#he wants to live without people bothering for opinions on budgets and immigration policies and stuff
sparklecryptid · 1 year
ace would make a good king but he'd be So Fed Up the entire time. and he's good at politics in royal bastard au canon!!!!!
Noctis keeps trying to toss the crown and related responsibilities at Ace who keeps dodging like the fucker he is.
"JUST TAKE IT ALREADY!" Noctis hollers and he tries to pin Ace down and shove the responsibilities of being Crown Prince and The Future King onto Ace.
He fails because Ace grew up with Ardyn and Ardyn's training involved rotten fruit being thrown at Ace who wasn't allowed to use magic to dodge.
"Maybe if you catch me," Ace says as he steps around Noctis and lightly breaks a potion on him because Noctis just warped into a wall, "Until then I don't think so."
("You're better at this than I am," Noctis grouches as he slips deeper into Ace's couch, "Why don't you take it? You'd be better than I am!"
"I'm only better because I have experience, you'll get where I am and outpace me soon enough."
"Yeah? And who gave you the experience of managing state affairs?"
Ace pauses.
Noctis' face takes on a look of horror.
"I could get Ardyn to come and teach you like he did me-"
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