#he was like 'i know a lot of ppl think my YOLO (yeah...) tattoo is lame but idc i thought it was cool at the time and i like the meaning
babieken · 2 years
#why do so many joo stans (twt) have victim complex?#it's insane#one of the accs I follow tweeted that one HQ pic of Joo's tat and pointed out how it's not well dine#like how it's off centered and even with the high quality photo we can't tell what it is and the details look rough and blunt#they didn't even say it in a mean or disrespectful way#and like if u know anything abt tattoo and ever looked up tattoo designs you'll see that they're right#(obv we still don't know if the tat is even real. it can be a semi permenant one but regardless)#but ever since that tweet there are a ridiculous amnt of ppl coming to 'defend' joo#like??? hello???  what are u protecting him from? ppl having opinions?#like the tattoo is objectively not great compared to ck and min's tats#ppl have been speculating that the tat is to cover that fold on Joo's belly which is in no way confirmed#and yet someone was using that to say no one should comment ob joo's body (which that person never did btw) bc it was to cover and insecurit#how delulu can u be to make an entire assumption abt the reasons behind a tattoo that we dont even know if its real and then use it as fact?#this whole thing is so funny... like LOL it's not that deep#starlights clown ravi's tats (some more than the others lsjdflsijd) all the time#and one time he even mentioned it in an interview#he was like 'i know a lot of ppl think my YOLO (yeah...) tattoo is lame but idc i thought it was cool at the time and i like the meaning#and that's the mentality everyone who gets a tattoo should have#anyway#i just think it's funny how a lot of jooheon stans like to pretend jooheon is a spoiled toddler who will get upset and cry at the slightest-#-criticism and disagreement#literally grow up alsjdflsjdf
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fragiilexa · 8 years
all of the fruit questions thank u
send me a fruit
bless mah fave for sending all of them in ohym god *heart eyes*
peach: do you have any piercings or tattoos?
anyway im doin me & lila bc she wants too do this tOO ok ok bless, but I have no tattoos *eyeroll* but i want them bc !! tattoos !! are cute !! i luhv them !! but I’m also hella indecisive so I’m nervous about it, but I definitely want some and only my ears are pierced ( once ) but I never put them in cauSE IM LAZY tbh
“ Uh, I lost count of my tattoos but it’s over fifteen, and I have my ears pierced and like, five on my left, two on the other. I had my nose pierced before but that got boring, my belly button was pierced for a while too but I took it out uh... I wanted to get my nipples pierced once when I was drunk but a friend talked me out of it... still kinda wanna do it though... like, why not y’know? Is yolo still a thing? Yolo. “ 
raspberry: favorite flower?
Probably Tulips, or Roses?
“ Dasies ‘cause I like to make daisy chains, but also Dahlia’s and Water Lily’s. “
lemon: do you have any pets? what are their names?
Four lovely kitties, Jasper, Jake, Kelso & then we got Hunter. 
“ Yuki, obviously, he’s fan-fucking-tastic, and then Stitch who’s a tiny little angel in a snoring bundle of excess skin and snorts. “ 
mango: what is your trademark?
Being the Mom Friend™ & also probably Princess of Puns™
“ Problematic Fave™ and, we can all admit it, Cotton Candy Princess™ cause that’s mah thing. “
passion fruit: how would you describe your style?
My style is ‘I can’t afford my real style & barely have a sense of style & i mostly just wear leggings and a t-shirt unless I go out but when I go out i try’ style, but I’m also trying to be more confident in my style too, hence my new bathing suit, but we’ll see how that goes lmao
“ My style is probably hipster-esque, but like not, cause I’m not a hipster, I’m not I just like cute clothes and I like skirts and I like being princess looking sometimes but then other times I don’t give a shit if I look like a gross monster that came out from under your bed. Sometimes, but mostly, skirts and, cute and kind of expensive but not ‘shiny jewelry’ type of expensive like ‘if you touch this skirt i’ll murder you ‘cause I spent my entire check on it’ type of expensive. It’s either all or nothing basically. “
pineapple: sexual orientation?
there are too many pretty ppl in the world how could i possibly narrow that down
“ Same -I’m with her. “ 
strawberry: favorite desserts?
Hm, I dunno like, Milkshakes are great? I love all desserts equally?? I dunno. 
“ If I’m lucky whoever I’m eating dinner with a the time. - but no, actually there’s this strawberry icecream, unicorn thing at this ice cream bar across from my work and it’s the best thing, it’s got gold flakes in it, GOLD FLAKES, and rainbow sprinkles. It’s fucking fantastic. “ 
cherry: can you play any musical instruments or can you sing?
Nah I tried to learn the guitar once and I got too distracted & uninspired ‘cause I felt dumb & also no, no i can not but I trY on a daily basis.
“ Mah fam, my friend, of course I do. I play piano, guitar and a little of the uke, and, you... I mean, duh, I mean I’m not trying to brag but also yes I can sing, I love to sing I can sing right now if you want me too. “ 
grape: if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Disney World, but also I want to go to the Netherlands really badly too.
“ Probably some island somewhere where I can just fall asleep in a hammock and walk around naked without people yelling at me to cover up ‘cause like, yes. But also I really wanted to go to italy and also to niagra falls ‘cause I’ve never been there and it just looks cool. “ 
banana: favorite horror movies?
I don’t like gory horror movies, but I like bettlejuice, the conjuring, suspenseful thrillers, though I can’t name many right now.
“ Whats the one with the people who die in the woods? The Blair Witch Project. That one freaks me out, that and Halloween. “ 
blackberry: is your life an action film, a comedy, a romantic comedy, or drama?
Right now? Drama, I’d much rather have a rom com though.
“ Drama. “ 
pomegranate: when do you feel the most confident?
After a shower or a workout or something like that when I’m really just concentrating on myself in a positive way & helping myself is when I feel most confident, when I’m too in my head things go downhill tbqh.
“ After singing. “
cantaloupe: what are your parents' names?
Fun fact: both their middle names are Lee.
“ Nickolas and Anna... “
guava: dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup?
I WOULD IF I COULD i don’t know how to do makeup properly I never taught myself/was taught so definitely just natural, out of habit & lack of knowledge.
“ Depends on the time of day but I love wearing darker stuff at night ‘cause it’s fun. “ 
tangelo: if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?
A Unicorn or a Werewolf ‘cause I love wolves & I would luv to run around & have a fluffy tail & a cute nose & also be intimidating AF but then again I’d love to be a Unicorn because basically they’re perfect & can heal sickness & are magical.
“ A fairy, but like, a cool one, not like tinkerbell, well, like tinkerbell but also cool & mysterious. “
plum: favorite clothing brands?
Whatever fits, but I’d love to try Forever 21 Plus ‘cause they seem to have cute things, but I dunno, legit whatever fits me & looks cute.
“ Uh, I never look at the labels on things.. is that bad? Mostly it’s cause like, I’m drunk when I get my clothes, sometimes... mostly... but... yeah.. I dunno I should look into that more. “ 
coconut: favorite perfume?
The only one I ever use is Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift ??? I had another one but I lost it lmao
“ Okay so theres this sephora cotton candy perfume that I always use and it’ll be the death of me ‘cause it costs too much money but I love it and I love cotton candy don’t smelling things, don’t judge me. “
lychee: satin or lace?
Lace. Lace lacel alcadle lcae lace. all dah lace i love lace lace is s prett yi luv it so muc hsdogmrgefhrhsrgbetfhdrfs
“ l a c e. “ 
blueberry: what do you want to dress up as for halloween?
I never know what to dress up as, I haven’t in years :(
“ This year? That’s too far ahead I figure that stuff out like the night before. “ 
apple: what do you use more, tumblr or twitter?
Tumblr, but I’ve been using twitter more recently, or trying to anyways.
“ Twitter. “
kiwi: what's something that fascinates you?
God, Aliens, The Universe, Dogs, People, Music, Art, everything basically.
“ Uh.... how the internet works.... never really figured that out, I just go with it. Kinda freaks me out if I’m drunk and thinking about it. “ 
watermelon: do you have a job? if so, what is your job title?
Not ATM no I don’t :/
“ I work two jobs right now... sort of, I work as a waitress part-ish time and then I work at a florist shop right now but I dunno. I’m also trying to write this dumb fucking album but it’s not going well. My job title is failure. “ 
papaya: what song describes your aesthetic?
I Was Here by Beyonce
“ Probably uh, Big Girls Don’t Cry by Fergie? “ 
cranberry: favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night?
Definitely night, but also recently afternoon cause I miss the sun.
“ Nighttime. “ 
nectarine: would you consider yourself an emotional person?
Very, but sometimes it’s hard for me to uh, get that across, sometimes, unless I’m overwhelmed then I’m like, crying, it depends. I’m weird, but yes.
“ Not that I really wanna be, but yeah sort of. “ 
orange: do you have long eyelashes?
I guess? Yes?
“ Yah, and I got freckles, did you know that? They’re great. “ 
apricot: what do you do when you're sad?
Either listen to sad music & let myself feel it or try to listen to happy music & be happy, mostly I take baths, or watch Mary Poppins, I try to talk to friends, I dunno it’s hard it depends on what kind of sad I am.
“ I er, retreat & I make blanket fort and I only invite Yuki & Stitch and I eat lots of ice cream. “ 
star fruit: favorite sea creature?
I really loveeee Dory, but also I love starfish? Starfish and Sea Otters, and um Whales, also Dolphins... I love them all okay? Ok.
“ Mermaids man, they’re out there okay? “
dragonfruit: do you drink alcohol?
I can, but I haven’t, but I wanna see Lila’s reaction to this....
           A HA HAH A H AH 
                     HAH AH H  
                                        H                    A. “ 
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