#he tried to not startle the green giant but accidentally bumped one and sent them all falling and stef just looked up at him like
imissthefire · 1 year
stefan is my babygirl, my kitten, my sweet little rat, my caution wet cement sign that goes unheeded, my silly rabbit, my goofy goober, my cracked mirror that exudes an ominous mist, my sock lost in the dryer, my rusty nail, my fortune cookie with two fortunes inside, my broken drippy faucet, my glasses with fingerprints obscuring my sight, my soft taco, my little birdie in the woods who sings songs haunting as his past, my half melted ice cream, my dented can of peaches, my doorknob, my ergonimically designed powerdrill, my worn out jeans, my—
#just listen#LISTEN#he's so sketchy but also a stoner for sure#the gmercs are all ''uhh where IS stefan amyway? he keeps disappearing...'' and he's just in the supply tent toking and eating hardtack#high as his crit rates babey#no wonder he's always trying to hang out with soren tho fr. lil guy needs to calm the fuck down. he'd prob have a bad trip tho knowing him.#rhys wandered in once to restock supplies for the first aid tent and stefan was there absolutely baked and making domino track w whetstones#he tried to not startle the green giant but accidentally bumped one and sent them all falling and stef just looked up at him like#''you may be able to heal the deepest wounds but you can never heal my broken spirit'' and then fell asleep#rhys told nobody. not to keep anybody's reputation intact or whatever but bc he simply had no idea what the fuck just happened#i could go on. idk why i am so amused by the concept of stefan. also the hc that he's high 80% of the time at camp maybe sometimes in battl#he's just vibing. doesn't get caught often. when he does nobody says anything bc they are just so confused when they find him and he speaks#homeboy says the weirdest shit when people wander in and it's too jarring to want to think about again lmao#anyway#nqp#gabe rambles#gabe plays#fe#fe por#pls don't get mad at this for being here lol i need to keep my shit organised#please for the love of the gods above and below set me free#idk WHY i like him so much#i went into por knowing very Very little about him and assumed i'd use him a few times then bench him#*buzzer noise* incorrect he became part of the core four#and now i'm insane over it#AND i hate him. felt offended on soren's behalf when he was like ''come to Grann when it's time. you'll know when'' as in when ike bites it#leave! him! alone! the lil guy just found out he's not gonna die young but is in fact gonna live old and you're preying on that weakness br#that aside tho? i'd hypothetically suck that man drier than the desert in which he was found#mr weed is my babygirl i can't help it
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Sci-fi !au; Enemies to lovers!au
Warning: possibly triggering for claustrophobia; swearing, family problems, handjob, fingering, unprotected sex, light biting, hickeys, dirty talk.
A/N: oh my gosh so this was so fun to write. Like just imagine being trapped in such a small space with such a fine man 😩 there’s a lot of dialogue because there isn’t much in the way of scenery but I tried my best to let the reader get a visual on the setting 💜 hope you guys like it! Let me know if you do!!!
Word count: 5.3k
Life on this fickle planet a constant fight to survive. Temperatures that fluctuate from freezing to burning up in a single day.  Lifeforms on this planet are built to adjust to the boiling heat but when night comes...and the icy wind blows through the buildings, if you aren’t indoors you’re a goner.   So when your family kicks you out right before nightfall, they had basically left you for dead.  Frantically you run around the streets to get into one of the small heating pods that the city leaves out for emergencies, but with the rate of homelessness going up in your town, just as you feared they were all taken.  At the last second as the nightly alarm sounded telling everyone temperatures were about to hit deadly you see an empty pod! At full speed you jump inside and shut the door, unfortunately some rude man jumped in at the same time as you. You both are equally as annoyed with the other for having to share such an already cramped space.  Now you have to spend an entire night alone with this stranger while you wait for the heat to come again.  He's actually pretty cute...maybe this won't be so bad?
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The heavy metal door to your home was literally just slammed in your face. 
“You never carry your weight anymore y/n.  You don’t help with rent, and you never cook.  You might as well be homeless” your brother was shouting at you as you were getting thrown out of your home. 
Your whole body felt numb and your fists were clenched so tightly you felt that you might break your knuckles. 
“I’ll die out here!” you screamed. 
“You’ll find a pod with the other homeless people y/n” you could see through the small round glass window that was eye level on the door that your brother was rolling his eyes.
“And if I don’t I’ll die! You realize that right? How could you do that to your own sister?” you huffed. 
“Should’ve thought of that before you became a deadbeat” he glared, and then slid the metal cover to the window so that you couldn’t see him anymore. 
You couldn’t believe this was happening.  Here on Mercury, every night it gets so cold that you’d literally turn into an ice statues within seconds of the cold hitting.  It seemed to come almost on schedule, shifting slightly with the seasons but the town hall always sounded out a 5 minute warning every night. 
The cold could literally be seen creeping up over the horizon line and into the city as soon as the sun set.  A giant foggy blizzard that would wipe out anything in its path. 
You’d encountered some of the unfortunate victims of the cold many times in your life.  By the time you’d see them they’d been thawed and it was always a gruesome sight. 
Your mother would point and say “That’s why you never go out at night.  No matter what.  The cold will eat you alive, it’s like a monster” 
You shivered just at the thought. 
The city provided a limited number of emergency pods for those who might somehow find themselves on the streets at night.  You’d heard they were becoming scarce compared to the population of homeless that needed them to survive the night. 
The pods were a hard metal with insulation and heating inside that could withstand the freezing night.  They were extremely small and laid down with a twin bed size mattress inside, that fit snugly without any more space than that.  In height if you were laying down you couldn’t even extend your hands fully up to the sky.  It seemed like you’d feel pretty claustrophobic inside of it, but it was your only option. 
The sun was almost set and you were in survival mode now. You ran from where your former home is and started to search the streets for an open pod.  
If it was unclaimed the hatch would be up in the air and a green light would be shining on the outside. 
Closed, red light, next one...closed and red light...and so on down the road. 
“Shit.” You cursed under your breath.  This is not good. 
You try to go down another street and check, all full just like before. 
The five minute warning alarm started to ring loudly, startling you and making you realize your situation was becoming more and more hopeless.  You were too panicked to even cry.  
Then, like a glowing holy grail that you could practically see a heavenly shimmering light shining down on, (maybe it was just a street light…) You saw an open pod.  Hatch Open.  Green light. 
You ran at full speed towards it, jumping and sliding in like a baseball player sliding into home plate. 
Instantly as you had performed that acrobatic maneuver another person seemed to have the same idea and had slid in right along side of you, shutting the door behind him. 
His chest was heaving and he seemed to be in a sweat.  
“Fuck that was close, wait-” he suddenly realized now that you were in there with him. “Shit.  Oh my god what are you doing in here?” his eyes widened with confusion. 
“I should ask you the same thing?” you yelled annoyed.  “I was here first! Go get your own, I can barely be comfortable here alone” 
Just as you said that the automatic locks on the pod clicked shut, meaning that it was time for the deadly blizzard to hit, and you wouldn’t be allowed to leave the pod until morning. 
“God. Damnit” you groaned. 
Frost started to creep over the large clear window that the two of you were staring up with and freezing over and making you blind to the outside world, with a crackling sound that made you nauseous with worry.  This was your first time in a pod, and in your home you’d never heard the popping and snapping of everything in the town freezing over in an instant.  You had to remind yourself that you were safe in this pod. 
There was no room to sit up, only enough room to maybe lift your arms up a bit with your elbows only slightly lifted from your sides. It was so cramped and you could feel the man next to you now pressed against your side. 
“You have like at least  six inches of room you could move over to, you know.” you turned your head and glared at him. 
He simply just scoffed and shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly and bumping his elbow against you as he did. 
“Oh my god.  I’m stuck here with an asshole” you muttered to yourself. 
“Maybe don’t call the asshole an asshole out loud. He can hear you” he narrowed his eyes at you. 
“I meant for you to hear.” 
There was silence for the next ten minutes.  You knew you weren’t going to be sleeping tonight, this guy could be a total creep, so you couldn’t risk it. 
He on the other hand was relaxing with his eyes closed.  You looked him over for a bit trying to figure out a little bit about the stranger next to you, He seemed about your age, he was actually quite attractive, though him being a rude asshole kind of ruined that thought for you.  His hair was jet black, and actually seemed to be styled well considering the running he probably had to do to get to the pod.  His clothes were nice, black jeans and a clean expensive looking royal blue hoodie, with a black t-shirt peeking out from underneath it.  So he probably wasn’t homeless you deduced from these observations. 
How did he end up out here at night? Wrong place wrong time? Kicked out of home like you were? That would be a crazy coincidence.  
Out of nowhere his leg spread out to the side and his foot kicked your foot. 
“Watch it!” you snapped. 
“Deal with it” he said in a high pitched mocking tone. 
“I’m sorry are you six years old?” you replied appalled at his immaturity. 
He opened his eyes and sent an annoyed look your way. 
“Look, we can’t do anything about this situation, but the least you could do is be considerate.”  You scolded
“When are you gonna stop talking and let me get some sleep” he groaned and proceeded to stretch out even more, starting to push you into the wall of the pod, squishing you tightly against it. 
You gasped and tried to push back but to no avail, he was stronger than you and obviously lacked any sort of common courtesy for others. 
It was now more of a 75/25 split of space in the pod with him hogging all of the space.  You realized that you’d have to stoop to his level if you wanted to regain some ground here in the pod.
He was playing childish games, so could you.  Though you did debate for a second on whether this could pan out badly, you decided...fuck it. 
You reached a hand up towards his neck, the only spot on him currently showing skin, and you pinched him hard. 
“OW. What the fuck.” His hand shot up to his neck, accidentally hitting his knuckles hard on the ceiling of the pod as he did. 
“Move over” you demanded. 
“Or you’ll pinch me again? You psycho!” he stared at you in shock as if he wasn’t the one who started it.  His face was growing red with rage directed at you and he pinched you back on the arm, making you yelp loudly. 
“How do you like it huh?” 
“What the actual hell man.  Just move over and give me equal space so we can cut this out.”
He sighed and reluctantly moved over just slightly, definitely not giving you half the space, but you were going to take this small victory for now. 
It was about another thirty minutes before you spoke again.  He seemed to be feeling quite comfortable, while you on the other hand were still pressed tightly against the padded side of the pod.  You could turn on your side to give your upper body more room, but usually if you slept on your side you’d curl your legs up slightly to be comfortable, and that was definitely not possible right now. 
“Hey.” you poked him in the shoulder. 
His eyes flickered open to glance at you, then shut again. 
“Hello?” you tried again, poking him harder. 
He ignored you, but he was obviously awake and it now had got you fuming. 
“You still have all the room” you growled. 
He stayed still on his back, his eyes closed and his face relaxed, a small smirk now forming on his lips. “Hmm. Maybe you could lay on top of me and that could give us a little more room” 
That earned him a hard smack to the shoulder, and he was lucky he was wearing a sweatshirt cuz it would’ve probably stung if he wasn’t. 
“Pervert!” you gasped at him. 
“Not a pervert, just trying to be...innovative” he grinned widely. 
You shake your head in disbelief at this odd person. 
“You are probably the rudest man I’ve ever met in my life” you grumbled. 
“Ah, Is my award in the mail?” he joked, finally opening his eyes and staring at you with a teasing look. 
You took a deep breath in and out a few times, trying to calm yourself down so you don’t completely try to choke out this man. Just about 8 more hours and you’ll be rid of him, you tried to tell yourself, as if that wasn’t an eternity to be trapped in such a tight enclosure with this piece of work. 
“Having trouble breathing? You’re being loud” he complained. 
“Just trying convince myself I’d rather not go to jail for murder tonight.” you hissed out at him. 
He chuckled at that, of course he did.
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t.  But there are some that might thank you”
“Why does that not surprise me” 
The two of you sat in silence again for a while, until he actually scooted himself away from you a few more inches. 
“THANK YOU” you practically screamed. 
“Geeze, you’re annoying” he reached his hands up holding his ears, wincing as if you’d deafened him. 
Your eyes were narrow slits staring at him now. 
A few more minutes of silence.
“I can’t seem to sleep with you right there all obnoxious and whatnot, so...for the sake of boredom.  What’s your name sweetheart?” He turned over onto his side facing you, his shoulder only a few inches from the ceiling of the pod. 
“Well its most certainly not sweetheart so wipe that one from your vocabulary immediately please” you snapped. 
His eyes crinkled with amusement. “Ah It seems I’ve hit a nerve there.” 
“Not really, it’s just stupid to asume that you can talk to a girl so flirtatiously when you’ve been nothing but a jerk so far.”  
“So what can I call you?” 
“Y/n…” you gave it up, though you didn’t quite want to.  You crossed your arms over your chest and stared straight up to the bland grey nothingness on the ceiling of the pod. 
“Aren’t you going to ask for my name?” he said cutely, but in a way that you knew he was just trying to get under your skin. 
You’d been here with him for about an hour, and he was already up there on one of the most annoying people you’d ever encountered.  Maybe you were extra sensitive because of the whole family leaving you for dead thing, but that’s not the worst excuse to be on edge is it? And he was the one who was rude first, you were simply returning the attitude he had entered the pod with. 
You didn’t quite feel like trying to play nice all of the sudden just because he had gotten bored.
“I’m Yoongi” he said pointing at himself, as if you needed to know where the voice that was mere inches away from you had come from. 
“Didn’t ask” 
“I know I just figured I knew yours now, so we’re even”
“Kay.” you continued avoiding looking his way. 
“Aw c’mon.  I was just upset to have to share the pod.  I’ve calmed down I’ll be good” he spoke in a sickenly sweet tone as if that could persuade you to forget how much of a dick he had been. 
“y/n-ah” he whined cutely. 
“Oh my god, I regret telling my name” you groaned finally turning to look at him. “What do you want?” 
“I’m just bored, I’m usually in a pod by myself and just sleep, but I can’t seem to sleep...and you’re here so…” He shrugged. 
You sighed. “So uh...you sleep in pods often?” maybe you had misjudged him by his nice clothes. 
“For the past month or so I have been” his eyes widened and he felt he needed to add, “I have a home though! I’m not one of those homeless deadbeats.  My new job is just too far to get home to usually, so on the days I work late I have to hop in one of these” 
You were silent for a moment before speaking, “Oh.  Well, I am one of those homeless ‘deadbeats’ so that's great to hear your thoughts on that” you frowned.  Slightly embarrassed now, not that you wanted to impress him or anything, but the idea that this was your new reality and this was how you’d be thought of was sinking in hard as he spoke those words. 
“Shit, uh-” he thought for a moment, trying to come up with a was to back pedal from what he’d said. - “I didn’t mean it like that.  I didn’t think...You just don’t seem like…” he stuttered out. 
“Its fine.  It's actually my first day of this lifestyle.” you motioned to the entirety of the pod as best you could. 
Yoongi pursed his lips and seemed to have gotten more serious, “Oh, Can I ask what happened?” 
You honestly didn’t really want to talk about it with him, but you did want to vent to someone about it, and he was here so, as was becoming the theme for the night...fuck it. 
“I lost my job about a year ago and moved back home with my parents and brother.  My brother is a doctor and the apple of my parent’s eye.  They’d said they would help me get back on my feet.  But, uh.  I just couldn’t seem to get there.  It’s not that I’m lazy” you frowned, Yoongi was surprisingly listening intently and nodding as you spoke.   “Well, maybe I could’ve done a bit more to find work.  I just struggled a lot with getting my shit together.  So I guess they decided they’d had enough.  So here I am” 
Yoongi’s eyes were wide in disbelief “They just left their own child to the night?” 
“Not everyones got a perfect family” you shrugged acting like it was no big deal.  When the reality was you were trying your best to hold back tears and not cry in front of this stranger you were confiding in for some reason. 
“Yeah, I feel that.  I didn’t mean to sound judgemental.” he said apologetically.  “And sorry I was being a dick to you.  I don’t do well with new people, and I’ve had a shit day...not as bad as yours though, so...sorry if I made it worse,” 
You were taken aback by his out of character apology.  He now drastically seemed to differ from the man who first hopped into the pod with you. 
“Its..okay.  I won’t hold it against you I guess” you smiled a bit and turned on your side to face him.  He had to maneuver a bit so that you both could lay comfortably face to face, this time he didn’t make it a hassle which was a relief to you. 
The two of you ended up chatting for the next couple hours.  You learned that Yoongi worked at a large factory that did welding, and helped make the pods, and metal that went on the outside of the houses in the city.  He was an only child to parents that lived in another town that was a lot poorer, and he had moved here by himself which was quite the difficult task due to having only about 12 hours to get to the next place where a pod was or risk death.  Even now he risked every night that he might not find a pod and be stuck on the streets after a late work shift.  He did all of that just so he could send money back to his parents. 
It really changed how you thought of him now, he wasn’t as cold, immature and uncaring as he’d first portrayed himself. 
You realized now the nicer you found him to be, the more his very apparent attractiveness was affecting you. 
You couldn’t help but have your gaze accidentally leave his eyes while he spoke, and travel to his lips.  Feeling yourself getting lost in how soft they looked, how much they looked like they’d feel amazing to kiss. 
Yoongi was now taking off his sweatshirt and was going to use it to prop his head up a bit while the two of you continued talking. 
As he took it off, his black t-shirt underneath slipped up slightly and you were able to see his beautiful pale skinned stomach, toned, with a slight v-line pointing down into his jeans.  Small tufts of hair also leading in a trail so your gaze traveled further down that direction, almost as if there was a big flashing sign that said ‘LOOK HERE’. And that you did, biting your lip as you felt a tingle hit right in your lower stomach at the sight. 
Yoongi pulled his shirt down as soon as his sweatshirt was off, but you didn’t look away fast enough and you’d been caught checking him out.
You quickly snapped your eyes back up to his face, a slight embarrassment now forming on your face. 
Yoongi smirked, knowing exactly what you’d been doing.  
“Want me to just ignore that I saw that?” he snickered. 
You couldn’t quite find the words to explain yourself, a series of um’s and sorry’s awkwardly spilling out of your mouth. 
“No need to be sorry, I’m hot. I know it.” he winked.  
There’s that cocky man that hopped into the pod with you.   This time you were less bothered by his overconfidence, because...well, he wasn’t wrong.
“Yeah, Um...you really are” you said embarrassed and not believing that you were admitting that to his face.
“You’re hot too you know.” he smiled mischievously. “What are the odds two attractive people like us get stuck together like this” 
Your face was now burning hot at that compliment.  You didn’t think you were by any standard as hot as him. 
“Shit, don’t get all awkward about it, I’m just being honest and stating the facts” he laughed. 
“I’m not though” you whispered. 
“For real? Your last boyfriend didn’t tell you every day how hot you were? I would.” he stated.  
“Uh, no” you stammered awkwardly “I haven’t dated since highschool and I wasn’t quite the catch” 
“Doubt it” Yoongi said with another smirk “And I’m not just saying that cuz you threatened to kill me earlier” he chuckled
“Well...thanks” you spoke shyly. 
Yoongi was now moving closer to you, your faces somehow ever closer than the two of you already were in this cramped space. 
“I like your nose” he smiled and booped you with one finger. 
Your eyes widened and you got even more bashful.  “Ah, no, I’ve always hated my nose”
“But it’s so cute!” he grinned widely.  
What the hell is happening.  How did your night become this.  And why do you never want it to stop.  This asshole that you hated, now knows everything about your situation, and he’s still sitting here complimenting you.  Maybe he just realized it’s better to be on good terms since you’d still be stuck here together for about 5 more hours. 
“Your nose is cuter” you decided to say in return.  What’s the harm? And you were just stating the facts.
“Your lips are cute” he replied a bit softer. 
“Your eyes are cute” you countered, somehow this was now turning into a game. 
“Your voice is cute” 
“Your smile is cute” 
“Your laugh is cute”
“Your...everything is cute” you giggled. 
“I want to fuck you.” he whispered, his eyes now glued to your lips. 
You inhaled sharply in surprise. 
“Y-you w-what?” 
“You heard me” he tilted his head up with confidence as he looked you up and down. 
You stared silently and eyes wide as saucers at him. 
“You don’t want to?” he cocked an eyebrow up at you. 
“I-It’s not that I don’t want to...it’s just, we just met you know?” 
“Can you think of a better way to kill the next 5 hours?” 
“If it’s just out of boredom that’s gonna be a no from me” you scoffed, realizing that maybe he really wasn’t attracted to you, and was just flattering you for fun. 
“Well, honestly, yeah, it’s mostly boredom.  But, also you’re really fucking hot and I’ve been hard for the past hour and I usually jack off when I’m in here.  So either you just turn the other way while I do that, or…” he grinned at you as he brought a hand up to brush your cheek gently and seductively. 
What was tonight’s theme again? Oh yeah...fuck it.
You were closing the space between your lips and his in an instant.  Your hand grabbing the back of his neck as you pulled him into frantic kisses.  You could feel him smiling into your lips, pleased with his victory. 
You felt one of his hands start to cup your breast, squeezing slightly before stopping to slip his hand up your shirt to feel you completely.  He took his thumb and index finger and started to roll your hard nipple between them, pinching slightly every once in a while causing a loud moan from you into his mouth. 
He seemed to like the noises you were making, trying to repeat movements that caused you to be the most vocal. 
You pushed on his chest with your hands slightly, silently asking him to give you some space so you could just take your shirt and bra off completely.  He happily obliged, staring at you with eager eyes as you undressed yourself. 
You then tugged at the hem of his black t-shirt, requesting that he do the same.  He smiled and pulled his t- shirt over his head.  You could now fully see him in all his glory, his body was so perfect and just the sight of that v-line and happy trail again had your core start to grow wet with arousal. 
“Fuck.  You’re so…” you put a hand to his chest, sliding your fingertips down lightly, causing him to shiver under your touch. 
He bit his lip, his eyes on your chest as well. 
Your hands had reached the button on his jeans and you found yourself scurrying to unbutton them as fast as you could.  
Yoongi pulled you in close as you did, planting heavy kisses on your jaw and then your neck. 
You finally achieved what you’d been after, pulling his jeans and boxers down enough for his cock to spring free and rest against his abdomen.  You wet your lips at the sight. 
“I wish I could...taste you, I don’t think I’ll be able to position myself to though” you pouted in disappointment.  This small space was really making things difficult. 
“Just touch me” he muttered, kissing your neck more and grabbing at your tits. 
You did as he said, wrapping a hand tightly around the base of his shaft.  
He jerked forward slightly into your touch and let out a small whimper at the feeling of you.  
“I want you so fucking badly y/n” he murmured into your ear, then bit down lightly on your lobe. 
Now it was your turn to whimper with pleasure.  
Your hand started to move up and down stroking Yoongi, he groaned lowly when you made your way to the tip, tightening your hand around him as you stroked up and down. 
You stop for a moment and unbutton your pants, slipping your hand down to your soaking core, and tried to gather as much wet as you could on your hand, then grabbing onto Yoongi again. 
His eyes bugged out at the sight of you covering him with your wetness. 
“Holy shit t-that was h-hot” he moaned as you started pumping his cock now lubricated with your wetness, making your hand glide smoothly around him.   
His whole body would lunge forward slightly when your thumb pressed along the underside of his cock and up the tip.  
He pressed his lips into yours hungrily as you continued,  your tongues meeting inside of your mouth. 
His hand was now making its way into your jeans, pulling them down slightly and slipping his hand in past the fabric of your panties.  Two fingers were moving along your slit, and Yoongi growled excited when he felt how wet you were. 
“You’re really enjoying yourself hm?” he grinned against your lips. 
“Mhmm” you moaned. “So much” 
One of Yoongi’s fingers started to slip inside of you, you let out a needy moan at the feeling of him pressing into you and curling as he started to move in and out slightly.  The tip of his thumb pressing on your clit and moving circles around made you throw your head back in ecstacy. 
“Fuck baby, you’re so needy for me.  You like how my fingers feel touching your pussy?” he smiled excitedly. 
“Shit. Yes! I love it Yoongi!” you practically screamed. 
“Fuck, moan my name again baby” he growled, biting his lip and inserting another finger next to the one already inside of you. 
“Oh my god Yoongi, that feels so fucking good” your mouth opened widely as you felt yourself speeding towards your orgasm.  You continued to stroke his cock the best you could but your pace was unsteady and unfocused. 
“Cum on my fingers baby, cum screaming my name” 
Yoongi slid his fingers in and out of you rapidly and circled your clit even faster. 
“Y-yoongi, I’m gonna cum!” your eyes squeezed tightly shut as you reached your earth shattering high.  Still holding his cock in your hand but not moving it. 
You continued to let his name fall loudly from your lips as the waves of pleasure flowed through every inch of your body, jerking forward at the sensation of his fingers still moving inside of you while you came. 
Yoongi smiled and looked at you in awe, “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.  Wow.” 
He then grabbed your hand and moved you off of him, then turned you so you were laying on your back again.  He maneuvered his way on top of you, still so close due to the low ceiling. 
He leaned down and took your lip between his teeth and dragged them across your skin, releasing your lip with a groan coming out of his own. 
You kicked your jeans and panties off of your legs almost entirely, one leg still had the pants wrapped around your ankle but you couldn’t be bothered to keep going with it as Yoongi eyed you so seductively, almost begging to be inside of you already with just his stare. 
He positioned his cock between your folds, sitting at your entrance for a moment. 
“You were so tight around my fingers, I don’t know if I’m going to last long inside that perfect pussy” 
You closed your eyes and smiled “Fuck me Yoongi, I can’t wait to feel you” 
At your words he was pressing his length into you, the wetness allowed him to enter with ease, but your walls gripped onto him tightly. 
He moaned so loudly as he entered you, dropping his head into the crook of your neck and leaving a trail of kisses. 
He grabbed one of your breasts in his hand and returned to playing with your nipple.  
“Ah-Yoongi, Fuck” you whined.  Which only encouraged him to speed up his pace thrusting into you, bucking his hips up into you quickly at a pace that almost felt unbearable. 
“Fuck baby, take it.  You can do it.  You’ve been so good for me” he encouraged into your ear. 
“Y-yoongi.  Its too much, I’m already gonna c-cum again” you whimpered. 
“Then cum baby” he raised his head and smirked as he looked down at you under him.  Kissing you on the cheek. The sound of your wetness as Yoongi pounded into you was so loud and erotic.  You couldn’t take it anymore. You raised your head up as you were on the verge of your high, your mouth found Yoongi’s neck and you sucked hard, scattering marks on him as you did. 
Your second orgasm hit like a loud drum, you could feel the vibrations flow through out you and your heart was beating rapidly. 
“Damn” Yoongi whispered. 
You felt him tense and give a few more hard pumps before he slowed and then quickly pulled out into a plank position. 
“y/n” he moaned.
Luckily you got the memo of what he meant and grabbed onto his cock, jerking him off while he twitched and cum spurted out all over your chest, some even reaching up to your neck due to your bad aim. 
You started to giggle at that and then Yoongi joined in the laughter as he realized that you had some on your jaw now. 
He went to roll off of you and hit his head on his way over. 
“Aw shit” he yelled. 
Which only made the two of you start to laugh harder.  Once you wiped the forming tears in your eyes away and calm yourself down holding your stomach “Yoongi…”
“Hm?” he whispered, now relaxing, naked, with his eyes closed and his hands behind his head, you were cuddled up with your head close to his chest. 
“I need to clean up…” 
“Ah right” he tossed you his sweater. 
“You sure? This is a nice sweater?” 
He nodded and smiled.  You wipe yourself up and shoved the sweatshirt down by your feet. 
“That was so much fun y/n” 
You beamed up at him “I had fun too…” 
“Come stay with me” he mumbled so low you thought you must’ve misheard him. 
“You have nowhere to go.  I’d hate for something to happen to you, not make it to a pod at night or something.  Stay in my place” 
“I couldn’t possibly do that Yoongi.  That’s a lot…” 
“It’d just be as roommates, not asking you to marry me or anything” he chuckled “All I ask is that you cook and clean and stuff, I’m pretty shit at that… Can you do that?” 
“Fuck yes!” you shouted gleefully. 
“Good. Now let’s get some sleep.” He pulled you tightly into him, he was so warm, and so soft, and somehow this asshole ended up being an angel that saved you that night. 
Hopefully you can continue to repay him for his kindness.
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