yeah he used to work on something like that before the world ended lets use that so GA can see we didn't forget this info about him whatever and now he is stranded in a horde with chances of being killed by a smart walker just, you know, because.
Rosita was supposed to be part of the CW rebel group and fight corruption inside the police force but we never saw that happening! And don't even get me started with her relationship with Gabriel. Yep, I'm repeating the phrase because COME ON!
Ok, GA didn't like their romantic relationship, but at least let us see they properly ending it and being a good example of respectful exes who are still friends and co-parents. TWD IS ABOUT FOUND FAMILY DINAMICS! GIVE US THE DAMN FOUND FAMILY DINAMICS! Oh, with this I also wnat to highlight that we should have seen more Aaron + Gracie and not those what three scenes they gave us in 24 fucking episodes.
My point is: Father Gabriel, Rosita and Aaron deserved to be featured as much as Eugene was this past season. Especially because none of them have spin-offs on the future. These actors had to say goodbye to their characters with only a handful of scenes. Characters they cherish and love, characters they brought to life for years!Seth, Christian and Ross stuck with them (and TWD fandom, a very difficult fandom, by the way) even when they were gifted shit arcs and/or minimum screen time. Most of them got screwed over by the storytelling season after season. McDermitt/Eugene got a few chances to shine on S11 and we are complaining??? We should be complaining about how Gabriel, Aaron and Rosita didn't had the same chances! Not hating on Eugene! They all deserved to be upfront this last season and have really meaningful and deep arcs to reflect their years and journeys. But nope. Sidelined, all of them, Eugene being the exception but mostly on 11C.
Lets now talk about the main MAIN characters of the show, shall we?
Lauren Cohan/Maggie and JDM/Negan got stuck together on a never ending fight for dominance that is STILL not resolved (and bordered on sexual tension. Why? Just..why??)! What's the point of having so much time wasted/dedicated on such angsty and tiring relationship?
I'm sure Lauren would have preferred to explore Maggie's relationship with her son and her found family and to fight to rebuild The Hilltop or face the consequences of being a leader who abandoned their people and came back to find almost all of them dead. We could have seen the motherly love, the undying grief for Hershel/Beth/Glenn, the struggle to reconnect with TF and The Hilltop folk, the urgency to prove herself worthy of the title of leader again. It would be interesting and play with Maggie's layers.
I don't know what JDM would've liked for his character but he must also be tired of Negan's never ending redemption arc. And I have nothing against Annie and the baby thing besides the fact that looks unrealistic as fuck after we saw him begging to Maggie to murder him so he could be with his dead wife on S9 + "Here's Negan" especial episode. Yeah, okay, he burned Lucille twice - wife and bat - on said episode so he got closure. I get that. A new wife and baby on the way off screen? Not so much. Joining a weird group with a rough leader that looks like a cult? Even less. By the way, you guys remember those people? Did they even got a name?
And then, obviously, Caryl. I don't have the energy to discuss anymore how incredibly wrong Caryl were handled this entire season. No energy. Just tired. All the missing opportunities. All the time spent apart. All the incredibly necessary heart-to-heart's that not happened. All the pointless Leah thingy - by the way, every single point of the Reapers arc (Gabriel and the other priest; Pope choosing Maggie because God or a bonfire told him to; Leah trying to recruit Daryl who wanted to save her after she tried to kill him multiple times, only so she could become Maggie nemesis without never seeing her before; everyone that was killed for shock value; Alden's death and its 3 seconds impact; Elijah mourning his sister and then being pushed to be Lydia's new boyfriend because we have to do something with this kid, yada, yada, yada) had no payoff whatsoever.
Anyways..what I'm trying to say is: every OG/main/important character of this fucking show suffered from mediocre storytelling throughout the entirety of S11. All of them.
Even fan favorites newbies got sidelined. Eleanor Matsuura/Yumiko is the only one who had personal reasons to not appear on 11A and 11 B (she had a baby). I'm not a Nadia Hilker/Magna fan but I hate how she was mostly forgotten this season. She's an interesting character and after being missing for most of S10, she got sidelined for S11 too. Angel Theory/Kelly and Cassady McClincy/Lydia are SO TALENTED and loved by everyone and were rewarded, respectively, by becoming a walking translator and an unwilling participant of the 'let's see who unnecessarily loses a limb this season' game.
I could go on and on and on but, again, no energy. And I think I wrote too much already. In short: Eugene is not to blame. Everyone should have had meaningful arcs like Eugene. He deserved every second of it. ALL OF THEM EQUALLY DESERVED IT. All of them characters are special and loved and deserving and should be treated with respect and celebrated after so many years of existence. AMC, Gimple and co. made the decision to waste their (and ours) precious time with Reapers and other groups and characters that I don't remember or weren't even given names, CW stormtroopers, an anti-capitalism narrative that was very important but lasted two episodes, impossible to understand time jumps followed by a creeping pacing also impossible to understand followed by more wtf time jumps, and lots of Carol scenes on the kitchen because obviously that's what we want to see her doing..cooking and baking! Ha!
It's not about the amount of screen time each character got. It's about the non-existent quality of it.
AMC plays dirty, guys, and all of us suffer the consequecences. Even side characters like Diane, who is owned some peace of mind after being a soldier for every fucking battle TPTB invents. If any side character deserves a happy ending is her.
I rest my case.
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Hi, BPP! Why are Suga and JK generally the most common second biases/bias wreckers in the fandom? They really seem like the most beloved members. Also another question: so many online ARMYs seem Hobi biased, or just generally respect and praise him, so I'm wondering why he isn't among the more popular members? Thanks in advance!
Hi Anon,
The short answer to your first question is that the member ‘favourites’ in the fandom are perceived differently by different people, and even within the wider fandom those favourites are always changing. And while I think it’s ultimately arbitrarily determined, general popularity is also somewhat correlated with the member’s idol activities, physical presentation, and frequency of fan engagement at the time.
This is why you think it’s Yoongi and Jungkook being a constant bias/wrecker for most people, while I actually see it to be Hobi and Taehyung.
You’re right that Jungkook is very popular in the fandom and has mostly always been, but for Yoongi it wasn’t always like this. One reason I was quick to reassess many of my negative perceptions of Jimin, was because I recognized many of the ways people see and talk about him, was very similar to how people approached anything related to Namjoon and Yoongi. Yoongi has always had a lot of people in the fandom who love him, but in previous years there were stereotypes spread in the fandom about how full of himself, aggressive, 'fake intellectual', unstable, unintelligent, and cruel he seemed to some people. These were ideas spread by akgaes and shippers and I noticed this everywhere until just after HYYH era. Since 2018, I think Yoongi’s profile in the fandom has risen very noticeably partly because ARMYs started realizing their negative stereotypes had real consequences, though I also think it helped that all Yoongi’s ships declined (stabilized?) during that time as well. So he was getting less attention from shippers, and rapline akgaes had less to use against him given he was establishing himself as a producer (he won the Best Producer/Hot Trend award at the December 2017 MMAs). Some other things I think raised his 'aww factor' in the fandom, were the notes he sent to Taekook and the lovely Yoonmin interaction during Festa 2018, his record-breaking D-2 mixtape in 2020, his longer hair and maturing good looks, and the fact that since SOOP we've had more opportunities to see more of his practical, nurturing side.
Moving on from Yoongi, Hobi's had a bit of a different evolution in how the fandom sees him but since that's not your primary ask, I'll just say that popularity doesn't always present in the same way.
Hobi is probably the only member I can see holding a braided flogger and I won't laugh in his face, but he's not what a lot of people consider to be conventionally handsome or attractive, and it's just the fact that a lot of people are drawn to or bias those they find attractive on some level. I think his bubbly persona also sometimes has the effect of confusing people in the best case, and irritating others in the worst case. So some reduce him to the smiling cute smart dance teacher who lovingly supports all the members. Or something along those lines I imagine.
Jungkook has had to deal with stereotypes too, but he's mostly always benefited from being conventionally handsome, having stable, strong and likeable vocals, and having center and main positions in many activities. He was the first vocal line member to contribute to song-writing and he began since debut. He's had to grow up very publicly but he seems to be coming into his own, and people feel a fondness seeing his growth. He's also younger than Hobi (and every other member) and so he seems more suitable to being cared for, and sometimes its in a maternal way..
But I don't really think any of this matters.
Every member of BTS enjoys broad support from millions of people. This fandom is literally 10s of millions of people. There's more than enough love to go around seven guys. I certainly don't need the help of anyone else to love Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin any harder. And I don't think they care for that sort of coerced concern anyway.
Every member of BTS is popular. We all have our perceptions about how much and why it varies, but ultimately all that speculation is irrelevant. In my opinion Anon. 💜
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thispabulum-blog · 2 years
Welcome to Greendale!
What's the Tea? Tuesday
Alright, let’s work on getting up to date a bit. We'll talk about some nice, fun things, for the most part.
This is gonna be long, because halfway through I decided to do 4 weeks instead of just 2. Let's goooo, as the kids say.
Week 3 (Feb 27 - Mar 5):
If you're a long-time reader and/or a person who knows me well, you'll know I have this admittedly overly-hubristic idea that I'm able to read people very well and that I can make good choices. Clearly this is not true, and it's amazing I haven't been murdered yet, or even been in what I thought was serious danger (since Pickle Guy, at least).
Because my current living situation is a little more communal and a lot more Conservative Republican than I'd prefer, I try not to have too many guys over.
As a result, Weeb Dude and I decided the best plan for our first date was to get a hotel room on a Sunday so that we could watch a bunch of anime together without scandalizing anyone ("Sorry for being brown," he said). Is this a smart decision, safety-wise? Probably not.
Don't do this thing.
It was fine, though. He's not any more (or less) awkward in person than he is over text, but he paid for both snacks and dinner and we had a really great time.
We had Popeye's delivered while we tried to figure out how to hook up his laptop to the tv (we could not, and therefore had to abandon our plan to watch all of Kaguya-sama: Love is War), then watched a movie on his laptop before exploring Netflix's anime catalog. We stayed up all night watching shows, eating chips, and intermittently paying attention while cuddling.
If you're curious: we watched the movie Your Name, a few episodes of Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Senpai, a bunch of episodes of Komi Can't Communicate, and almost the entire first season of Attack on Titan. Not much sleep was had until 5 or 6 am - hot, I know.
10/10 though, would Weeb Dude again. It's a hard thing to define, really. I don't think we've had a serious conversation ever, and I know very few personal details about him, but he's amazingly good and relaxed company, does not pressure me, and gives fantastic massages. I wanted to be able to wash his hair, but hotel rooms are not super conducive to that kind of thing. I also came home with a baseball-sized hickey on my back that reminded me of hanging out with The Octopus.
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I got a message on Tuesday from a guy that I don't want to doxx but I'll call him Swipe Right. He's a Twitch streamer, has since turned 30, and streams different games for about 4 hours every weekday, so I watch him a lot. It's an interesting way to get to know someone from a distance, I've found.
He likes doing the voices when he reads dialogue, and he's really funny. He also has the coolest selection of retro t-shirts. He’s really open about his mental health struggles, and it’s nice to be able to see him interact with his online friends and audience. This feels like less of a romantic connection and more of a new friend, and because neither of us have houses we can hang out at, we've mostly just chatted.
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And then! I got a nice message on Wednesday from a guy we're calling Cuddlebug.
He was really talkative, interesting and interested. He dove in very quickly to the good topics (turns out he’s a journalist; it all makes sense now): poly life, board games, spreadsheets, and disturbing cinema. Quite extroverted, 26, very competitive/argumentative, a little bratty, mildly obnoxious.
I was in a weird place mentally that evening and asked if he could just ramble about something for a while to take my mind off things, so he spent the next 30 minutes talking/ranting about marijuana legalization (he doesn't smoke but has strong feelings about drug laws) in an intelligent and passionate way that was interesting and super endearing.
I think we both have a similar philosophy where we make up our minds about people really quickly and we're either not very interested or we’re literally down for whatever, and it seemed like we both hit that point very quickly where we felt comfortable enough with each other that it was just a given that we’d go out soon.
Luckily for me, he's got a very open schedule and doesn't mind driving, so we made a date for the next week.
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Week 4 (Mar 6 - 12):
Most excitingly (and also chronologically), I had my date with Cuddlebug (my first real first date since 2014!) on Sunday!
We'd been texting a lot and talking about going to get Thai food and then somewhere we could hang out and play board games, and I lamented that I didn't get to take enough of the good board games when I moved out.
Cuddlebug: Wait, wanna go around to half price books today per chance? We can find cheap board game
Me: Ooh I'm kinda down for that.
Cuddlebug: Yoooo it's lit. Food, half price, then vibe check after we hit a few half price books?
Me: Yesssss
Cuddlebug: Sick :D
He's…a dork, and he talks like a gamer (because he is one). We went to this Thai food place near me that I hadn't tried, which ended up being great. Good conversation, and he didn't mind when I told him to be quieter.
Cuddlebug has three volumes: Loud, Louder, and Holy Shit Bro Why Are You So Fucking Loud??
We ended up going to two different Half Price Books where we bought some board games and books. Lots of driving around and car talking, which I’ve previously discussed how much I like. He only talked about Rick and Morty a little bit.
I realize I’m making him sound terrible and obnoxious, so let me throw in some of the nicer stuff.
We were both super up-front about being really cuddly people, but he let me know how strongly he feels about energy-matching and that he would not make the first move until I had confirmed that I was comfortable.
As we were walking around the bookstore I kept trying to get close to him, but I wasn’t being forward enough about it so he kept just moving out of my way to be polite. At one point he went by the info desk to ask them to look up a book for him, and I put my hand on his lower back while he talked to the employee. That was apparently the Green Light he’d been waiting for, and it was all hands on deck after that, so to speak.
Once we were done shopping we decided to hang out at home and watch Community (which he had not seen!) and cuddle, and this is where the nickname comes in because good fucking God he is the cuddliest human.
Texts from the next day's debrief:
Cuddlebug: Now that I'm comfy with you, I will be even more cuddly; I'm super stoked about hanging with ya
Me: There's a More Cuddly setting?? You already seemed like you were about to dissolve into a cloud of cotton candy and unicorn jizz.
Cuddlebug: Ya, that was like the 8/10 cuddly setting. But ya, I was 100% melting with you. :3
After a little while of watching Community and playing with his hair, I told him I was going to change out of my date clothes into comfy clothes, and when I came back he was like “OMG you look so cute and comfy!” in the most adorably genuine way imaginable. Dude just really likes comfort.
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Before he left, he set up another date with me for the same week, which I see as the ultimate sign of a successful interaction! More on that in a bit...
An odd thing happened this week on Wednesday. I got a message from a guy I'll call Bible Camp, perhaps a bit unkindly. We started out having a very normal conversation that seemed like it was going nicely. And then it kinda veered off in a different direction. He disclosed that he was very interested in the fact that I date other guys - which, fine. He wanted to talk about it a lot, though, to the extent that like…we weren't really talking about me anymore? There was a lot of conversation about the guys I see, and very little about me.
I asked him if he was into guys (again, no judgment. I'll talk about this at some point, but most of the men I'm attracted to are into guys to some extent), and he said no. But then he kept talking about the guys I go out with, and - god, I don't want to make this blog super explicit so let me see if I can be vague about this - but there were very specific things regarding body parts and fluids that he was interested in talking about, seeing, and getting in his mouth.
I suspect him of being in denial or ashamed of being more or less attracted to men - and expressed to Cuddlebug that he looks like the kind of guy who would have fooled around with guys at Bible Camp and never told anyone about it. We'll circle back to that later.
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Later Wednesday, I got to meet some of Cuddlebug’s housemates and friends and cats when I spent the night at his house. He's very chill and unbothered by most things. We watched some weird and random stuff on YouTube, I roasted his sparse decorating choices to all my friends (his is truly the bedroom of a 19-year-old and he is 26), complained about his exactly two bed pillows which were very flat, and honestly had a really great time. He even took me to his favorite restaurant, where I had the opportunity to tell him The Pickle Story, which he greatly enjoyed.
He is the sweetest and melts super easily at any kind of physical contact or positive energy. He's got a super cute smile, and his body is bonkers. He is also an excellent communicator, big on consent and comfort, and is capable of giving (and receiving) very direct feedback. He will frequently check in to make sure I'm comfortable/happy/having fun, and reminds me that I can always let him know if he's being too annoying or if his teasing goes too far. These are all refreshing and excellent qualities in a human being, and especially in a romantic partner.
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I did have another hookup on Friday with a guy we’ll call Rancho - a short (5'5") and very cute 21-year-old Latino guy with long curly hair (noooo I definitely don't have a type, Idk what you're talking about...). It went so much better than my first foray into the genre. We chatted most of the day, we met up and got to cuddle, we watched a movie, we did other fun things that everyone enjoyed, and then we just didn’t really talk after that.
One thing that I never experienced before, though...I was preoccupied doing that thing that I particularly enjoy doing, and looked up to see this dude...vaping. That was definitely a first. Didn’t detract from the experience, though. Had he messaged me at all after that point, I would have been okay meeting up again.
And then Baymax.
Things were going super well and some very deep infatuation was happening, and we stumbled upon a bit of luck in that his parents were going out of town for the weekend. He’d had a rough week with his job and dealing with difficult family stuff, and he really wanted my company.
At 5 am on Saturday, this puppy dog of a human being drove an hour and a half across several towns to come make pancakes with me and my best friend, eat breakfast with her family, and then take me back to his house to spend the night.
We had a really great time! This is not gonna be the level of detail that I'd normally go into, but: I got to meet a friend of his, we went grocery shopping, we attempted to watch his favorite movie (Big Hero 6, of course) twice and I fell asleep both times. There were good cuddles and lots of nice touching, and we both took turns being emotional disasters and comforting the other. The next day I made French Toast, he played piano for me (the boy is incredibly talented), and then he drove me to Cuddlebug's house where the three of us melted into a cuddle puddle on the big couch until he had to leave.
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I'm getting impatient at being behind, so let's keep going.
Week 5 (Mar 13 - 19): 
Sunday was Baymax dropping me off at Cuddlebug’s house and watching Community. The two of us also watched Moon that evening at my insistence, which he really enjoyed.
He cooked for me, which may have been the hottest thing to ever happen. I got to sit in the kitchen and watch an Italian man make carbonara at midnight.
Let me turn down the lights while I tell you about it.
“Are you interested in cheese?” he dared to ask me.
I answered in the affirmative, and before my lusty little eyes he sliced a piece of baguette, poured some olive oil on top of it, a bit of black pepper, and set down a chunk of Manchego next to it.
My death.
Also the pasta was delicious or whatever. We ate it with chopsticks because there were no clean forks.
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The next morning I hung out at the house while he went to a bakery, and when he came back he interrupted a tarot reading I was working on by throwing Korean pastries at me - acceptable.
Then we watched this movie Nine Days that he suggested (so good! highly recommend) and tried to watch Oldboy but couldn’t find good subs so we ended up watching Funny Games instead. He had strong feelings about that movie, as most people do, but he really liked it. 
We quickly found this comfortable dynamic where we enjoy spending time together, but we're also 100% fine doing separate things. He was very clear that he understands I'm an introvert and that if I ever need to fuck off and be alone (especially when we're in a big group, as is often the case at his house full of loud, rowdy gamers and their guests) I'm more than welcome to do so. I appreciate this so much. I'm also fine entertaining myself while he gets on his computer and plays TFT for four hours or whatever. It gives me time to write blog posts and watch Drag Race!
On Monday, Baymax was in a car accident. He was mostly okay and didn't have to be hospitalized, but it was rough on him physically and mentally and he let me know it might be a while before he could drive again. This came only a week after one of his sisters was in a car accident and ended up in the ICU, so it was a rough time.
Late Thursday night I messaged a guy on Tinder saying "I wanna put my hands in your haaaaaaaaair!" because I'm great at pickup lines and I'm really into dudes with long, curly hair right now. He responded positively and we'll call him Little Caesar - apologies for that. He works full-time and also his entire family lives with him and also his parents don't know that he dates. So I'm not sure how much this is going to happen, but he's nice. 
Friday night Item 9 and I had planned on going out to an arcade, but early that morning he was ALSO in a car accident. Mostly he just banged up his car in an annoying way, but it had to go to the shop, so our date was a no-go. Because of kids and other partners, scheduling is tricky, but we're adults and capable of patience.
Week 6 (Mar 20 - 26): 
Cuddlebug came and picked me up on Sunday. We ran out of gas on the way to his house (I swear if one more person has car trouble…), but were able to coast to a gas station so it ended up okay. We hung out a lot, he loudly (ofc) read me an article he wrote about Super Capitalism, and then he drove me to Whataburger at 1 am so I could get food. A gem, this one.
The next day we went with a couple of his friends for lunch at this nice sushi place I'd never been to, which was amazing. Then we got home and it was storming and everyone was full of sushi, so we all fell asleep on couches for a few hours. I stayed that night and went home the next day. More Community was watched, and he showed off some of his Warhammer 40k figurines. I love nerds. 
Little Caesar and I found a night (Thursday) that he was more or less available for a few hours, and he picked me up at 1 am to go to IHOP for pancakes, and then we drove around and talked about life and relationships and stuff. We may or may not have made out in the parking lot of a restaurant that was closed. He’s definitely cool and interesting and I’d like to see him again, but because of scheduling and living situations, I’m not gonna hold my breath on that one.
Bible Camp got back in touch, one-track mind still on that same track. He's also been a little cagey about sending me pictures of himself that don't seem like catfish pictures (I did reverse image search them and not come up with anything, so it’s possible they’re just old pictures, or even just kinda bad pictures). I discussed with Item 9 that I don't know if it's just that he's embarrassed/ashamed of the things he's talking to me about, or what the deal is. Honestly, though, even if he's not the dude in the pictures I've seen, I still don't mind talking to him. I believe him when he says that he's never been able to talk to anyone about this interest of his before, and that it's nice having someone who supports it. And I'm all for helping people discover and explore their interests. You do you, boo. 
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Eclipse and I were going to finally go out Friday night, but he woke up with a 102⁰ fever (COVID test negative) so he had to stay home.
I spent the evening chatting with Item 9 instead, and ended up breaking the news to him that we are not strangers.
Me: Can I tell you something I was kinda waiting to tell you in person?
Item 9: Sure.
Me: So like. Idk if you remember this, but we have actually gone out before. It's just been getting increasingly awkward for me to not say anything about it.
Item 9: ...did we see Jaws?
Me: Aww, you do remember! Haha
Item 9: So when you talked about a virtual date, I thought about this one girl I had a few with, which was you haha
Me: I've been trying to throw hints thinking you'd catch on and say something.
Item 9: God, I'm an idiot haha
Baymax ran into some trouble. This is gonna be vague because I don't have a ton of information about what actually happened, but the gist is that his parents were starting to get suspicious, so we weren't able to talk much. 
Then his mom discovered some evidence that there had been A Girl in the house (*gasp*) and poor Baymax spilled his sensitive little guts. His parents, being the controlling conservative Christian Republicans that they are, were absolutely livid (because of me being in the house while they were gone, and the possibility that their 20-year-old adult son may have had sex, and the age difference) and insisted that he return my things and block me. So, fun fun, I guess things are just over.
I truly am the worst at taking my own advice: "Never get over-zealous about someone. You never know when they're going to run off with your parking sticker."
He didn't take my parking sticker, but he does still have my brown suede jacket and my Star Wars Monopoly game.
I was more upset and disappointed than I expected, but both Cuddlebug and Item 9 have been super supportive and it’s starting to get a little easier. 
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Speaking of. I invited Cuddlebug over on Saturday night so I could cook dinner for him and so he could meet my best friend and her boyfriend and sister. They talked about anime over my head, argued about sandwiches, and we swapped horrific online dating stories while he resisted the urge to yell about how awful men are.
Then I went over to his place for the weekend. There was mild drama involving his housemates, but nothing that was directed at me specifically. We also watched more Community, and engaged in truly degenerate amounts of cuddling, as always.
This was a lot, but we're getting closer to present day!
Come back tomorrow and I'll show you the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me, in the form of a message I received. There may not be a literal fedora involved, but there's definitely a spiritual fedora involved.
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