#he was looking good with a wig 🤣💖
jarofalicesgrunge · 9 months
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Rare pic of Layne wearing a wig from 1992
📸by Alison Dyer
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jayflrt · 2 years
yes,😔✊🏻 they are gonna start from tomorrow and I'm not sure how they will go. my expectations are a 90% above because I didn't study properly 🥲🥲 and if I would have studied I would have higher expectations :) 😼
I just had a little chat with him 🐹 and it was so funny because my friend was asking me the picture of him and her together, they both took photos it seems 🥲✊🏻 and she made me ask him about the photos since the past two days,😣 and finally he says he doesn't have 🙄 and he'll send it tomorrow. lol
yea- I didn't take any photos with him ☹️ but took photos with my friends 🥰and there is a little band in our school and they performed a song which i don't know😑, it was really good. i wish i could play a guitar 🎸and a piano🎹. i love them both so much :(
i will definitely fucking rest after my boards 😼and then i have to start my grade 11 which is fun because I'm taking math, physics and chemistry, hehe😆. i want my life to be together, ☺️ i still haven't taken admission yet but i wish to get into college faster because i do not want to delay things. 😟 also i have been very behind keeping up with enhypen's content and it's frustrating 😤 but i will catch up once i get my life back together <3
ohh~ i hope you find your internship soon 😵 is internship like for practicing your particular course you take, for example — you took psychology major and in that you do internship?😕 i want to know what you want to do as you took that major.
and yes fourth wave be hitting india slowly like "i lost my wig do i gotta find it!?" lol 🤣 i just wish this fuvking covid to get lost.
you know what akka? i just want to end these toxic friendships and taking out friends and people that do not matter anymore. 😾i just want to start this new life taking out this old life. i want new friends and meet new people, i wish my life becomes some kind of kdrama??🤔 yes, i want to delete my social media and just start, you know like reboot with new things :)
hehe, i wish you won't get covid 😲 and did you get covid akka? i didn't get though! people who didn't get covid and passed onto these two years are known as legends ✊🏻, like healthy you know. i hope you stay healthy akka🌻 (btw thoughts on txt's comeback?? 👀)
lots of love, 🦔
i’m guessing you would’ve taken it already by the time i’m sending this so i hope everything went well !!! 🤩🤩 but i hope you surpass 90% then, i’m sure you’ve got this in the bag 😤💗
omg it took him two days to say that HAHAHAH but i’m glad you got to take pictures with all your friends 💖💖 that was the best part of graduation for me too ☹️💕 omg that’s so cool that people in your school are in a band !! my friend was part of a band before and they were rlly good :’)) and omg you definitely should HAHAH try practicing the guitar and piano! i played piano for a while but my fingers are too short to progress 💀 and i played the electric guitar and the acoustic guitar but i think i prefer acoustic 😵‍💫
omg how long is the break after boards ?? or do you have to start 11th right away? :o CHEM AND PHYSICS NOOO taking those together sounds so painful omfg good luck love 🙏 also it’s okay take things at your own pace and everything will work out even if it feels like it isn’t going too well atm !! 🥰🥰 HAHAH SAME i haven’t been watching much enha content bc i’ve been busy, and i always end up watching nct or svt content instead 🤧 here’s to both of us getting our lives together this month 😞
internships can differ !! currently i’m part of a research internship where the study i’m conducting with a professor is related to psychology :’)) and what i’m looking for is a paid summer internship that’s probably in the business field ?? i have prior internship experience in data analytics and marketing so it would be easier for me to find something within that realm :’) psychology is very broad so it’s pretty useful in the business world because it has to do with a lot of people skills, like industrial psychology 🥰 we’ll see where life takes me tho 🫡
i hope covid ends soon too D; i’m so tired of it spreading and ppl still staying ignorant to it 🫤 i just want it OUT
also honestly go for it if you want to end your toxic friendships !! i was in a very toxic friendship in the beginning of high school and when i dropped her later on, i felt like my life sort of took a turn?? HAHAH but i got sooo much more happier and branched out and made so many more friends and got a lot of confidence 🤧 i honestly don’t think i would be the way i am right now if i didn’t let go of her so i don’t regret dropping her one bit 💕
honestly i’m not sure if i got covid or not HAHAH all the tests i’ve ever taken have always said negative but i always wonder if i ever had it at some point and was just asymptomatic :o so maybe my immune system is just cracked HAHAH but thank you angel i hope you stay just as healthy and never have to deal with covid 🥰💖
also i’m so excited for txt’s comeback !!! they all look so good D; esp taehyun i’m falling for him send Help <//3 i’m excited to see how the mv turns out 💘
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kittywildegrrl · 2 years
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Good morning, darlings, and Happy Easter or other Spring holiday of your choice. One is composing on the fly and on the phone at the moment. You can tell by the look on my face here that I am not for one moment amused by the new sound guy's advice to dress my mic down to THERE. But Team Player Me, I did as I was told and that was the night that the production photos were taken. So all my production photos from Follies 2018 have my mic crawling down my forehead like it's trying to escape a bad relationship with the lace-front there. The sound guy suggested we try it a different way the next night. 🤣 This little selfie came crawling across my Google Memories this morning. I actually can't avoid thinking about this show every single morning of my life, because this was also the show in which a careless actor permanently injured my left shoulder and neck. He was doing a running exit; I was frozen in place, blocked to look directly upstage. He was literally not looking where he was going. A sturdy young man in his 20s tackled me -- a lady who had just celebrated her 60th birthday -- to the ground, knocking that gorgeous wig into the wing, knocking me out of my shoes, during a performance, in front of 450 people. I could hear the gasps. I landed on my left shoulder with all my weight, and am forced to think of this show and that person every day of my life, due to chronic pain. He went entirely unpunished. The AEA PSM didn't stop the show or call me an ambulance. I received some really lousy P/T from some people who couldn't get it through their heads that no, I did NOT "have a fall," even though I was clearly old enough to be their mother. I couldn't get the narrative understood, that this was an injury caused by another person, not a slip-and-fall on ice. My only revenge -- I mean, my only recourse for happier living 😉 -- was to literally stop the show, every night, with my "I'm Still Here".🎭🎉 Each of my last two stage productions had a mixed Union/non-Union work environment. In both productions, I was employed as a non-AEA actor, hoping to benefit from the presence of Equity personnel, hoping this would raise the health-and-safety bar for all concerned. In each case, I was permanently injured. In neither case did I receive an ambulance or sufficiently prompt medical attention. The attention that I did receive was insufficient in the long run. I had no idea in either case how seriously I was injured, how life-altering the longterm effects would be. The moral of the story is, make noise if you are injured. The show must not necessarily go on. And then too, I may have strong opinions regarding the non-union theatre and/or the mixed AEA/non AEA environment. We are probably going to discuss this someday, cats and kittens... 😎 So ffs #AskIfItsEquity and maintain much skepticism about accepting a contract if not. I was once, not long ago, about to get my life and career to a place where I could take my Equity card and move back to NYC with HusbandCat and play at that level... two injuries later, I'm Plump Granny with an audio studio, and just grateful it wasn't worse. 💔😪 HumblingAF... OK, HusbandCat is making brunch. Gotta go. And yes... I'm Still Here. Meow, darlings. 🐈‍⬛🥂🎭🎬🎙🎧☕🤓💖
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