#he tried to comfort his love onluy to get harsh words! it worked at first though
nash-artz-my-gays · 2 years
Please Listen
Little story for @pastelpaperplanes​ Thorns and Thrones Au(based on some of the sadder art hehe)
“Orion, please, look at me, please, listen…” Megatron spoke softly, a gentle servo raised to cup the young knight’s cheek, only for Orion to pull away harshly. Refusing to meet Megatron’s optics. It broke the larger mech’s spark, he just wanted Orion to look at him, he wouldn't care if Orion was angry, he had every right, but this hurt more. 
“Why should I? Give me one good reason Megatronus- I mean Lord Megatron.” The way Orion said his name, ‘Lord Megatron’, Megatron could feel the venom dripping from those words, the betrayal and distrust. He found himself lucky to be near the young knight. “Just, leave me. I realized now you were just using me, you never cared, just trying to get me to let my guard down! I-I even thought I was i-in..” Orion couldn’t even finish his words, so full of sparkbreak, the tears streaming down his soft face. He was caught off guard as his chin was lifted and he looked up at Megatron. The large mech gently wiped away the tears.
“Dearspark, please listen, I would never lie to you about how I felt. Every word I said to you was never a lie, yes, I lied about who I was, but not to hurt you. But I am still the mech you have traveled with for so long, please, don't let this end us. I’d never use you, never take advantage of you, I'd protect you with my very life!” Megatron pleaded, his servos now going to hold Orion’s as he got on one knee and held Orion’s servos to his spark. “My spark beats for you my dearest, always and forever. Orion couldn't help his tears as he looked down at Megatron, his optics glossed over by tears. His lip quivered as he leaned forwards and pressed his forehelm to Megatron’s as the mech took Orion into his arms and held him close. 
“I-I thought I  loved you… I-I was so wrong… w-why does this hurt so much..?” Orion asked between sobs as he moved to press his face to Megatron’s chassis, held in protective and safe arms, it hurt so much, all of this.
Megatron had no words and just gently kissed Orion’s helm, rubbing his back soothingly and promised to Primus he’d get that allspark, if not himself for his love, he didn’t want the mech he cherished to hate him. But he’d rather that than anything else. He needed Orion happy. “Orion, look at me please.” Megatron spoke softly, and finally, Orion looked at Megatron, no help required. “We will get the allspark and you will finish your quest. You being happy is what matters to me. I am not the same mech I once was because of you. You made me a better mech, and I just want to see you smile again, so please, listen to me and let me help you.” Megatron said softly. 
Orion was quiet before looking away, his audial fins back as he bit his lip slightly. He then moved out of Megatron’s arms and got up, running his hands over his own arms and shifting away.
“You help me get the allspark, then you leave me alone for the rest of your life, don’t come near me.” Orion then spoke gathering his things, grabbing the map and his sword. He’d never trust Megatron fully again.
Megatron only nodded as he got up and when he tried to touch his little knight, the meg slapped his hand away. He was still upset.
“And NO more touching me!” Orion snapped before he started to walk along the path they had in front of them.
Not that long but ive been listening to music all day and i couldn’t NOT! Anyways enjoy this angst
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